Abdomen after childbirth diastasis. What exercises and movements should be avoided? Endoscopic hernioplasty

Every woman after the birth of a child dreams of returning to her former forms. Some young mothers manage to do this with ease and without exhausting physical exercise.

Others have to make every effort to recover, and even so, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect.

The fact is that many women experience changes in the musculoskeletal system during pregnancy, which should be corrected, otherwise the wasp waist will not return.

Diastasis after childbirth - what is it

Diastasis after childbirth is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles relative to the central white line, where the connective tissue ligaments are located. Normally, in humans, the distance between the abdominal muscles is no more than 0.5-2 cm.

During pregnancy, the load on the anterior abdominal wall increases, it presses on it, which increases tenfold as the fetus grows.

Also, the muscles of the abdomen of a pregnant woman relax under the influence of the hormone relaxin. As a result, the rectus muscles diverge - diastasis occurs.

The degree of diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth is different: in some, the gap between the muscles does not exceed the upper limit of the norm (about 2 cm or a little more), in others a wide strip is formed up to 10 cm in width or more.

In this case, it is more difficult for a woman to return beautiful forms after childbirth - the abdominal wall sags, it is difficult to tighten it.

Over time, the abdominal muscles lose their tone and slowly atrophy, the tendons become thinner. Other serious problems are possible: the appearance of hernias, displacement of internal organs abdominal cavity.

Causes of strong muscle divergence

More often, severe diastasis appears in young mothers who have had multiple pregnancies, and those who have had (read about it on our website). A more noticeable divergence of the abdominal muscles is observed after repeated births.

The appearance of abdominal diastasis after childbirth is influenced by hereditary characteristics of muscle and connective tissue, the girl's lifestyle before pregnancy, and her weight. If you regularly engage in physical education before conception, prevent the accumulation of excess body weight and keep your abs taut, you can reduce the risk of developing a disorder many times over.

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How to determine diastasis after childbirth

A doctor can accurately determine the presence of diastasis. But you can do it yourself with this test:

1 You need to lie on a flat hard surface (on the floor), bend your legs, feet pressed to the floor. We raise the head and shoulders so that the muscles of the abdominal wall tense.

2 Right hand feel for the midline of the abdomen and the muscles that diverge from it (they are felt under the fingers like rollers that protrude around a flat protrusion).

3 Determine the width of the strip between the muscles near the navel by the number of fingers that fit in the gaps between the muscles (then translate into centimeters).

If the size of the gap does not exceed 2 cm, then there is no diastasis. The divergence of the abdominal muscles by less than 5-7 cm is the first degree of diastasis, more than 7 cm is the second degree, more than 10 cm is the third degree.

How to remove diastasis after childbirth

The following methods of treatment of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth are possible:

1 Exercises for diastasis after childbirth - effective method, which can help to cope with the violation without surgery, but only with the right organization of classes.

2 A more radical way to treat diastasis after childbirth is surgery. It is performed if the correction with the help of physical education is ineffective or the divergence of the muscles is too large.

There are two types of operations. In the first case, a special mesh is used, which is implanted into the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, maintains the muscles and internal organs in a normal position. In the second case, the muscles and connective tissue of the white line of the abdomen are corrected without the use of an endoprosthesis.

The first degree of diastasis can pass over time without special treatment.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth: exercises

Correctly organize the process of restoring the shape of the abdomen is possible only with the help of experienced professionals. A woman needs to consult with the attending gynecologist: when can you start exercising. In the first 6 weeks, the uterus is cleansed and lochia is released. If you overdo it with exercises, you can provoke bleeding.

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When the health of a young mother improves, and there are no more contraindications for physical education, you can start exercising.

First, a test is performed for the presence of diastasis. If there is a discrepancy, it all depends on its degree: in case of severe violation, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the degree is small, you need to choose a set of exercises.

It is better to first contact a specialist, for example, a fitness trainer - he will take into account all individual characteristics and advise the best method.

If you decide to practice at home, you can use the following exercises:

1 Lying on the floor, bend your knees, hands on the floor to the sides. Raise the pelvis so that a straight line is formed from the torso and legs to a bend in the knee joint (3 sets of 10 times).

2 The same exercise can be performed by lifting the pelvis and alternately one leg vertically up, but the arms should lie along the body (10 times for each leg).

3 Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head. The legs are slightly raised, straight. We perform steps in the air, bringing straight legs to the body alternately (3 sets of 20 times).

4 Exercise "Planck": the body is straight, facing the floor, we rely only on the elbows and forearms of the hands and toes. In this position, you need to stay about 30 seconds (for beginners), 3 sets each.

To eliminate diastasis, you need to do classes regularly (3-4 times a week), and eat right, especially since after childbirth, most women breastfeed their baby (read the website here about the rules for nutrition during lactation).

With diastasis, it is harmful to overload the abdominal muscles, lift weights. You can not perform exercises lying on a fitball, apply the method "

Every woman who gave birth faced the phenomenon of diastasis. What does diastasis look like after childbirth? Diastasis is an increase in the area of ​​the central tendon line of the abdomen due to the divergence of its rectus muscles.

Some women recover quite quickly after delivery, while others, on the contrary, throw all their efforts into getting rid of sagging abdominal tissues and try in vain to achieve an aesthetically beautiful figure.

The situation, when the structural arrangement of the rectus abdominis muscles is disturbed, promises a woman a constantly stretched belly and a low probability of returning the former slender shape of the waist.

If you want to correctly correct the figure restoration program in postpartum period, you need to understand the root of the problem and understand why the spatial arrangement of muscle structures has changed.

For reference, we mention that the development of diastasis is typical not only for pregnant women, but also for people who:

During pregnancy, there is an active production of the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for stretching the ligaments of the abdominal region. In this regard, there comes a weakening of the muscular musculature of the abdominal region and the intra-abdominal pressure gradually increases. The superficial and deep groups of the abdominal muscles are stretched, and the median white line - the connective tissue tendon into which many of these muscles are woven - increases significantly in size.

Another, due to which there was an increase in the size of the tendon line, may be an innate predisposition to poor tone of the connective tissue. Such a disease is called "dysplasia" - the occurrence of defects in fibrous connective tissue that occurred during the period of embryonic and postembryonic development, which is due to genetic determination. This pathology is characterized by a defective state of the structures of collagen and elastin fibers, which form the basis of connective tissue.

Below we will figure out how to get rid of diastasis after childbirth.

How to get rid of diastasis after childbirth

When will diastasis pass after childbirth?

After labor, normally, the localization of the muscles should return to its previous state. By itself, the muscle structure is quite mobile and well restores its location. The densely formed connective tissue of the tendons and ligaments, in turn, is not so regenerating, which is why it can maintain its previous state for a long time, creating the appearance of a rounded abdomen.

In addition to the loss of the aesthetic appearance of the woman's figure, a number of complications associated with the divergence of the abdominal muscles can occur, which will be described below.

Types of diastasis and degree of divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles - what complications can occur with diastasis?

In medical practice, there are three degrees of development of diastasis of the abdominal muscles, which are distinguished depending on the size of the divergence of the abdominal muscles from the original norm.

The distance norm ranges from 0.5 to 2 centimeters. The severity of the complication is due to the size of the distance from each other of the rectus abdominis muscles, which is measured from the navel to the xiphoid process of the sternum (its end). In this regard, there are 3 stages of development of diastasis after childbirth, which have their own symptoms.


  • Stage I - linea alba expands from 1 cm to 5. Such a discharge does not have a special effect on the shape of the abdomen. Usually found in women who have had their first childbirth.

Signs of diastasis stage I:

In order to determine if there is diastasis, you need to listen to your feelings, pay attention to the presence of dull, intense pain in the epigastric region, the presence of nausea, constipation, and bloating. It often happens that a person with diastasis has difficulty walking.

  • Stage II - expansion of the white line within 5-7 centimeters.

At this stage of diastasis, a decrease in the turgor (stressed) state of the lateral groups of muscle muscles is observed and an umbilical hernia is formed (at this stage, diastasis often occurs along with after childbirth).

  • Stage III - the occurrence of diastasis of the abdominal muscles more than 7 centimeters

The third stage of muscular diastasis is characterized by the appearance of umbilical and hernias of the white line of the abdomen. In addition to visually sagging abdominal tissues, a person has the following complications:

Characteristic signs of splanchnoptosis: the occurrence of nausea, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdominal region, caused by the tension of the mesenteric tissue in the vertical position of the body in space. Similar symptoms do not appear when changing the position of the body to a horizontal one, or when using bandage clothing.


Also, depending on the location of the increase in the distance of the white line, there are three types of diastasis of the abdominal muscles:

  • Diastasis above the navel;
  • Below the navel;
  • Mixed look (expansion both above and below the navel).

Which doctor should I go to for the treatment of diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth?

Initially, you should start with a trip to the therapist. It is he who will be able to determine the presence / absence of diastasis changes in the abdominal muscles, as well as the degree of their complication.

How to determine diastasis after childbirth?

Twisting test (detection of diastasis above the navel)

In order to independently understand whether there is diastasis after childbirth, you need to choose a hard surface and lie on your back, bending your knees. Then, the woman needs to slowly raise her head and shoulder girdle from the support, pressing her chin to her body. For self-diagnosis, place a hand on the abdomen above the navel on the line located in the middle and then press the fingers inward. Next, it is necessary to assess the magnitude of the deviation between the fibers of the abdominal muscles.

Determination of diastasis with leg elevation (test for diastasis below the navel)

It is necessary to take a horizontal position again and straighten your legs. Next, carefully raise your comfortable leg up, about 20 degrees (about ten centimeters). Feel that the abdominal muscles are tense. Again, put your hand on the midline, only now below the navel, and press your fingers on the place where the rectus abdominis connects. Note the amount of muscle deflection.

When performing tests to see if there is diastasis, do not forget:

  • Pay attention to somatic sensations: the presence of pain at the location of the pubic joint, discomfort in the pelvic floor, as well as signs such as involuntary urination, gas formation and air leakage from the vagina;
  • Palpate the boundaries of muscle groups located along the central line and assess the degree of deviation of the location from pathologies.

Try to determine whether it is a small gap or a distinct separation of muscle fibers with a characteristic space between them;

  • Visually assess the presence of a hernia (bloating or ridge);

For a better understanding, watch the videos on self-diagnosis for the presence of diastasis.

Diastasis of the abdomen - what to do? How to eliminate diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth?

General information

Now there are several ways to remove abdominal diastasis after childbirth:

  • Performing complex exercises for diastasis- this method is effective, does not include surgery and is suitable for almost all people with this disease. The only, most important thing is to perform exercises, correctly distributing the load on the muscles.

Note: in order to get rid of diastasis, and not increase its severity, at first, you should consult a specialist about a set of exercises, as well as a technique. Also, it will be better if for some time you find a trainer for yourself who will show you how to perform this or that exercise correctly.

  • Surgical operation to eliminate diastasis of the abdominal muscles- this method is usually prescribed in cases where the correction of muscle discrepancy with the help of a set of exercises is ineffective, or the patient has a stage III development of diastasis.

Elimination of diastasis after childbirth at home: a set of exercises

The expansion of the tendon median line cannot disappear or stop on its own, due to the fact that it has the ability to progress. That is why in order to stop the process of stretching the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen, it is recommended to purchase bandage underwear.

People who have the first degree of development of diastasis are recommended to perform a special set of exercises that have a positive effect on its elimination. The main thing that is emphasized in these complexes is the strengthening of the muscular muscles that make up the girdle corset, as well as bringing the longitudinal abdominal muscles into tone, and, as a result, their gradual contraction.

What is forbidden to do with diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

First, let's discuss what is forbidden to do with diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Perform physical exercises that provoke an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity. These include:

  • - a sharp raising of the body, lower limbs alternately or together from a horizontal position, or in a hanging position;
  • - performing "Bicycle" or "Scissors";
  • - take positions that increase the tension of the midline of the abdomen (“Mayurasan”);
  • – strength training: power balance on the arms, leg forwarding, jumping, push-ups;
  • - adopting a body position in which the abdominal wall is strongly stretched or expanded - performing backbends, variations of bridges, deep lateral tilts and pull-ups;
  • - the implementation of frequent intense abdominal breathing;
  • - performing the plank exercise;
  • - Performing all exercises that involve the abdominal press. Exclusion from training programs of partial lifting of the body and legs from a horizontal position and all other exercises in which the rectus muscles are involved, but does not have a strong effect on oblique muscles (with such exercises, the distance between the rectus abdominis muscles increases);
  • - the exclusion of any other physical activities in which a woman experiences a "bulging" of the abdominal wall due to the tense state of the muscles.

Breathing exercises to eliminate diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

As we mentioned earlier, the increase in the distance between the rectus muscles is directly proportional to the increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity. Special breathing techniques directly affect the latter, thereby reducing the tension of the rectus muscles.

What can

Below are a few techniques. breathing exercises to reduce diastasis after childbirth:

  • Exercise "Uddiyana bandha" - the implementation of retraction and holding the abdomen in this position with delayed breathing;
  • Exercise "Agnisara dhauti" - the implementation of retraction of the abdomen and rolling while holding the breath;

Exercise "Uddiyana Bandha"

For him you need:

Exercise "Agnisara dhauti"

Pelvic Diaphragm Training

  • One of the most effective exercises to restore the connective tissue of the white line of the abdomen is the Kegel exercise. It is based on alternating tension / relaxation of the muscles of the perineum. The effectiveness lies in the fact that the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen are woven into the pelvic diaphragm, and its increased contraction helps to align the muscle fibers.
  • An informal method for eliminating diastasis: Straight posture - regularly reduce the shoulder blades, lift the chest and pull the stomach in from below

Formal methods for eliminating diastases

  • - You need to take a horizontal position, bend your knees, place your hands along the body. Start slowly lifting your pelvis off the floor. Perform smoothly, feeling each vertebra. Pull the coccyx up. Stop when the lower extremity girdle and knees are in line, then release.
  • - Take the same starting position. Bend your left leg at a 90 degree angle. While inhaling, begin to raise your arms (palm surfaces are directed parallel to the floor). Make movements as if you are hitting water with your hands. Only 10 reps per leg.
  • - Again the same starting position. Press your lower back as hard as possible to the floor. Start lifting your left shin to a 90 degree angle. While exhaling, straighten the entire leg and, as much as possible, draw in the stomach. Throw the back of the head up, keep the pelvis straight. Change leg.
  • - Get on all fours, make sure that the palms are exactly under the shoulders. Tighten the stomach, straighten the body. Start straightening your leg until it is parallel to the floor. Make sure that the lower back does not bend.
  • - Stand in the position of the side plank: lie on either side, put your legs to each other, rest with your hand so that the shoulder joint is above the elbow. Put the other hand on the side. The body should stretch like a string. Try to fix yourself in the side plank for 20-30 seconds.
  • - Alternately lowering the legs in a horizontal position: the lower back is firmly pressed to the floor, lowering one leg, hold for a while, when 7-10 centimeters remain to the floor - after that, return it to its original position and repeat with the other.

Surgery to remove diastasis of the abdomen after childbirth: varieties

It is recommended to resort to a surgical method for eliminating diastasis in the case of 2-3 degrees of complication of the disease. This procedure not only eliminates the problem of an extended midline and eliminates the risk of complications, but also gives a strong cosmetic result.

  • Full tummy tuck

This type of surgery is a response to frequently asked question: "How to remove abdominal diastasis after childbirth?" and is prescribed for people who suffer from excessive subcutaneous fat, severe sagging of the tissues of the abdominal region, and other similar symptoms.

During abdominoplasty, excess fat is removed, the abdominal muscles are tightened and sewn together. During the operation, an arcuate excision is applied above the bikini line - this makes the surgical intervention less visually noticeable. Then there is the removal of excess fat and skin. If necessary, the navel is displaced. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Duration - about 3-4 hours.

  • Mini tummy tuck

This option is prescribed for patients with moderate subcutaneous fat below the umbilicus, normal muscle tone, and good elasticity.

The incision is made in the same place. Often, along with the correction of diastasis, cosmetic correction of the figure is performed. The duration of the operation is about two hours.

  • Endoscopic tummy tuck

This surgical procedure is necessary to maintain the tone of the muscular frame. The peculiarity lies in the fact that this does not remove subcutaneous fat.

The operation is the least traumatic, since during its implementation a scalpel with a micro-camera is used, which displays the operating field on the screen. This eliminates the need to make large tissue incisions.


Thus, choosing for yourself best method restoring a figure after childbirth, be sure to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the procedure.

In this article, today we will consider such a postpartum problem as diastasis. In practice, all women have encountered it, but few people know this name. Does your imagination present you with an image of a serious illness? Don't worry - it's not yes, but diastasis is able to provoke them. Now you will learn what diastasis is, as well as how to correctly determine it.

Causes of diastasis

  • The most common cause is pregnancy. Most often it occurs after a caesarean section. Yes, for many women, the muscles recover on their own, converging back to the center of the abdomen. But there are times when a woman notices a bulge in herself after giving birth. It cannot be eliminated with diet and abdominal exercises. Please note that with diastasis, such exercises are strictly prohibited!
  • Obesity. With a rapid set or decrease in body weight, muscle tone decreases. This causes diastasis.
  • Great physical activity main reason formation of diastasis in men.
  • Hereditary predisposition or weak abdominal muscles from birth. Diastasis of the abdominal muscles may be accompanied by hemorrhoids or varicose veins. Since pregnant women may suffer from varicose veins, they are advised to wear special compression stockings.

What is dangerous diastasis

In most cases, diastasis is just an aesthetic problem: a mother can’t get rid of a bulging tummy with the help of sports and diets. There are cases when diastasis becomes not only discomfort, but also a health problem. The girl may be disturbed by severe pain in the abdomen or lower back, which intensifies after physical exertion or heavy lifting. The most dangerous is considered diastasis of the 3rd degree. It weakens the muscles of the press, provokes the formation of hernias or the prolapse of internal organs.

Determination of the presence of diastasis

Run the test below. It will allow you to determine if you have a divergence of the abdominal muscles. To identify diastasis, do the following:

  • lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor;
  • put 1 hand behind your head and 2 on your stomach. Run your fingertips along the entire midline of the abdomen at the level of the navel, parallel to the waist;
  • try to relax the abdominal wall. Gently press the abdomen with your fingertips;
  • slightly tear/twist your upper body with crunches. Check that your chest is moving towards your pelvis. When the muscles begin to move, fix how many fingers fit between them, as well as how deep they go inside;
  • fix how many fingers can fit between the tense abdominal muscles below and above the navel.

With this homemade test, you can determine the exact size of the “hole” in your stomach. A hole is an area that is not covered by muscles. If you cannot find such an abyss, then everything is fine - there is no diastasis. Otherwise, it might be him. The deeper/bigger the “hole”, the stronger the diastasis.

Diastasis leads to such disorders in the body:

  • tendons become thinner;
  • the abdominal press weakens;
  • abdominal muscles atrophy;
  • the abdominal walls stop contracting.

Determining the type of diastasis

Have you taken a test and suspect you have diastasis? Let's now define its degree. The following classification should help you with this.

  • I-type - a small expansion of the white line in the navel. This is the most harmless form, not reflected in the size of the abdomen. Formed after the 1st pregnancy.
  • Type II - relaxation of the lateral muscles and their divergence in the lower sections. Externally, the stomach begins to bulge slightly from below.
  • Type III - the abdominal muscles diverge along all the seams of the upper and lower sections. An unattractive appearance of the abdomen is accompanied by the presence of umbilical hernias.

If you have not yet encountered the problem of diastasis, then try to prevent it. Try to monitor your health and constantly do exercises for the press. Properly prepared, you can easily endure pregnancy and just as easy to eliminate its consequences.

Many women are faced with such a nuisance as diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth. This is due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the walls of the abdominal cavity. Although hormones also contribute to this process.

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of ways to deal with a similar problem, but many mothers complain that various methods somehow contradict each other. Therefore, let's discuss the question of how to remove diastasis in order to return your figure to its former attractiveness.

How to identify diastasis?

Before you figure out how to remove diastasis after childbirth, you need to make sure that it is present. To do this, lie on your back and bend your legs. The press should be relaxed, one hand lies along the body.

put a big one and forefinger at a distance of 3-5 cm from the navel on both sides. Gently, avoiding sudden movements, raise your head. If you feel that the abdominal muscles have parted, and the fingers have “plunged” into the skin, then such a problem as diastasis really exists and needs to be dealt with.

What exercises are allowed with diastasis?

Now consider the question of how to get rid of diastasis after childbirth. It will not be possible to remove a sagging stomach with the help of classical physical exercises. Moreover, it can be dangerous to health, so it is necessary to train correctly, approaching classes not only responsibly, but also rationally.

If you want to safely clean at home, take Special attention breathing technique. While inhaling, try not to inflate your stomach too much. With the second degree of diastasis, all exercises are best done in a special one.

To get rid of diastasis that has arisen after childbirth, you can adopt the following exercises.


Such an exercise helps not only to remove diastasis and get rid of the remnants of cellulite on the abdomen. With it, you can also correct the waist at home.

To perform it, lay a towel on the floor so that it is perpendicular to your body. Grasp it at both ends, then stretch it out and cross your arms slightly bent. Exhale, then lift your head and shoulders off the floor. In this case, it is necessary to tighten the waist with a towel as tight as possible. Do the manipulation 10 to 15 times.

"A hundred"

This exercise will help get rid of diastasis and belly fat. Lie down on an exercise mat and bend your knees. The feet should rest firmly on the floor and be parallel to each other. Hands at the seams, palms turned down.

As you exhale, slightly raise your head, shoulders and arms. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the PI. Repeat at least 10 times.

Lying leg curl

This exercise helps to get rid of diastasis after childbirth and tighten sagging skin on the legs. It is also performed lying on the floor.

Alternately bend and straighten your legs. Feet should slide on the floor. Bend each leg 10-20 times.

"shoulder bridge"

This exercise will help remove diastasis at home quickly and safely. But it takes a little effort to get it done.

Lie on the floor, arms at your sides, legs bent at the knees, feet slightly wider than shoulders. Exhale as much as possible and raise your pelvis as high as possible. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, then return to the PI.

Repeat 5 times - at first this will be enough. When you get used to the exercise a little, you can increase the number of repetitions to 15 times.

cat pose

This exercise also helps to get rid of, besides, it helps to correct posture. Get on all fours, arms and legs are on the same line. The back must be kept straight.

Exhale, draw in your stomach and round your back. Hold this position for a few seconds, then inhale and straighten your spine. Do the exercise at least 10 times.

Smooth squats

To remove diastasis of the abdominal muscles after childbirth with this exercise, you will need a special Pilates ball. Stand with your back against a wall and press your spine against it. Place the ball between your legs and squat so that the angle between your legs and the wall is 90°.

Hold at the bottom point for half a minute, then slowly return to the IP. Do 10-15 squats.

Raising the leg and pelvis in a supine position

You can also remove diastasis after childbirth at home with the help of this exercise. To do this, lie down on a gym mat and bend your knees. The back is firmly pressed to the floor.

On inspiration, one leg must be lifted up, tearing the pelvis and back off the floor as much as possible. Do the same manipulation with the second leg. With diastasis, such leg swings should be done smoothly, avoiding jerks with the whole body. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

"Air Steps"

This exercise may cause pain in the abdominal muscles at first, but it will be a great helper to remove diastasis at home. To do this, lie on the floor and straighten your legs. Place your hands on the back of your head and exhale.

As you inhale, raise your legs slightly and begin to take small steps with your feet in the air. Reaching up to extreme point, start "walking" in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 20 times. During the day, you need to do 3 such approaches 20 times.

As you can see, the exercises that help get rid of diastasis at home are simple, but at the same time they are very effective. It is not at all necessary to perform them every day, but it is necessary to do at least 3 times a week.

If you follow the technique of their implementation, then you can get rid of the diastasis that has arisen after childbirth in about 6 weeks. Although it all depends on the degree of its severity. When the process goes into a neglected state, it may take more than 10 weeks to return the stomach to its previous tone.

When to start exercising?

To remove diastasis after childbirth quickly and effectively, you need to start exercising as soon as possible. Of course, immediately after discharge from the hospital, this is not necessary - you should first wait until the end. Then the woman should monitor her condition a little.

So, for many women, diastasis goes away on its own a few weeks after childbirth. The maximum period for tightening damaged tissues is 1.5-3 months. If the diastasis does not go away after this time, then it will not be possible to remove it without active action.

Important! You can perform exercises to get rid of diastasis no earlier than 4 weeks after childbirth!

What exercises can not be done with diastasis?

With a pronounced diastasis, it is categorically impossible to resort to the following:

  • full twisting exercises;
  • push-ups;
  • leg swings lying on your side or standing (only on your back, and then smoothly);
  • exercises that require significant deflection of the spine.

Such exercises will not only not help get rid of diastasis - they will lead to a more noticeable protrusion of the abdomen.

Operation for diastasis

If it is not possible to remove diastasis at home with the help of physical exercises, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo an operation. Surgical intervention is aimed at strengthening the tissues of the rectus abdominis muscle, due to which both a therapeutic and a cosmetic effect is achieved.

If the diastasis is not too neglected, then during the operation the surgeon may not resort to drastic measures, but try to return the dispersed muscles of the peritoneum to their place. However, this is not very a good option for women who great importance give the cosmetic effect of plastics. In addition, with such an operation, there is a high risk of recurrence of diastasis, therefore, it will not be possible to completely remove it.

For this reason, most surgeons offer to get rid of the problem by applying a special mesh endoprosthesis.

They cover the area where the divergence of the abdominal muscles occurred, after which it fuses with the "young" connective tissue structure. Complete fusion occurs approximately 1.5 months after the operation. Thanks to this approach, diastasis can be completely eliminated.

The endoprosthesis, which is introduced into the body of a woman, is made of synthetic, but environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials. Cases when he was rejected after surgery are extremely rare, so do not worry about this.

The implantation of an endoprosthesis in diastasis is performed both through traditional skin incisions and using special minimally invasive techniques. The method of the operation is determined by the doctor for each patient individually.

The price of the operation makes many women refuse treatment. It may vary depending on the method of surgical intervention. The minimum prices for open obturation hernioplasty start from 39,000 rubles; with the use of endoscopic equipment - from 87,000 rubles, but hernioplasty with abdominoplasty can already cost from 190,000 to 260,000 rubles.

Throughout pregnancy, the woman's tummy grew along with the baby in the womb. When a child is born, most mothers strive to give their body its former shape as quickly as possible. But sometimes even proper nutrition and physical activity does not reduce the size of the abdomen, and in some cases it begins to bulge even more than immediately after childbirth. The cause of this phenomenon may be diastasis of the rectus muscles.

What is diastasis and why does it appear after childbirth

Diastasis is a condition in which muscles separate due to overstretching. In women who have given birth, diastasis of muscle fibers in the abdomen is most common.

The muscles of the press are connected to each other with the help of fibers that form something like a grid, which is called the abdominal white line. The stretching of this place leads to a divergence of the muscle tissue. This condition is diastasis. Normally, the width of the white line should be no more than 2–2.5 cm.
The divergence of the connective tissue between the muscles of the press is called diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Causes of diastasis and risk factors

The cause of diastasis in women after childbirth is primarily a weakened state of the connective tissue. It may be congenital. Dysplasia (improper development) of the connective tissue is in the first place among the causes of diastasis.

Also, the effect of the hormone relaxin, which softens and reduces muscle tone, leads to its weakening during pregnancy. This is necessary to simplify the process of childbirth. But at the same time, such a state of the body can provoke the appearance of diastasis.

The occurrence of diastasis is possible both in women after a caesarean section, and in those who have given birth naturally. Moreover, its manifestations are observed most often in the first.

Factors that can lead to diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles are:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • repeated births;
  • hernia on the front of the abdominal wall in the past or at present;
  • excess weight;
  • lack of abdominal muscle tone;
  • frequent constipation;
  • chronic cough;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • rapid weight loss or, conversely, weight gain.

Possible consequences

At first glance, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is only aesthetic problem. But it is not so. If in the first stages this condition does not really bring any discomfort and complications, then gradually, developing to more serious degrees, it can significantly worsen a woman's health.

It is not excluded the appearance of such diseases as a hernia, shift of organs, deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Pathologies of the spinal column and the genitourinary system may occur. The abdominal muscles gradually atrophy, which can lead to serious consequences.
Diastasis of the abdominal muscles not only looks unaesthetic, but can also lead to serious health problems.

How to define it yourself

To diagnose diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Lie on your back on a flat surface.
  2. Bend your knees without lifting your feet.
  3. Raise your head and shoulders, as if shaking the press.
  4. Having lingered at the top, it is necessary to grope for the midline of the abdomen. If a depression is felt, then this is a sign of diastasis.

It is not difficult to determine the presence of diastasis in oneself, it is easily palpated

Another option for self-diagnosis is to cough several times in the same position. The stretching of the white line will be clearly visible. The presence of a large amount of fat in the abdomen makes it impossible to use these methods.

The presence of a discrepancy in the muscle tissue of the abdomen after childbirth (up to about 1.5 months) is considered the norm.

Video: how to identify diastasis

Stages of development of pathology

The lack of measures for the treatment of diastasis leads to the fact that the condition of the connective tissue gradually worsens, and the disease from the initial stage, which can be easily corrected, develops into neglected forms. In total, there are 3 degrees of severity of this pathology:

  1. I degree is characterized by stretching of the white line by no more than 5-7 cm. Immediately after childbirth, this condition is the norm. But if the stretching has not decreased 1.5 months after the birth of the baby, then it is already necessary to take measures to eliminate the pathology. At this stage in the development of the disease, a woman may experience nausea, pain in the epigastric region, discomfort while walking, and even constipation.
  2. II degree involves an increase in this distance to 10 cm. At this stage, it becomes noticeable that the muscular skeleton of the abdomen has a weak tone.
  3. The expansion of the gap between the abdominal muscles by more than 10 cm indicates the onset of the III degree of diastasis. It is very dangerous for health, as the consequences can be hernia, muscle atrophy, displacement of internal organs.

Determining the degree of diastasis depends on the distance between the abdominal muscles

In addition to the stages of development of diastasis, there are also different forms of pathology. The white line can expand both along its entire length, and only in certain sections. Exist:

  • diastasis of the umbilical ring;
  • divergence of the abdominal muscles below or above the navel;
  • complete diastasis (along the entire length).

The divergence of the white line can occur both in a separate section of it, and along its entire length.

Treatment at home

It must be remembered that diastasis itself cannot disappear. Moreover, the lack of measures to improve the condition of the abdominal connective tissue leads to an aggravation of the situation. In the early stages (I and II) of the development of pathology, it is possible to eliminate it yourself at home with the help of gymnastics. Diastasis III degree can be cured only surgically.


Therapeutic gymnastics against this disease involves the following exercises:

  1. Draw in the stomach for half a minute, relax and repeat the cycle. There are no restrictions on the number of approaches and frequency of repetitions during the day for this exercise, but it is necessary to stop its implementation as soon as pain in the abdomen appears.
  2. Lying on your back, you need to raise your head and shoulders and stay in this state for half a minute. Do 30 repetitions.
  3. In the supine position on the floor on your back, you need to bend your knees. On the exhale, raise the pelvis. At the highest point, tighten the press and gluteal muscles. It is necessary to do 3 cycles of 10 repetitions.
  4. Without changing position, raise the straightened leg up. In this case, an angle of 90 degrees should be formed between it and the body. Return to starting position. Do 10 repetitions on each leg.
  5. Pressing your back against a vertical surface, you need to put your legs in such a way that an angle of 45 degrees is formed between them and your back. Holding a small ball between your knees, you need to do squats until a parallel is formed between the hips and the floor. Once in this position, you need to stay in it for half a minute. Do 10 to 20 reps.
  6. A simple “cat” exercise, during which it is necessary to arch your back while standing on all fours, also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the abdominal muscles.

To achieve the effect, exercises must be performed daily.


It is important to note that in no case should you give physical activity to the upper press with diastasis, since there is a high risk of provoking an even greater discrepancy. There are also a number of contraindications that must be observed so as not to aggravate the situation.

All exercises that increase pressure in the abdominal cavity are strictly prohibited. These include:

  • lifting the legs and torso both separately and simultaneously;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • exercise "scissors".

You can not jump, do push-ups, pull up on the horizontal bar, do exercises with balance on your hands. All exercises that stretch and expand the wall of the abdominal cavity (various deflections, “bridges”, strong side bends) can also increase the distance between the muscles. Plank and weight lifting are also prohibited.
There are a number of exercises that can not be done with diastasis

In parallel with the performance of gymnastic exercises, it is recommended to use such methods of treatment as taping, wearing a bandage and massage.

Video: diastasis training


Taping is a technique for maintaining injured muscles, relieving pain and increasing blood circulation in the damaged area. This method involves sticking a teip (a special flexible adhesive-based tape) on the problem area, resembling a regular adhesive plaster, but differing from it in the elasticity of the material.

Tape must be applied along the stretch length or across with 50% tension.

Using the taping method in conjunction with exercise, you can easily get rid of diastasis

Wearing a bandage and massage

When wearing a bandage, the muscles are provided with additional support, which prevents further divergence of the white line. A massage allows you to tone the muscle corset and activate blood circulation in problem areas. When performing a massage, it is necessary to lubricate the hands with cream or oil with panthenol. First, the impact site must be warmed up with light stroking movements. Put your hands in the center of the abdomen and stroke it clockwise. Gradually, the pressing force can be increased. In conclusion, strokes are made from the bottom up.
Bandage helps support abdominal muscles

Proper nutrition

In addition to physical activity and physiotherapy, it is necessary to review the composition and dietary norms. As we already found out at the beginning of the article, the white line is a connective tissue, the state of which largely depends on what enters the body with food. It is mainly made up of collagen. And its synthesis is stimulated by vitamins C, A, zinc, copper, iron. In addition to products containing these beneficial substances, it is also necessary to consume collagen itself, which can be denatured and hydrolyzed. The first is ordinary gelatin, which is enough to eat about 10 g per day. And the second is sold in pharmacies or stores sports nutrition, and it should be consumed up to 40 mg per day. Protein is also extremely important for muscle fibers.

Table: products for the production of collagen

Vitamin C
  • citrus;
  • kiwi;
  • sauerkraut;
  • rose hip.
Vitamin A
  • butter;
  • Cod liver;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • pepper;
  • citrus;
  • tomatoes.
  • oysters;
  • liver;
  • nuts.
  • nuts;
  • fish liver;
  • spinach.
  • liver;
  • red meat;
  • buckwheat.

When you need a doctor

There is no medical treatment for diastasis. In cases where the situation is not corrected by gymnastics and other methods, one has to resort to the help of a surgeon.

Doctors unanimously say that if after 1.5–2 months after childbirth the depression between the abdominal muscles has not decreased, you should consult a doctor. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis and prevent a disease such as a hernia.

The reason for visiting the surgeon should be:

  • excessive roundness of the abdomen;
  • discomfort and soreness at the site of the bulge;
  • pain while lifting heavy things, after a long walk and physical exertion.

The doctor, after examining, will establish the degree of development of the disease. If necessary, he can prescribe an ultrasound.

Stage III of the disease also leaves the woman no other choice but to see a doctor, since this degree of development of the pathology is treated only surgically.

The purpose of surgery is to strengthen the wall of the abdominal cavity. Manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. There are several types of surgery that are used in the treatment of diastasis:

  1. Stretch plastic. It involves "pulling" the edges of the muscles to reduce the size of the white line. This method of solving the problem is not entirely effective, since diastasis tends to recur after a while.
  2. Tension-free plasty using an endoprosthesis representing a special mesh. This technique is currently the most effective in eliminating diastasis. It is the least painful, the speed of rehabilitation is very high (usually a day after surgery, the patient is allowed to go home, and a month later he can already play sports and carry heavy things). As a rule, the recurrence of diastasis after the operation does not occur. After a month, the implanted mesh is overgrown with connective tissue and thus forms a comprehensive protection against stretching. The endoprosthesis is placed into the body in two ways: through an incision in the navel or small punctures. The second method is more gentle. The human body recovers very quickly after surgery.

Often, with excessive body weight, abdominoplasty is performed simultaneously with the elimination of diastasis, that is, the removal of adipose tissue and sagging skin in the lower abdomen.

Abdominoplasty involves the removal of excess fat and skin on the abdomen with tightening of muscle tissue