Riddles about the circus for elementary school children. Sports festival "The circus lights the fires!" for children of preparatory groups for school



MYSTERIES about the "Circus"

Everyone is looking in the middle
In the middle - magic:
There an eccentric bunny took out
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing...
Of course you have been there. (The circus)

Waving a wand -
The predators are dancing.
Frowning face -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a regulator?
No, this is ... (tamer)

Any object in my hands
As if bewitched.
There is a ball, but there isn’t!
Here it is again!
Here and there, then no, then there is!
And now the balls can not be counted!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And very strange,
I'm getting them again...
From your pocket! (Magician)

The ring is on fire, it's on fire
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight, he fluffed his mane
And wagged his tail playfully.
Answer: Leo

“Wow, wow,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front legs
It stands on a narrow board,
And with an apple on his head.
Answer: Dog

Juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on the paw, on one,
He is very nice and funny.
Answer: Elephant

He used to sleep in a lair,
The circus called him to him.
He lifts weights -
The circus performer is strong.
Answer: Bear

Here are acrobat kittens,
Here are the clown kittens.
Over the head - somersault,
So here is the cat...
Answer: circus


The tongue is a circus performer with us,
We will show the highest class
1. We will go to the circus with him now,
Opening the door wider
Let's smile wide
Very smart and easy!
Smile fence
2. We are met by a kind elephant,
It pulls a long trunk.
Trained famously elephant
Trunk twirl learned!
3. Fred the tiger licked his lips,
He is waiting for breakfast and lunch.
delicious jam
4. He hurries to us on a horse
Circus dashing horseman!
5. Clown Petya is like a ball
Jumping for teeth from above!
He cleverly made the bridge,
Real champion.
Sail slide,
6. In the arena - a famous yogi,
He is very interesting to us.
He lay down on nails
Without even moving, "ah!"
7. The circus performer knows how to prance,
To train animals and birds,
And spin on the trapeze
And dance on the rope
8. Spatula-breeze Goodbye, we say
And wave one, two, three!

“And now the boas lie in the arena
And quietly, quietly hiss at everyone.
Let's sizzle with them.
(Children run their fingers over the boas and hiss “Shhhhhhhhhhhhh”).

"The aerialist is like a bird
Having fun under the dome of the circus.
To make him more fun
Let's blow it harder."


1. Circus of animals.

Show me soon
A real circus of animals:
How does the foxtrot dance for us
clumsy hippo,
monkey tumbling,
A bear is driving a car;
Like a nimble white ball
A bunny jumps along the arena.
And in the end, everyone, like artists,
They bowed low to the waist.

2. After each verse, the children show what this or that circus artist is doing.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We're walking on a tightrope
We won't fall for anything.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We juggle balls
Throw them with us.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
Do magic tricks
Illusionist and magician.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
Strong men in the arena
Kettlebells press like kalachi.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
The clown is rushing into the arena,
The spectator laughs merrily.


"About the circus (ABC)"
Lev Yakovlev

Acrobat is jumpy and agile,
He jumped non-stop.
I brushed my trousers on the run,
Reading a magazine on the run
On the run he washed his hands
And jumped to dinner!


I saw a picture in the circus:
One artist lay down on his back
And feet without a miss
Flips cups.
And when I assembled the service,
Threw a spoon for an encore!

Hippo on a trampoline

Here I climbed onto the trampoline
Timpani beat...
This is a terrible moment.
For the unfortunate trampoline.


There is only one wheel.
And on it a saddle - and all!
Not afraid of risk


throws a gymnast
The gymnast looks
Like a gymnast from a gymnast
Flying to the gymnast!

The horse runs at full speed
On a horse a dashing horseman,
Climbs under the horse
Tumbling on it
Fun, smart...
Oh yes, horse riding!

trained dog

In a trained dog
There is no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples
jump over barriers,
Carry balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.

Camel riding

On a camel's back
It's hard to sit
But high
And see far!

Christmas tree in the circus

Rogues ride
Three of us on a bull.
Snow Maiden is spinning
On the horizontal bar.
Santa Claus is flying
On a rocket...
No Christmas tree
In the world!

He throws the rings up
He set off fireworks:
Five and six and seven rings
And finally twelve!
Surprised around:
- How does he have enough hands?


called "mirror"
The circus has a paper circle.
Can jump into the "mirror"
Only an artist fearless.
If there is a hole in the "mirror",
They shout to the daredevil: "Hurrah!"

Is it in Moscow
Is it in Prague
Is it in Madrid
Who is in the circus
The main?

Icarian games

To throw up the son
Dad gave him a kick.
Son returns:
- Dad, give me one more time!

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The unfortunate yogi ate the coals!
Don't be scared kids
It's Peter the Clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - from a rope,
Looking out of the basket
Rubber Cobra!

tightrope walker

He rode the rope
Tried to do somersaults
Almost didn't fall...
Got on people's nerves!

Clown Red,
Clown White,
Clown coward
And a brave clown
Clown Bom
And Beam the Clown
clown may
Be anyone.
For their tricks
We scream:
Only the villain clown
Never happens!

Their jumps are light and accurate.
The lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

knife thrower

If trembling in the hands, do not touch,
This sharp long knife -
You first tremble,
And then you throw it!

Musical eccentrics

One plays the saw
Another is playing on a broom
The third plays on the wood,
And everyone is on their heads!


silk-maned horse
Dancing on the stage.
The rider is beautiful
Dancing on a horse.

Hoops on it do not count:
Ten, twenty, twenty six
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, is she playing hide and seek?
We still see heels!

plastic study

Maybe this guy
Tie like string.
Only one thing worries me -
Suddenly can't unravel?

Roller Runners

no ice -
No problem.
Bruises -
Famously draw rollers

Why such a strong man
How is the kid playing ball?
Only such a strong man
This ball on the shoulder:
Silver, new
One hundred kilogram!

Plates on canes

In the arena, on canes
The plates are spinning... Ah!
deep plates,
Yes, fragments of crayons!

Trapeze for an elephant

Why is the elephant
Doesn't it fly well?
Just no trapezoid
For her collection.


Top leg tamer!
Leva snorted - oh, what ...
Tamer slapped with a whip!
Leo doesn't care...
Whip tamer!
Levi wagged his tail...
The tamer gave a pie...
Leva did a somersault.


The magician turned
Man in a crocodile.
The hall froze in surprise.
Seryozha stood up and said:
- Aunt, do it back,
Man is uncomfortable!

He is greater than all, he is higher than all,
Walked boldly on stilts
Soared from the flip board,
Landed... roared!
But why would he cry?
Because he is a bear.

If you want to splurge
It's better not to go to the circus.
Hates circus blues.
The circus is not to the liking of the blues.

circus cat

The more often a cat
eats ear,
The more peaceful life


When he closes his mouth
His stomach sings.
When he opens his mouth
His stomach is silent.
It's a shame that while
He doesn't sing a duet!

Often, often, clearly, clearly
rattling with heels,
The tap dancer beats the tap dance
And dancing "cha-cha-cha"!

What is a tent?
It's like a sieve!
Falling out of it
Poodles and balls
dancing girls,
jumping boys,
Red clown writhing
Spinning and teasing
Well, we want
We love it all!
Keep going, bigot!
Nobody goes home!

clown click

Redhead White caught,
Like a butterfly, in a net.
White Red caught
Like a fish on a hook.
Red - BOOM!
And White - BOOM!
Bumps have grown on their foreheads!

The tamer is strict, and yet
He is a big good guy at heart.
Here they are in the alphabet
Hard sign to soft sign.

The letter "Y" is very offensive,
The letter is stricken with grief:
Why can't you see me
In the word "CIRCUS",
Can I even hear?
There are "JUMPS" -
So, in the circus, the letter "Y"!


Three coils
Friend on friend.
He climbed
On coils
And not at all
Not irritated
What coils

Jewelry work

He walked on the rope
And on his forehead he held a dagger,
He carried a vase on a dagger,
And on it lay a tray,
And on it is a glass of compote ...
Jewelry work!

Clown tongue

What kind of laugh? What's the cry?
The clown showed his tongue.
Very rare languages
So they are great!

Tell me please riddles about the circus please!

  1. Magic in the middle

    There an eccentric bunny took out

    From your pocket.

    There's a dancer under the dome

    She flew away like a tit.

    The dogs were dancing...

    Of course you have been there.

    (the circus)
    Waving his wand

    The predators are dancing.

    Frowning face

    The lion will jump into the ring.

    What is he, a regulator?

    No, this is... (trainer)

  2. Everyone is looking in the middle.
    Magic in the middle
    There an eccentric bunny took out
    From your pocket.
    There's a dancer under the dome
    She flew away like a tit.
    The dogs were dancing... (The circus)

    Waving his wand
    The predators are dancing.
    Frowning face
    The lion will jump into the ring.
    What is he, a regulator?
    No, this is... (Trainer)

    Any object in my hands
    As if bewitched. There is a ball, but there isn’t!
    Here it is again! Here and there, then no, then there is!
    And now the balls can not be counted! Look, they're gone!
    Where can I get them? ! And it's very strange that I get them
    again.. . From your pocket! (Magician)

    I'm huge
    And a very tiny tail!
    Below are cabinets like legs,
    I couldn't fall off my feet!
    Well, where are the ears,
    The leaves have grown burdock!

Riddles about the circus are sure to interest children different ages. After all, everyone loves the magic of magicians, animal performances and unusual performances of acrobats. That is why it should be that the child must solve.

What should be the riddles about the circus for children

Banal and monotonous questions to which the child must find answers are unlikely to interest the child. It is much more reasonable to come up with bright, emotional and rhythmic puzzles that both boys and girls will enjoy solving. Riddles should be:

  • Diverse.
  • Filled with meaning.
  • Rhythmic and not boring.
  • Correctly matched to the age of the baby.

In any case, each parent knows his child perfectly, so he will be able to choose the ideal questions for his son or daughter.

Riddles about the circus for the little ones

Logic tasks can be offered to solve even the smallest kids. Circus riddles don't have to be general, but questions about animals, acrobats, and clowns will also work to add variety to the fun. The following ideas can be taken as an example:

He amuses you

His jokes are like a magnet.

His humor is sharp and clever,

Laugh when he is in the arena, and Slavka, and Vovka.

They are not birds, but they fly,

In the circus you know, they perform.

First they show tricks in the arena

And then they take off under the dome.

(Aerial acrobats).

He waves his cane - and the tigers at his feet,

He was able to teach them how to jump through the hot ring.

For us it's a predator, it's like a cat,

Who is this person, tell me, my baby.


At the entrance there are many luminous toys,

We are offered to buy them.

We approach the round arena,

And no one is standing still waiting.

Animals come to us

Actors, acrobats, funny clowns,

Everyone has been to this place at one time or another.

Such riddles about the circus are quite suitable for little kids. It is worth taking them into account and including them in the program of developing classes.

Riddles for school children

Students also love to attend various activities. Therefore, riddles about the circus, no doubt, will appeal to schoolchildren. The following ideas can be taken as an example:

They say that they brought a camel there.

Tigers, lions also perform there,

And under the dome acrobats fly.

This place is always interesting

The tigers are sitting on the line here,

Dogs walk on paws

And the elephants want to show their tricks.

Acrobats fly up to the dome,

Magicians bring miracles to life.

Such riddles about the circus will definitely help to make the process of learning fun, exciting and extraordinary. And in general, any pastime with beloved parents is a joy for children.

Holiday in elementary school "The circus came to us!". Scenario.

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Work description: I bring to your attention the material, which is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful to primary school teachers and educators of the extended day group. It is recommended to pre-arrange for the event.
Target: create a festive atmosphere, evoke positive emotions.
- to acquaint children with the history of the emergence of the circus, as well as with the professions of circus artists;
- to educate in children the ability to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate for the holiday.
Preliminary work: decoration of the hall (classroom), design of the exhibition of drawings “I love the circus” and essays “I would like to be in the circus ...”, preparation of reports and presentations, preparation and rehearsal of numbers for the holiday, purchase of special paints and brushes for applying makeup, purchase of wigs, spouts and ties for the competition, making commemorative booklets, purchasing souvenirs (it is desirable that they remind you of the circus: bubble, glow sticks, wind-up toys, etc.), learning poems, buying tickets to the circus.

Event progress:

Presenter: Hello dear children and respected adults!
Everyone is looking in the middle
In the middle - magic:
There an eccentric bunny took out
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing...
Of course you have been there.
What is it guys? (The circus).
Music sounds.
Presenter: Of course it is THE CIRCUS! Circus is one of the most ancient, massive and popular forms of art. Today we are waiting for a Journey to the circus! It is the circus that brings extraordinary fun and joy to the lives of children. Bears riding bicycles, tigers jumping into flaming rings, acrobats masterfully performing the most difficult tricks, etc. - all this leads to indescribable delight not only children, but sometimes us adults. Today holiday "The circus has come to us!".

This is followed by a presentation or report by children about the history of the circus.
Approximate content:
The circus- from Latin word"lap" refers more to racing than to other forms of entertainment.
Man has always loved to be entertained. AT Ancient Greece, for example, there were chariot races, in China - a "snake man", in Egypt - a trainer of wild animals. Over time, the idea of ​​combining these and other entertainments in the circus appeared in Rome.
Circus art is much older than the Roman spectacles that gathered thousands of spectators. For the first time (3500 BC) it appeared in China. Chinese circus performers demonstrated mainly balancing act, acrobatic and gymnastic numbers, as well as juggling. It is these numbers that the Chinese are famous to this day. The Chinese circus is a spectacle in which artists demonstrate the incredible flexibility of the body. AT Ancient China circus art was represented by performances of acrobats who kept their balance while performing complex exercises: in the Chinese circus there were no numbers involving animals.
In turn, the ancient Roman circuses - monumental structures for several thousand spectators - were, first of all, places for horse-drawn cart competitions. Later, after the invention of the folding circus tent, traveling circus troupes appeared.

Circus "Maximus" appeared in the III century BC. It was also the largest: 150,000 people could fit in it. When the Romans came to the circus, they found themselves, as never before, in a beautiful entertainment area. They sold sweets and other products. Entrance was free, because the rulers used circuses to satisfy the people, distract them from public problems and worries.
There were no organized circuses in the Middle Ages. Troupes of artists traveled from city to city, showing tricks of varying complexity.
The first circus, most similar to the modern one, was created by the Englishman Phillip Astley in 1768.
So from an ordinary performance and love of a person for horses, a circus appeared. In order to attract students and earn more money, Philip began to hold demonstrations of his riders. Things went well for him, very soon he was able to build a special building that had a domed roof, an arena, a round auditorium and a stage with an orchestra.
On August 4, 1777, the first circus show in this building, then known as Astley's Amphitheater. At first, all performances consisted exclusively of numbers with horses. Miracles of training, acrobatics were shown. However, over time, combined performances began to be staged in the Amphitheater, where both numbers with riders and other numbers were present. First circus programs dog trainers, tightrope walkers, clowns, acrobats, mime and jugglers took part.
Astley's idea was also interested in other countries. Since then, circuses have become a popular spectacle all over the world.

Presenter: The circus is bright, breathtaking or infecting with optimism numbers. Indeed, where, if not in the circus, can you see so many extraordinary personalities with unique abilities, skills and readiness to tirelessly entertain the public? At first glance, it seems that the life of a circus artist is full of carelessness and fun, but, meanwhile, his work is very hard work.
Representatives of many specialties work in the circus: trainers, illusionists, clowns, acrobats, athletes, aerialists, equilibrists, equestrians and others.
All professions are in front of your eyes, they are written on a blackboard or hang on a stand.
Presenter: To master professional skills, each of these specialists requires years of training. In such an area, those who are not ready to devote circus art all ones life. The circus for them is not just a place of work. For all those who have chosen to serve circus art as their profession, this is life, this is home, this is family.
A circus performer must have the following qualities:
- perseverance and patience;
- good physical data;
- exactingness to oneself and others;
- creative thinking;
- ease of work;
- acting skills;
- physical endurance;
- readiness for daily risk;
- ease;
- the ability to overcome fear and fatigue.
All qualities before my eyes
they are written on a blackboard or hang on a stand.

Presenter: Let's see if you have these qualities?
Competition "Merry pantomime". Everyone is invited to participate. The task is given. In 5 minutes, you need to come up with a pantomime and show it to all participants in the holiday. Those who do well and those who guess correctly receive souvenirs as a keepsake.
Sample tasks:
portray famous painting, a proverb, a line from a well-known poem.
Presenter: The modern circus is primarily entertainment, so the performance of clowns is an obligatory element.

Presenter: Children's favorites - brightly colored actors in huge shoes with artificial red noses - are designed to make the audience laugh. It is not easy, and often requires a variety of talents - acting, music and gymnastics. The most popular representatives of this group of circus performers are acrobats, mimes - "red" and "white", whose images originated from traditional comedy characters - Harlequin and Pierrot.
This is followed by the work of children in pairs. They apply makeup to each other with special paints. You can invite a professional to help the children, or you can handle the involvement of parents yourself.
1 child:
Clown Red, Clown White,
Clown is a coward and a clown is brave,
Clown Bom and Clown Beam
The clown can be anyone.
Gazing at their tricks,
We shout: “Wow!”…
Only the villain clown
Never happens!
Presenter: Next Clown dress up competition.
For this competition, it is necessary to divide into 2 teams, you can boys and girls, children and parents, etc. Attributes are already ready for the competition in advance: wigs, spouts, ties, bows, and so on. On a signal, the teams begin to put on all the attributes of a clown. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.
Fun music sounds. At the end of the competition, children in costumes dance. Some children, who prepared the clown's number in advance, act out skits and amuse the guests.
Presenter: There are dangerous jobs in the circus.

2 child:
If trembling in the hands, do not touch,
This sharp long knife -
You first tremble,
And then you throw it!
Presenter: The balancing act and acrobatic numbers require extraordinary skill, which comes only as a result of many years of training, as, for example, in trapeze acrobatic tricks under the dome of the circus, invented in France in mid-nineteenth in. This requires an accurate sense of timing, agility, strength and flexibility of the body. No less difficult numbers are riding a unicycle, which requires an exceptional sense of balance, as well as throwing knives at a target. Each incorrectly performed movement is associated with a huge risk and can threaten the life of the artist.
3 child:
Hoops on it do not count:
Ten, twenty, twenty six
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, is she playing hide and seek?
We still see heels!

This is followed by competitions: "Dart Throwing", "Kingleys", "Town", "Who spins the hoop longer", "Who jumps on the rope more" and others. All competitions are held with the help of parents. This is followed by children's gymnastic performances, with ribbons, maces, hoops, balls and other attributes.
Presenter: Guys, I suggest you - Riddles contest "What do I know about the circus?".
Sample riddles:
Is it in Moscow
Is it in Prague
Is it in Madrid
Who is in the circus
The main?
Waving a wand -
The predators are dancing.
Frowning face -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a regulator?
No, it's... (trainer).

Any object in my hands
As if bewitched.
There is a ball, but there isn’t!
Here it is again!
Here and there, then no, then there is!
And now the balls can not be counted!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And very strange,
I'm getting them again...
From your pocket!
The ring is on fire, it's on fire
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight, he fluffed his mane
And wagged his tail playfully.
(A lion).
“Wow, wow,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front legs
It stands on a narrow board,
And with an apple on his head.
Juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on the paw, on one,
He is very nice and funny.
He used to sleep in a lair,
The circus called him to him.
He lifts weights -
The circus performer is strong.
All the first guessers are given souvenirs.
Presenter: Classic numbers are performances of trained animals. The program may include performances of dogs riding bicycles, seals juggling balls, as well as horseback riding. Particularly popular are performances featuring dangerous animals such as bears, lions, tigers and elephants. The sight of a trainer putting his head into a lion's mouth is heartbreaking, but just as exciting is the sight of huge elephants standing on two legs like little dogs.

4 child:
In a trained dog
There is no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples
jump over barriers,
Carry balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.
Next, the guys who prepared the numbers with their pets perform. (Required with the help of parents). Animals must be safe. If there are children in the class who are allergic to animals, then this item should be excluded from the script.
Presenter: There are a lot of interesting things in the circus. Let's watch and listen to our guys. They cooked The section "Did you know?" and tricks.
Sample messages:
Under the huge circus tent there are places for spectators and an orchestra, as well as an arena for artists.
In the old days, the audience was very attracted to the performances of the fire eaters.
Many people think that showing trained animals is cruel. In order for animals - for example, lions - to become obedient, safe and follow the orders of a person, they have to be trained for years in the most ruthless methods. Often the animals are kept in inappropriate conditions, such as cages that are too small, where they are unable to move and play freely. Therefore, some modern circuses are returning to Chinese forms of entertainment - no animal performances, only fantastic performances of superbly trained people.
In addition to the usual circus, there are also “Circus on Water” and “Circus on Ice”, in which circus performers perform tricks in the water and on skates.
Next, the children show prepared tricks in advance.
Presenter: And now competition of readers "Poems about the circus".
Sample verses:
Clown in the circus
It's a clown!
All the people laugh with him!
Tears are pouring into three streams, then he
It sings under the dome!
Everyone is laughing
He is crying!
Climbs to the tigers on the rampage!
I have a big dream
I will be a clown!
How is he!

For the joy of a child
The traveling circus has arrived.
In singing and in ringing,
Everything in it is like in the present.

The gymnast flies and the horse jumps
The fox jumps into the fire
Dogs learn to count
It turns out the pony to ride them.
The monkey hurries to the mirror,
And the clown makes the audience laugh.

At the end, the sorcerer comes out
And in front of everyone
From nothing, from emptiness
Alive gets flowers,
Then, as if for a game,
Throws balls at the audience.
The children's eyes are shining
And doves fly into the sky!

Mom and I went to the circus
(Dream about it for a long time).
We saw various artists
And I liked the juggler.

Throwing plates in the air
And didn't drop one!
I just held my breath
I clapped for him with all my might!

I wanted to try
When I grow up, I'll be a juggler.
Get a little exercise
And then perform in the circus.

I took the plates out of the cupboard,
And he began to toss, as he ...
But the plates fell on the floor
And they fought, making a ringing.

Probably looking at the juggler
Some secret overlooked ...
Oh, he will fall for this soon! ..
I don't want to be a juggler!

Their jumps are light and accurate.
The lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The unfortunate yogi ate the coals!
Don't be scared kids
It's Peter the Clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - from a rope,
Looking out of the basket
Rubber Cobra!

He performs in the circus:
Red nose, curls.
Everyone is always laughing at him
Well, he doesn't cry.
Answer: clown

This one is still a craftsman:
He is a juggler and an acrobat
The truth is he does it
To make the kids laugh.
He will bestow all bows -
This is a familiar *****
Answer: clown

They have a fun profession - to make people laugh, to give smiles.
They always come out to us all bright, as in the picture:
Haven't you guessed yet that those who work in the circus
So often we all call clumsy *****
Answer: clown

I love to make people laugh
And especially children.
I'm glad to go out to the arena
To amuse the guys.
You can meet me at the circus
Guess who I am? *****
Answer: clown

Red nose is not Santa Claus
Big shoes are not giant.
He's clumsy, but he's purposely
To laugh, to amuse the guys.
Answer: clown

And the circus is a lot of fun:
There is a magician, a juggler,
Funny animals and laughter giving *****
Answer: clown

I fell and everyone laughs
Somersault - and again laughter.
Because in the arena
Always joy and joy.
All of you know me
So tell me who am I?
Answer: clown

Can he juggle balls on roller skates,
If suddenly he falls or loses the ball,
He will be greeted with laughter and applause.
And for this clumsiness only compliments.
You guys guessed that it's all about the circus,
And now guess who gives smiles? (Clown)

The costume is funny and colorful,
Bigger to make it funnier.
And the shoes are long, big, to stumble quickly.
Well, what kind of strange things are these? Nowhere is this to be seen.
And you rather go to the circus, and he will be very waiting there.
In his funny, big clothes and with a red nose that squeaks,
Have you guessed who he is? Tell the answer quickly!
Answer: clown

He's funny, he's funny
He walks around the arena:
colorful curls,
Bright and big suit.
He loves kids very much.
They are laughed at in the cold and in the heat.
Answer: clown

Children went to the circus yesterday
It was fun, funny
And it was especially funny.
Who is there? Of course ***** (Clown)

Guess the riddle
There will be a very sweet prize for you:
You will come to the circus, it is always there,
Without him, well, nowhere!
Makes everyone laugh, so cheerful -
Guessed? It *****
Answer: clown

He brings joy to children
This is his profession.
Tell me the children in unison:
There is a funny ***** in the circus
Answer: clown

I'll show you the number
And I'll laugh right away.
Meet me at the circus
So tell me, who am I?
Answer: clown

Girls and boys, clockwork kids,
I will make you laugh in an instant, I will show you a hocus-pocus.
I will juggle for you, there will be a top class number!
And in the end I will bow, I am cheerful in the circus *****
Answer: clown

Other riddles:

Picture Clown

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about the number 7 (seven) for children with answers

    Five forty crackle on a branch, And they cannot guess How many of them will be together, If two more forty are called! (Seven)