Here you are not there (09/17/2017). Double standarts

Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev, hosts of the program, which will now be released on a permanent basis, will continue to explore the most popular tourist routes.

TV presenters went to the most different corners planet, thanks to which NTV viewers have the opportunity to compare Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam, as well as many other cities. “Today, 72% of Russians do not have a passport. At the same time, the majority assure that it is better at home than abroad: holidays are cheaper, nature is richer, food is tastier, and people are kinder. Once, as part of the program Double standarts We decided to check it out. And, having compared the two most expensive resorts, they made their conclusion, where is it better to relax: here or there? The issue attracted a significant audience, and Andrey and I decided to go traveling. We compared a huge number of cities and each time received a huge response from the viewers. Therefore, in the new season we decided not to stop. NTV program "Here you are not there!" compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other in Russia or in the post-Soviet space. And then he will make his own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. What you need if you are going on a trip,” said Irina Shikhman.

Continuation of the fascinating journeys of Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev in the program “Here you are not there!” viewers will be able to see in the new season.

Russian tourist telecast from the NTV channel.

The program was created on the basis of the TV show "Double standarts " and is its logical extension. Show hosts always remain Irina Shikhman("Stories in Detail", "Details. Recent History", "Diary of Observations") and Andrey Samartsev("Central Television").

AT new transmission the audience, together with the duet of hosts, will continue a virtual journey to different parts of the world and compare them with each other, finding out where the rest is better and cheaper.

The content of the transfer Double standards. Here you are not there!

"Double standarts. You are not here!”- a project that was born from a TV show "Double standarts ". Initially, “Here you are not there!” was a heading of this project, but over time, the creators of the show found it appropriate to turn a separate heading into a whole program, which, like Double Standards, is aimed at viewers planning trips or still only dreaming of becoming tourists.

Andrey Samartsev: “I do not know of any such informative travel program that would tell about all the pros and cons of holidays in Russia and abroad. We share with our viewers really working tips on how to save on vacation and at the same time not deny yourself pleasure.

Together with the hosts of the program, viewers are transported to different parts of the world, comparing holidays in Russia and the CIS countries with similar conditions in foreign countries: Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam.

Irina Shikhman: “NTV program “Double standards. You are not here!” compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other - in Russia or in the post-Soviet space, and then compile your own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. Just what you need if you are going on a trip.

Is it really cheaper and easier to relax in Russia? Is it possible to compare hotels in the territory of the former USSR with hotels in other countries? Where is the tastier and more plentiful portion of food? To these and many other questions, the hosts of the program are diligently looking for answers in each new release.

In the episodes of the program, the presenters compare the most different types recreation and pastime. Where is it easier and cheaper to have lunch in a park in Nice or in a restaurant in Jurmala? Where are the ancient monuments more interesting - in Rhodes or in Derwent? Which city can give more vivid impressions - Kazan or Istanbul? Which of the countries has preserved more traces of communism - Montenegro or Abkhazia?

On September 1, 2017, the program “Double Standards. You are not here!” There was a special issue about travel on the tracks. Leading Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev had to drive popular tracks and explore all their most interesting corners. Irina went along the Moscow-Sochi road, the Don highway.

“The Don highway was not chosen by chance: it is the most touristic road in Russia, because most often tourists choose the southern direction. In the summer everyone goes to Sochi in their own cars. Therefore, we decided to find out what is worth seeing along the way, how much excursions, accommodation and meals cost. Thanks to this trip, NTV viewers will be able to find out that Kudykina Gora exists, see all the delights of industrial tourism, get acquainted with the immersive theater and plunge into the atmosphere of the Sochi casino,” said host Irina Shikhman.

Andrey Samartsev drove along the famous American Route 66, which is also called the Historic Highway: “Car travel continues to gain popularity, so we decided to keep up! I have wanted to ride the famous Route 66 for a very long time. It seems to me that this is the most the right way see the real America. True, we had to change the rules of the program somewhat ... Usually we spend weekends on trips, but in two days it is impossible to drive the entire historical route and stop at all interesting places! Although I tried not to stay anywhere for a long time, my trip stretched for as many as 5 days. In one of them I had to sleep in the car, wash in the shower for truckers and drive 1200 miles, crossing 3 states.

Coming out on Sunday new release transfer . During the filming, the presenters went on a gastronomic tour: Irina Shikhman went to Ossetia, and Andrey Samartsev went to Naples.

"Oddly enough, I was struck by the monuments in Ossetia! For example, the monument to St. George is a stunningly beautiful monument, the largest and most majestic horse in the world. Patriotic War and seven brothers Gazdanov," Irina Shikhman shared her impressions of the trip to Ossetia.

The presenter believes that very often in the former Soviet republics and Russian cities one can find "Soviet bad taste - usually sculptures of Lenin and revolutionaries that inspire sadness."

“But in Ossetia, monuments can be safely called art! Returning home, I showed my friends photos and talked about the resulting wow effect. For example, on a trip to a beautiful gorge, you can see incredible monuments that make you think: “God, is this really possible? ", says Irina.

And of course she was struck by the Ossetian hospitality, which, however, impresses all travelers from Moscow.

“Any doors are open here, you will always be fed and always helped,” the TV presenter is sure.

From the personal archive of Irina Shikhman

She told how she tried to cook Ossetian pie, and, I must say, she got it right away.

“After all, I studied under the strict guidance of a hospitable grandmother, who sheltered me and said that I would be the best bride in Ossetia. Therefore, grooms, where are you? And I also tried a real Ossetian drift! I think I have been in all the cars of each of the champions in tuning.In this regard, the Caucasus, of course, is ahead of the rest!For me, it was a new feeling when you sit in a car, and the music plays so that your hair physically stands on end.In addition to this , I flew on a hang glider in the air park and got great pleasure, because it was also the first experience for me," said Irina.

The program "Double Standards. Here you are not there" Ossetia - Naples will be aired on NTV on Sunday, September 24, at 14.00

The NTV program "Double Standards. Here you are not there" is a guide to alternative tourism. Leading. Irina Shikhman and Andrei Samartsev are trying to open up Russia from an unexpected angle and find out how things are going abroad. For two days and the same amount of 30 thousand rubles, they explore the most popular hiking trails to find where the sea is cleaner and where better service, where to go skiing, and where to go for a quiet winter holiday away from crazy freeriders.

TV presenters went to various parts of the world, thanks to which NTV viewers had the opportunity to compare Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam, as well as many other cities. “Today, 72% of Russians do not have a passport. At the same time, the majority assure that it is better at home than abroad: rest is cheaper, nature is richer, food is tastier, and people are kinder. One day, as part of the Double Standards program, we decided to check it out. And, having compared the two most expensive resorts, they made their conclusion, where is it better to relax: Here or There? The issue attracted a significant audience, and Andrey and I decided to go traveling. We compared a huge number of cities and each time received a huge response from the viewers. Therefore, in the new season we decided not to stop. The NTV program "Here you are not there!" will compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other - in Russia or in the post-Soviet space. And then he will make his own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. What you need if you are going on a trip,” said Irina Shikhman.

Continuation of the fascinating journeys of Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev in the program “Here you are not there!” viewers will be able to see in the new season.