Games for the development of speech in the middle group. Theme "Fruit". "What's in the Basket" Theme "Toys" "Wonderful Pouch"


Target : development of phonemic hearing.

Move. Children stand in a circle. The teacher says different sounds. If you hear a sound such as [y], raise your hands and circle slowly.

Pronounces sounds: y, and, a, o, y, and, y, a. Children, having heard the sound [y], make the appropriate movements.



Move. The teacher behind the screen rings a tambourine, rustles paper, rings a bell, etc. Invites the child to guess what object produced the sound.

Who - who?




Target: develop auditory attention.

move . The child closes his eyes, and the adult stands on the left, on the right, behind the child and rings the bell. The child should turn to the place where the sound is heard, and, without opening his eyes, show the direction with his hand.

Is that how it sounds?




Rule. The teacher loudly pronounces any vowel sound, and the child repeats it, but quietly.

move . The teacher says loudly: “a-a-a”, the echo child quietly answers: “a-a-a”, etc. You can use a combination of vowel sounds: “a-u, u-a, e-a” etc.


Goal: develop auditory attention, continue to acquaint children with a variety of words.

Move. The teacher invites the children to listen to the couplet and complete the phrase.

What is he doing?

Target: Show children that words are different and they sound different

move . The teacher shows a toy, a picture (invites the children to say what this object does). The teacher draws the attention of children to how many different words there are, that they sound differently.

What does Aigul lack to go for a walk?

Target : differentiation of winter and summer clothes; develop auditory attention, speech hearing; increase in vocabulary.

Stroke: Listen carefully to the verses about clothes, so that later you can list all the names that will be found in these verses. Name summer first. And then winter.

This is how sounds are made.


Move. There are 2 pictures hanging on the flannelgraph (large and small mosquitoes). The teacher invites the child to take a subject picture, highlight the sound [h] or [h "], put the picture near the corresponding mosquito.


Target: develop phonemic hearing, speech attention of children.

Move. The teacher says different words. Children stand in a circle and pass the ball around the circle for each word. If the children hear the song of the big motor [p], then they throw the ball to the teacher. Then they throw the ball when they hear the sound [p "] in the word.


Target: teach children to identify the first sound in a word.

move . The teacher, placing an arrow in front of the picture, offers to select intonationally the first sound in this word, name it.

Target: teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonants.

Move. The teacher calls a hard consonant sound, and the child calls a soft consonant sound.


Target: to teach children to differentiate sounds [w] and [g] in words.

move . Children take subject pictures from the basket, name the word and determine what sound is heard in it: [w] or [g].


Target: teach children to measure the length of words.

move . The teacher shows the children 3 birdhouses (each of them has a different number of windows - from 1 to 3). Children measure the length of a word, and distribute the birds according to the number of syllables.


Target: continue to teach children to measure the length of a word.

move . The teacher calls the word, shows a picture or a toy, the children slap this word and, in accordance with this, raise a long or short strip.


Target : exercise children in a clear pronunciation of words.

move . The teacher invites the children to look around themselves and name as many objects that surround them as possible (name only those that are in their field of vision).

Make sure that children pronounce words correctly and clearly, do not repeat. When the kids can no longer name anything themselves, the teacher can ask them leading questions: “What is hanging on the wall?” etc.

What happens?



Learn from the description.




Target: actively use verbs in speech, forming various verb forms.

Equipment: pictures - clothes, plane, doll, dog, sun, rain, snow.

Move. Neumeyka comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to pick up words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures.

For example:

    What can be said about the aircraft? (Flies, buzzes, rises.)

    What can you do with clothes? (Wash, iron, sew.)

    What can you say about rain? (Goes, drips, pours, drizzles, knocks on the roof), etc.


Target: activate the names of baby animals in the speech of children.

Equipment: elements of an animal costume (hat). Move. One child gets the role of a cat. He sits on a chair in the center of the circle, closes his eyes (sleeps), and the rest, choosing the role of any animal cub at will, form a circle. The one whom the teacher points to with a gesture gives a voice (makes an onomatopoeia corresponding to the character).

The task of the cat is to name who woke him up (cockerel, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers switch places and the game continues.

When does it happen?



Yawning, resting, sleeping...

Dancing, singing, spinning...

Lunch, thanks...

Dress up, say goodbye...


Target: teach children to form verb forms in the present tense: draws, dances, runs, jumps, laps, waters, meows, barks, strokes, drums, etc.

Equipment: postcards depicting people and animals performing various activities.

Move. The game is played with a small subgroup.

Someone knocks on the door.

Teacher: Guys, the postman brought us postcards. Nowwe them let's look at it together. Who is on this postcard? That's right, Mishka. What is he doing? Yes, drumming. This postcard is addressed to Olya. Olya, remember your postcard. This postcard is addressed to Pasha. Who is pictured here? What does he do? And you, Pasha, remember your postcard.

Consider 4-5 postcards. And those to whom they are addressed must correctly name the actions of the character and remember the image.

Teacher: Now I will check if you remember your postcards? Snowmen are dancing. Whose postcard is this? Etc.

Hide and Seek

Target: the formation of the morphological side of speech. To bring children to the understanding of prepositions and adverbs that have a spatial meaning (in, on, behind, under, near, between, next to, left, right).

Equipment: small toys.

move . The teacher hides the toys made in advance in different places group room, and then, having gathered the children around him, informs them: “I was informed that uninvited guests settled in our group. The tracker who was watching them writes that someone hid in the upper right drawer of the desk. Who will go looking? Good. Found? Well done! And someone hid in the corner of the toys, behind the closet (they are looking for). Someone under the doll's bed; someone on the table to my right, etc.”

Thus, the children look for all the uninvited guests, hide them in a box and agree that they will play hide and seek again with their help.


Target: learn to distinguish between pronouns (my, mine, mine, mine).

Material: a box, subject pictures by the number of children, a picture of a boy, a girl, a Gorynych Snake, a Snowman.

move . The boy will talk about his pictures mine, and the girl - mine, the Serpent Gorynych - mine, the Snowman - mine.


I put pictures

In a multi-colored box.

Come on, Ira, take a look,

Take out the picture, name it.

Children take out a picture, name what is shown on it. They put a boy, a girl, the Serpent Gorynych or the Snowman.

For example, the child took pictures: a castle, a ball, a house, an umbrella, says “My castle” and puts it near the image of the boy.

Butterfly, ribbon, doll - "My butterfly" - puts a picture on the girl.

Feather, wood, soap, coat, face - “My pen” - puts a picture to the Serpent Gorynych.

Gloves, mittens, socks, tights, pants - "My gloves" - puts the Snowman.


Target: end the story at its beginning.

Equipment : flannelograph and attributes for the fairy tale "A goat with kids", a bunny.

Move. The teacher tells the beginning of the tale, demonstrating the figures of the characters.

Teacher: Bunny says...

Children: don't be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.

Teacher: The goats treated him ...

Children: carrots, cabbage ...

Teacher: then they became ... etc.

When does it happen?

Target: navigate the meaning of verbs. Equipment: Pinocchio doll.

move . Pinocchio travels to many kindergartens. He will tell about his travels, and you will guess which room of the kindergarten or on the street he visited.

I went into the room where the children roll up their sleeves, soap their hands, and dry themselves.

Yawning, resting, sleeping...

Dancing, singing, spinning...

Pinocchio was in kindergarten when the children:

They come, say hello... (When does this happen?)

Lunch, thanks...

Dress up, say goodbye...

They make a snowman, go sledding.

Learn from the description.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about flowers (wild berries, fruits, etc.).

move . Five or six playing children sit on chairs arranged in a circle. These are different flowers. They have names (you can have the players choose a flower picture; you can’t show it to the host). The leading gardener says: “I haven’t seen a wonderful white flower with a yellow eye that looks like a small sun for so long, I haven’t seen a camomile.” Chamomile stands up and takes a step forward. Chamomile, bowing to the gardener, says: “Thank you, dear gardener. I'm glad you wanted to take a look at me." Chamomile sits on another chair. The game continues until the gardener has listed all the flowers.

The course of this game can be easily changed: "Gardener and Fruit Trees", "Forester and Wild Berries", "His Animal Trainers", etc.

What happens?

Target: teach children to identify the signs of an object.

move . The teacher (or child) takes objects out of the box, names them, and the children point to any sign of this object. If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps: “This is a cube. What is he? »

This is how sounds are made.

Target: develop phonemic awareness in children.

Move. There are 2 pictures hanging on the flannelgraph (large and small mosquitoes). The teacher offers the child to take a subject picture, highlight the sound hard or soft, put the picture near the corresponding mosquito.

Who - who?

Target : consolidate children's knowledge of pets and their cubs.
Plural formation of nouns.

Stroke: The teacher shows illustrations of pets, children call their cubs, form the plural.

Do the words sound the same?

Target: develop phonemic hearing, the ability to select words that are similar in sound.

move . The teacher offers the child to arrange the pictures in 2 rows: in each row there should be images whose names sound similar. When the pictures are laid out, the teacher and the child together name the words. Note the variety of words.

Who is it, what is it?

Target : to form the ability in children to correctly pose a question to animate and inanimate objects of nature ..

Stroke: the teacher shows the objects alive and inanimate nature. If this is an object of wildlife, children ask the question who? if the object is inanimate nature - what?

A wonderful bag.

Target: to teach children to describe objects perceived by touch and guess them by their characteristic features.

Materials: vegetables and fruits of characteristic shape and different density: onion, beetroot, tomato, plum, apple, pear, etc.

Game progress: Offer to get an object out of the bag, but first feel it, name its characteristic features and scope

Where to put what?

Target: to form the ability to group familiar objects according to a common feature (dishes, vegetables, clothes, etc.), to form the ability to distinguish objects by color.

Material: tray, cupboard, basket, dishes (plate, spoon, cup, pan, etc.); clothes (dress, shorts, socks, jacket, etc.); vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets, onions, etc.)

Stroke: One by one, he takes out three objects (a plate, a dress, a carrot), asking what kind of object it is and what its purpose is. After listening to the answers of the children, clarify them. Explain that the dishes should be put on a tray, clothes should be put in a closet, and vegetables should be put in a basket.

Add a word.

Target: develop auditory attention, continue to acquaint children with a variety of words.

Move. The teacher invites the children to listen to the couplet and complete the phrase.

The bunny didn’t listen to dad, they crushed the bunny ... (paw).

The children were sitting in the square and ice cream ... (ate).

And near this Christmas tree, evil ones roamed ... (wolves).

Often a redhead goes to the lake to get drunk ... (fox).

The toad began to croak importantly: “Kwa-kva-kva, don’t ... (cry).”

We didn’t eat, we didn’t drink, a snow woman ... (sculpted).

I do not run to the doctor, I myself ... (fly).

Today I lost my feet, I lost ... (puppy).

Like our daughter has pink ... (cheeks).

Mom is better than food, you are my nanny ... (look).

Whose house?

Target: Expand children's knowledge about various types animals and their dwellings, to consolidate the ability to correlate the image of a living being with its habitat.

Material: illustrations of animals, their habitats.

Stroke: Invites each animal to find its own house, explain its choice.

One and many.

Target: To teach children to use singular and plural nouns in speech, to coordinate the numeral with the noun.

Material: cards depicting one and many objects.

Stroke: the child matches the cards, correctly names one object and its plural, the adult controls the correct use of noun endings in the singular and plural.

Call it in one word

Target: Develop the ability to classify objects.

Material: cards by lexical topics.

Stroke: The host shows a card, the child calls in one word what (who) is depicted on it. If you have any difficulties, you can first list the depicted objects. For example, the facilitator asks: “Who is on this card? (titmouse, bullfinch, sparrow, dove, crossbill) How can they be called in one word? (birds)".

Say the word with the given sound.

Target: teach children to select words for a given sound.

Equipment: subject pictures for a given sound, several pictures for other sounds.

Exercise: lay out a house from subject pictures: three floors and a roof, selecting only pictures for a given sound.

Say the opposite.

Target: to form the ability to form and correctly use words-antonyms in speech.

Material: cards with the opposite meaning of objects.

move : The host calls the word, and the players must name words that are opposite in meaning: big - small, kind - evil, smart - stupid, hard - soft, black - white, winter - summer, day - night, etc.

What is missing, who is missing?

Target: development of attention, coherent speech, the ability to describe the subject.

Game progress : Items are placed on the table in a certain order.

Q: look carefully at the objects, remember how they are located. Then, when you turn away, I will change something. When you turn back, you should carefully look at how the items are lying and tell me what has changed?


    Describe an item that is gone

    talk about the place where he stood

    What sound did the name of this item begin with?

    What other items have this sound in their names?

call me affectionately

Target: learn to form words using diminutive suffixes.

Material: subject pictures.

Stroke: The teacher shows pictures and asks to change the word. Ball - ball, doll - ...; bear - …; matryoshka - ...; Parsley - … .

"Loudly - quietly whisper"

Target . Teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice.

Preparatory work . The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: large and small cars, large and small drums, large and small pipes.

Stroke: An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car drives, it signals loudly: “beep”. How does a big car signal? Children loudly pronounce: "beep". The teacher continues: “And the small car honks softly:“ beep. How does the little car honk? Children quietly say: "beep." The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car honks loudly, and the small car honks softly.

Other toys are played in the same way.

Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that with a quiet pronunciation of onomatopoeia, the children do not switch to a whisper.

What does it sound like?

Target: Introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, isolate and recognize them.

Stroke: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and the children recognize which objects belong to different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and all sound in their own way.


You will need a bunny toy.

Show your child how the bunny slowly jumps along the path, and at the same time say onomatopoeia: “Jump-jump, jump-jump!” Then say that the bunny jumped faster. At the same time, speed up the pace of movements and the pace of pronouncing onomatopoeia: "Jump-jump, jump-jump, jump-jump!"

Ask the child to show how the bunny can jump quickly and slowly, and voice each type of movement.

Similarly, with the help of finger games, you can show how quickly and slowly the hammer knocks (knock-knock) - knock your fist on the table at a different pace, the saw cuts (whack-whack) - drive the table back and forth with the edge of your palm at a different pace, it rings bell (ding-dong) - gather your fingers into a pinch and shake an imaginary bell with them at a different pace, a little man is walking (top-top) - medium and index finger step on the table at a different pace, the train is going (choo-choo) - rotate your hands clenched into fists in front of your chest, depicting the wheels of the train, it is dripping rain (drip-drip) - tap your fingers on the table at a different pace.


Target : Clap the rhythm pattern specified by the text

Game progress : The teacher pronounces the text of the poem, the children clap.

Here is a horse - thin-legged (children clap tsok-tsok-tsok)

Rides, rides along the track tsok-tsok-tsok

Hooves clatter loudly tsok-tsok-tsok

They invite you to ride tsok-tsok-tsok.

Snowflakes are flying.

Target . Achieve a long, continuous oral exhalation.

Preparatory work . Prepare 5 snowflakes. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between two posts so that the snowflakes hang at the level of the face of the standing child.

Short description :

Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look at how beautiful snowflakes are. How many! Let's see if they can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Try to blow too. Who will fly further? An adult invites children to stand one at a time near each snowflake. The children are blowing.Guidelines . The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to ensure that the children stand straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without getting air. Cheeks do not puff out, lips slightly push forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may feel dizzy.

Choose different words.

Target: learn to correctly coordinate the named words with a given gender and number

move : The teacher encourages children to match as many nouns to adjectives as possible. During the game, the teacher must ensure that the kids correctly coordinate the named words with the given gender and number.
Autumn... (
Weather, coolness, cloud, time, oak grove, gossamer, jacket, gilding, grove )
Autumn... (
Coat, sun, field, haze, morning )
Autumn... (
Wind, leaf, forest, park, rest, harvest, rain, fog, evening, November, flight )
Days, trees, months, rains, dreams, sheaves, rays, clouds )


Game progress:
Children have envelopes with pictures depicting plots of the summer season, they guess riddles by raising a card with a picture. The teacher makes riddles about summer, and then about other seasons.
Multi-colored yoke Without arms, without legs,
It hung over the river. And the gate opens.
(rainbow) (wind)
All Antoshka - White blanket
Hat and leg The earth was dressed.
It will rain - the sun is hot -
He will grow up. The blanket is leaking.
(Mushroom) (Snow)
Teacher: Children, why doesn’t anyone show me a guessing picture?
That's right, it's snow. And what time of year should this riddle be attributed to?
Of course, by spring. Listen further.
White on white
He wrote where he ran.
The redhead will read - he will find the White.
(hare footprints)
Teacher: It's strange, why don't you show me the answers again? Well, of course, these are rabbit tracks. When are they visible?
Children: In winter!
Teacher: Of course, this applies to winter. Well done boys!
Without a path and without a road Whose cries are there by the pond?
Walks the longest. Kvass, kvass us here!
Hiding in the clouds in the mist, Kwa-kva-kvas, curdled milk,
Only feet on the ground. We are tired of water.
(Rain) (Frogs)
- distinguish between changes in nature at different times of the year;
- understand and appreciate the beauty of native nature;
- be able to talk about their experiences, emotional state that arose under the influence of the beauty of nature;
- communicate with nature, which will help them become better and kinder, teach them to distinguish between good and bad.
The game gives a general idea of ​​the signs of summer, spring, winter, autumn.
Game progress.
The teacher divides the children into 4 groups and gives each group a large plot picture about one of the seasons. Children must answer what season is shown in the picture and why they recognized it. Next, the children find in their envelopes cards with the image of the corresponding season and place them under the big picture. The teacher asks the children to tell what is typical for this time of year. Then he summarizes the children's stories, talking about the characteristic signs of summer, winter, autumn and spring and their differences from each other.
For example, signs of summer.
Summer months - June, July, August. There are long warm days, short summer nights. On hot days there are thunderstorms with heavy rain. When it rains, if the sun is shining, a colorful rainbow appears in the sky. On hot days, dew appears on the grass in the morning and evening.
Berries and mushrooms ripen in the forest, nuts ripen. Flowers bloom in flower beds and parks. Vegetables, fruits and berries ripen.

Game progress.
The teacher gives the children the task to tell what animals are in their house and how they take care of them. At the choice of the teacher, one of the works of art: M. Prishvin "Guys and ducklings", "Hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs", "Kitten"; A. Barto "Left"; K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family", "Cow" and others. EXAMPLES OF STORIES
K. Ushinsky
Cockerel with family
A cockerel walks around the yard: a red comb on its head, a red beard under its nose. Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel, there are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. With his paws, Petya rakes a bunch, convenes hens with chickens:
- Cursed chickens! Busy hostesses! Motley, ruffled! Black ones, white ones! Get together with the chickens, with the little guys: I have a grain in store for you!
Hens with chickens gathered, clucked, they didn’t share a grain - they fought.
Petya the cockerel doesn’t like mess - now he has reconciled the family: he ate a grain himself, flew up on the wattle fence, waved his wings, yelled at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
An ugly cow, but gives milk. Her forehead is wide, her ears to the side, there is a lack of teeth in her mouth, but her mugs are large, her spine is pointed, her tail is broomstick, her sides protrude, her hooves are double. She tears grass, chews gum, drinks liquor, mooing and roaring, calling the hostess: “Come out, hostess; take out the pan, clean wiper! I brought milk to the children, thick cream.
- humanely treat animals, love them and care for them;
- to teach children to distinguish between wild animals and domestic animals;
- recognize cubs and adult animals;
- to see the general and specific features of the communication of different animals among themselves and to know the measure of their understanding by a person (by gestures, movements, emotional reactions).
Game progress.
The teacher invites the children to look at the drawings (the drawings show adult animals, for example, a dog, a cow, a pig, a horse and separately their cubs - a puppy, a calf, a piglet, a foal) and name the animals and their cubs. What can these animals be called? (Pets,) What other pets do you know?
The teacher invites the children to tell how a person takes care of pets, and then he himself talks about any animal and its cub (optional) according to the plan: names, appearance where he lives, what benefits he brings, how and in what way he helps people.
The story "Horse and foal"
This is Redhead's horse. She has a small red foal. Redhead - large, long. And the foal is still small. The horse has a big head
oblong, and the foal is smaller, narrow. Both the horse and the foal have large Brown eyes. The horse has a very beautiful mane and tail. The mane is lush, silky, fluttering in the wind, the tail is long. And the foal has a panicle tail. The legs of the horse are straight, strong, with strong hooves. The foal's legs are thin, frisky, with white spots near the very hooves.
Ryzhukha lives with a foal in a stable. The groom carries firewood and water on the horse, and the foal runs alongside.
Then the teacher teaches children to compare animals by size and give the correct verbal designation of animals, their cubs using contour images for this (for example, a horse and a foal).
- Look at the uncolored picture of the animal. A foal is the baby of this animal. Name an adult animal. The foal is small, but what is his mother like?
Next, the children are invited to color the picture of animals.

Game progress.
The teacher puts fruits in the bag (models: banana, apple, pear) and offers to identify one fruit by touch: “The monkey sent us a package, and you have to guess what is in it.”
After each child took part in determining the contents of the bag, the teacher asks all the children: “when you felt what was in the bag by touch, how did you do it, with what help?” And then he answers the surveys himself, helping the children to correctly determine the solution: “You determined the shape of the object, its surface with the help of a hand that helps to recognize objects, since our hand can feel any object. When you took it out, you saw the color, shape, etc. With what? Eye. The eyes are also our helpers, which help to recognize objects.
Further, the teacher offers to guess fruits by smell (for example, a banana and an apple) and reports that the third assistant in recognizing objects is the nose, it smells. And then offers a new task:
- Now compare what these fruits taste like. What can you say about a banana? It is sweet, soft... An apple is sweet and sour, juicy, firm. How could we find out our favorite fruit? The taste that we feel with the mouth means that the mouth is also our “smart assistant” in life.
Very good fruit was sent to us by a monkey. We were able to feel, and touch, and examine, and smell, and try.
Purpose: To give children an idea:
- about various means and methods of communication with the outside world;
- about the importance and significance of the senses, memory, attention, emotions, gestures and movements in the process of communication.
Game progress.
The teacher, addressing the children, says:
- Today we will play new game, it's called Radio. Do you know the name of the person who speaks on the radio? That's right, a speaker. Today, the radio announcer will be looking for the children of our group. He will describe someone, and we will find out from his story who is lost. First I'll be the announcer, listen. Attention! Attention! The girl is lost. She wears a red sweater, a checkered apron, and white ribbons in pigtails. She sings songs well, is friends with Vera. Who knows this girl?
So the teacher starts the game, showing the children an example of a description. Children name a girl from their group. “And now one of you will be the announcer,” says the teacher. A new speaker is chosen with the help of a rhyme.
The teacher makes sure that the children list character traits their comrades: how they are dressed, what they like to do, how they treat friends.
If the announcer gave such a description that the children could not recognize their comrade, everyone answers in unison: “We don’t have such a girl (boy)!”
D / I "MOOD"
To give children an idea of ​​their own emotions and the emotions of others (good and bad mood), to teach to be attentive to the feelings and desires of other people, to teach to convey their emotions to other people by various means.
Game progress.
The teacher tells the children that each person has different moods. He names the situations and asks the children to answer what feelings they will experience in certain cases: mom does not let you go for a walk; dad gave you a big, beautiful toy, etc.
The teacher shows the children pictures with the main moods and names them: sadness, joy, fear, anger, attention, surprise.
The teacher reads the poem:
Animals have feelings
In fish, birds and people.
Influenced, no doubt
All of us are in a mood.
Who's having fun?
Who is sad?
Who got scared?
Who is angry?
Dispels all doubts
Mood ABC.
Then he offers to play a game with cards. (Each child is given an envelope with a picture of people and animals expressing mood.) For this, the teacher asks each child to find among the cards first all the cheerful people and animals, then all the dissatisfied, etc. Let him carefully consider all the characters expressing a certain emotion. Then you need to invite the child to portray a similar mood on his face, allowing him to peep at the corresponding pictures. If several children participate in the game, then they perform this task in turn. The one who does it best wins. If all the children experience difficulties, then the teacher joins the game and demonstrates the mood himself.
When children learn to reproduce the mood with the help of a visual cue, they can try to perform the same task without a picture, only by the name of the mood.
Give children a sense of self-worth.
To teach children to distinguish the individual characteristics of their appearance, face, height, age.
Didactic material - pictures of children different ages, height, appearance; pencils, felt-tip pens, flannelgraph.
Game progress.
The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures (depicting children of different ages in different game situations) and determine how they consider themselves to be - big, small or not very small. Can they say and show on their fingers how old they are, or do they not know it yet.
Children look at pictures of children of different sizes and say how they consider themselves now and how they want to grow up. The teacher invites the children to draw themselves as they want to be. From the children's drawings displayed on the flannelgraph, the children try to find out who is depicted in them. The teacher asks whether height determines which person is good or bad. Reading a poem:
If you yourself are small,
But with a high soul
So your real height
Above the most distant stars.
At the next lesson, the teacher invites the children to consider what their eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, hairstyle are like in themselves and their friends, and then draw their own self-portrait.
The game brings up in the child a sense of self-determination in the objective world, awareness of his body and its specific features.
Didactic material - toys of animals, men and other pictures with images of different people.
Game progress.
The teacher invites the child to compare himself with one or another toy: a duck, a cockerel, a bear, a clown, a soldier, an astronaut, a Barbie doll, etc. Statements like: “The duck has a beak, but I have a nose”, “The bear is shaggy, but I have the skin is smooth”, “The bear has four paws, and I have two arms and two legs”, “Both the soldier and I are brave”, “The clown and I love to go to the circus together”, “I am alive, but the Barbie doll is moving though , but still not alive, but only a doll,
You can modify the exercise by inviting children to compare themselves with their favorite characters (fairytale, television) and, finally, with each other (for example, a boy and a girl, of different or the same height, by the color of clothes, favorite activities, the ability to do something beautifully, etc. . p.). D / I "MY DAY"
Target. The game develops in children the ability to see and understand themselves, their external and internal world.
Didactic material - pictures depicting the behavior of children in everyday life, their games and fun; pencils, felt-tip pens, flannelgraph.
Game progress. The teacher invites children to listen to the poem "My Day":
In the morning I woke up by myself
In the morning I dressed myself
And then he washed himself
He also ate his own breakfast.
In the afternoon I took a walk by myself
And he returned home.
I played at home
I read the book myself
Undressed myself in the evening
I fell asleep in silence...
I saw a star in the window.
He didn't quarrel or whimper.
That's all.
Thanks to me!
Teacher. Children, tell us how you behave at home and what you can do on your own. Does anyone recognize themselves in this poem? Explain whether the boy in the poem behaved badly or well and how you would behave, whether dad and mom would like your behavior if you were like this boy.
Then the teacher invites the children to draw how they behave at home.
Target. The game teaches children to please their relatives, provide them with all possible assistance, instills in children the desire to help loved ones, communicate in the process of joint activities,
Didactic material - various sets of 3-4 items: a bucket, a rag, a mop, a scoop, glasses, knitting needles, a sock, a Knitting magazine, a scarf, a hat, mittens, a scarf, glue, a brush, a book, a book cover, a hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver, etc. The course of the game. Children arrange chairs and lay out game material throughout the group: on tables, on free shelves, on chairs, etc. The teacher helps them. Having finished preparing for the game, the kids sit on the chairs, and the teacher opposite them and begins to tell: “I know that you all already know how to help your dads, moms, grandparents, let's play now. We will learn to help loved ones. To do this, you will have to complete various tasks. Do you agree? »
After the children answer, the teacher calls four of them to him. The teacher tells the children that the grandmother knitted a sock. But she completely forgot where she put the magazine she needed, knitting needles, sock, glasses. He turns to the first four children with a request to help find these things. The teacher helps the children agree on what item each of them will look for. Children repeat the names of objects aloud. After that, the assistants scatter around the group and look for items. Having found them, they return to their place and show what they have found. The rest of the participants in the game, together with the teacher, check the correctness of the assignment by each assistant. The teacher, on behalf of the grandmother, thanks them for their help.
The first grandmother's assistants sit down to rest, and the teacher calls the next four. The game continues until all the children in the group have taken part in the game.
To continue the game, the teacher suggests the following situations:
- Dad decided to fix the chair. To do this, he needs to collect the following tools: a hammer, nails, pliers, a screwdriver.
- Mom needs help sweeping and washing the floor. Helpers should bring her a bucket, a rag, a mop and a dustpan.
The little brother is going for a walk. But he has lost his clothes and cannot find them. Help him. Where is his hat, scarf, mittens, handkerchief? Your favorite book is broken. They asked my grandfather to glue it, but he needs help. To do this, you need glue, a brush, a book and a cover torn from it.
At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the children and says that they are growing up to be real helpers for their families.
Target. The game teaches children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
Game rules: name only one action of this profession. If the child cannot remember, then he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it back to the leader.
Game actions: throwing and catching the ball.
Game progress. The teacher before the game conducts a short conversation, clarifying the children's understanding of the words used in various professions, actions. Then he says:
- Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. Tolin's mother treats the sick. She is a doctor. This is her profession. What do you think is the profession of Antonina Vasilievna, who cooks dinner for us? (Children answer: "Cook".) Each person, having a profession, performs some actions. What does the chef do? (Children answer.)
Now we will play with you the game “Who will name the most actions?” I will name the profession, and you will remember all the actions of a person of this profession.
The teacher says the word "doctor" and throws the ball to one of the players. Children answer: "Examines the sick, listens, heals, makes injections, operations, gives medicine."
The teacher names professions familiar to children: nanny, laundress, driver, etc. Children remember what people of these professions do.
Target. The game reinforces the knowledge of children that different goods are sold in various stores: grocery, manufactured goods, books (there are different grocery stores: "Vegetables and Fruits", "Bakery", "Milk"; manufactured goods: "Shoes", "Clothes", "Fabrics", " Child's world", "Sporting goods"); teaches children to distinguish stores by their name, to navigate in the environment; fosters a desire to help parents make simple purchases, communicate in joint activities. Didactic material - objects depicted in small pictures, on large cards.
Game progress.
The game is played like a lotto. The winner is the one who first closes all the cards and never makes a mistake.
At the beginning of the game, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children about whether they know where their mothers buy food, necessary things, items, what stores they know, what are the names of the stores that are close to their home, do they help
Target. The game teaches children to describe an object, find its essential features, recognize an object by description, and strengthens communication skills in public places.
Didactic material - toys.
Game progress.
Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with toys. The teacher, addressing them, says:
- We have opened a shop. Look how many beautiful toys it has! You can buy them, but in order to buy a toy, you need to fulfill one condition: do not name it, but describe it, while you cannot look at the toy. According to your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you.
A seller is chosen with a short rhyme. The teacher is the first to buy a toy, showing how to follow the rules of the game:
- Hello! I want to buy a toy. It is round, rubbery, can jump, children like to play with it.
The seller hands the ball to the buyer.
- Thank you, what a beautiful ball! - the teacher says and sits on a chair, holding the ball in his hands.
The seller calls the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy he has chosen to buy:
- And please sell me such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes.
The seller gives a fox toy. The buyer thanks and sits down. The game continues until all the children have bought toys. The role of the seller can be performed but how many guys take turns. Children who "bought" toys play with them in the room or on a walk. The teacher brings to the store such toys that the children have not played with for a long time in order to arouse interest in them, to remind them how interesting and beautiful they are.
Note. By the same principle, the game "Flower Shop" is played, where children describe houseplants, their leaves, stem, flower.
Target. The game develops attention, observation, the ability to distinguish the individual characteristics of other children.
Didactic material - pictures depicting birds, fish, animals; drawing supplies.
Game progress. The children, along with the teacher, stand in a circle. At will, one of the children is called. The facilitator asks the following questions:
Which one of us is the tallest?
Which of us is the smallest?
Who has the darkest (lightest) hair?
Who has a bow on his head (two bows)?
Who has buttons on their clothes?
- Who has red (blue, green, etc.) in their clothes?
- Which of the children have the same shoes? Etc.
The teacher, summing up, tells the children that they were able to make sure that each of them has something that others do not have, and explains to them the concept of “different”. He says that all people and animals differ from each other in various ways, one of which is eye color. The teacher shows the children pictures of birds, fish and animals, offers to say what kind of eyes they have, then the children determine the color of each other's eyes, draw and color desired color eyes in the picture.
Then the teacher in an accessible form tells the children about a person’s eyes: what color they are, what mood they express, why you need to look into each other’s eyes, what you can see in them, what kind of eyes mother has when she is tired, rejoices, laughs, how and why we cry.
At the next lesson, the theme of the game can be continued, but already with a consideration of the meaning of the nose, mouth, ears, etc. For example, the teacher reads a poem:
Slap, slap! Farther
On the lawn of his nose
Slapping in the mud They don't see The know-it-alls, Nothing.
The teacher asks the children what shape the noses are (shows pictures of noses in different animals: short and long, cheerful and dull, with a hump, etc.), invites children to draw their nose on the “face” diagram.
Next, the children find out what the nose is for (not only for detecting smells and inhaling air, but also for communication). What kind of nose does the know-it-all have? Why is it bad to “turn up your nose?” The teacher also clarifies the hygiene requirements for nose care and the need to always have a clean handkerchief with you.
The game forms positive relationships between children, encourages them to do good deeds.
Preparing for the game. In advance, it is necessary to collect in a basket the toys most beloved by children for the upcoming walk and prepare for staging dolls (Alyosha and Natasha), clothes for dolls, small toys, a screen for a puppet show.
Game progress.
Children dress up for a walk. At this moment, the dolls Alyosha and Natasha come to them.
Teacher. Alyosha and Natasha, hello. Have you come to visit us? Get ready for a walk, go for a walk with us.
(Alyosha and Natasha begin to dress incorrectly and carelessly, snatching toys from each other.)
Children. Like our Yura! (They laugh and Yura is embarrassed.)
Teacher. Alyosha and Natasha, you don't know how to get ready for a walk, our guys will teach you now. Children, show Alyosha and Natasha how to dress for a walk. (Children dress up, and the dolls look carefully, express their attitude to what they see and begin to dress themselves correctly).
Teacher. And now, Yura, please show us what favorite toys of our children you will take for a walk.
(Yura carefully selects the toys and shows what has been cooked.)
Teacher. Children, did Yura take toys for everyone? Did you forget about anyone? Well done Yura!

"Guess what sounds" Purpose: To develop auditory attention. Move: An adult behind a screen rings a tambourine, rustles paper, rings a bell, etc. Invites the child to guess what object made the sound.
"Guess what to do" ^ Goal: Develop auditory attention. Move: The child is given two flags in his hands. If an adult rings a tambourine loudly, the child raises the flags up and waves them. If it's quiet, he keeps his hands on his knees. (It is recommended to alternate loud and quiet sounding of a tambourine no more than four times).
"Where they called" Purpose: To develop auditory attention. Move: The child closes his eyes, and the adult stands to the left, right, behind. and rings the bell. The child must turn to the place where the sound is heard, and, without opening his eyes, show the direction with his handleft000
"Does it sound like that?" ^ Purpose: To develop the phonemic hearing of children, the ability to select words similar in sound. Stroke: The teacher invites the child to arrange the pictures in 2 rows: in each row there should be images whose names sound similar. When the pictures are laid out, the teacher and the child together name the words. Note the variety of words. left000
"What do you have?" ^ Goal: Continue to teach children to measure the length of a word. Move: The teacher calls the word (shows a picture or a toy, the children slap this word and, in accordance with this, raise the strip long or short. left000 "Tom and Tim" ^ Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds.Movement: The teacher offers to consider gnomes and find differences.Children determine the first sound given word and according to this they put the picture to one of the gnomes. For example: if the first sound is a hard consonant, then the picture is for a big gnome. left000
"Funny ball" ^ Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children, the articulatory apparatus. Ability to follow verbal instructions Move: The teacher says: “I have fun ball. He knows how to laugh: ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee. (Children repeat.) left000
“If a girl plays, then the ball laughs: ha ha ha.
If a boy plays, the ball laughs: hee hee hee.
When the ball falls the children say: ah-oh.
“Say a word” ^ Goal: Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound [p], Develop auditory attention. Game progress: The teacher pronounces a phrase, but does not finish the sounds in the last word. Children must complete this word. Ra-ra-ra - the ig (ra) begins. Ry- ry-ry-at the boy sha (ry) .Ar-ar-ar-fo (nar) hangs on the wall .left000
"What is he doing? »Goal: Show children that words are different and they sound different. Stroke: The teacher shows a toy (a picture, invites the children to say what this object does, draws the children's attention to how many different words there are, that they sound differently. left000 "Wind - breeze" ^ Purpose: To develop speech attention, voice box children. Stroke: A strong wind sways the trees and makes a loud noise: “Shi-Shi-Shi” (Children, together with the teacher, raise their hands up, swing them strongly and make sounds.) The breeze shakes the grass and quietly sings: “Shhh”. (Children squat, swing their arms and quietly make sounds) The teacher randomly says “Wind”, “Breeze” 6-8 times, and the children perform the corresponding movements. left000
“Whose song” Purpose: To develop the phonemic hearing of children. Stroke: In front of the children, 2 pictures (large and small mosquitoes) hang on the flannelograph. The teacher invites the child to take a subject picture, highlight the sound [z] or [z "], put the picture near the corresponding mosquito.
"Motors" ^ Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, speech attention of children. Move: The teacher calls different words. Children stand in a circle and pass the ball around the circle for each word. If the children hear the song of the big motor [p], they throw the ball to the teacher. Then they throw the ball when they hear the sound [p "].left000 in the word

"Birdhouses for Birds" ^ Purpose: To teach children to measure the length of words. Progress: The speech therapist shows the children 3 birdhouses (each of them has a different number of windows from 1-3). Children measure the length of a word, and distribute the birds according to the number of syllables. 3771908445500
"Blizzard" ^ Purpose: To develop the power of the voice of children. Move: The speech therapist shows an illustration of a blizzard. Makes a sound [y] - the song of a blizzard. If the teacher says: "The blizzard begins." Children quietly pronounce the sound [y]. “The blizzard is strong” - they say it loudly. “The blizzard ends” - they say more quietly. “The blizzard has calmed down” - they fall silent.
"Sound Clock" ^ Purpose: To teach children to identify the first sound in a word. Progress: The teacher, placing an arrow in front of the picture, suggests intonationally highlighting the first sound in this word, name it.left000

“Mosquitoes and bugs” ^ Purpose: To teach children to differentiate sounds [h] and [g]. Move: The teacher divides children into 2 groups: bugs and mosquitoes. One of the children is an owl.left000left000
At the signal of the teacher “Mosquitoes are flying, mosquitoes are buzzing”, children - “mosquitoes” fly out and buzz [z-z-z].
At the signal of the teacher, beetles fly out [f-f-f].

“Who is attentive” ^ Purpose: To develop the ability of children to distinguish between sounds [h] and [s]. Move: The teacher shows subject pictures in the name of which sounds [h] or [s] are heard. The teacher emphasizes the given sounds intonation. Children pronounce the sound that they heard.

"Birdhouses for Birds" ^ Purpose: To teach children to measure the length of words. Progress: The speech therapist shows the children 3 birdhouses (each of them has a different number of windows from 1-3). Children measure the length of a word, and distribute the birds according to the number of syllables. left000
"Bus" ^ Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing in children. Stroke: Children sit on chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). A big car is driving. Children should put in it such toys, in the name of which there is a sound being studied. If the toys are assembled incorrectly, the bus will not move.
"Gate" ^ Purpose: To exercise children in distinguishing between vowels and consonants. Stroke: The teacher calls the sounds, if it is a consonant sound - hands on the table together (there is an obstacle). If a vowel sound - children put their hands on their elbows (no barrier).
“Words are friends” ^ Purpose: To teach children to choose words that are close in sound. Move: The speech therapist gives an example of a similar sound of words (cat - spoon). Then he pronounces one word and invites the children to choose other words that are similar in sound to him (cannon - toy, drying, frog and others).
“Third Extra” ^ Purpose: To continue to teach children to identify the first sound in a word, to distinguish between hard and soft consonants. Move: The teacher lays out a card that shows 3 objects. Children identify the first sound in each word. Find differences (hay, lard, catfish).
didactic games for the development of speech
The game "Sun or rain?"
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.
Short description:
An adult says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it.
Methodical instructions. The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Game "Come play with us"
Target. Teach children to speak loudly. Developing the ability to use a loud voice.
Preparatory work. Pick up toys: bear, bunny, fox.
Short description:
Children sit in a semicircle. An adult at a distance of 2-3 m from the children arranges toys and says: “It’s boring for a bear, a bunny and a fox to sit alone. Let's invite them to play with us. In order for them to hear us, we need to call loudly, like this: “Misha, go!” Children, together with the teacher, call a bear, a fox, a bunny, then play with them.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that children speak loudly when they call toys, and do not shout.

Game "Guess who's screaming"
Target. Education in children the ability to focus auditory attention. Teach children to identify a toy by onomatopoeia.
Preparatory work. Prepare voiced toys depicting domestic animals familiar to children: a cow, a dog, a goat, a cat, etc.
Short description:
The adult takes out the prepared toys (one at a time), beats them, imitating the cry of the corresponding animals, then asks the children to listen and guess by voice who will come to visit them. The child chosen by the adult leaves the door and, opening it slightly, gives a voice, imitating one of the animals, and the children guess who it is.
Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated 5-6 times. Make sure the children listen carefully. Activate the questions of all children.

Fairy tale "Hurry - laugh"
Target. To develop speech hearing and speech activity of children, encourage them to pronounce sounds by imitation. The development in children of the ability to correctly pronounce sounds by imitation. The development of speech hearing. Preparatory work. Prepare a house for display on a flannelograph, through the window of which a bear looks out; frog, mouse, chicken, goose, cow. Think of questions about the text of the story.
Short description:
The frog galloped to the bear's house. She croaked under the window: “Kwa-kva-kva - I came to visit you!” The mouse came running. She squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee - your pies are delicious, they say!” The chicken has arrived. Kvokhtala: “Ko-ko-ko - crusts, they say, are crumbly!” The goose hobbled. He cackles: "Go-ho-go - peas would be pecked!" The cow has arrived. Mumbles: “Mu-mu-mu - I would drink a flour drinker!” Then the bear leaned out of the window. He growled: “R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!” Everyone fled. Yes, in vain the cowards hurried. Would listen to what the bear wanted to say. Here's what: “R-r-r-r-r-pleased guests. Come in, please!"
Methodical instructions. The telling of the tale should be accompanied by showing its characters on the flannelgraph. Onomatopoeia must be pronounced clearly, highlighting vowel sounds.

Game "Butterfly, fly!"
Target. Achieve a long, continuous oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. Prepare 5 brightly colored paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between the two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the face of the standing child.
Short description:
Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look at what beautiful butterflies: blue, yellow, red! How many! They are like alive! Let's see if they can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Try to blow too. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one near each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to ensure that the children stand straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without getting air. Cheeks do not puff out, lips slightly push forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may feel dizzy.

Game "Where did you call?"
Target. Teach children to determine the direction of the sound. Development of the focus of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a bell.
Short description:
Children sit in a circle. An adult chooses a driver who becomes in the center of the circle. At the signal, the driver closes his eyes. Then the teacher gives one of the children a bell and offers to call. The driver, without opening his eyes, must indicate with his hand the direction from which the sound comes. If he points correctly, the adult says: “It's time” - and the driver opens his eyes, and the one who called raises and shows the call. If the driver made a mistake, he guesses again, then another driver is appointed.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that the driver does not open his eyes during the game. Indicating the direction of the sound, the driver turns to face the place where the sound is heard. You don't have to call very loudly.

Game "Don't Wake Katya"
Target. Teach children to speak quietly. Developing the ability to use a quiet voice.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a doll with closing eyes, a crib with bedding; small toys, such as a cube, a car, a turret, etc., as well as a toy box.
Short description:
The teacher puts a bed with a sleeping doll on his table and says: “Katya walked a lot, she was tired. I ate and fell asleep. And we need to put away the toys, but only quietly so as not to wake Katya. Come to me, Olya and Petya. Olya, quietly tell Petya which toy should be put in the box. So the teacher calls all the children two by two, and they remove the toys placed on the table.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children speak quietly, but not in a whisper.

The game "Whose bird will fly further?"
Target. To achieve from each child the ability to make a long, continuous, directed exhalation. Education of a long directed oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. The teacher cuts out birds from thin paper and brightly colors them.
Short description:
Birds are placed on two tables (at the very edge of the table) at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Four children are called, each sits opposite the bird. At the signal “birds have flown”, the children blow on the figures, the rest follow whose bird will fly further.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that children do not puff out their cheeks when they blow on paper birds. You can advance the figure only on one exhalation. At first, the teacher shows this, warning that it is impossible to blow on the bird several times in a row.

Game "Guess what I play"
Target. Teach children to identify an object by ear by its sound. Education of stability of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects musical toys: a drum, an accordion, a tambourine, an organ, etc.
Short description:
An adult introduces children to musical toys: an accordion, a drum, an organ, a tambourine. Then he puts the toys away behind the screen. Having played one of the instruments, he asks the children to guess what he played. The one who guessed correctly takes out the instrument from behind the screen and plays it.
Methodical instructions. Make sure the children sit quietly and listen carefully. There should not be more than four different instruments in one lesson. The game should be repeated 5-7 times.

Loud and quiet game
Target. Teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: large and small cars, large and small drums, large and small pipes.
Short description:
An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car drives, it signals loudly: “beep”. How does a big car signal? Children loudly pronounce: "beep". The teacher continues: “And the small car honks softly:“ beep. How does the little car honk? Children quietly say: "beep." The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car honks loudly, and the small car honks softly.
Other toys are played in the same way.
Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that with a quiet pronunciation of onomatopoeia, the children do not switch to a whisper.

A. Barto's poem “Who is screaming?”
Target. To achieve the correct reproduction of various onomatopoeia by children. The development of the ability to imitate, as well as speech hearing.
Preparatory work. Prepare toys: rooster, chicken, cat, dog, duck, cow. Think over questions to the text of the poem so that children actively use onomatopoeia in their answers.
I guard chickens.
Ran down in the bushes.
I'm scared of chickens.
Who's there?
Rain tomorrow morning!
Milk to whom?
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to read the poem expressively, while reading, show the children the appropriate toys.

Game "Guess what they do"
Target. Teach children to identify actions by sound. Education of stability of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects the following items: a glass of water, a bell, a wooden mallet.
Short description:
The teacher shows the children the prepared objects and performs various actions with them: hits the table with a wooden mallet, rings a bell, pours water from glass to glass. Children watch and listen. Then the teacher removes everything behind the screen and repeats these actions there, and the children guess by the sound what he is doing.
Methodical instructions. If children find it difficult to determine the action, you need to demonstrate it again clearly. If they can easily cope with the task, you can increase the number of items or take items that are similar in sound.

The game "Launching boats"
Target. Achieve from each child the ability to pronounce the sound for a long time on one exhalation or repeatedly pronounce the sound p (p-p-p) on one exhale. Cultivating the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of an exhalation.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a basin of water and paper boats.
Short description:
Children sit in a large semicircle. In the center, on a small table, is a basin of water. The called children, sitting on chairs, blow on the boats, pronouncing the sound f or p.
The teacher invites the children to ride a boat from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis. In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, folding your lips, as for pronouncing the sound f. You can blow by simply stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. The ship is moving smoothly. But here comes the gusty wind. "P-p-p ..." - the child blows. (When repeating the game, you need to drive the boat to a certain place.)
Methodical instructions. Make sure that when pronouncing the sound f, the children do not puff out their cheeks; so that the children pronounce the sound p on one exhalation 2-3 times and do not puff out their cheeks.

The story "Who is screaming?"
Target. Teach children to speak in a "thin" voice and low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares pictures with images of a tree, a fence, a bird, a chick, a cat, a kitten, as well as a toy cat, a kitten, a bird, a chick for work on a flannelograph. Brief description:
The teacher begins to tell, accompanying his speech with a display of the corresponding figures on the flannelograph: “In the morning, early in the country, we went out for a walk. We hear someone squeaking thinly: “wee-wee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). We look, this is a chick sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring a worm. How thin is the chick squeaking? (“Pee-pee-pee.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed: “pee-pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice). How did the mother bird squeak? ("Pee-pee-pee.")
The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting thinly: “meow-meow-meow” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). And a kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the model of the educator.) It was he who called the cat mom. She heard, running along the path and meowing:
“meow-meow-meow” (says “meow-meow” in a lower voice). How did the cat meow? ("Meow meow meow".)
And now, children, I will show you who came to visit us. The teacher takes out the cat, shows how she walks on the table, then sits down. How does a cat meow? Children, lowering their voice, say: "meow-meow-meow."
Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children do not scream, but speak calmly, raising and lowering their voice within the limits accessible to them.

Game "Guess what to do"
Target. To teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.
Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child.
Short description:
Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher rings a tambourine loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.
Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and correct execution movements; alternating loud and soft sounding of the tambourine should be no more than four times so that children can easily perform movements.

The story "Song-song"
Target. To develop speech hearing and speech activity, encourage children to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation. Clarification of sound pronunciation in children. The development of speech hearing.
Preparatory work. Pick up the following toys: a big doll, a rooster, a cat, a duck, a bear, a frog. Think over the questions about the story so that the children's answers include onomatopoeia that are given in it.
The girl sang a song. She sang and sang and sang.
- Now you, cockerel, sing!
- Ku-ka-re-ku! - crowed the cockerel.
- You sing, Murka!
“Meow, meow,” the cat sang.
- Your turn, duck!
- Quack-quack-quack, - the duck began to draw.
- And you. Bear!
- Ryav-ryav-r-i-jav! the bear growled.
- You, frog, sing!
- Kwa-kva-kwak-k-k! - croaked the wahoo.
- And you, doll, what will you sing?
- Ma-a-ma-a-ma! Mother! Composite song!
Methodical instructions. The teacher should accompany his story with a display of character toys; pronounce onomatopoeia clearly, achieve the same from children when answering questions about the story.

Game "Poultry Farm"
Target. The development of speech breathing. Teach children on one exhale: pronounce 3-4 syllables.
Preparatory work. Pick up sounding toys: chicken, rooster, duck, goose, chicken.
Short description:
An adult shows toys to children and reproduces their sound 3-4 times in a row. Toys are removed. The teacher says: “We went to the poultry farm. Let's go, and meet us ... (shows a chicken) chicken. How will she greet us?" Children: "ko-ko-ko."
“We went further. I'll meet a goose. How will he greet us?" Children: ha-ha-ha. Then the teacher sequentially shows the remaining toys, and the children pronounce the corresponding onomatopoeia.
Methodical instructions. First, all the participants in the game speak, then you can ask three or four children one at a time. Make sure that onomatopoeia (ko-ko-ko, ha-ha-ha, pi-pi-pi, ku-ka-re-ku, quack-quack-quack) children pronounce on one exhalation. Some children can pronounce 2-3 onomatopoeia, others - 3 - 4.

Game "Guess who's coming"
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the tempo of the sound of the tambourine. Education of the ability to determine the tempo of the sound of a tambourine.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares 2 pictures depicting a walking heron and a galloping sparrow.
Short description:
The teacher shows the children a picture of a heron and says that her legs are long, she walks importantly, slowly, as slowly as a tambourine sounds now. The teacher slowly taps the tambourine, and the children walk like herons.
Then the adult shows a picture of a sparrow and says that the sparrow is jumping as fast as the tambourine is about to sound. He quickly knocks on a tambourine, and the children jump like sparrows. Then the teacher changes the tempo of the sound of the tambourine, and the children, respectively, either walk like herons or jump like sparrows.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to change the tempo of the sounding of the tambourine no more than 4 - 5 times.

The game "The wind blows"
Target. Teach children to use a loud or quiet voice depending on the situation. Changing the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares 2 pictures. One depicts a light breeze shaking grass, flowers. On the other - a strong wind shaking the branches of trees.
Short description:
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher says: “We went for a walk in the forest in the summer. We go through the field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the grass is swaying, flowers (shows a picture). It blows softly, like this: “uuuu” (quietly and for a long time pronounces the sound y). We came to the forest, picked up a lot of flowers and berries. We were about to go back. Suddenly a strong wind blew (shows a picture). He hummed loudly: "uuuuuu..." (pronounces this sound loudly and for a long time). Children repeat after the teacher how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums.
Then the teacher shows the pictures, no longer pronouncing the sound, and the children imitate the corresponding wind.
Methodical instructions. The teacher makes sure that the children, repeating after him, observe the same power of voice.

The game "Who is attentive?"
Target. Teach children to correctly perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice with which they pronounce it. Development of physical hearing acuity.
Preparatory work. Pick up toys that are easy to perform various actions with.
Short description:
Children sit in 3 rows opposite the teacher's table. (The first row at a distance of 2-3 m). There are various toys on the table. The adult says: “Children, now I will give tasks to those who are sitting in the front row. I will speak in a whisper, so you need to sit quietly so that everyone can hear. I'll call each one by name and give you a task, and you check if it's done correctly. Be careful. Vova, take the bear and put it in the car.”
Tasks are performed in turn by all the children sitting in the first row. Then they change places: the second row takes the place of the first, the third - the second, the first - the third.
Methodical instructions. The teacher needs to make sure that the children sit quietly, do not prompt each other. Assignments should be short and simple.

The game "Whose ship is buzzing better?"
Target. To achieve the ability to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue. The development of a long purposeful oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. The teacher prepares glass vials (according to the number of children) about 7 cm high, with a neck diameter of 1-1.5 cm, makes stickers with the names of the children on them.
Short description:
Each child is given a clean vial. The teacher says: “Children, listen to how my bubble buzzes if I blow into it. (Humming.) Buzzed like a steamer. And how will Misha's steamer hum? The teacher turns to each child in turn, and then invites everyone to hum together.
Methodical instructions. To buzz into the vial, stick out the tip of the tongue slightly so that it touches the edge of the neck. The bubble touches the chin. The jet of air should be long and go in the middle of the tongue. If the beep does not work, then the child does not comply with one of these requirements. Each child can only blow for a few seconds to avoid dizziness.

Game "Cat and Mice"
Target. Teach children to speak poetry quietly. Developing the ability to use a quiet voice.
Preparatory work. Prepare hats with the image of a cat. Teach the children the text of the poem.
Short description:
Children walk in a circle, in the center of which a child depicting a cat squats down. The children say in a low voice:
"Hush, mice.
Hush, mice.
The cat is sitting on our roof.
Mouse, mouse, beware!
And don't get caught by the cat!
A child imitating a cat meows loudly and runs after the children. Those caught become cats.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children do not increase their voice, but do not speak in a whisper.

Exercise "Beep"
Target. Teach children to change the strength of the voice from loud to quiet. Developing the ability to regulate the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. Prepare a picture of a steam locomotive.
Short description:
Children stand in one row facing the teacher and raise their hands through the sides up until their palms meet. Then slowly lower through the sides down. Simultaneously with lowering their hands, the children utter the sound loudly at first, and then gradually quieter (the locomotive moves away). Lowering their hands, they fall silent.
Methodical instructions. First, the teacher himself shows the exercise, then he calls two children who represent the beep with him. The rest of the children make only movements with their hands. Then the whole group takes part in the game.

Color match game
Target. Teach children to pronounce a phrase of two or three words together. Development of a smooth speech exhalation.
Preparatory work. Pick up subject pictures of primary colors and make cardboard cubes of the same colors without one face.
Short description:
Children are given pictures on which objects of different colors are drawn. Showing the cube, the teacher says: "Whoever has pictures of the same color as the cube, come here." Children go out, show their pictures, name them (“Red Car”, “Red Ball”, etc.) and add them to this cube. The game continues until all the children have put their pictures into cubes.
Methodical instructions. Make sure that the children speak the words together, on one exhale.

The game "Guess the train is near or far"
Target. Teach children to correctly determine the strength of the voice. The development of the ability to distinguish by ear the power of sound.
Preparatory work. Pick up 3 pictures on which the train is drawn. In the first picture, the train is at the station. On the second, he moves away from her, the mourners wave after her. The third shows the station, in the distance, beyond the forest, the last car of the train is visible.
Short description:
The teacher puts 3 pictures of a train on the board. He says: “The train before leaving the station is buzzing - uuu. The train is standing close, and we hear a loud horn. (Produces the sound y in a loud voice.) When the train left the station and honked, we heard a not so loud horn. (He pronounces onomatopoeia in a normal voice of medium volume.) And when the train has gone far and hummed, it is already barely audible. (Pronounces onomatopoeia in a low voice.)
Next, the teacher pronounces the sound y with different voice strengths, and the children indicate the corresponding picture.
Methodical instructions. If the children answer correctly, then they themselves can take turns leading (give a signal with a voice of different strength).
Didactic games on ecology (file cabinet)
What do we take in the basket?
Didactic task: to consolidate in children the knowledge of what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
Learn to distinguish fruits according to where they are grown.
To form an idea of ​​the role of people in conservation of nature.
Materials: Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.
Game progress. Some children have pictures depicting various gifts of nature. Others have pictures in the form of baskets.
Children - the fruits disperse around the room to cheerful music, with movements and facial expressions depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.
Children - baskets should pick up fruits in both hands. Prerequisite: Each child must bring fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.
Tops - roots.
Did. Objective: To teach children how to make a whole out of parts.
Materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.
Game progress. Option 1. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables that have roots for food, and in the hoop of blue color- those that use tops.
The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable there. (in the area where the hoops intersect, there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.
Option 2. Tops and roots of plants - vegetables are on the table. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take tops, the second - roots. At the signal, everyone runs in all directions. At the signal "One, two, three - find your pair!"
Ball game "Air, earth, water"
Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about objects of nature. Develop auditory attention, thinking, ingenuity.
Materials: ball.
Game progress: Option number 1. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. The child answers the word "dolphin" "water", the word "wolf" - "earth", etc. Option No. 2. The teacher calls the word "air" the child who caught the ball must name the bird. On the word "earth" - an animal that lives on earth; to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans. Guess what's in the bag?
Did. task: to teach children to describe objects perceived by touch and guess them by their characteristic features.
Materials: vegetables and fruits of characteristic shape and different density: onion, beetroot, tomato, plum, apple, pear, etc. Game progress: do you know the game "Wonderful bag" ?, we will play differently today. To whom I propose to get an object out of the bag, he will not immediately pull it out, but after feeling it, he will first name its characteristic features.
Nature and man.
Did. task: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what a person has created and what nature gives a person.
Materials: ball.
Game progress: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by people's hands or exist in nature, and people use them; for example, wood, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.
"What is man made"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.
"What is created by nature"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.
Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember miss their turn.
Choose the right one.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.
Materials: subject pictures.
Game progress: subject pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or feature, and the children must choose as many items as possible that have this property.
For example: "green" - these can be pictures of a leaf, cucumber, grasshopper cabbage. Or: “wet” - water, dew, cloud, fog, hoarfrost, etc.
Where are the snowflakes?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.
Materials: cards depicting various water conditions: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc. Game progress:
Option number 1. Children walk in a round dance around the cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict various states of water: a waterfall, a river, a puddle, ice, snowfall, a cloud, rain, steam, a snowflake, etc. While moving in a circle, the words are pronounced:
Here comes the summer.
The sun shone brighter.
It got hotter to bake
Where can we find a snowflake?
With the last word, everyone stops. Those in front of whom the necessary pictures are located should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:
Finally, winter has come:
Cold, blizzard, cold.
Come out for a walk.
Where can we find a snowflake?
Re-select the desired pictures and explain the choice.
Option number 2. There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children should place their cards in hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.
The conclusion is drawn from the answers to the questions:
- At what time of the year, water in nature can be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late fall).
What branch are the kids from?
Did. task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to select them according to their belonging to one plant.
Materials: leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs.
Game progress: Children examine the leaves of trees and shrubs, name them. At the suggestion of the educator: “Children, find your branches” - the guys pick up the corresponding fruit for each leaf.
The birds have arrived.
Did. task: to clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbirds.
Game progress: the teacher calls only the birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children should stomp or clap.
For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.
Children stomp -
What's wrong? (flies)
- Who are the flies? (insects)
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.
Children stomp.
- birds flew in: pigeons, martens ...
Children stomp. The game continues.
The birds have arrived:
pigeon tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, swifts,
storks, cuckoos,
Even owls are splyushki,
Swans, starlings.
All of you are great.
Bottom line: the teacher, together with the children, specifies migratory and wintering birds.
When does it happen?
Did. task: to teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of a poetic word, show the beauty of the different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.
Materials: for each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Game progress: the teacher reads a poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season that the poem refers to.
In the clearing, by the path, blades of grass make their way.
A stream runs from the hillock, and snow lies under the tree.
And light and wide
Our quiet river.
Let's go swimming, splashing with fish ...
Withers and turns yellow, grass in the meadows,
Only the winter turns green in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling.
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
Animals, birds, fish.
Did. task: to consolidate the skill, classify animals, birds, fish.
Materials: ball.
Game progress: children stand in a circle. One of the players picks up an object and passes it to the neighbor on the right, saying: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird?
The neighbor accepts the item and quickly answers (the name of any bird).
Then he passes the thing to another child, with the same question. The object is passed around in a circle until the stock of knowledge of the participants in the game is exhausted.
They also play, naming fish, animals. (it is impossible to name the same bird, fish, beast).
Guess what grows where.
Did. task: to clarify the knowledge of children about the names and places of growth of plants; develop attention, intelligence, memory.
Materials: ball.
Game progress: children sit on chairs or stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws a ball to one of the children, while naming the place where this plant grows: garden, vegetable garden, meadow, field, forest.
Spring, summer, autumn.
Did. task: to clarify the knowledge of children about the flowering time of individual plants (for example, narcissus, tulip - in spring); golden ball, asters - in autumn, etc.; teach to classify on this basis, develop their memory, quick wit. Materials: ball.
Game progress: children stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws the ball, while naming the season when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child names the plant.
Lay down the animal.
Did. task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about pets. Learn to describe according to the most typical features.
Materials: pictures depicting different animals (each in two copies).
Game progress: one copy of the pictures is whole, and the second is cut into four parts. Children look at whole pictures, then they must put together an image of an animal from the cut parts, but without a sample.
What is made of what?
Did. task: to teach children to determine the material from which the object is made.
Materials: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell, key, etc.
Game progress: children take out of the bag miscellaneous items and named, indicating what each item is made of.
Guess what.
Did. task: to develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify children's knowledge about berries.
Materials: pictures for each child with the image of berries. Book of riddles.
Game progress: on the table in front of each child are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and raise a guessing picture.
Edible - inedible.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.
Materials: basket, subject pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms.
Game progress: on the table in front of each child are pictures of the answer. The teacher guesses a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put a picture-guide of an edible mushroom in a basket
Name three things.
Did. task: to exercise children in the classification of objects.
Materials: ball.
Game progress: the teacher calls one word, for example flowers, and the one to whom the teacher throws the ball must name three words that can be called one word. For example: flowers
- Chamomile, rose, cornflower.
Flower shop.
Did. task: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.
Materials: petals, color pictures.
Go games: Option 1. On the table is a tray with multi-colored petals of various shapes. Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals both in color and in shape.
Option 2. Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must describe the flower he has chosen in such a way that the seller immediately guesses which flower he is talking about.
Option 3. From flowers, children independently make three bouquets: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.
The fourth is redundant.
Did. task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about insects.
Game progress: the teacher calls four words, the children must name the extra word:
1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;
2) wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;
3) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
4) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, cockchafer;
5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
6) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;
7) cockroach, fly, bee, Maybug;
8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;
9) frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly; 10) dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow. The teacher reads the words, and the children should think which ones are suitable for the ant (bumblebee ... bee ... cockroach).
Vocabulary: anthill, green, flutters, honey, dodgy, industrious, red back, belt, annoying, beehive, hairy, rings, river, chirps, cobweb, flat, aphids, pest, “flying flower”, honeycombs, buzzes, needles, "jumping champion", motley-winged, big eyes, red mustache, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective coloration, frightening coloration. A wonderful bag.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge in children, what animals eat. Develop curiosity.
Materials: bag.
Game progress: in the bag are: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc. Children get food for animals, guess who it is for, who eats what.
Useful - not useful.
Did. task: to consolidate the concepts of useful and harmful products.
Materials: product cards.
Game progress: put what is useful on one table, what is not useful on the other.
Useful: oatmeal, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc. Unhealthy: chips, fatty meat, chocolates, cakes, fanta, etc. Find out and name.
Did. task: to consolidate the knowledge of medicinal plants.
Game progress: the teacher takes plants from the basket and shows them to the children, clarifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you some plant, and you have to tell everything you know about it. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine).
For example, chamomile (flowers) are harvested in summer, plantain (only leaves without legs are harvested) in spring and early summer, nettle - in spring, when it just grows (2-3 children's stories). What kind of animal am I?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the animals of Africa. Develop fantasy.
Game progress: a group of children participates in the game, the number of players is not limited. The group has a leader. One of the players retires a short distance, turns away and waits until he is invited.
A group of guys are conferring among themselves about the beast, i.e. what animal they will portray or 2nd option: answer the questions of the presenter.
So, the beast is guessed, the participant is invited, the game begins.
The participant asks questions to a group of players, for example: is the beast small? can crawl? jump? does he have fluffy fur? etc.
The children, in turn, answer the leader “yes” or “no”. This continues until the player guesses the beast.
name the plant
Did. task: to clarify knowledge about indoor plants.
Game progress: the teacher offers to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the game condition changes (“Where is the balsam?” etc.)
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the plants have different stems.
- Name plants with straight stems, with climbing, without a stem. How should you take care of them? How else do plants differ from each other?
What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?
Who lives where
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats.
Game progress: the teacher has pictures depicting animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, lair, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” at home by showing the card to the teacher.
Flying, swimming, running.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about objects of wildlife.
Game progress: the teacher shows or calls the children an object of wildlife. Children must depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - they depict the flight of a bird. Take care of nature.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the protection of natural objects.
The course of the game: on a table or a typesetting canvas, pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, a person, the sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to a person, to plants, etc.
Did. task: to clarify children's knowledge about objects of animate and inanimate nature.
Game progress: the teacher has in his hands a subject picture depicting an object of living or inanimate nature. Transferring the picture, first the teacher, and then each child in a chain, names one attribute of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, a “squirrel” is an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc. What would happen if they disappeared from the forest ...
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the relationship in nature.
Game progress: the teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:
- What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were gone? What if there were no mushrooms? What if the hares left the forest?
It turns out that it was not by chance that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected to each other. They cannot do without each other.
Droplets go around.
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the water cycle in nature.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to play an interesting and magical game. But for this you need to turn into small drops of rain. (Music resembling rain sounds) the teacher pronounces the magic words and the game begins.
The teacher says that she is Cloud's mother, and the guys are her little children, it's time for them to hit the road. (Music.) Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Mama Cloud shows them what to do.
Droplets flew to the ground. Let's jump and play. They got bored of jumping one by one. They gathered together and flowed in little cheerful streams. (The droplets will make a stream, holding hands.) The streams met and became a big river. (Streams are connected in one chain.) Droplets float in a large river, travel. The river flowed and flowed and fell into the ocean (children reorganize into a round dance and move in a circle). Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that their mother cloud ordered them to return home. And just then the sun came up. The droplets became light, stretched up (crouched droplets rise and stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to their mother Cloud. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t climb into the collars of passers-by, they didn’t splash. Now stay with your mom, she misses you.
I know.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop curiosity.
Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a ball. The teacher throws a ball to the child and names a class of natural objects (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who caught the ball says: “I know five names of animals” and lists (for example, elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer) and returns the ball to the teacher. Other classes of objects of nature are called similarly.
What it is?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. Develop thinking.
Game progress: the teacher thinks of an object of living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guessed it, the next object is guessed, if not, then the list of signs increases. For example: “Egg” - oval, white, fragile, solid on top, more often liquid, nutritious inside, can be found in a peasant yard, in a forest, even in a city, chicks hatch from it. Recognize a bird by silhouette.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, to exercise the ability to recognize birds by silhouette.
Game progress: children are offered silhouettes of birds. Children guess the birds and name the migratory or wintering bird.
Living is non-living.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature.
Game progress: the teacher names objects of living and inanimate nature. If this is an object of wildlife, the children wave their hands, if it is an object of inanimate nature, they squat.

1. Ball tossing game
"Throw the ball and name the animals"

Depending on the theme of the game, options are possible: “Throw the ball, clearly name the fruit” or “Throw the ball, quickly name the transport.”

Purpose: expansion of vocabulary through the use of generalizing words, development of attention and memory, the ability to correlate generic and specific concepts.

Option 1. Game progress. An adult calls a generalizing concept and throws the ball to each child in turn. The child, returning the ball to an adult, must name the objects related to this generalizing concept.

Adult: - Vegetables; Children: - Potato, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, radish, beet, carrot.

Adult: - Fruits; Children: - Apple, pear, lemon, tangerine, orange, apricot.

Adult: - Berries; Children: -Raspberries, strawberries, currants, lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries.

Adult: - Trees; Children: -Birch, spruce, pine, oak, linden, poplar. etc.

Option 2. An adult calls species concepts, and a child - generalizing words. Adult: Cucumber, tomato, turnip: Child: Vegetables.

2. Ball game
"I know three names of animals (flowers)" or "I know three names of girls (five names of boys)"

One and two, and three, four - We all know in this world.

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children through the use of generalizing words, the development of speed of reaction, dexterity.

Game progress. The child, tossing or hitting the ball on the floor, says: "I know five names of boys: Sasha, Vitya, Kolya, Andrey, Volodya." The following types of movements can be used: throwing the ball on the floor with one or two hands and catching with both hands; throwing the ball up with both hands and catching with both hands; hitting the ball with the right and left hand on the spot.

3. Ball game
"Animals and their babies"

Human children Know all the animals in the world.

Purpose: fixing the name of baby animals in the speech of children, consolidating word-formation skills, developing dexterity, attention, memory.

Game progress. Throwing the ball to the child, the adult names an animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, names the cub of this animal. Basic movements: throwing the ball with a hit on the floor, throwing the ball; rolling the ball while sitting on the carpet. Words are grouped into three groups according to the way they are formed. The third group requires remembering the names of the cubs.

Group 1. tiger - lion - elephant - deer - elk - fox -

Group 2. in a bear - a teddy bear in a camel - a camel in a wolf - a wolf cub in a hare - a hare in a rabbit - a rabbit in a squirrel - a squirrel in a cow - a calf in a horse a foal in a pig - a pig in a sheep - a lamb in a chicken - a chicken in a dog - a puppy

Group 3. - tiger cub - lion cub - elephant cub - deer calf - fox cub

4. Ball game
“Who is talking? »

Catch the ball, but quickly Name the language of animals.

Purpose: vocabulary expansion, development of reaction speed.

Game progress.

Option 1. An adult or leader alternately throws the ball to the children, naming the animals. Children, returning the ball, must correctly answer how this or that animal gives a voice: cow tiger snake mosquito dog wolf duck pig growls hissing squeaks squeaks barks howls quacks grunts.

Option 2. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, asks: “Who is growling? "," And who is mooing? ”, “Who is barking? ”, “Who is cuckooing? " etc.

5. Ball tossing game
"Give me a word"

There is only one answer. Some people know, some don't.

Purpose: development of thinking, speed of reaction.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to each child in turn, asks: - The crow is croaking, but the magpie? The child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, must answer: - Magpie chirps. Sample questions: - The owl flies, but the rabbit? - The cow eats hay, and the fox? - The mole digs minks, and the magpie? - The rooster crows, and the chicken? - The frog croaks, and the horse? - A cow has a calf, and a sheep? - The mother of the bear cub is a bear, and the baby squirrel?

6. Ball tossing game
"Whose house? »

Or “Who lives where? » Who is in the den, who is in the hole? Call me soon! "

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the dwellings of animals, insects. Consolidation of the use in the speech of children of the grammatical form of the prepositional case with the preposition "in".

Game progress. Throwing the ball to each child in turn, the speech therapist asks a question, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers.

Option 1. Speech therapist: Children: Who lives in a hollow? Squirrel. Who lives in the birdhouse? Starlings. Who lives in the nest? Birds: swallows, cuckoos, jays, etc. Who lives in the booth? Dog Who lives in the beehive? Bees Who lives in a hole? Fox. Who lives in the lair? Wolf Who lives in a lair? Bear

Option 2. Speech therapist: Where does the bear live? Where does the wolf live? Children: In the den. In the lair.

Option 3. Work on the correct construction of the proposal. Children are invited to give a full answer: "The bear lives in a den."

7. Ball game
"Say kindly"

Catch a small ball, and caress it with a word.

Purpose: strengthening the ability to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes, development of dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress. A speech therapist, throwing a ball to a child, calls the first word (for example, a ball, and a child, returning the ball, a speech therapist; calls the second word (ball). Words can be grouped according to the similarity of endings. Table - table, key - key. Hat - slipper, squirrel - squirrel A book is a little book, a spoon is a spoon. A head is a head, a picture is a picture. Soap is a soap, a mirror is a mirror. A doll is a doll, a beet is a beetroot. A braid is a pigtail, water is water. A beetle is a bug, an oak is an oak. Cherry - cherry, tower - turret. Dress - dress, armchair - armchair. Feather - feather, glass - glass. Clock - watch, shorts - panties.

8. Ball tossing game
“What happens in nature? »

Man easily finds what happens in nature.

Purpose: to consolidate the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, must question asked reply. It is desirable to play the game by topic. Example: Theme "Spring" Speech therapist: Children The sun - what does it do? Shines, warms Brooks - what do they do? Snow is running, murmuring - what is it doing? It's getting dark, the birds are melting - what are they doing? They fly in, make nests, sing songs of Kapel - what does he do? The Bear is ringing - what is he doing? Wakes up, leaves the lair

9. Ball tossing game
"Make an offer"

I'll make the ball jump, I'll make a proposal.

Purpose: development of attention, speed of mental operations.

Game progress. The speech therapist throws the ball to one of the children while uttering inconsistent words (for example: “Girl to play”). The child, having caught the ball, pronounces a sentence from these words (“The girl is playing”) and throws the ball back to the speech therapist.

10. Ball game
“Who is moving? »

Who flies, who swims, Who crawls, and who goes.

Purpose: enrichment of the verbal vocabulary of children, development of thinking, attention, dexterity.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, must answer the question asked. The game is played with throwing the ball in various ways. Speech therapist: Children: Birds, butterflies, flies, dragonflies, mosquitoes, midges Fly Fish, dolphins, whales, walruses, sharks Crawl Snakes, caterpillars, worms Jump Grasshoppers, frogs, toads, fleas, hares.

11. Ball game
What actions do animals perform? »

Or “What are the animals doing? »

What animals can do - Birds, fish, cats, snakes?

Purpose: activation of the verbal vocabulary of children, consolidation of knowledge about animals, development of imagination, dexterity.

Game progress. Speech therapist, different ways throwing the ball to each child in turn, calls an animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, pronounces a verb that can be attributed to the named animal. Speech therapist: Dog - Children Stands, sits, lies, walks, runs, sleeps, eats, barks, plays, bites, caresses, serves; Cat (purrs, meows, sneaks, laps, scratches, washes, licks its lips); Mouse (Rustle, squeak, gnaw, hide, store); Duck (Flies, swims, dives, quacks); Crow (Flies, walks, croaks, pecks); Snake (Crawls, hisses, wriggles, stings, attacks).

12. Game
“Who does what? »

We will never forget what people can do.

Purpose: consolidating children's knowledge about the profession, enriching the children's verbal vocabulary, developing attention, dexterity.

Game progress.

Option 1. Throwing or rolling the ball to the child, the speech therapist calls the profession, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, must name the verb denoting what the person of the named profession does. Speech therapist: builder - Children: builds; cook (cooks (cooks); porter (wears); draftsman (draws); worker (works); cleaner (cleans) artist (draws), etc.

Option 2. The speech therapist calls the verb, and the child calls the profession (sells - seller).

13. Game
“Who can make these movements? »

Who and what - flies, runs, walks, swims, lies?

Purpose: activation of the verbal vocabulary of children, development of imagination, memory, dexterity.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, calls the verb, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, calls the noun that matches the named verb.

Speech therapist: Goes - Children Man, animal, train, boat, rain, snow, hail, time, road; Runs (Man, animal, stream, time); Flies (Bird, butterfly, dragonfly, fly, beetle, mosquito, plane, helicopter, rocket, satellite, time, telegram); Floats (Fish, whale, dolphin, swan, boat, ship, man, cloud).

14. Game
"Hot Cold"

We now open our mouths to say the opposite.

Purpose: to consolidate in the child's imagination and vocabulary of opposite signs of objects or antonyms.

Methodical instruction. The game is carried out after preliminary work with pictures and assimilation by the child of such words as “same”, “similar”, “different” (“different”, “opposite”. According to the pictures: The river is wide, and the stream is narrow. The bear is big, and the bear is small The grandfather is old, and the young man is young.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, pronounces one adjective, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, calls another - with the opposite meaning. Speech therapist: Hot - Children: Cold (Good - Bad; Smart - Silly; Cheerful - Sad; Sharp - Dull; Smooth - Rough; Light - Heavy; Deep - Shallow; Light - Dark; Kind - Evil; Joyful - sad; Fast - Slow; Frequent - Rare; Soft - Hard; Clear - Cloudy; High - Low)

Complication. You can invite children to add a noun. For example: Sharp knife. Clear day. Deep lake.

15. Game
“What is it made of? »

Here is an object, but what did the People make it from?

Purpose: to consolidate in the speech of children the use of relative adjectives and ways of their formation.

Methodical instruction. Previously, the child is explained that if any object is made of wood, then it is wooden, and if it is made of iron, then it is iron, etc. Then work is done on the pictures, after which you can fix this topic in a ball game.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, says: “Leather boots,” and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers: “Leather boots.” Speech therapist: Mittens made of fur. Children: Fur (Copper bowl. Copper; Plush bear. Plush; Mittens made of wool. Woolen; Glass glass. Glass; Crystal vase. Crystal). You can invite children to make sentences with these phrases. For example: Masha has a teddy bear.

16. Game
"Catch and throw - name the colors"

What we have what color - We will tell you about it.

Purpose: selection of nouns for the adjective denoting color. Fixing the names of primary colors, the development of imagination in children.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, calls the adjective denoting the color, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, names the noun that matches this adjective. Speech therapist: red - Children: poppy, fire, flag (orange - orange, carrot, dawn; yellow - chicken, sun, turnip; green - cucumber, grass, forest; blue - sky, ice, forget-me-nots; blue - bell, sea, ink; violet - plum, lilac, twilight.

17. Game
"Third wheel"

("The Fourth Extra")

We recognize now, What is superfluous with us.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to highlight a common feature in words, to develop the ability to generalize.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, calls three or four words and asks to determine which word is superfluous. For example: Blue, red, ripe. Zucchini, cucumber, lemon. Cloudy, cloudy, clear. Autumn, summer, Saturday, winter. Monday, Tuesday, Summer, Sunday. Day, night, morning, spring. Children, throwing the ball back, call an extra word.

18. Game
"Whose head? »

What is the animal's head? Tell me soon words

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children through the use of possessive adjectives. Methodical instruction. The game is played after discussing the pictures. The correctness of the use of all these various endings in speech is achieved by repeated repetition of words in game situations.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to one of the children, says: “The crow has a head. ”, and the child, throwing the ball back to the speech therapist, finishes:“. crow." Examples: a lynx has a lynx head in a fish - a fish in a cat - a cat in a magpie - a magpie in a hare - a hare in a rabbit - a rabbit in a camel - a camel in a horse - a horse in a duck - a duck in a swan - a swan in a deer - a deer in a fox - a fox in a dog - dog in a bird - bird in a sheep - sheep in a squirrel - squirrel in a bear - bear in a tiger - tiger in a chicken - chicken in a pigeon - pigeon in an eagle - eagle Complication. Making sentences with these adjectives.

19. Game
“What is round? »

Here, of course, everyone knows what happens to us.

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children through adjectives, the development of imagination, memory, dexterity. Game progress. Throwing the ball to the kids different ways, the speech therapist asks a question, to which the child, having caught the pi ball, must answer, and then return the ball to the speech therapist. the speech therapist, in turn, throws the ball to the next child, waiting for a response from him.

1. What is round? (Ball, ball, wheel, sun, moon, apple, cherry.)

2. What is long? (Road, river, rope, thread, ribbon, cord.)

3. What is high? (Mountain, tree, man, hundred house, cupboard.)

4. What is green? (Grass, trees, bushes, grasshoppers, dress.)

5. What is cold? (Water, snow, ice, dew, frost stone, night.)

6. What is smooth? (Glass, mirror, stone, apple.)

7. What is sweet? (Sugar, sweets, pies, cakes, waffles.)

8. What is woolen? (Dress, sweater, mittens, gloves, hat.)

9. What is prickly? (Hedgehog, rose, cactus, needles, spruce wire.)

10. What is spicy? (Knife, awl, glass, scissors, dagger, blade.)

11. What is easy? (Down, feather, cotton wool, snowflake).

12. What is deep? (Ditch, ditch, ravine, river well, stream.)

20. Game
"One is Many"

We are wizards a little: There was one, but there will be many.

Purpose: fixing in the speech of children of various types of endings of nouns.

Game progress. The speech therapist throws the ball to the children, naming the nouns in the singular. Children throw the ball back, naming plural nouns. You can throw the ball with hits on the floor, roll the ball while sitting on the carpet. Examples: Table tables yard - yards nose - noses mountain - mountains burrow - burrows bridge -bridges house - houses eyes - eyes meadow - meadows city - cities wire - wires cold - cold day - days stump - stumps sleep - dreams forehead - foreheads ear - ears chair - stake chairs - stakes leaf - leaves feather - feathers wing - tree wings - sock trees - stocking socks - stockings piece - circle pieces - mugs buddy - buddies jump - jumping duckling - ducklings gosling - goslings chick - tiger cub chicks - tiger cubs baby elephant - baby elephants

21. Game
"Merry Account"

How many of them - we always know. Well we all think.

Purpose: to consolidate in the speech of children the agreement of nouns with numerals. Development of dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: The speech therapist or leader throws the ball to the child and pronounces a combination of a noun with the numeral “one”, and the child, returning the ball, calls the same noun in response, but in combination with the numeral “five” (or “six”, “seven”, "eight".) . First, it is better to name combinations according to the principle of similarity of noun endings. Examples: one table - five tables one elephant - five elephants one wardrobe - five wardrobes one goose - five geese one swan - five swans one crane - five cranes one nut - five nuts one T-shirt - five T-shirts one cone - five cones one duckling - five ducklings one gosling - five goslings one chick - five chickens one hare - five hares one finger - five fingers one dress - five dresses one hat - five hats one glove - five gloves one can - five cans one mitten - five mittens one button - five buttons one soap dish - five soap dishes one hat - five hats one book - five books one candy - five candies Option "And I have" The leader throws the ball and says: "I have one table." The child, throwing the ball back, answers: “And I have five tables.”

Game "Where is the ball? »

Ball, ball, where are you lying? You can't run from us.

Purpose: fixing the correct use of prepositions in children's speech, developing the ability to navigate in space, attention.

Game progress. Option 1. Children perform a task with the ball: “Raise the ball above your head, put the ball at your right foot, put the ball on the carpet in front of you,” etc. Option 2. Children answer the question: “Where is the ball? "(on the table, on the floor, in the corner, near the table, under the table.)

23. Game
"Good bad"

The world is not bad and not good - I will explain, and you will understand.

Purpose: introducing children to the contradictions of the world around them, developing coherent speech, imagination and dexterity.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle. The speech therapist or facilitator sets the topic of discussion. Children, passing the ball in a circle, tell what, in their opinion, is good or bad in natural phenomena. Speech therapist: Rain. Children: Rain is good: it washes away dust from houses and trees, it is good for the earth and the future harvest, but it’s bad - it wets us, it can be cold. Speech therapist: City. Children: It's good that I live in the city: you can ride the subway, by bus, there are many good shops, it's bad - you won't see a live cow, a rooster, it's stuffy, dusty.

Option "Like not like" (about the seasons). Speech therapist: Winter. Children: I like winter. You can go sledding, it's very beautiful, you can make a snowman. Fun in winter. I do not like that it is cold in winter, strong wind blows.

24. Game
"Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

What was, what will be, Everyone remembers - will not forget.

Purpose: strengthening the ability of children to navigate in time, the development of attention, dexterity, imagination, phrasal speech.

Game progress. The host throws the ball in turn to all the players, asking questions: You answer me, be kind, What did you do yesterday? Did he do everything he wanted? What did you do today? I also wanted to know - What are you going to do tomorrow? Children, returning the ball to the leader, answer questions.

Option. Sitting in a circle, the children throw the ball to each other and talk about what happened to them yesterday, today and what they are going to do tomorrow. The content of the stories can be both real and fictional.

25. Game
"Morning afternoon Evening Night"

Morning, evening, day and night Forever go away.

Don't rush to see them off, Tell me what you did.

Purpose: strengthening the ability of children to navigate in time, fixing the names of parts of the day, their sequence; development of attention, dexterity.

Game progress. Throwing the ball in various ways (with hitting the ball on the floor, rolling, passing the ball in a circle), the children answer the questions of a speech therapist or presenter and tell what they did in the morning, in the afternoon, what they will do in the evening, at night. What did you do in the morning? What did you do in the evening? Options. 1. "Name the" neighbors "of the morning." 2. "First evening, and then?." 3. "Name the missing word" (We have breakfast in the morning, and lunch.)

26. Game
"Catch, throw, name the days of the week"

It was not in vain that they looked at the calendar - We all remember the days of the week.

Purpose: to consolidate temporary concepts in the active dictionary of the child. Game progress. Children become in a circle. A speech therapist or presenter, throwing the ball to one of the children, can start from any day of the week: “I will start, you continue, name the days of the week! Wednesday. » Children take turns throwing the ball to each other and name the days of the week in sequence. Complication. Children and speech therapist stand in a circle. The speech therapist names the days of the week, slamming the ball on the floor for each word: “Monday. Tuesday. » Instead of the next day of the week, the speech therapist calls the child’s name: “Sasha! » The child picks up the ball and continues by throwing the ball on the floor. You can name the days of the week and vice versa.

27. Game
"Months and their sequence"

Month by month rises - Everyone will name them all.

Purpose: to consolidate temporary concepts in the active dictionary of the child.

Game progress. Children and speech therapist stand in a circle. A speech therapist with children names the months by throwing a ball on the floor: “January, February, March. ". Instead of the next month, the speech therapist calls the child's name: “Masha! ". The named child picks up the ball and continues to name the months, slamming the ball on the floor.

28. Game
"What why? »

What's next for us Every year and all year round?

Purpose: Consolidation of temporary concepts in the active dictionary of the child, development of thinking.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle. The leader throws the ball to the players in turn and asks questions. For example: "Winter. What about her? ". The player answers: "Spring", and throws the ball to the leader.

Variants of questions: “Winter. What about her? " - "Spring. What about her? » «How many months in a year? » Name the summer months. "Name the first month of spring." "Name last month winter." What month does autumn start? » «What month does autumn end with? »

29. Game
"It happens - it doesn't happen"

What will happen, what won't? Give me an answer quickly!

Purpose: expansion and consolidation of the child's active vocabulary, development logical thinking.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle. The host calls the seasons. For example: "Summer". And then, throwing the ball to one of the children, he names a natural phenomenon. For example: "Ice". The child who caught the ball must say whether this happens or not. The game goes around. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Variants of natural phenomena and seasonal changes: frost, ice drift, drops, leaf fall, snowstorm, frost, rain, snow, hail, thunderstorm, etc. Complication. Children give complete answers, explaining the possibility or impossibility of a particular natural phenomenon at a given time of the year.

The game "Who was who?

Of course, we have not forgotten Who you were yesterday.

Purpose: development of thinking, expansion of the dictionary, consolidation of case endings.

Game progress. The speech therapist, throwing the ball to one of the children, calls an object or animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was: chicken - egg horse - foal cow - calf oak - acorn fish - caviar apple tree - sunflower seed frog - tadpole butterfly - caterpillar bread - flour cabinet - board bike - iron shirt - cloth shoes - leather house - brick strong - weak

31. Game
“Who will be who? »

We know with you about what happens to someone later.

Purpose: development of thinking, imagination, speed of reaction, vocabulary expansion.

Game progress. The host, throwing the ball to the children, asks questions: “Who (what) will it be - an egg, a chicken, a boy, an acorn, a seed, an egg, a caterpillar, flour, iron, a brick, a fabric, a student, a sick person, a weak one, etc. Children , throwing the ball back, can give several answers. For example: “From an egg there can be a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake, and even scrambled eggs.”

Game "Family"

Who are you to me and who am I to you, If you are my family?

Purpose: to teach children to understand family relationships, to use words denoting kinship and relatives.

Game progress. The speech therapist or presenter, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, to which the child, returning the ball, must answer. Sample questions: What are you like mom and dad? Who are you to grandma and grandpa? Do you have a sister or brother? Name your cousins ​​and sisters. Who are the parents of your cousins ​​and sisters to you? And who are you to them?

This concludes our review of ball games. Once again, we want to draw the attention of colleagues and parents to the fact that ball games are universal and their variety and content depends only on your imagination and desire to work with children in a fun, interesting way, dressing correctional work in non-traditional forms.

  • Vocabulary games
  • Games for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech
  • Games for the development of coherent speech
  • Games on the sound culture of speech

Vocabulary games:

"Catch and throw - name the colors"

Purpose: Exercise in the selection of nouns for the adjective denoting color.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

What color we have - we will tell you about it.

An adult, throwing the ball to a child, names an adjective denoting a color, and a child, returning the ball, names a noun that matches this adjective.

Adult: red -

Child: poppy, fire, flag

orange - orange, carrot, dawn;

yellow - chicken, sun, turnip;

green - cucumber, grass, forest;

blue - sky, ice, forget-me-nots;

blue - bell, sea, ink;

purple - plum, lilac, twilight.

"What is this item?"

Purpose: To fix the agreement of the adjective with the noun.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

An adult calls a sign and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who caught the ball names the object that has this feature and returns the ball to the speech therapist. Then the adult throws the ball to other children in turn. For example:

Long - rope, fur coat, thread, street, elastic band, braid, skirt, road, elastic band, ribbon, shirt, curtain.

Long - train, lace, cucumber, day, pencil, knife, jacket.

Wide - street, river, ribbon, road, jacket, skirt, elastic band.

Wide - scarf, lane, yard, corridor, window sill.

Red - star, berry, ribbon, cap, shirt, T-shirt, raspberry.

Red - ball, scarf, tomato, poppy, house, pencil.

Round - ball, ball, petal, tomato.

Round - sun, egg, apple, wheel.

"Choose a word"

Purpose: Expand vocabulary in children, to develop the ability to coordinate the adjective with the noun.

Game progress:

This game can be played with the ball, throwing it to each other.

What can be said about:

"Fresh" (air, cucumber, bread, wind);

"old" (house, stump, man, shoe);

"fresh" (bun, news, newspaper, tablecloth);

"old" (furniture, fairy tale, book, grandmother);

"fresh" (milk, meat, jam);

"old" (armchair, seat, window).

"Guess the item"

Game progress:

Guess the object by the name of its parts.

Body, cab, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors (truck).

Trunk, branches, branches, leaves, bark, roots (wood).

Bottom, lid, walls, handles (pot).

Deck, cabin, anchor, stern, bow (ship).

Entrance, floor, stairs, apartments, attic (house).

Wings, cockpit, tail, engine (airplane).

Eyes, forehead, nose, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks (face).

Sleeves, collar, cuffs (shirt).

Head, body, legs, tail, udder (cow).

Floor, walls, ceiling (room).

Window sill, frame, glass (window).

"What common"

Purpose: To develop the skills of conceptual generalization.

Game progress:

Explain what the objects have in common.

For 2 items:

cucumber tomato (vegetables);

chamomile, tulip (flowers);

elephant, ant (animals).

For 3 items:

ball, sun, ball -...

plate, vase, cup -...

leaf, grass, crocodile -...


Goal: Activate vocabulary on lexical topics. Develop skills of conceptual generalization. Develop auditory - speech memory.

Material: Card with rows of words (for the teacher)

Game progress:

An adult pronounces a series of words and gives the child a task to memorize words of a certain topic. Sample: “I will name different words, you only need to remember the names of birds” .

Only birds: stork, dragonfly, owl, bullfinch, grasshopper, falcon.

Only wild animals: badger, sheep, elephant, donkey, fox.

Only vegetables: beets, pineapple, cabbage, corn, radish.

Shoes only: boots, socks, sandals, sneakers, tights.

Only furniture: window sill, sideboard, table, chair, threshold.

Only dishes: a saucer, a tablecloth, a saucepan, a frying pan, a napkin.

Only transport: bus, wheel, dump truck, taxi, bench.

"Who will pick up more words?"

Goal: Develop thinking, activate vocabulary.

Game progress:

The adult invites the children to name as many words as possible, answering questions. In this case, you can use objects or pictures.

What can be sewn? (Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, fur coat, boots, panama, skirt, blouse, etc.)

What can be connected? (Hat, mittens, scarf, jacket, vest, dress, tablecloth, napkin, etc.)

What can be darned? (Socks, stockings, mittens, scarf, etc.)

What can be tied? (Hat, scarf, boots, scarf, scarf, etc.)

What can you wear? (Coat, dress, jacket, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, tights, etc.)

What can be worn? (Slippers, shoes, boots, boots, etc.)

What can "push" on your head? (Hat, peaked cap, panama, cap, etc.)

The one with the most words wins.

"A family"

Purpose: To teach children to understand family relationships, to use words denoting kinship and relatives.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

Who are you to me and who am I to you if you are my family?

An adult, throwing the ball to a child, asks a question, to which the child, returning the ball, must answer. Sample questions:

  • Who are you mom and dad?
  • Who are you to grandma and grandpa?
  • Do you have a sister or brother?
  • Name your cousins ​​and sisters.
  • Who are the parents of your cousins ​​and sisters to you?

This concludes our review of the games. Once again, we want to draw the attention of parents to the fact that games for the development of the child's vocabulary are diverse and content depends only on your imagination and desire to work.

"Who's talking?"

Goal: Expand vocabulary, develop speed of reaction.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

Option 1.

Catch the ball, but quickly name the language of animals. The adult throws the ball to the child, naming the animals. The child, returning the ball, must correctly answer how one or another animal gives a voice: a cow, a tiger, a snake, a mosquito, a dog, a wolf, a duck, a pig; mooing, growling, hissing, squeaking, barking, howling, quacking, grunting.

Option 2.

An adult, throwing a ball to a child, asks: "Who's growling?" , "And who is mooing?" , "Who's barking?" , "Who is cuckooing?" etc.

"Throw the ball, clearly name the fruit" or

"Throw the ball, call the transport quickly"

Purpose: To expand vocabulary through the use of generalizing words, develop attention and memory, the ability to correlate generic and specific concepts.

Material: Ball.

Option 1.

Game progress:

An adult calls a generalizing concept and throws the ball to the child. The child, returning the ball to an adult, must name the objects related to this generalizing concept.

Adult: - Vegetables; Children: - Potato, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, radish, beet, carrot.

Adult: - Fruits; Children: - Apple, pear, lemon, tangerine, orange, apricot.

Adult: - Berries; Children: - Raspberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries.

Adult: trees;

Children: birch, spruce, pine, oak, linden, poplar, etc.

Option 2.

Game progress:

The adult calls specific concepts, and the child - generalizing words.

Adult: cucumber, tomato, turnip.

Child: vegetables.

"I know three names of animals (colors)» or

"I know three names of girls (five boy names)»

Purpose: To expand the vocabulary of children through the use of generalizing words, to develop speed of reaction, dexterity.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

One and two, and three, four, we all know in this world.

The child, tossing or hitting the ball on the floor, says: “I know five names of boys: Sasha one, Vitya two, Kolya three, Andrey four, Volodya five” .

The following types of movements can be used: throwing the ball on the floor with one or two hands and catching with both hands; throwing the ball up with both hands and catching with both hands; hitting the ball with the right and left hand on the spot.


Purpose: To fix nouns on the topic in the active dictionary of children "Fish" .

Material: Badges, special medals as a prize.

Game progress:

Children stand on one side of the room, the driver is facing them in the middle of the room, he is a fisherman. Before the start of the game, children each come up with the name of the fish for themselves. Rybak says:

“I throw nets into the sea,

I will catch many, many fish.

With the fisherman's last word, the children run to the other side of the room. The driver who caught the child asks: "What's your name, fish?" - "Karas" .

The names of aquarium fish can also be fixed in the game. If children know the names of predatory fish, then the game can be complicated. If the caught child calls a predatory fish, then he helps the fisherman to catch other fish. The winner is the one who has never been caught in a fisherman's net.

"Fish, Animals, Birds"

Purpose: To fix nouns in the active dictionary of children on the topics: "Fish" , "Beasts" , "Birds" .

Game progress:

Everyone becomes in a circle, the leader walks inside the circle and loudly, slowly, says: "Fish, birds, animals... Fish, birds, animals" .

Suddenly he stops in front of someone and, pointing his finger at him, says: "Beasts" (or: "Birds). Then counts 5-7 claps. If the summoned person managed to name the beast during this time (bear, wolf, fox), he gets a phantom. The one who gets the most forfeits wins. He becomes the leader.

"What grows in the forest?"

Purpose: To activate the vocabulary of nouns in children on the topics: "Plants" , "Animals"

Material: Chairs according to the number of children.

Game progress:

The teacher chooses three children and invites them to name something that grows in the forest. For example, one says: "A mushroom grows in the forest" , second - "raspberry" , third - "spruce" , and then again continues the first. The teacher warns not to think for a long time. When the players break the rules, they sit down and choose their replacement. A new group children get another task, for example, list what grows in the garden or who lives in the forest.

The winner is the one who named more plants and animals. He receives a prize.

"Four Words"

Purpose: To expand the stock of nouns in children's active vocabulary.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

The players stand in a semicircle. The leader throws the ball to each of them in turn and says one of four words: "Earth" , "water" , "sky" , "the fire" . The one to whom the ball is thrown and the word is said "Earth" must name an animal. On word "water" the player answers with the name of the fish, the word "sky" - the name of the bird. At the word "the fire" everyone should quickly turn around in place. With each answer, the ball returns to the leader. The one who answered incorrectly is eliminated for one round from the game.

"Give me a word"

Purpose: To develop thinking, speed of reaction.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

There is only one answer. Some people know, some don't. An adult, throwing a ball to a child, asks: The crow is croaking, but the magpie? The child, returning the ball, must answer: Magpie chirps.

Sample questions:

The owl flies, but the rabbit?

The cow eats hay, and the fox?

A mole digs minks, but a magpie?

The rooster crows, and the hen?

The frog croaks, and the horse?

A cow has a calf, and a sheep?

The teddy bear's mother is a bear, but the squirrel's mother?

"Who lives where?"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the dwellings of animals, insects.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

Who is in the den, who is in the hole? Call me soon!

Throwing the ball to the child, the parents ask a question, and the child, returning the ball, answers.

Option 1.

Adult: Who lives in a hollow? Squirrel.

Who lives in the birdhouse? Starlings.

Who lives in the nest? Birds: swallows, cuckoo jays, etc.

Who lives in a booth? Dog.

Who lives in the hive? bees.

Who lives in a hole? Fox.

Who lives in the lair? Wolf.

Who lives in a den? Bear.

Option 2.

Adult: Where does the bear live? Where does the wolf live?

Child: In the den. In the lair.

Option 3.

Work on the correct sentence structure. The child is asked to give a full answer: "The bear lives in a den" .

"Whose dwelling is this?"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about animal dwellings.

Material: Pictures of animals and pictures depicting animal dwellings.

Game progress: There are pictures on the board. On the left - pictures depicting the dwellings of animals, on the right - images of animals (not at their homes).

The teacher explains that Dunno mixed up the animal houses. We need to help them find theirs. Children rearrange the images of animals, placing them near their dwellings, and then name whose dwellings they are:

hole - for a fox, a mouse;

lair - for a bear;

hollow - for a squirrel, for an owl;

nest - for a bird;

birdhouse - for a starling;

barn - for cows, calves;

stable - for horses, foals;

pigsty - for pigs and piglets;

rabbitry - for rabbits.

Before completing this task, children fix the names of the dwellings of domestic and wild animals and birds from the pictures.

What is planted in the garden?

The purpose of the game. To teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to their place of growth, according to their application), to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention.
Game progress. The teacher asks: “Children, do you know what they plant in the garden? Let's play this game: I will name different objects, and you listen carefully. If I name what is planted in the garden, you will answer “yes”, but if what does not grow in the garden, you will say “no”. Whoever makes a mistake loses."
- Carrot.
- Cucumbers.
- Beet.
-Yes 1
- Plums.
- Not!
If someone is in a hurry and answers incorrectly, the teacher can say: “Hurry, you will make people laugh. Be careful!" You can also play games: “Let's set the table for guests” (the teacher calls the tableware), “Let's plant a garden”, “Furniture”, “Clothes”, etc.

What season

The purpose of the game. To teach children to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with a certain season, to develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.
Game progress. The educator has written short texts on the cards about different seasons. The texts are mixed. The teacher asks: “Who knows when this happens?” - and, opening the card, reads the text. Children guess.

I have a lot of things to do - I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I clean the rivers with ice, I whiten the fields, houses My name is ...
I open the buds, I dress the trees in green leaves, I water the crops, I am full of movement. My name is...
I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me. I warm the rivers, "Swim!" - I invite. And you all love me for it. I...
I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees. But I do not touch the pines And fir trees. I...

What did they give Natasha?

The purpose of the game. Encourage children to consider objects, remember the qualities of those objects that the child does not currently see.
Game progress. The teacher says: “Grandma sent Natasha a gift. Natasha looks: there is something round, smooth, green in the basket, and red on one side, bite it off - delicious juicy. Grows on a tree. "I forgot what it's called," thought Natasha. Children, who will help her remember the name of what her grandmother sent her?
Another variant. The teacher recalls: “Once in Kindergarten a guest came. He was dressed in a beautiful fur coat, hat, felt boots. He had a long white hair (yes, a white mustache, eyebrows. Kind eyes. He held a bag in his hands. Who do you think was our guest? What did the guest have in the bag? What was the holiday in kindergarten?
The educator can lead such conversations-riddles about different objects and phenomena.

Add a word

The purpose of the game. Exercise children in the correct designation of the position of the object in relation to themselves, develop orientation in space.
Game progress. The teacher says to the children: “Let's remember where we have right hand. Pick her up. All the objects that you see in the side where the right hand is on the right. Who knows where are the objects that you see on the side where the left hand is? Do you know what the words "in front of me" and "behind me" mean? (Clarifies these concepts as well.) And now we will play. (Children sit down at the table.) I will start a sentence, name different objects in our room, and you will add the words: “right”, “left”, “behind”, “in front” - answer where this object is located. The teacher starts:
- The table is standing ... (calls the name of the child).
- Behind
- A shelf with flowers hangs ...
- On right.
- Door from us...
- Left.
If the child made a mistake, the teacher offers to stand up, raise his hand and point with this hand to the object.
- Which hand is closer to the window?
- Right.
- So, where is the window from you?
-- On right.
You can play this game as well. The teacher pronounces the words: “left”, “right”, “in front”, “behind”, and the children say which objects are in the named direction.
To conduct this game, children should not be seated in a circle, it is better to seat them on one side of the table, so that the objects in relation to them are located in the same way. In older groups, children can be planted in a circle. This complicates the solution of the game task, but the children successfully cope with the task, as they are already well oriented in space.

And then what?

The purpose of the game. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the day, about the activities of children at different times of the day.
Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Remember, we talked in class, what do we do in kindergarten all day long? Now let's play and see if you remember everything. We will talk in order about what we have been doing in kindergarten since the morning. Whoever makes a mistake will sit on the last chair, and everyone else will move.” You can enter this game moment. The teacher sings a song: “I have a pebble. To whom to give? To whom to give? He will answer."
The teacher begins: “We came to kindergarten. Played in the field. What happened next? Passes a pebble to one of the players. “We did gymnastics,” the child answers. "And then?" (The teacher passes the pebble to another child.) Etc.
The game continues until the children name the last thing - going home.
Note. It is advisable to use a pebble in such games, since it is not the one who wants to answer, but the one who gets the pebble. This forces all children to be attentive and ready to respond.
The game is played at the end of the year.

When does it happen?

The purpose of the game. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.
Game progress. The teacher asks the children if they know when they pick vegetables, fruits, when there are many yellow leaves etc. The children's answers show the extent to which they correlate certain phenomena and human labor with the seasons. “And now I will name the time of the year, and you will answer what happens at this time and what people do. For example, I will say: “Spring” - and I will put a pebble to Vova, Vova will quickly remember and say what happens in spring. For example: "Snow melts in spring." Then he will pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him and he will remember something else about spring. When all the children have learned the rules, you can start the game. If someone cannot answer, the teacher helps him with questions.

What is wide (long, high, low, narrow)?

The purpose of the game. Clarify children's ideas about the size of objects, teach them to classify objects according to a certain attribute (size, color, shape), develop the speed of thinking.
Game progress. Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Children, the objects that surround us are of different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. In the classroom and on walks, we saw many objects of different sizes. Now I will name one word, and you will list what objects can be called with this one word. In the hands of the teacher is a pebble. He gives it to the child who has to answer.
- Long, - says the teacher and gives a pebble
sitting next to him.
- The road, - he answers and passes the pebble to the neighbor.
“A dress, a rope, a day, a fur coat,” the children recall.
- Wide, - the teacher offers the following
Children call: road, street, river, tape, etc.
This game is played with children at the end of the year, when they have gained knowledge about the size of objects.
The game is also conducted with the aim of improving the ability of children to classify objects by color, shape. The teacher says:
- Red.
Children take turns answering: a flag, a ball, a berry, an asterisk, etc. Or:
- Round.
Children answer: ball, sun, apple, wheel, etc. Those children who named more words should be praised.