Presentation on a theme in the workshop of a computer artist. Presentation in the studio of the artist of the word


Knitting-Info.Forum Knitting-Design (Design and Modeling) Modeling and Design Ideas COLOR SCIENCE: Theory and Knitting- Info.Forum Modeling) Modeling and Design Ideas COLOR SCIENCE: Theory and Knitting- Info.Forum 0 Pro color circle html About the color wheel html Fundamentals of painting. About the nature of color html Fundamentals of painting. About the nature of color html Drawing lessons. Color science drawing. Color science Presentation for the lesson of fine arts Presentation for the lesson of fine arts Encyclopedia of the artist htm Encyclopedia of the artist /page htm Tkachenko E.I. The mysterious world of color. - M .: Young artist, 1999 USED SOURCES N.L. Nemenskaya "Fine Arts", N.L. Nemenskaya "Art in human life"

Lesson - travel "In the artist's studio" Grade 4

Goals :

Generalization of students' knowledge on the studied topics of fine arts;

Development creative thinking, enrichment of horizons;

Fostering a sense of collectivism and cooperation.


check the knowledge gained by students in simple genres of fine arts;

promote the development of ingenuity in children, logical thinking, fantasies, erudition;

to cultivate the ability to listen to the opinion of classmates, to state their point of view logically.

(gouache on the tables, a blue base for work ... there is a closed easel near the board)

Teacher: Hello! My name is A.A. Today I will give you a lesson in fine arts. Tell me, do you like to travel? (children answer)

Teacher: Amazing! I suggest you go to an amazing place full of mysteries, magic and creativity. On the way, you will need a good mood and good health, so I suggest you look at each other and smile, sit straight, straighten your backs. Well done!

Teacher: Guys! On any trip, people take the most necessary things. I decided to help you and collected a small bag, putting in it what you need today. I propose to guess and consider these objects (I go through the class with a bag - gouache 6 colors, brushes, palette ..., the child after the riddle takes out one object from the bag)

To spread out the notes,
Musicians have music stands
And to dilute the colors,
For this you need…(Palettes)

- Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in colors

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page. (tassel.)

- colorful sisters

Were bored without water.

Uncle is long and thin

Carries water with a beard.

And sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke.

What are these sisters? (paints.)

Teacher: Paints, brushes, palette - tell me, who can these items belong to? (children's answer to the artist). Where can the artist store all these items? (children's answer is in the workshop)

Teacher: I think you guessed who we are going to visit? (children answer)

Teacher: You are right, today we will travel and visit"In the artist's studio". (I open an easel, there is a blue sheet of paper on it, a video clip is on the screen - 30 seconds.)SLIDE 2 The artist's workshop is a whole world full of creativity and fantasy.

Teacher: So that all the way we have only good weather, I propose to draw the sun, which will warm us throughout the journey. On the tables you have a blue base, put it in front of you, take yellow and orange, dip the brush in water ... and draw the sun (the teacher works on the easel) Try to work with a stroke, gently applying the brush to the surface of the sheet. Happened? (children answer)

Guys tell me yellow What group of colors do orange and orange belong to? (children's answer - to warm) What other warm colors do you know? (children's answer is yellow, red, orange, green). What group of flowers did we forget to name? (cold). Tell me cool colors (blue, blue, purple) All these colors will definitely come in handy today, but a little later.

Teacher: Time inexorably rushes forward! So we imperceptibly got into the artist's studio (SLIDE 3 ) Tell me what you see? (children's answer is paintings, brushes, paints ...) What does the artist depict? (sunflowers in a vase)

Teacher: (I put a “sunflower” hat on the child) Imagine that you are the same sunflower that the master draws, how do you feel? (children answer)

(I give the child a brush in his hand) And you, the very master - the artist, what colors would you use in your work to convey the beauty of these flowers? (child's answer)

Teacher: The artist is an artist.
It reflects in pictures
Events, nature, feelings,
Connection of generations and times.

Teacher: Who can answer the question: "What is art?" (children answer)

( comprehension of reality by the master, reflection of his external and inner peace)

Teacher: In the artist's studio you can see different kinds visual arts. I suggest you identify them. On the tables you have a white small sheet, you need to fill out a table, there will be various types of fine art on the screen, you need to remember them and write them down. (SLIDE 4 )

Teacher: Please exchange your work with your desk mate. Pick up a simple pencil and check that the table is filled in correctly. The correct answers appeared on the screen. Have you checked? Give it to the owner. On the desk you have colored circles (yellow, red and blue are the main colors of the painting). If you didn’t make more than one mistake, raise the red color (well done), if you made one mistake, then yellow (you did well with the task), and those guys who made more than 1 mistake, you need to learn fine arts.(sound of wind noise)

Teacher: ( SLIDE 5 ) While we were repeating the types of fine arts, a disaster happened in the artist’s studio, a strong wind blew, the window opened, all the paintings fell and got mixed up. The artist is very sad and asks us to help him, arrange all the paintings by genre. Tell me, do you agree? (children answer)

Teacher: At the beginning of the lesson, I showed you a small bag in which I put the artist's things, I think that right now these items will help us. (I take out gouache, tasks are being treated in jars) You and I remembered the cold ones, warm colors, tell me, what color did we make the first stroke?(children's answer is in yellow) Shall we open this paint?(child opens) What lies there?(paper) Read!

Child: Flowers in the picture, fruits and a cake.

We call this picture...(still life) ( SLIDE 6 )

Teacher: Guys, tell me, what genre of fine art are we talking about?(children's answer is still life) Have you ever painted still lifes? What topic?What subjects would you choose to paint a still life on a school theme?(children answer)

Teacher: I bring to your attention 4 works of this genre: ( SLIDE 7 )

M.P. Konchalovsky "Vegetables"

N.T. Khrutsky "Flowers and fruits"
I.I. Mashkov”Sned Moscow”
L.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac"

What feelings arose in you when you looked at these pictures? Why?

(Children's statements )

The picture makes you want to touch, bite, smell, as if the objects depicted are real.

Teacher: Look, the first painting appeared in the artist's studio (a still life appears on the screen)( SLIDE 8 )

Teacher: I think you can open the next paint?(I give the child red paint)

Child: I will portray my brother

At least he's five years old.

I am friends with watercolor

Doing...(portrait) ( SLIDE 8 )

Teacher: Guys, who can an artist portray when he works in the portrait genre?(children answer)

Teacher: I suggest that you recognize the picture from the description. Be careful! (Pictures appear on the screen)

I. Surikov “Boyar Morozova”

An imperious woman with two fingers held high on a winter cart.

I. Kramskoy "Unknown"

A lady in a hat with a mysterious look sits in an open carriage.

V.A. Serov "Girl with peaches"

A girl in a pink blouse, with cute features, sitting at a table, peaches are on the table.

Teacher: The portrait is one of the oldest and most complex genres of fine arts.

Portraits are different, look at the screen.( SLIDE 9 ) What is the difference between these portraits?

AT full height(front), - on the shoulders (chamber) - self-portrait (image of oneself)

AT fine arts there are front, chamber, self-portrait.

Teacher: Answering the questions correctly, we will arrange all the paintings in the artist's studio by genre.( SLIDE 10 )

Teacher: In any journey, there is always a halt. You are not tired?(children answer) Maybe it's time to take a break?(children answer) I will call the phrase, if it sounded right, then you say - Okay and show your thumbs up, if the phrase is not correct, then say no, and lower your finger down. Ready?

Teacher: Are there different genres? - (OK)

And the artist knows this? - (OK)

Let's draw a person - will there be a still life? - (No)

If vegetables and fruits, apples are different varieties? (OK)

Then tell me, it will be for sure - a still life? (OK)

Warm colors warm? (OK)

White color, say, has? (No)

Are we having a hard time with you? (OK)

Are we the same team now? (OK)

Teacher: Great guys, we rested, it's time to continue helping the artist. We open our bag and get tasks (go up to the child, he takes out the next color, opens it)

Child: Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up (rooster).

Teacher: What genre do you think we will see on the screen?(children answer)

ATanimalistic genre represent animals. Illustrators are very fond of depicting animals. In Russian painting, images of animals carry a certain semantic load. For example, the artist Serov, making illustrations for Krylov's fables, dresses animals in clothes, and the animals take on human features. (SLIDE 11 ) I think you love and know a lot of fairy tales?(children answer)

Look at the screen and find the error?(illustrations with animals appear, one illustration does not match work) ( SLIDE 12 )

- "Cat house"

- "Three Bears"

- "Three pigs"

The painting "Alyonushka" (superfluous, because it depicts a person)

Teacher: Returned to its place and the animalistic genre!( SLIDE 13 ) Very soon, all the paintings in the artist's studio will be in their place.(I go to the next child, he opens the paint)


Khlopotun Yegorka
Took care of:
I went dancing around the room,
I looked around - a clean floor .... (broom)

Teacher: Interesting, and here a broom? What do you think?(children answer) Guys, take a close look at these reproductions (4 paintings) ( SLIDE 14 ) , tell me what unites all these pictures? (events and scenes of everyday life) Are you absolutely right? What is the name of the genre in which artists depict everyday life of people?(children answer)

Teacher: Four genres we remembered( SLIDE 15 ) I wonder what the next genre is hidden in our bag.(I go to the child) Open!


Andstories about the past,

Science is studying

The sequence of events

It embodies everything! … (story)

Teacher: you guys are right historical genre dedicated to portraying historical events. I think among you there are "Connoisseurs of History"? (call one child) Be careful, try to determine the stage from the story from the picture. ( SLIDE 16 )

A.A. Deineki "Defense of Sevastopol" (Great Patriotic War)

B.I. Ivanov "Dashing Hussars" (Patriotic War 1812)

K.P. Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii" (Vesuvius volcano eruption)

Teacher: Well done!(child sits down) ( SLIDE 17 ) Look, we are almost there, the last genre is left. Our bag will help us one last time!(the child takes out the paint, but it is empty) Guys, the bag did not give us a hint, look at all the genres that appeared on the screen, what genre do you think is missing?(children answer)

Teacher: You are right - this is a landscape! Tell me, what landscapes do you know?(children answer) Urban, rural, industrial and of course maritime are all types of scenery. Guys, our bag is completely empty, which means that we will not return the last genre to the artist's studio, because We don't have landscape images. Who do you think can help us?(children answer) The sun was shining for us all the way, why?(children's answer) - we drew it and invested a piece of our soul, positive emotions. Guys, let's finish our landscape, and this genre will definitely return to the artist's studio?(children answer)

Teacher: We will depict the sea. Tell me what it's called seascapes? (marinas), and artists who paint the sea (marine painters).

( SLIDE 18 ) The sea has always had a huge, attractive force for artists. Some depicted a raging sea, others calm.Either pierced by the sun, or gloomy on a cloudy day, or roaring in a storm - always in motion. Depicting nature, the artist always expresses his mood and attitude to life.

Teacher: What happens to a person when he sees the sun, feels the cold wind, rain, falls into a thunderstorm, snowfall at night?(children answer)

Everything that the artist does is addressed to the human soul, everything speaks of human feelings. Not only people, but nature itself has its own character and mood, which the artist seeks to see, understand, and express. In nature, like in any person, the mood can be different. The landscape can be disturbing, sad, calm, joyful.

Teacher: After putting a few strokes, (working on an easel) I depicted a sunset, because. our journey comes to an end...

Tell me what helped me convey the mood? (Colour)

Teacher: I suggest you write your own sea, which will reflect the feelings that you experienced today in our lesson.

(PRACTICAL WORK) MUSIC (the teacher gives advice) As soon as you finish your work, you hang it on the board ...

Teacher: Great work, tell us about your landscapes (3 people)

Teacher: Look, all the paintings have returned to their place in the artist's studio. It means we did a great job! For any artist, the most important thing is creativity, how could our master sit idle ... Look, he finished his sunflowers.( SLIDE 19 ) And this sunflower is in front of me. It's not simple flower - flower with wishes. He wishes youI wish you never ending inspiration. Let be brilliant stories your canvases come to you in a dream. The muse never tires of nurturing your talent. And every stroke of your brush will perfect . I hope that this sunflower in your art lessons will always help you creatively! Thank you for the lesson!

"Artists of France"- Le dejeuner sur l "herbe 1863 Musee d" Orsay, Paris. Ses toiles les plus connues. Les representants les plus celebres de ce mouvement artistique. Les grandes baigneuses 1900-05 National Gallery, Londres. L'histoire de l'impressionnisme. Les impressionnistes peignaient l "eau, les feuilles, les arbres, les fleurs, les reflets de l" eau, les spectacles vivants et changeants de la vie, la nature en ses multiples transformations quotidiennes.

"Great Artists"- Cheerful unicorn 1977 Picasso creates expressive works, written in a harsh, frantic manner. Girls running along the beach. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. Poverty, alcoholism and bouts of mental illness led Vincent to commit suicide. Salvador Dali. The Return of the Prodigal Son 1669 Picasso first visited Paris in 1900.

"Nyssa Painter" - Winter ends its existence. February "(1957). The main theme is the industrial landscape, as well as battle scenes and seascapes. Based on the painting by G. G. Nissky "February. Leningrad 1942. G. G. Nissky is an artist. Landscape painter, genre painter, author of still lifes and monumental panels Nyssky devoted a whole suite of paintings to depicting the Moscow Canal.

"Shevchenko artist"- Yogo's fathers were kripaks. I’ve passed thirteen years… At 8 years old, my father brought yoga into “science” to the core. What kind of tree is the water flowing? 1. Kmіtlivyh contest 2. People's stories... 3. Quiz “Do you know Shevchenko's poetry?” It's hard to live as an orphan in hire!

"Artists of the 16th century" - Pieter Brueghel tower of babel, 1563 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Madonna of Chancellor Rolin 1435, Louvre Museum, Paris. Durer Albrecht. German painter, draftsman, engraver, art theorist. German painter and graphic artist of the Renaissance. Cranach Lucas (1472-1553). Pieter Bruegel Massacre of the Innocents, 1566 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.

"Surikov artist"- In 1869–1875 he studied at the Academy of Arts under P.P. Chistyakov (since 1873). Photo taken in 1906. Many schismatics traditionally lived in Siberia. Songs and revelry. Visiting the princess convent. 1912 Good luck beaten off in Persia and from merchants. It's raining and you can't work. Morning archery execution(1881), State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

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Lesson on the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" Author: teacher of Russian language and literature of the first qualification category of the Novomansurkinskaya secondary school Fatkullina Ruzalia Muzagitovna

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Lesson objectives: 1) on the example of the story "Chameleon" to identify style features humorous stories A.P. Chekhov; 2) expand and deepen the concepts6 style of the writer, composition artwork; 3) to cultivate in schoolchildren a careful, attentive attitude to the artistic word

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Before the examining magistrate stands a small, extremely thin peasant in a mottled shirt and patched trousers. His hairy and rowan-eaten face and eyes, barely visible because of thick, hanging eyebrows, have an expression of gloomy severity. On his head is a whole cap of long-uncombed, tangled hair, which gives him an even greater, spidery severity. He is boss

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A little later he was called to the masters. -Remembered? the general asked. - No, your Excellency. - Maybe Konyavsky? Horsemen? Not? And in the house, everyone vied with each other, they began to invent surnames. They went through all the ages, sexes and breeds of horses, remembered the mane, hooves, harness ... In the house, in the garden, in the servants' room and in the kitchen, people walked from corner to corner and, scratching their foreheads, looked for a surname ...

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- Trifles ... - the paramedic is modest, approaching the closet and rummaging through the tools. “Surgery is a trifle ... There is habit in everything, the firmness of the hand ... Just spit ... The other day, too, just like you, the landowner Alexander Ivanovich Egyptian comes to the hospital ... Also with a tooth ... An educated man, about He asks everyone, everything enters, how and what. He shakes hands, by name and patronymic ... He lived in Petersburg for seven years, smelled all the professors ... We have been here with him for a long time ... He prays to Christ God: pull it out for me, Sergey Kuzmich! Why not take it out? You can pull out. Only here it is necessary to understand, without a concept it is impossible ... Teeth are different. You tear one with tongs, the other with a goat's leg, the third with a key ... Who cares.

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At the Nikolaevskaya railway station railway two friends met: one fat, the other thin. The fat man had just dined at the station, and his oiled lips were shiny like ripe cherries. He smelled of sherry and fleur-d "orange. The thin one had just left the car and was laden with suitcases, bundles and cartons. He smelled of ham and coffee grounds. A thin woman with a long chin peeked out from behind him - his wife, and a tall, narrow-eyed schoolboy is his son.

Slide 7

Hearing her name, a mixture of dachshund and mongrel came out from under the workbench, where she slept on wood shavings, sweetly stretched and ran after her master. Luka Alexandritch's customers lived terribly far away, so that before reaching each of them, the carpenter had to go into the tavern several times and refresh himself. Kashtanka remembered that on the way she behaved extremely indecently. For joy that they took her for a walk, she jumped, rushed barking at the horse-drawn carriages, ran into the yards and chased the dogs. The carpenter now and then lost sight of her, stopped and shouted angrily at her. Even once, with an expression of greed on his face, he took her fox's ear into his fist, patted it and said with an emphasis: - So ... you ... from ... dead ... cholera!

Slide 8

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The special manner of writing the writer, unity creative features characteristic of this writer

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"Chameleon" CHAMELEON m. genus of lizard of warm countries. One of the southern constellations. * The person is changeable, two-faced. Dictionary the living Great Russian language of Vladimir Dahl

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Composition (from Latin compositio - compilation, composition), 1) the construction of a work of art, due to its content, nature and purpose, and largely determining its perception exposition plot climax denouement

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Ochumelov and Eldyrin are walking along the market square The goldsmith Khryukin is bitten by a dog - It seems to be General Zhigalov! - says someone from the crowd The crowd laughs at Khryukin

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- This, it seems, is General Zhigalov! shouts someone from the crowd. - General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat... Horror, how hot it is! It must be before the rain... There's only one thing I don't understand: how could she bite you? - Ochumelov turns to Khryukin. - Will she reach her finger? She is small, and you are so healthy! You must have cracked your finger with a nail, and then the idea came to your head to rip it off. You're... well-known people! I know you, damn! - He, your honor, with a cigarette in her mug for laughing, and she - don’t be a fool and poke ... Nonsense man, your honor! - You're lying crooked! I didn’t see it, so, therefore, why lie? Their nobility is a smart master and they understand if someone is lying, and who is in conscience, as before God ... And if I'm lying, then let the world judge. His law says ... Today everyone is equal ... I myself have a brother in the gendarmes ... if you want to know ... - Do not argue! - No, this is not a general's ... - thoughtfully remarks the policeman. - The general does not have such. He has more and more cops ...

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An artistic detail is a graphic and expressive detail that carries a certain emotional and meaningful load, one of the means by which the author creates a picture of nature, an object, character, interior, portrait, etc.

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... A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the brim with confiscated gooseberries ... - General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off, Eldyrin, my coat... Horror, how hot it is! It must be before the rain ... - Hm! .. Put on a coat, brother Eldyrin, on me ...