September 16-17 festival. World Festival of Circus Art "Idol"

For nine hours, festival guests will be immersed in a fascinating world fundamental research and the latest technologies. The program of the event is designed for children from six years old, but their parents will also be interested!
Within the framework of the festival, 37 "activities" will take place in one day: scientific shows, lectures and master classes (the program is the same on September 16 and 17). But the most important thing that awaits young naturalists is the scientific presentation "HYPER Experiments". For a whole hour, viewers will be able to watch a vivid demonstration of complex scientific phenomena in the form of experiments carried out right on the stage.

September 13th was the rehearsal of "HYPER Experiments" and the photos really promise an impressive show.

The idea of ​​this festival is explained by the organizers as follows: in order to interest children in ordinary school experiences, it is necessary to "elevate them to a hyper-degree", that is, to increase, to show all their entertainment. (In the photo below, for example, an experiment with a pendulum.)

But participants will not only be able to watch scientific experiments: at other festival sites, schoolchildren will be able to independently control robots, assemble an electrical circuit, learn how to melt metal, master the rules of resuscitation, and even try themselves as an oilman.
In addition, the guests of the festival are waiting for master classes and lectures on career guidance and everything related to the specialties of the future.

However, you can't list everything! Everyone who has the opportunity to be in Moscow this weekend should definitely acquaint schoolchildren with how science "looks like". However, residents of the regions should not be upset: the science festival WOW!HOW? positions itself as a turnkey mobile festival. So, in just three years, more than 20 festivals took place not only in the capital, but also in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tula and other large cities. The organizers themselves are happy to accept applications for the festival from all over Russia. Who knows, maybe a holiday of science will come to your city too?

At the beginning school year in the halls of the presidium Russian Academy Sciences (RAS) for the twelfth time there will be a festival science for schoolchildren WOW!HOW?.

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

On September 16 and 17, educational workshops and shows, interactive lectures, unique exhibits and a completely new scientific performance on the big stage will be held for schoolchildren and their parents. The festival program has been revised by more than 80% and traditionally turned out to be as rich and varied as possible!

AT great hall RAS guests are waiting for the show "HYPER EXPERIMENTS" - a unique performance of its kind. In the twelfth big show commands WOW!HOW? the experience of previous performances and the opinions of more than 80 thousand viewers who have visited our shows in recent years have been taken into account. The main motto of "HYPER EXPERIMENTS": real experiments must be huge! Unique scientific exhibits and props have been specially designed for the show. Viewers are expected to experience more than 20 experiments of their own design, based on classical scientific phenomena:

Huge 16-barrel ball launcher that shoots 1500 ping-pong balls per minute;
- the largest air bazooka with a diameter of more than 2.5 meters;
- 20-meter pendulum with a weight, flying in centimeters from the head of the demonstrator;
- hand cannon that fires Tesla lightning and more

Together with an impresario named Georg Kraft (his role is played by Russian actor theater and cinema, showman, parodist, TV presenter - Pavel Kabanov) festival guests will go for new ideas of spectacular scientific demonstrations to the Russian Academy of Sciences to meet with Russian scientists who popularize science. Together with the guys, our scientists will conduct scientific demonstrations that have no analogues in the world in terms of scale, while simultaneously explaining the effects they have seen using simple and understandable analogies, slow-motion video shot on a special camera at a speed of 10,000 frames per second and 3D graphics and animation in Cinema4D.

In addition to the show in the big hall, the WOW!HOW? as always prepared more than 40 scientific activities on three floors of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
Physical show "From experiment to discovery" - when we see something contrary to common sense, we think and move forward. We have prepared 10 physics experiments for you, with the help of which we will reveal the secrets of film stunts, dispel common myths, and also show turning experiments in the history of physics.
Show "Super Lab" - how can you pierce a balloon so that you get a barbecue? Is it possible to draw something with the heat of the hands or leave a bloody imprint on a piece of paper? How will the beads jump out of the jar by inertia? Is it possible to make a ball out of a pacifier? And hypnotize whole class? We will find answers to these and many other questions in the Superlaboratory show. And the production of polymer worms by each participant will be a worthy end to the program.
The interactive zone “Robot Battle”, beloved by regular guests, can be seen not only in science fiction films, but also in reality - in our interactive zone. Here, on three battlefields, you can try yourself as a pilot of a combat vehicle or a LEGO Battle Robots robot. Let's see if you can beat your opponent?

Also in the program:

  • Medical master classes: Secret organism; Resuscitation, My biopass
  • Future technologies: 3D printing, eye-tracking, virtual reality;
  • Geosciences - Smelter, Oil: the mystery of black gold, Stone cycle;
  • Modern robotics, design and programming;
  • 16 exciting interactive zones from the Chemistry Lab to the Mars Station;
  • All sorts of activities from our partners: the Experimentanium Museum, the Living Systems Museum, Combat Robots, Maker's Lab and many others.
You are waiting for 9 hours of impressions and an exciting scientific performance on the big stage of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and all this for a single ticket that costs only 790 rubles.

Only 16 and 17 September 2017.
Halls of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32a.
Tickets can be purchased on the website

This year, the main audience of the festival will be children from orphanages.

On September 16-17, the city of Plyos, Ivanovo Region, will host an animation festival for the first time. Timerbulat Karimov, chairman of the Council of the Plyossky urban settlement, spoke about his concept at a press conference at the TASS news agency.

In recent years, the city authorities have been paying attention to cultural and event tourism Special attention Karimov noted. He recalled that Ples was hosting the Moscow easter festival, the Chaliapin Dacha Festival, the Andrei Tarkovsky International Film Festival "Mirror", and a series of sporting events are also taking place in the Volga city.

In 2017, the Plyos event calendar will be replenished with an animation festival. “We want to create a festival that, on the one hand, will organically merge into cultural life Plyos, and, on the other hand, will acquaint the general public with the latest achievements of domestic animation,” said the chairman of the Council of the Plyos urban settlement.

This year, the main audience of the animation festival will be children from orphanages. “The 2017 festival will be a gift to the children of the Ivanovo and Kostroma regions. We are very pleased that several hundred children will visit Plyos this year,” Karimov said. “And in the future we would like to see guests from other regions of Russia.”

“Plyos inspired many artists. I am sure that now he will not leave animators indifferent either,” Karimov told reporters.

For his part, Vyacheslav Telnov, Director of the Department of Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, promised during a press conference that the federal agency would support the new festival. “The Ministry of Culture is always happy to expand the geography of festivals,” he said. — Today it is extremely important to attract young viewers to view the best examples of contemporary Russian animation cinema”.

Program director Pavel Shvedov told journalists about the program of the upcoming festival. According to him, Plyos will show the best short films for children from among those that were released by Russian animators for Last year. “The Plyos festival will allow demonstrating the best examples of domestic animation to those viewers for whom this movie is being created,” Shvedov noted.

He also said that within the framework of the festival in Plyos, an exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the legend of domestic animation Fyodor Khitruk, the creator of cartoons about Winnie the Pooh and Boniface, will open. The exposition will run until mid-October.

In addition, during the animation festival, it is planned to announce grants for the production of cartoons. It is assumed that from next year a competitive program will appear at the film festival in Plyos.

On September 16-17, an animation festival will be held in Plyos was last modified: September 6th, 2017 by Karimov Timerbulat

The most interesting parties and cultural events in Moscow, as well as new films, books and music - in the traditional ELLE guide.

Where to go?

Exhibition “Cai Guoqiang. October" in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

"Cai Guoqiang. October” is one of the most anticipated exhibitions of autumn and the first exhibition of the artist in Russia. Inspired by the 100th anniversary October revolution, Guoqiang created a series of works specifically for the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, through which he tried to convey his thoughts on the role of the individual person in world history and the relationship of personal dreams with collective ideas. The exposition of the exhibition begins already at the entrance to the building, where guests are greeted by a 16-meter installation "Autumn", consisting of prams and cribs, from which birch trees grow. The space above the main Pink Staircase is decorated with a 20-meter-long silk canvas with gunpowder calligraphy of lines from the "Internationale" called "Sound". The exhibition also includes two gunpowder paintings "River" and "Garden", the installation "Earth" and other works by Guoqiang. You can understand most of them only by looking at the specially created mirrored ceiling of the White Hall. The exhibition will run until November 12.

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On September 16 and 17, the Days of Jerusalem will be held at the Museum of Moscow. If you dreamed of going to the capital of Israel, but so far there is no such opportunity, then this is a great chance to get acquainted with the culture of the city. The festival program includes musical performances, dances, film screenings, and culinary master classes.

Anniversary I Like Bar

It's hard to believe, but Vladimir Perelman's famous I Like Bar is celebrating its fifth anniversary. It will be celebrated on a grand scale: with music by Natasha Watts, MC Pavlov vs Matryoshka, Pasha NoFrost, Kolya Smart and Timur Nekrasov on Sax, champagne and a big birthday cake. Beginning on Friday at 19:00.

Closing of the Strelka summer season

Festival-market Big Wine Day at the Badaevsky brewery

A real pop-up wine collection will unfold on September 16 on the territory of the Badaevsky brewery. On this day, Big Wine Day will be held at PM Loft: more than 100 varieties of wines and 12 themed bars are waiting for guests. The ticket includes three tasting glasses of wine. The headliners of the evening will be ON-THE-GO and Nikola Melnikov, and Karina Istomina, Dima Karmanovsky, Dasha Yastrubitskaya and Poko Cox will stand behind the DJ console.

Party club "Change"

More than a year has passed since the moment one of the most popular clubs in Kitai-Gorod "Smena" closed, but its management still remembers all its regulars and decided to bring them back together on Friday, September 15th. The venue of the party was kept secret until the last moment - the celebration will take place in the Aglomerat art space in Kostomarovsky lane, 3. It starts at 22:00, but the doors will open half an hour earlier.

Where to eat?

New Seiji sushi bar on Danilovsky market

In one of the most fashionable places in Moscow, the Seiji sushi bar has opened, the brand chef of which is the famous Seiji Kusano, known for the restaurant of the same name on Komsomolsky Prospekt. The establishment works in the format of a contact sushi bar: visitors can watch the process of making sushi, which can safely be called a real art. All dishes on the menu are prepared with quality Japanese products, which are delivered directly from Tokyo twice a week.

What to watch?

The film "Mom!"

Darren Aronofsky's film Mom! the press began to discuss long before its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. The reason was the romance of the director with the performer leading role Jennifer Lawrence. Against this background, many have forgotten that Aronofsky is, first of all, one of the most non-standard directors of our time and the author of such cult films like "Black Swan" and "Requiem for a Dream". His new film "Mom!" already put on a par with these legendary paintings. Critics and first viewers met "Mom!" ambiguous: someone almost hated this film, someone was delighted with it, and someone simply did not understand. At the box office, the genre of the tape was designated as "horror", but in fact it goes beyond the classical typology of genres. The official synopsis of the tape is: “A story about a young couple whose relationship is being tested for strength from the moment the uninvited guests arrive at the heroes,” but in fact the plot has a powerful religious connotation. Details are important in this tape, so turn on all your attention before watching - within two hours you will have to understand why there is no music in the tape, and listen to individual phrases of the dialogues.

The editors of KudaMoscow present a selection of interesting events for the weekend of September 16 and 17:

1. World festival of circus art "IDOL"

From September 14 to 17, the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue will host world festival circus art"IDOL". The participants of the festival will be young and already eminent circus artists from different countries peace.

2. Mushroom festival in the "Aptekarsky garden"

On September 16 and 17, the Aptekarsky Ogorod MSU Botanical Garden will host one of the largest annual Mushroom Festivals in Russia and Europe, dedicated to mushroom cultures in science, art, gastronomy, applied art and Everyday life.

3. Autumn Bike Parade

On September 17, the capital will host the traditional autumn Moscow bike parade in support of the development of cycling infrastructure and for road safety. Participants-cyclists will travel an average of 30 kilometers from Ostankinsky Proyezd to Krasnaya Presnya Park.

4. Exhibition “Cai Guoqiang. October"

AT State Museum fine arts them. A. S. Pushkin will host the first solo exhibition in Russia of one of the most famous contemporary artists Cai Guoqiang. The main exposition areas of the Museum will turn into a giant installation "October", comprehending the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution.

5. Festival "Russia loves football"

On September 16, Luzhniki will host a large-scale all-Russian festival"Russia loves football", which will bring together on one site famous musicians, football stars, ardent fans of both, professionals and amateurs.

6. Musical "Anna Karenina"

From 12 to 24 September in Moscow state theater operetta will host a large-scale production - the musical "Anna Karenina". A captivating love story, the best artists of the Russian musical, magnificent vocals and spectacular choreography, piercing music performed live by the orchestra of the Operetta Theater - all this merges into one in a grandiose, technically perfect production, imbued with an atmosphere of splendor and luxury of the 19th century.

7. Stunt show "Russian Fast and the Furious"

On September 16, the Master Panin Cinema Adventure Park will host a new stunt show Russian Fast and the Furious. Guests will be able to see with their own eyes the incredible jumps of motorcyclists, the battle of the auto giant Big Foot with a real tank. Ordinary-looking cars will fly up, making an unthinkable somersault, and real superheroes will jump from a huge springboard without insurance, and, of course, original acrobatic stunts and an impressive show with fire are on the program.

8. Holiday "Day of the Kutuzov hut"

On September 16, the Kutuzovskaya Izba Museum will host a celebration dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the Military Council in Fili. A traditional museum holiday for the whole family will help you touch history and learn something new. In a few hours, the events of the "twelfth year" will fly by in front of visitors.

9. Project "Conquer your fear"

On September 17, the Olimpiysky Sports Complex will host a special sports project - "Conquer your fear!". Adults and children from 7 years old who can float on the water are invited.

10. Exhibition “Constantine Brancusi. Sculptures, drawings, photographs, films»

V Multimedia Art Museum will be held exhibition of works by the French sculptor Constantin Brancusi from the collection of the Pompidou Center. Brancusi became one of the main figures of abstractionism in sculpture and the brightest representative the Parisian school, which had a tremendous impact on the development of the avant-garde and all art of the 20th century. In Russia, the exhibition of his works will be held for the first time.