What are the genres of painting. Narrative paintings in painting What is a plot-thematic painting

Plan abstract No. 1

7th grade.

Lesson topic: "Thematic (plot) picture."

Goals: To form an idea about the thematic (plot) picture, its types. Lead students to understand the features of the genre through repetition and generalization.

Tasks: To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and art. Develop associative-figurative thinking, creative and cognitive activity.

Equipment and materials: Selection of illustrations and reproductions of various genres.

computer presentation about genres visual arts.

Art materials for practical work.

Lesson plan

A conversation about the concept of a genre with checking and consolidating the knowledge of students.

An introductory conversation about the thematic picture, its types with a demonstration of illustrations.

Statement of the artistic task.

Practical implementation of the task.

Summing up and analysis of works.

During the classes.

At the lessons in the last quarter, we talked about the role of fine arts in human life and what is main theme in him. Human. Yes, art mainly speaks about a person, about his achievements, thoughts, about his life. Fine art speaks of this in the language of various genres: those you already know and those that you have yet to learn about.

The lessons of this quarter are about the history and development of the plot picture and, in particular, its special type of everyday genre.

Remember what types of fine art you know.

Fine arts are divided into five types: architecture, sculpture, graphics, painting, DPI. Each of these five types is divided into genres. This division is most clearly manifested in painting and graphics.

What are genres in visual arts?

Artists write different pictures. On some we see nature, on others - people, others talk about the most everyday, ordinary things. And now, according to the content, they began to be divided into genres: the image of nature - a landscape, things - a still life, a person - a portrait, life events - plot- thematic picture.

(Showing a presentation about genres)

In turn, each of the genres has its subdivisions - genre varieties. So, the landscape can be rural, urban, industrial. And the artists depicting the sea are called marine painters. There are also varieties in the portrait genre - a front portrait, a group portrait. Genre varieties of the plot-thematic picture are historical, battle, everyday pictures.

Now choose from the pictures presented on the board those whose genre is familiar to you.

(Students group the pictures proposed by the teacher.

The teacher asks about what unites the remaining group of pictures. Plot? But it can be completely different.)

What is the plot of the paintings presented?

(Students try to identify the plot by arguing “what the picture is about.”)

So, what kind of plots can a thematic picture have?

Historical - it has a special place. This genre includes works on the topic of great public resonance, reflecting events significant for history.

What paintings in the historical genre are familiar to you? Try to remember the author.

(V.I. Surikov “Morning archery execution»,

"Suvorov Crossing the Alps",

K. Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii", etc.

However, the work does not have to be devoted to the past: it can be any important events today, which are of great historical significance.

The battle genre (from the French bataille - battle) is dedicated to the themes of war, battles, campaigns and episodes of military life. It can be an integral part of the historical and mythological genre, as well as depict modern life army and navy.

(Works by Titian, F. Goya, A. Watteau, V. Vereshchagin, M. Grekov).

Try to independently define the fairytale-epic and religious-mythological genres, tell us about them and give examples.

(Students define the fairy-tale epic genre, recalling the works of V.M. Vasnetsov "Heroes", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Ivan Tsarevich at gray wolf", etc. the teacher supplements the presented series with the painting by M. Vrubel "The Swan Princess", "Demon", etc.

When talking about the religious-mythological genre, paintings by S. Botticelli, Raphael, Rubens, Rembrandt, A. Ivanov, etc.)

The concept of everyday genre is formed in European art new time. His homeland is Holland of the 17th century. In our time, this is one of the most common genres of fine art, although back in the first half of the 19th century, it was considered inferior, unworthy of the attention of the artist. Often works on everyday subjects are called genre, or related to genre painting.

To everyday genre include paintings, drawings, sculptures that tell about the events of everyday life.

We will talk about this genre in more detail in the next lesson, using the example of acquaintance with the work of the "small Dutch".

I suggest you do a search creative work on the topic “What do I know about the Little Dutch?”

And now try to make sketches for a future picture in any of the genres.

Finish the work at home and name it.

Homework: prepare for the lesson-conference "What do I know about the small Dutch?".

Perform creative work (message-abstract) with the selection of illustrative material on any of the proposed topics:

1. The history of the emergence of Dutch painting.

2. Holland is the birthplace of genre painting. Why?

3. Creativity P. Brueghel and others.

The content of plot-thematic drawing is any plot or landscape. The child depicts objects located in space, in their relationships and relationships. According to the content of the idea, a child's drawing is very early, from about two years old (from the first junior group), is plot, but according to objective signs, it does not become such for a long time. If you observe the process of development of even an associative image in a drawing, you can see that it often develops as a plot image. Drawings-doodles, carried out according to the plan, with all their objective unrecognizability for the baby, can be full of meaning. However, the plot is not expressed in the drawing, it rather exists in connection with the drawing, around the drawing. Even when these individual image-images are recognizable, they are, as it were, arranged side by side on a sheet, coexist in a drawing, there is no objectively recognizable relationship, the connection between individual objects-images is conveyed by a word, motor action, game. Some image techniques spontaneously appear to help convey the relationship between objects. For example, individual details that testify to the action (the girl is holding a bouquet of flowers, which means she is picking flowers), etc. However, spontaneous finds are very insignificant and do not satisfy the child.

Why does a child's drawing, by design, become a plot very early? The subject man-made world, the world of nature (animals, plants) do not exist in isolation, they are connected in reality, they are connected with a person, a person is interconnected with other people. As soon as the child begins to establish these connections, this is reflected in the modeling types of activity (first of all, play, creative activity). Therefore, the content children's drawing(sculpting) almost always plot. However, the image does not immediately become a plot.

Why is the plot idea not embodied adequately, pictorially? At first, the child does not have such a need, and when a desire arises, he encounters the complexities of the image, because he does not know the visual techniques and ways of conveying these connections.

A preschooler needs to master the available construction techniques overall composition drawing: to learn to arrange objects-images on the two-dimensional plane of the sheet in such a way that it expresses, at least approximately, the location of these objects in real three-dimensional space. These techniques are conditional, they were invented by mankind for many hundreds of years.

Adult artists convey the visual change of objects in shape, size, color as they are removed. Linear and aerial perspective as artistic techniques transfers of space and objects in space were invented by mankind relatively recently, in the Renaissance.

Some elements of them turned out to be accessible to children, but the child himself cannot open them. The adult gives him some of the available ways of depicting. For example, objects that are closer to the perceiver of the picture are located at the bottom of the sheet, those that are further away are at the top. The farther the location, the higher the image.

When constructing a plot image, the compositional center is always highlighted, the main thing that determines the content of the image. A preschooler has access to some techniques for depicting the main thing: those objects and characters that express the content of a given topic and stand out in the overall composition either by size, or color, shape, or location on the sheet (in the center). Without the transfer of the main it is difficult to understand the content of the picture. However, this skill must be taught to the child. Otherwise, he can draw a dense forest and assure that he is drawing the fairy tale "Three Bears", although any fairy tale can be depicted in this way (it is impossible to find out without explanation).

When mastering the composition of a plot drawing, it is important to arrange individual images relative to each other, conveying relationships in size, and the action through the image of movement, the dynamics of individual poses, details.

When depicting a landscape, all these techniques are important, but color is especially important.

All these techniques, although the most accessible to children (older preschoolers), however, the process of mastering them is rather complicated and time-consuming and requires long-term and systematic assistance and training from the teacher.

Why is the child having difficulty? EA Flerina gently called them "weaknesses" of children's drawings. She noticed that the baby perceives a sheet of paper only as a horizontal plane and “lays out” image objects, as on a table. Then he draws a line on the ground. On a strip-line depicting the earth, he puts objects in a row. Flerina called this "frisian" drawing construction. Sometimes a child draws two friezes, two stripes-lines of the earth, if the image does not fit on one line. Representing himself as a participant in the events depicted, the preschooler sometimes looks at the drawing as if from the inside and draws objects that are far from him more finely at the bottom of the sheet. E. A. Flerina called this feature “reverse perspective”.

Later, from the age of four to six, children most often depict the space of the earth and sky in the form of narrow strips at the bottom and top of the sheet (L.A. Raeva).

This is due to the peculiarities of the ideas of preschoolers: they see the sky above their heads, the earth below, under their feet. This is what they convey in the picture. Children do not cover the depth of space with their eyes; they rarely fix the space of the sky from the edge of the horizon upwards of the heavenly dome. A child living in an urban area for a very long time simply may not see wide distances with an unscreened horizon, and therefore has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bseparate objects located on the ground, and of the earth itself as a horizontal plane. He does not represent a general picture of one or another part of the space and perceives distant plans more difficult.

Therefore, one of the reasons for the "weaknesses" of a children's plot drawing is in small life experience children, the imperfection of their knowledge of the world around them, the weakness of perception, the inability to distribute attention, to cover a wide space with a glance, to generalize into a single whole in all connections and respects the details of the landscape spreading before them.

Another reason is the difficulty of depicting spatial relationships in a drawing. The child must understand that the lower part of the sheet can represent the horizontal plane of space (ground, floor), and the upper part - the vertical plane (sky, walls). The line separating the planes of heaven and earth is the horizon line. The composition of the picture can be two-dimensional and multidimensional. It's hard for a preschooler. Affect the image and the weakness of visual control in the image process. A well-known weakness of children's drawings is the distortion of proportional relationships when depicting parts of an object (a person has too long arms or legs, the body is rectangular, wide or too narrow, etc.), distortion in the transfer of the relative size of objects (a flower is higher than a house, a person is taller large tree, etc.). This feature is typical for the drawings of not only younger, but also older preschoolers.

The reasons here are the same: the weakness of analytical-synthetic perception, the ability to compare, compare objects on the basis of magnitude. Children do not have a distorted idea of ​​the size of objects, but ideas about their relationships are fuzzy. In studies on the problem of sensory education (led by L.A. Wenger), the possibilities of special formation in children of the ability to visually assess proportions are shown, after which the children transfer this skill to drawing. However, this work should be ad hoc, using models that demonstrate relationships, teach how to compare sizes with each other and evaluate proportions.

Children also find it difficult to convey action, movement, dynamics, although the need for the transmission of movement appears early. E.A. Flerina noted that at first the child conveys movement, dynamics by real motor action, in a word, by play. This way of embodying a dynamic image is even more convincing for him than the pictorial one. Later, independent searches for a pictorial way of conveying movement rarely end in success. This is due to the same feature that was mentioned above: the difficulty of children's perception of a changeable dynamic form.

In the activities of preschoolers, in addition to weaknesses in perception, the imperfection of visual control in the process of drawing, the inability to distribute attention, to see the depicted object dismemberment and at the same time holistically affect (P.P. Chistyakov reminded his students, drawing the heel, look at the ear). Therefore, errors in the transfer of the proportions of movement are inevitable. According to L.A. Raeva, the movements of the upper limbs are simpler and more accessible for transmission by children.

Given all the difficulties of performing a plot drawing by a child, understanding their reasons, you can help a preschooler overcome many difficulties. However, at the same time, one should remember about its capabilities and the extent to which it is necessary to teach a competent drawing.

What are the tasks of teaching preschoolers plot drawing?

1. To form interest in surrounding objects, natural phenomena, social phenomena and events, people, their activities and relationships; to promote the formation of a moral, aesthetic position in children.

3. To form in children the desire and ability to accept from an adult and set appropriate goals (themes) and tasks on their own.

4. To develop in children the ability to conceive an image, determining in advance the content and some methods of image.

5. Teach preschoolers some of the available ways to depict a plot image:

a) techniques for creating the simplest compositions, i.e. the arrangement of images on the sheet plane, first on the entire sheet, rhythmically repeating the image of the same objects with minor additions (flowers in a meadow, ladybugs on the
sheet) - in junior and middle group; stimulating and encouraging the image of one object in different versions, thereby mastering the ways of depicting an object at a variant level - in middle group; placing images on a wide strip of a sheet denoting the earth, sky, outlining the horizon line, placing an image of those objects that are closer - at the bottom of the sheet, further - at the top; by varying the arrangement of images on the sheet (either on a wider or narrower strip, depending on the design), i.e. lead children to a conscious choice and construction of compositions, while depicting objects of near plans larger, distant ones - smaller - in senior groups;

b) to teach to depict the main thing in the drawing, i.e. those objects and characters that express the content of this topic allow you to immediately determine the content of the image (middle, older groups);

c) to teach to convey in the drawing relations in size, relative position in space (senior groups);

d) direct children to convey the action through the image of movement, dynamics, postures, details (from the middle, but mainly in the older groups).

6. To teach children the ways of perception, observation of the phenomena of the surrounding world, necessary to complete the plot drawing.

7. To develop in children an understanding of the dependence of image quality on the quality of observation, to form in them a desire and, if possible, a need for observation in the future for the purpose of subsequent imaging.

8. Encourage children to be independent, creative in conceiving an image: searching for original content, using adequate, diverse means of expression (composition, color, etc.).

9. To teach children to feel the expressiveness of the image, to encourage an emotional response to it, to lead to an understanding of the dependence of the expressiveness of the image on the means used, methods of depiction, i.e. to form the ability of artistic creative perception of drawings. Thus, the tasks of plot drawing are not reduced to pictorial tasks, but are a concretization of general tasks that direct the teacher to form a holistic activity in children and develop the personality of a preschooler.

Narrative drawing as a way of active, creative, effective and indifferent awareness of the world around the child and his attitude to it has a huge impact on the development of the personality of a preschooler. At all stages of plot drawing, the cognitive, emotional, moral and volitional spheres of the personality are actively manifested, and therefore develop in a single creative process. This creative process is not limited to the classroom.

Based on the set of tasks for managing plot drawing, taking into account the difficulties in mastering this type of activity (features of the perception of children) and the complexity of the graphic embodiment of the plot image, the methodology for working with children should be built in two directions:

1. Enriching children with vivid impressions of the world around them: social and natural phenomena. The development of observation, the ability to see, feel, notice the expressiveness of the form, proportions, colors of individual objects, their relationship and combination.

2. Helping children in understanding the means of graphic representation of the plot, in establishing a connection between representations and image methods.

All methods are based on specially organized observations, preceded, accompanied and reinforced by conversation. Observations provide the basis for all impressions about the phenomena and events that interest children. The purpose and content of such observations can be focused on the general cognitive, emotional, moral and volitional development of preschool children. Such observations are carried out in the system of general educational work. As a rule, “live” impressions (work of adults, hometown or village, spring nature, etc.) are supplemented by reading fiction, watching filmstrips, meeting-conversations with people of various professions, listening to music, conversations, etc. . The resulting intellectual and emotional experience of children serves as the basis for play and other activities, including visual.

Like any other, visual activity should organically fit into the system of general educational work aimed at developing the personality of a preschool child, his general mental development. It is important for the teacher to know only the possibilities and specifics of personal development in the conditions of this type of activity. Depending on the dominant type of orientation of a preschooler (on the objective world, on a person and his business, people and their interactions, events), the leading types of activity arise and change, their content is determined. For example, the content of a child's game and a child's drawing are people and their professional activity. However in addition to the motive and setting the appropriate goal-theme for drawing, it is necessary to clearly understand the pictorial aspects of this phenomenon: what to draw, what objects, how to arrange them, what color to use, etc. For the emergence of such an idea, a pictorial representation, L.A. Raeva recommends that it be carried out before the plot, thematic drawing a lot of preparatory work that expands and refines the ideas of children: reading, talking, looking at illustrations, etc. This creates favorable conditions for the consolidation of newly formed ties, their synthesis with the old ones.

The acquisition of specific knowledge, the formation of ideas about the depicted phenomena in the process of preliminary work must certainly be associated with feelings. Encouraging children to indifferent perception, knowledge is the key to initiative, creative creation and implementation of the plan.

Only the development in the unity of knowledge (representations), the corresponding feelings and their expression in active artistic action influences the formation of the personality, its initiatives in the "aspirations" for knowledge and the effective expression of attitudes towards the known.

Thus, after determining the topic of the image by the teacher (preferably together with the children), there is a stage of special preparation for the lesson. In terms of the types and forms of work with children, it may be the same as in the system of general educational work, but in fact it is narrower and more focused. The focus is on observation.

Depending on the specific tasks of the lesson, the experience of children, the content and method of observation are determined. In plot drawing, you need to convey appearance individual objects (shape, structure, proportional relationships, color), relationships, their interaction in the plot, the location of these objects in space.

Therefore, this will be the content of the observation. If the task is to convey spatial relationships - the location of individual images on a plane - the emphasis in observation is on this moment, if the central task is to convey movement, when observing Special attention refers to postures, changing the position of arms, legs in relation to the body, etc. As children master various ways of depicting, their attention is fixed on all visual features: the spatial arrangement of various objects, color, movement, etc.

Observations specially carried out for classes in visual activity should be repeated, the latter as close as possible to the moment of the image. As studies by L.A. Raeva showed, four days after observation, a large number of details appear in the drawing, insignificant ones are discarded, but the proportions of many objects are violated, spatial relationships are not clearly transmitted. And a few days after the observation, the freshness of the impression is lost, this entails a decrease in the emotional mood, the brightness of the presentation. Imagination, not supported by the freshness of impressions, works less intensively. The drawing is not expressive enough, it can be done carelessly. Drawing seven days after direct observation already reveals moments of forgetting, therefore last thing observation is carried out before the lesson.

Along with observations that are common to all, one should widely practice observations with small subgroups of children and individual ones in order to diversify children's impressions, clarify and enrich individual ideas as much as possible. Depending on the nature of the observed objects, it is necessary to fix attention to a greater extent either on their aesthetic side (the beauty of nature) and evoke the corresponding feelings, or on the moral side. For example, the care of birds for chicks.

In the process of observation, L.A. Raeva recommended using game techniques - a viewfinder, a “camera” (a box with holes on opposite sides). Such a viewfinder helps to limit the perceived space, the number of objects and allows children to focus on their relationship, relative position.

Examining objects through the viewfinder brings nature closer to the picture, gives it a planar appearance, clearly shows the location of objects (one after the other) in the “picture”. This helps children to more consciously perceive space in nature and better understand the way it is depicted on a plane in the form of a wide strip. Looking at the landscape gives preschoolers the opportunity to make sure that the sky (which they often see above their heads and therefore represent it as a plane parallel to the ground, and depict it as a plane on top of the sheet) is the background for all objects rising above the ground. If the horizon line is visible in the landscape, then the children easily perceive it and consciously transfer it to their drawing, bring the plane of the sky to the line of the earth.

Children, playing with a "camera" - a viewfinder, pay attention to the apparent reduction in distant objects.

Direct, playful knowledge of this feature by children is important, since it facilitates the understanding by preschoolers of the methods of transferring perspective in pictures. Children know that the objects in the picture are depicted in a smaller size as they are removed, but they do not understand the true size of the decrease in the depicted objects.

During observation, comparison games “What does it look like?” (clouds); inventing riddles about the observed, etc. This game also sharpens the children's perception of the environment, shapes, colors, sizes.

In older groups, it is advisable to plan a future drawing on a piece of paper - the location of individual images. That is, to correlate the space of the observed nature (nature) with the space of the sheet where the image will be performed.

After observation, and then in parallel with it, it is useful to consider originals and reproductions. famous paintings, which reflect such phenomena (Levitan " gold autumn”, Gerasimov “Bees are ringing”, Savrasov “Rooks have arrived”, etc.). Aesthetic and meaningful perception of paintings is due to "live" observations, at the same time, in the process of their perception, visual and expressive means are better understood.

To establish a connection between the representation of space and the ways of its transmission in the drawing, L.A. Raeva first proposed a number of techniques, which then found wide application in practice. Yes, since younger age the themes of the drawings should be formulated as plot(“flowers grow in a clearing”). In addition, when offering children a colored sheet of paper, it is effective to immediately say: “This is a green lawn. Let's draw flowers on it (chickens, beetles, etc.) ”or“ A blue leaf is the sky, draw clouds on it ”, etc. Such techniques help teach children to place the image on the entire plane of the sheet.

Pre-planning on the sheet of the location of individual images also helps to comprehend image techniques. This technique is used at the time of observation and in the first part of the lesson, in a conversation when forming an idea.

In plot-thematic drawing, in addition to conveying spatial relationships and the ratio of objects in size, it is also necessary to solve another significant task, namely, highlighting the main thing in the topic and, if possible, expressively conveying it in the drawing. To highlight the main thing means to comprehend the topic well, its content; highlighting the main thing disciplines the imagination, directs the main thought of the child in a certain direction, does not allow distraction - limits the passive flow of the associative flow of thoughts based on the weak, still insufficiently systematized experience of the child. creative imagination always purposeful. However, the analysis of children's thematic drawings shows that the main theme is often lost. The child depicts objects that are not directly related to the content of the topic. The drawing of the latter is caused by the passive emergence in the child's mind of associations based not on essential, but on random connections (by external similarity, etc.). Sometimes just the involuntary movement of a pencil on paper, leaving a trace resembling some kind of shape, leads the child away from the topic due to the weakness of the processes of inhibition and the lack of purposefulness in his actions.

Highlighting the main thing contributes to greater focus in the execution of the drawing. Having realized the main thing, the main thing in the topic, the child puts the image of the main action in the first place. In some cases (where possible) he begins his drawing with him. This primarily contributes to the improvement of the composition of the picture. The child in the center of the sheet depicts the main characters, the main action, filling in the drawing with secondary details.

Thus, highlighting the main thing contributes to a greater comprehension of the topic, purposefulness in drawing, enrichment, discipline of a childish, sometimes groundless, fantasy, and improvement of the composition of the drawing.

How can you help your child prioritize? As a rule, this happens in a conversation where, with the help of questions, it turns out what the children will draw. What needs to be depicted so that it is immediately clear? How will this or that object look in the picture? Where is the best place to place the main image?

If it is a landscape, is it important to find out what season will be depicted? What and how should be depicted so that it can be immediately seen that autumn (winter) is drawn? What trees (bushes) can be drawn? What breed are they? What size (width) will be a strip of earth, sky? Where will the trees (bushes) "grow"? What will be shown at the bottom of the sheet (right, left)? What will be in the middle of the meadow? How will the crowns of trees be located (against the background of the sky, the earth)? Etc.

In the system of preliminary work, it is very effective to draw a landscape directly from nature. In this case, preschoolers are much easier, with fewer mistakes, more consciously master the image of a wide space - the earth, the river, the far bank; objects are depicted more freely: the near ones are lower on the sheet, the far ones are higher. Let us give an example of such observation-drawing with children of 6 years old. Children draw a view of the Volga from the Nizhny Novgorod slope: a lawn, on the edge of which two large trees grow at a distance of 6-8 meters from each other. Far from the trees, one can see the ribbon of the river, motor ships on it, the opposite bank and the indistinct outlines of houses, the distant forest and the blue expanse of sky above the horizon line.

Educator: Children, look how beautiful it is here. Which blue sky how the water glitters and shimmers in the sun. You see: trees, a river, boats on it (pause). Let's try to draw this beautiful picture. First, let's think about what we are going to draw. What is closer to us? (Lawn and two trees.) Where are the trees located? (On the right, the tree is tall and bent a little.) And what kind of foliage is on the tree? (Green, yellow, thick.) And on the other hand, what kind of tree, is it the same size as the first? (Lower, foliage is thicker.)

What color is she? Is it wide? (Wide, blue and ships on it.)

And what can be seen further, beyond the shore? (The sky is blue and a little gray.) Here, children, we will draw everything that is visible between the trees. What do we draw at the bottom of the sheet? (What is closer to us: grass, a wide lawn.) Then what will we draw? (Trees and what is visible between them, the other bank of the Volga, etc.)

Let's think about how we can better plan the drawing?

Let's try to outline the horizon line (thin line with a simple pencil). How much space on the sheet will take up a strip of earth, sky?

The land strip is wider than the sky strip. We need to think about what we will depict on a strip of land, what will we have in the foreground, at the bottom of the sheet? Look again at this landscape (lawn). Is she wide? Mark with a pencil. What do we see beyond the lawn? (Volga.) Mark the width of the river strip. And beyond the Volga - another, sandy shore and the horizon line is visible. Here we have outlined the main plans in the drawing.

And now think and outline where you picture the trees?

We took with you colored wax crayons and pencils. Decide for yourself what you will draw.

Drawing a landscape from nature helps children perceive the space of the earth, sky, the relative position of individual objects and the method of adequately constructing an image (outlining first the horizon line, then plans, the image of individual objects).

On the early stages training, you can depict simpler: one- and two-plane landscapes.

If children depict an event from life or the plot of a literary work, then the child needs to understand the main action,

main idea. The work is read in advance. Without understanding and feeling the word (comparisons, epithets, etc.), it is difficult to evoke an image in the minds of preschoolers. (What is told about in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"? Why did you immediately feel that Masha is a brave girl, as the fairy tale says about this? Etc.)

For visual activity It is important to translate the auditory image into a visual one. The child must be helped to visualize the future drawing. When pre-forming individual ideas, you can ask: “What do you want to draw about? What picture, episode can be depicted? And what should be drawn so that you can immediately find out that Masha is asking the apple tree to hide it from the geese? What is the most important thing here, without which the picture will be incomprehensible? And where will you draw Mashenka, and an apple tree? And what will Mashenka be wearing? What dress can she wear? Think about how you need to draw her so that you can immediately see, she persuades, asks for an apple tree ... ”, etc. In older groups, children can be offered one specific episode from a fairy tale for drawing. (How Kolobok met a bunny.)

With the development of visual skills and creativity, any episode is offered to choose from. The more opportunities for choice, the more independence and creativity are required from children.

Preliminary reading and conversations with individual children or subgroups are very important, as well as viewing illustrations by different artists with an analysis of the main characters, the spatial arrangement of objects and characters, depicting actions that convey the feelings and experiences of the characters.

Subject-thematic drawing presents great opportunities for children's creativity. The more creative it is (in accordance with the objectives), the more emphasis is placed on preliminary work.



    2. Art materials for practical work.

    3. Dictionary of artistic terms.

    Lesson plan.

    1. Repetition and consolidation of students' knowledge.

    2. An introductory conversation about the thematic (plot) picture, its types, with a demonstration of illustrations.

    Z. Statement of the artistic task.

    4. Practical implementation of the task.

    5. Summing up and analysis of work.

    During the classes

    Greetings: November 21 - World Hello Day. World Hello Day has been celebrated every year since 1973. It was invented by two American brothers (Michael and Brian McComack) in the midst of the Cold War, in protest against increased international tension. More than 140 countries of the world participate in this holiday-game. We want everyone who does not yet know about it to find out and take part, especially since everything is very simple and does not require special preparation: it is enough to say hello to ten strangers on this day. You can tell them: "Good afternoon" or "Hello", it depends on the age and mood. Greeting is the first rule of etiquette.

    Teacher: In previous lessons, we talked about the role of fine art in human life and what is the main theme in it. Human. Yes, art mainly speaks about a person, about his achievements, thoughts, about his life. Fine art speaks of this in the language of various genres: those you already know and those that you have yet to learn about. Our further lessons are about the history and development of the plot picture and, in particular, its special type - the everyday genre.

    Remember what types of fine art you know?

    Student responses. Architecture, sculpture, graphics, painting, arts and crafts.

    Teacher: Yes, indeed, you remembered correctly that the fine arts are divided into five types: architecture, sculpture, graphics, painting, arts and crafts. Each of these five types of art is divided into genres. Guys, what do you think, in what kind of art is this division most clearly manifested?

    Student responses. In painting and graphics.

    Teacher: What are genres in visual arts? Artists paint different pictures. On some we see nature, on others - people, others talk about the most everyday, ordinary things. And now, according to the content of the paintings, they began to be divided into genres: the image of nature - a landscape, things - a still life, a person - a portrait, life events - a plot-thematic picture.

    In turn, each of the genres has its subdivisions - genre varieties. So, the landscape can be rural, urban, industrial. And the artists depicting the sea are called marine painters. In the portrait genre, there are also varieties - front portrait, intimate, group portrait. Genre varieties of the plot-thematic picture - historical, battle, everyday paintings.

    And now, from the pictures presented on the board, those whose genre is familiar to you.

    Genres in the visual arts.

    1) Animal genre.

    2) Portrait - ceremonial, intimate, group.

    3) Landscape - rural, urban, architectural, industrial, heroic.

    4) Still life - floral, with food, household items, attributes of sports and art.

    5) Plot-thematic picture: historical, battle, everyday, fabulously epic.

    Students: Group the pictures suggested by the teacher.

    Teacher: What unites the rest of the group of paintings. Plot? But it can also be completely different.

    What is the plot of the paintings presented?

    Students: Arguing “what this picture is about”, they try to determine the plot.

    Teacher: So, what kind of plots can a thematic picture have?

    Historical - it has a special place. This genre

    includes works on the topic of great public resonance, reflecting events significant for the history of the people,

    What pictures with a historical plot are familiar to you? Try to remember the author.

    (K, Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii", etc.)

    However, the work does not have to be devoted to the past: it can be any important events of our day that are of great historical significance.

    The battle genre (from the French Bataille - battle) is dedicated to the themes of war, battles, campaigns and episodes of military life. It can be an integral part of the historical and mythological genre, as well as depict the modern life of the army and navy.

    Try to independently define the fairy-tale and religious-mythological genres, tell us about them and give examples.

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"Story-thematic picture"

Today in class

1 Recall the genres of painting.

2 Let's define a thematic picture.

3 Let's do an exercise in composition

solving thematic pictures

4 Let's summarize.

still life - fine art genre

Still life, a genre of fine art that is dedicated to depicting things placed in a single environment and organized into a group.

Types of still life

realistic, decorative, abstract.

Animal genre-(from lat.animal - animal) genre dedicated image animals. The main task of the artist is the accuracy of the transfer of the animal.

Portrait as a genre in art . The portrait is one of the most common genres, and one or more people can be depicted in the picture. Portrait can be: ceremonial, intimate, group.

Plot-thematic picture historical; Battle; Fairy-tale epic; Mythological. household;

Today is Accountant's Day so let's count the points and put ratings!!!


Sketch in pencil on the topic : The image of the mother in Russian fairy tales

Lesson of fine arts in the 7th grade according to the program of B.M. Nemensky in the section "Poetry of everyday life" is devoted to the study of the thematic (plot) picture and its types. For effective assimilation of knowledge, students are invited to view a presentation on this topic. The presentation contains a task to consolidate the acquired knowledge.



To use the preview of presentations, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and sign in: https://accounts.google.com

Slides captions:

Thematic (plot) picture

Types of fine arts Architecture Sculpture Graphics Painting DPI

Fine art genres Landscape (image of nature) Still life (image of things) Portrait (image of a person) Plot-thematic picture (image of life events) Animalistic genre (image of the animal world)

Genre varieties Landscape - rural, urban, architectural, industrial, heroic. Still life - floral, household items, attributes of sports and art. Portrait - ceremonial, intimate, group. Plot-thematic picture - historical, battle, everyday, fabulously epic

Still life

Plot-thematic picture historical genre This genre includes works on the topic of great public resonance, reflecting significant events for the history of the people. These works can be devoted to the events of both the past and the events of our days, which are of great historical significance.

Plot-thematic picture Battle genre From the French - "battle" - is devoted to the themes of war, battles, campaigns and episodes of military life. It can be an integral part of the historical and mythological genre, as well as depict the modern life of the army and navy.

Plot-thematic picture Fairy-tale-epic and religious-mythological genre Dedicated to the plots of mythology, biographies of saints, fairy-tale works.

Plot-thematic picture Domestic genre His homeland Holland of the 17th century. From the French - "genus, species" - paintings, drawings, sculptures telling about the events of everyday life.

Determine what genre the paintings are made in

Ivan Vishnyakov portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin "Rye"

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf"

Alexander Gerasimov "Roses"

Ilya Efimovich Repin "Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan"

Homework: prepare a report for the lesson on the topic “What do I know about the Little Dutch?”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

A cycle of speech therapy classes: "Teaching retelling from a series of plot pictures using massage of the phalanges of the fingers" for children 5-7 years old.

summary of the lesson "Telling the plot picture with the addition of previous events"

Formation in older children preschool age lexico-semantic readiness to compose a story based on a plot picture....

Corrective orientation in work on a plot picture as a factor in the development of the cognitive interests of children with visual deprivation (from work experience).

The article reflects the importance of plot pictures in the development of children with visual impairment, especially the perception of children plot images, tasks and organization of work. The article presents a practical math...

Target: form an idea about the thematic (plot) picture, its types.

  • to bring students to an understanding of the features of the genre, through repetition and generalization of what has been studied;
  • to develop associative-figurative thinking, creative and cognitive activity of students,
  • to cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and art.


1. Selection of illustrations and reproductions of various genres .

Attachment 1 . "Reproductions of works by famous artists."

Annex 2. "Genres of Fine Arts".

2. Art materials for practical work.

3. Dictionary of artistic terms.

Lesson plan.

1. A conversation about the concept of a genre with checking and consolidating students' knowledge.

2. An introductory conversation about the thematic (plot) picture, its types, with a demonstration of illustrations.

Z. Statement of the artistic task.

4. Practical implementation of the task.

5. Summing up and analysis of work.

During the classes

Teacher: In the previous lessons, we talked about the role of fine art in human life and what is the main theme in it. Human. Yes, art mainly speaks about a person, about his achievements, thoughts, about his life. Fine art speaks of this in the language of various genres: those you already know and those that you have yet to learn about. Our further lessons are about the history and development of the plot picture and, in particular, its special type - the everyday genre.

Remember what types of fine art you know?

Student responses. Architecture, sculpture, graphics, painting, arts and crafts.

Teacher: Yes, you really remembered that the fine arts are divided into five types: architecture, sculpture, graphics, painting, arts and crafts. Each of these five types of art is divided into genres. Guys, what do you think, in what kind of art is this division most clearly manifested?

Student responses. In painting and graphics.

Teacher: What are genres in the visual arts? Artists paint different pictures. On some we see nature, on others - people, others talk about the most everyday, ordinary things. And now, according to the content of the paintings, they began to be divided into genres: the image of nature - a landscape, things - a still life, a person - a portrait, life events - a plot-thematic picture.

In turn, each of the genres has its subdivisions - genre varieties. So, the landscape can be rural, urban, industrial. And the artists depicting the sea are called marine painters. There are also varieties in the genre of portraiture - a ceremonial, intimate, group portrait. Genre varieties of plot-thematic paintings - historical, battle, everyday paintings.

Now choose from the pictures presented on the board those whose genre is familiar to you.

Genres in the visual arts.

Application demo 2.

1) Animalistic genre.

2) Portrait - ceremonial, intimate, group.

3) Landscape - rural, urban, architectural, industrial, heroic.

4) Still life - floral, with food, household items, attributes of sports and art.

5) Plot-thematic picture: historical, battle, everyday, fabulously epic.

Students: Group the pictures suggested by the teacher.

Teacher: What unites the rest of the group of paintings. Plot? But it can also be completely different.

What is the plot of the paintings presented?

Pupils: Arguing “what this picture is about”, they try to determine the plot.

Teacher: So, what kind of plots can a thematic picture have?

Application Demo 1 ( slides 1-4)

Historical - he owns a special place. This genre

includes works on the topic of great public resonance, reflecting events significant for the history of the people,

What pictures with a historical plot are familiar to you? Try to remember the author.

(V.I. Surikov “Morning of the Streltsy Execution”, “Suvorov Crossing the Alps”, K, Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii”, etc.)

However, the work does not have to be devoted to the past: it can be any important events of our day that are of great historical significance.

The battle genre (from the French Bataille - battle) is dedicated to the themes of war, battles, campaigns and episodes of military life. It can be an integral part of the historical and mythological genre, as well as depict the modern life of the army and navy.

Illustrating the concepts of this genre, the teacher demonstrates (slides 5-8) works by N. Poussin, A. Watteau, F. Goya, G. Zheripot, as well as V. Vereshchagin, M. Grekov and others.

Try to independently define the fairy-tale and religious-mythological genres, tell us about them and give examples.

Students: Define the fairy-tale epic genre (slide show 9-11), recalling the works of V. M. Vasnetsov “Heroes”, “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, etc. The teacher supplements the series presented by them with the painting “Demon” by M. Vrubel, etc.

When talking religio-mythological genre shows slides 12-27 paintings by S. Botticelli, Giorgione, Raphael, N. Poussin, P. Rubens, Rembrandt, D. Velazquez, J-P. David, J-D. Ingres. A. Losenko, A. Ivanova.

The concept of everyday genre is formed in the European art of modern times. Holland of the 17th century is considered to be his homeland. In our time, this is one of the most common genres of fine art, although back in the first half of the 19th century, it was considered inferior, unworthy of the attention of the artist. Often, works on everyday subjects are called genre, or related to genre painting (from the French benre - genus, species).

The everyday genre includes paintings, drawings, sculptures that tell about the events of everyday life.

We will talk about this genre in more detail in the next lesson, using the example of acquaintance with the work of the “small Dutch”.

I suggest that you do an individual or group creative search work on the topic “About the Little Dutch”.

Practical work.

And now try to make sketches for a future picture in any of the genres.

Finish the work at home and name it.


Perform creative work (message-abstract) with the selection of illustrative material about the small Dutch.