Rapper pharaoh interview. “Music performs the function of a bath”: we read a joint interview with Pharaoh and Shnur

Did a great interview with Pharaoh during his tour in Tula. The rapper spoke about his sports past and musical present. Full version read, we have the most interesting moments.

You've been touring all autumn. City that surprised you?

E###th cases sometimes happen. Here in Ulyanovsk tried to###Xia from the concert and jumped into the car to the organizers. A crowd of three hundred cabbage soup rocked this wheelbarrow, broke down the door, someone flew into the salon - I flew out through another door. Luckily, the orgies showed up and ruined everything.

Would you like to be touched?

I don't know what they wanted. They often invade personal space without any purpose. Their actions have no purpose, there is an instinct. They can just stand next to you and nothing happens. Sometimes a person can follow you around Moscow for 15 minutes - and simply without a goal. It is clear that he is gaining courage to either take a picture or ask for something. But he doesn't ask.

Do you live by yourself or with your parents?

I am wandering. I do not have permanent residence in Moscow. For friends, for acquaintances. My parents and I agreed a long time ago that I have my own life. I visit them - to visit, to give gifts, to have dinner.

Translate for me, old man, what is the song “5 minutes ago” about?

About the fact that the main layer of those who are engaged in show business in Russia is now where I have already been. I am always ahead. This is an allusion to the situation in hip-hop, in football, in many other areas. It's no secret that in our country everything happens with a delay. We live later than the States and Europe. But not me. I live according to my time. What I did two years ago is now done by 60 percent of the people in the industry.

What do you need today's earnings for?

For a hearty meal - thanks for that.

So, what about the car? An apartment a little later?

Now you're asking me about a car and an apartment, and I don't think about it at all. When I have the amounts that I can spend on it, I will spend. Until then, I don't even think about it.

Is there Russian music that turns you on or has it turned you on before?

Of course, I'm a music lover. Once upon a time I oh### persya with "Disco Crash". With Zhukov. Later - from Guf, from Suitcase. Also - with Anka Pletneva from the Vintage group, just a sex symbol. At that time, Maxim Fadeev wrote songs to her, “Eva, I love you,” I was always a pearl. If you take in general, in Russia music p###toy to x##, it's a matter of taste.

This year the internet was bubbling: you sent f*ck## another rapper L'One. Why?

Yes, I don’t know, I wanted to send it - and sent it. I wish him health and happiness. To be honest, I have no feelings for Levan - neither good nor bad.

How was it from the very beginning? We, sitting in our basement, recorded a track with a sidekick. The homie had "I wanted to come up with a deb / But Leva did it / Nah## Levu" in the chorus. Funny. Everyone then freaked out that Leva went (depicts deb), although no one has been walking like this for a long time. We went to perform, performed, yelled this x###, this x### was filmed on video, it got on the Internet.

Then there was the Boiler Room party. I already spoke, went for a drink with Adil. Lyova sneaks up on me in the crowd with her guards, about five people, pulls me out into the street and starts to ride over my ears. I don't understand anything - because it's complete shit. Kipish began, it became clear that Levan had come to put on a show. If I wanted to talk, I would find my numbers and just call. We talked one on one. He said that he really did not like the situation, that his relatives looked and they were very offended. “Leva, I’m sorry, but nothing personal. Let's not do the circus, but be adults. You are much older than me, but you arrange the circus here, not me. And that's it, we parted ways.

There were no fights, nothing. I don’t understand why people connected with Leva let out information that there was a fight. I woke up the next morning, read all this x###, immediately forgot and went to have breakfast.

Is Putin handsome?

Of course. I speak for myself. I live in my country. I live the way I like. I say what I want. Eat what I want. I zae##s. I have nothing to complain about. When p###c comes, I'll say: p###c came.

You are a member of an association of artists called YUNGRUSSIA. Young Russia - what is it like?

This is the one that e###. And not the one that e###. After the collapse of the Union, Russia was not in a very good position - there were few prospects for education, development, and creativity. With my concerts and my music, I want to make people understand that now is not the time to sit still and endure. Time to get up and do something. Now everyone has their chance. A chance to find something to enjoy, and then say to myself: I didn’t spend time on a piece of this fucking stone in vain.

How should you spend the next year to say: I am satisfied?

I have to record a good release. And finish university. This is very hard for me. I spent three years not just sitting there, I don’t want to take it on the fourth and merge, this will be a weakness on my part. There were many things in life that I didn't finish. Gave slack, threw it halfway. Now I want to take it out. X## with him with a diploma - he will not be useful. I just want to take it out, because I understand: I can.

October 5, 2018, 12:23

Who is hyping whom?

On the cover of the new issue of the magazine "Sobaka" - Sergey Shnurov and Pharaoh, heroes of different generations who became friends. On the magazine's website you can also find a conversation with the musicians - we traditionally made a summary of interesting moments.

Pharaoh about Shnur's music

Seryoga, in fact, I would rank among the most loud-speaking and who made themselves exactly according to the structure of brilliant musicians. Because, for example, I could draw a huge parallel with the same Bob Marley. A person could say completely different things with music, which is one in mood. And despite the fact that everything ..., he could stroke you with his music on the head and say: yes, it's okay, we will break through.

Cord about concerts

Music generally performs the function of a bath. Since the Russian people stopped going to the bathhouse, they go to concerts. There are temperatures in which you cannot live - just like at the PHARAOH concert, I was there. The main thing is to remember that in no case should you live at a concert. A bathhouse, like a concert, is such a ... where it makes sense to enter and certainly leave. It's definitely not worth it to carry things there.

Cord About Formats

In our time, it was even impossible to imagine that YouTube would appear. There was a clear idea of ​​some kind of format. And you had to match it in order to fit into a television or radio station. You depended on some ... critics, thank God, there are none anymore. And in their competitive environment it is much more difficult to exist. Previously, at least, the move was clear, now the moves are unclear. Where this door is located, where you need to enter, is completely incomprehensible.

Cord about the difference between him and Pharaoh

He is a hacker and I am a safecracker. I prefer to open the safe than to write a program and ... money from a bank far away, which is what PHARAOH actually does. I prefer the old method of using a screwdriver and a hammer to climb in and take mine. It seems to me that on this major note, we can stop the whole discussion. Hacker and safecracker, that's the whole difference.

Recently, a new “vdud” with Farah came out - including the conversation turned to Cord. Check out this interview if you haven't already:

There were questions about the football past, idols and the state of rap culture in Russia and in the West. “Here (rap culture) is new and therefore no one knows what to do with it, and it develops very chaotically, incomprehensibly, without interest and in pursuit of some very wicked, stupid, dirty things and ideals that people make up their own minds. Because people here have no idea about what kind of culture is there. People here have a different consciousness, a different understanding of reality and mentality. But at the same time they try to correspond to the culture there, not knowing it from the inside. I laughed at it all the time because it's stupid."

From the interview you can also find out how Pharaoh managed to combine studies and concerts, what inspires him and what are his goals in the world of music. “I am not a song, I am an artist. And an artist is not only a song, ”he said.

This month, Pharaoh began releasing singles from the REDЯUM: The Redflix Series, inspired by Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, whose hero, according to some interpretations, sold his soul to the devil for alcohol. He has already presented two tracks - this is

Pharaoh, hero of youth and former football player Moscow "Dynamo", - in a long interview with Yuri Dudya.

Already cold fall, already Friday evening, Tula. The door of the city's main rock club - a hangar hidden in the middle of the garage cooperative # 28 - has been storming a wedge of several hundred teenagers for the third hour. To get inside, each of them will give a thousand rubles. There would be no drama in this if you didn’t know that the average salary in the city only this year exceeded 30,000 rubles, and quite a folk eatery Subway opened here just a couple of years ago - before that, local entrepreneurs said: “Our people do not imagine how you can give 120 rubles for a sandwich.

The man for whom Tula teenagers are ready to both freeze and pay is Gleb Golubin. Five years ago, he became the hero of the Football Club program and looked like this:

A few years, a few changes.

Gleb, the son of football manager and agent Gennady Golubin, played football until the age of 13 at Lokomotiv, CSKA and Dynamo schools. His coach was Sergei Silkin, and his partner was Rifat Zhemaletdinov, a participant from last summer. Having stopped his football career, Gleb Golubin turned into a referee for a couple of years, but then he gave it up too.

In 2016, Golubin is known as Pharaoh, he is the most fashionable young rapper in the country. His last clip has already clocked up 14 million YouTube views, his tour of Russian cities reaches Kamchatka and Norilsk, his photo session is published by Esquire magazine, and Reebok chooses him for the presentation of the autumn collection. In general, if you have a younger sister or brother, it is almost certain that they listen to Pharaoh.

Pharaoh diligently preserves the image of the most mysterious artist of the Russian rap scene and almost never gives interviews. I agreed on a meeting for four months and was able to achieve it only at the moment when he was 200 km from Moscow. The dressing room of the Tula club is located right above the stage. On the table are cold cuts, fruits, nuts, beer and a Jägermeister. On the refrigerator there are autographs of groups that have come here before - from "Cockroaches" to Artur Berkut. In addition to the main star of the evening, Roma the Englishman and Oleg, the Belarusian rap duet LSP, are drowning in sofas.

- Are you from the site? - Oleg is getting acquainted. - You have an oh###basketball department, in some places it's simply the best. What is the name of this - Panchenko? I'm a bitch all day. For the whole x### read. So I read that for###sya. Tell me if you know this person, thank you.

I sit down with Pharaoh.

- You've been touring all autumn. City that surprised you?

– E###th cases sometimes happen. Here in Ulyanovsk tried to###Xia from the concert and jumped into the car to the organizers. A crowd of three hundred cabbage soup rocked this wheelbarrow, broke down the door, someone flew into the salon - I flew out through another door. Luckily, the orgies showed up and ruined everything.

- They wanted to touch you?

I don't know what they wanted. They often invade personal space without any purpose. Their actions have no purpose, there is an instinct. They can just stand next to you and nothing happens. Sometimes a person can follow you around Moscow for 15 minutes - and simply without a goal. It is clear that he is gaining courage to either take a picture or ask for something. But he doesn't ask.

– How do you live in Moscow?

– There is such a life – low life. Not on the surface. I have always lived like this. It's not because they call me###at the university, on the street, in the yard - I've always lived like this, I'm not a particular fan of sparkling e###nickname.

- How often do you leave the house?

“Only when absolutely necessary.

Do you live by yourself or with your parents?

- I'm wandering. I do not have permanent residence in Moscow. For friends, for acquaintances. My parents and I agreed a long time ago that I have my own life. I visit them - to visit, to give gifts, to have dinner.

- Do you ride the subway?

- Lately, no. It's stuffy in there.

– You are a journalism student at Moscow State University.

- Bachelor. Lately I've been going there a lot more than before. I have a lot of tails from last year - I rent. How do people behave? It happens that 15 babies fly in: “Can I take a picture?” They are standing nearby, already taking pictures, but still asking: “May I?” Instincts precede words.

- Why did you go to the faculty of journalism?

- When I was walking, I did not choose a profession. I started from resources and perspectives. I understood: I have a head of the humanities, I have been reading literature all my life, and not solving equations, I had everything with English, at one time I studied Italian. Therefore, journalism. Brains e###b will not sit for another four years and think about what to do in life.

“Our profession is a corpse?”

- The ideals that my classmates believe in are long gone. Many guys look very naive...

In general, a journalist is a profession when you have to work as laborers and at the same time remain in the shadows, I always had some difficulty with this. Sitting down to write a huge text, doing some kind of painstaking work is hard for me personally.

And the profession… Magazines somehow survive. All the same, there is some prestige and prospects.

- I'm talking about freedom of speech.

Well, as long as I'm making music. I say what I want, and no one has closed my mouth yet.

- Have you ever been banned from performing because you sing about the wrong things?

- Not about what you need? What is this about?

- About stupidity. About super pleasure.

- I would not say that everything I sing about is exactly that. This is the most minimal percentage of what both me and the guys have. Previously, rappers x###forced for wide pants, now for this x###sit no longer rolls. Oh, you can FSUs###sit for drugs-there seems to be some kind of echoes of words. Lord, go to x##, mind your own business. I'm here with my guys doing what I've always wanted to do. I talk about what I see in the country. Out of 10 words, you tear out one and shout that I am for drugs. If so, then you are just stupid.

“But are you blowing?”

- I do not know what is this. I do not know how and from what language it is translated.

Do you smoke marijuana, hashish?

- Heh, am I at the appointment with a narcologist?

- Translate for me, old man, what is the song "5 minutes ago" about?

- About the fact that the main layer of those who are engaged in show business in Russia is now where I have already been. I am always ahead. This is an allusion to the situation in hip-hop, in football, in many other areas. It's no secret that in our country everything happens with a delay. We live later than the States and Europe. But not me. I live according to my time. What I did two years ago is now done by 60 percent of the people in the industry.

Why are we lagging behind?

- About sweets.

- OK. It is about that sweet that is easy to buy in Amsterdam.

“Actually, not really. This is exactly about sweets, which - I would say so - the main thing is not to overeat.

“Good image, but there are 600 very, very young people waiting for you downstairs. Not all of them will understand your allusions.

- I do not deny that due to lack of experience - I'm only twenty - I don't quite chew it, I don't convey it to people very well. But I'm working on it. And at the same time, I think: all this can be understood if you turn on your head, if you dream up a little.

- That is, you are not afraid that because of your tracks, Tula schoolchildren will smoke weed more actively than before?

- Everyone has their own head. I do not call for this. Give an example of at least one song where I urge: smoke more! There is no such song.

"Mini Gattuso. Plump, short, bunch. And he played a clean defensive midfielder who picks up, pulls out through the mud, does all the dirty work, ”Dynamo youth midfielder Magomed Ubaidulaev recalls what kind of player Gleb Golubin was. At the end of the 2000s, they studied football together at Lokomotiv.

Gleb's father, Gennady Golubin, worked at Dynamo Moscow (team leader and deputy general director), managed Dynamo in Bryansk and the Konoplev Academy in Tolyatti. Now he works at the isport agency (the founder is the same Pavel Andreev) and manages the affairs of young Russian football players.

“Gleb studied very well, but there was no task to become a professional football player - just every boy should go in for sports,” Golubin Sr. tells me. - We were originally set to study, to the university. To become a great football player, too many things have to come together - luck, health, and talent. It is a great happiness when you reach a high level, but in my lifetime I have seen a lot of guys who had nothing to do after football. Therefore, Gleb had to earn with his head, especially since he had all the abilities for this. Everything is easy for him."

Do you remember the day football ended for you?

- I remember it like today. I was 13 years old, there was a friendly match, once again they didn’t even let me into the squad, I was sitting on the bank. Everything was so swollen that I didn’t want to see anything. Me for###oh, I thought that I could not rape myself mentally or physically. Every child who goes to a football school - especially a good one - has a dream: I will become a football player, they will take me to a oh###club, everything will be oh###but in life. When such illusions collapse earlier than they should, they make a fatal error in their heads.

- Why didn't it work?

- I'm lazy. There was a period in my life when there were two roads: football or something else. I thought: I had nothing but football. There were problems in the team, and I decided to try something else.

- Your coach was Sergei Silkin. Any story about him.

- We played with Real Madrid at a tournament in Spain, but he didn’t let me out - as soon as he entered the post, he pushed me away nah##. All my life I played either as a defensive midfielder or under attackers - I never left the center anywhere. Here last minute, draw 2:2, he calls me and says: you go out on the left. I think: “On the left? Well, them ## to myself ”The left one has never been working for me. I go out and immediately - the moment. I hit the left, almost from the field line and hit the crossbar. I get upset, go to the locker room, walk past Sergei Nikolayevich and hear: "Well, yes, the wooden horse will piss faster than you score."

But if anything: I remember all this with irony.

- What football players' posters did you have in your room?

- Quaresma hung for a long time. Also Ibrahimovic. Also Edgar Davids. And Milan's defensive midfielder...yes, Gattuso.

I liked everyone in Dynamo. I liked how the team played when we took bronze in 2008. By the way, the guys and I were at the last match with Tomyu and served balls there.

I liked Danny - he got up to such a thing that it was straight f###c. Well, in general, I want to express great respect to Dynamo under Kobelev - Andrey Nikolaevich, respect to you. it best years of my life from those that were associated with football.

- Then you tried to become a judge.

Oh, this is a dark story. I finished with football and thought: why not do something else to be in shape, to improve myself more. They offered to try ref. I thought: interesting. Once again learn the rules, well, do not sit at home, but go out and do something. I worked on it for a year or two and finished. It got boring.

- Last summer you worked at Pavel Andreev's agency isport.

Yes, I had coffee. I had to close the practice for a month - I closed it there. There was no one in the office, only Levan Matua and Yan Golubovsky, a former hockey player. I brought them coffee and sort of looked after the site.

How does your father feel about what you do?

- He is proud of me, he told me this himself. But this is understandable: his son realized himself at the age of 20.

Gennady Golubin:

- Gleb did a very good job as a judge. He had the toughness and character to make decisions. He behaved very correctly on the field, even when the lower youth leagues got to him. The lower the level, the worse the coaches behave, especially when they see that they are judged by a young guy, that you can put pressure on them. He clearly cut it all off. He would have made a good judge, but he just realized that it wasn't for him.

Every man should take place in this life. For a man, this is the most important thing. He is my son, I will never say that I do not agree with something. He himself was engaged in music, I did not participate in this matter in any way. I didn’t take it seriously, but when it turned into 13 million views, in concerts all over the country, my mother and I began to look more closely. Music is definitely a different generation. But the texts, I think, are quite serious - education makes itself felt.

“He is a man of ideas, he had nowhere to prove himself in football,” Magomed Ubaidulaev explains to me. - Music is what you need, where all your dreams can come true. He was always full of ideas, fantasies - I did not understand them, but he wanted everything, wanted it. And now he has. And when I see him, I understand that this is a different person. Happier than when he played or refereeed."

Alexander Gorbachev, editor of Meduza and one of Russia's top music journalists, explains to me why when Pharaoh comes to town, young people beat him to capacity:

– Pharaoh combines the topical sound agenda (the so-called cloud rap, music at the same time club and muddy, even asocial in its own way) with the eternal emotional agenda characteristic of a certain age - loneliness-bastard, alienation, dislike internal and external, escapism from the system, who wants to take you. Moreover, he does this as efficiently as possible for the network space in which his music lives, in a way - his songs are as memo-intensive and fragmented as possible, these are, as it were, significant information outbursts; in this sense, of course, Pharaoh is better, because he is younger - the rest of the elite of today's Russian hip-hop is still older and has not grown up on the Internet, but Pharaoh has grown up ... Plus, Pharaoh also creates a great myth around himself - all this semi-anonymity, mystery, its own artistic community, its own visual language, and so on. A reference for the current thirty-year-olds - for us, it seems to me, a similar cultural function was once performed by Dolphin; with the amendment that the 90s were more about accelerators, and the 2010s were clearly about retarders.

- But he steals music from someone American?

- No, of course, this is its own music - and the further, the harder; it seems that the fact that Pharaoh has cool beatmakers is not denied even by people allergic to his lyrics. Cloud rap, music at the same time collected and somehow defocused, chirping with a club rhythm and overwhelming with low atmospheres, of course, was invented abroad - but as far as I understand, it exists there in a much more marginal and subcultural mode; not sure if anyone other than Pharaoh was able to give her such a massive boost.

There is no reason not to believe Gorbachev, but amateur rap reviews on YouTube (you will be surprised, but many of them collect strongly over 500 thousand views, that is, more than any video about Russian football) assure: Pharaoh rips off everything from Western stars, especially in Clip Black Siemens, which came out a couple of years ago and brought him the first portion of fame. I go for additional expertise to Andrey Nikitin, the music editor of Afisha.Daily:

“Are Pharaoh's tracks a copy of Western ones? Absolutely not. Can we say that they are one hundred percent free from borrowing? Also unlikely. It is natural for a young musician to listen, absorb and learn from what is happening around. Haters reproached Farah for stealing everything from Bones and a little from Yung Lean - well, trust your ears and listen to these artists in a row and mixed. At a minimum, you won’t get the idea that everything here is completely stolen. Most likely, you will even come to the conclusion that these are quite different artists from each other. They are related by the fact that they do such a gloomy, hopeless and rather unconventional rap music - before them, it’s not that they didn’t do this, but at least it didn’t go to the masses. Although, if you wish, you will hear something from the early A$AP Rocky that the early Pharaoh has. But that only means that “rap” music, whose sound changes drastically on average every five years, has begun another turn.

The early work of Legalize is replete with direct translations (!) of the punchlines of the American rapper KRS-One. And what is a shame? Yes, nifiga, Legalize just taught the local rap that you can do it like that, they began to equal him, the genre stepped up a notch. Pharaoh also did something that was not common before him, but has become normal now. Not everyone is proud of it."

– What are the most incredible feelings that you experienced from music?

- My first solo concert - October 25, 2015. More than 1000 people came to the Theater club - to say that I oh ### is to say nothing. I understood that there would be a lot of people, but anyway: when you get such feedback at that age, it's very cool. At the same time, I'm not so much talking about the number of people - I'm talking about their eyes. You look into them and understand: you perform for these people and make them happy, leave something in their souls and hearts. From the number of happy eyes I then oh###.

Energy was fucking###melt. We go out with the boys - I'm 19 years old, someone a little more, someone a little less - and set up a###club in Moscow. At that moment, I realized that everything I did, all the choices that I made in life, were not in vain. I remember well how I went into the dressing room with the full feeling that I would be right back and f##well, for an encore. E # # zero for an encore track "Grape Day", returned back, just fell on the sofa and looked at one point.

What do you need today's earnings for?

- To have a hearty meal - thanks for that.

- So, what about the car? An apartment a little later?

“You are now asking me about a car and an apartment, but I don’t think about it at all. When I have the amounts that I can spend on it, I will spend. Until then, I don't even think about it.

Gleb's body has at least a dozen tattoos, including the year of birth (oh, 1996) on the ribs and Nirvana's signature face on the shoulder. It seems to me that the face is filled carelessly - Gleb explains: "This is the signature style of my tattoo artist."

- Every footballer has a club where he dreams of playing. What artist would you like to perform with?

- If only with Cobain somewhere there (points to the sky)). I point there because I am convinced that he was killed after all, that he was not himself.

Is this the most important artist in your life?

- The most important thing is not. There are people who inspire, who see the world the way I do. Name three? Kurt Cobain. Marilyn Manson. And Kid Cudi. Cobain inspired loneliness. Manson - freedom of thought. Kid Cuddy is both.

I listened to Nirvana since childhood, the cassette was adjusted to me by my cousin. It is clear that in childhood I did not understand what he sings about - you are on the wave and you like it. When I began to understand what, why and why, I found brilliant things, which later shaped my outlook on life.

Why are you sure he was killed?

- Have you seen his wife? (Courtney Love - website)? I watched documentaries, read books. I can't confirm, but I would like to believe it. What's with the wife? He wanted to retire from music, all his sales, merch and stuff would stop. And so - after his death, there is so much money that she will be fed until the end of her days. And even for a daughter - like her, Frances Bean - enough.

Manson? If you look at his visualization, it becomes clear how everything is veiled by him. What is the genius? The fact that a person knows so much to x## that he can correctly compose this knowledge and, as a result, do something cool of his own. Manson in this sense is the brightest character in the history of rock music. He dressed in women's clothes - he didn't give a fuck. The wave of suicides in America in the 90s was blamed on him - he also didn’t give a fuck ##. I read his autobiography, this is a man whom his grandfather strangled with Catholicism - perhaps, as I once did with football. And in the end, it all turned around for him.

Kid Cudi is Kanye West's protégé, whom he took under his wing at the end of the 2000s because he had a very original sound. In those days, rap was stuck on violence, violence, murder and drugs. And Kadi's work is more of a psychological story, a separate concept. For example, he has the theme of the moon through all his work. I liked it from the beginning, when I didn't understand the lyrics yet. And when I started to dig, I realized: oh###! He writes as if my story, you feel yourself in music, in texts you hear yourself.

– Do you understand American rappers or do you run lyrics through a translator?

Most of the time, I understand. But I look at something - because a lot of new slang constantly appears in the language.

- Is there Russian music that turns you on or has it turned you on before?

- Of course, I'm a music lover. Once upon a time I oh### persya with "Disco Crash". With Zhukov. Later - from Guf, from Suitcase. Also - with Anka Pletneva from the Vintage group, just a sex symbol. At that time, Maxim Fadeev wrote songs to her, “Eva, I love you,” I was always a pearl. If you take in general, in Russia music p###toy to x##, it's a matter of taste.

“I want you to oh###no spend time and I oh##no spend time,” Gleb Golubin addresses the Tula hall. - All the goat up! Hundreds of "goats" - at the top.

- This year the Internet was seething: you sent fuck ## another rapper L'One (his great interview site is ). Why?

- Yes, I don’t know, I wanted to send it - and sent it. I wish him health and happiness. To be honest, I have no feelings for Levan - neither good nor bad.

How was it from the very beginning? We, sitting in our basement, recorded a track with a sidekick. The homie had "I wanted to come up with a deb / But Leva did it / Nah## Levu" in the chorus. Funny. Everyone then freaked out that Leva went (depicts deb), although no one has been walking like this for a long time. We went to perform, performed, yelled this x###, this x### was filmed on video, it got on the Internet.

Then there was the Boiler Room party. I already performed, I went for a drink with Adil (rapper Scriptonite - site). Lyova sneaks up on me in the crowd with her guards, about five people, pulls me out into the street and starts to ride over my ears. I don't understand anything - because it's complete shit. Kipish began, it became clear that Levan had come to put on a show. If I wanted to talk, I would find my numbers and just call. We talked one on one. He said that he really did not like the situation, that his relatives looked and they were very offended. “Leva, I’m sorry, but nothing personal. Let's not do the circus, but be adults. You are much older than me, but you arrange the circus here, not me. And that's it, we parted ways.

There were no fights, nothing. I don’t understand why people connected with Leva let out information that there was a fight. I woke up the next morning, read all this x###, immediately forgot and went to have breakfast.

“Is there anyone you would like to send nah## now?”

- Oh, well, this is petty ... Although Donald Trump annoys me. With your racism. And his fat e###nickname.

- What was the last thing you read?

– Some article by Stalin about agriculture. This is in the course on the history of Soviet journalism.

- Do you have an opinion about Stalin?

- There is. I usually judge people I have seen myself. I didn't see Stalin. But my grandmother says that he was a oh### strong man who raised the country at that time. I believe her. 37th year? I wasn't there, I can't say anything. But I know that we won the war, then everything was fucked up, I'm on tour now and I'm giving a concert.

Is Putin handsome?

- Of course. I speak for myself. I live in my country. I live the way I like. I say what I want. Eat what I want. I zae##s. I have nothing to complain about. When p###c comes, I'll say: p###c came.

– You are a member of an association of artists called YUNGRUSSIA. Young Russia - what is it like?

- This is the one that e###. And not the one that e###. After the collapse of the Union, Russia was not in a very good position - there were few prospects for education, development, and creativity. With my concerts and my music, I want to make people understand that now is not the time to sit still and endure. Time to get up and do something. Now everyone has their chance. A chance to find something to enjoy, and then say to myself: I didn’t spend time on a piece of this fucking stone in vain.

- How should you spend the next year to say: I am satisfied?

– I have to record a good release. And finish university. This is very hard for me. I spent three years not just sitting there, I don’t want to take it on the fourth and merge, this will be a weakness on my part. There were many things in life that I didn't finish. Gave slack, threw it halfway. Now I want to take it out. X## with him with a diploma - he will not be useful. I just want to take it out, because I understand: I can.

Gleb finishes his set, gives way to the LSP duet, flies up to the dressing room and, squeezing out his T-shirt, collapses onto the sofa. I interrupt his meditation to say goodbye. On the way, I understand that the tour manager did not lie: quite young mothers are clucking at the doors of the club (for sure, not all of them have 40), some of them, leaving their cars in an emergency gang right on the highway, were joined by their husbands.

On November 30, Pharaoh will give his biggest concert to date - in the Yotaspace club in the capital. Ticket prices start from 1,500 rubles, but it is already clear that there will be a crowd, that is, about 3,000 spectators. This season, an average of 4,300 people go to the matches of the Moscow Dynamo - the very one for which Pharaoh could now play.

- Do you have an explanation why rap is so rushing in Russia? - music journalist Alexander Gorbachev - my last hope understand why this is so. - The feeling that young people do not listen to any other music at all. This was not the case in our day!

– Firstly, subculture: in Russia, pop music is historically text-centric; hip-hop here understandably comes to court even more than rock - and besides, it is not limited to songs; it is a (now very large) community with its own rituals, slang, media and so on - and the sense of community is, of course, very important.

Secondly, universality: over the past ten years, hip-hop has learned to absorb almost all other styles of pop music - Russian to a slightly lesser extent than American, but also: from quite shameless pop music (some MC Doni or the same Timati) to rock (Noize MS or Anacondaz there) with all stops in the middle.

And thirdly, as the group "Casta" sang - it's rushing, it shakes, it hammers.

*at the time of publication of the material, the clip "Five minutes ago" has collected 38,085,486 views on Youtube

SERGEY MINAEV: I came across a video on the Internet in which you go out to judge a child football match and tell the players: "I won't let you foul." You are thirteen years old there, you are a classic boy from a good family. Looking at that video, it's hard to believe that in just five years this good boy sing: "I saw your bitch, it's just an abomination." At what point did that boy break down? How did he get from the football field to the stage?

PHARAOH: Initially, I expected to devote myself to sports activities, and then came the stage of disappointment in everything that I do. To be honest, it was simply important for me to become myself, to do what I want, and not what is expected of me. Because that's my character, that's how the circumstances were. When in early age you achieve freedom (because you never had it and you are still in a borderline state), you take full responsibility for your actions, for your choice. When you do this at the age of 13-14, you consciously go through the state of pi *** (catastrophe. — Esquire).

CM.: You were still a child at the time.

F.: Yes, a child, but in a sense already an adult. I had football, football tempered me: the team, the training camp, we fought wall to wall. Having such an experience, I just took it and said: I continue to live on my own.

CM.: Did you grow up well? Didn't you need some things that maybe your peers needed?

F.: Basically, I'm a person who doesn't really need anything. What I needed was inside, not outside.

CM.: Warm?

F.: I wouldn't say warm. This is the constant passage of various tests of the spirit. I was always drawn to go through something. I never told anyone about this, realizing that it would not make sense. I was alone with myself and drew conclusions myself, tried to understand myself. There were only my decisions, and it was not necessary for anyone to know about them, it’s just that at the stage of growing up I passed the barrier: this is interesting to me, but this is not. I just tried not to touch my parents, I understood that at that time it was hard for them. Everyone talks about me: major, major. But there was also poverty in my life. I thought so: they will understand me later.

CM.: So this is not a typical rebellion against parents?

F.: It's more of a rebellion against yourself. I understood that in the sports world I depend on the coach, on refereeing. There you cook in a small world where you constantly encounter people - it doesn’t matter if you like them or not. I didn't feel at ease. At one point, something clicked for me, and I decided to just do it my own way.

CM.: What did your parents say?

F.: I don't know, I haven't talked to them. There were different situations, I would not like to talk about them, because it is family. But x*** (problem. — Esquire) that I had to go through made me who I am. I broke myself a million times and continue to do it, because if you don’t break yourself, you get into a comfort zone and relax.

CM.: You said: I don't want to play sports, I want to play music, but for this I have to go through the circles of my little hell.

F.: Maybe big. Everything is relative. The period of creativity from 18 to 20 years old was punk. There was rock and roll, fire, struggle, addiction or independence - it doesn’t matter, that’s not what we are talking about. At a certain point, I realized that you can talk differently with your audience. Has begun new stage. I got older.

CM.: Listening to your new mixtape, which is basically a full length album Pink Phloyd. — Esquire), I thought that in the texts about the "heifers" who "divide you like marmalade", you have long been cramped and it's time to speak out somehow more seriously, or what? To tell all these boys and girls who turned your car over after the concert in Chelyabinsk: “Guys, this is what I really think about life.”

F.: I would like to convey to these guys that the choice they are about to make, which will affect their whole life, must come from somewhere from here (pokes himself in the chest. - Esquire), and not from the environment, not from the parents. I just want to tell them that in life you need to gnaw out your own, be yourself. Everyone has their own "I", which can grow into something great, or it can burn out and destroy. I would like to convey to people that not everything is decided by grandmas, brands, not everything is decided by e *** (sex. - Esquire), there are things in this life, in this country, that are much deeper, more basic, more honest.

CM.:“Not everything is decided by grandmas and brands, there are basic things” - and here I open your page on VKontakte, and there Pharaoh is at the show of the women's line iceberg, Pharaoh on display Chanel. Do you think the artist you list as one of your idols, Kurt Cobain, would go to a women's line show? iceberg?

F.: I'm not Kurt Cobain.

F.: As for social life... Well, I went to two or three events, I was interested. I'm interested in getting into another circle. The world is not so flat. I want to learn a lot, try a lot, feel a lot during the time I'm alive, while I'm trampling this earth and inhaling oxygen - I'm interested in all this. I'm generally interested in design. I am not interested in the material and the rags themselves, I am interested in what impressions they leave, what emotions. Until I try, I won't know if I like it or not. Correctly? What prevents me from coming and trying, smiling at a couple of people, taking pictures and s*** (leave. — Esquire)?

CM.: Nothing interferes. I'm talking about something else. The media packs people up pretty quickly, turning them into characters. Don't you feel the danger of finding yourself in the "gossip column" in five different magazines at one moment? Somewhere between Olga Buzova and "influential businessmen."

F.: I don't give a fuck (don't care. — Esquire), Honestly. I'm not Olga Buzova.

CM.: No matter how pathetic it may sound, do you feel at least some responsibility to the millions - and there are already really millions - of your fans?

F.: Perhaps I didn’t realize before, I didn’t imagine at all that I could come to the point where I am now. Now I understand very well my responsibility not only to the people with whom I share my thoughts and my musical preferences but also in front of himself. I understand that I went through so much, lost so much, got so much drunk that I can’t at one moment everything about *** (lose. - Esquire). I need to take care of myself, and I no longer destroy myself. I don’t want to stand still, I want to do something further, to do something differently: beautifully, aesthetically, magnificently.

CM.: Jumping ahead five minutes. Where do you see yourself in the near future? Just famous artist, a big brand, a business empire?

F.: I just want to leave a mark. So that five years pass, and you return to this mixtape, turn it on and get high, because I put my soul into it.

CM.: You speak the way very vulnerable people speak.

F.: I wouldn't call myself vulnerable. I came across situations that forced me to lick my wounds for a long time, to sew them up. And yet you continue to give yourself to people! And in response, they spit in your soul. And you start to think: f*** (damn — Esquire), or I'm doing something wrong, or they are f *** (abnormal. — Esquire), or we don't understand each other. These things are experiences. Life is made up of experience. He makes you grow into a chitinous cover. But I can't say that I'm vulnerable. Maybe vulnerable in relation to people very close to me.

CM.: The closest people are beaten more painfully and deceived more strongly.

F.: Usually I notice it right away. As Vladimir Vladimirovich said, I know when I am being deceived, but I will never tell a person about it right away, I will wait, see what he does, find out the reason. I am the same. I trust no one.

CM.: Is there no one you can trust? Are there few people around you who love you?

F.: Time is like that.

CM.: Time is always like this.

F.: People are like that. People are rotten. Good people there are plenty of them, but they prefer not to climb. Stand back and watch. Both men and women.

CM.: What do you have with women, I know from instagram. I don't know what's going on in your generation. Are you getting married or just living together? I see, for example, how the institution of the family, marriage is changing.

F.: In my opinion, he pi *** (end. - Esquire) today.

CM.: Why?

F.: Because the substitution of values ​​has occurred huge in connection with the advent of the Internet, new music, new era. Everyone plays: women play, men play. But the institution of marriage is not a game. You associate yourself with another person with whom you go side by side, who covers your back, and you cover him, you are equally responsible to each other.

CM.: And then you have children.

F.: Yes. But as soon as people enter into such a game, they immediately lose. Therefore, the children they get do not have strong family, they do not have a warm place where they can return, come if their own world is collapsing. Children see that parents play with each other, lie to each other, suffer. Instead of just talking to their child, they start an Instagram for him. When you start an Instagram for your child, it’s generally pi *** (a nightmare. - Esquire), the apogee of pi ***, in my opinion.

CM.: I have seen many accounts where 12 year old girls are dressed as 25 year old women.

F.: I can't imagine how they will look at themselves through a prism social networks when they are 18-20. Who will they be? They will never be real, because they become pictures on the Internet! I even have classmates jumping out to get married for the sake of a picture. She's like this: I'll go now, put on Wedding Dress, they will take a picture of me, my mother will be happy, everyone will be zae *** (great. - Esquire), and me too, I'll play. Maybe the dude she's going to play with now loves her pi*** (for real. — Esquire) and is ready to give his life for her, and she goes to play with him. Like in the TV show.

CM.: By the way, what is your relationship with the TV show? “I have always been real, I send it to *** box” (quote by Pharaoh. - Esquire)?

F.: I never watched TV. As a child, maybe I watched cartoons on STS. TV destroys the brain, it's some kind of cardboard world. I don't take what's going on there seriously. I have noticed many times that the TV is pi *** (lie. - Esquire), because he himself was an eyewitness to some events. And looking at how they talk about them on TV, I understood what was wrong. I don't want to waste my time on this.

CM.: Surely you've seen the story in " Evening Urgant”, where Garmash read verses from your track “Five minutes ago”. I think that they, of course, did not finish the game. Garmash reading "five minutes ago I fucked a bitch in a Mercedes" - that would be very in style saturday night live. It would be just brilliant.

F.: It would be brilliant, but that's what the TV is for, so as not to press it to the end. Therefore, the Internet is now and e *** (wins. - Esquire) television. I'm not interested in TV and what's going on there. Dot.

CM.: What are you interested in, what do you do when you are not writing music?

F.: I want to draw. I read, watch old movies, enjoy nature, my family, close friends.

CM.: What are you reading?

F.: I am currently reading Steppenwolf by Hesse. I read Dostoevsky's Notes from the House of the Dead. I want to fill the void around. If not women and whiskey, then books, films, tours.

CM.: Your main tour to date starts in September.

F.: Yes. We want to come to everyone, to see everyone. Fifty cities in three months. I'm going to perform, sing my mixtape to everyone, I'm going to give people emotions, a piece of myself and return to my mother, hug her, talk to my father.

CM.: Is there anything you would like to say to your father but never got around to? You won’t tell him personally in the kitchen, but you will tell him from the page of a magazine or from a television screen.

F.: I want to say that I am grateful to him with my whole life for the fact that he simply made a person out of me, that he broke me at a certain moment. If he didn't, I wouldn't be who I am.

CM.: I think this is a good point.

F.: I think so too. ≠