Chelyabinsk Art College. Chelyabinsk Art School

The history of the creation of the Chelyabinsk Art School is inextricably linked with the formation of the national training system professional artists in the twentieth century The main links of this system, functioning in general and at the present stage, were laid down in the 1930s. fine arts in educational process At that time, close attention was paid, since in the conditions of forced industrialization it was necessary to train technically competent personnel, and the mastery of graphic techniques played an important role here. By the end of the 1930s-beginning of the 1940s. in Chelyabinsk, a large industrial center of the Urals, there was a favorable situation for the opening of an art educational institution of the middle level, the methodological base of which was to be the art studios of the city. Nikolai Afanasyevich Rusakov (1888–1941), a talented painter, student of K. A. Korovin and N. I. Feshin, one of the founders of the regional union of artists, who devoted a lot of effort to the development of art pedagogy in the Urals, wrote: “The need has come to open an art school in Chelyabinsk, as life dictates, there are personnel for the school, immediately for 3 courses. There are artists-teachers, a well-coordinated team.” Given these circumstances, the Department of Arts of the Chelyabinsk Regional Executive Committee planned to open art school in the regional center as early as 1940

Great Patriotic War prevented the implementation of these plans, and in the post-war period, funds were needed to restore peaceful life ... And only in the early 1970s. in the artistic environment of Chelyabinsk, they again began to discuss the real possibilities of implementing an old idea. The regional center was still in dire need of its own art school, since talented young people, having received secondary and higher education in Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and other cities, often did not seek to return to their native land. However, the need industrial enterprises, educational and cultural institutions Chelyabinsk region in professionally trained artistic personnel only increased from year to year.

In response to a request from the public of the city, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on July 29, 1974 adopted a resolution "On the work of the Chelyabinsk Regional Executive Committee in organizing cultural services for the population of the region." On the basis of this document, in 1975, the Chelyabinsk Art School was opened. V. P. Prokopiev became the first director of the CHU. Historian, art critic, inspired organizer, he laid the material and technical base of the school. Under the leadership of Vladimir Petrovich, a close-knit team of real devotees was formed, in which the maturity of recognized professionals was organically combined with the innovative search for young graduates of prestigious art universities.

In a small two-story building of the former seven-year school at Shershni station, on September 1, 1975, classes began at the painting, pedagogical and design (from the 1990s - design) departments. But after a few years, an expansion of the educational space was required. And since 1980, lessons for senior students were held in the city center: on the second floor of the Children's Art School along Sverdlovsky Prospekt. N. A. Aristov (1924–1984) played a leading role in the formation of the teaching of painting, drawing and composition. After graduating from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin (1957, workshop of V. M. Oreshnikov) and becoming an excellent draftsman, he devoted himself to artistic pedagogy. Thanks to Nikolai Alexandrovich, the training of the artist at the CCU from the very beginning was based on best traditions Russian academic school. Until the end of his life, N. A. Aristov worked at the school: he was in charge of a cycle of special disciplines and taught drawing. He was highly respected by those teachers who came to the CCU in the mid-1970s, having received serious professional training in the capital art universities– S. V. Seliverstov (1950 –2012), V. M. Vaksman, I. V. Vinokur, N. I. Degtyanikova, V. N. Pitirimov, V. N. Solovyov. They formed the golden fund of the teaching staff of the Chelyabinsk Art School.

» State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Chelyabinsk Art School"

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Chelyabinsk Art School"

Director - Podgorsky Leonid Konstantinovich.

In 1975, in order to train specialist artists, preserve, develop and popularize the traditions of the academic art school and South Ural art crafts, an art school (CHU) was opened in Chelyabinsk.

During the first 20 years, the educational institution was headed by a talented organizer, historian and art critic V.P. Prokopiev. Thanks to his activities, a solid material and technical base was created at the CCU, a cohesive creative team teachers. A great contribution to the formation of the school was made by N.A. Aristov, thanks to whom an integral system of teaching drawing and painting has developed; as well as leading artists of Chelyabinsk: A.M. Smirnov, N.F. Surin, V.A. Neyasov, A.N. Ladnov, M.I. Tsepelev, A.O. Grigoryan, V.V. Bubnov, A.A. Shepherds.

From 1995-2010, the educational institution was headed by S.V. Seliverstov - Honored Artist of Russia. S.V. Seliverstov devoted a lot of time and effort to the development of a multi-level system art education, partnerships with specialized educational institutions, the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, various public organizations.

At the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, in order to develop traditional Ural art crafts, for ten years, classes in the Chelyabinsk Art School in ceramics and environmental design were operating in the Children's Art School of the cities of Korkino (since 1998) and Zlatoust (since 1999).

Since 2005, the school has an aesthetic center for gifted children.

The school is the initiator of the I and II All-Russian plein-airs named after. L.V. Turzhansky (2005, 2008).

In 2007, the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition "ACADEMIC SCHOOL" (drawing, painting, composition, sculpture) was held, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the Academy of Arts, art schools and art departments art schools of the Ural and Volga federal districts.

Together with the UMC and the Chelyabinsk Children's Art School, the school annually holds regional competitions: academic drawing them. ON THE. Aristova, "The path to mastery"; carries out educational, educational, creative and methodological activities in various forms and methods: exhibitions, seminars, conferences, open-airs, etc.

The richest fund of books on fine arts, illustrative and teaching materials, collections of scientific articles by teachers are regularly published, a cycle of educational and methodological films on academic disciplines is created: drawing, painting, easel composition.

The pride of the educational institution is a team of highly qualified teachers, wonderful specialists, leading an active creative activity participating in exhibitions of various ranks. Many teachers have academic degrees, are honored teachers, artists and cultural workers of the Russian Federation, members of the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Designers of the Russian Federation. Among the best teachers - L.G. Vorobiev, V.N. Solovyov, N.I. Degtyanikova, Zaikova Yu.A., Vl.N. Fedorov, N.P. Lyutikov, V.M. Vaksman, Yu.G. Shubin, L.N. Kostina, O.V. Gladysheva, V.N. Pitirimov, T.O. Rybina, B.I. Tryapitsyn, A.V. Kostyuk, Kholodova O.M., A.M. Vladimirov, A.V. Ivanov, I.G. Zolotarev, S.V. Panarin.

Today, the educational institution trains students in the following specialties: painting, sculpture, design, arts and crafts.

To date, 240 students and pupils of the Children's Art and Aesthetic Center study within the walls of the school. Over the years of its activity, the school has produced more than 2 thousand professional artists. The success of the students is a confirmation of the high educational status of the State Educational Institution of Specialized Vocational Education "CHU". Every year they become scholarship holders of the Ministry of Culture, the Legislative Assembly and the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, winners of various exhibitions and competitions. In 2009, students of the school in the All-Russian exhibition theses(Saratov) received diplomas of the first, second and third degree in painting and sculpture; in the Regional drawing competition (Yekaterinburg) diplomas of the second and third degrees; in the Regional competition in composition and arts and crafts (Orenburg) diplomas of the first, second and third degree. Museum practices are organized for students in the years. Moscow and St. Petersburg, plein-airs and educational excursions to the cities of Russia and abroad are held.

Graduates of the sculptural department of the school in Chelyabinsk created the Kirovka cultural and leisure complex, sculptural compositions on the Leningrad bridgeembankment of the Miass River, the children's town "Lukomorye", sculptures for the city museum of the history of medicine, sculptural compositions of snowy towns, etc.

Every year, graduates of the school enter and study in prestigious art, architectural and pedagogical universities of their native city and country. Many of them teach in art schools, middle and higher educational institutions cities, regions and countries are famous artists who contributed to the development of Russian culture. Our graduates have government awards, have become honored artists of the Russian Federation, members of the Union of Artists, teachers of the country's leading universities.

Over the years of its existence, CHU has earned a reputation as one of the leading secondary specialized educational institutions in the Ural region. His achievements are marked by diplomas of the Union of Artists of Russia, Russian Academy Arts (department "Ural, Siberia and Far East") And thank you letters Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Institution contact information:
454084, Chelyabinsk, Pobedy Ave., 167.
Phone/fax (8-351) 791-96-22; 790-10-24

If you like to draw, then sooner or later you think about how it can be improved. I went to study art. You can act at any time, after any institution, there is no difference. Immediately a huge minus - there is no distance learning, only daytime. Well, I had a lot of time, so it's not a problem.
You can safely approach with your work, they will look at them and advise what to pull up or say let's do it. There are short courses before admission. You can try your hand there. Now, on average, depending on the specialty, it costs about 45 thousand a year.
Practitioners teach here, so rest assured, if you are accepted, you will be taught how to create anyway)).
For out-of-towners there is a hostel.


Chelyabinsk Art School Without exaggeration, the best college. Here education is based on 9 or 11 grades. If your child has a talent, don't even think about giving it here. He will then quietly earn his piece of bread.
I myself studied at the department of painting. Now I looked, there are some teachers who also taught me. The most important thing here is that all the emphasis is on practice. That is, when you draw, they immediately explain to you what the mistakes are, and you understand what you went through before, studying the theoretical material.
The building itself is of course old, as are the auditoriums, but being there you don’t notice it at all. There is a really creative atmosphere there.

Best College

Chelyabinsk Art School The main plus of this college is that if you like to draw, then here you will be taught to do it even better. The teachers are all excellent, I can’t even single out one person, since everyone is normal. I chose according to reviews, and this is not just the best in Chelyabinsk - this is the best college within a radius of 500 km for sure.
Even if you don’t connect your life with drawing, then in our time there is one big plus. An artist will never be left without money. It didn't become my profession, but sometimes I draw something for sale, and it turns out quite good money. Like a hobby that brings in income.
Before entering the art school, I could only draw with a pencil, here they taught everyone to draw tolerably, I especially liked to draw with oil, the pictures turn out to be textured, they look like they are alive.


Chelyabinsk Art School Probably the best school in all of Chelyabinsk, and maybe in the Urals. Everywhere they usually dump a ton theoretical knowledge, which then you don’t know where to apply, but here they teach exactly practice. Read the theory and immediately apply it. Everything is very accessible and understandable.
I studied here from the 9th grade, training for 5 years. During this time, my level has increased just a few times. When I entered, I thought that I could draw, but it was not so, I became convinced of this over time.
The teachers are amazing and passionate about what they do. Moreover, not selectively, but almost all. I recommend to anyone who wants to connect their lives with drawing to go here.

The ideal of learning

Chelyabinsk Art School I advise everyone who loves and wants to learn how to draw to go here. I completed preparatory courses before entering. They really helped me a lot, without them I would hardly have entered.
Now my brother's daughter went to these courses, everything is acceptable for the money. About 2500 rubles per month. Knowledge there is excellent, if you have talent, they will develop it, but if not, you will still have an idea how to draw correctly. Just like that, without a base, it will not be possible to enter here in any way.
Studying here is highly valued, the teachers are very strong. Unlike other institutions, where they usually stuff theory, there will be a lot of practice here.