How to dye barnabas' hair. "Lost femininity": Barnabas appeared with a short haircut

Ekaterina Varnava is known to many fans of bright comedy TV shows. Outrageous and attractive, she has long begun to attract the attention of men. Her cheerful nature and ability to laugh at herself also played into the hands of popularizing the image of the sex bomb of Russian television.

Recently, her fans and subscribers in social network Instagram just doesn't recognize a woman. Katya has changed so much that she gives the impression of a deeply ill woman.

Childhood of the future screen star

Little Katya Varnava was born in the capital of Russia, Moscow, on December 9, 1984. Ekaterina Varnava spent all her conscious childhood in Germany, where her father was sent for work. Only after 7 years she was able to return to her homeland. The second-grader, who had just returned from Germany, caused other children to be wary. And since Katyusha's parents abroad bought beautiful and bright things, clothes, toys, she was different from her classmates. The children perceived her image as a desire to show off, so no one was friends with Katya.

The girl began to dance, but soon outgrew all the partners, in addition, she injured her back. She had to abandon her dancing career and get an education in Jurisprudence. As a student, she successfully played in KVN, but gained popularity only thanks to the female comedy show Comedy Woman.

In this brilliant show, a bright person not only participates in the creation of numbers and humorous productions, but also engages in choreography with colleagues on the stage.

How Catherine Barnabas has changed

Changing the appearance of the artist has become one of the most discussed topics on Russian forums and social networks. Many fans recognized the hand of a plastic surgeon in metamorphoses, others deadly disease, others are only an improvement in the appearance of Madame Barnabas. What is true and what clean water fiction?

  • Slimming. Recently, with a height of 181 cm and a weight of 70 kilograms, the star humorous genre lost at least 8 kg. This is clearly seen in the photo of Catherine Barnabas in a mini dress. Arms and legs now seem to hang languidly like lashes, shoulders are sharpened, and the once appetizing chest has modestly fallen off.

Ekaterina Varnava herself comments on such changes with a very tight work schedule, the inability to eat normally and workload. It is interesting to note that in general, weight loss is the eternal headache of many women.

All in a row torture themselves and deprive many of the joys of life. But the fans took the news about the excessive weight loss of Barnabas with hostility. Comments and dissatisfaction rained down. Their essence was that before losing weight, a woman looked much more sexy and attractive.

And now the long pasta legs look bony and no longer attract male eyes. Many mistakenly take the artist for a man dressed as a woman, or, at worst, for a transvestite.

  • Rhinoplasty. The most heated debate flared up on the topic of the actress's nose job. It was assumed that Ekaterina Varnava had a very weighty nose before plastic surgery. It was he who became one of her chips in terms of humor. Fans believe that Ekaterina Varnava had a reduced nose after an operation to correct it.

Indeed, we note that this part of the artist's face has noticeably decreased, shortened and sharpened. The comments of plastic surgeons, on the contrary, argue that the artist’s excessive thinness is to blame. After a sharp weight loss, facial features acquired sharpness, and the nose was untouched by a scalpel. Whom to believe? We will rely on many years of experience of doctors.

  • Blepharoplasty. Ekaterina Varnava before and after plastic surgery looks pretty cute. Her appearance always did not fit into the standard framework. female beauty, but beckoned, attracted and forced to admire the alternative beauty. Ekaterina Varnava, before eyelid surgery, looked at the world with rather large eyes, wide-set and a little pigalic. Photos of Ekaterina Varnava after eyelid surgery show a changed upper eyelid and a refined eye section. Undoubtedly, now the star wears lenses that change the color of the eyes, as the pupils have become significantly “bluer”. The actress emphasizes cat eyes with appropriate makeup.

  • . Photos of Catherine Barnabas are amazing how much the shape of her face has changed. Many experts agree that it is impossible to achieve such an obvious effect only by losing weight. An acute angle between the lower jaw and the neck, as well as an additional hollowness of the necks, could only be achieved by removing Bish's lumps.

The cost of such an operation is no less than 70 thousand rubles. The typhoid-emaciated state of the face is definitely liked by the artist herself, unlike her many fans. She is preparing to become a TV presenter of Channel One, so she tries her best to match this strict appearance. Ekaterina Varnava, before and after the operation, still tries to emphasize the thinness of her face with the help of suitable makeup.

  • Changing the shape of the cheekbones. Special implants, which were sewn into the cheekbones, helped the artist to sculpt the oval of the face. That is why the whole face of a woman has acquired a certain precision. The cheekbones themselves now stand out under the skin, definitely making clear the nature of their origin.

Comparing the photos of Ekaterina Varnava before and after the operation, you conclude that before the changes in appearance, the woman looked much more lively and interesting. And for 40 thousand rubles, her face lost the remnants of its former brightness and individuality. After the operation, slanderous users of social networks have already dubbed the actress Russian. There was also liposuction.

Ekaterina Varnava, before the operation to pump out fat from the cheek area, looked blooming and cheerful. Now her face causes despondency with its painful exhaustion.

  • Beauty injections. Thirty-one years is not a critical age, but it is no longer youthful. At this time, the skin of many women begins to acquire the first signs of aging. And the skin of the artists, languishing under a thick layer of makeup and fried by the light of spotlights, is aging even faster. Photos of Catherine Barnabas, on the other hand, show a girlish smooth forehead, on which there are no traces of the passage of time. One can only guess how many injections of Botox saw Katya's high forehead. After all, the cost of just one injection is 300-360 rubles.

  • Facelift. The biography of the comedian proves that all her life Ekaterina Barnabas tried to take care of her face. By the age of thirty, the skin began to lose its former tone, and Catherine had to resort to the services plastic surgery. She underwent a facelift for 280 thousand rubles. The skin stretched, from which the cut of the eyes was even more distorted, and the photos of Catherine Barnabas in youth and maturity differ not in favor of the first.

  • . If Barnabas does not recognize information about other operations, then it is a sin to refuse lip correction. Ekaterina Varnava, after plastic surgery, enlarged her upper lip so much that her mouth became terribly disproportionate. By nature, large lips only spoiled the injected silicone. The face was unnaturally long, and the lips began to compete with the huge nose.

Photos of 2015 horrified with their disgusting appearance, but already in 2016 the situation improved markedly. Upper lip decreased, and Ekaterina Vladimirovna Varnava henceforth vowed to experiment with her lips. This is understandable, as she seems to be stuck in her age-old “call girl or dim-witted lover” persona. For her bad experience with overgrown lips, Catherine gave 50 thousand rubles.

Personal life of Catherine Barnabas

The personal life of a famous artist is rich and stormy. This is not surprising, because with her role as a “passionate person”, tight outfits, high heels and war paint, men stick to her like flies to .. jam. The star is trying to hide some relationships, like the shameful pages of her biography, because she met with married men. Dmitry Khrustalev, her colleague in the shop, also fell victim to her "harassment", but the relationship soon fell apart.

Now her civil husband is Konstantin Myakinkov - dancer and choreographer on television shows. A wedding with him has now become a fixed idea for the artist. After all, doves have been secretly living together for a long time. Children are not yet included in the plans of the ambitious actress, because only recently she was offered a new position.

Catherine Barnabas as a person causes a lot of gossip. She is a vivid example of the fact that often the appearance of a woman before plastic surgery is much more attractive than after. And that thinness does not suit every lady. We will follow the further changes of the star. Having started at 31, we do not think that she will be able to stop in time.

Video: Ekaterina Varnava: frankly about personal

Once, a girl was born in the family of a Cossack and a doctor, who was destined to become a sex symbol of one of the popular Russian shows. So Varnava Ekaterina Vladimirovna was born, whose nationality to this day causes heated debate.

On the this moment she is one of the most famous women in Russia. This article tells who Catherine Barnabas is: biography, photos and facts from the life of a star.

First years of life

Many people ask how old Catherine Barnabas is. It's pretty easy to calculate: her birthday is December 9, 1984. When Katya was born, her father was transferred to the service in the city of Wunsdorf in Germany, where she lived until she was 7 years old. Then family future star returned to her homeland, to Moscow.

The return to Russia was difficult. Going to school, the girl became an outcast in the class, because she had bright and beautiful things that other children did not have. The shortage in Russia was felt very acutely, and Moscow schoolchildren decided that Katya was an ordinary upstart.

But the girl did not wear anything that she would not wear at her last school in Germany. However, this did not bother her classmates, and therefore in the first years of her life in Moscow she was very lonely.

Passion for dancing

Catherine Barnabas from the most early years was engaged ballroom dancing. It was the girl's real passion. She attended training almost daily, and she was predicted to have a great future. But when Katya turned 13, she stretched out very much and turned out to be 20 cm taller than her dancing partner!

Of course, she was not allowed to dance with him, and it was not so easy to find a suitable one in other schools either. Well, when they found a pair of suitable height for her, Katya injured her back during training. So at the age of 14 she had to put an end to her career as a dancer.

Student years and the beginning of a career in KVN

Initially, Katya dreamed of continuing creative activity and go to the University of Culture, but failed to pass the selection.

And then, on the advice of her father, the girl applied to MISiS for law and entered. After graduating from it, she became a certified lawyer, but Catherine did not have to work in her specialty.

Appearance of Catherine Barnabas

Many wonder why she has such an extravagant appearance. Who is Barnabas Catherine? The nationality of the girl is half Cossack. And therefore her appearance is very specific, which simply needs to be emphasized with cosmetics.

The girl for the scene is quite brightly painted. Without makeup, Katya immediately fades, and her beautiful expressive eyes are lost. Although the comedian is not shy about appearing in public without makeup.

For example, she has been photographed more than once on the beach with absolutely no makeup, and she is not at all shy about it. Ekaterina believes that the stars are people too, and it is not necessary to constantly wear makeup. True, nevertheless, the girl had to change her mind on this matter.

When she came to a friend's birthday party without make-up, the people around her reacted very violently, and Katya decided that she would only go out with makeup.

But we must admit that in ordinary life she does not like to paint brightly. And before us appears a completely different Barnabas Catherine. Nationality has nothing to do with it. It is on stage that she is a spectacular fatal beauty, but in real life the girl prefers a nude style that hides skin imperfections, emphasizes her eyes, but at the same time gives the impression of a lack of makeup.

stage image

But Katya spends tons of cosmetics. Making a big emphasis on the eyes, she does not hesitate to use bright lipsticks. For the sake of the image of a vamp lady and sexy beauty, she tightens her already thin waist into corsets, puts on mini-skirts and huge heels. At the same time, Katya's height is quite high - 181 cm, and her weight is only 63 kg. Looking at her, you can’t even tell right away how old Catherine Barnabas is. But December 9, 2014 marks thirty years.

But not only the eyes of the beauty attract the eye. Many girls would like to have the same chic curls as a star. Despite the fact that she has been repainted many times, her hair remains very thick and beautiful. The real hair color of Catherine Barnabas is jet black. But the girl was both blonde and brown-haired.

Now Katya has dyed her hair a beautiful chestnut color, but for how long?

Candid photo shoots of Catherine Barnabas

Member Popularity comedy woman attracted the attention of many publications, including men's. In 2010, the girls were invited to a frank photography in the magazine "Maxim". Decided to take pictures and Barnabas Ekaterina. The nationality and upbringing of the girl did not immediately allow her to agree to undress in front of the camera, but still she did it.

Katya was very afraid of how her conservative parents would perceive this. But surprisingly, they reacted quite adequately, even though my father bought a few magazines so that at least someone would not get them.

Photoshoot in the magazine "Maxim" was not the only creative experiment of the beautiful Katya. In 2012, she again took off her clothes for XXL magazine, even appearing on the cover.

Relationships in the family

Catherine Varnava has a very close and trusting relationship with her family. She even agreed to a photo shoot for Maxim magazine only when her parents reacted well and did not object.

She even moved into her own apartment only in 2011, for a long time not daring to move out from her parents and start an independent life.

Relationships in the family greatly influenced the development of the girl's personality. For example, she is firmly convinced that you need to get married only once in your life. Perhaps that is why they broke off the engagement with Dmitry Khrustalev, so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

When her father fell ill, Katya completely revised her attitude to life, realizing that any domestic conflicts and hassles fade against the backdrop of real misfortune. And that you can’t waste your nerves on stupidity and empty insults. Catherine's father was ill for a whole year, and during this time she learned to be more tolerant of everyone around her.

Relationships with colleagues

Barnabas has a very a good relationship with all colleagues on the Comedy Woman show, because in reality they are all far from the same as on stage.

This is only for the cameras, they constantly quarrel, sort things out and tease each other in every possible way. But in life it is a very friendly team. All participants went through the KVN school, which unites and makes them play on the same wavelength.

Ekaterina Varnava has the closest relationship with Maria Kravchenko, but she is also very friendly with other girls. All of them are no longer at the age to conflict and quarrel, each brilliantly plays its role and has its own niche in the show, therefore Ekaterina is very comfortable in this women's team.

In addition, the show sometimes begins to reflect reality, which Barnabas really likes.

Other projects of Ekaterina Varnava in cinema and on TV

Ekaterina Varnava not only performs in the comedy show Comedy Woman, but also plays in various TV shows and movies. Of course, so far the roles are not so big, but everyone started somewhere.

So, she starred in such sitcoms as "Happy Together", "Univer" and "Deffchonki", playing herself. But in the films "8 First Dates" (2012) and "Young Grandfather" (2015), her roles are more significant.

Perhaps someday Ekaterina Barnabas will play not only in comedy series and films, but also in serious films. For example, in the drama how she dreams. After all, the girl has a truly great charisma.

In 2012, Ekaterina Varnava was invited to host the NTV Morning program. Also for some time she acted as a co-host of the "Battle of the Choirs" on the channel "Russia 1".

Ekaterina is constantly offered many projects. For example, acting in commercials or appearing on TV in some kind of program. The girl does not always accept offers, but in 2013 she appeared in a commercial for the store.

And in 2014 she accepted the offer Ukrainian project"Who is on top" and became its host.

In the meantime, Barnabas Catherine, whose nationality still causes gossip, is just beginning to climb career ladder. She's sure to have plenty ahead of her. big projects and roles.

It should be added that Katya practically does not use the Internet, and she does not have accounts in social networks. Such is Catherine Barnabas. Biography, personal life and creative success which attracts the eyes of many fans.

Fans did not expect such a sudden transformation of the Comedy Woman actress Ekaterina Barnabas. Seeing her from short haircut and jet-black hair, they were afraid that the long-haired beauty had said goodbye to her curls.

Fans are convinced that this is not a joke, because under such a small wig the artist's thick hair would not fit. They confidently stated that Katya decided on a radical change in her image. According to commentators, this image deprived her of her former attractiveness, making her less feminine. Ekaterina herself presented the character in the photo as her "alter ego". The fans are confused and ask Barnabas to reveal the secret.

Many of the inhabitants of Instagram, on the contrary, are only happy with the transformation of the star, they admitted that even such a “boyish” image suits a woman. Despite the fact that the hair is very short, followers believe that sharp facial features and a beautiful long neck have become even more expressive.

The comedian is in no hurry to tell subscribers the truth, apparently enjoying reading their comments. Followers began to argue under the photo and express their opinion about the new image of Catherine.

"Lost femininity .."

"Black hair doesn't suit you!"

"Katya, tell me it's a joke!"

"So it's a wig!"

"What wig? It's obviously a haircut, otherwise how would she have stuffed her long, thick hair in there?"

"And I really like it, you have become even brighter!"

More recently, and now excited about her metamorphoses. Most of them still hope that the actress will return to her former appearance, because, according to loyal fans, it is he who is an integral part of her.

Among the whole variety of fashionable colors and hair coloring techniques in 2017, blond and chocolate hair color will win the palm. What other shades of hair will be in fashion in 2017, you can find out right now. Get inspired!

Barely noticeable highlights on the hair, which shimmer in the sun, as if sunbeams- this is about fashionable sombre coloring, which returns to us in 2017. The difference between ombre and sombre is that the second one looks more natural, and the line between color transitions is almost visible. Such fashionable hair coloring in 2017 will be one of the most popular and is suitable for owners of medium and long hair.

darkened roots

The darkening of the roots trend is moving from 2016 to 2017 - to the delight of those who dye their hair blonde. A smooth transition from dark roots to light hair color is one of the main trends in fashionable coloring in 2017.

Eye of the Tiger

We have already managed to tell you about this fashionable type of staining. Tiger eye is perfect for brunettes. We are sure the combination of caramel strands and Brown color hair in 2017 will conquer millions of girls! We've already been conquered.

Metallic - the most fashionable hair color of 2017

Want to make others speechless at the sight of you? Try dyeing your hair metallic! It can vary - choose grey, blue or pink. A nice bonus will be the incredible shine of the hair.

Balayazh:the most fashionable type of coloring 2017

The balayazh hair coloring technique continues to gain popularity and in 2017 it will become more fashionable than ever! This fashionable coloring suits absolutely everyone. In addition, it can be done both for short and medium and long hair.

Fashion hair color 2017 will be white blond

Blond hair color, like natural blondes, is becoming one of the main fashion trends in 2017. But be careful, white blond is not for everyone. This hair color will favorably emphasize the appearance of girls with a cold color type. Therefore, if you have fair skin and light eyes, and your natural hair color is blond or lighter, you can safely do this coloring in 2017!

Chocolate brown is the trendiest hair color of 2017

This "sweet" hair color will appeal to those who want to dye their hair in classic natural tones in 2017. Chocolate brown actually looks amazing in real life: deep, iridescent, it changes color depending on the light and adds incredible shine to the hair. In general, you will like it!

Fashionable hair color 2017: chocolate lilac

Another trend is hair color chocolate mauve. Chocolate mauve hair color is great for all the upcoming seasons of 2017! And although this shade is not natural, it still gives a natural appearance hair.

Pink blonde - trendy hair color 2017

Pink blonde continues to hold the palm and becomes one of the trendy hair colors of 2017. This hair color looks especially cool in combination with trendy balayage. Let's like it!

Brond: fashionable hair coloring in 2017

Brond coloring (from English blond + brown = bronde) involves mixing strands of blond and chestnut colors. In 2017, the concept of "brond" will also mean mixing several similar subtones. This will help create a complex multi-faceted color and rich overflows on the hair. Brond will really "sparkle" in the sun. Let's check?

Fashion trend 2017: sand blonde hair color

Sand hair color in 2017 will be one of the main in the field of fashionable hair coloring. It is ideal for girls with natural light brown hair, as well as blondes who do not want to radically change their hair color. Sand blonde adds a touch of shine to the hair and creates the effect of sun-kissed hair.

We told you about the most fashionable colors and types of hair coloring in 2017. We are sure that each of them deserves your attention, so choose the one you like the most and be the best in the New 2017!

Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Varnava is the owner of a bright and extraordinary appearance. Ekaterina is a very tall girl with large features who loves bright makeup and has nothing against plastic surgery. We are closely following the changes in our showbiz. Let's see how Barnabas has changed in 15 years.

During her career on television, Ekaterina Varnava really changed a lot - from hairstyles and makeup style to facial features. But first things first!

Ekaterina Varnava, 2001

Young Ekaterina Barnabas and without makeup - even the most devoted fans recognize her with difficulty. Today, the girl boasts incredible thinness, and in her youth she had charming cheeks!

Ekaterina Varnava, 2007

Ekaterina Varnava began her career in KVN, then she had not yet chosen the role of a daring beauty with a hoarse voice. The lips were thinner and the hair shorter!

Ekaterina Varnava, 2010

After leaving KVN, Barnabas abruptly changed her image: she refused bangs, began to paint brightly and preferred sexy outfits.

Ekaterina Varnava, 2011

However, exits with bangs sometimes still happened ... Catherine still should have abandoned her: such a hairstyle makes a large nose visually even longer.

Ekaterina Varnava, 2012

Ekaterina really suits shoulder-length hair and lush styling. In addition, the chestnut shade of hair is refreshing. We consider this exit a beauty victory!

And victories are followed by failures... Multi-colored makeup in pink and green tones, styling "under the ribbon" with rhinestones - this is a clear bust for a girl with such an expressive appearance as Barnabas.

Ekaterina just loves arrows and eyeliner on the lower eyelid - “Cleopatra makeup” sometimes looks too aggressive. Why shouldn't the star's makeup artist try shading?

Ekaterina Varnava, 2013

In the last couple of years, Catherine began to wear long hair with regrown bangs. For her face shape, this hairstyle is the best option!

Even burning brunettes at least once in their lives want to become blondes. And Catherine Barnabas is no exception! By the way, she chose a successful warm shade of blond, which looked very good in combination with her dark eyes and eyebrows.

Ekaterina Varnava, 2015

Oh those lips! Last year, Ekaterina also got them ... We really hope that they will not become even larger!

Ekaterina noticeably lost weight, while her eyebrows became even wider, and her lips became even more voluminous.

Recently, Catherine has changed beyond recognition: the star began to wear light lenses that made her not look like herself. At first we thought it was Anna Sedokova!