Why dream about where the snake is for a man. Women's dream book Why dream of a Snake in a dream book

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of the Snake in the dream book:

Seeing Snakes in a dream, a woman dreams of many snakes means that she is surrounded by a lot of ill-wishers. It is necessary to be extremely careful and not succumb to provocations.

Why do snakes dream, a lot of snakes for a woman - to betrayal by her loved ones.

A snake in the house - her enemies are next to her, perhaps this is someone close.

Why do snakes dream in the house - some kind of trouble will happen in your house in your absence.

Little snakes - a little evil, quarrels, minor troubles.

To dream of small snakes in the trees - to slander or punishment for your actions.

Green snake - liberation from old habits and responsibilities. If a green snake wraps around your body, this means that the old principles do not allow you to develop further, so you need to step over them and move on.

Why do green snakes dream - to the spiritual healing of a person.

Yellow snake - major changes in life. It can be reconciliation with an old friend or a victory over an old enemy.

Why do yellow snakes dream in a dream - you will meet insincere people who, despite their hospitality, will pursue their goals. Be careful with new acquaintances.

A snake for a man - can signal his hidden homosexual preferences, the desire for the opposite sex to pay attention to him.

Why do snakes dream of a man - to hold them in his hands - to great troubles and worries.

Idiomatic dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

Seeing a Snake in a dream - “Snake under the deck” - deceit, danger, aggression; "Snake meanness", "green snake" (alcoholism); "Kundalini" - mystical, demonic energy, the concentration of the human ego. "Serpent Gorynych" - Russian analogue of kundalini; "boa constrictor" - "noose" - "choke".

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers Why does the Snake dream in a dream?

In a dream, to see the Snake to see in a dream - Curled up or rising - a symbol of the extreme danger of awakening the demonic energy of Kundalini and the devastating consequences of such activity.

Children's dream book What does the Snake mean in the dream book?

Why dream Why the Snake is dreaming - Anger, gossip, enemies, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book What is the dream of the Snake in the dream book:

  • Snake - In general, snakes dream of impending troubles.
  • Wriggling snakes symbolize the struggle for existence and remorse.
  • Seeing small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will surreptitiously slander and shame you, trying to frustrate your plans.
  • A snake peacefully curled up in a ring is a harbinger that your enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a crushing blow.
  • Seeing a ball of snakes in a dream is also a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of your career, unhappiness in family life and even death.
  • If a woman dreams that a dead snake bites her, she will suffer from the injustice and hypocrisy of a close friend.
  • Seeing in a dream how snakes sting others means that you yourself will offend a friend.
  • Killing snakes in a dream means that you will do anything to achieve your interests or to be considered by other people. You will be guaranteed victory.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why the Snake is dreaming:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: Snake - One of the complex symbols. In most cases, it personifies evil, deceit, envy and even death. May mean a woman. On the other hand, it can personify wisdom and new life.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if the Snake dreams:

Why the Snake is dreaming - Seen in a dream, means cunning enemies and ungrateful people, also seduction and deceit; to see a snake crawling from side to side marks envy, illness, imprisonment and other misfortunes; to kill a snake means to triumph over cunning and envious enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

To see a snake in a dream is one of the most difficult symbols that arise in a dream. The thing is that, on the one hand, the snake is the personification of evil, deceit, envy and even death. But, on the other hand, the same snake symbolizes wisdom, healing and new life. Moreover, the first meaning is the most famous and common, this is evidenced by such folk expressions as “Warm the snake on the chest”, “Snake tongue”, and the second meaning is not entirely known, although many people know the ancient belief that the snake periodically sheds her skin to regain her youth, which also means that she is the only one in the whole wide world who has the secret of eternal life, that is, she is also a symbol of longevity. This belief also says that if someone manages to find snake skin and prepare a wonderful decoction from it, then he will save himself and his loved ones from all diseases. There are also folk signs that could contribute to the appearance of the image of a snake in your dream: “If you don’t step barefoot on the floor on the eve of the outer Yegorye, then in the summer there won’t be a single snake”, “Having killed a snake, you need to hang it on an aspen”. So, the image of a snake caused by your subconscious in a dream is evidence that in real life you are faced with great evil, deceit, envy, death or wisdom, healing, hopes for a new life.

  • Seeing a snake basking in the sun in a dream is a sign that you are supporting an evil envious person who is trying to harm you by plotting against you and spreading evil gossip.
  • Watching in a dream how a water snake devours frogs is a sign that a very strong person will want to influence you soon. You may even change your beliefs under his influence, which you will later regret very much.
  • Seeing a viper crawling to a watering hole means that one of your close friends has conceived evil against you, he will try in every conceivable and inconceivable way to destroy your financial well-being and bring discord into family life.
  • If you dreamed of a viper floating along a river on a thin branch, then such a dream warns that there is a bad person in your environment who wants to harm you.
  • Watching in a dream the battle of a viper with a water snake - you will be able to prevent the evil that your enemies seek to inflict on you and dispel rumors and gossip about you.
  • If loudly screaming frogs are watching this fight, then such a dream indicates that soon you will have a difficult task, in which you can succeed only if you work hard. This dream reminds one simple truth: solve your problems with deeds, not words.
  • Watching in a dream how a snake sheds its skin means that in real life you will meet a wise person who will not only improve your health, but also make you think about eternal truths.
  • Cooking a decoction of a snake skin in a dream is a sign that in order to improve your health or the health of your loved ones, you need to seek help from traditional healers.
  • If in a dream several snakes attack you, then in reality you will need to protect your dignity from the vicious attacks of envious people.
  • If you dreamed that you were stung by a snake, then soon you will be seriously affected by evil rumors and gossip.
  • Seeing snake cubs in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream warns of evil betrayal by people you trust.

Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea Snake according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Snake in a dream - Represents various types of vital energy: sexual, spiritual, aggressive. Also symbolizes the art of healing. Snake bite - treason, deceit, illness. Playing snake - sexual relations, lust. Sleeping snake - healing, wisdom, good luck. A boa constrictor is a symbol of the devil, temptation.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why the Snake Dreams:

According to the dream book of the Snake - Snakes can symbolize a huge number of things. Since most snakes are poisonous and dangerous, one of the most common meanings of this image is death. Since snakes are very slippery and creeping, another meaning of this symbol is deceit, cunning, deceit. It was the snake that seduced Eve to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge and her image is a symbol of temptation (especially sexual temptation), and after all the image of the snake is the actual symbol. The image of a snake expresses the fear of death or its desire, concern for one's health, fear that someone is doing an undesirable act against you. The feeling that you are dexterous, cunning in this situation. Fear that the other may be more dexterous and cunning in this matter. The desire to give in to a certain temptation, the desire for sexual intercourse and at the same time the fear of it. As a rule, the image of a snake is negative, indicating the impossibility of an adequate command in a situation, the loss of individual inse and the implementation of actions according to a program alien to the individual, inscribed in his logical, rational. Moreover, this program, like an obsession, makes a person walk in a circle or in a spiral - along a route that is predetermined, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Snake dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Snake in a dream - a calmly lying snake - responsible work awaits you, which will require considerable effort, but will not bring the desired satisfaction. If a snake crawls across the road - someone is bothering you, acting on the sly. Sleep from Thursday to Friday - one of your close friends will support you financially, do not reject help, you need it. A dream from Friday to Saturday is a bad omen, your personal life is not going the way you would like, many of your hopes will not come true.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

To see a snake in a dream - Cunning, betrayal; if it crawls - to illness, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a snake dreams:

Snake - Snake bite - quarrel, trouble, snake to see - beware of enemies; the blood serpent is a hidden enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Snake in a Dream

Interpretation from the dream book: Snake - A snake or a dragon kills a person. - portends great misfortune. The snake bites the man. - portends the acquisition of great wealth. The snake crawls into the bosom. - Heralds the birth of a noble son. The snake moves under water, enters the water. - Relocation to a new home or promotion. The snake follows the man. - Talking about cheating on his wife. The snake crawls into the anus. - portends a squabble, a quarrel. The snake coils around the body. - The birth of a noble offspring. Lots of snakes. - Indicates matters related to the afterlife. Snake cucumber, bezoar. - portends government affairs.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is the Snake dreaming?

See in a dream
  • Snake - Seeing a snake on your wife or something
  • Finding a snake in your house in a dream means troubles that occur or will occur in the house in your absence.
  • Keeping a snake in your bosom means you will soon enjoy a good reputation, have a good reputation.
  • A nest of snakes in a dream symbolizes a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of, quarrels and discord in the family,
  • Seeing how snakes sting others means undeservedly offending someone.
  • Seeing snakes in the water that you have to cross means that success will follow the worries.
  • If you see in a dream that a snake turns into a dragon, expect the support of an influential person; to see how a snake moves under water or enters water means that you will be relocated to a new home or promoted; a dream in which a snake follows a man - to the betrayal of his wife.
  • To see a python in a dream means that in order to achieve your intended goal you will have to overcome a physical obstacle, to see a snake means that matchmakers will come to the house.
  • A bronze-colored snake seen in a dream can be a harbinger of envy or deceit. To dream of a snake trying to attack you and run away from it means that in real life you are surrounded by many ill-wishers, and in order not to lose everything, you need to be vigilant, especially if you are too trusting.
  • To kill a snake means to triumph over cunning and envious enemies. Seeing a snake swaying from side to side means that you are surrounded by cunning and ungrateful people, envious people, imprisonment and other misfortunes are possible.
  • If you dream that a snake has wrapped around your neck and you are suffocating, beware of a joyless marriage.
  • Being stung in a dream by a snake means someone's enmity, quarrel, trouble; crush the snake's head - give a lesson to a spineless or immoral person.
  • However, if a snake bit you in a dream, this may also be a harbinger of gaining great wealth.

Egyptian dream book If the Snake is dreaming:

Snake - If a person sees himself in a dream bitten by a snake - bad, it means that the dispute will turn against him.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why the Snake is dreaming:

Seeing a Snake in a dream - To a husband, an intimate friend. Snake bite - to pregnancy. If a month, especially a young one, if a girl dreams, then she will soon have a “person for a couple”.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist K. Jung Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

Snake - Snakes appear in dreams in a variety of forms, confirming the breadth of archetypal meanings that the same figurative type carries. Snakes, of course, can carry a phallic meaning (or even literally be associated with a penis), but this is only part of their symbolic potential. Jung believed that snakes could sometimes represent the autonomic nervous system, a very curious observation in light of recent brain research relating to the center of the human brainstem, the so-called "reptilian brain" (as opposed to the better understood mammalian brain and the exclusively human development of the cerebral cortex). brain). Sometimes there are very obvious changes in the person or object that is being pursued. At first it may look frightening, but as it approaches, no signs of aggression appear to justify the fear experienced by the dream ego. One man dreamed of a large monster emerging from the darkness towards the dream ego, which was standing in the circle of light from a street lamp. But when the "monster" got closer to the light, it turned out to be nothing more than a mouse. She may have been a monster in the dark, but she changed as she entered the "light" of consciousness surrounding the dream ego. Complexes associated with the ego (sleep or wakefulness) behave differently than complexes with the ego not associated, and therefore unconscious.

Lunar dream book Why is the Snake dreaming?

How the dream book interprets: Snake - To the disease; crush - recovery.

Muslim dream book Why does the Snake dream:

Snake - To see a snake is to the enemy, and the strength of the enemy will be corresponding to the strength of the seen snake. If someone sees a tame and obedient snake, he reaches the property, and if he sees that the snake has attacked him, he will suffer some kind of grief from the king. If someone sees that many snakes have gathered together and do no harm, then the person who sees such a dream will command the army.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why does the Snake dream from a dream book?

What does it mean to dream Seeing a Snake in a dream is a difficult symbol, because in different CULTURES it is interpreted in different ways. Interpretations have a very wide range: from fear, chilling the blood, to peace and wisdom. Variants are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, the fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan, in the form of a snake, seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreaming in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life with whom you have not had a very smooth relationship. Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes embodies the fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to it. It is quite difficult to correctly interpret the snake you dreamed about. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful or friendly? Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? How do you feel about those; people who were with you? The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the snake dream.

Azar's Bible Dream Book Dream Interpretation: To see a snake in a dream

What is the dream of the Snake - Evil Enemy

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if the Snake is dreaming:

  • A snake - to see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream is evidence that soon you will have a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues against you, will decide on an open war.
  • If the crawling snake is poisonous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to defeat this person, because he is stronger and more insidious than you.
  • If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily deal with your enemy, using his intrigues against him.
  • Seeing a ball of snakes in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of your career, unhappiness in family life and even death. You should be more careful in dealing with all your acquaintances, because what you expressed in a fit of passion will serve you a disservice.
  • If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will not even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. Most likely, he resorted to the forces of black magic, setting as his goal to make your life miserable.
  • Seeing a snake peacefully curled up in a dream is a harbinger that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to inflict a strong blow on you, from which you most likely will not be able to recover.
  • If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then such a dream is a bad sign. Apparently, you are among the first to know about the fatal illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower in order to inform the patient's relatives about it and help a loved one live their last days with dignity and humility.
  • To see a gigantic snake in a dream is a prophecy of a great tragedy. There will come a time when Satan in human form will be implanted on Earth. It will be a time of hunger, poverty, violence, human suffering, theft and death of millions of people living on our planet. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign that humanity in the future, realizing how important it is to believe in God, will reopen all churches and temples. The evil spirit will retreat, seeing that people have become more merciful and wiser.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Snake in a dream

Snake - Have enemies among women; kill - get out of a difficult everyday situation.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Why does the Snake dream from a dream book:

  • The snake is a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning.
  • Seeing a snake crawling on the ground in a dream means that you should be wary of the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025, etc. It is during these years that a real threat will hang over you to be homeless and material means. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby who will help you overcome the disasters that have happened to you.
  • The venomous snake wrapped around the number of the Antichrist is a sign that at the moment when the Antichrist comes to earth, all the most terrible human vices will become active. The time of murderers, thieves, rapists will come. To dream of a non-poisonous snake approaching a person is a warning that one of the powerful states of the globe is headed by a person who will start a war against a weak state, but at present there is still an opportunity to prevent this person. Such a dream warns the dreamer of imminent danger that can be avoided.
  • If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, you, unwittingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of one of your loved ones, a political coup will take place.
  • If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person’s neck, it means that this person is in real danger.
  • If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, it means that you have a secret ill-wisher.
  • To see a snake attacking you in a dream means to experience distress and hardship in reality.
  • To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy.
  • Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can become a victim of monstrous lies.
  • To see a ball of snakes in a dream - in reality become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

Esoteric dream book If the Snake dreams:

Why the Snake is dreaming - the Ring is a very important time (attention!). Expanded dangerous adventure. Attacks do not miss the moment! The closer the contact, the closer in time.

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: To see a snake in a dream

Snake - A common symbol of sexuality, and, according to some psychoanalysts, the original fall of man.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Snake in a Dream

In a dream, why the Snake is dreaming - Cunning, evil enemies - for men - to have enemies among women - to kill - to get out of a difficult everyday situation

Snake (gad) - The enemy will bite, the witch, the horse will hit, illness, prison, deceit, treason; bitten - sadness, a woman will harm, quarrel, trouble; crawling - envy, illness; chasing you - attack, the enemy (secret) wants to overtake; beware of snakes - danger from a cunning and harmful person (see Already, viper); beat, kill - defeat the enemy.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer Why does the Snake dream in a dream:

  • Poisonous snake - In general, a negative, destructive, dangerous force, including a sexual symbol.
  • Bitten - a disease.
  • Seeing is an insidious dangerous woman; evil; treason.
  • Friendly caresses - the acquisition of secret knowledge; flattering, but insidious mistress.
  • Sometimes it expresses the hidden mystical energy in a person, called kundalini, and in this regard, the danger of demonic temptation by supernatural abilities and avoidance of love.
  • A ball of snakes - painful internal contradictions.
  • White snake - touch dangerous, destructive knowledge. The water snake is a danger associated with the past.
  • Killing a snake is very good.

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Snake:

Serpent wrapped around the Tree - Lone Hero, Avenger

Aspid - Large poisonous snake - evil; bitten - a serious illness; green - drunkenness; rolled up in a ball - the danger of awakening the demonic energy of the kundalini (see Serpent Gorynych).

Spring dream book Why does the Snake dream about the dream book:

Asp (snake, snake) - To temptation.

Summer dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

Asp (snake) - Seeing a snake in a dream - to deceit on the part of a close friend.

Why dream of a rattlesnake - To see a rattlesnake in a dream - to a rival, insidious and shameless.

Why dream of a serpent - In the folklore of the Eastern Slavs, a many-headed winged serpent, covered with a shell, flames blaze from its mouths - a symbol of the human invulnerable, greedy and always insatiable ego (some heads are cut off, others grow anew) mystical kundalini energy, a demonic path of development; self-destruction on the mental and physical levels. No matter how different Eastern spiritual teachers embellish this hidden secret power within a person, its essence was so unambiguously and very long ago reflected in Slavic folk tales and was known to every simple Russian peasant!

Autumn dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

Asp (serpent, snake) - Seeing this unpleasant creature in a dream is a temptation.

Rattlesnake - To a rival who will outshine you.

Why Rattlesnake Dreams - Rattlesnake dreams of betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis If the Snake is dreaming:

Interpretation of the dream book: Snakes - This is a different type of energy. Energies are good - powerful, with high vibrations. They are feared mainly because of their strength, but they never do anything bad - they are our friends. Good to befriend her. Just to see a snake - it is possible that you are thinking in the direction of this force, but have not done anything yet. You fought with it - it means that you control this energy.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why the Snake Dreams:

  • Snakes - If a woman dreams that a dead snake bites her, then the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer.
  • Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about any varieties and forms of evil. - to see snakes wriggling or falling on someone in a dream means a struggle for existence and remorse.
  • Killing snakes in a dream means that you will do anything to achieve your interests or to be considered by other people. You will triumph over your enemies.
  • Passing in a dream among snakes means that you will live in constant fear of illness, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle.
  • If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on green grass, you bounce to the side, it crawls past, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and, finally, transforming into a huge snake, and you, at the cost of insane efforts, successfully avoid his attack and completely get rid of this terrible vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglected and disrespected, and your affairs are getting worse and worse.
  • Illnesses, anxiety, bitterness will terribly hypertrophy in your mind, but everything will end happily, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and obligations taken on will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded.
  • If you dream that a snake coils around you and shoots you with its sting, it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with illness.
  • If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that you will develop your own strategy to overthrow the forces hostile to you.
  • If in a dream your hair turns into snakes, it means that in life, insignificant, at first glance, events will cause you excruciating anxiety and worries.
  • to see small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will surreptitiously slander and shame you, and also try to frustrate your plans.
  • If a woman in a dream is worried about a child behind her, as she hears a snake hiss, this means that she will be persuaded to give up something that is dear to her, for her own good; but later she would discover that she had been involved in a dishonorable intrigue.
  • to dream of a friend standing on the path and snakes threateningly raising their heads behind him means that in reality you will uncover a conspiracy organized against you and your friend.
  • If in your dream you understand that a friend keeps the snakes under control, it means that some powerful organization will act in your interests and repel evil machinations.
  • If a woman dreams that she is enchanted by a snake, it means that she will be oppressed, but the law and influential friends will come forward to protect her rights.

Assyrian dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

Snakes - If you caught a snake, you will find a patron and protector.

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: To see a snake in a dream

Why Snakes dream - This dream suggests that you have cunning and dangerous enemies who will harm you and your life, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Snake dream in a dream:

Why dream of a snake - Many-headed - wealth; to slay him is help, to beat the enemy.

Snakes in the water according to the dream book

In the interpretation of dream books, a snake in a dream personifies not only hidden enemies, but is also a source of wisdom and knowledge. Water is considered a symbol of eternity, emotions, intuition. To understand why snakes in the water dream, one should recreate the dream plot and try to understand the secret meaning of the night message.

We saw a water snake - beware of the past

In the Wanderer's dream book there is an explanation of why one dreams of seeing water snakes in the water. So, according to the dream interpreter, the image seen indicates the danger associated with the past of a sleeping person. A dreaming big white reptile symbolizes destructive, dangerous knowledge.

A noble dream book, a plot about a large swimming water viper, is associated with the danger of plunging into melancholy, if there are a lot of them, be prepared for a stressful situation. At the same time, watching a large water snake crawl out of a reservoir promises recovery, health promotion.

To see that many small snakes or a whole brood of aggressive creatures swim in the river means that unexpected problems will appear in the current enterprise. It is possible that their occurrence will be associated with the machinations of ill-wishers.

Snake bite - warns of conflicts

I dreamed that an aquatic reptile bit you, which means that danger is coming from the water element. Snakes in the water bite in the leg - someone is trying to manipulate you. Moreover, the influence is extremely bad, destructive.

Fighting in a dream with a huge anaconda that has bitten you several times warns of negative emotions. Perhaps the upcoming emotional outburst will prevent the plans that the sleeping person has been preparing for a long time from being realized. In some cases, the image of a huge snake symbolizes an authoritative person, and if in a dream the animal was able to make several bites, then a conflict with an employer or business partner is likely.

If a man dreams that while swimming in a pond, a snake plunged under water, it means that the day before it will be possible to significantly increase capital or get a promotion.

The state of the reservoir as an indicator of the environment

Some dream books are sure that most often snakes in water are dreamed of by a woman or a girl as an auspicious sign. If these creatures swam in a clean and transparent river, get ready to gain independence (financial, emotional). We saw a cobra in a dream - take a closer look at the chosen one.

But swimming in a muddy, dirty river with reptiles floating in it promises retribution for a mistake made in a relationship with a man. For a young lady, many small reptiles in a dream warn of evil envious women who spread false information about the dreamer, which can greatly damage relations with her lover.

What color were the vipers?

Interpreting why snakes dream in water, the Modern Combined Dream Book pays close attention to the color of reptiles. So:

  • a dreaming black snake indicates the presence of the dreamer's fears. Sometimes such a plot symbolizes the betrayal of a loved one.
  • cut off the head of a black asp in a dream - to overcome obsessive phobias.
  • a green viper in a dream, according to the dream book, is considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, getting rid of an illness, addiction, bad habits. For married girls, a green snake in the water (clean and transparent) indicates pregnancy.
  • to see a yellow reptile predicts illness, anger and deceit.
  • i dreamed that I was bitten by a red asp - get ready to suppress negative emotions.

Interpretation of sleep in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller associates the image with snakes in the water with the dreamer's anxieties, which will soon be replaced by bright joy. A dream in which creeping creatures managed to sting a character, according to the dream book, indicates that your concern is not groundless.

Dream snake bite

The symbol of this creature in a dream has a lot of meanings, so it is quite difficult to interpret dreams about this reptile, first try to remember the details of your dream, and only then try to make out the foreshadowing.

Let's try to sort it out in order, what does a snake mean in a dream? This creature in a dream can symbolize your worst enemy, betrayal, deceit, betrayal of a beloved woman, evil, cunning, illness, and even the fall of man. Also, this symbol represents all types of vital energy, including the energy of the soul, sexuality and aggressiveness.

If a snake is in your dream stung someone else, then this shows your sexual attraction to this person, or the desire to change your lover if the object of the bite is not defined.

A dream in which a young girl sees how her bitten by a dead snake, portends danger from an imaginary friend.

See in a dream how this creature wraps around you and trying to sting, means that in reality circumstances await you in which you will be powerless in front of your enemies.

I dreamed how snakes bite people around, then, in reality, spoil the relationship with your friends with your arrogant demands on them.

Why dream of a snake bite sexually- this image in a dream can symbolize temptation, since it was the snake that seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden. Perhaps in real life you want to seduce someone.

A dream in which a girl sees a snake instead of your lover, speaks of pleasant changes in your relationship.

If man sees a snake in a dream, this speaks of his hidden homosexual aspirations.

If a girl dreamed that a snake had bitten, during the honeymoon, which means that in reality she will find a mate.

According to some psychologists, this image in a dream symbol of sexuality and the original fall of man.

The dream in which many writhing snakes trying to bite you means fighting with someone and feeling remorseful.

Why dream of a snake bite in other dream books

As the dream books explain, a snake bite can be interpreted in different ways depending on the facts and details of the dream. For example, in Miller's dream book, the bite of this reptile portends that you will be seduced by malicious intrigues, and enemies will damage your business. Freud interpreted this sign in a dream as the collapse of an erotic relationship due to the intervention of another young man.

Vanga interpreted the bite of this crawling creature as a deep disappointment in someone close to you. For a long time, you will wonder the reason for your bad luck, and in the end you will find out that this is the work of the person you relied on. It is even possible that he turned to witchcraft, setting himself the task of making your life unbearable.

In Ukrainian dream book a snake bite is a harbinger of a quarrel or trouble.

Slavic dream book interprets a snake bite as enmity with someone.

Why dream of a poisonous snake bite - according to Nostradamus such a dream means that in reality you will become the culprit of a big scandal, unwittingly, it is even possible that a political coup will take place because of you or because of your relatives.

In the Egyptian dream book a snake bite means some kind of dispute that will eventually turn against you.

In Fedorovskaya's dream book the bite of this reptile expresses pregnancy.

Sigmund Freud believed that snakes, like other reptiles, should be interpreted as a male penis. The dream in which this creature basks in the sun is a symbol of a good sexual tone of a man.

Dream Interpretation Snake bitten, why dream Snake bitten in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why is the snake bitten in a dream book in a dream:

Seeing in a dream a snake that is trying to bite you is a symbol of a two-faced person who wants to offend you. Most likely, this is a person from your circle of acquaintances who strives to seem good to you. If you assess the situation correctly, you can avoid being stabbed in the back. The snake that bites - attacks, spokes in the wheels from your envious people. You can deal with them if you are alert and sensible.

Why dream of a snake that bites - there is a dangerous person in your environment who causes trouble for you. This dream is his personification.

A snake that bites a child - if you have a child, he may have health problems, pay attention to him. If you don’t have a child - the machinations of competitors who will try to knock you off balance.

A dream in which a snake bit you is regarded as a bad omen. You can be deceived or slandered, as a result of which you will suffer large monetary losses. Being bitten in a dream by a snake - to the betrayal of a loved one, parting.

Women's dream book

Why dream of a bitten snake - to betrayal, fraud, illness, the appearance of envious people or rivals. A woman dreams that she was bitten by a snake - to the betrayal of her lover and an early parting. A snake bite symbolizes the cooling of relations, which may not develop into a major quarrel.

A man dreams that he was bitten by a snake - to the betrayal of his best friend. The one you hope and rely on can let you down, exposing you to ridicule or presenting you in front of your boss in an unfavorable light. Such intrigues can cost you your job, and your family can collapse, also thanks to the slander of ill-wishers.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if a snake bites in a dream?

To dream of a bitten Snake, especially a poisonous one, does not bode well. A snake bite in a dream symbolizes betrayal, lies, deceptiveness of nature. The person you value and trust completely is not who they say they are.

Why dream of a snake bitten - Be careful - a snake bite dreams of a serious illness, therefore, take care of strengthening your immunity in advance.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Z. Freud Why does the Snake dream of biting:

The snake bit in the water - to a vicious connection that will become apparent. For men, such a dream is a danger signal. Beware of sexually transmitted diseases, your wife may become aware of your secret relationships. A woman dreams that she was bitten by a snake - to the appearance of a rival. In addition, such a dream may be a reflection of a woman's desire to have a relationship with a married man. In any case, you are in danger, be vigilant and prudent. Give up in the near future from spontaneous and thoughtless actions.

Modern dream book If you dream of a snake bitten:

Solves the dream book: The snake has bitten - problems in business, tricks of competitors that will entail your material losses. Be careful in everything - there is a high risk of injury and accidents at work. Beware of two-faced persons - they will bring you trouble.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What is the dream of the Snake bitten in a dream:

The snake has bitten - to deceit, betrayal, fraud, an unforeseen turn of affairs, an unexpected meeting with former love.

Dream interpretation green snake in a dream

What is the dream of a green snake. Dream interpretation

A dream in which a green snake appears is usually considered a good omen. This significant symbol is interpreted as getting rid of unpleasant habits and what bothered you. The green snake is considered a sign of the beginning of a new life. This is due to the positive interpretation of the green color - a symbol of positive internal changes and great vitality, which in this case enhances the positive meaning of the snake as a sign of rebirth.

At the same time, if a green snake wraps around you, a dream may warn that something is preventing you from moving to a new level. You need to get rid of such habits and connections. The dream also speaks of getting rid of negative emotions, spiritual healing and self-confidence.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a green snake mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a green snake in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

snake man

Dream Interpretation Snake Man had a dream, why does the Snake dream of a man in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Snake

The dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means incomparable evil.

A snake wrapped around a rod means evil that hides the truth.

The snake, whose outlines are hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of the nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile.

A dream in which you feel a snake's gaze on yourself means that very influential and cruel people are paying close attention to you.

If in a dream there is someone who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and control of order in the world of the dreamer and may represent in some way himself or one of his acquaintances.

If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Dream Interpretation - Snake

The snake crawled into your bosom - to the birth of a son.

A ball of snakes is a feeling of internal discord, discord within oneself.

Being entwined with a snake is a sign of powerlessness in front of enemies.

Already - matchmakers will come to the house.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

A small snake is evil, a quarrel.

A ball of snakes is a feeling of internal discord, discord within oneself.

Dream Interpretation - Snakes

If in your dream snakes sting you, you will succumb to evil machinations, and enemies will damage your work.

If the snakes you dreamed of take on bizarre shapes, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, will dissipate if you treat them indifferently, maintaining the presence of mind.

Seeing or stepping on snakes in a dream while swimming or fording a river means that you will be anxious in anticipation of pure joy.

To dream of how snakes sting others means that you will offend your friend.

To dream of children playing with snakes means that you will be confused, trying to recognize where your friends are and where your enemies are.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Dream Interpretation - Snakes

many many snakes

Dream Interpretation Many many snakes dreamed of why in a dream there are many many snakes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of snakes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Snake

A dream about snakes is a warning about all varieties and forms of evil.

If a woman dreams that she is bitten by a dead snake, then the hypocrisy of a friend will make her suffer.

Snakes writhing or falling on someone portend a struggle for existence and remorse.

They killed a snake in a dream - in reality you will go to any lengths to achieve your interests and will soon celebrate victory over enemies.

Passed in a dream among snakes - you will live in constant fear.

If in your dream a snake stung you, then in real life you will be subjected to the evil intrigues of enemies, stung by someone else - you will offend your friend.

If you dreamed that a snake was coiling around you, then you would be powerless in front of your enemies.

If you held a snake in your hands, you will develop your own strategy for dealing with hostile forces.

Stepped on a snake - real joy awaits you ahead.

Nostradamus saw in the snake a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. He interpreted dreams about snakes as follows.

We saw a snake crawling on the ground in a dream - beware of the years under its influence, that is, 2013, 2025, etc. It is during these years that a real threat will hang over you to be homeless and material means. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby who will help you overcome the disasters that have happened to you.

We saw in a dream a non-poisonous snake approaching a person - there is a danger ahead that can be avoided.

If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, then you, unwittingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of someone close to you.

If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person’s neck, then this person is in real danger.

The dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means incomparable evil.

A snake wrapped around a rod means evil that hides the truth.

If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, then you have a secret ill-wisher.

The attacking snake dreams of disasters and hardships.

Kill a snake in a dream - get rid of the enemy.

Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can become a victim of monstrous lies.

The snake, whose outlines are hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of the nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile.

A dream in which you feel a snake's gaze on yourself means that very influential and cruel people are paying close attention to you.

To see a ball of snakes in a dream - in reality become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

And here is how the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about snakes.

A snake crawling on the ground dreams of a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues, will decide on an open war.

If the crawling snake is poisonous, then this person is stronger and more insidious than you, and you are unlikely to be able to win.

If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily deal with your enemy. Or rather, his machinations will turn against him.

A ball of snakes is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you. They wish you the collapse of a career, unhappiness in family life and even death. You should be more careful in communicating with all your friends.

If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will not even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. It is possible that he resorted to the powers of black magic in order to make you unhappy.

The snake, peacefully curled up, warns you that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong blow from which it will be difficult for you to recover.

A huge snake squeezing a person's neck is a bad sign. Apparently, you will be the first to know about the fatal illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower in order to inform the patient's relatives about it and help a loved one live the last days.

A gigantic snake in a dream prophesies a great tragedy for the entire planet.

If you killed a snake in a dream, then the people around you will become more merciful and wiser.

And D. Loff wrote: “The snake is a difficult symbol, because in different cultures it is interpreted differently. Interpretations have a very wide range: from fear, chilling the blood, to peace and wisdom. Variants are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, the fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well.

If in a dream there is someone who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and control of order in the world of the dreamer and may represent in some way himself or one of his acquaintances.

In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself.

If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering.

In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan, in the form of a snake, seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreaming in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life with whom you have not had a very smooth relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign. In a dream, snakes mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a dream about snakes predicts illness. If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures. If it is aggressive or wriggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you. Try to take the necessary precautions. A snake grinning at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for the offense you have caused. If you dream that a snake has wrapped itself around you in a ring and is ready to attack, then your situation is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to get rid of the snake in a dream. In life, this will help you get out of a serious mess. If a snake has bitten you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful. A dream in which you saw that a snake has bitten someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Beware of enemies and disease. If your conscience is not clear, then you face imprisonment. The dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake ready to attack you means a great danger that you did not see at the very beginning. If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and save yourself, then in life you will pass the ordeal with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally get out of the water dry. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness. Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of an early and successful victory over ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a loved one can betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it. The dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend, from behind whom snakes are visible, warns: beware of a conspiracy against you. If in a dream snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from trouble. If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should better look after them so that they do not fall into bad company. Otherwise, they are in great danger. The same means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. One of them may betray you. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, fulfillment of desire and great honors. A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they use your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed. If a dead snake bites you in a dream, then hypocrisy will upset you, and your enemies will triumph. To see a viper in a dream and treat it quite normally portends that you will enter into a marriage of convenience, but you will not be happy. If you dream that the viper scared you, then beware of the revenge of the enemy. The dream in which you saw that the snake relentlessly follows you warns that you will be tormented by remorse. To see that a snake has fallen on top of you is a warning about the intrigues of a person in authority. To see a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will have disputes with partners or discord in the family. Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you, for the most part, do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and slanderers will not damage your reputation. Seeing an anaconda (sea boa constrictor) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself on all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight for the achievement of the intended goal. Dreams about snakes include a rare dream about Medusa Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon is a character from Greek mythology. Her image has always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could handle. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. Nobody could defeat her. Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. Seeing her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you. To be Medusa Gorgon yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over enemies. Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten at the same time is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity. If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash acts. Non-poisonous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or a false alarm.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

You have a strong enemy. Tries to sting or stings - you will suffer from the machinations of your enemies. The snake bites and dies - deceit on the part of a person hiding under the guise of a friend. Hisses - enemies collect dirt on you that will ruin your career. Crawling - envious people got too close to you. Chasing you - the reason for hostility towards you must be sought in your past actions. Multi-headed serpent - your enemy gathers like-minded people around him to direct common efforts against you. A ball of snakes - you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue. Snakes wriggle at your feet - in the near future you will have to live in constant fear. A snake wraps around you in a ring - your efforts to cope with enemies will be in vain. The snake crawls from side to side - confrontations with the enemy will lead you to imprisonment. Stepping over snakes - you have to fight to maintain positions in the workplace. Hair turned into snakes - you are in trouble. To see small snakes - the one who is a welcome guest in your house will do everything possible to disgrace you. Children play with a snake - you will not be able to distinguish enemies from friends. A snake in your house - trouble will overtake you in your house when you are away. The snake crawls along the ground - the enemy decided to enter into an open battle with you. The snake curled up in a ring - the enemy is preparing to attack you, the blow will be inflicted in the back. Looking into a pit with snakes - you will be powerless to prevent evil against your loved ones.

Imagine that you are protected from a snake by an animal or a bird that hunts snakes. For example, a mongoose or a stork (see Stork, Mongoose).

Victory over the snake - victory over enemies. Stepping on a snake, crushing it with your feet - you will stop attempts to harm you in time. Snakes crawl away from you - you will not allow interference in your life. Catch a snake - you will have a strong patron. To kill a snake - you will be able to resolve the conflict without loss for yourself. Tame a snake - your enemies will become your friends. Holding a snake in your hands - the fight strategy you have developed will be successful. The snake is subject to the melody of your pipe - you will uncover a conspiracy against you and your friends. Fighting a snake - you will discover a huge inner potential in yourself. Seeing a snake in the hands of another person - get wise advice. Keep the snake in your bosom - you will gain fame and honor.

Imagine that you won a victory over a snake together with a famous hero (see Hero).

Dream Interpretation - Snake

A snake on his wife - to the birth of a son.

The snake crawled into your bosom - to the birth of a son.

Find a snake in your house - troubles that occur or will occur in the house in your absence.

Keep the snake in your bosom - you will soon enjoy a good reputation, have a good reputation.

The nest of snakes symbolizes a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of, quarrels and discord in the family.

A ball of snakes is a feeling of internal discord, discord within oneself.

Snakes sting others - undeservedly offend someone.

Being entwined with a snake is a sign of powerlessness in front of enemies.

Snakes in the water that you have to cross - success will follow the worries.

The snake turns into a dragon - expect the support of an influential person.

The snake moves under water or enters the water - you will be relocated to a new home or promoted.

The snake follows the man - to the betrayal of his wife.

Python in a dream - in order to achieve your intended goal, you will have to overcome a physical obstacle.

Already - matchmakers will come to the house.

Bronze-colored snake - may be a harbinger of envy or deceit.

A snake trying to attack you, run away from it - in real life you are surrounded by many ill-wishers, and in order not to lose everything, you need to be vigilant, especially if you are too trusting.

To kill a snake is to triumph over cunning and envious enemies.

A snake swaying from side to side - you are surrounded by cunning and ungrateful people, envious people, imprisonment in prison and other misfortunes are possible.

A snake wrapped around your neck and you are suffocating - beware of a joyless marriage.

To be stung by a snake - someone's enmity, quarrel, trouble.

Crush the head of a snake - give a lesson to a spineless or immoral person.

A snake has bitten you - it may also be a harbinger of gaining great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

The snake is a universal symbol of any contradiction - from quarrels and disputes to abstract cosmic dialectics / treason, secret deceit, enemy networks, some kind of evil, the male organ of love and the thoughts, desires and anxieties associated with it, fears; your unnatural sexual desires.

A small snake is evil, a quarrel.

Large snake (but not giant) - deception / recovery, health promotion.

Affectionate snake is harmful flattery.

Stroking a snake is a dangerous whim.

To see a snake on his wife - will give birth to a son.

To kill a snake is wealth / victory, getting rid of enemies / some kind of sacrifice on your part.

A completely black snake is your spinal cord in your spiritual development and health and everything connected with it.

A white snake is a strange luck, big money that has fallen from the sky.

To find a snake in your house is an evil that happens or will happen in the house in your absence.

Snakes crawling around you, climbing under the covers, crawling over your body - something new in your life will come into conflict with your past and its heritage, also a new source of knowledge, familiarization with the secrets of magic.

Keep the snake in your bosom - enjoy a good reputation, have a good reputation.

Seeing a snake's nest is a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of; quarrel and discord in the family.

A ball of snakes is a feeling of internal discord, discord within oneself.

To look into a pit with snakes is to see evil, to contemplate the world of darkness.

Being bitten by a snake is a disease.

To see a small snake on a tree is a punishment / slander.

Giant snakes on a leafless tree - the highest wisdom; understanding the mysteries of human existence.

Snakes in the branches of a green tree are the beginning of a path / an idea that needs to be materialized.

There are snakes - join the dangerous wisdom.

To see snakes raising their heads and pinching at you - there will be contact with the demonic world.

Dancing snakes - restless dreams, lust, contact with the other world.

A room, hall or cave with snakes is an image of your soul, your spiritual abode.

To be pursued by snakes is to experience fear of people, anxiety generated by the struggle with one's erotic desires, dreams.

Fire snakes are your spiritual impulses.

See snakes in the water - plunge into melancholy.

Burning snakes - something you are living out, a victory over what spiritually burdened you.

A snake on a casket or precious things is a symbol of dedication.

Seeing giant snakes in the mountains, abysses, in caves, on the plain is a dream in which the whole future life path will open to you.

To see a giant snake occupying the entire field of view - to be in a dream on the verge of life and death, to be on the verge of secrets that can make life unbearable, impossible

Dream Interpretation - Snakes

If a woman dreams that a dead snake bites her, it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer.

Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about any varieties and forms of evil.

Seeing snakes writhing or falling on someone in a dream means a struggle for existence and remorse.

Killing snakes in a dream means that you will do anything to achieve your interests or to be considered by other people. You will triumph over your enemies.

Passing in a dream among snakes means that you will live in constant fear of illness, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle.

If in your dream snakes sting you, you will succumb to evil machinations, and enemies will damage your work.

If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on the green grass, you bounce to the side, it crawls past, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and, finally, transforming into a huge snake, and you, at the cost of insane efforts, successfully avoid his attack and completely get rid of this terrible vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglected and not respected, and your affairs are getting worse and worse. Illnesses, anxiety, bitterness will terribly hypertrophy in your mind, but everything will end well, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and the obligations assumed by you will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded.

If you dream that a snake coils around you and shoots you with its sting, it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with illness.

If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that you will develop your own strategy to overthrow the forces hostile to you.

If in a dream your hair turns into snakes, it means that in life, insignificant, at first glance, events will cause you excruciating anxiety and worries.

If the snakes you dreamed of take on bizarre shapes, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, will dissipate if you treat them indifferently, maintaining the presence of mind.

Seeing or stepping on snakes in a dream while swimming or fording a river means that you will be anxious in anticipation of pure joy.

To dream of how snakes sting others means that you will offend your friend.

Seeing small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will surreptitiously slander and shame you, and also try to frustrate your plans.

To dream of children playing with snakes means that you will be confused, trying to recognize where your friends are and where your enemies are.

If a woman in a dream is worried about a child behind her, as she hears a snake hiss, this means that she will be persuaded to give up something dear to her, for her own good; but later she would discover that she had been involved in a dishonorable intrigue.

To dream of a friend standing on the path and snakes threateningly raising their heads behind him means that in reality you will uncover a conspiracy organized against you and your friend. If in your dream you understand that a friend keeps the snakes under control, it means that some powerful organization will act in your interests and repel evil machinations.

If a woman dreams that she is enchanted by a snake, it means that she will be oppressed, but the law and influential friends will come forward to protect her rights.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

The snake is a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning.

To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream means that you should be wary of the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025, etc. It is during these years that a real threat will hang over you to be homeless and material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby who will help you overcome the disasters that have happened to you.

The venomous snake wrapped around the number of the Antichrist is a sign that at the moment when the Antichrist comes to Earth, all the most terrible human vices will become active. The time of murderers, thieves, rapists will come.

To dream of a non-poisonous snake approaching a person is a warning that one of the powerful states of the globe is headed by a person who will start a war against a weak state, but at present there is still an opportunity to prevent this person. Such a dream warns the dreamer of imminent danger that can be avoided.

If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, you, unwittingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of one of your loved ones, a political coup will take place.

If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person’s neck, it means that this person is in real danger.

The dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means incomparable evil.

A snake wrapped around a rod means evil that hides the truth.

If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, it means that you have a secret ill-wisher.

To see a snake attacking you in a dream means to experience distress and hardship in reality.

To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy.

Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can become a victim of monstrous lies.

The snake, whose outlines are hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of the nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile.

A dream in which you feel a snake's gaze on yourself means that very influential and cruel people are paying close attention to you.

To see a ball of snakes in a dream - in reality become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

The snake is a difficult symbol because it is interpreted differently in different CULTURES. Interpretations have a very wide range: from fear, chilling the blood, to peace and wisdom. Variants are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience.

In real life, the fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If in a dream there is someone who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and control of order in the world of the dreamer and may represent in some way himself or one of his acquaintances.

In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering.

In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan, in the form of a snake, seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreaming in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life with whom you have not had a very smooth relationship.

Finally, FREUD and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes embodies the fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to it.

It is quite difficult to correctly interpret the snake you dreamed about. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition?

How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful or friendly?

Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? How do you feel about those; people who were with you?

The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the snake dream.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

The snake is one of the most difficult symbols to appear in a dream. The thing is that, on the one hand, the snake is the personification of evil, deceit, envy and even death. But, on the other hand, the same snake symbolizes wisdom, healing and new life. Moreover, the first meaning is the most famous and common, this is evidenced by such folk expressions as “Warm the snake on the chest”, “Snake tongue”, and the second meaning is not entirely known, although many people know the ancient belief that the snake periodically sheds her skin to regain her youth, which also means that she is the only one in the whole wide world who has the secret of eternal life, that is, she is also a symbol of longevity. This belief also says that if someone manages to find snake skin and prepare a wonderful decoction from it, then he will save himself and his loved ones from all diseases.

There are also folk signs that could contribute to the appearance of the image of a snake in your dream: “If you don’t step barefoot on the floor on the eve of the outer Yegorye, then in the summer there won’t be a single snake”, “Having killed a snake, you need to hang it on an aspen”.

So, the image of a snake caused by your subconscious in a dream is evidence that in real life you are faced with great evil, deceit, envy, death or wisdom, healing, hopes for a new life.

Seeing a snake basking in the sun in a dream is a sign that you are supporting an evil envious person who is trying to harm you by plotting against you and spreading evil gossip.

Watching in a dream how a water snake devours frogs is a sign that a very strong person will want to influence you soon. You may even change your beliefs under his influence, which you will later regret very much.

Seeing a viper crawling to a watering hole means that one of your close acquaintances has conceived evil against you, he will try in every conceivable and inconceivable way to destroy your financial well-being and bring discord into family life.

If you dreamed of a viper floating along the river on a thin branch, then such a dream warns that there is a bad person in your environment who wants to harm you.

Watching in a dream a fight between a viper and a water snake - you will be able to prevent the evil that your enemies seek to inflict on you and dispel rumors and gossip about you.

If loudly screaming frogs are watching this fight, then such a dream indicates that soon you will have a difficult task, in which you can succeed only if you work hard. This dream reminds one simple truth: solve your problems with deeds, not words.

Watching in a dream how a snake sheds its skin means that in real life you will meet a wise person who will not only improve your health, but also make you think about eternal truths.

Cooking a decoction of a snake skin in a dream is a sign that in order to improve your health or the health of your loved ones, you need to seek help from traditional healers.

If in a dream several snakes attack you, then in reality you will need to protect your dignity from the vicious attacks of envious people.

If you dreamed that you were stung by a snake, then soon you will seriously suffer from evil rumors and gossip.

Seeing snake cubs in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream warns of the evil betrayal of people you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Snakes

Seeing a snake in a dream portends that you will have enemies among women and generally experience the influence of evil forces. If in a dream a viper tries to sting you, then in reality you will experience suffering from the malice of the one who pretends to be your friend. If wriggling and hissing snakes fall on you from trees or from a roof, this portends a struggle for your love and worries about this.

If in a dream you kill snakes, then in real life you are able to sacrifice everything to achieve your goal and you can force not only friends, but also enemies to reckon with this. Walking through the forest, teeming with a variety of snakes, portends that you will have to live in constant fear, fearing that your unsightly deeds will be exposed, which is why you will not be able to find a common language with friends.

To dream of people or animals dying from the bites of poisonous snakes portends that you will succumb to flattering persuasion and fail to the delight of hidden enemies. If in a dream you find yourself a victim of a huge python that squeezed you in its rings and strangles you, then you will be powerless to protect your honor and dignity from slanderers.

Picking up snakes - you will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation and in the most extreme situation you will be able to maintain peace of mind and a sober mind. A dream in which you see yourself in the guise of a Medusa Gorgon, who has writhing snakes instead of hair on her head - in reality, events that are insignificant at first glance can cause you serious anxiety and puzzling worries.

If the snakes that attack you in a dream suddenly petrify, this portends that in reality you will be haunted by the envy of ill-wishers. If at the same time the snakes freeze in the most incredible and bizarre positions and poses, in real life you are in danger of troubles that, if you ignore them, will bypass you.

To see a snake crawling into your bed portends betrayal, unfounded accusations will plunge you into confusion. If in a dream you were very frightened by stepping on a snake that you didn’t notice at first, then in reality you will worry in anticipation of a result on which your future fate will depend.

If you were bitten by a cobra in a dream, it means that your good friend may offend you in reality. If a cobra inflicts a fatal bite on some animal that dies in terrible convulsions, this means that your enemies, trying to harm your cause, will harm themselves as a result.

To dream about your apartment full of snakes and other harmless small snakes means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will surreptitiously spoil you with slander and provoke you to vile acts.

If in your dream you see children playing with snakes, it means that in reality a situation may suddenly arise in which enemies turn out to be your friends, and friends turn out to be enemies. A dream in which you are trying to save a child from a snake means that in reality you will agree to give up something very dear to you in order to save someone close to you.

To dream of snakes attacking a person who does not see them from behind means that in real life you will expose schemers who will try to discredit you. A dream in which you see a performance of a snake charmer portends that you will have to seek help from influential people who will demand a high fee for this.

If in a dream you cannot move, hypnotized by the gaze of a snake staring at you, in life someone will try to infringe on your rights, but will be punished by your defenders and friends. Seeing a snake sitting on your lap in a dream threatens you with the humiliation that new acquaintances will cause. Looking into a well in a dream, at the bottom of which is full of snakes - you will make a mistake if you trust strangers.

Dreams can warn you of danger or trouble. One of the frequent dreams that portends trouble is snakes, they are often dreamed of by men. Alas, such a dream carries only negative energy and does not carry good news. After reviewing the interpretations, you will be warned and will be able to prevent possible problems.

Why do snakes dream of a man: interpretations

If in a dream you saw this representative of amphibians, do not expect anything good. Of course, not all dreams are prophetic, but still we advise you to be on the lookout. Let's first find out what the snake symbolizes. It is associated with temptation and deceit, cunning and even enmity.

It is important to remember in what form and how you dreamed of a snake, based on this information, you can understand what such a dream means. For a man, such dreams do not bode well, be as careful as possible and do not let yourself be deceived.

Why does a man dream of a snake? This is a dangerous sign and it all depends on how you dream about it. But sometimes such a dream can also warn you of a possible seduction. There is a possibility that there is a woman in your environment who has "laid her eyes on you" and wants to take over your heart. But do not rejoice, because this woman will not be distinguished by good thoughts, she is cunning and treacherous, so if you still succumb to temptation, it is unlikely that it will end in something good.

Check out our article Why do men dream of mushrooms?

Be especially careful if you see a writhing snake. Such a dream suggests that a cunning and beautiful woman will want to deceive you in order to achieve her goals. After such an affair, you will be deceived and abandoned.

What if the snake wants to bite you? Not the most favorable sign, someone from your environment will try to outwit you and even harm you. Think about who it might be and try to limit communication for a while.

Why does a man dream of a lot of snakes? Such a dream warns you of major troubles and difficulties. Remember the environment in which you dreamed about them, so you can determine from which side troubles will approach and warn them. Several snakes denote lies, intrigues and scandals, deceptions from loved ones and the environment.

If you see a snake in your home, try not to invite guests in the coming weeks. Perhaps the closest people from whom you do not even expect this want to deceive you. If a snake is near your workplace, expect trouble at work. Most likely, a conspiracy is being built against you at work, do not share anything with colleagues.

Snake in the car? Try to be as attentive as possible and follow the rules of the road. Even better - give up long-distance car trips in the coming days. Don't give strangers a lift in the car.

Sometimes snakes in a dream can warn that they are trying to direct you or have already damaged you.

If the snake is in the water

Did you dream that the snake was in water or in a container of water? Sleep warns you of possible illnesses, health problems in relatives. Try to take care of your health.

dead snake

This is a good sign, the problem will be solved in the near future and nothing threatens you. Most likely, the danger will pass by and everything will be fine.

Now you know what a snake in dreams can mean, be careful and try to prevent trouble. We hope you will have such dreams as rarely as possible!

Why do snakes dream of a man or a snake bite dream 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

The snake is a magical symbol that came from the depths of centuries. An animal that can kill with one bite, an animal that frightens many generations of people. It is no coincidence that earlier people believed that it was the snake that wraps around the globe. The snake can mean wisdom, advanced age and the ability to heal, or it can talk about difficulties, referring a person to original sin. When interpreting such a dream, the details are of great importance.

An inactive snake in a dream or a lot of snakes

If the snake in a dream was alone and did not show aggression (did not bite), then you should not be afraid - such a dream portends good news and strong energy. If you dreamed of a lot of snakes (a ball of snakes), you should be careful about your surroundings - perhaps someone you know is plotting and wants to set you up in front of your colleagues. A huge snake is a symbol of healing and good health; thin and enclosed in an aquarium or lurking in a river, on the contrary, warns of impending problems.

The color of the snake matters a lot. Black indicates the presence of strong spiritual energy, gold is associated with capital, green portends a new period, white or silver indicates that you will soon have several additional voiced coins in your wallet, multi-colored can only be dreamed of by a person with a rich imagination who is ready to set off travel and find many new friends. If a snake sheds its skin right in front of you, then this portends a renewal and a favorable moment to open your own business.

Why dream of a snake bite

To experience poison, even in a dream, is an unpleasant test for every person. However, when interpreting this symbol, you should not be afraid, as it carries only good news. If you dreamed of a snake bite - you are waiting for a promotion at work, financial profit or a passionate romance - the choice depends solely on fate. But do not flatter yourself - the snake is not distinguished by constancy and can quickly take back what it decided to give. Results can disappear as quickly as they appear.

Killing a snake after being bitten is also an auspicious symbol. He talks about deliverance from sin and temptation, about the ability to overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious in a situation.

Man? Is it worth considering such a dream as a good or evil omen, about which he warns the one who saw him? Deciphering night vision is easy, remembering it in great detail. The number of reptiles, their size and color, actions, aggressiveness - every detail matters. Interpretations contained in various dream books may differ slightly from each other.

What does the snake dream about: Freud's dream book

The most positive interpretation of the vision is offered by the famous master of psychoanalysis. Why does a man dream of a snake, according to the doctor? A reptile seen in a dream speaks of the awakening of sexuality, strength. It is wonderful if you enjoy watching this animal without feeling fear. Freud interprets this as a willingness to experiment in bed.

Why does a man dream of a snake if he tries to run away from her? The scientist also associates this vision with the intimate sphere. Escape from the reptile for him means the unwillingness of a person to deal with problems that complicate his sexual relations with the opposite sex.

If a man kisses an animal in a dream, this indicates, according to the doctor, his dreams of oral sex.

What Vanga says

The famous clairvoyant, unlike Freud, saw in reptiles primarily bad omens. Why does a man dream of a snake, as Vanga's dream book explains? The appearance of a reptile in the night vision indicates an imminent collision with the enemy. Be sure to remember whether the reptile was poisonous or harmless. If poisonous, then victory will remain with the enemy. If not, then a person who has a dream can safely expect to inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy without suffering in a fight with him.

A bad omen is a snake bite received in a nightmare. Vanga claims that the one who had such a disturbing dream will soon be betrayed by a dear person. It is possible that there is a secret enemy who cleverly pretends to be a close and faithful friend.

Why does a man dream of a snake? Vanga's dream book suggests taking into account the dimensions that the reptile possesses. If the animal is gigantic, its appearance in a nightmare can warn of a terrible disease that a loved one will suffer from. A good sign is killing a snake in a dream, you can safely expect changes for the better, affecting the whole country.

Let's turn to Miller's dream book

The compiler of this collection agrees with Vanga that the appearance of a reptile in night vision does not bode well. Why do snakes dream of a man? Miller's dream book warns that an intractable problem will soon arise or has already appeared in a person's life. We can talk about a serious illness, troubles on a personal or career front.

A good dream - murder means that uncompromising determination will become a weapon for the representative of the stronger sex, with which he will defeat enemies who are trying to harm him.

Why do a man dream of many snakes, according to Miller's explanation? A ball of these creatures, which appeared in a nightmare, suggests that a sleeping person is seriously worried about his own well-being. In this case, there may not be real health problems; the vision only reports anxiety.

Other interpretations

Why do snakes dream of a man, bite him in the world of dreams? An interesting explanation is offered by Aesop's dream book. The author of the interpretation associates the reptile with envy, indicates the “spoiled” essence of someone from the sleeping person’s social circle.

Nostradamus, who also compiled a collection of interpretations of dreams in his time, goes even further in it. Serpents for the great astrologer mean the fall, which will soon face the entire human race. The lunar dream book approves of killing reptiles in a dream, as this suggests that the sleeper will definitely defeat the disease that bothers him.

Big or small

Remembering the vision that came at night, you should pay attention to the size of the animal. A small reptile appears in nightmares, signaling upcoming quarrels, a person may become a victim of deception and intrigue in the future. It is possible that a "friend" will be found among the enemies.

Why dream: snakes, a lot? A man should be seriously alarmed if giant reptiles appear in large numbers in his vision. This is a warning about the possibility of a global catastrophe, which is sent by the subconscious. It is very bad if the sleeper makes an attempt to escape, and the animals capture him, wrap him around. Most likely, a person with future problems will not cope.


Why do snakes dream, a lot of snakes for a man? A positive interpretation of such a vision is possible only if the reptiles are white. A ball of such reptiles predicts great luck, winning, successful completion of a difficult task. A person should boldly hope for quick changes for the better that can occur in various areas.

Snakes of any other color, gathered in large numbers, are a warning of imminent misfortune. Most likely, the troubles that fall on a person will not be accidental. They will be the result of intrigues started by envious people. The hissing of a mass of snakes is also not good. A representative of the stronger sex who sees such a dream should not take everything unnecessarily to heart.

snakes in the water

Not all night visions, the heroes of which are slippery reptiles, promise evil to people. a man? This picture has a positive interpretation. The guy will have to change housing to a more spacious house, step over the next rung of the career ladder. Do not exclude also a trip to another country or to the sea, which will be as pleasant as possible.

However, seeing a ball of snakes in the water, a man should take a closer look at the women who surround him. It is likely that among them there are insidious persons who wish him harm. Another possible interpretation is the imminent betrayal that the beloved girl will commit.

An unkind sign is a bite received from this animal in the water. A person needs to beware of manipulators who can use his compliance for their own purposes.

Reptiles in the house

It is also interesting what a man needs. If one or more reptiles fall on a person in a night vision, this may indicate secret. Seeing how a similar situation occurs with a relative and friend, it can be assumed that he has committed a bad deed, which he is ashamed of and wants to ask for forgiveness.

A stinging snake attacking in your own house is a dream warning that you should be wary of the evil thoughts of others. If the reptile bites and wraps around, the sleeping man will soon suffer a serious defeat in the fight against his opponents. A wonderful vision - a slippery animal that fell into the hands. The one who captured the snake has nothing to fear, since the situation is completely under his control.

Other factors

The worst color for a snake in a dream is black. If a black reptile appears in a vision that came at night, a man should prepare for a difficult struggle with little chance of winning, develop qualities such as endurance and calmness in himself. White color indicates that the sleeper will become the favorite of fortune. An ambiguous picture is a dead animal. Many dream books strongly recommend that a person who has such a dream treat strangers with distrust.

The meaning of dreams has been of interest to people since ancient times. Priests and prophets tried to unravel the images that come to people during sleep. Thanks to the information received from the subconscious, a person can avoid many problems in life. Often in dreams frightening images come, for example, snakes. However, they do not always carry negative information.

Why do snakes dream of a woman

Dream books, as a rule, are of interest to women, since nature has rewarded them with increased intuitive abilities. If an unmarried girl had a dream about a snake, then she might be drawn into a love triangle. The insidious reptile personifies a rival for a married lady. The details of the dream will tell about what the outcome of this situation will be. For a pregnant woman, such a dream will mean the birth of a daughter.

Why do snakes dream of a man

The famous master of psychoanalysis Freud gave the most positive interpretation of sleep when a man dreams of snakes. If you believe the psychoanalyst, then the dreaming reptile indicates the awakening of male power, increased sexuality. In a dream, human emotions are important. If a man looks at a reptile with pleasure, then in reality he will have a pleasant romantic date. If a person in a dream is afraid of a snake, then he will have problems in communicating with women.

Why dream of a snake bite

Such a symbol does not necessarily indicate trouble. According to versions of various dream books, if a snake bit a person in a dream, then this can symbolize both unpleasant rumors or gossip, and gaining wisdom or wealth. It is necessary to correctly analyze the details, colors and emotions of the dream. If you dreamed of a snake that wraps around and does not allow you to move, it means that a person will have to face life's adversities that he cannot resist. If the reptile also bitten, then people who had unlimited trust can do harm.

What is the dream of a black snake

As already mentioned, the snake is a controversial sign. Different dream books interpret the appearance of a black reptile in different ways. For example, according to Miller's interpretation, to see a black snake in a dream that attacks and tries to bite means that a person will be at the epicenter of a major scandal. If the asp bites, then you can expect trouble. According to the dream book of the sage Aesop, a big black snake in a dream speaks of a serious lesson that life has prepared. Those who pass it will be granted clairvoyance and happy changes for the better.

Why dream of killing a snake

In the Bible, this reptile came to a person as a tempter, therefore, if the dreamer kills him, then in reality he will escape temptation. Wangi's dream interpretation interprets the situation as positive changes at the state level that will raise public morale. The great Freud correlates the reptile with the reproductive organ, therefore, if a man dreams of killing a snake, this means that he will have the opportunity to prove his fidelity to his wife and avoid sin. For the sick, a dream promises recovery, and for those who want to build a career, a high position.

Why dream a lot of snakes

To understand why such a vision is dreaming, you need to remember the details: where the reptiles were, what they were, the man dreamed or the woman. Dreaming of a ball of snakes? Beware of betrayal. And if they are still going to bite or have already bitten, then the closest people will cause suffering. If many reptiles fall from the sky, then a person who is endowed with power can harm. If the reptiles fell on you, then in life there will be a struggle for survival.

If you pick up a few snakes and they are submissive to your will, you will find a way out of all situations that have fallen to your lot. When there are many obedient cobras around the sleeper, he will be able to achieve high posts. If you dreamed of reptiles in your own house or apartment, then expect a big scandal in the family. A man dreams of a ball of reptiles that the enemies around him are women. Such a dream warns a girl that envious girlfriends spread malicious gossip.

What is the dream of a white snake

According to Miller's dream book, a large white reptile in a dream personifies the sexual and spiritual energy of a person that needs to be adjusted. If a white snake plays, then the dreamer is in danger of succumbing to temptation. Catching her means that a person, regardless of gender, will seek sexual entertainment. Dr. Freud argued that if a man dreamed of a white snake, then he had a risk of taking part in games of a homosexual nature. According to the Islamic dream book, to see an obedient white reptile is a possible acquisition of property.

Why is the green snake dreaming

According to the Muslim dream book, the reptile personifies an outstanding mind and wisdom. The interpretation of this image changes the color of the reptile in different ways. When a snake is dreaming of a green hue, this promises positive changes in personal life. A person will be able to get rid of his addictions and bad habits. If a creature in a dream changes its color to blue, then this is interpreted as the unwillingness or unpreparedness of the sleeping person for a new way of life.

The thick emerald beauty anaconda reminds of unresolved affairs and the dreamer's pending problems. The vision warns - it's time to resolve controversial issues, otherwise they will not be resolved in favor of the person. If the reptile is of a bright green hue without aggression towards the sleeping person, then new interesting acquaintances and adventures await him. Do you hold a green reptile in your hands? Miller's dream book warns: minor events will bring trouble and worries.

Why is the yellow snake dreaming

If you kill a yellow reptile that was about to bite you, then this is a symbol of an uncompromising decision made by you. The master of psychoanalysis Freud interprets the appearance of such a reptile in a dream differently. In his opinion, if you were bitten by a huge yellow viper or you tried to kiss her, then you need oral sex. The psychiatrist saw a sexual beginning in everything, so if in a dream you dance with a cobra of this color, he regards this as a desire for a love relationship. Seeing a yellow snake hanging over you in a dream is a harbinger of illness.

Why dream of a snake in the water

According to dream interpreters, seeing water reptiles is a danger that is associated with a person’s past. A noble dream book connects the plot of a swimming viper with the risk for the dreamer to plunge into melancholy, and if there are a lot of snakes, one should beware of prolonged depression. However, if you dream of a snake in the water, but after a while it crawls out of it, then this promises recovery. If an aquatic reptile has bitten you, beware of the water element in reality. Fighting a large python in the water means an emotional outburst. Negative emotions will prevent you from realizing your plan.

Why dream of a huge snake

Often, such a symbol is not very favorable, but if the dreaming reptile is friendly, then the dreamer has the opportunity to achieve what he wants. A person has a high potential that will allow him to withstand any difficulties. Seeing a large black snake in a dream means that the sleeper will not be able to overcome some kind of physical obstacle. You can interpret a dream in different ways, depending on the type of reptile:

  • motley - bright events, interesting adventures with hidden danger;
  • gold - success, wealth, big profits;
  • white - a person's touch to dangerous knowledge;
  • python - the hidden power of the sleeper.

Why is the red snake dreaming

The bright red color of the reptile tells that you will soon find yourself in a risky situation. What will be the outcome depends on the details of the dream. If a red snake is in a cage in a dream, then beware of an enemy who will gain confidence. Most likely, he is among the best friends. Meeting with a creeping red creature in nature promises a pleasant journey in reality, and if indoors, beware of a thief.

What is the dream of a dead snake

According to Miller's dream book - to see a killed reptile means to defeat the enemy. He claims that the death in a dream of these creatures is the gain of hope to overcome their sins. If you dream of a dead snake that bites, then beware of a stab in the back, do not lose vigilance. According to the seer Vanga, the killed reptile symbolizes the triumph of light. If there were a lot of dead reptiles in a dream, then the dreamer will have to win many victories. In the East, they worshiped reptiles, therefore they consider such a dream an unfortunate sign: a person will not be able to solve pressing problems.

What is the dream of a little snake

To catch a small viper in a dream, according to psychologist Gustav Miller, is to master the situation, to solve a small problem. Small snakes in a dream for a woman are the hypocrisy of her friends. Seeing children playing with vipers means the confusion of a person who is trying to find enemies among his friends. According to esotericists, to see small black reptiles is to spiritual disharmony and internal discord with oneself. The noble dream book claims that white snakes will bring a little money to the sleeper.

Why dream of a poisonous snake

Such a dream portends gossip, intrigues of ill-wishers, a great danger to a person. It will be a good omen if you catch a poisonous cobra, kill or eat it. If you dreamed that a reptile had bitten your hand - good friends will hurt you, your leg - to danger on the road, so it’s better to cancel the trip. A dream with snakes that crawl to a watering hole means that someone close has conceived a betrayal against you. If a cobra dances to the tune, then the sleeping one has an ill-wisher. If a person himself plays, then he has superiority over his enemies.

Why dream of running away from a snake

It is human nature to be afraid of reptiles, so internal fears always make themselves felt during rest. If you dreamed that the dreamer was running away from the snake, then in reality the sleeping person is afraid of a fight with enemies or does not want to solve pressing problems. Sometimes such a dream indicates an indecisive person who does not want to take responsibility for his life and constantly adapts. Freud believed that to run away from a creeping reptile is to show fear of intimacy with the opposite sex.

Why dream of an attacking snake

On the one hand, such a dream warns of deceit and vicious attacks, and on the other hand, a snake attack means making a big profit or inheritance. The details of the dream are important. Miller's dream book promises the dreamer to be used by an influential person for his own purposes, but if a green asp attacks, then this is an excellent omen, since this color means vitality, energy.