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The people are always curious and interested in any changes that occur in life. famous people. Many people like to gossip, discuss divorces, having children, all sorts of intrigues, buying property ... and all this in order to have a little fun and gossip, as they say, to stretch their long tongue.

But the weight loss of famous people attracts unprecedented interest, people are very worried about how a person could get rid of extra pounds, because almost every third person dreams of losing weight quickly and at the same time easily.

Today I will tell you how Andrei Averin lost weight, this man is one of the residents of the famous TV show Comedy Club, and many people know him. So recently, he did what those who are overweight dream of. As it became clear, this young man managed to lose weight dramatically.

Andrei has changed a lot and built, in about eight months he was able to reduce his weight by thirty kilograms. He achieved this effect quite simply, according to him, there are no secrets here, and he didn’t have to constantly use any diets and torture his body every day in the gym.

Averin simply - still stirred up the expanses of the Internet with his appearance. His weight loss still does not stop exaggerating in communities and in many forums. Moreover, the discussion mainly concerns two questions: whether it has become better famous humorist in a new image and how could he achieve such weight loss?

Andrey Averin lost weight

According to Andrei, he simply decided to reconsider his diet, while excluding all kinds of rich products and sweet foods from it. Also, the comedian refused evening meals, although it was not very easy for him.

But, nevertheless, he was able to overcome his desire to eat before going to bed, although this was his favorite habit - eating at night, and he consumed all kinds of fatty and sweet foods, and even in large quantities.

Andrei began to spend his last meal until six o'clock in the evening, after that time he did not eat anything at all. It was this fact that was one of the leading ones in achieving such an excellent result, which allowed the humorist to significantly lose weight and transform.

A large amount of protein products began to be present in his diet, which he really liked, since he practically did not feel hunger, and all thanks to the use of proteins.

Another rule that Averin followed is fractional nutrition. To lose weight, he divided the daily amount of food into small portions, and ate them quite often, he took cooked food about every two hours.

At the same time, the comedian chose only healthy food; his diet did not include harmful fast food products. He applies this rule to this day, completely changing the composition of his menu, and making it balanced and healthy.

As the comedian admits, he did not even expect that he would be able to achieve such an amazing result by reviewing only his diet. Andrei always believed that slender people spend all their free time in the gym, and torture the body with physical training.

At present, the weight of our hero is ninety kilograms, but more recently he reached the figure of one hundred and twenty. The humorist does not plan to stop at the achieved result, and continues to improve his figure.

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural here, and no super-secret tricks are used either. I believe that the young man was able to lose weight so much, only thanks to his motivation and willpower, all this gave him a great incentive, which is sometimes lacking for many losing weight who want to bring their figure to perfect shape.

The comedian admits that sometimes he likes to eat a small piece of chocolate, but always bitter, and Andrei eats it during breakfast. He also loves to ride a skateboard, which not only supports him physically, but also gives him mental vigor and energizes him for the whole day.

Andrey shared with journalists that with each extra kilo that had gone, his mood improved and his vitality increased. The artist did not subject his body to exhausting exercises in gym. And, as I said, he prefers skateboarding, and also likes to go cycling.

Such a rapid weight loss, which transformed Andrei Averin, gave rise to a huge number of rumors. According to one version, it is believed that he was forced to turn to the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, and he was helped in her clinic. And, as you know, this doctor is the developer of many popular and at the same time effective weight loss methods.

Let me remind you that Margarita Koroleva develops an individual nutrition program for each of her clients, thanks to which those who want to lose weight really lose those extra pounds.

Using this technique, each person knows what exactly he will have to eat daily. Moreover, it is very strict to adhere to food restrictions, since only in this case you can count on successful weight loss.


Of course, in order to lose weight, first of all, you need serious motivation, and only then a balanced diet, and getting physical activity.

Natalia Gilyazova

In recent weeks, one of the most popular hashtags on the Internet is information about how Andrei Averin lost weight. Perhaps, few of the active Internet users could deny themselves the pleasure of discussing this topic. Since we do not consider ourselves to be inactive people, we also decided that this topic cannot be ignored.

Excellent physical shape, or down with extra pounds

But there really is a reason. Those who are unfamiliar with the name of this young and talented resident of the Comedy Club can make sure that this guy has everything, and now he also has an excellent physical shape.

But why did Averin from the Comedy Club lose weight?

In general, Averin had a good physical shape from childhood and adolescence, at the same time he was engaged in handball and football. Maybe that's why after a while it was not difficult for him to pull himself together and bring his body into excellent physical shape.

Of course, such happiness could not come from anywhere.

And the solution to the fight against excess weight began with a visit to the doctors, who advised an effective and safe option.

The main principle of Averin's nutrition is to prevent hunger. For this reason, the actor tried to eat every two hours. At the same time, he practically did not need to exclude anything from his usual menu.

The main diet of the actor was homemade food, in which there are a lot of greens, vegetables, the main of which were cucumbers and carrots. However, if the feeling of hunger somehow made itself felt, the actor seized him with just these vegetables. Saturation during their use occurs quickly enough, however, they have almost no calories.

Averin considers fish to be the most important part of his diet. According to the actor himself, he would eat it all the time, completely replacing the meat. However, you cannot completely refuse meat, especially if it is beef.

The diet of the lean Comedy Club resident looked like this: the breakfast menu includes porridge, for lunch - cottage cheese, for lunch - soup and rice, meat is required, so for lunch he ate chicken; for an afternoon snack - grilled fish, and for dinner, which must have taken place before 6 pm, boiled beef.

As you can see, the diet is the most common, practically limiting nothing, however, it was not without strict prohibitions. I had to completely exclude flour, sweets, alcohol, including beer, from the diet. Why? Yes, because that form of the abdomen is formed from beer, which is called "beer belly". Now alcohol is an exception for an actor, and he uses it very big holidays and in limited quantities.

Of the sweets, all that Andrey left for himself is bitter black chocolate and honey. It is impossible to refuse sweets completely, because it nourishes the brain.

The most difficult period is the beginning. Psychological preparedness is most important in the early stages of a new lifestyle. According to Andrei himself, in the first weeks he even dreams about food at night, and, most importantly, reconcile, accept the situation and follow the rules proposed by the doctors.

After a certain period of time, the body enters this new rhythm, and gradually the person copes with the feeling of hunger. “The earlier you go to bed, the less you want to eat”, says the young actor.

And after three months the first results became visible, you can see them if you ask in the search engine: “Andrey Averin lost weight before and after”. And if you use and reinforce his diet with a new lifestyle that involves active time, then you will not be recognized.

Roller skates, skates and a bicycle - all this will help you achieve not only excellent physical shape, but also give you wonderful emotions.

Fractional diet rules

By the way, such a diet, which Averin speaks of, is a real find for those who are afraid to start them precisely because of the feeling of hunger. And in fact, no matter how much they convince that water and vegetable fiber are useful, but only 70% of the population can cope with the call of the stomach and leave these two items in the diet.

In addition, on the way to losing weight, there is another insidious trap. If a person manages to come to terms with a change in the size of portions, as well as their composition, then there is another moment that is much more difficult to deal with. This is a chemical hormonal background. The longer the breaks between meals, the more ghrelin, the hormone of hunger, is produced, and the more the blood glucose level decreases.

All this is accompanied by a growing stress hormone. This situation leads to the fact that hunger becomes faint, metabolic principles change, which affects the consumption of fat reserves. It is this couple that leads people to what is known by the formula “I don’t eat anything, but I still gain weight”.

There is a way out of this situation, it has long been invented by nutritionists of the world. Fractional nutrition, or as it is also called "grassland diet" will help solve the problem. All you need to do is eliminate the known unhealthy foods from your diet and increase the number of meals and reduce portions. Weight loss occurs because the body does not have time to feel hunger in the usual sense.

By resorting to this method of losing weight, you can lose up to 7 kilograms per month.

Of course, the result depends on many additional factors and the initial weight. The result is guaranteed to be positive if you manage to follow these rules. Actually, it was these rules that the Comedy Club resident Andrei Averin observed, having lost 31 kilograms in 8 months. Fractional nutrition has certain advantages that other diets do not have, and after such a diet, the body will improve.

The most important thing is that fractional nutrition will not provoke an imbalance of nutrients, everything will be absorbed in as much quantity as your body needs. All products will be digested with high quality and carefully.

"Pasture Food" it is also useful in that it is an effective prevention of metabolic failures caused by the excretory systems of the body and overloading the gastrointestinal tract.

With this diet, sugar levels and insulin production are normalized. It is for this reason that this diet is beneficial in diabetic conditions. Thanks to him, you can reduce the number of calories without experiencing acute hunger and unnecessary stress, you will reduce the amount of daily calories consumed.

The main exception to the diet are reasonable restrictions on the following foods:

  • packaged juices, carbonated drinks;
  • pastries and sweets;
  • fried foods and foods;
  • refined foods, including those to which refined sugar or oil has been added;
  • sauces;
  • snacks and fast foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • foods that are high in fat.

Psychologists say that the mood for a diet is the key to success. But the numbers are inexorable: only 20% of people maintain the diet to the end. And even fewer people adopt such nutrition as a way of life. The rest are smart, trying to deceive their body or completely break down, starting to eat food "for the future", so as not to experience such painful ordeals of hunger anymore.

  • Showman and comedian of the stand-up comedy genre. Resident of the Comedy Club.
  • Born in Boksitogorsk, Leningrad Region. As a child, he played chess, football, handball and dreamed of becoming a professional athlete.

    In his native Boksitogorsk, Andrey Averin was a chess champion.

    But became Andrey Averin professional comedian. On the stage " comedy club"He performs together with Alexander Revva, Timur Batrutdinov, Pavel Volya, Mikhail Galustyan, Garik Martirosyan, etc. In addition, Andreits Averin is a member of the Lips group. Andrey Averin writes texts and sketches not only for himself, but also for other participants in the show. Among his friends at the Comedy Club are Sergey Bessmertny, Zurab Matua and Dmitry Lyusek Sorokin.

  • Personal life of Andrei Averin / Andrei Averin

  • The main news discussed about Andrei Averin is that he managed to lose 31 kilograms in eight months. According to Andrei, this was achieved not through grueling workouts in the gym, but only through dietary adjustments.

    The showman reduced the amount of flour and sweets in his diet and refused to eat at night, the last meal - until six in the evening.

    Besides, daily allowance he divided the food so that he would eat every two hours, but little by little. As a result, there was no feeling of hunger, and the result is obvious. In addition, Andrey Averin rides a bike and skateboard and thus keeps fit.

  • Andrey Averin is not married. He dreams of meeting a decent modest girl to start a family. In women, he does not like vulgarity and vulgarity.

Just a few weeks ago, the Internet was stirred up by shocking photos of Andrei Averin, one of the residents popular show comedy club. In the photographs, Andrei looked slender, rested and extremely attractive. Users, both the Internet and the fans of the show, had a huge number of questions, how did their favorite presenter manage to change like that? Unfortunately, there is no exact figure on how many kilograms Andrey dropped, some sources report that it is 10-15 kg, others that it is all 30 kg, while this all happened for enough short term. However, the fact remains, Andrew looks amazing. Andrei in an interview admitted how he lost weight and happily shared this with his fans.

How did the ComedyClub resident manage to lose weight?

With a partner from the Comedy Club

first step to losing weight was that he completely excluded from the diet all flour and sweet, namely:

  • All flour products, bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, sweets,
  • Sweet fruits, bananas and grapes
  • Jams, preserves, condensed milk.

As a sweet left only honey and dark chocolate. At first, he experienced an overwhelming feeling of hunger, so he actively leaned on protein foods, for example:

  • boiled chicken,
  • boiled fish,
  • Fat-free cottage cheese and cheese,
  • Eggs, no more than 1 per day,
  • Skimmed milk and dairy products.

At the same time, he ate all these foods until he was completely saturated. Literally a few days later, the feeling of hunger ceased to torment, and Andrei continued the process with renewed vigor.

second step There was a complete rejection of fast food. After all, everyone knows that such food is not made from the highest quality products, which affects not only weight, but also overall well-being.

third step was that Andrei switched to separate meals. He took food every 3-4 hours in small portions in accordance with the rules of separate meals. By the way, today, after he has achieved his desired weight, he also adheres to this rule. Andrei admits that sometimes he is still irresistibly drawn to sweets, then he allows himself to eat a small piece of dark chocolate or a few pieces of dried fruit. Andrei is not very keen on sports, he prefers long walks or skateboarding, which perfectly replaces his daily physical activity.

Many are sure that Andrei used the services of one of the expensive clinics, for example, the services of the notorious clinic of Margarita Koroleva. Perhaps the rumors are not groundless, however, even if this is true, even such weight loss requires considerable willpower, time and effort.