There are questions that are not required. Questions not to ask

1. Why is lemonade made from artificial lemon juice, while cleaning products are made from natural?
2. Why do we press harder on the buttons of the remote control, which runs out of batteries?
3. Why do towels require washing if only clean hands should be wiped with them?
4. Why do we turn off the radio in the car if the road is hard to see? And if we can't hear anything there, why do we take off our sunglasses?
5. Isn't it a cause for concern that doctors call their work a practice?
6. Why don't they make mouse flavored cat food?
7. Why are lethal injection needles sterilized?
8. If Superman is really so masculine, then why does he wear his red underpants over his pants?
9. When you take a picture next to Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, does the person inside Mickey Mouse smile?
10. If a word is spelled incorrectly in the dictionary, how can you find out about it?
11. When a car is moving, does the air inside the wheels spin?
12. The cat falls on its paws all the time, and the sandwich is buttered down. What happens if you stick a sandwich on a cat's back and drop it?
13. What color is a chameleon when it looks in the mirror?
14. Why do kamikazes wear helmets?
15. When does a rat leave the ship if she is the captain?
16. Are there any letters larger than "SHB"?
17. What do you want from our stage if real men play hockey?
18. Sasha has 2 mobiles, Anya has three pagers. If Sasha breaks one mobile phone, and Masha loses one pager, who will have more "show-offs"?
19. Why do servants of the people always live better than their master?
20. If there are housewives, then there must be wild ones somewhere?
21. And what does it mean - a girl even where?
22. Is it true that programs after uninstallation go to heaven on a huge server that never hangs?
23. Is it possible to give the enemy morning exercises instead of dinner?
24. What happens if you are scared half to death twice?
25. I wonder why in Russian folk tales Ivan the Fool is looking for Vasilisa the Wise, and Ivan the Tsarevich is looking for Vasilisa the Beautiful?
26. What do Windows windows look like from the back?
27. What is the speed of darkness?
28. Is it possible to beat a lying person?
29. Why did the wolf blew, and the roof was blown off by the pigs?
30. Honey, we have an event at work today. Can they bring me later today?
31. What prevents bad dancers?
32. What moth does not dream of being called to the carpet?
33. What last bastard does not dream of becoming the first?
34. What is the difference between an ordinary person and a normal person?
35. Victory over yourself - is it victory or defeat?
36. But why does Carlson, with his single-screw scheme, not turn in the direction opposite to the rotation of the screw? Does it really create a counter-circulation of jam through the intestines and thus compensate for the resulting torque?
37. Mountains, of course, can be rolled up, but where to put them?
38. Why does the entrance smell like cats, but the entrance does not smell of a cat?
39. And if you pour sunflower oil 50/50 into a bottle of Fairy - I wonder what will win whom? (probably the issue can be resolved)
40. Is porridge in the head food for the mind?
41. How can a woman get 5 kilograms fat from one kilogram of sweets?
42. Are anti-globalists opposed to their movement becoming global?
43. Is it worth it to use toothpaste recommended by the best dentists, based on the considerations that these people have a vested interest in our teeth hurting as often and as badly as possible?
44. Why are boxing gloves called gloves if, according to the classification, they are actually mittens?
45. I wonder why the author of the phrase "kissing a smoking girl is like licking an ashtray" licked an ashtray?
46. ​​Canned stew, according to etiquette, should you eat it with a spoon or a fork?
47. I wonder why they ask the reason for a divorce, but not when registering a marriage?

Written submission of explanations becomes mandatory only in a number of cases. The most common- when assessing the validity of the reasons disciplinary offense of an employee(violations by the employee of labor, official duties). This is required by the procedure for imposing a disciplinary sanction under Art. 193 Labor Code(hereinafter - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), which can result not only in a remark or reprimand, but also in dismissal. It all depends on the circumstances in which you need to understand. The explanatory note in this case documents, conveys to the management the position of the employee, his vision of the situation, his arguments.

Document Fragment

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Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 193 "Procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions"

Before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. If, after two working days, the specified explanation is not provided by the employee, then an appropriate act is drawn up.

The employee's failure to provide an explanation is not an obstacle to the application of a disciplinary sanction.

A disciplinary sanction is applied no later than one month from the date of discovery of the misconduct, not counting the time of illness of the employee, his stay on vacation, as well as the time required to take into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

A disciplinary sanction may not be applied later than six months from the day the misconduct was committed, and based on the results of an audit, audit of financial and economic activities or an audit, later than two years from the day it was committed. The above time limits do not include the time of criminal proceedings.

For each disciplinary offense, only one disciplinary sanction may be applied.

The order (instruction) of the employer on the application of a disciplinary sanction is announced to the employee against signature within three working days from the date of its issuance, not counting the time the employee is absent from work. If the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the specified order (instruction) against signature, then an appropriate act is drawn up.

A disciplinary sanction may be appealed by an employee to the state labor inspectorate and (or) bodies for the consideration of individual labor disputes.

But explanatory notes can also be drawn up for other reasons, although the aspect of the “need to justify” is preserved (after all, in other cases, service and memos are used). For example, in the course of investigating the circumstances of causing damage to the property of the employer and determining its amount under Art. 247 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

See also a sample requirement for written explanations in the article “False documents for employment”

Requesting written explanations

So, "before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee." As you can see, the law does not specify exactly whether the demand for explanations should be oral or written. In especially difficult cases when both the employee and the employer are very serious and intend to go, as they say, to the bitter end, the employer must ask the employee for an explanation in writing, in order to later be able to confirm compliance with the procedure prescribed for imposing disciplinary sanctions in article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Example 1) . The approved form of this personnel document has never existed, therefore, in each organization it is drawn up in its own way. Even the type of document used for this is different (notification, requirement, letter, etc.), although it is more correct to call it “ requirement", because in part 1 of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that. Notification has a different meaning - information is being given and there is no requirement to do anything. Letter - an outgoing document that is sent to a third party organization or to an individual, and the employee is not such a “stranger” person.

It should be remembered that “a disciplinary sanction is applied no later than one month from the day the misconduct was discovered” (part 3 of article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The fact of its discovery is confirmed by an act, not a requirement. Therefore, this month should be counted from the date of discovery (which ideally should coincide with the date of drawing up the act), and not from the date of requesting written explanations.

Another period is counted from the date of the claim - 2 days to give a written explanation(see Example 3). Therefore, it is important not only to issue a claim, but also to prove that it was handed over to the employee or he refused to receive it. To do this, at the bottom of the sheet, you can immediately make the corresponding blanks (marked with numbers 1 and 2 in Example 1): if the first one is not issued (signature on receipt of the demand), then the second one is drawn up (witnesses confirm the fact that the employee refused to receive this document, this mark eliminates the need to draw up separate act for this).

Example 1

Written request for an explanation from the employee

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Example 2

The text of the demand for explanations from the employee about the reasons for absence from work and signature

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Example 3

Calculation of the period for giving a written explanation of the reasons for a disciplinary offense

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Suppose a worker negligently damaged the property of the employer on Monday 09/01/2014, there were witnesses to this and an act was drawn up on the same day. On September 2, 2014, the worker was required to give written explanations. We start counting from the next day:

  • 09/03/2014 - 1st day,
  • 09/04/2014 - 2nd day (when the submission of an explanatory note will still be considered timely),
  • On 09/05/2014, it is already possible to activate the fact of failure to provide explanations.

If the requirement to give written explanations was presented to the employee on Friday 09/05/2014, and Saturday and Sunday are his days off (that is, they are not included in the calculation of the 2-day period), then the deadline for the timely submission of an explanatory note will expire only on Tuesday 09/09 .2014.

So that a conscientious worker does not get confused in the calculation this period, it is better to immediately indicate in the requirement a specific date by which the explanatory note must be provided. Here you can add a specific unit / official to whom it should be given (see the second paragraph of the text of the requirement from Example 1). The addressee of the explanatory note (in whose name it is drawn up, for example, the general director) and the person to whom it should be transferred (for example, the secretary or head of personnel department) are likely to be different people.

If the employee really had good reasons for the behavior that the employer did not like, and in general they are adequate people, then you should not be afraid of an explanatory note - she will defend the "accused". Then you do not need to wait for a written request from the employer. According to his verbal wish, it is better to immediately draw up explanatory note, attaching to it the maximum evidence of his innocence. Not only official documents will do, even a printout from a news site about interruptions in the operation of the metro line, through which a latecomer gets to work, will do. If there is a conflict between employees, then a well-written explanatory note can even “drag” the management to the side of its author.

In whose name is the explanatory note written?

To accurately answer this question, you need to look at the Internal Labor Regulations, which should be in force in every organization. Most likely, it says that the employee reports to his immediate supervisor and CEO. Then the explanatory note, in which case the employee will write in the name of either his boss or the general director.

Local regulations may establish a different hierarchy: for example, members of a working group report to the head of this group, despite the fact that they represent different divisions in it. The group leader may ask for written explanations only if the misconduct is related to the work of the group.

Thus, the security service, the corporate culture manager, the head of the personnel department are not entitled to demand explanations from employees of other departments who are not subordinate to them, unless this is expressly stated in the local regulations organizations. True, the corresponding powers of these and others officials can still be delegated CEO by order (for example, to the chairman of the commission to investigate a specific incident). See the captions in Examples 1 and 2 marked with an exclamation point.

By hand or on a computer?

The law does not oblige to write explanatory notes by hand, they can be typed on a computer. But experienced personnel officers demand explanations from employees, written only with their own hands. In the event of a labor dispute, this will help the employer protect against misconduct by an employee who may claim that he was “forced” to sign a text already drawn up by someone.

The minimum required composition of handwritten elements, inscribed by the employee’s hand on an explanatory note, is as follows:

  • position,
  • personal stroke and
  • AND ABOUT. Surname.

It is impossible to confine oneself only to a handwritten personal stroke, because some signatures are not able to be unambiguously identified by handwriting examination as belonging to a certain person. And for whole words (in positions and surnames), this can definitely be done.

Details of the explanatory note

The form of the explanatory note is relatively free. No one requires an employee to have a thorough knowledge of the standards for paperwork, and compliance with the necessary minimum is enough.

At the top, on the right side of the sheet, information is written in a column about to whom and by whom the explanatory note is addressed. The employee must indicate his structural unit, position, as well as full last name, First and middle name. Document type name- explanatory note - written in the center, after a few lines (usually with a capital letter or only in capital letters, as shown in Example 4). Example 5 shows an outdated version, where the name of the document type is written entirely in small letters and followed by a dot, i.e. the whole "cap" as if could be read in a single sentence; such design options used to be found in applications.

Example 4

"Header" of the explanatory note

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Example 5

An outdated version of the "cap" of the explanatory note

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Please note: in Example 5, the line with writing the type of document (with a small letter and a dot) is obsolete, and everything above is quite correct. The position of the author of the explanatory note may deviate from the addressee (general director, as in Example 4), or it may go immediately on the next line (as in Example 5). The preposition "from" may or may not be present before the author's title.

The name of the document type is followed by text which is in free form. The only requirements for it:

  • the correctness of the wording and the use, if possible, of an official business style of presentation,
  • only exact dates, if necessary - time,
  • facts and reasons for the current situation.

Circumstances are different, and it is incorrect to demand brevity from an employee in an explanatory note. A note can take up several sheets of paper, contain direct speech and read like a good detective, or it can consist of one line. The employer has no right to limit the employee in such "creativity".

No one expects conclusions and suggestions from the employee in the explanatory, although it will not work to forbid him to include them.

The content of the explanatory note is determined only by the employee who needs to write it. The boss does not have the right to dictate the text, say phrases like “this is not the reason”, demand rewriting and influence the content of the document in other ways. In some organizations, they go even further and draw up standard texts of explanatory notes. The employee has the right to decide whether to use them or write an explanatory note on his own. It is in his interest to describe what happened in the way he thinks is right. The employer, in turn, is obliged to familiarize himself with any explanations of the employee, whether he likes them or not.

Drafting the text of an explanatory note is very often difficult. Let us repeat the main rule: events must be stated as they happened.

If the fault of the employee is obvious (he was late, was rude to the client, forgot to do something), then it is pointless to deny this and invent some kind of excuse. You have to write it as it is:

Example 6

Explanatory note text

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Example 7

Explanatory note text

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There can be many reasons for being late or absent from the workplace, and not all of them are valid. If the employee does not want to voice true reason of being late, that's his right. Here the universal formulations “for family” or “for personal reasons” will help out (see Example 8). Another way out is to admit one's guilt without describing the reasons (Example 9). However, such cliches, of course, will not evoke any understanding and sympathy from the leadership.

Example 8

Explanatory note text

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Example 9

Explanatory note text

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The employee may assume that he will be “forgiven” because the reason for the misconduct is valid, and he himself has been working for a long time, this has never happened before, or for some other reason. Then he better write about it in his explanations:

Example 10

Fragment of the text of the explanatory note

To a very large extent, the success of the interview depends on whether the interviewer knows how to ask the right questions. Asking questions is not just a skill: in terms of complexity, it is an art that requires impeccable command of speech, sensitivity to the communicative manifestations of a partner, especially non-verbal signals, and the ability to distinguish sincere answers from evasive ones. Taking a partner as an equal interlocutor, i.e. entering into a parity dialogue with him, a person submits his judgments to him in order to use his experience in evaluating and developing his ideas. The ability to ask (and understand) questions is an extremely important managerial skill that will come in handy in many situations (not just in personnel conversations), so this part of the tutorial makes sense to get acquainted with common types of questions, using various business situations as examples. speech.
The question is a form of movement of thought, it clearly expresses the moment of transition from ignorance to knowledge, from incomplete, inaccurate knowledge to more complete and more accurate. Questions are impulses for activation. They serve to clarify points of view and guide the flow of the conversation. Finally, they are a tool of suggestion that helps to make the right decision.
It is possible to divide questions on the following grounds, essential for the interview:

1. Questions are distinguished by form:

Open and closed questions. An open question (what? why? where? etc.) requires a detailed answer. He names only the topic or subject of the question, and then the respondent is free to structure the answer at his own discretion, for example: What did you like about your previous job? A closed question only requires an expression of agreement or disagreement with the thought expressed (yes or no) If the decision on your enrollment is made, are you ready to immediately go to advanced training courses? Such a question is asked in order to obtain the consent (refusal) of the interlocutor. It has an element of coercion.

This also includes alternative questions. They give the interlocutor a choice. The number of possible options, however, should not exceed three. Alternative questions suggest quick solutions. At the same time, the word “or” is most often the main component of the question, since in this way all other possibilities are cut off: What time of discussion suits you best - Monday 12.00 or Thursday 16.00? Which model color suits you the most: yellow, red or green?

Direct and indirect questions . In a conversation, various kinds of psychological barriers can arise: the interlocutor cannot answer questions, because he is afraid, shy, does not know how to express what the questioner needs. Indirect questions are used to ease tension. This is necessary, for example, in cases where the opinion expressed may be contrary to what is shared in a given social environment. For example, instead of asking Would you like to change jobs? They ask: Would you advise your friend to apply for this job? The same type of questions includes the techniques of projective technique, when questions concern the future or an imaginary situation, such as: What would you do in such a situation? An example of a projective question that helps determine the relationship of the interlocutor with colleagues is a request to describe the appearance, manners, character traits chief. In this case, the response usually shows the attitude of the interlocutor to the described person. Or if we want to find out if a person gets acquainted with the latest literature on his subject, we ask: What would you advise reading on this issue? Such questions allow you to find out the required information and not put the interlocutor in an uncomfortable position (or save face).

Personal and impersonal questions. The choice of the personal or impersonal form of the question is essential. The personal form of the question, as a rule, reveals the individual opinion of the respondent. The impersonal form of the question provokes us to talk not about personal perception, but about what objective reality requires. For example, if you ask a person: what do you like to watch on TV? - He will report on his tastes and passions. But if you ask: what programs should be shown more on TV? - he will say that, in his opinion, it is useful to watch young people, women, in general it is useful for the people, although he himself may not watch TV at all.

2. According to the function of the question, the following types are distinguished:

Main questions. In preparation for the conversation, first of all, they make up the main questions that should bring basic information. These are the key questions of the conversation. They determine the micro-themes of the upcoming conversation. However, in a real situation, such a question may not work. People often evade the answer for various reasons.

Probing or additional questions. Using probing questions and analyzing the behavior of the interlocutor, you need to determine the reason for the unsatisfactory answer and ask a series of additional questions in order to obtain the information for which the main question was designed. Most often, probing and additional questions are not prepared in advance, but are asked at the moment when the main question does not work or an unexpected turn occurs in the conversation. (For example, the applicant vaguely answers the question about his relationship in the former team.) Probing (they themselves cannot help get an answer to the main question, but only determine the field for further questions): Is the team large? Consisted of women or men? What did you do? etc. Additional (they break the main question into fragments and help to find the most significant areas): Who did you get along better with: with women or men? What is his role in the implementation of common affairs? etc.

test questions. They are used more often not in the actual interview, but as an auxiliary element of the conversation. They aim to check the incoming information for accuracy. It is important to ask them during any conversation in order to find out whether the interlocutor is still listening to the conversation, whether he understands the speaker or just agrees. And here it is absolutely not enough to confine ourselves to the question: Do you understand me? The answer to such a question is always in the affirmative, whether or not it actually corresponds to the truth. So it's better to ask: What do you think about it? And what conclusions did you come to? Don't you find what it's about worthwhile cause? After the question is asked, it is necessary to let the interlocutor speak without rushing him. He must concentrate, sort out his thoughts and express his judgment. By the reaction of the interlocutor, you can see whether he is following the thought of the interviewer. If, when answering a security question, rejection or misunderstanding is revealed, you will have to go back a little. Be sure to set test questions, after a detailed story about a complex device or a new type of service, because in such situations, after the fifth sentence, the interlocutor usually mentally disconnects. By answering such a question, you can immediately determine what the interlocutor understood and whether he is ready to agree with the speaker's arguments.

relay questions. They strive to get ahead, develop the partner's statement, not interrupting, but helping him. The relay question reveals the ability to listen and catch on the fly the partner's remarks and provoke him to say even more, to say in a different way and beyond what is said. The relay question is designed to serve the interlocutor, to increase his satisfaction with his statements.

Filter questions. With their help, it is determined whether the interlocutor belongs to the group of people who can be asked certain kinds of questions (for example, the degree of awareness of the interviewee in a particular problem is determined). In mass surveys, filtering questions immediately cut off a group of uninformed people who are not asked a subsequent group of questions. This type of questions is very important when selecting a new employee for vacant position. So, if you start with a question about relevant work experience (if such experience is a prerequisite for admission) or knowledge foreign language(if such knowledge is necessary), then after answering this question, there will be no need to continue the conversation with a large number of applicants.

Clarifying questions. They detail the message of the interlocutor and thus perform a dual function: they bring additional information and serve to verify the authenticity of the message.

3. According to the impact on the interlocutor, the following types of questions are distinguished.

Neutral Questions contain no hint of the interviewer's assessment. Care should be taken that questions do not contain clues. The interlocutor does not have to guess which opinion the interviewer approves and which does not approve.

Leading or prompting questions. A typical example is a teacher's question in case of an answerer's mistake. For example, a student talks about epideictic speech, lists genres. Lecturer: Does a rally speech always belong to epideictic genres? From the fact that this is generally asked, we can conclude that not always.

Supporting questions. They ask to come to an understanding. If the interlocutor agreed with the speaker five times on trifles, then he will not answer the decisive sixth question in the negative. The English are somewhat more prudent in this sense than others. Usually any conversation they have begins with an exchange of opinions about the weather. If unanimity is reached on this issue, it is much easier to move on to solving the following problems. In any conversation, you need to intersperse confirming questions and always focus on what connects, and not on what separates. The form of the confirming question is determined by Socrates: You are of the opinion that ...? Surely you are also glad that ...?.

Counter questions. It is generally impolite to answer a question with a question, but a counter-question is a skillful psychological device to get agreement or not to give out your thoughts. For example:

Stirlitz talks with Muller.
Why did you have to bring me here? Couldn't you talk?
- It's quieter here. If everything ends as I want, we will return together, and everyone will know that we were doing business in my department.
- And my boss will know about it?
- Whose jealousy are you afraid of - his or mine?
- And what do you think?
- I like the way you go ahead.
- I have no other choice. And then I always love clarity.
- Clarity is a form of complete fog... I know you, sly one. (Yu. Semenov "17 Moments of Spring")

provocative questions. To provoke means to challenge, to incite. Whoever asks a provocative question should be aware that this is an incitement. Meanwhile, such questions must also be used in a conversation in order to establish what the partner really wants and whether he understands the state of affairs correctly.

“Provocative speech is a special type of speech designed internally to receive some kind of response information - or known to who provokes, or unknown (in this case, they talk about "extorting" information). In other words, in this case, the speaker reports on a certain attitude to an object or event or talks about some facts, having as a super task to receive from the addressee some information that he would otherwise hardly want to tell. “Obviously, not all information a person wants to share. In this case, provocative speech acquires special features: its basis is deceit, the desire to outplay the interlocutor. Wed example from the cited manual: "You can't win this match." “No, I can. I went through a series of training sessions with special loads and I am now in very good shape.” Provocative questions are constructed similarly to this: Of course, you know that the conditions at your base do not correspond to the level of all-Russian competitions? Do you understand that the price of your product will fall in the near future? They are designed for the fact that in response the interlocutor will report interesting information for the questioner, defending the honor of his organization.

Unipolar (or mirror) issues. This is just a repetition of the question by the interlocutor as a sign that he understood what was being said. The result of such a question is twofold: the questioner gets the impression that his question is correctly understood, and the answerer gets the opportunity to think carefully about his answer. Are you asking how much does it cost? Do you want to know if we have overtime?

Opening questions(opening talks, conversations) A well-posed question is a good start. Partners immediately become interested, a state arises positive expectation. For example: Your plant experiences downtime on a daily basis. Would you allow me to suggest a solution to this problem?

Information questions. The one who asks them needs the knowledge, experience and advice of another. It's about about gathering information that is necessary to form an idea about something. Information questions are always open questions. This means that the question is about specific subject or state of affairs, while the respondent, giving certain information, gives explanations. Such questions are an obligatory element of any interview, negotiations, etc. In response to such questions, a statement in the genre of an informational message is required: What are the requirements for manuscripts accepted for publication? What are the responsibilities of an advertising manager?

Introductory questions. This type of question can also be considered informational, however, the information that the asker expects to receive concerns the opinions, views, tastes, intentions, etc. of the interlocutor, so these are also open questions that cannot be answered in monosyllables. For example: What effect do you expect when using a new machine? What are your goals? In response to such a question, a statement in the genre of opinion follows.

Guiding questions. With their help, you can take control of the conversation and direct it in the direction that suits the initiator more and not allow the interlocutors to impose an undesirable direction of the conversation. Time runs quickly, if you let things take their course, it may turn out that the time appointed for the conversation has already expired, and the most important information has not yet been received.

Questions should be understandable to the interlocutor and have the same meaning for him as for the questioner. As far as possible, it is necessary to take into account the level of knowledge of the interlocutor and try to structure the question in such a way that the concepts and terms included in the question are familiar to him. You need to be ready to rephrase an incomprehensible question, explain the term.
The question should contain one thought. Otherwise, the interlocutor, as a rule, answers only the last part of the question or the one that is easier for him to remember.
Certifying remarks. With his own remark: Good question, This is a very good question - you can make it clear to the interlocutor that he asks smart questions and captures the essence of the conversation well. Or: The fact that you ask me this question proves that... An experienced interviewer inserts affirmative remarks from time to time to maintain contact with the interlocutor, because nothing and no one will please him more than his own rightness.


When you get to know someone, start talking and getting to know each other better (whether it's a friend, co-worker or lover), curiosity about the new acquaintance's interests and past is an inevitable part of the communication process.

However, this does not mean at all that a person can be asked any questions that come to mind, no matter how strong the desire to know the answers to these questions is.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with such "spicy" questions that are best avoided.

1. How much do you earn?

A situation in which such a question is relevant is when you are an employer and you are interviewing a potential employee and you need to know about his earnings at a previous job.

Also, this question will become relevant if you start living with this person and you need to agree on joint expenses. In other cases, the question of earnings is tactless.

Even if you share the details of your personal life with friends and family members, and if you want to tell them about your income, this does not mean that these people should also tell you about how much they earn.

Even if you know how much your friend earned at a previous job, it’s better not to ask him what his salary is in this moment. About everything that concerns money, it is better to keep your mouth shut!

2. Are you pregnant?

Some women underestimate their real weight, so it’s better not to discuss topics about weight, and even more so excess. And that's why:

1) A woman who is not pregnant, but simply has excess weight, perhaps, has been struggling with low self-esteem for a long time or is trying to improve his health, so a question like: "Are you pregnant by any chance?" could hurt her even more.

2) Worse if the woman has bloating, which may be due to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (a complication after certain fertility drugs) or a procedure artificial insemination. This means that a woman is not necessarily pregnant and cannot conceive in the usual way. In this case, asking questions about the pregnancy draws attention to the emotional and physical problems she has.

3) If a woman seems pregnant, it is possible that she is really pregnant. However, this does not mean that she is ready to talk about it to everyone, especially to an unfamiliar person.

3. Why are you single/single?

According to statistics free man after 30-40 years, usually already managed to get married or be married. In this case, the person may, for example, have recently been divorced and is now in a depressed state, so hearing such a question can be a very unpleasant moment for him or her.

And finally, if a person has never been officially married at all, perhaps he or she does not believe in the institution of marriage at all?

Perhaps he or she feels that marriages are made in heaven and therefore all you will hear in response will be a wave of criticism and ranting that marriage is a meaningless undertaking.

You may want to argue, because those who ask such questions usually take it seriously.

4. Why do you not want to have children or do you not have them?

The decision to have a child is very personal for each person, so asking such a question is tactless because it may not seem very respectful or judgmental.

Many people do not have children for various reasons. Perhaps the person is biologically incapable of having a child, or the woman has had an abortion; perhaps a person has lost a child and therefore such a question is very painful for him; or a person just does not want to have children yet and enjoys freedom, does not want to shoulder the burden of responsibility, and this is his own business and no one else's.

5. Do you believe in God?

Religiosity can take many forms: you can go to church every Sunday, go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, take yoga seriously, or just pray.

It doesn't matter how a person shows his religiosity, or perhaps he is just an atheist. Maybe he wants to keep his beliefs to himself and not discuss it with anyone.

Even if he answers the question about faith in God in the negative, this does not mean that he is not a highly spiritual person and does not keep the commandments.

He may just not feel comfortable discussing his inner world with you, because your mention of a special divine nature refers exclusively to the church orders that you follow.

6. How much is your house/apartment/car/purse/children's education and so on?

What people spend money on is only about themselves. It does not matter how they got this money: whether they work hard, whether they received a huge inheritance or have interest on deposits.

And anyway, why should you care? If a friend says she paid $900 for a Louis Vuitton handbag, what will that mean to you?

That she's wasting money or that you want to keep up too?

Even if your motives are sincere - for example, you would like to send your child to the same school as your friends and just want to know if you can afford it, it is not right to torture your friends about how much they pay for education.

You just have to call this school or visit their website, then there will be no embarrassment.

7. How many sexual partners have you had?

Even if you are about to have a sexual relationship with a person, these kinds of questions will be more hurtful than practical. (AT this case it is much more important to know when your potential partner was last tested for STDs, if you really care about your health).

For some, the question of sexual experiences in the past can be very embarrassing, for example, because there were "too many" or "too few" according to society. Or, for example, a person has already lost count and does not want to admit it. Furthermore, the emotional meaning that people attach to the sexual act, for different people completely different. For example, if for someone to have 100 sexual partners seems normal, then for another - 5 partners is already indecently many. In any case, asking someone about specific numbers is tactless, because it can cause disputes over personal values, because people do not always have the same moral standards. Worst of all, if suddenly you come across a victim of violence, then a question like: "How many sexual partners have you had?" can cause severe psychological pressure. If you really like a person, does it really matter how many partners she or he had before you? And if this is a random partner, then, all the more, there is no difference. Even so, the answer may not always be true.

Developing personal relationships is a matter that takes time. The more you get closer, the more likely it is that you will become initiated into some intimate details of the life of your acquaintance. Of course, the questions that we talked about earlier are not taboo - they still pop up sooner or later in the process of long-term communication. If you think something shouldn't be said, then don't. Curiosity must always go hand in hand with caution.

Written submission of explanations becomes mandatory only in a number of cases. The most common is when assessing the validity of the reasons for an employee’s disciplinary offense (violation by an employee of labor, official duties). This is required by the procedure for imposing a disciplinary sanction under Art. 193 of the Labor Code (hereinafter - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), which can result not only in a remark or reprimand, but also in dismissal. It all depends on the circumstances in which you need to understand. The explanatory note in this case documents, conveys to the management the position of the employee, his vision of the situation, his arguments.

Document Fragment

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 193 "Procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions"

Before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. If, after two working days, the specified explanation is not provided by the employee, then an appropriate act is drawn up.

The employee's failure to provide an explanation is not an obstacle to the application of a disciplinary sanction.

A disciplinary sanction is applied no later than one month from the date of discovery of the misconduct, not counting the time of illness of the employee, his stay on vacation, as well as the time required to take into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

A disciplinary sanction may not be applied later than six months from the date of commission of the misconduct, and based on the results of an audit, audit of financial and economic activities or an audit, later than two years from the date of its commission. The above time limits do not include the time of criminal proceedings.

For each disciplinary offense, only one disciplinary sanction may be applied.

The order (instruction) of the employer on the application of a disciplinary sanction is announced to the employee against signature within three working days from the date of its issuance, not counting the time the employee is absent from work. If the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the specified order (instruction) against signature, then an appropriate act is drawn up.

A disciplinary sanction may be appealed by an employee to the state labor inspectorate and (or) bodies for the consideration of individual labor disputes.

But explanatory notes can also be drawn up for other reasons, although the aspect of the “need to justify” is preserved (after all, in other cases, service and memos are used). For example, in the course of investigating the circumstances of causing damage to the property of the employer and determining its amount under Art. 247 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Requesting written explanations

So, "before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee." As you can see, the law does not specify exactly whether the demand for explanations should be oral or written. In particularly difficult cases, when both the employee and the employer are very serious and intend to go, as they say, to the bitter end, the employer must ask the employee for an explanation in writing, in order to later be able to confirm compliance with the procedure prescribed for imposing disciplinary sanctions in Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Example 1). The approved form of this personnel document has never existed, therefore, in each organization it is drawn up in its own way. Even the type of document used for this is different (notification, demand, letter, etc.), although it is more correct to call it “requirement”, because in Part 1 of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that you need to "request" a written explanation. The notification has a different connotation in meaning - there is information and there is no requirement to do anything. A letter is an outgoing document that is sent to a third-party organization or individual, and the employee is not such a “stranger” person.

It should be remembered that “a disciplinary sanction is applied no later than one month from the day the misconduct was discovered” (part 3 of article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The fact of its discovery is confirmed by an act, not a requirement. Therefore, this month should be counted from the date of discovery (which ideally should coincide with the date of drawing up the act), and not from the date of requesting written explanations.

From the date of the request, another period is counted - 2 days for giving a written explanation (see Example 3). Therefore, it is important not only to issue a claim, but also to prove that it was handed over to the employee or he refused to receive it. To do this, at the bottom of the sheet, you can immediately make the corresponding blanks (marked with numbers 1 and 2 in Example 1): if the first one is not issued (signature on receipt of the demand), then the second one is drawn up (witnesses confirm the fact that the employee refused to receive this document, this mark eliminates the need to draw up separate act for this).

Written request for an explanation from the employee

The text of the demand for explanations from the employee about the reasons for absence from work and signature

Calculation of the period for giving a written explanation of the reasons for a disciplinary offense

Suppose a worker negligently damaged the property of the employer on Monday 09/01/2014, there were witnesses to this and an act was drawn up on the same day. On September 2, 2014, the worker was required to give written explanations. We start counting from the next day:

  • 09/03/2014 - 1st day,
  • 09/04/2014 - 2nd day (when the submission of an explanatory note will still be considered timely),
  • On 09/05/2014, it is already possible to activate the fact of failure to provide explanations.

If the requirement to give written explanations was presented to the employee on Friday 09/05/2014, and Saturday and Sunday are his days off (that is, they are not included in the calculation of the 2-day period), then the deadline for the timely submission of an explanatory note will expire only on Tuesday 09/09 .2014.

So that a conscientious employee does not get confused in the calculation of this period, it is better to immediately indicate in the requirement a specific date by which an explanatory note must be provided. Here you can add a specific unit / official to whom it should be given (see the second paragraph of the text of the requirement from Example 1). The addressee of the explanatory note (in whose name it is drawn up, for example, the general director) and the person to whom it should be transferred (for example, the secretary or head of personnel department) are likely to be different people.

If the employee really had good reasons for the behavior that the employer did not like, and in general they are adequate people, then you should not be afraid of an explanatory note - she will defend the “accused”. Then you do not need to wait for a written request from the employer. According to his verbal wish, it is better to immediately draw up an explanatory note, attaching to it the maximum evidence of his innocence. Not only official documents will do, even a printout from a news site about interruptions in the operation of the metro line, through which a latecomer gets to work, will do. If there is a conflict between employees, then a well-written explanatory note can even “drag” the management to the side of its author.

In whose name is the explanatory note written?

To accurately answer this question, you need to look at the Internal Labor Regulations, which should be in force in every organization. Most likely, it says that the employee reports to his immediate supervisor and CEO. Then the explanatory note, in which case the employee will write in the name of either his boss or the general director.

Local regulations may establish a different hierarchy: for example, members of a working group report to the head of this group, despite the fact that they represent different divisions in it. The group leader may ask for written explanations only if the misconduct is related to the work of the group.

Thus, the security service, the corporate culture manager, the head of the personnel department are not entitled to demand explanations from employees of other departments who are not subordinate to them, unless this is expressly stated in the organization's local regulations. True, the relevant powers to these and other officials can still be delegated by the general director by order (for example, to the chairman of the commission to investigate a particular incident). See the captions in Examples 1 and 2 marked with an exclamation point.

By hand or on a computer?

The law does not oblige to write explanatory notes by hand, they can be typed on a computer. But experienced personnel officers demand explanations from employees, written only with their own hands. In the event of a labor dispute, this will help the employer protect against misconduct by an employee who may claim that he was “forced” to sign a text already drawn up by someone.

The minimum required composition of handwritten elements, inscribed by the employee’s hand on an explanatory note, is as follows:

  • position,
  • personal stroke and
  • AND ABOUT. Surname.

It is impossible to confine oneself only to a handwritten personal stroke, because some signatures are not able to be unambiguously identified by handwriting examination as belonging to a certain person. And for whole words (in positions and surnames), this can definitely be done.

Details of the explanatory note

The form of the explanatory note is relatively free. No one requires an employee to have a thorough knowledge of the standards for paperwork, and compliance with the necessary minimum is enough.

At the top, on the right side of the sheet, information is written in a column about to whom and by whom the explanatory note is addressed. The employee must indicate his structural unit, position, as well as full surname, name and patronymic. The name of the type of document - an explanatory note - is written in the center, after a few lines (usually with a capital letter or only in capital letters, as shown in Example 4). Example 5 shows an outdated version, where the name of the document type is written entirely in small letters and followed by a dot, i.e. the whole "cap" as if could be read in a single sentence; such design options used to be found in applications.

"Header" of the explanatory note

An outdated version of the "cap" of the explanatory note

  • the correctness of the wording and the use, if possible, of an official business style of presentation,
  • only exact dates, if necessary - time,
  • facts and reasons for the current situation.
  • Circumstances are different, and it is incorrect to demand brevity from an employee in an explanatory note. A note can take up several sheets of paper, contain direct speech and read like a good detective, or it can consist of one line. The employer has no right to limit the employee in such "creativity".

    No one expects conclusions and suggestions from the employee in the explanatory, although it will not work to forbid him to include them.

    The content of the explanatory note is determined only by the employee who needs to write it. The boss does not have the right to dictate the text, say phrases like “this is not the reason”, demand rewriting and influence the content of the document in other ways. In some organizations, they go even further and draw up standard texts of explanatory notes. The employee has the right to decide whether to use them or write an explanatory note on his own. It is in his interest to describe what happened in the way he thinks is right. The employer, in turn, is obliged to familiarize himself with any explanations of the employee, whether he likes them or not.

    Marking the presence of applications

    An explanatory note has been drawn up. What to do next?

    The employer, having received an explanatory note, puts on it the incoming registration number of the document and, without fail, the date of admission.

    According to Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to which we referred at the beginning, the employee has 2 working days to write an explanatory note. If, after this time, the employee does not provide explanations, the employer has the right to draw up an appropriate act about this. In order to insure against illegal actions on the part of the employer, it is better for the employee to register his explanatory note at the office or with the secretary with an appropriate mark on the document, and then take a copy of the explanatory note with this mark. Another option: the employee can write an explanatory note in 2 copies, and one of them, after putting a mark on admission, keep it. Then no one will be able to say that the employee did not provide written explanations within the period established by law.