Soap bubbles at home from the household. Bubble.

How to make the best soap bubble mix

Soap bubbles have captured the minds and love of many since their inception. At the same time, not only children are “addicted” to soap bubbles, but also their more mature “brothers” ....

After all, there is indeed something amazing in these unusual translucent and weightless bubbles, which, at the same time, are not only able to give joy, but also reflect the sun in themselves, wink in various shades and easily overcome long distances, and as a result, disappear quickly and imperceptibly....

One of the advantages of soap bubbles is that even if there is no appropriate liquid at hand, you can cook it yourself, including at home and in the country.

To do this, you need to take a small amount of any dish detergent, as well as water.

These components will be the basis.

Additionally, you will need to take shampoo, glycerin and sugar, as well as laundry soap and ammonia.

Depending on the proportion of certain elements, the bubbles will be either large or small, heavy or light.

Consider the first recipe.

First of all, you need to prepare a container in which the individual ingredients will be mixed.

Then, using a standard glass of 200 milliliters, you need to place approximately 200 ml of dishwashing detergent and three times as much water in the container.

In addition, an additional 50 ml of glycerin is required. All components should be thoroughly kneaded and immediately after that you can already make bubbles.

The disadvantage of this mixture is that the bubbles from it are heavy. Therefore, they are small in size and soon fall, and as a result burst.

Second recipe.

You need to use a mixture of shampoo and water in proportions of one to three. Sugar and glycerin should also be added to this mixture. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The advantage of these bubbles is that they are not only light, but also large, which allows them to fly well and for a long time, and also not to burst. Although there are not so many bubbles as a result, they entertain just as well.

Perhaps each of us remembers how in childhood we loved to let big and bright bubble, which were blown out of the tube.

How cool was it to run and catch them?

And then be upset that the bubbles ran out so quickly?

We even tried to make them ourselves then, but for some reason nothing worked out for us.

Why? Let's try to figure out how soap bubbles are made correctly, because sometimes you really want to return to childhood and enjoy all sorts of trifles so carelessly.

How to make soap bubbles at home: tricks of rainbow bubbles

Of course, the main "ingredients" for cooking are the solution itself and the sticks through which we will release soap bubbles. Below are the 5 most common recipes for their preparation, but they are not final, you can choose some points according to your capabilities and conditions. But first, some bubble making tips at home.

1. To create it is better to use boiled water, and the best solution would be to use distilled water.

2. The final result will depend on the total number of impurities (perfumes, etc.), the less they are in soap or other product, the better.

3. To make the prepared solution denser and the bubbles better, it is recommended to use sugar or glycerin dissolved in warm water. However, it is important not to overdo it with them, as excess sugar or glycerin can interfere with blowing bubbles.

4. If the solution is not dense enough, the bubbles will also be less stable. But there is also a positive point - they are easier to blow out, which is good for children.

5. To achieve the maximum end result, many people recommend letting the solution sit for about 12-20 hours before using it.

6. Before you start blowing bubbles, it is advisable to wait for a solid film (you will blow on it) without extra small bubbles at the edges, which can periodically occur. Ideally, it would be to remove the foam altogether: for this, the liquid needs to be insisted and cooled, this will help to get rid of foam formations as much as possible.

7. It is very difficult to blow bubbles in windy weather and dust in the air, but if the air humidity is increased, this is definitely a plus.

How to make bubbles as strong as possible

For the best strengthening of the mixture, you need mix water, glycerin and shampoo. For this, two tablespoons of glycerin and 100 ml of water will be enough. Such a small amount will in no way interfere with the creation of excellent bubbles, but, on the contrary, will strengthen them, and after blowing they will not burst for a long time.

Use a standard straw, which is in any home, for example, from a cocktail. Then dip its solution with soap or shampoo and blow a bubble. There is a great way to check if you did everything right. To do this, dip your finger into the solution and try to break through the bubble. If you managed to do this, then the solution is not yet ready, and you still need to add soap to it.

How to make soap bubbles at home: what tools to use

We have already dedicated you to some of the secrets of making cool soap bubbles, now you need to familiarize yourself with the correct technique for blowing them. Actually, for starters, take the most ordinary plate and some flower or figurine or any other small object, also prepare a watering can.

First you need to pour a little solution into a plate and put any object in the middle, cover it all with a watering can and try to blow a bubble. So you get a wonderful soapy hemisphere, in the very center of which the very object will be located. To be honest, it's a mesmerizing sight.

To create bubbles, you can use a regular ballpoint pen. If you have a desire to surprise your baby, try to prepare "viscous" bubbles. This is how large bubbles are made.

To make a solution for these gooey bubbles, prepare the following ingredients: dish detergent, water, and one tablespoon of sugar. We will talk about recipes a little later, because these and other ingredients can be combined in various proportions, depending on the desired end result.

Children for joy

If your house is always noisy and your kids are constantly asking for new things to do, you can give them a little competition to see who can blow the bubble the fastest and the biggest. Blowing soap bubbles has pleased children and their parents for many years, but not everyone can do them. In principle, the solution is made quite simply, and it is not at all expensive, so you can please your baby at least every day.

How to make soap bubbles at home: recipes

To blow the largest possible soap bubbles, you will need to prepare special equipment. In our opinion, the best option there will be a construction great circle from strong wire. Thus, we get such a lasso with which we can dip it in a bucket of solution and inflate a large soap bubble.

In principle, you yourself can prepare the necessary device to your taste. The only thing is to be careful with soap bubbles, because they can easily get into your eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with water immediately. In fact, there are a large number of devices with which you can create soap bubbles. But even with such a harmless way of having fun, you need to be careful. Be careful not to get the bubble in your eyes. If this happens, just rinse it with water.

So, here we come to the main thing, directly to the recipes themselves. You can choose any to your taste.

Recipe #1. Take some dish detergent (for example, Fairy), glycerin (it is sold in all pharmacies) and water, preferably boiled. Detergent is needed in order to give our bubbles brightness, and glycerin will make them stronger.

Manufacturing process: pour 200 g of detergent into the dishes, add 100 ml of glycerin to it and dilute it all in 600 ml of water. The resulting mixture must be mixed well and voila! .. you can inflate!

Recipe #2. This recipe is quite simple, you need to take water and dishwashing detergent. The ingredients must be selected in the following ratio: 30 ml of detergent per 100 ml of water. Then just mix the solution - and you're done!

Recipe #3. This recipe is more complicated than the first 2, so it will take a little more fiddling with it.

To prepare it, you need: 300 ml of glycerin, 50 g of washing powder, 20 drops of ammonia and 600 ml of hot water. Pour all the ingredients into one bowl, and even better in a jar and mix well. Further - important point! The resulting mixture is left and insisted for 48 hours, and more. Then we filter everything through cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Despite the time costs, the result will pleasantly surprise you - the process is completed!

Recipe #4. This recipe is even more complicated than the previous one and all the others, although in truth the bubbles won't be any better, they will be about the same quality. To prepare it, you need to take: laundry soap (1 pc.), Hot water (400 ml), sugar (2 teaspoons).

He is preparing in the following way: take a bar of soap and rub it on a coarse grater. Then pour the shavings from the soap hot water and put to simmer over low heat and leave to dissolve, from time to time not forgetting to stir. The resulting solution must be cooled and refrigerated for 6-7 days. After a week, add sugar to the mixture and mix. After dissolving the sugar, the soap bubbles are ready! To strengthen the blisters, it is also recommended to add a couple of drops of glycerin.

Recipe number 5. One of the simplest options. To prepare this recipe, you only need bath foam and boiled water. The strongest and most visually beautiful bubbles can be obtained from Little Fairy foam or other products of similar composition. All you need to do is mix bubble bath and water in a ratio of 3 to 1 - and go ahead, make the kids happy!

And finally, we offer you a list of tools that can be used to blow soap bubbles.

Straw for a cocktail or ball pen, from which the rod and caps were previously removed. However, if you want to blow large bubbles, then these options are definitely not suitable.

For larger bubbles, make 4 small 3 cm cuts at one end of the cocktail tube. Next, expand the incisions in different sides to make it look like on flower petals.

It is also a good option to use a rigid wire, one end of which is bent in the form of a loop with a diameter of 4 cm.

However, if you want to get the largest possible bubbles, you simply cannot do without a funnel, through which you can blow bubbles up to 25-30 cm in diameter. However, do not forget that you will need to blow into the funnel several times, first plugging the hole into which you will blow, otherwise nothing will work out. Such a funnel can also be handmade from paper.

Blowing soap bubbles - very interesting game and your child will no doubt be delighted! As you can see, there are very simple recipes cooking them, all it takes is a little time and some simple ingredients. Put in a little effort and you will see the eyes of a happy child - what else do parents need to be happy?

All children love to blow bubbles. Almost no holiday with the participation of the youngest guests is complete without this fun entertainment. Meanwhile, many mothers and fathers are afraid to buy special solutions in stores, since low-quality and, in some cases, harmful substances are used for their production. In addition, very often they pout badly, so the baby can be upset and will not get any pleasure from this entertainment.

In this article, we will tell you how to make big soap bubbles at home so that your child is happy and satisfied.

To make your soap bubbles inflate easily and be different high quality, while preparing them, use the following recommendations:

  • Carefully consider the choice of liquid for the preparation of a soap solution. Boiled water or non-carbonated bottled water, which can be purchased at any store, is best for you. Also, good results are obtained using melted or distilled water;
  • It is necessary to use a detergent with a minimum amount of perfumes and other additives. The fewer additional chemicals will be included in its composition, the more reliable the result you can achieve;
  • If you want to get a liquid from which the strongest, most stable and iridescent balls are blown out, take more glycerin or sugar previously dissolved in warm water. At the same time, try not to overdo it, otherwise it will be very difficult to blow them out, and the child will not be able to cope with them;
  • For the smallest, this option is not suitable. Make the solution less dense and the baby will be able to blow bubbles on their own, however, they will be slightly smaller and much less stable;
  • Before use, soapy liquid should be infused for 12 to 24 hours;
  • Try to avoid foam and reduce its amount in every possible way;
  • The best results are obtained if the solution is prepared in a room with high humidity. At the same time, make sure that there is no draft in this room.

Recipes on how to make a solution for soap bubbles at home

To make a solution for bubbles, you can use one of the following recipes:

How to make big and strong soap bubbles for a children's party?

Such bubbles are not suitable for blowing and catching. Meanwhile, various figures can be made from them or even small children can be wrapped in soapy film.

Use the following recipes to prepare wonderful entertainment for a children's party:

  • Prepare concentrated sugar syrup by mixing 50 grams of granulated sugar and 10 ml clean water. Grate 100 grams of laundry soap and add to the syrup. Mix these ingredients with 200 grams of pure glycerin and fill it all with 400 ml of distilled water. Achieve complete dissolution of all components and let the resulting liquid brew in a cool place for 12-24 hours;
  • Mix 50 grams of pure glycerin, 100 ml of a good detergent, 4 teaspoons of sugar and 300 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and leave the resulting solution for several days.

To inflate soap bubbles, you can use all kinds of special devices that are sold in children's stores. It can be various tubes, sticks and even pistols.

In addition, you can take blades of grass, pasta, straws for cocktails, baking dishes, funnels and much, much more.

One of the easiest and most convenient ways is a frame stick twisted from thin wire, which you can easily make yourself in just a few seconds. Some children and adults who like to experiment even use plastic bottles to blow.

When using a very dense solution, a gymnastic hoop can be used, with which you can create a huge soap film. Finally, professionals in their field are able to inflate good and strong soap bubbles with their own fingers, without the use of special devices.

Knowing how to make big soap bubbles, do not be afraid to experiment, try different options, and you will definitely find a suitable way to prepare a solution that will appeal to both adults and children.

This entertainment will create a special atmosphere of fun at your holiday and give each child a few happy and carefree minutes.

Childhood is unthinkable without sweets, soda, ice cream, carousels and, of course, soap bubbles. Enchanted looks small man, as from the end of a tube or a wire ring, a small miracle breaks off and flies, shimmering in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. How to make soap bubbles at home to please children, have fun with them?

Soap bubble history

A soap bubble is a thin but multi-layered film filled with air, like a balloon.

The history of rainbow bubbles dates back to the appearance of soap - it gave the name to the fun. They say that during the excavations of Pompeii, frescoes depicting soap balls were found. There is a mention of an Etruscan vase kept in the Louvre with a similar image on it. Drawings of this fun were found on ancient Chinese papyri. Soap bubble sets began to be sold in Japan at the end of the 17th century.

In the 19th century, children played with soapy water and foam after washing. There were many small bubbles, and through the tube it was possible to blow out large specimens. In the very late XIX century in the UK, a special composition for blowing soap bubbles was first produced and sold. His advertisement was the picture of Millais "Bubbles" with a charming curly-haired baby on it.

Interesting fact
One of the most famous plot pictures Jean Baptiste Chardin is called "Soap Bubbles". The young man managed to blow through a thin tube big bubble, the second boy looks out enviously from under the elbow of an older friend or brother, just burning with the desire to see a miracle bubble.

Through what to blow

An important role in the exciting activity is played by the instrument, that is, through which the bubble is blown. The size, shape and, importantly, the number of soap bubbles depend on it. In the old days, clay tubes or hollow straws with a split end were used. Now on sale there are special guns and plastic frames for blowing soap bubbles.

Bubbles can be blown through anything:

  • cocktail tubes,
  • hollow part of a ballpoint pen
  • tubular pasta,
  • wire frames of various shapes and sizes,
  • circumcised plastic bottle(blow into throat).

Basics of bubbling

Compositions for soap bubbles at home thanks to modern technologies you can diversify indefinitely, experiment with components, add color using dyes. To prepare such a solution is, without exaggeration, to combine science with art and entertainment.

There are two main elements in the solution:

  • water,
  • foaming agent.

Their optimal ratio is main secret rainbow fun.

Excellent bubble:

  • laundry or liquid soap,
  • shampoo,
  • dish detergent.

Approximately 150 ml of foamy substance is added to 1 liter of water. Having received the base solution, you need to check it, blow out the bubble. If it burst quickly, more soap is needed. If it is not blown out, and there are too many small bubbles on the edges of the frame or tube, you need to add water.

For babies playing with soap bubbles, you can use tear-free shampoo as a base so that bursting bubbles do not irritate the mucous membrane.

Sugar, glycerin or sugar syrup are added to the solution to strengthen and last the soap bubble. Then the solution should spend the night in the refrigerator before use.

secrets best recipes soap bubbles prepared at home:

  1. Soft, warm, pure water, ideally distilled.
  2. Toilet soap is not suitable for the solution.
  3. There should be very little fragrances and fragrances in the detergent.
  4. Store the resulting solution in a closed container.

In one of the chemical laboratories, 6 composition recipes were tested - scientists were looking for ideal proportions. The best ratio was recognized: water and detergent - 10:1, detergent and glycerin - 2:1. Such a bubble lasted as long as 25 seconds and turned out to be impressive in size. Another proven recipe: water with detergent - 3: 1, detergent with glycerin - 1: 1.

Best Recipes


Grate a piece of laundry soap - 50 g - on a regular grater, pour into a container, pour 0.5 liters of hot clean water (not boiling water), mix thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved. Add 2 tbsp. glycerin purchased at a pharmacy.

For babies

Mix in a convenient bowl 100 ml of “no tears” baby shampoo with a glass of warm melted or distilled water. Insist for a day. Add 1.5 tbsp. sugar, mix well.

From dish detergent

The easiest, most convenient recipe. Dish detergent, preferably with glycerin, mix 100 ml with two glasses of clean water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar.

From liquid soap or bubble bath

For one part of boiled water, 3 parts of liquid soap or bath foam are taken. In order for the foam to settle, the solution must be kept in the refrigerator before use.

From washing powder

If there is nothing else as a soap component, you can make a solution from washing powder. But care is needed when blowing soap bubbles: powder and its solutions can provoke allergies and skin irritation. Take about 25 g of powder, a glass of hot water, 100 g of glycerin, a few drops of ammonia. Such a solution should stand for 48 hours, after straining it can be used.

For huge soap bubbles

0.6 l of warm water, an incomplete glass of dish detergent, 100 g of glycerin, a glass of sugar are poured into a large basin. After mixing, it is necessary that the composition is infused. After a few hours, huge, long bubbles can be inflated or stretched using a frame, for example, a gymnastic hoop.

For the strongest bubbles, for experiments

Boil a strong sugar syrup (5:1 - the ratio of sugar and water). Take 8 parts of distillate 1 part of syrup, 4 parts of glycerin, 2 parts of laundry soap, chopped or grated. Inflating such bubbles is more difficult than ordinary ones, but they also last a long time without bursting.

Interesting experiments with soap bubbles

How many amazingly beautiful, fascinating and informative physical experiments can be carried out with soap bubbles! Some of them are described by Perelman in his " Entertaining physics". For their implementation, a high-quality soap solution is required. You can check it by blowing a bubble and trying to pierce it. If it bursts, we continue to improve the solution by adding soap and glycerin to the optimal amount.

Each such experiment is a bewitching sight. Figurines, flowers, various objects, a person or a group of people are placed inside the soap bubble. It can be lowered onto a flower, so that it is inside, filled with multi-colored smoke. Several small ones are placed inside a large soap bubble. They draw, build entire walls, juggle.

One of these amazing experiments dispelled the myth that a ball of soap film is short-lived. The experience was in its "canning". An American teacher was able to save a soap bubble in glass jar 340 days.

Physics, chemistry and soap bubbles

In "Entertaining Physics" Perelman, a whole chapter is devoted to soap bubbles. And Charles Boyes, a British physicist, published a book with that title. These scientists easily proved that fun children's fun allows you to learn in practice several serious physical laws at once. For example, the surface tension of a liquid, the laws of particle adhesion, the refraction of light rays. If the soap bubble flew from a warm room to a cold one, it shrinks, and if it moves from a cold to a warm one, it increases in size. This phenomenon is a demonstration of a physical law on the expansion and contraction of bodies under the influence of temperatures.

Physicists believe that by simply observing the behavior of a soap bubble, one can make serious discoveries in various fields. Chemists consider it their work, they also experiment on it. Solutions, including colloidal ones, are a field of study of chemical science. Here's your kid's fun!

In the world, records have long been set for blowing the longest or largest soap bubbles. There are known cases of blowing a bubble 4 m long, and in New Zealand, although it is hard to believe, a bubble was stretched 32 m! By the way, from 1 ml of solution you can get a soap bubble of 6 meters in diameter.

Scientists are seriously studying soap bubbles. Recently, they were able to freeze, and then return to their original form. A soap bubble freezes if it is placed very carefully on the snow.

Soap bubbles are amazing. It is not difficult to make a solution for them at home, from which it is now known and understandable. They are at the same time entertainment, pleasure, a bright spectacle and an object of close attention of science. It is impossible not to love them, they surprise and delight children and adults.

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Do you remember how, as a child, you were fascinated by bright, incredibly iridescent, large and simply fabulous soap bubbles blown out of a straw? How fun and fervently did you catch them? And how upset they were when the soapy liquid ran out? And all attempts to make bubbles yourself were in vain, because you probably did not know how to make soap bubbles at home. Now we will correct this omission. And very soon you will be able to pleasantly surprise yourself, your children and even adult friends. After all, sometimes you really want to get back into a carefree childhood and sincerely rejoice at pleasant little things.

So, how to make soap bubbles at home?

We are ready to offer you several recipes. And you can choose for yourself the one that seems to you the most acceptable and successful.

Recipe #1

You will need dishwashing detergent (such as Fairy, Sorti or any other), glycerin (you can buy it at any pharmacy) and water. Dishwashing liquid will brighten up our soap bubbles. Glycerin will make the walls of the bladder strong.


Pour into a vessel 200 gr. dishwashing detergent, add 100 ml. glycerin and dilute everything in 600 ml. water. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and ... done! Now you can blow bubbles!

Recipe #2

This recipe is extremely simple. You will need all the same dish detergent and water. Take the ingredients in the following ratio: 30 ml. dishwashing liquid and 100 ml. water. Mix everything, and soap bubbles are ready!

Recipe #3

This method of making soap bubble liquid is more complicated than the previous two and requires a lot of time.

You will need: 300 ml. glycerin, 600 ml. hot water, 50 gr. any detergent in powder (for example, washing powder) and 20 drops of ammonia. All components must be poured into a vessel, preferably in a jar and mix well. Now, attention! the resulting liquid should be left to infuse for 2 to 3 days. After that, we filter it, for example, through gauze, and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then we take it out and start blowing soap bubbles!

Recipe #4

This method is the longest in terms of manufacturing time. And, in fact, soap bubbles do not benefit from this in their brightness and strength. But, nevertheless, this recipe also has a right to exist.

You need the following ingredients: 1 bar of laundry soap, 400 ml. hot water, 2 tsp. Sahara.

Cooking method:

Grate a piece of laundry soap on a coarse grater. Now pour into the resulting soap shavings hot water, put on a slow fire and leave until completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Cool the resulting mixture and refrigerate for 1 week. After a week, add sugar and stir. After the sugar has dissolved, the soap bubbles are ready! Alternatively, you can simply mix the soap shavings with water, heat it up so that the soap dissolves faster and cool. Better, of course, add a few more drops of glycerin and you're done!

Recipe number 5

A very simple recipe. You will need bath foam and water. The foam from which the most durable and beautiful bubbles are obtained is “Little Fairy”, other brands will naturally work. Mix foam with water in a ratio of 3 to 1 and you're done!

Now we bring to your attention the tools with which you can blow bubbles:

  • A cocktail tube or handle with the stem removed and the caps removed. But only small bubbles can be blown out of these tools.
  • To make the bubbles larger, you can make 4 cuts of approximately 3 cm at one end of the cocktail tube. Now open the resulting cuts in different directions, like the petals of a flower.
  • You can use a stiff wire and bend a loop with a diameter of about 4 cm at one end.
  • To make your bubbles very large, you can use a funnel. With its help, you can blow a bubble up to 30 cm in diameter. But keep in mind that you will have to blow into the funnel several times, each time plugging the hole into which you are blowing. You can also make your own funnel out of paper.

Now you know how to make soap bubbles at home!