Abstract inflate the bubble 2 junior group. Synopsis of GCD on artistic creativity (drawing) “Trees look into the lake

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words, to move rhythmically. Exercise children in squatting and building in a circle, running in different directions.

Description: Children stand close in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher, they say: “Inflate the bubble! Blow up big! Stay like that, but don't burst." While reciting verses, the children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says - “The bubble has burst”, all the children lower their hands and say in chorus “Clap!” and squat down. The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children get up, form a small circle again, the game resumes.


Say in chorus "Hop!" and squat down only after the words "The bubble burst."

Options : Perform swinging movements with your hands, first the ball is small, then large - wide swings of your hands. After the words "Don't burst!" the teacher says “Bubbles flew!”, the children scatter wherever they want.

Run to the flag (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Learn to act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking.

Description: Children receive flags of two colors - one red, the other blue. The teacher stands on one side of the site and holds a blue flag in one hand and a red flag in the other. Children with blue flags are grouped near blue, those with red flags are grouped near red. Then the teacher invites the children to take a walk. Children walk and run around the playground. The teacher goes to the other side and says: "One, two, three - run here as soon as possible!". He stretches his arms to the sides, the children run to the teacher and are grouped near the flag of the corresponding color. When all the children have gathered, he offers to wave the flags.


    You can disperse around the site only at the word of the teacher "Go for a walk!".

    You can gather near the teacher only after the words "One, two, three - run here as soon as possible!".

Options : Take a ribbon or handkerchief instead of a flag, then dance with it. Enter 2 red and blue flags. The teacher can change flags by moving them from one hand to another. Turn on the additional signal "Stop!" (everyone closes their eyes).

Sun and rain (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the signal of the teacher, to find their place on the site. Practice walking and running.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the room, this is their "home". The teacher looks out the window and says "What good weather, go for a walk! Children get up and go in any direction. "It's raining, run home!" - says the teacher. Children run to the chairs and take their places. The teacher says "Drip - drop - drop!". Gradually, the rain subsides and the teacher says, “Go for a walk. Rain stopped!".


    Children leave the house at the signal "Go for a walk!".

    They run home at the signal "it's raining!".

Options : Children first take any chair, then only their own. Instead of a house, arrange a portable canopy - hide from the rain. During the walk, they can pick "mushrooms and berries." Walking can be replaced by dancing.

Theme: "Wind - breeze."

2 junior group.

Preliminary work:

  • Watching the wind on walks;
  • Games with sultans, turntables;
  • Reading the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes", P. / and "Inflate the bubble"

Integration of educational areas:“Knowledge” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Reading fiction”, “Communication”.

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

A task: to give children an idea about the wind and its properties.

Goals: to develop the speech of children, to activate their vocabulary: to help form children's ideas about the wind and its properties.

Planned results: shows sensitivity to the artistic word when getting acquainted with the poem "Wind", actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks.

Materials and equipment: items sailboat, fan, tubules and a bowl of soapy water, a toy teddy bear,

Organizing time.

Introductory part.

Children sit on chairs (in a semicircle) there is a knock on the door.

Guys, someone is knocking, I'll go and see who came to us ...?

Hello, come on!

Guys, look who came to us? (V. Holds a bear cub in his hand).

Look at the "bear cub" for some reason he is sad.

What happened, little bear? Tell me in my ear.

Guys, the bear cub says that his friend Veterok hid and he can't find him. The teddy bear was very upset about this.

Main part.

Let's guys, let's see if there is a breeze in our group, let's look with our eyes? (children's answers). Where can you meet the wind? (on the street, the trees are shaking,). Do we see him? No. We can only see how he moves objects - drives clouds across the sky, shakes branches on trees. It turns out the breeze is invisible.

And we ourselves can make a breeze? How?

The teacher shows how you can fan your face with your hand to feel the movement of air. (I suggest that the children do the same).

What did you feel?

What wind?

Did the wind get colder or warmer?

And you guys know that there are different devices that make the wind. Maybe you know them too? (children's answers)

How else can you and I get a breeze? (fan your hands, turn on a hair dryer, and a fan can also help.) I demonstrate a paper fan, let the children wave themselves and feel the coolness.

An invisible breeze, we do not see it, but we feel it.


The wind is blowing in our faces.
(wave hands to face)
The tree swayed.
(swing from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
(sit down, wave your hands up and down)
The tree is getting higher and higher.
(reach up)


Guys, how can we make a breeze? In order for us to see how you and I are blowing, making a breeze, I will give you cotton wool. What does cotton wool look like? (children's answers).

Look at me, in order for our breeze to blow you need - lips with a tube - cotton wool lies on the palm of your hand. Am I blowing? (I blow, cotton wool flies away). And now try to blow the cotton from the palm of your hand. I will catch who will blow their cotton wool further. Well done learned to make a breeze.

Let's give the bear cub cotton so that he can play at home. Duya.

Guys, let me teach you how you can play with the breeze in different ways, if you learn to blow hard.

Game: Bubbles.

Now we will try to blow air through a straw. And let's see who's bigger bubble. Children blow, the bear cub praises the children. Guys soon. New Year, suddenly Mishka will not come to us anymore, we will give him soap bubbles.

Final part.

Now I will read you a riddle poem, and you think, what else can a breeze do?

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is pushing

He runs in the waves

On swollen sails.

Do you want to try? Let's see how small sailboats can be driven through the waves. (sailboats float in a basin of water). They blow on the sails, the boats sail (weakly, blow strongly).

Teddy bear: I really liked the guys to be a breeze. Now I know that the breeze is not visible, but we can feel it.

Summary of the lesson.

So we found a friend teddy bear - a breeze, he is not visible, but we can feel him and even play with him.

Where do you think the breeze likes to walk most of all (on the street.)

Guys, the breeze invites all of us outside to play with autumn leaves and funny bags.





municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined view No. 7 of the city of Kropotkin, the municipality of the Kavkazsky district

I want to present a card file of round dance games for children 3-4 years old. forward planning consists of 3 sections: the name of the game, goals, summary.

Games are selected according to lexical topics, the tasks of the games are developed according to the FGT.

Vegetables “Bunny walked” Fruits “Pear” Toys “Matryoshka” “Gifts” “Flag” Fish “On the river reeds” Animals “We are going through the forest” “Bunny walked” “Bunny” “Have fun, kids” “Bear” Autumn “Circle » "Oats" Clothing and footwear "Cap and stick" "Cap" "Heel" Visiting the fairy tale "Scarlet Flower" "Where have you been, Ivanushka?" "Grandfather Water" Birds "Pea" "Gardener and Sparrow" Winter "Bear" Trees and bushes "On the river reeds" "Silence" Body parts "Big and small legs" "On a flat path" "Bunny" "We stamp our feet" Food products "Loaf" "Pea" Plants "Scarlet flower" "Like on our meadow "My family" Loaf "Professions" Needle, thread and knot "Mom's holiday" Scarlet flower "" Loaf " Spring "Sun and rain" My house "Grandma's yard" "I walk around the house" New Year "Gifts" Human labor "Oats" "Needle, thread and knot" Pets "Bees lead a round dance" "Cats and mice" "Horse-fire" "Grandma's yard" "Where have you been, Ivanushka?" Wild birds "Lark" Summer "Carousels" "Silence" "Sun and rain" "Round dance" Insects "Bees lead a round dance" Others "Inflate, bubble" "Even circle" "Now we will go ..."


(Body parts)

Targets and goals - develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

"Big and small feet"

Hold hands and walk in a circle, either slowly, loudly stamping your feet, or accelerating your pace and often moving your legs.

Big feet
Walked along the road
Top top, top top
small feet
Run along the path
Top top top top top
Top top top top top


(Wild animals)

Targets and goals

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

"We are walking through the forest"

Hold hands and walk in circles:

We are walking through the forest
Let's find the animals.
We will call the hare loudly:
Nobody answers
Only an echo resounds
Quietly: "Au-au-au!"

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: “Wolf

loudly call”, “We will call the bear”, “We are the fox

let's call."


(Body parts)

Targets and goals- develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

"On a flat path"

Together with the child, dance with the words:

On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
Our feet are walking.
On the stumps, on the bumps,
by pebbles,
Over the pebbles, into the pit - bang!

Sit down on the last line.


(Vegetables, animals)

Targets and goals- develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

"Bunny walked"

Hold hands, forming a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a carrot
Sat down, ate and moved on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a cabbage
Sat down, ate and moved on.
Bunny walked, walked, walked,
Found a potato
Sat down, ate and moved on.

On the words "sat down" - stop and squat down.


Targets and goals- develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

"Inflate, bubble!"

Together with the teacher, the children become a tight circle and begin to “inflate the bubble”: tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, one below the other, like a pipe. At the same time, they straighten up and take in air, and then bend over again, blow air into their tube and pronounce the sound "f-f-f-f". These actions are repeated 2-3 times. With each inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble had grown a little. Then everyone joins hands and gradually widens the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Inflate, bubble, inflate big,

Stay like this and don't give up!!!

It turns out a large stretched circle.

He flew, flew, flew.

And hit a branch! (children run around)

"Bubble burst!" everyone clap their hands, say the word "Clap!" and run into a bunch.


(Insects, Pets)

Targets and goals- develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

"The bees lead a round dance"

Perform appropriate movements.

The bees lead a round dance -
Broom, broom.
The cat hit the drum -
Trom, trum.
The mice began to dance -
So that the whole earth began to tremble.



Targets and goals- develop coordination, orientation in space, develop coordination of words with movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication


We walk, we walk in a round dance
Before all honest people.
sat down,
sit down
got up,
get up
They showed themselves.

jumped, jumping
We clapped our hands.
clap .


(Animals, Winter)

Goals and objectives - to develop coordination, orientation in space, to develop coordination of words with movements, to work on the pace and rhythm of speech; enrich the motor experience of children; educate the desire to move expressively; be careful in movements and movements.

Promote the development of gaming activities, perform actions in a certain sequence.

To form the ability to observe certain elementary norms and rules of behavior with adults and peers; to form the ability to emotionally - respond positively to the requests and demands of an adult, to the need to regulate one's behavior; develop the ability to maintain verbal communication

Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharova
Lesson on visual activity in the younger group on the topic: "Inflate, bubble"

Abstract visual arts classes

in junior group

Topic: « bloat, bubble…» .

Target: to teach children to convey images of an outdoor game in a drawing. To consolidate the ability to draw round objects of various sizes.


educational: to consolidate the previously learned techniques of drawing and painting Images; knowledge of colors

developing: to promote the development of figurative representation, imagination of children;

educational: promote aesthetic education.

Means of education:

1. Classes in fine arts in the second junior group. Komarova T. S. - Moscow, 2008.

2. Album sheets.

3. Gouache paints (red and yellow).

5. Banks of water.

6. Napkins.

Lesson progress

1. Actualization of knowledge.

The teacher invites the children to remember how they played an outdoor game « bloat, bubble…» . asks:

What bubble?

What does he look like?

2. Goal setting and motivation.

Educator. Guys, today we have drawing lesson. We will learn how to draw round objects of different sizes.

3. Discovery of new knowledge.


Guys, what form bubble? (Round.)

And what size the bubble was at the beginning? And what did he become when we were together said: « bloat, bubble? Fizkultminutka ( « bloat, bubble» ).

The teacher asks to show in the air how they will draw small and large bubbles.

And now take a brush and green paint, draw first, as the bubble was small.

Now take some red paint and paint big bubble, color it, repeating the outlines, from the edge to the center.

Physical education minute

bloat, bubble,

Blow up big.

Stay like this

Don't crash. (inflate)

burst bubble. (psh-sh-sh-sh)

4. Summing up.

The teacher asks questions:

What did we draw today?

What form bubble?

What color did we draw a small bubble? And how big?

The teacher lays out all the finished work on the table, together with the children to consider, enjoy the beautiful bright drawings.

Related publications:

Good afternoon, Dear friends! I bring to your attention a photo report of a lesson on visual activity on the topic: "Transport". Purpose: to continue.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about poultry and their chicks. Tasks: to expand ideas about poultry and their chicks (features.

Educational field: artistic and aesthetic Activity: graphic (application) Age group: second junior group.

OBJECTIVES: To teach how to choose the right size and format of the sheet for work, correctly position the drawing and fill it with color, highlight the main thing.

Project on visual activity on the theme: "Wild animals" (Using non-traditional techniques drawing in the development of creative abilities.

Program content: -To form children's ideas about the physical properties of water. - Lead to an understanding of what water possesses.

Theme: "The girl is dancing" Purpose: To develop the ability of children to draw a human figure, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a girl.

psychological exercises for training

Game "Inflate, Bubble"

Target: acquaintance and rapprochement of children with each other and with the teacher.

Age: preschool.

In this game, children acquire a new motor experience for them. On the one hand, this is a formation in a circle typical of a round dance, on the other hand, the performance of rhythmic movements subordinate to a figurative word. All game actions are performed together and by all children in imitation of the teacher and each other. The game retains the nature of fun and brings pleasure.

Description of the game: The game begins with the fact that the teacher invites all the children to sit on the chairs located in a semicircle, and approaches one of them with the question: “What is your name? Speak loudly so everyone can hear!" The child calls his name, and the teacher repeats it loudly and affectionately: “Mashenka, let’s go play”, takes the child by the hand and goes with him to the next one, asking his name, then invites him to join them and give Mashenka a hand. Now the three of them are going to invite the next one. So all the children are invited in turn. At the same time, it is better to first approach those who express a desire to join the game as soon as possible, and invite the constrained, inhibited children last - watching how willingly everyone agrees to play, they gradually become infected with the desire to join the game. If someone still refuses to play, do not insist on it.

After all the children are invited, a long chain is formed. The teacher gives a hand to the child standing last and closes the circle. “Look how many of us! Which big circle turned out! Like a bubble! Now let's make a little circle." Together with the teacher, the children become a tight circle and “inflate the bubble”: tilting their heads down, the children blow into fists placed one under the other, like a tube. They straighten up, take in air, and then bend down again, blow out the air and say “fff.” These steps are repeated two or three times. With each inflation, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble had inflated a little. Then everyone joins hands and gradually widens the circle, moving backwards and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble
Blow up big...
Stay like this
Don't crash!!!

By the end of the text, a large stretched circle is formed. The teacher enters the circle, touches each pair of joined hands, stops in some place and says: “The bubble has burst!” Everyone clap their hands, say the word "Clap!" and run into a bunch (towards the center). After that, you can start the game again, i.e. inflate the bubble again.

You can end the game like this. When the bubble burst, the teacher says: “Little bubbles flew, flew, flew, flew ...”. Children run in different directions.

Rules of the game

  1. When the bubble inflates, move back, and by the end of the text join hands.
  2. To the word "Clap!" hands part, and everyone runs to the center.
  3. Give a hand to anyone who is near.

When conducting this game, it is very important to follow the movements of the children, adhering to a leisurely and optimal pace for them. It should be remembered that by pronouncing the sound "f-f" when the bubble is inflated, children master the correct articulation. it good exercise for the development of sound. In this game, educators often encounter conflict relations between children: some of them do not want to give a hand to a neighbor, run from one place to another, etc. Especially often children quarrel because everyone wants to stand next to the teacher. Reminding children of the third rule, which is necessary for friendly play, one should not linger on these conflicts. It is better to resolve disputes quickly and tactfully.

an interesting exercise I have not met an analogue
Yes, it can be played even with adults!
thanks for the idea
played this game with kids preschool age- children are delighted
The daughter came from the kindergarten (3g), grabbed the youngest (1.6g) by the handles and plays: "Bloody belly, but don't clap." He stomps with his foot and "pshshshshsh" A small baldet))) So I decided to look for what kind of BUBBLE this))) Thank you for the clarification.