Cauliflower fried in batter. Step by step recipe with photos. Cauliflower in batter.

In one of the publications, we already wrote about the benefits of cauliflower. Cauliflower can be boiled, fried, added to salads, baked in the oven. Cauliflower dishes are tasty, low-calorie and very healthy.

Let's learn today how to cook cauliflower fried in a pan in batter. delicious crust with tender pulp inside, you and your loved ones will surely like it.

So, let's start cooking!


For cooking we need:

  • 1 cauliflower;
  • 3-5 eggs;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking fried cauliflower in batter

Cabbage should be cleaned of large green leaves.

After that, rinse thoroughly, then disassemble into inflorescences, separating them from each other with a knife.

Before frying cabbage in a pan, it must be boiled in salted water. To do this, put the inflorescences in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat.

Often the question arises - how much to cook cauliflower? Usually 7-10 minutes is enough.

While the cabbage florets are cooking, prepare the batter.

Break the eggs into a bowl.

Add flour, add salt and beat well into a homogeneous thick mass.

Boiled inflorescences must be removed from the pan and put in a colander to drain excess water.

If the inflorescences are large enough, then they can be cut with a knife into 2-3 parts.

While the cabbage inflorescences are drying, put a frying pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil.

Dip each inflorescence in batter and put in a pan.

Fry until golden brown.

Serve the batter-fried cabbage on the table hot, spreading it into portions. On top, if desired, cabbage can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Roasted cauliflower is my little weakness. And although ruddy inflorescences are quite high in calories, I sometimes allow myself such pampering. After all, it's delicious! Therefore, let's figure out how to prepare cauliflower in batter, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help us with this.


- cauliflower - a small head of cabbage;
- selected chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
- wheat flour, high-grade - about 5-6 tbsp. l.;
- ground black pepper (a mixture of peppers) - a pinch;
- salt - to taste;
- hard cheese - 50 g (optional);
- odorless vegetable oil - for frying.


1. Disassemble the cauliflower into small inflorescences, which will then be convenient to fry and eat. To do this, take a sharp knife, cut off a hard stalk. And separate the inflorescences from each other. Then wash, put in a colander and boil in boiling water until half cooked. In time, it will take about 5 minutes after the water boils again. Try cabbage with a knife. If it is soft, you can take it out. And you can cook a whole head of cabbage, cool, and only then divide into inflorescences. Who is more comfortable.

By the way, it turns out very tasty, try it.

2. In any case, while the cauliflower is cooking, prepare the batter. He prepares simply. But you can always complicate the preparation a little, thereby improving the taste of the finished dish. Whisk eggs into a bowl. You will need 2 or 3, depending on the amount of cauliflower. Add salt and pepper. Add other seasonings as desired. Turmeric will make the batter more yellow. Paprika is red. Dried garlic is spicy. Provence herbs - fragrant.

3. Whisk eggs with salt and spices with a whisk or fork. If desired, take a small piece of hard cheese and grate it on a coarse or medium grater. Add to batter. The cheese will make the battered cauliflower more interesting.

4. Start adding wheat flour in a spoonful, stirring vigorously each time so that lumps do not appear in the batter. The finished batter should be thick, but fluid, homogeneous.

5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Dip the cauliflower florets in the batter and place on a hot skillet.

6. Fry on all sides. Put the cooked cabbage on paper napkins so that the fat is absorbed, and then transfer to a plate.

Now you know how cauliflower in batter is prepared, the recipe with a photo showed how simple and appetizing this dish is. This fried cauliflower in golden batter is delicious both cold and warm. Serve as an appetizer with fresh vegetables.

Only recently I told you how to cook with garlic and mayonnaise, and here is another simple and delicious recipe- cauliflower in batter, a step-by-step recipe with a photo in a pan is attached. It is prepared simply, the taste is excellent, it can be served as a side dish for dinner, and even for festive table will fit quite well. The recipe is easy, the taste of cabbage is excellent, I cooked it with both boiled and raw cabbage - everything is delicious. But I like it better with raw - it turns out more crispy, so you can not boil it, if you wish.


Cauliflower 400g
Water 2 l

For batter:

2 eggs
Teaspoon of vegetable oil
Soy sauce spoon (can be replaced with dry wine)
Water 50g
Pepper, salt, basil - to taste
100g flour
A little lemon juice for whipping egg whites

How to fry cauliflower in batter:

I divided it into 2 parts - boiled one in water with salt, left the second raw. So, disassemble the cabbage into koshochki, weld literally a couple of minutes, otherwise it will become soft, raw - just add salt, sprinkle with flour and chat with a bowl so that it is all covered with flour.

Roll the boiled koshki with flour before dipping them into the batter. For the batter to stick, otherwise it will fall off.

Yolks separately in a bowl, proteins separately.
Beat alternately both (do not forget to drop a little lemon into the protein), vegetable oil to the yolks. We connect.

Add some water - ideally carbonated, stir, add basil, salt. Pepper, whisk.

We begin to slowly add the flour and beat, so that a homogeneous liquidish dough is obtained.

We heat the oil poured into the pan well, grab one kosher with a fork, dip it in batter, and carefully put it into the boiling oil. Once browned on the bottom, turn over. So we fry everything and put it on plates. I want to immediately grab it hot and crush it (which I did with success, because when they sat down to eat. I was already full, well, it was very tasty, I could not resist!).

That's it, our cauliflower in batter is ready, you can just eat it, you can boiled fish - a miracle, how delicious!

Hello dear readers. It's already the end of summer. I love summer and autumn, such an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Various vegetables can be prepared delicious food. You can dream up a little and add to cooking bright colors. Today I'm cooking cauliflower. I love cabbage since childhood. Moreover, our grandmother always cooked cauliflower, it was she who told me how tasty it is to fry cauliflower in batter. This is one of my favorite autumn dishes. It turns out a light and tasty dish.

Cauliflower requires self-care, so not everyone grows it. Even on the market it is not often seen. We went to the city to shop for our daughter at school. We walked through the village market and saw cauliflower. I could not pass by her, given my big love to cabbage.

To celebrate, I bought two kilograms of cauliflower. At home, I cooked it in batter. Everyone liked cauliflower, even children.


  • 1 kg. cauliflower
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • butter
  • greens as desired

I used eggs for cooking rustic dishes. We buy from friends. Village eggs can not be compared with store-bought. Eggs are very tasty. And moreover, I noticed that dishes with the addition of such eggs become tasty.

I also use butter instead of vegetable oil for frying cabbage. Although I did an experiment. Part of the cauliflower was fried in butter, and part in vegetable oil. So, in butter, cabbage turns out to be very tasty.

The recipe seems to be simple, but the cabbage is very tasty. The first thing I do in cooking cabbage is to divide it into inflorescences.

If you have a large cauliflower, therefore, its inflorescences are large, then they can be cut in half.

The cauliflower is beautiful, white, without damage, dark parts. If you buy cauliflower in the market, then try to take cabbage without damage and not lethargic.

I put a pot of water on the fire, add salt to the water and wait until the water boils. The water must be well salted.

When the water boils, pour the cauliflower into the water and cook it for 7 minutes. I cooked 10, which is a lot. Because the cabbage was very soft.

Then the water from the cabbage must be drained. You can choose cabbage with a slotted spoon. And you can strain into a colander.

For one egg, I add one tablespoon of flour. Therefore, for 2 eggs - 2 tbsp. spoons. And if you have a lot of cabbage, then you will need 3-4 eggs for batter.

I beat the eggs, flour and salt with a whisk, but not to the point of fanaticism, this is not dough for a biscuit. You can add milk or sour cream to the batter, but I do not add. I prefer to top, already prepared cabbage, pour fresh sour cream.

Then each cauliflower inflorescence must be placed in a batter. In the meantime, you need to put the pan on the fire and add butter to it.

Once the butter is melted and the pan is hot, you can fry the cauliflower. Dip each cabbage inflorescence in egg batter and put it on the pan.

It is better to do this one at a time, because if you put all the cabbage in a batter, and then it will just be porridge in a pan.

Fry the cauliflower on both sides until golden brown. And so we fry all the cauliflower inflorescences.

It is not necessary to stew cauliflower, as well as additionally cover with a lid when cooking. It is important for us to fry each inflorescence until a golden crust is formed.

Ready cauliflower can be served both hot and cold. It turns out delicious and so, and so.

Once having tried cauliflower another time, it is impossible to refuse it. Very tasty, tender, unusual, under a crispy crust.

Cauliflower can be poured with sour cream, sprinkled with any herbs. I sprinkled the cauliflower with finely chopped dill.

Cauliflower in batter, for me, is a very tasty dish. Moreover, you know how tasty it is to fry cauliflower in batter in a pan. And if you have your own secrets of cooking delicious cabbage, then share with us below in the comments. While there is still cauliflower on sale, we will try.

I also cook. But I use it mainly for salad dressing. And our friend fries canned cabbage in batter in winter. But I do not like it, because it is cooked with vinegar and there is acid in it. I prefer batter-fried fresh cauliflower over canned cauliflower.

Bon appetit and all the best to you!