Entertaining experiments in physics at home.

Ministry of Education and Science Chelyabinsk region

Plast technological branch

GBPOU SPO "Kopeysky Polytechnic College named after. S.V Khokhryakova»




Educational - research work

"Entertaining physical experiments

from improvised materials "

Head: Yu.V. Timofeeva, teacher of physics

Performers: students of the group OPI - 15


Physical experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, teach how to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the surrounding world.

Unfortunately, due to overload educational material insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments in physics lessons

With the help of experiments, observations and measurements, relationships between various physical quantities can be investigated.

All the phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation, for this they used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us.



Main content

Organization research work

Methodology for conducting various experiments

Research results


List of used literature



Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience.

(Kant Emmanuel - German philosopher 1724-1804)

Physics is not only scientific books and complex laws, not only huge laboratories. Physics is also interesting experiments and entertaining experiments. Physics is tricks shown in a circle of friends, this funny stories and fun craft toys.

Most importantly, any available material can be used for physical experiments.

Physical experiments can be done with balls, glasses, syringes, pencils, straws, coins, needles, etc.

Experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, teach how to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around us.

When conducting experiments, it is necessary not only to draw up a plan for its implementation, but also to determine methods for obtaining certain data, to independently assemble installations and even design the necessary devices for reproducing this or that phenomenon.

But, unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments, much attention is paid to theory and problem solving.

Therefore, it was decided to conduct a research work on the topic " Entertaining experiences in physics from improvised materials.

The objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. Master the methods of physical research, master the skills of correct observation and the technique of physical experiment.

    Organization of independent work with various literature and other sources of information, collection, analysis and generalization of material on the topic of research work.

    Teach students how to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.

    To instill in students a love for physics, to increase their concentration on understanding the laws of nature, and not on their mechanical memorization.

When choosing a research topic, we proceeded from the following principles:

Subjectivity - the chosen topic corresponds to our interests.

Objectivity - the topic we have chosen is relevant and important in scientific and practical terms.

Feasibility - the tasks and goals set by us in the work are real and feasible.


The research work was carried out according to the following scheme:

Formulation of the problem.

The study of information from various sources on this issue.

The choice of research methods and practical mastery of them.

Collection of own material - acquisition of improvised materials, conducting experiments.

Analysis and generalization.

Formulation of conclusions.

During the research work, the following physical research methods were used:

1. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

Understanding the conditions of experience.

This stage provides for familiarity with the conditions of the experiment, determining the list of necessary improvised instruments and materials and safe conditions during the experiment.

Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the order of the experiment was outlined, if necessary, new materials were added.

Conducting an experiment.

2. Surveillance

When observing phenomena occurring in experience, we turned Special attention on changes in physical characteristics, while we were able to detect regular relationships between various physical quantities.

3. Modeling.

Modeling is the basis of any physical research. During the experiments, we simulated various situational experiments.

In total, we have modeled, carried out and scientifically explained several entertaining physical experiments.

2. Organization of research work:

2.1 Methodology for conducting various experiments:

Experience No. 1 Candle behind a bottle

Devices and materials: candle, bottle, matches

Stages of the experiment

Put a lit candle behind the bottle, and stand yourself so that your face is 20-30 cm away from the bottle.

It is worth now to blow, and the candle will go out, as if there is no barrier between you and the candle.

Experience number 2 Spinning snake

Tools and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors.

Stages of the experiment

From thick paper cut a spiral, stretch it a little and put it on the end of a bent wire.

Holding this coil over the candle in an updraft of air will cause the snake to spin.

Devices and materials: 15 matches.

Stages of the experiment

Put one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and the ends touch the table.

How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and with it all the other matches?

Experience No. 4 Paraffin motor

Devices and materials:candle, knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches.

Stages of the experiment

To make this motor, we don't need electricity or gasoline. We need only ... a candle for this.

Heat the needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine.

Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance.

Light the candle at both ends.

Experience No. 5 Thick air

We live by the air we breathe. If that doesn't sound magical enough to you, do this experiment to see what other magic the air can do.


Protective glasses

Pine plank 0.3x2.5x60 cm (available at any lumber store)

newspaper sheet



Let's start the science magic!

Put on safety goggles. Announce to the audience: “There are two kinds of air in the world. One of them is skinny and the other is fat. Now I will perform magic with the help of greasy air.

Lay the plank on the table so that about 6 inches (15 cm) protrudes from the edge of the table.

Say: "Thick air sit on the plank." Hit the end of the plank that protrudes beyond the edge of the table. The plank will jump into the air.

Tell the audience that it must have been thin air sitting on the plank. Again, put the plank on the table as in point 2.

Place a newspaper sheet on the board, as shown in the figure, so that the board is in the middle of the sheet. Smooth out the newspaper so that there is no air between it and the table.

Say again: "Thick air, sit on the plank."

Hit the protruding end with the edge of your hand.

Experience No. 6 Waterproof paper


Paper towel


A plastic bowl or bucket that can be filled with enough water to completely cover the glass


Lay out everything you need on the table

Let's start the science magic!

Announce to the audience: "With the help of my magical skill, I can make a piece of paper stay dry."

Crumple up a paper towel and place it in the bottom of the glass.

Flip the glass over and make sure the wad of paper stays in place.

Say some magic words over the glass, for example: " magical powers, protect the paper from water. Then slowly lower the inverted glass into the bowl of water. Try to keep the glass as level as possible until it is completely under the water.

Take the glass out of the water and shake off the water. Turn the glass upside down and take out the paper. Let the audience feel it and make sure it stays dry.

Experience No. 7 Flying ball

Have you seen how a person rises into the air at a magician's performance? Try a similar experiment.

Please note: For this experiment, you will need a hair dryer and adult assistance.


Hairdryer (must be used by an adult assistant only)

2 thick books or other heavy objects

Ping pong ball


adult assistant


Set the hair dryer up on the table with the hole that blows hot air.

To install it in this position, use the books. Make sure they don't block the hole on the side where air is sucked into the hair dryer.

Plug in the hair dryer.

Let's start the science magic!

Ask one of the adult viewers to be your assistant.

Announce to the audience: “Now I will make an ordinary ping-pong ball fly through the air.”

Take the ball in your hand and let it fall on the table. Tell the audience: “Oh! I forgot to say the magic words!”

Say the magic words over the ball. Have your assistant turn on the hair dryer at full power.

Gently place the balloon over the hair dryer in a jet of air, about 45 cm from the blowing hole.

Advice for a Learned Wizard

Depending on how hard you are blowing, you may need to place the balloon a little higher or lower than indicated.

What else can be done

Try to do the same with a ball of different sizes and weights. Will the experience be equally good?


1) Experience No. 1 Candle behind a bottle


The candle will gradually float up, and the paraffin cooled by water at the edge of the candle will melt more slowly than the paraffin surrounding the wick. Therefore, a rather deep funnel is formed around the wick. This emptiness, in turn, lightens the candle, that's why our candle will burn out to the end..

2) Experience number 2 Spinning snake


The snake rotates because there is an expansion of air under the action of heat and the transformation of warm energy into motion.

3) Experiment No. 3 Fifteen matches on one


In order to lift all the matches, you only need to put one more, fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them.

4) Experience No. 4 Paraffin motor


A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disturbed, the other end of the candle will pull and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will fall, drop a drop, it will become easier, and our motor will start to work with might and main; gradually fluctuations of the candle will increase more and more.

5) Experience No. 5 thick air

When you hit the plank for the first time, it bounces. But if you hit a board with a newspaper on it, the board breaks.


When you flatten a newspaper, you remove almost all the air from under it. At the same time, a large amount of air on top of the newspaper presses on it with great force. When you hit the board, it breaks because the pressure of the air on the newspaper prevents the board from rising up in response to the force you applied.

6) Experience No. 6 waterproof paper


Air occupies a certain volume. There is air in the glass, no matter what position it is in. When you turn a glass upside down and lower it slowly into water, air remains in the glass. Water cannot get into the glass because of the air. The pressure of the air is greater than the pressure of the water trying to get inside the glass. The towel at the bottom of the glass stays dry. If the glass is turned on its side under water, the air in the form of bubbles will come out of it. Then he can get into the glass.

8) Experience No. 7 Flying ball


In fact, this trick does not contradict gravity. It demonstrates an important ability of air called Bernoulli's principle. Bernoulli's principle is the law of nature, according to which any pressure of any fluid, including air, decreases with increasing speed of its movement. In other words, at a low air flow rate, it has a high pressure.

The air coming out of the hair dryer moves very fast and therefore its pressure is low. The ball is surrounded on all sides by a low pressure area, which forms a cone at the hair dryer opening. The air around this cone has a higher pressure and keeps the ball from falling out of the low pressure area. The force of gravity pulls it down, and the force of air pulls it up. Thanks to the combined action of these forces, the ball hangs in the air above the hair dryer.


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, we were convinced that the knowledge gained in physics classes is quite applicable to solving practical issues.

With the help of experiments, observations and measurements, the relationships between various physical quantities were investigated.

All the phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation, for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us.

The laws of physics are based on facts established by experience. Moreover, the interpretation of the same facts often changes in the course of historical development physics. Facts accumulate as a result of observations. But at the same time, they cannot be limited only to them. This is only the first step towards knowledge. Next comes the experiment, the development of concepts that allow qualitative characteristics. In order to draw general conclusions from observations, to find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law is found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to set up an experiment in each individual case, it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations. Having studied experimentally the quantitative relationships between the quantities, it is possible to identify patterns. Based on these regularities, a general theory of phenomena is developed.

Therefore, without experiment there can be no rational teaching of physics. The study of physics and other technical disciplines involves the widespread use of the experiment, the discussion of the features of its formulation and the observed results.

In accordance with the task set, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized improvised materials.

Based on the results of the educational and research work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. AT various sources you can find information and come up with many entertaining physical experiments performed with the help of improvised equipment.

    Entertaining experiments and home-made physical devices increase the range of demonstrations of physical phenomena.

    Entertaining experiments allow you to test the laws of physics and theoretical hypotheses.


M. Di Specio "Entertaining experiments", LLC "Astrel", 2004

F.V. Rabiz "Funny Physics", Moscow, 2000

L. Galperstein "Hello, physics", Moscow, 1967

A. Tomilin "I want to know everything", Moscow, 1981

M.I. Bludov "Conversations in Physics", Moscow, 1974.

ME AND. Perelman "Entertaining tasks and experiments", Moscow, 1972.



1. Presentation "Entertaining physical experiments from improvised materials"

2. Video "Entertaining physical experiments from improvised materials"

From the book "My first experiences."

lung volume

For experience you need:

adult assistant;
large plastic bottle;
basin for washing;
plastic hose;

1. How much air can your lungs hold? You'll need adult help to figure this out. Fill the bowl and bottle with water. Have an adult hold the bottle upside down underwater.

2. Insert the plastic hose into the bottle.

3. Inhale deeply and blow into the hose as hard as you can. Air bubbles will appear in the bottle. Clamp the hose as soon as the air in the lungs runs out.

4. Pull out the hose and ask your assistant to close the neck of the bottle with the palm of your hand and turn it over to the correct position. In order to find out how much gas you exhaled, add water to the bottle with a measuring cup. See how much water you need to add.

make it rain

For experience you need:

adult assistant;
Electric kettle;
metal spoon;
potholder for hot.

1. Put a metal spoon in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Ask an adult to help you complete the experiment from start to finish.

3. Boil a full kettle of water. Place a saucer under the spout of the teapot.

4. Using an oven mitt, carefully bring the spoon to the steam rising from the kettle spout. Getting on a cold spoon, the steam condenses and spills "rain" on the saucer.

Make a hygrometer

For experience you need:

2 identical thermometers;
cotton wool;
rubber bands;
an empty yogurt cup;
big cardboard box without cover;

1. Poke two holes in the wall of the box with a knitting needle at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

2. Wrap two thermometers with the same amount of cotton and secure with rubber bands.

3. Tie a rubber band around the top of each thermometer and thread the rubber bands through the holes at the top of the box. Insert a knitting needle through the rubber eyelets, as shown in the figure, so that the thermometers hang freely.

4. Place a glass of water under one thermometer so that the water wets the cotton wool (but not the thermometer).

5. Compare thermometer readings at different times of the day. The greater the temperature difference, the lower the humidity.

call the cloud

For experience you need:

transparent glass bottle;
hot water;
ice Cube;
dark blue or black paper.

1. Carefully fill the bottle with hot water.

2. After 3 minutes, pour out the water, leaving a little at the very bottom.

3. Place an ice cube on top of the open bottle neck.

4. Place a sheet of dark paper behind the bottle. Where the hot air rising from the bottom meets the cool air at the neck, a white cloud forms. The water vapor contained in the air condenses, forming a cloud of tiny water droplets.

Under pressure

For experience you need:

transparent plastic bottle;
large bowl or deep tray;
a strip of paper;
adhesive tape.

1. Fill the bowl and bottle halfway with water.

2. Draw a scale on a strip of paper and stick it to the bottle with duct tape.

3. Put two or three small stacks of coins on the bottom of the bowl so that you can set the neck of the bottle on them. Thanks to this, the neck of the bottle will not rest against the bottom, and water will be able to freely flow out of the bottle and flow into it.

4. Plug the neck of the bottle with your thumb and carefully place the bottle upside down on the coins.

Your water barometer will allow you to observe changes in atmospheric pressure. As the pressure rises, the water level in the bottle will rise. When the pressure drops, the water level will drop.

Make an air barometer

For experience you need:

jar with a wide mouth;
rubber band;
drinking straw;
a pen;
adhesive tape.

1. Cut the balloon open and pull it tight over the jar. Secure with a rubber band.

2. Sharpen the end of the straw. Glue the other end to the stretched ball with adhesive tape.

3. Draw a scale on a cardboard card and place the cardboard at the end of the arrow. When atmospheric pressure rises, the air in the can is compressed. As it falls, the air expands. Accordingly, the arrow will move along the scale.

If the pressure rises, the weather will be fine. If it falls, it's bad.

What gases does air consist of?

For experience you need:

adult assistant;
glass jar;
large glass bowl.

1. Have an adult light a candle and put paraffin wax on the bottom of the bowl to secure the candle.

2. Carefully fill the bowl with water.

3. Cover the candle with a jar. Place stacks of coins under the jar so that its edges are only slightly below the water level.

4. When all the oxygen in the jar has burned out, the candle will go out. The water will rise, taking up the volume where oxygen used to be. So you can see that there is about 1/5 (20%) oxygen in the air.

Make a battery

For experience you need:

durable paper towel;
food foil;
copper coins;
two insulated copper wires;
small light bulb.

1. Dissolve some salt in water.

2. Cut paper towel and foil into squares slightly larger than coins.

3. Wet paper squares in salt water.

4. Place a stack on top of each other: a copper coin, a piece of foil, a piece of paper, another coin, and so on several times. There should be paper on top of the stack, and a coin at the bottom.

5. Put the stripped end of one wire under the pile, attach the other end to the light bulb. Put one end of the second wire on top of the stack, and connect the other to the light bulb as well. What happened?

"solar" fan

For experience you need:

food foil;
black paint or marker;
adhesive tape;
large clean glass jar with a lid.

1. Cut out two strips of foil about 2.5x10 cm each. Color one side with black marker or paint. Make slits in the strips and insert them one into the other, bending the ends, as shown in the figure.

2. Use string and duct tape to attach the solar panels to the lid of the jar. Put the jar in sunny place. The black side of the strips heats up more than the shiny side. Due to the temperature difference, there will be a difference in air pressure, and the fan will start to rotate.

What color is the sky?

For experience you need:

glass cup;
tea spoon;
white paper or cardboard;

1. Stir half a teaspoon of flour in a glass of water.

2. Put the glass on white paper and shine a flashlight on it from above. The water appears light blue or grey.

3. Now put the paper behind the glass and shine on it from the side. The water appears pale orange or yellowish.

The smallest particles in the air, like flour in water, change the color of light rays. When the light falls from the side (or when the sun is low on the horizon), the blue color is scattered, and the eyes see an excess of orange rays.

Make a mini microscope

For experience you need:

small mirror;
glass cup;
aluminium foil;
adhesive tape;
a drop of ox;
small flower

1. A microscope uses a glass lens to refract a beam of light. This role can be played by a drop of water. Set the mirror at an angle on a piece of plasticine and cover with a glass.

2. Fold the aluminum foil like an accordion to create a layered strip. Poke a small hole in the center with a needle.

3. Bend the foil over the glass as shown. Secure the edges with adhesive tape. With the tip of your finger or needle, drop water onto the hole.

4. Put a small flower or other small object on the bottom of the glass under the water lens. A homemade microscope can magnify it almost 50 times.

call the lightning

For experience you need:

metal baking sheet;
plastic bag;
metal fork.

1. Press a large piece of plasticine against the baking sheet so that you get a handle. Now don't touch the pan itself - just the handle.

2. Holding the baking sheet by the plasticine handle, three of it in a circular motion on the package. In this case, a static electric charge accumulates on the baking sheet. The baking sheet should not extend beyond the edges of the package.

3. Raise the baking sheet slightly above the bag (still holding the plasticine handle) and bring the prongs of the fork to one corner. A spark will jump from the pan to the fork. This is how lightning jumps from a cloud to a lightning rod.

Experiments at home are a great way to introduce children to the basics of physics and chemistry, and make it easier to understand complex abstract laws and terms through visual demonstration. Moreover, for their implementation it is not necessary to acquire expensive reagents or special equipment. After all, without hesitation, we conduct experiments every day at home - from adding slaked soda to the dough to connecting batteries to a flashlight. Read on to find out how easy, simple and safe it is to conduct interesting experiments.

Chemical experiments at home

Does the image of a professor with a glass flask and scorched eyebrows immediately appear in your head? Do not worry, our chemical experiments at home are completely safe, interesting and useful. Thanks to them, the child will easily remember what exo- and endothermic reactions are and what is the difference between them.

So, let's make hatching dinosaur eggs that can be successfully used as bath bombs.

For experience you need:

  • small dinosaur figurines;
  • baking soda;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon acid;
  • food coloring or liquid watercolors.

The order of the experiment

  1. Pour ½ cup baking soda into a small bowl and add about ¼ tsp. liquid paints (or dissolve 1-2 drops of food coloring in ¼ tsp of water), mix the baking soda with your fingers to get an even color.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  4. You should end up with a crumbly dough that barely sticks together when pressed. If it does not want to stick together at all, then slowly add ¼ tsp. butter until you reach the desired consistency.
  5. Now take a dinosaur figurine and cover it with dough in the shape of an egg. It will be very brittle at first, so it should be left overnight (minimum 10 hours) for it to harden.
  6. Then you can start a fun experiment: fill the bathroom with water and drop an egg into it. It will hiss furiously as it dissolves into the water. It will be cold when touched, as it is an endothermic reaction between an acid and a base, absorbing heat from the environment.

Please note that the bathroom may become slippery due to the addition of oil.

Elephant Toothpaste

Experiments at home, the result of which can be felt and touched, are very popular with children. One of them is this fun project that ends up with lots of thick, fluffy colored foam.

To carry it out you will need:

  • goggles for a child;
  • dry active yeast;
  • warm water;
  • hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • dishwashing detergent or liquid soap (not antibacterial);
  • funnel;
  • plastic sequins (necessarily non-metallic);
  • food colorings;
  • bottle 0.5 l (it is best to take a bottle with a wide bottom, for greater stability, but a regular plastic one will do).

The experiment itself is extremely simple:

  1. 1 tsp dissolve dry yeast in 2 tbsp. l. warm water.
  2. In a bottle placed in a sink or dish with high sides, pour ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide, a drop of dye, glitter and some dishwashing liquid (several pumps on the dispenser).
  3. Insert a funnel and pour in the yeast. The reaction will start immediately, so act quickly.

The yeast acts as a catalyst and speeds up the release of hydrogen from the peroxide, and when the gas interacts with the soap, it creates a huge amount of foam. This is an exothermic reaction, with the release of heat, so if you touch the bottle after the "eruption" stops, it will be warm. Since the hydrogen immediately escapes, it's just soap suds to play with.

Physics experiments at home

Did you know that lemon can be used as a battery? True, very weak. Experiments at home with citrus fruits will demonstrate to children the operation of a battery and a closed electrical circuit.

For the experiment you will need:

  • lemons - 4 pcs.;
  • galvanized nails - 4 pcs.;
  • small pieces of copper (you can take coins) - 4 pcs.;
  • alligator clips with short wires (about 20 cm) - 5 pcs.;
  • small light bulb or flashlight - 1 pc.

Let there be light

Here's how to do the experience:

  1. Roll on a hard surface, then lightly squeeze the lemons to release the juice inside the skins.
  2. Insert one galvanized nail and one piece of copper into each lemon. Line them up.
  3. Connect one end of the wire to a galvanized nail and the other end to a piece of copper in another lemon. Repeat this step until all fruits are connected.
  4. When you are done, you should be left with one 1 nail and 1 piece of copper that are not connected to anything. Prepare your light bulb, determine the polarity of the battery.
  5. Connect the remaining piece of copper (plus) and nail (minus) to the plus and minus of the flashlight. Thus, a chain of connected lemons is a battery.
  6. Turn on a light bulb that will work on the energy of fruits!

To repeat such experiments at home, potatoes, especially green ones, are also suitable.

How it works? The citric acid in the lemon reacts with two different metals, causing the ions to move in the same direction, creating an electrical current. All chemical sources of electricity work on this principle.

Summer fun

You don't have to stay indoors to do some experiments. Some experiments are best done outdoors, and you don't have to clean anything up after they're done. These include interesting experiments at home with air bubbles, and not simple ones, but huge ones.

To make them you will need:

  • 2 wooden sticks 50-100 cm long (depending on the age and height of the child);
  • 2 metal screw-in ears;
  • 1 metal washer;
  • 3 m cotton cord;
  • bucket with water;
  • any detergent - for dishes, shampoo, liquid soap.

Here's how to conduct spectacular experiments for children at home:

  1. Screw metal ears into the ends of the sticks.
  2. Cut the cotton cord into two parts, 1 and 2 m long. You can not exactly adhere to these measurements, but it is important that the proportion between them is 1 to 2.
  3. Put a washer on a long piece of rope so that it sags evenly in the center, and tie both ropes to the ears on the sticks, forming a loop.
  4. Mix a small amount of detergent in a bucket of water.
  5. Gently dipping the loop on the sticks into the liquid, start blowing giant bubbles. To separate them from each other, carefully bring the ends of the two sticks together.

What is the scientific component of this experience? Explain to the children that bubbles are held together by surface tension, the attractive force that holds the molecules of any liquid together. Its action is manifested in the fact that spilled water collects in drops that tend to acquire a spherical shape, as the most compact of all that exists in nature, or that water, when poured, collects in cylindrical streams. At the bubble, a layer of liquid molecules is clamped on both sides by soap molecules, which increase its surface tension when distributed over the surface of the bubble, and prevent it from quickly evaporating. As long as the sticks are kept open, the water is held in the form of a cylinder; as soon as they are closed, it tends to a spherical shape.

Here are some experiments at home you can do with children.


Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience.
(Kant Emmanuel. German philosopher 1724-1804)

Physical experiments in an entertaining way introduce students to the various applications of the laws of physics. Experiments can be used in the classroom to draw students' attention to the phenomenon being studied, when repeating and consolidating educational material, and at physical evenings. Entertaining experiments deepen and expand students' knowledge, contribute to the development of logical thinking, instill interest in the subject.

This paper describes 10 entertaining experiments, 5 demonstration experiments using school equipment. The authors of the works are students of the 10th grade of the MOU secondary school No. 1 of the village of Zabaikalsk, Zabaikalsky Krai - Chuguevsky Artyom, Lavrentiev Arkady, Chipizubov Dmitry. The guys independently did these experiments, summarized the results and presented them in the form of this work.

The role of experiment in the science of physics

That physics is a young science
Can't say for sure here.
And in ancient times knowing science,
Always strive to reach it.

The purpose of teaching physics is specific,
To be able to apply all knowledge in practice.
And it is important to remember - the role of the experiment
Must be in the first place.

Know how to plan and execute experiments.
Analyze and bring to life.
Build a model, put forward a hypothesis,
Strive to reach new heights

The laws of physics are based on facts established by experience. Moreover, the interpretation of the same facts often changes in the course of the historical development of physics. Facts accumulate as a result of observations. But at the same time, they cannot be limited only to them. This is only the first step towards knowledge. Next comes the experiment, the development of concepts that allow qualitative characteristics. In order to draw general conclusions from observations, to find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law is found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to set up an experiment in each individual case, it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations. Having studied experimentally the quantitative relationships between the quantities, it is possible to identify patterns. Based on these regularities, a general theory of phenomena is developed.

Therefore, without experiment there can be no rational teaching of physics. The study of physics involves the widespread use of the experiment, the discussion of the features of its formulation and the observed results.

Entertaining experiments in physics

The description of the experiments was carried out using the following algorithm:

  1. Name of experience
  2. Instruments and materials necessary for the experiment
  3. Stages of the experiment
  4. Explanation of experience

Experience #1 Four floors

Equipment and materials: glass, paper, scissors, water, salt, red wine, sunflower oil, colored alcohol.

Stages of the experiment

Let's try to pour four different liquids into a glass so that they do not mix and stand one above the other in five floors. However, it will be more convenient for us to take not a glass, but a narrow glass expanding towards the top.

  1. Pour salted tinted water into the bottom of a glass.
  2. Roll out “Funtik” paper and bend its end at a right angle; cut off its tip. The hole in the Funtik should be the size of a pinhead. Pour red wine into this cone; a thin stream should flow out of it horizontally, break against the walls of the glass and flow down it into salt water.
    When the layer of red wine is equal in height to the height of the layer of tinted water, stop pouring the wine.
  3. From the second cone, pour sunflower oil into a glass in the same way.
  4. Pour a layer of colored alcohol from the third horn.

Picture 1

So we got four floors of liquids in one glass. All different colors and different densities.

Explanation of experience

The liquids in the groceries were arranged in the following order: tinted water, red wine, sunflower oil, tinted alcohol. The heaviest are at the bottom, the lightest are at the top. Salt water has the highest density, tinted alcohol has the smallest.

Experience #2 Amazing Candlestick

Devices and materials: a candle, a nail, a glass, matches, water.

Stages of the experiment

Isn't it an amazing candlestick - a glass of water? And this candlestick is not bad at all.

Figure 2

  1. Weight the end of the candle with a nail.
  2. Calculate the size of the nail so that the candle is completely immersed in water, only the wick and the very tip of the paraffin should protrude above the water.
  3. Light the fuse.

Explanation of experience

Let me, they will tell you, because in a minute the candle will burn down to water and go out!

That's just the point, - you will answer, - that the candle is getting shorter every minute. And if it's shorter, it's easier. If it's easier, then it will float.

And, true, the candle will gradually float up, and the paraffin cooled by water at the edge of the candle will melt more slowly than the paraffin surrounding the wick. Therefore, a rather deep funnel is formed around the wick. This emptiness, in turn, lightens the candle, and that is why our candle will burn out to the end.

Experience No. 3 Candle behind a bottle

Equipment and materials: candle, bottle, matches

Stages of the experiment

  1. Put a lit candle behind the bottle, and stand yourself so that your face is 20-30 cm away from the bottle.
  2. It is worth now to blow, and the candle will go out, as if there is no barrier between you and the candle.

Figure 3

Explanation of experience

The candle goes out because the bottle is “flown around” with air: the jet of air is broken by the bottle into two streams; one flows around it on the right, and the other on the left; and they meet approximately where the flame of a candle stands.

Experience number 4 Spinning snake

Tools and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Cut a spiral out of thick paper, stretch it a little and put it on the end of the bent wire.
  2. Holding this coil over the candle in an updraft of air will cause the snake to spin.

Explanation of experience

The snake rotates because there is an expansion of air under the action of heat and the transformation of warm energy into motion.

Figure 4

Experience No. 5 Eruption of Vesuvius

Devices and materials: glass vessel, vial, cork, alcohol ink, water.

Stages of the experiment

  1. In a wide glass vessel filled with water, put a vial of alcohol ink.
  2. There should be a small hole in the stopper of the vial.

Figure 5

Explanation of experience

Water has a higher density than alcohol; it will gradually enter the vial, displacing the mascara from there. Red, blue or black liquid will rise in a thin stream from the bubble upwards.

Experiment No. 6 Fifteen matches on one

Equipment and materials: 15 matches.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Put one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and the ends touch the table.
  2. How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and with it all the other matches?

Explanation of experience

To do this, you only need to put one more, fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them.

Figure 6

Experience No. 7 Pot stand

Equipment and materials: a plate, 3 forks, a napkin ring, a saucepan.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Put three forks in the ring.
  2. Put a plate on this design.
  3. Place a pot of water on a stand.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Explanation of experience

This experience is explained by the rule of leverage and stable equilibrium.

Figure 9

Experience No. 8 Paraffin motor

Devices and materials: a candle, a knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches.

Stages of the experiment

To make this motor, we don't need electricity or gasoline. We need only ... a candle for this.

  1. Heat the needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine.
  2. Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance.
  3. Light the candle at both ends.

Explanation of experience

A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disturbed, the other end of the candle will pull and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will fall, drop a drop, it will become easier, and our motor will start to work with might and main; gradually fluctuations of the candle will increase more and more.

Figure 10

Experience No. 9 Free exchange of fluids

Equipment and materials: orange, glass, red wine or milk, water, 2 toothpicks.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Carefully cut the orange in half, peel so that the skin is removed by a whole cup.
  2. Poke two holes in the bottom of this cup side by side and put it in a glass. The diameter of the cup should be slightly larger than the diameter of the central part of the glass, then the cup will hold on to the walls without falling to the bottom.
  3. Lower the orange cup into the vessel one third of the height.
  4. Pour red wine or colored alcohol into an orange peel. It will pass through the hole until the level of the wine reaches the bottom of the cup.
  5. Then pour water almost to the brim. You can see how a stream of wine rises through one of the holes to the level of the water, while the heavier water passes through the other hole and begins to sink to the bottom of the glass. In a few moments the wine will be at the top and the water at the bottom.

Experience No. 10 Singing glass

Equipment and materials: a thin glass, water.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Fill a glass with water and wipe the rim of the glass.
  2. With a moistened finger, rub anywhere in the glass, she will sing.

Figure 11

Demonstration Experiments

1. Diffusion of liquids and gases

Diffusion (from Latin diflusio - spreading, spreading, scattering), the transfer of particles of different nature, due to the chaotic thermal motion of molecules (atoms). Distinguish between diffusion in liquids, gases and solids

Demonstration experiment "Observation of diffusion"

Devices and materials: cotton wool, ammonia, phenolphthalein, a device for observing diffusion.

Stages of the experiment

  1. Take two pieces of cotton wool.
  2. We moisten one piece of cotton wool with phenolphthalein, the other with ammonia.
  3. Let's bring the branches together.
  4. There is a pink staining of the fleece due to the phenomenon of diffusion.

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

The phenomenon of diffusion can be observed using a special installation

  1. Pour ammonia into one of the cones.
  2. Moisten a piece of cotton wool with phenolphthalein and put it on top in a flask.
  3. After a while, we observe the coloring of the fleece. This experiment demonstrates the phenomenon of diffusion at a distance.

Figure 15

Let us prove that the phenomenon of diffusion depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster diffusion proceeds.

Figure 16

To demonstrate this experiment, let's take two identical glasses. Pour cold water into one glass, hot water into the other. We add copper sulphate to glasses, we observe that copper sulphate dissolves faster in hot water, which proves the dependence of diffusion on temperature.

Figure 17

Figure 18

2. Communicating vessels

To demonstrate communicating vessels, let's take a number of vessels of various shapes, connected at the bottom by tubes.

Figure 19

Figure 20

We will pour liquid into one of them: we will immediately find that the liquid will flow through the tubes into the remaining vessels and will settle in all vessels at the same level.

The explanation for this experience is as follows. The pressure on the free surfaces of the liquid in the vessels is the same; it is equal to atmospheric pressure. Thus, all free surfaces belong to the same level surface and, therefore, must be in the same horizontal plane and the upper edge of the vessel itself: otherwise the kettle cannot be filled to the top.

Figure 21

3. Pascal's ball

Pascal's ball is a device designed to demonstrate the uniform transfer of pressure exerted on a liquid or gas in a closed vessel, as well as the rise of a liquid behind a piston under the influence of atmospheric pressure.

To demonstrate the uniform transmission of pressure produced on a liquid in a closed vessel, it is necessary, using a piston, to draw water into the vessel and tightly fit a ball onto the nozzle. By pushing the piston into the vessel, demonstrate the outflow of liquid from the holes in the ball, paying attention to the uniform outflow of liquid in all directions.

BEI "Koskovskaya secondary school"

Kichmengsko-Gorodets municipal district

Vologda region

Educational project

"Physical experiment at home"


7th grade students

Koptyaev Artem

Alekseevskaya Xenia

Alekseevskaya Tanya


Korovkin I.N.




Nothing in life is better than your own experience.

Scott W.

At school and at home, we got acquainted with many physical phenomena and we wanted to make home-made devices, equipment and conduct experiments. All our experiments allow us to get deeper knowledge the world and in particular physics. We describe the process of making equipment for the experiment, the principle of operation and the physical law or phenomenon demonstrated by this device. The experiments carried out interested students from other classes.

Target: make a device from available improvised means to demonstrate a physical phenomenon and use it to tell about a physical phenomenon.

Hypothesis: made devices, demonstrations will help to know physics deeper.


Study the literature on conducting experiments with your own hands.

Watch video demonstration of experiments

Build experiment equipment

Hold a demo

Describe the physical phenomenon being demonstrated

Improve the material base of the physicist's office.

EXPERIENCE 1. Fountain model

Target : show the simplest model of the fountain.

Equipment : plastic bottle, dropper tubes, clip, balloon, cuvette.

Ready product

The course of the experiment:

    We will make 2 holes in the cork. Insert the tubes, attach a ball to the end of one.

    Fill the balloon with air and close with a clip.

    Pour into a bottle of water and put it in a cuvette.

    Let's watch the flow of water.

Result: We observe the formation of a fountain of water.

Analysis: compressed air in the balloon acts on the water in the bottle. The more air in the balloon, the higher the fountain will be.

EXPERIENCE 2. Carthusian diver

(Pascal's law and Archimedean force.)

Target: demonstrate Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.

Equipment: plastic bottle,

pipette (a vessel closed at one end)

Ready product

The course of the experiment:

    Take plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.

    Take a small vessel (pipette) and load it with copper wire.

    Fill the bottle with water.

    Press down on the top of the bottle with your hands.

    Watch the phenomenon.

Result : we observe the dipping of the pipette and the ascent when pressing on the plastic bottle ..

Analysis : the force will compress the air over the water, the pressure is transferred to the water.

According to Pascal's law, pressure compresses the air in the pipette. As a result, the Archimedean force decreases. The body is sinking. Stop squeezing. The body floats.

EXPERIENCE 3. Pascal's law and communicating vessels.

Target: demonstrate the operation of Pascal's law in hydraulic machines.

Equipment: two syringes of different sizes and a plastic tube from a dropper.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. Take two syringes of different sizes and connect with a dropper tube.

2.Fill with incompressible liquid (water or oil)

3. Push down on the plunger of the smaller syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the larger syringe.

4. Push the plunger of the larger syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the smaller syringe.

Result : We fix the difference in the applied forces.

Analysis : According to Pascal's law, the pressure created by the pistons is the same. Therefore: how many times the piston is so many times and the force generated by it is greater.

EXPERIENCE 4. Dry from water.

Target : show the expansion of hot air and the contraction of cold air.

Equipment : a glass, a plate of water, a candle, a cork.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. pour water into a plate and place a coin on the bottom and a float on the water.

2. invite the audience to get a coin without getting their hands wet.

3. light a candle and put it in the water.

4. cover with a warm glass.

Result: Watching the movement of water in a glass.

Analysis: when air is heated, it expands. When the candle goes out. The air cools and its pressure drops. Atmospheric pressure will push the water under the glass.

EXPERIENCE 5. Inertia.

Target : show the manifestation of inertia.

Equipment : Wide-mouthed bottle, cardboard ring, coins.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. We put a paper ring on the neck of the bottle.

2. put coins on the ring.

3. with a sharp blow of the ruler we knock out the ring

Result: watch the coins fall into the bottle.

Analysis: inertia is the ability of a body to maintain its speed. When hitting the ring, the coins do not have time to change speed and fall into the bottle.

EXPERIENCE 6. Upside down.

Target : Show the behavior of a liquid in a rotating bottle.

Equipment : Wide-mouthed bottle and rope.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. We tie a rope to the neck of the bottle.

2. pour water.

3. rotate the bottle over your head.

Result: water does not spill out.

Analysis: At the top, gravity and centrifugal force act on the water. If the centrifugal force is greater than gravity, then the water will not pour out.

EXPERIENCE 7. Non-Newtonian fluid.

Target : Show the behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid.

Equipment : bowl.starch. water.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. In a bowl, dilute starch and water in equal proportions.

2. demonstrate the unusual properties of the liquid

Result: a substance has the properties of a solid and a liquid.

Analysis: with a sharp impact, the properties of a solid body are manifested, and with a slow impact, the properties of a liquid.


As a result of our work, we:

    conducted experiments proving the existence of atmospheric pressure;

    created home-made devices that demonstrate the dependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column, Pascal's law.

We liked to study pressure, make home-made devices, conduct experiments. But there are many interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

We will continue to study this interesting science

We hope that our classmates will be interested in this problem, and we will try to help them.

In the future, we will conduct new experiments.


It is interesting to watch the experience conducted by the teacher. Conducting it yourself is doubly interesting.

And to conduct an experiment with a device made and designed by one's own hands is very big interest for the whole class. In such experiments, it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how a given installation works.

Conducting these experiments is not difficult and interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. New research ahead!


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