The principal of the school is dancing. The principal of the school "lit up" at the last call! this is wonderful! great dancing

Now in the yard - the middle of June, it's time for final exams and graduation parties. It's just an amazing time of summer.

Each of us will surely remember with warmth his own graduation party. After all, this is a celebration of farewell to childhood and meeting with adulthood.

But before graduation comes, in the life of every student of the graduating class, the last bell must sound. This solemn ruler is always full of emotions. After all, the last call symbolizes the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another. Oh, this one adulthood! When we are children, we all want to grow up quickly. And growing up, we understand that the happiest and most carefree time of our lives is behind us.

The heroes of our video are ordinary graduates. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about this video. After all, this is an ordinary Russian school, and ordinary graduates.

But gradually you begin to understand that main feature this video is its incredible positive. Just look at the principal of the school! How organically he fit into the dance of graduates! It is very fun to watch how an adult and respectable man transforms and becomes a member of a young dance group.

You must watch this urgently! Sea of ​​positivity good mood you are guaranteed!

To watch the video go to the next page

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Published on 26.05.16 13:58

The dance of the director of the Saratov Lyceum was shown in the show " Evening Urgant”, and the video blew up the Network.

Video with the dance of the director of the Saratov lyceum became a YouTube hit

May 25 graduates of the majority Russian schools noted the last call. A lot of photos and videos appeared on social networks with wonderful graduates, touching speeches of teachers and a waltz against the backdrop of the school yard. But none of them, perhaps, will be able to overshadow the filmed in the Saratov East European Lyceum, writes "Notepad".

Seeing how the children perform a festive number, the director of the educational intcbatch establishments Roman Ovsenev could not stand still. The school DJ played the 90s track "London Goodbye", and the man in the suit began to dance so that the schoolgirls, embarrassed, even took a step to the side.

The dance of the director of the lyceum was filmed and, having barely appeared in Saratov groups on social networks and on YouTube, it became a real hit. Dozens of admiring comments appeared under the video: “This is our beloved Roman Ovsenev”, “The best historian, the best teacher”, “ Best friend, support for children in everything. Many have noticed that the director has more energy than 17-year-old students, and "he dances better."

The students themselves said that the director had been preparing the dance for several months, diligently rehearsing in the hall. The dance had been planned since February, but when they found out that the governor would come, they thought to cancel it. But at the last moment Roman Ruslanovich took it and danced.

The dance of the director of the Saratov Lyceum amazed Ivan Urgant

In the show "Evening Urgant" on Channel One on May 25, they showed a video with a speech by the director of the Saratov East European Lyceum Roman Ovsenev, Region 64 writes.

“It is immediately clear that he does not want to say goodbye to the students,” Ivan Urgant commented on the video.

He was joined by his co-host Dmitry Khrustalev, who suggested that Sergei Lemokh, who disappeared from television screens (soloist of the Kar-men group - ed.), now works as the director of the lyceum in Saratov.

The video from the last call in Saratov, on which the director of the lyceum is dancing, spread across social networks and gained several thousand views on Youtube and others. in social networks per day. The dance performed by the director was like thisincendiary, which attracted unprecedented attention not only from local schoolchildren, but also from Internet users.

The last calls on May 25 took place in most schools in the country, but the Eastern European Lyceum of Saratov stood out thanks to an unusual dance performed by director Roman Ovsenev. A man in a suit, along with students, danced to the famous song from the 90s "London, Goodbye" and a video of his performance hit YouTube, local media write.

Everyone was so amazed by the director's courage and charm that his dance received a standing ovation from the students, their parents, colleagues, and even the governor of the region, Valery Radaev, who came to the lyceum for the last call.

Student Daria Cherechikhina told Notepad that they had been preparing the dance together with the director since the beginning of February, but when they found out about the arrival of the governor, they thought that Roman Ovsenev would not dare to make such a bold performance.

The dance had been planned since February, but when they found out that the governor would come, they thought to cancel it. But at the last moment Roman Ruslanovich took it and danced.

Even those who did not know the director personally, after watching the video, noted that he did a great job.

VKontakte users say they would like to have such a director in school years, and write that he is young at heart.

The bright speech of the director of the East European Lyceum was also on the air TV show "Evening Urgant". Presenters Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalev noted that the director loves his students very much, since he decided on this.

This is the director of the lyceum. It is immediately clear that he does not want to say goodbye to the students!