Jillian michaels slim figure over 30 2. Principles of weight loss from jillian michaels

Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Course- new relative to her.

How exactly does it differ from the one mentioned?

Classes are designed for 4 weeks, every week the complex changes. Gillian does not set the requirement for daily classes (as in "Slender Figure") - if possible, you need to do 5-6 times a week. That is, let's say 1-2 days of rest. You can, for example, go according to the schedule " 2 days of classes– 1 day of rest – 2 days of classes-1 day of rest 1 day of class"or" 3 days of classes - a day of rest - 3 days of classes.

Each session lasts 30 minutes (or a little more), so making time is easy if you set yourself such a goal.

Life hack how I motivate myself to study. Knowing that the exercises will take only half an hour, it’s easier to “persuade” yourself into a lesson. Just tell yourself that only 30 minutes! .. and tomorrow you can arrange a day off. But classes actually cause a bunch of positive emotions: I was able, I did, I can, I wow! And you are on such a rise that tomorrow’s day off doesn’t even beckon, you want to do more and more, become healthier and more self-confident.

And every time I remember the words of Jillian: "Your transformation is not some future result, it is daily work on yourself."

Transformation is not a future event.
It's a present activity.

Who is this course for and how to take it

This course is for those who want to lose weight and tone their muscles.

The course is designed for healthy people.

The structure of each lesson is the same as in the "Slender Figure": warm-up, 3 blocks of exercises, hitch-stretching.

Each block consists of 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of ab exercises. All exercises are done in a row, without interruptions.

According to tradition, Gillian has 2 assistants: one does a simplified version of the exercises, the other an advanced level.

What you need

  • Gymnastic mat;
  • comfortable sportswear;
  • comfortable sports shoes;
  • dumbbells (of your choice, from 1 to 3 kg, depending on the preparation).

Along with the training program, Michaels offers. If you can stick to it, the effect will be much more significant.

Week 1

I approached this course “ready-made” (as it seemed to me), because before that I had been studying “Slender Figure in 30 Days” for more than six months. Therefore, at the warm-up stage, it seemed to me that the pace was insufficient, that “it could have been something more difficult.” But on the second day, I realized that everything was as it should be. Krepatura was, but small. Almost all exercises are new (although there are repetitions).

Week 2

If you've somehow made it through class without the right running shoes to protect your toe joints, now is the time to put them on. Intense jumping in the "plank" position may not be reflected in the best way on your legs.

Week 3

I was always sure that I had no problems with my knees. But this week I felt that from a more or less serious load, they can be damned “tired”. In one of the power blocks, there were exercises in a row: walking on the hands and bent legs (shins parallel to the floor) and walking in single file. In general, the week is not difficult, the body gets used to the exercises on the third day.

I really liked the warm-up with dumbbells (you can even use a small weight) for the back. In other Gillian complexes, there was no such exercise yet. After it, a pleasant muscle strength of the back remained for several days.

Week 4

“If you have completed all 3 weeks, then the fourth will not present much difficulty”, - I would like to write like this, but - alas - this will not be true (at least in my case). By the end of the second cycle of exercises, I had lost count of the approaches, but I was so exhausted that I thought that this was the final - the third - cycle. Planks, balance exercises, push-ups… The hardest part of the first week of the week was “superman” with dumbbells. But what pride in oneself appears after completing the entire program!

Good mood and pleasant training!

Ecology of health and beauty. Fitness and sports: The main thing is to do the exercises regularly and you will famously overcome several steps to perfection at once...

Figure upgrade in 1 month

Beauty is not only a natural gift, but also the result of painstaking work on oneself. Do you want a flexible, slender and elastic body, a thin waist and slender legs? No problem! You only need to spend one month - and the result is in the face. True, attention will have to be paid to each problem area.

Arms and chest

To start make it a rule every morning to do rubbing with cool water. They will help keep the skin in good shape.

Set the water pressure to low and direct the shower on each breast in turn. Direct the water clockwise.

Dampen a towel and do a little massage. The pressure should be very light, each movement is made clockwise.

Once every three days make it a rule to use special aromatic oils for massage to maintain breast tone. If you do not have a special complex, you can alternately use ylang-ylang oil, rose and almond oil, as well as oil from seaweed extract. Read the label carefully before use. Some essences have significant contraindications. For example, ylang-ylang should not be used by people with high blood pressure.

  • The first approach is 10 times in the classical position.
  • The second approach - the arms are maximally spread apart, the palms look outward - also 10 times.

Every two days, try to add 5 repetitions to each set, bringing the number of push-ups to 50.

Do a special complex every two days. For him, you will need dumbbells - 1.5-2 kg each.

Exercise #1: Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Raise your arms with dumbbells. Now, inhale, spread your arms, trying to lower them as low as possible.

Exercise #2: From the same starting position, lower your hands down to your hips.

Exercise #3: Now imagine that you do not have dumbbells in your hands, but a barbell. Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells to your chest (fitness instructors call this exercise "bench press")

Exercise #4: Squat down, bring the dumbbells in front of you. Spread them to the sides and as far back as possible. Then - return to the starting position.

Exercise number 5: Stand straight. One hand with a dumbbell is raised up, the other is lowered. Alternately change the position of the hands.

Perform each exercise in three sets of 10 repetitions each.

In addition to them, use the technique of the so-called office charging- a complex that can be performed anywhere and at any time of the day.

  • Sitting, for example, in an office chair, bend your elbows and join your palms at chest level.
  • Now, with all the strength, we press our palms against each other for 30 seconds.
  • Relaxed - did the exercise one more time.

Waist and press

The notorious cubes are best formed if you pump the press on a bench set at a negative angle and use dumbbells. But for the fair sex, there are restrictions.

  • Firstly, it is categorically contraindicated for us to use weights - they can disrupt the work of female organs.
  • Secondly, it is recommended to download the press a maximum of every other day - our muscles should have time to recover.

Another important axiom says: if you have excess body fat in this area, the cubes will simply be invisible. Therefore, before training the press, as well as during the break, do aerobic exercises. 20 minutes of aerobics itself, dance moves, jumping rope will do. According to fitness instructors, aerobic exercises will help burn excess mass, and exercises for the press will form beautiful and correct contours.

Directly, the set of exercises should contain exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and back.

Exercise #1: Lie on your back, join your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Now lift the body, lifting only the shoulders and shoulder blades from the surface (20 times). At the end of a series of repetitions, hold the body during the rise and try to stay in this position for as long as possible.

Exercise #2: In the supine position, bend your knees and place your bent right leg on your left knee. Rise up, trying to reach your right elbow to your left knee. Perform 20 times, then change legs.

Exercise #3: Starting position - lying on your back, legs straight. Bend your legs alternately, sliding them along the floor. We repeat 30 times.

Exercise #4: From the same position, raise the legs to a right angle. After doing 20 repetitions at a normal pace, we try to complete the exercise as slowly as possible - we raise our legs by 10-15 counts.

Exercise number 5: In a sitting position, legs are straight, hands rest behind us. We raise our legs to an angle of 45 degrees, bend, pulling our knees in the chest, lower them. We do 20 times.

Exercise number 6: From the same position, simply raise your legs at the same angle and lower them to the floor.

Exercise number 7: Lie on your stomach, arms and legs along the body. Now we raise our arms together with the upper half of the body 10 times, 10 times - legs together with the lower back, 10 times - arms and legs together.

Every forty repetitions do stretching exercises. Lying on your stomach, lean on your hands and bend back as much as possible. This will help to avoid excess strength and make the muscles flexible.

As part of office gymnastics There is another simple exercise:

  • as you exhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible, and then return the muscles to their original position.

It is important to understand that all these exercises are related to the press, but not to the waist. That is, they will not remove fat ears hanging over jeans. Various inclinations will be useless and even harmful - they will only turn fat into muscles, but they will not reduce centimeters. The mentioned aerobic complexes, as well as the hula-hoop known to us since the Soviet era, will help to cope with this zone. The hoop models the waist line and breaks fat cells.

Legs, thighs, buttocks

This area, like no other, changes beautifully with a change in lifestyle in general. Walk more, do not hesitate to run up for the departing minibus. Those who want to get slender legs also prefer not to ride escalators, but to walk on them. Fortunately, the capital's way of life at least allows it for now.

Sign up for dancing - and in a month you will receive not only a charge of bomb energy, but also legs worthy of all admiration.

Do not ignore mobile sports - even a harmless game of badminton will make you feel a slight soreness in your legs in the morning.

And of course, do not forget about the special complex:

Exercise #1: Standing, sit down a little, put one foot in front of the other. Start squatting all the way, the lower the better. Do 30 times for each leg.

Exercise #2: We make a variety of swings: alternately 20 swings with each foot forward, in front of us. 20 swings to the side. 20 swings back. Now we wave each foot forward and immediately back. It is important to feel the work of the muscles here, so strain your muscles as much as possible during exercise.

Exercise #3: Lie on your right side, rest your left hand in front of you. Raise your left leg 20 times. Then lift your leg and make circular movements - first clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Change your leg.

Exercise #4: Get on your knees, straight arms rest in front of you. Lift your right knee off the floor, bring it forward, then swing back with maximum amplitude. 30 reps, change legs.

Exercise number 5: Lie on your back, raise your legs at a right angle. Spread them out to the sides as far as possible.

Exercise number 6: Sit on the floor. Now try, shifting on your buttocks, to go through your room around the perimeter.

And during your office life, alternately squeeze and unclench the gluteal muscles. The effect is still the same!

All the described complexes and techniques are basic, and their implementation will not take much time. But in a month you are guaranteed to feel that your body has become stronger and more elastic, and problem areas have turned into a beautiful relief. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly and you will famously overcome several steps to perfection at once. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Many girls are looking for training options that allow them to transform their figure beyond recognition in a short time. With a certain amount of effort, an exercise program by sports expert Jillian Michaels called Slim in 30 Days can help. This program is specially designed for weight loss and activates all muscle groups. Even if after a month of classes you do not get a completely perfect body, then noticeably tighten your figure.

A bit of history

Jillian Michaels is 41 years old today, but her figure is similar to that of a 17-year-old: she is so toned and devoid of even a gram of excess fat. But as a girl, Gillian was overweight. After leaving her hometown, Gillian took up her figure. Soon she was able to open her own gym, then TV shows appeared. Today, she is a well-known fitness trainer in America, who helps women find a toned figure after childbirth and simply lose those extra pounds.

Jillian Michaels is actively involved in sports programs, shows dedicated to healthy lifestyle life. Her sports empire includes video cassettes, a line of sports nutrition, books and more. The video course of Jillian Michaels Lose Weight in 30 Days has become a real sensation and gained fame far beyond the borders of the United States. In the English version, this program sounds like 30 day shred. It has 2 difficulty levels.

The 30 day course has many benefits:

  • you need only half an hour a day for classes;
  • in just a month you can get a slim figure;
  • no need to waste time and money to visit the gym: you need to work out at home.

For training, you need very little:

  • 30 minutes of free time per day;
  • small dumbbells;
  • exercise mat;
  • video cassette recording Gillian Lose weight in 30 days.

And then you will no longer find excuses for yourself to postpone training.

Like any home fitness program, Slim Body in 30 Days offers exercises in a lying, sitting or standing position. The movements do not require much space, but they must be performed in a well-ventilated area. For sitting or lying down, a yoga mat or rubber mat is suitable. Each user chooses the weight of dumbbells independently. The optimal weight will be 0.5 kg. Gradually, the weight can be increased, but it makes no sense for girls to strongly pump up the muscles of their hands, because it does not look very beautiful.

Shoes should also be comfortable. Ideally, if these are athletic shoes. Make sure you have good cushioning in the heel area. The course contains a lot of cardio exercises with a load on the knee joints, so the risk of getting a sprain is quite high.

All exercises are designed so that they are repeated after each cycle. At the beginning there is a warm-up. You can’t skip it, as it was created to warm up the muscles and guarantee the successful completion of the lesson without injuries and damage. Then, within 18 minutes, you need to do 3 sets of exercises:

  • three minutes are allotted for strength training;
  • two more minutes of cardio exercise;
  • one minute - to strengthen the press.

Each part, or workout, begins with a small warm-up and ends with a stretch. The program has two options: lightweight, for beginners, and advanced for those who have already been involved in fitness. Gillian is assisted by two assistants: a blonde and an African-American. The blonde demonstrates a light version of the program, the African-American - a complicated one. Gillian herself shows the exercises at an average pace.

The ripped in 30 weight loss course is divided into three levels. Each level is focused on 10 days. According to Gillian, it is best to exercise in the morning on an empty stomach: at this time, you can speed up your metabolism as much as possible, and those extra pounds will melt before your eyes. However, if you can’t follow this regimen, you can practice half an hour before a meal or an hour after.

In the Slim Figure in 30 Days program, level 1 consists of the following combination of exercises:

  • jumping rope;
  • ordinary jumps in one place;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • push ups;
  • twisting;
  • lunges with dumbbells.

This is an introductory course, it is not too exhausting, as it is designed for beginners. After a while, the fatigue will pass, and the exercises will become habitual. After 10 days of classes, you should take a break for a day. Now you can proceed to the second level.

At the second stage in the Jillian Michaels Slim Figure in 30 Days program, the following complex is offered:

  • burpee - a cycle of exercises in which several joints and muscle groups are involved at once, are characterized by exhausting complexity;
  • push ups;
  • jumping from a squatting position;
  • low lunges.

Do not be alarmed if after this complex you feel very tired. Exercises are complex and aimed at intense fat burning. It is assumed that during the execution of level 1 you pumped up the muscles, and they, although with difficulty, can withstand the increased load. After level 2, we also take a break for 1 day.

Level 3 ripped in 30 is a bit more intense, but not much different from level 2 in terms of difficulty. It is assumed that after 20 days of intensive training, the body has already adapted to the loads. It remains only to consolidate the result. During the last 10 days of training, the body takes on slender forms, and the heart becomes more resilient. The third level of the Jillian Michaels 30 Days for Weight Loss course includes mainly plank exercises:

  • straight and side plank;
  • running and push-ups in this position;
  • jumping with dumbbells.

For the program to bring a good result, you will have to follow some of Gillian's recommendations.

Training video

1 level

2 level

3 level

First, Gillian advises not to look at the scale all the time. Weight throughout the program will fluctuate significantly. He may not leave as quickly as many would like. The reason is the growth of muscle mass, which is inevitable as a result of intensive training. Changes are best observed with a centimeter tape, measuring your own volumes. Your wardrobe will show the result.

Fitness, according to the creator of the program, should be a philosophy of life. You can not train and continue to absorb high-calorie food: there will be no success. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fast food, carbonated drinks, pastries and products made from white flour, margarine, sour cream, pickles, fatty milk. But seeds, nuts, meat, fish, seafood, sour-milk drinks, vegetables and fruits can be eaten in any quantity. It is better to have breakfast with oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese dishes, and for dinner - meat or fish. In this case, training will be much more productive.

In general, the Gillian program is designed for people who need to lose up to 10 kg. In her broadcasts, she behaves like an army, addressing her viewers in a tough and unflinching way, which helps many to maintain motivation. If you need to lose more than 10-15 kg, you need a strict diet and exercises of a completely different nature.


Program Lose Weight in 30 Days Gillian Michaels reviews are mostly positive. The first level, despite the fact that it is intended for beginners, is not easy for many. If a person has a large excess weight, fatigue sets in already at the 10-15th minute. After the first lesson comes a strong krepatura. You can cope with it the next day only with the help of a great effort of will. But it needs to be done. After 10 days, doing exercises becomes easier. However, some viewers extend classes up to 2 weeks because they do not feel prepared to move on to the second level.

The next 10 days of classes are much more difficult. This is recognized by all users without exception: the difference between the levels is significant. In this regard, some despair even during the transition to training in the gym or aerobics, but after a few months they return already prepared for additional loads and overcome the second level with little difficulty.

The same thing sometimes happens with the third level: cardio exercises are hard, and not everyone can withstand them. So no matter how excellent the Gillian Michaels 30 Days Lose Weight program is, it needs to be adjusted depending on its own capabilities.

Nevertheless, weight loss as a result of classes is noted by everyone. Of course, you won’t lose 20 kg in a month, but 5-10 are provided. Those users who have successfully completed the thirty-day course note that this load is not enough for the body. Fitness becomes a real drug: training for an hour or more is already required. This is the only way to maintain new forms.

A slender, toned figure is the cherished dream of every girl. According to reviews, losing weight with Jillian Michaels in 30 days helps to achieve impressive results, subject to strict adherence to the basic requirements of the program: proper balanced nutrition and special treatment workouts. Find out how, after going through 3 levels of this universal technique, you can get an ideal body in just a month.

Who is Jillian Michaels

This amazing woman is a successful fitness trainer. The experience of Jillian Michaels is valuable in that she personally went through all the stages of losing weight and developed her own weight loss system. Her youthful passion for fitness eventually turned into a job. The coach is constantly improving, bringing something new to the program. 30 days of weight loss with Jillian Michaels is guaranteed to help you lose those extra pounds. At the same time, with the help of training records, you can save time and money, which is also important.

Jillian Michaels programs

The trainer claims that almost everyone can get the perfect body in 30 days. The only thing you need to determine is which Jillian Michaels program suits all your individual characteristics. Among the video courses for weight loss of this trainer, you can find classes on yoga, Pilates, aerobics, gymnastics and other sports, which only confirms the high professional level of Gillian.

It is important to note that on this moment Michaels has developed several integrated programs weight loss, designed for 30, 60 and 90 days, as well as many special courses aimed at correcting certain problem areas of the body - hips, abdomen, buttocks. The most popular among supporters of the Gillian approach are the following video courses for weight loss:

Slim figure in 30 days

Jill is well aware of how the body functions, so she strongly encourages her followers to work hard. Getting a slim figure in 30 days is difficult, but everything is possible, provided that the person is sufficiently motivated to lose weight. Having gone all the way from start to finish, Gillian, like no one else, is able to convey the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. The practice of the trainer shows that the right motivation largely determines the success of the weight loss program.

Lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels

This course includes a very successful combination of strength and cardio training. At the same time, weight loss with Jillian Michaels in 30 days is based on the use of fitness as the main tool for weight loss. For novice athletes, the coach advises to prepare the body for future loads long before the main stage of the program. Jillian Michaels believes that losing weight in 30 days should occur in 3 stages lasting 10 days each.

1 level

Followers of Jillian Michaels claim that initial phase program is the most difficult. The first stage assumes that the body will be preparing for subsequent physical activity and weight loss. According to the terms of the Jillian Michaels program, level 1 includes daily classes for half an hour a day, and it does not matter at what time of the day or night they are performed. The workout consists of three sets of 8 minutes, which involve the implementation of a complex consisting of the following exercises:

  • lunges with weighting;
  • push-ups;
  • squats;
  • jumps;
  • press exercises.

2 level

Each subsequent stage of the weight loss program differs from the previous one only in the intensity of training. According to Jillian Michaels, Level 2 is designed to destroy excess fat in the body and prepare it for gaining muscle mass. It should be said that in the second stage, the pain after classes. However, by the end of this phase, the discomfort subsides, and the muscles begin to require more serious loads. At the second stage, the previously indicated complex is supplemented with the “bar” exercise.

3 level

The last phase of the program requires maximum endurance. According to Jillian Michaels, Level 3 helps to completely get rid of the "old body" and lifestyle. At the last stage of losing weight, it becomes easier to engage in, which is explained by the approaching end of the program. At the same time, training is so exhausting that some even give up, despairing of completing the course. The third level complex includes the following exercises:

Jillian Michaels Diet Day Menu

When compiling a complete diet, it is important to consider the metabolic rate. For people with a slow metabolism, Jillian recommends complex carbohydrates for weight loss. Persons with a rapid course of metabolic reactions should focus on protein foods. It should be borne in mind that the need for calories and the rate of metabolic processes change during the course. For this reason, it makes no sense to make a menu for the entire period of weight loss. The author of the methodology advises to come up with options for dishes for 3-5 days. Meanwhile, the abbreviated menu for the days of the Jillian Michaels diet is reflected in the table below:

Program day

Snack (afternoon snack)

2 eggs, any kind, whole grain toast, green tea

Chicken salad with avocado and mango

orange, almond

Homemade whole grain pizza with feta cheese, tomatoes and red onion

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts, tea without sugar

chickpea porridge

Banana apple smoothie

chicken sauté

Light fat-free cottage cheese, a glass of berries

Grilled veal with corn as a side dish

Mozzarella cheese, pear

Chicken breast, baked in lemon-honey sauce

Boiled chicken sausage with baked potatoes

Pita with mozzarella, red onion, tomato, spinach

Green apple, hard boiled egg

Burrito with chicken meat and red beans

­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

Video: training with Jillian Michaels

Beginning athletes often quit training due to the lack of visible results. Unlike such methods, the program developed by Gillian has established itself as an effective system for losing weight. An important point is that the trainer puts special emphasis on stabilizing weight after completing an intensive month-long course of training. As an added bonus, Jillian Michaels shares her observations and discoveries in the field of fitness, healthy eating during the lessons. Check it out unique course.

30 days with Jillian Michaels level 1

30 days with jillian michaels level 2

jillian michaels 30 days level 3

Everyone who is dissatisfied with their figure at least once considered the possibility of switching to proper nutrition as well as visiting gym. And, of course, everyone transfers the beginning of a new life to Monday, next month, next year, and so on. Indeed, it is extremely difficult to leave harmful, but such comfortable habits and acquire new ones. And how difficult it is to overpower yourself and buy a subscription to the gym! Good intentions are never enough.

It is for those who find it difficult to change their entire lifestyle at once that video tutorials and online workouts have been created in which well-known fitness trainers are ready to reveal their secrets on the way to a slim figure. One such trainer is Jillian Michaels.

Who is Jillian?

Recognition came to her ten years ago, after the release of the sensational program "Slender Figure in 30 Days" (30 Day Shred), and awareness and acceptance of oneself much earlier.

Her childhood was not easy. Her parents divorced, and psychological problems arose. Stress eating has led to extra pounds. So, with a height of 158 cm, Jillian weighed almost 80 kg.

When the girl was 14 years old, her mother took her to the karate section. Thus began Jill's introduction to the sport. She began to actively work on herself, cherishing the dream of her own fitness club. In 2012, she succeeded. The opening of the gym was the beginning of Jillian's career.

Gillian's programs and books

Today, the track record of a successful fitness trainer has many books and programs in which she shares the secrets of achieving an ideal figure. In them you can find answers to many questions:

  • how to determine your type of metabolism;
  • how to make the right diet;
  • how to lose weight and stick to one weight;
  • how to get the perfect shape with the help of simple workouts.

One of the most famous programs of Jillian Michaels "Lose weight in 30 days." It was designed by Jillian in 2011. Jillian Michaels system Ripped in 30 consists of 4 levels and includes aerobic strength training. This course is a continuation of the popular 30 Day Shred program. However, it is suitable for both beginners and people who have completed the basic course of exercises according to the “Slender Figure in 30 Days” system.

Jillian Michaels Lose Weight in 30 Days

This training system differs from the previous "30 Day Shred" in that it can be conditionally divided into 4 weeks according to the level of complexity: from the simplest to a rather tangible load by the end of the month. It is based on the same principle of "3-2-1", that is:

  • three minutes of power loads;
  • two minutes of cardio;
  • one minute of abdominal exercises.

As practice shows, such an interval approach has proven itself perfectly. It allows you to achieve tangible results in just a month of daily training.

So what do you need to get started? Very little:

  1. Exercise mat.
  2. Sneakers.
  3. Dumbbells weighing 1.5-4 kg (depending on training).
  4. And, of course, desire!

Consider, together with personal trainer Jillian Michaels, all the courses in order. Each level takes one week of time. Jillian recommends exercise 5-6 times a week.

The first level includes a fairly feasible load for beginners. This level is the easiest compared to the others. This is followed by the second level, here you have to sweat harder. Well, the third and fourth levels (respectively 3 and 4 weeks) cannot be compared with the previous two. But the result will be impressive! This is evidenced by numerous reviews and recommendations.

In order to achieve results quickly and keep them for a long time, Jill recommends a special diet. In general, it can be described rather than as a diet, but as a system of 4 meals a day. Gillian adheres to the principles of a healthy diet, which includes:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • whole grains and legumes;
  • meat, eggs;
  • seafood;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • nuts, spices, healthy oils.

Naturally, for the duration of training (and ideally forever) should refuse such products:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • baking and confectionery;
  • trans fats;
  • fast food.

By following these simple guidelines, sticking to a proper and healthy diet and doing workouts with your personal trainer Jillian Michaels, you will get the figure of your dreams, achieve perfection and gain self-confidence! All in your hands!

And finally, the opinions of people who dared to try to change themselves and their lives:

Completed a 30-day Jillian Michaels workout and was stunned by the results. Minus 5 cm in the hips and 7 cm in the sides! I will say right away that the program is not for the lazy, it is definitely not worth skipping classes, but with sufficient motivation (as in my case) it is not difficult. Definitely recommend!

Tatyana, 32 years old

I used to do fitness and power loads in the gym, but after the birth of a child, time is sorely lacking. Salvation for me was the program Ripped in 30 by American coach Gillian Michaels. It is convenient in that it does not require absolutely no costs, and is also suitable for those who do not always have free time but still wants to look good. I've already lost 4 kg and I'm not going to stop there.