April observation of the phenomena of inanimate nature. Observations of inanimate nature on a walk in the younger group. Bird watching in summer

Natalia Uvarova
Phenomenon observation summary inanimate nature with kids middle group"Watching the Wind"


To continue to acquaint preschoolers with some phenomena of inanimate nature - the wind.

To expand children's knowledge of the wind, to teach how to determine the strength of the wind.

Develop observation, auditory and visual attention, expand vocabulary.

Our first child with a surrogate mother had a mother whose head was just meat from a tree, as the child was a month early and we didn't have time to create a more aesthetically pleasing head and face. This child had contact with a blank-faced mother for 180 days and was then placed by two maternal mothers, one immobile and one rocking, both endowed with painted, face-decorated faces. Moreover, it would do so as long as the experimenter's patience in reorienting the faces was maintained.

The monkey showed no signs of fear or anxiety, but showed unrestricted persistence. He subsequently improved his technique by compulsively removing the heads and rolling them into the cage as quickly as they were returned. We are intrigued by this observation, and we plan to systematically study the role of the mother in the development of diseases in infants and monkeys.

Cultivate love for nature, a caring attitude towards it.

Materials and equipment: turntables, sultans or ribbons.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of "Natural Phenomena", reading poetry, fiction.

Observation course.

The teacher invites the children to solve riddles.


Indeed, these observations indicate the need for a series of studies of the ethological type on a two-faced woman. Although we have not yet attempted to explore the generalization of infant and macaque attachment or love, the methods we have developed offer promise in this unexplored area. In addition, few of the technical difficulties in studying the attachment of a real, living mother to a child, and the developed methods can be used and expanded to analyze and study the development of infants and infants and infants.

Invisible mischievous:

He plays with the grass all the time

Leaves are spinning in the air

And somewhere everything is in a hurry. (Wind)

No arms, no legs

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles. (Wind)

Though armless, but it happens -

He knocks pears off the branches,

Pine uproots -

So sometimes he gets angry.

Just that he was everywhere

Instantly, and it is nowhere (Wind).

Because we can measure newborn and infant responses to maternal surrogates, and because we know they are strong and persist, we can assess the impact of feeding and contact schedules; consistency and inconsistency in mother surrogates; and early, intermediate and late maternal deprivation. Again, we have a family of problems of fundamental interest and theoretical significance.

The socio-economic demands of the present and the threatening socio-economic needs of the future have driven the American woman to depose or threaten to depose the American man in science and industry. If this process continues, the issue of proper parenting practice confronts us with startling clarity. It is thanks to this trend that it is realized that american man physically endowed with everything really necessary equipment to compete with the American woman on equal terms in one important activity: raising babies.

Educator. You guessed. This is the wind. It's windy outside today. How did we discover this?

Children's answers.The trees sway, bend, the clouds in the sky quickly run. Educator. Wind is the movement of air. Where warm and cold air move and meet, wind appears. The wind is invisible, we do not see it, but we feel it, we can observe it. By observing certain objects, you can determine its strength, speed, direction.

We now know that women in the working classes are not needed in the home because of their basic mammalian capabilities; and it is possible that for the foreseeable future neonatal care will not be seen as a necessity but as a luxury - to use Veblen's term - a kind of conspicuous consumption, limited perhaps to the upper classes. it may be comforting to know that we are now in contact with the nature of love. The research presented in this article was supported by funds provided by Grant No. M-722, the National Institutes of Health, a Ford Foundation grant, and funds received from high school University of Wisconsin.

The teacher offers to pick up turntables, sultans or ribbons and determine how strong the wind is today.

Educator. Thanks to the turntables, we found out that the wind is strong today. And the strength of the wind can also be determined by the trees: if only leaves and thin twigs sway, the wind is weak, and if the branches lean strongly, gusts of wind interfere with walking, then the wind is strong.

Researchers know that nature can inspire engineering design solutions and that they are efficient, practical and sustainable and can open up new technologies, new materials and new processes. Biology has always been a great help in solving design problems for engineers. Comparative physiology teaches that each animal must solve a specific problem in order to survive, so each animal develops a solution for each specific problem.

With regard to our ability to observe or expand our knowledge, we see that it has always been and will continue to be this way: man copies the designs of Nature. To illustrate this statement, we will decipher parts of Design in Nature by the Turkish writer Harun Yahya.

Artistic word.

Wind, breeze, windmill,

What are you scouring the world for?

Better sweep the streets

Or turn the windmills!

Yakov Akim

All night looking for the idle wind,

What should he do on Monday?

That tears off a piece of old tin,

It will slam the door like that two hundred times.

Suddenly ran across the roof recklessly

Although in his work Harun Yahya tries to distort the Darwinian theory of the evolution of species by replacing it with another one that deals with the intelligent design of the Creator, we are very interested in delivering these texts, which, if anything, reflect very well what the nature of design is.

If you notice aspirin, you will probably notice the groove that crosses its surface right away. This design benefits those who need to take half of the tablet as they leave it there. Every product we see around us, from a simple aspirin to cars that go to work or remote control, has a special design.

And suddenly fell into the attic ...

With a howl swept like a steam locomotive,

He carried himself through all the cracks!

Immediately he pressed his cheek against the window,

He slammed the window, caught his breath a little,

He took a deep breath and rushed off somewhere ...

(Alexander Bekhterev)

Didactic game "Wind, wind, what are you?"

Target: Practice choosing adjectives.

In short, construction means the tracing or marking of a building, device, instrument, or figure, usually harmoniously, with a specific purpose. According to this definition, it is easy to think that the car has an approximate demarcation; that is, the transfer of people and things. To achieve this goal, various parts such as the engine, tires and body are designed and assembled at the factory.

What can we say about living beings? Is it possible that the bird and the system that allows it to fly were also "designed"? Before giving an answer, let's think again about the example of a car and apply this reasoning to a bird whose purpose is to fly. To this end, he uses a hollowed out and ultra-light skeletal system, controlled by strong pectoral muscles, as well as matching feathers that allow him to remain suspended in the air. Wings have an aerodynamic structure, and the metabolism of animals regulates their need for a high level of energy.

Game progress: the teacher asks the question “What kind of wind?”

Children's answers:(strong, weak, light, pleasant, affectionate, sharp, impetuous, cool, fresh, cold, warm, wet, morning, summer, oncoming).

Educator. Guys, what can the wind do? (Selection of different verbs). The wind can make noise, buzz, shake trees, rustle leaves, howl, blow a hat, fly in, refresh, whirl, wave flags, raise dust, drive waves, whistle, etc. Yes, guys, the wind can do a lot.

Obviously this is a special design. If we consider any other form of life, we will find the same truth. Each creature demonstrates thoughtful planning, to the point that if we continue to investigate, we will find that we, too, are part of this project. Our hands are functional to a point that a robot would never reach. Our eyes are read with a perfection and approach that the best cameras don't get.

There are many types of eyes in the world. We are familiar with the type of "chamber" found in vertebrates. This structure works on the principle of light refraction. Light enters through the lens and is focused on a point inside the eye. But the eyes of other creatures work differently, as in the case of a lobster. Here the system works on the principle of reflection, and the most important feature is on the surface of the eye, which consists of numerous square cells that are very precisely placed. The eye has a remarkable geometry that is not found elsewhere.

A poem about the wind by M. Isakovsky.

watch out for the wind

Came out of the gate

knocked on the window,

Ran across the roof

Played a little

branches of bird cherry,

scolded for something

Sparrows of acquaintances.

And, straightening cheerfully

young wings,

flew somewhere

In distillation with dust.

Educator. Guys, how does the wind help us? (Inflates the sails, turns the wings of the mill, carries the seeds of plants, etc.)

The outer surface looks like a hemisphere, decorated with perfect squares, so that it "resembles graphic paper." These faces are the end of square cannulas that form a honeycomb-like structure, with the difference that this is formed by the union of hexagonal prisms.

The inner sides of each of these square cannulas reflect light, which is so hit by the retina that it all converges to one point. The extraordinary nature of the design of this system is undeniable. Each of these little ducts is flawless, with a coating that serves as a perfect mirror. Also, each cell is so well aligned that they all focus the incoming light onto a single point.

Conclusions. The wind is of great benefit: it pollinates plants, spreads seeds, sets sailing yachts in motion, helps trees to get rid of old foliage in autumn, otherwise they would die under the weight of snow without shedding leaves. But the wind can also bring harm: strong hurricanes uproot trees, destroy houses.

That's how different it is, this wind: maybe good magician or a sorcerer.

It is interesting to note that this type of reflection-based ocular structure is found in a specific group of crustaceans called long decapods. This family includes sea lobster, shrimp and shrimp. The other members of the crustacean group are refractive-type ocular structures that operate on principles quite different from those of reflection. In the structure of the refractive type, the eye also consists of hundreds of cells, but instead of a square morphology, we find another hexagonal or round one.

Small lenses in the cells refract light and focus on the retina. When we think of the flight of animals, it is normal that we come to the mind of birds. However, they are not the only creatures with this ability. The monarch butterfly makes it from North America to Central America. Flies and dragonflies can also pass through the air.

Mobile game "Ships and wind"

Target: to teach to act on the signal of the educator, to develop dexterity.

Game progress: children imitate sailing boats, “swim”, arching their backs and spreading their arms to the sides. The teacher depicts the wind: strong wind, weak wind. In a strong wind, the boats run quickly, quickly - the wind inflated their sails. The wind is weakening, the boats are sailing more slowly. Then the wind completely disappears, stops inflating the sails, adjusting the boats, and they stop. The game is repeated several times.

English biologist Robin Wootton writes in the article Design of the Mechanism of Insect Wings. They are usually designed to deform as little as possible and move in a certain way. Both aspects are beautifully integrated and use highly elastic components, exquisitely assembled to allow specific twists in response to specific stresses and make the best use of air. In practice, it cannot be compared with any known technology.

Helicopter Inspiration: Dragonfly

The dragonfly cannot fold its wings to the sides like other insects. Also, how you use your muscles to move them is also different. Evolutionists argue, because of these differences, that dragonflies are "primitive insects". But the flight system of the same has nothing "primitive". Sikorsky, a leader in the production of helicopters, designed the model as a model. Two thousand representations were made of their flight maneuvers, and from there emerged the resulting prototype for the transport of military personnel and artillery.

Labor on site.

The teacher invites the children to sweep the foliage (garbage scattered from the wind on the veranda and the kindergarten site.

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Nature photographer Gilles Martin conducted a two-year study of dragonflies and concluded that they have extremely a complex system flight. His body resembles a spiral structure wrapped in metal. The two wings are criss-crossed on the body, which is a variation in color that goes from blue to brown. This design provides extraordinary maneuverability. He can stop and immediately fly in the opposite direction than the route he had, regardless of the speed of movement.

Alternatively, it may remain suspended at a point in the air and move quickly from that position to catch prey. If you like it, it accelerates at an amazing speed for an insect: forty kilometers an hour is something more than athletes competing on Olympic Games at a speed of one hundred meters, at which he hits the victim. While the impact is strong, it has a resilient and flexible "armor" that absorbs the impact. But its victim is usually injured or does not directly survive the blow.

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Summer work with children kindergarten called wellness, it has its own specifics. It is important to make full use of the favorable ones.

Dear parents!
We bring to your attention material that will help you make family walks with your baby in the summer truly exciting for him. Especially if you do not forget to forget to look around with the eyes of a baby, share his joy and surprise, read poems that are appropriate in a given situation, and make riddles.

Observations of animate and inanimate nature.

seasonal events. You can watch the cloudless sky, light fluffy clouds. But huge clouds will appear, a merry playful rain will come, it will disperse everyone, make some noise and rush off.
Have you heard the rain song: "drip-drip-drip"? Have you seen a rainbow arc? Does it need rain and who needs it? Who got drunk? Who washed up? (Exercises for orientation in space, the first knowledge about living and non-living things - that's how many problems are solved in these matters). Wet benches, you can not sit; wet alleys, you can not run, and the sidewalk is flooded with streams. But they are happy - the rain washed everyone. And whoever washed and got drunk is bushes, trees, flowers. Children like "Rain" by B. Zakhoder. They are happy to repeat after the adults: “Kap! Cap"
Pay attention to the warm gentle breeze that plays with leaves, flowers, grass. Suddenly a strong gusty wind came up, rustled in the tops of the trees, drove everything that was lying badly. There is nothing to groan, gasp, but you need, like dad, to stand up to the wind and recite: “Wind, wind, you are powerful ...”, etc.
Gradually bring the baby to the initial understanding of the season - summer. The sun warms gently. Everyone is happy for him. Name who is happy. Children in colorful clothes look like who? And colorful flowers around. Summer is beautiful, summer is red. Summer red.
Natural material. Sand and water. It is pleasant to walk barefoot on the warm sand near the pond. Why is he warm? Dad hid mom's sandals in the sand. Where are they?
What if you water the sand? It is wonderful to draw on it with a branch that you want. You can seal the traces of your own palms: who has the larger size? Dad will circle the silhouette of his own crumbs on the sand, let the baby admire his image.
The rain rumbled and ran away, and around everything sparkled under the rays of the sun. Puddles on the asphalt, big and small, deep and shallow - check with a stick, not with your foot! And dad again offers: name what sinks, what floats, and then check - throw it into a puddle. Pebbles, acorns, twigs, pieces of paper were used.
Bubbling, jumping, rushing streams. Some are wide, others are narrow. How to determine? Yes, just step over the narrow ones and bypass the wide ones. Anything is possible with dad.
Pebbles and shells. Run your finger over them, compare: smooth - rough. Wet stones are more interesting than dry ones. What do some of them look like? Pebbles can be sorted: large-small, black-white. Dad draws in the sand, and the kid lays out pebbles along the contour, or even just patterns, alternating between a shell and a pebble.
Grass and flowers. On the lawn, the green grass glistens in the sun. Mom offers to hold her hand, to feel what a delicate grass - anth, silk.
Flowers stand out brightly on the green carpet. At the beginning of summer - dandelions, then daisies, bluebells, field carnations. What do dandelions look like? Mom thinks that for chickens, and the baby that for the sun. Let it be so, you need to reckon with the opinions of others. The child develops self-esteem, he feels like an equal member of the family. Dad takes out a magnifying glass to get a better look at the thin petals of the carnation. We also considered chamomile. Mom says that she has petals like cilia. Interesting comparison. What are your dad's eyelashes? Mom offers with a smile: “Guess my riddle:“ Sisters are standing in the field - a yellow eye, white cilia.
Tulips and daffodils first bloom on the flowerbeds in the park, then peonies, roses, pansies, carnations, and by the end of summer - chrysanthemums and asters.
And every time you can practice the same thing with inexhaustible interest: where is the daffodil, where is the tulip? Find tulips of different colors and name it. Swiping your finger from bottom to top, name: stem, leaf, flower. Some flowers are tall, others low, some have fluffy heads, others are tiny, but so fragrant. For example, mignonette. And everywhere mom teaches to take care of plants, not to tear unnecessarily, not to crush. And dad carefully hides the head of a flower in his palms, offers to smell it and guess: is it mignonette or chamomile? Petunia or dandelion?
Cones, acorns. Together with my mother, it is so interesting to consider them, to compare them in size. Whose stomach is bigger? And the bump? What acorn to the touch? Looks like a stone. And if you pick up both a stone and an acorn, can you tell the difference? Of course the stone is heavier. The cones are prickly. And mom will tell you who eats acorns and why the cones are so prickly. She knows everything.
Bush and tree. Walking through the park, the city, pay attention to the trees. Some are high, others are low. Do you know how to distinguish them? Move your hand - this is a trunk, it is rough. Did you get the leaves? Not? This is a tree. He has a trunk, branches and leaves high.
And the bush has no trunk, the branches are low, you can reach the leaves. The trunks are thin and thick, even dad will not clasp his palms. And now dad gives the task: determine which of the two trees is thicker, which is thinner and why. The trees are high and low. Find the highest one. Wandering between the trees, you can collect fallen branches, whoever liked which one, and then everyone will tell about their branch. Adults help the child to fantasize, and then compare: whose long is short, thick is thin.
AT summer time you can introduce your child to birch and oak. Let the baby feel the silky surface of the birch with his palm, and you tell me: a white-trunked birch, curly. And the oak? Mighty giant. And what different leaves they have, consider them.
Watching forest animals. Squirrels live in the parks, there are hedgehogs. Mom prudently took food for the squirrel with her. Dad will tell about her life - life. The main thing is that the child enriches his own knowledge about who lives where, what he eats, what is the name of the dwelling (burrow, lair, nest, hollow). The squirrel is stocking up for the winter, and the hedgehog?
Dad asks: how many legs does a squirrel have? And the sparrow? Do you know why? And for a long time there are arguments about how animals differ from birds.
Insect observations. Ants, beetles, grasshoppers. In the silence of trees, you can come across an anthill, watch the work of ants from afar. Parents warn: insects are fragile creatures, it is unwittingly fashionable to harm them. You can’t interfere with them, they work and don’t offend anyone.
Mom emphasizes that there is a saying about them: "The anthill is small, but it digs mountains."
A beetle is running along the road - in a hurry. Handsome, but you should not interfere either, he is in a hurry about his business. But you can communicate with a ladybug, but only carefully.
Coming out into the clearing, the child immediately notices that someone jumped out from under his feet. The Pope invites everyone to listen. Grasshoppers are heard chirping. You can carefully catch one and make out with a magnifying glass, and then lower it: “Jump to your friends, say hello about us!”
Butterfly, moth. Adults offer to admire them, examine the colorful wings, but do not touch them. Mom explains: “Very fragile wings, remember.” Everyone decides that the butterfly is a living flower. Cautiously stepping after the fluttering butterfly, the child, together with his mother, says: “Do not be afraid, we will not offend you, we are good people!”
Fish and frogs. Watching a frog, watching a fish is episodic. The main thing is to teach the child to carefully treat all living things.