Description of the painting by Levitan birch grove thematic planning. Description of the painting

Birch Grove

The painting depicts a birch grove on a sunny summer day. The sun breaks through the leaves of the trees and lays on the grass like a mosaic carpet. Where the rays fall on the grass, there it is light green in color. And where not, there is a rich green color.

Birches seem to go into the distance, the whole picture is filled with them. It creates the feeling that you are standing in the middle of a birch grove. Trees surround you both to the right and to the left. Birch is a symbol of Russia.

The picture is clearly painted from nature. On the foreground the roughness of the bark is drawn. Dark blotches are clearly visible on the white background of the trunks. And the grass is like real, you just want to stroke the picture with your hands. To feel the softness of grass and the roughness of tree trunks.

It seems that a light warm summer breeze is blowing. And the trees tremble with green leaves, whispering to each other. I would like to go there for a moment. Lie down on the grass, spread your arms wide, close your eyes and enjoy the peace. Or through the foliage to look at the distant blue sky.

You can lie on your stomach and look at every blade of grass, flowers. Surely, ants live their lives in the grass, grasshoppers chirp. I think that there are birds in the crowns of trees. And they announce the grove with joyful trills.

Even small white flowers are visible in the grass between the birches. That's the thing the best place for relax! There must be a babbling brook somewhere nearby. He just didn't fit in the picture.

The picture is painted at the level of the human eye. What the artist saw in front of him, he painted. We do not see the sky and the sun. They are covered with lush foliage. But we know that the day is sunny. This is evidenced by the sun glare on the grass.

Some birch trees are drawn in pairs. As if the trees are dancing some kind of Russian dance. Most likely - a round dance. Here they stand opposite each other, as if leaning left and right. Among these birches, you can play hide and seek or tag.

The picture shows how using just four colors - green, white, yellow, black, you can create a masterpiece. Green color prevails in the picture. What a wealth of shades and tones! From pale green to dark green. The picture was painted with love native land, to Russia. Yesenin called it "the country of birch calico". And Levitan depicted this country with paints on canvas.

In this picture, every Russian person can recognize his birch grove, his favorite birch. The green color of the picture has a beneficial effect on the human eye. Green is the color of life on earth. This picture can be hung in any home. She will give a positive mood to people.

Description 2

Isaac Levitan painted the picture "Birch Grove" for four years. The main characters of the picture are white-trunked birches. long work above the picture is not accidental. The author knew very well with what tenderness the Russian people treat the birch. Our ancestors used this tree for numerous rituals. Birch was also sung by poets.

The painting "Birch Grove" is flooded with bright light. The light is so realistic that it is not only light, but also warm. I just want to fall on the sunny thawed patches in the grass. The smallest details of the grove are traced. This helps to mentally transport yourself into it and feel the smells of grass, the rustle of birches, bask in the rays of the sun, and enjoy the buzzing of insects. The grove is full of life. It has no dark colors.

Birches of Levitan, as if alive. Here they move and talk. They also enjoy the sunshine. They walk and talk to each other. If you listen, you can overhear their conversation. Birch trees are not in a frozen state. Not only their leaves are moving, but also as if the trunk itself is about to move. Although some birches stand alone, they are not alone. They are looking for an interlocutor or a couple for a walk.

The picture shows not only a near perspective, but also a distant one. On the grove I want to move further and further. As you progress, you notice that the birch trees are all very different. Here is a playful birch, another serious, and a third pensive. But two talkers giggle loudly. A little further you can see how one birch consoles another. How much sincerity is in it. Birches are very similar to us humans. There isn't one alike.

The picture is breathtaking. I want to run through the grove with open arms and hug every birch. I want to cuddle up to each and breathe in the smell of birch bark. I want to bend down and enjoy the smells of forest flowers. In a birch grove, you want to feel the fullness of life with every cell of your body, you want to soak in smells and impressions, breathe with your whole chest and keep these impressions in autumn and winter, so that they warm with their warmth, the aroma of flowers, leaves.

The painting "Birch Grove" is imbued with the Russian spirit. Levitan awakens in his work such familiar feelings of the Russian people. This picture encourages to love and appreciate Russian nature. She is full of optimism and energy.

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Levitan began to paint the picture "Birch Grove" in the Moscow region (in Babkin, near New Jerusalem) in the summer of 1885 and finished in Plyos on the Volga in 1889. In Babkino, he lived and worked surrounded by the family of A.P. Chekhov. Friendship with the writer, joint fun walks, the marvelous nature of those places - all this was preserved for a long time in the memory of the young impressionable artist and was so firmly remembered that after a long break he was able to complete the painting "Birch Grove".

Examples of essays based on Levitan's painting "Birch Grove" Grade 4

Birch trees are depicted in Levitan's painting "Birch Grove". They shine in the sun with their unique purity and joy. Looking at them, I am immediately transferred to a beautiful fairy tale. The rays of the sun penetrate every dark corner of the forest. The painting depicts not only birch trees, but also various field herbs and flowers. The picture is very bright and joyful.

I liked this picture, it is bright and joyful. I immediately want to be in nature, take a walk in the forest.

The painting by Levitan "Birch Grove" depicts a grove, but not simple, but fabulous. White slender birch trunks stand in a clearing, the breeze blows freshness and gently shakes the branches. But the picture is not only birch. There are many wildflowers in the foreground. Looking at the picture, there is a desire to go hiking, admire Russian nature, listen to forest birds.

The picture is very bright and joyful. I really liked it, because I really like to look at birches.

Levitan's painting "Birch Grove" depicts white birch trees. They amaze with their Russian simplicity, although they shine in the sun. Blades of grass sway from side to side, wild flowers stir and play with the wind. This picture is very bright and light, the rays of the sun shine with purity and joy. But there are places in the picture where the sun could not look. And it gives me some kind of mystery and mystery. I liked this picture, it reminds me of a beautiful good fairy tale.

Birch trees are depicted in Levitan's painting "Birch Grove". It seems that these are ordinary birches, but in fact they are beautiful Russian trees, you can look at them for a very long time and be surprised at their beauty. Looking at this picture, you can feel that you are in a beautiful fairy tale. This picture is very light. Wonderful birches shine with purity and joy. Due to the light breeze, the blades of grass sway from side to side. I so want to visit this grove, enjoy the Russian beauty of nature.

I really liked this picture. After all, looking at her, you feel an inexplicable joy.

Levitan's painting depicts a birch grove. She is very bright, joyful and fresh. Birches are like beautiful girls: the trunk is a sundress, and the green branches are scarves. Birch girls walk through the forest, dance round dances, sing songs. They walk in the sun and hide in the shade - they found a cloud, the breeze blew. The grass rustled, the flowers tilted their heads, the kerchiefs on the birches were untied. You look at the picture and rejoice in its beauty.

I liked this picture. it shows my homeland Russia in all its glory.

Levitan's painting depicts Russian birch trees. They shine with their purity and joy. Looking at them, you want to smile. Birches are a symbol of Russia. This is my homeland.

In the foreground of the picture are thin blades of grass and multi-colored wildflowers. They bask under the rays of the sun, as in a beautiful fairy tale.

I really liked this picture, it surprises with its simplicity. Everything is here in bright colors, everyone rejoices.

Composition based on Levitan's painting "Birch Grove" Grade 4

Levitan's painting depicts birch trees, which amaze with their Russian simplicity. It seems that everything here is from a fairy tale. The rays of the sun illuminated every trunk, warmed every blade of grass. Not a single dark corner remained in this grove. Birches shine in the sun and delight the eye.

I really liked this picture, because it is light, bright and colorful.

The painting by Levitan depicts a Russian fairy tale. The sun illuminated everything, even the darkest corners of the forest. Birch trees reach for the light. Blades of grass sway from side to side. Listen and hear the song of the lark.

I so want to get into this grove, lie down on the green grass, look at the clear blue sky.

I liked this picture. She is bright and kind.

Levitan's painting depicts Russian birch trees. They shine with purity and joy. Near the white trunks, wildflowers move, as if playing with each other. Birches, though ordinary trees, but they hide beautiful fairy tale. If you listen closely, you can hear the birds singing. The sun's rays warm every blade of grass, flower, leaf.

Note: Dear students, essays based on the painting by I.I. Levitan "Birch Grove" for grade 4 is published without correcting errors. There are teachers who check the essay for availability on the Internet. It may turn out that two similar texts will get checked. Read an example homework GDZ and try to write an essay on the picture for a literary reading lesson on your own.

Description of the painting by Levitan “Birch Grove”

This picture, the artist began to paint in 1885, and finished in 1889, when he was in Plyos on the Volga.
This picture reflects how talented and smart the artist is.
Levitan is famous for his landscapes, and Birch Grove is one of my favorite paintings.

We see in front of us a forest in which birch trees grow.
Realistically, Levitan plays with light, showing us the glare of the sun both on the ground and on the entrances of birches.
The color is chosen, in my opinion, very accurately, bright green shades of grass and white birch trunks are combined very contrastingly.
Playing with the shadow, Levitan seems to be able to revive his picture.
We close our eyes and hear the chirping of birds, opening our eyes, we are no longer in the real world, we seem to be one with the picture, and we want to run through this grove and scream loudly to throw out negative energy.

In my opinion, birch trees enjoy a sunny day.
Everything around blooms and smells, and from the picture, of course, it breathes warmth and joy.
The author takes us deep into the forest with the help of his writing technique.
From other similar paintings, this canvas is distinguished by its dynamism, it seems that a little more, a little, and everything will end, the trees will turn yellow, and autumn will come, and I want to enjoy every day, not to miss a single day.
Enjoy every moment.
Levitan manages to depict the light-air environment, he manages to achieve all this thanks to his unique writing technique, for example, in this case, important role played a rich palette of colors and superimposed spots of light and shadow.

Each painting by Levitan is imbued with love for its nature and homeland.
This picture is distinguished from others by the immediacy and freshness of feelings.
Chekhov really liked this work, he told Levitan that this picture would be recognized and loved by many generations.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is an artist who has rightfully earned a reputation as the creator of the “mood landscape”. Nature in his picturesque creations shines with the gentle light of love. Such is the picture of Levitan "Birch Grove", which the master created at the age of twenty-nine.


The artist's biography is shrouded in mystery - he did not like to talk about childhood and family, during his lifetime he destroyed his entire archive. A bundle of letters found after his death contained a "vulture": "Burn without reading," which was done. According to the few memoirs of contemporaries, it can be established that Levitan very early showed the gift of a draftsman and joined this type of art. At the age of 13 he became a student of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. His teachers were Polenov and Savrasov - the most famous then Russian artists. Levitan's painting "Birch Grove" reminds us of the inextricable and deep connection that unites our landscape painters, who so keenly felt the nature of the wonderful

A landscape painter who has no equal

The teachers' pictures captured the imagination young Levitan. He was especially fascinated by the idea of ​​incarnating on the canvas the very soul of nature, its many-sided moods. Isaak Ilyich spoke of his teacher A. Savrasov as a painter who knew how to find in the ordinary deeply intimate, unusually touching features that are so strongly felt in the Russian landscape. The first works of young Levitan were a bit like the manner of a teacher. Elegiac moods, twilight shades, gloomy and pensive objects - swamps, pools, abandoned rural graveyards - all demonstrated the closeness of the aesthetics of Levitan's canvases to Savrasov's creative manner.

But very soon the student demonstrated his own pictorial "language", by which everyone now unmistakably recognizes him.

Levitan's painting "Birch Grove": the history of creation

These were the years of rapprochement with the remarkable Russian writer Anton Chekhov. Together with the Chekhov family, Levitan rested near the village of Babkino. It was there that Levitan's magnificent painting "Birch Grove" was born. The master created it for four years, having completed his work on the Volga. Today, this masterpiece is exhibited at the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Breath of the Russian forest

Isaac Levitan "Birch Grove" should begin with the fact that real object, from which the artist painted trees shining with pearls and emeralds, was the Plesskaya grove.

The mood of unaccountable joy, freshness and optimism exudes this small but expressive picture. How does Levitan achieve such emotional strength? Of course, there is a fusion of skill and harmony, which formed the basis inner world artist.

The play of light and shadow

What is attractive for a specialist Levitan's painting "Birch Grove"? An analysis of the technique and techniques used by the artist makes it possible to restore the unique features of the master's brush. The whole space of the picture is filled only with grass, in which blue and yellow sparks of flowers sparkle, trunks, brilliant green crowns: the sky is not visible, neither an animal nor a bird flickers anywhere. Nevertheless, the forest lives on! We feel his fresh breath, hear the cheerful rustle of leaves. The artist skillfully conveys the movement of warm rays, inspiring the landscape with quivering tenderness and joy. Two birch trees in the foreground amaze with lyricism and plausibility. Pink and warm brown spots lay softly on the trunks. The picture is reminiscent of the immediacy and light pure rhythm of Impressionism.

Contemporaries claim that Levitan's friend - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - told the author that in this picture, like in no other, one can feel the smile of a brilliant artist.

An essay on the painting "Birch Grove" is a standard topic for a student. Each such essay should begin with words about the artist. Description of the painting "Birch Grove" - ​​an essay with details that accurately convey the image.

Domestic landscape master

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is an outstanding talented Russian landscape painter of the late nineteenth century. Among connoisseurs visual arts his name is always heard. As an artist, he could amazingly accurately convey pictures of nature, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off. Many art lovers want to see his landscapes at home in the living room. Such pictures cheer up, energize, and also instill love for It is very interesting to write the essay “Birch Grove”. Grade 5 is the right period.

History of the painting

The picture "Birch Grove" Isaac Levitan wrote for several years. Today it is in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery. It took four years from conception to completion. The artist was inspired by the expanses of the Kiselev estate near Moscow in Babkino. But Levitan finished his “grove” already in Plyos, which is located on the right bank of the Volga. It turns out that Levitan wrote many of his masterpieces in this place. Plesskaya birch grove was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from it a church called Pustynka was built, to which a small cemetery was adjacent. It was in this place that the artist completed his creation.

Painting analysis

The main object of the picture is a birch. Juicy greens are pleasing to our eyes. Such tones of green calm the viewers. Levitan skillfully combined dark and light shades of green. The artist depicted a sunny day on the canvas. Many white and thin birch trees fill the canvas. Often poets compare their trunk with the camp of a young and slender Russian beauty. It would be nice to find yourself in a place like a birch grove. We continue the composition and move on to sounds. Imagine yourself in such a grove, you can hear the chirping of birds, the movement of representatives of the fauna. Having taken a breath of fresh air, you feel how it is filled with the aromas of meadow flowers and herbs. It seems as if a butterfly with velvet wings has flown from flower to flower. Among such dense grass, sweet and sour strawberries like to grow.

Art critics appreciated the artist's play with light and shadow, as well as the richness and brightness of colors. The radiance of shades of green, as well as the peculiarities of the texture of the canvas, give the impression that it radiates the energy of goodness and optimism. To depict the artist used the technique inherent in the Impressionists.

In general, birch is one of the main trees of the pagan religion of the Slavs. Perhaps that is why the artist depicted the national tree of our people so carefully and diligently.