Weighted men's jackets by Julia Kovalchuk. Julia Kovalchuk for the first time in many years made a short haircut

Long blond hair has long been considered the hallmark of Yulia Kovalchuk. But recently, the singer decided to change her image - although not drastically, but quite noticeably. The wife of Alexei Chumakov cut her long curls and now boasts a trendy elongated bob.

Yulia Kovalchuk's new hairstyle

My new haircut!!! And, it seems, this is not the most insane act, but I think the girls will understand me that sometimes you go to a new one for a very long time ... and then you do it and you don’t regret it !!! Thanks to my Masha for taking care of my hair for 8 years, and only you could I entrust this little sacrament,

Posted by Julia on Instagram. The singer's fans appreciated this beauty transformation with thousands of likes, but expressed the hope that Kovalchuk would not change her hair color after the haircut - it really suits her to be a blonde, despite all the stereotypes.

I've been debunking the blonde stereotype all my life. As a child, I was a little darker, but now my natural color is ash blonde. When you are small, go to school, this stereotype does not stick to you. There is no division that the fair ones are stupid, and the dark ones are smart. There are just stupid and smart ones, regardless of hair color. At school, I didn’t come across this stereotype at all, and when I moved to Moscow, studied at the university, got into the “Brilliant” group, I didn’t even give a reason to think that I was stupid. This image is absolutely not mine, - Kovalchuk told HELLO.RU.

Julia Kovalchuk before haircutJulia Kovalchuk Julia Kovalchuk

With the advent of spring, women, and some men, too, begin to puzzle over how to bring themselves into great shape. In the near future, those who want to build will have a reason to find out helpful tips and follow how the participants of the “Weighted People” project on the STS channel are losing weight. This is the first Russian analogue of the American reality show The Biggest Loser. leading new program became former soloist group "Brilliant" singer and actress Yulia Kovalchuk.

According to the rules of the show "Weighted People", participants under the supervision of nutritionists, psychologists and trainers will have to undergo physical tests, diets, and weekly weigh-ins. And the one who achieves the best results will receive a prize of three million rubles. Yulia Kovalchuk encouraged the participants, and from time to time scolded them for succumbing to the temptations. The singer personally tested all the obstacle courses on herself to find out how difficult it would be to cope with them. Julia was invited to lead a weight loss program as the owner slim figure. However, the singer admitted in an interview with Voronezh journalists that she was not always proud of her forms.

- Julia, now you look perfect. Have you ever had problems with being overweight?

At the age of five, I started doing gymnastics, and even then my mother was constantly told that I needed to lose weight. Meanwhile, I was quite an ordinary child, not skinny. But this information somehow stuck in the subconscious. I remember that my mother made pasta for dinner, and I ate and thought how not to get better. And my maximum weight was at my institute, then I weighed five kilograms more than now. Most likely, this was due to malnutrition. I had no money to eat well, and my friends and I ate buns in the canteen. Gradually, I lost weight up to 50 kilograms and developed my own nutrition system.

- And what is this power system?

I do not eat fried and fatty foods, ketchup, mayonnaise, very spicy sauces. Never smoked in my life. I also do not abuse alcohol, maximum - a glass of wine after the concert to relax. I don’t eat pork, bell peppers, onions, garlic, radishes, grapes at all. All that is digested for a very long time and causes food to ferment. Someone, on the contrary, needs these products, but my body rejects them. I am a normal person, I can eat Napoleon cake if it is cooked at home. But again, I won’t eat it at night, but the next day I’ll go in for sports a little more seriously.

- Are you fasting?

No. I think that fasting is a spiritual event, not related to weight loss. It is also believed that wandering people do not need to fast. Since I am a person who moves from place to place without a normal sleep schedule, this would be very bad for my stomach. I have already tried to fast, but nothing good came of it. After two weeks, I had to return to my normal diet. I respect those people who fast and do it according to their inner desire.

The show "Weighted People" was filmed around four months. What ground rules did you work out with the nutritionists to keep the participants from gaining weight?

All problems are from overeating, so we called the first rule very harshly “shut your mouth”. It is better to give the stomach at least some food every three hours than to endure and wait, and then pounce on insane amounts of food, after which you don’t want to live. To prevent this from happening, the nutritionists of our project advise to carry a small box with nuts, dried fruits, take yogurt, muesli in bars. The second rule is also not very difficult - if you eat a lot, then you should move even more - walk, run, swim.

- How do you burn calories?

I do a lot when I rehearse concert program. It seems to me that one concert eats up a two-day calorie intake for me. I try to swim in the pool 2-3 times a week, but it doesn't always work out. In the gym I work out according to an individual program, I do sets of exercises for different groups muscles, and at the end of the lesson I always do stretching, that is, I stretch the muscles so that they remain in good shape. On vacation, I enjoy walking and cycling.

- Recently, your husband, singer Alesei Chumakov, has lost a lot of weight. Did you force him?

He purposefully lost weight for filming in the romantic comedy "I'll Get Married Urgently." We play the main characters there. He lost weight under the strict supervision of a nutritionist. He tried very hard, and I just helped him a little not to visit the refrigerator once again.

- Was it difficult to act together with your loved one?

According to the script, Lyosha and I hate each other for a long time, but in the end everything ends well. Of course, there are moments that are easier to pass with a loved one on the set. But there were days when we argued for a long time and could not come to any decision. In the end, we asked the director to resolve our conflicts. And he very tactfully found a way out of the dispute. I think we've got it good movie without vulgar jokes, which will make you believe in love and fight for it.

- Tell us, how is your musical career going?

In a couple of weeks my long-awaited album comes out. It includes my songs and compositions of young Russian authors. And at the beginning of the summer we plan to arrange big concert with the presentation of the album. I hope that I will come on tour to Voronezh. I have many friends in your city.

The show "Weighted People" on STS is an analogue of the western The Biggest Loser. It has been filmed abroad for 11 years, with success in 90 countries. In Russia, Yulia Kovalchuk undertook to fight overweight fat people.

When I was invited to become the host of the Weighted People project, I honestly sat down and watched several episodes of the American show at once, - Yulia told KP. - And it captured me so much that I absolutely understood: I want to lead this program. It was an invaluable experience - we spent four months side by side with the participants, experienced their ups and downs, but it was worth it.

- Did all the heroes cope with the assigned tasks in the end?

Unfortunately no. We had breakdowns on the site: people were crying, they were about to leave. It is not so difficult for a person to overcome himself physically: he will be rude, grumble, but he will do it anyway. But the fight against psychology is more difficult. A team of trainers and nutritionists had to find the right motivation for each participant. The program also gave me a lot: before the show, I seemed to be well versed in nutrition, but, as it turned out, I made mistakes. For example, in one of the issues there was a competition in which it was necessary to determine the usefulness and calorie content of products by eye. I checked myself too. There were two vegetable salads on the table. One is seasoned with two tablespoons of mayonnaise and the other with the same amount of olive oil. The nutritionist asked the question: “What is less caloric?” Of course, everyone rushed to the salad with butter, because they decided it was more correct. In fact, there are more calories in oil. Although it is more useful.

- "Weighted People" was filmed last summer. Within a few months, your husband Alexei Chumakov lost a lot of weight. Is it related?

Partly. When I worked on the show, Alexei and I were simultaneously preparing for filming in a new feature film"I'll get married soon." Both the director and the entire production team, and first of all Lesha himself, came to the conclusion that for this film he needed to lose a lot of weight. And I immediately turned to a proven nutritionist - the one that worked in the "Weighted People". It can be said that she took advantage of her official position. She developed an individual program for Alexei. As a result, in a month and a week he lost 10 kg!

- But it's dangerous. Five weeks is very short term in order to shed that kind of weight.

The nutritionist was given just such a task. She looked at all of Alexei's tests and talked to him. The nutritionist assumed that he would lose 7-8 kg, but it’s even great that it turned out more. The body responded well to the new nutrition system. The specialist offered 8 options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lesha ate familiar products: chicken, fish, lamb, beef, cereals, sometimes potatoes. But they were correctly combined and were in the right dosage. He was even allowed to drink a little - 100 grams of rum, although alcohol is usually excluded from diets.

- Are you satisfied with your appearance?

Once it seemed to me that I had a big nose, then ears. Then I complained that I had fat legs. This is a normal process for any woman, even incredible beauties see flaws in themselves. Now I'm happy with the way I look. I decided this: if something does not suit you and it can be corrected, then you need to work on yourself. And if nothing can be done, you need to accept yourself for who you are.

Physical tests, debilitating diets, alluring temptations and forced weekly weigh-ins... Started in February new season project "Weighted people" at STS. The host of the show, our compatriot Yulia Kovalchuk, frankly said that she also once went on a diet ...

You have been hosting the STS show “Weighted People” for several seasons on how to lose weight correctly. Why were you chosen to host this show? After all, you have always had an ideal figure and, probably, it is difficult for you to understand the problems of heroes.

It seems to me that seeing in front of you a person who is much slimmer than you, and at the same time asking or even forcing you to do physical exercises, pushes you to radically change your usual way of life - this is an excellent incentive to work on yourself. So inviting me to host the show "Weighted People" is an informed decision. By the way, I watched the American version before filming, and to be honest, there are not many television shows that hook me, but it made a very strong impression on me. I wondered if it would be possible to recreate the same exciting project in our country and with our participants, while revealing national mentality. I took the offer to lead the project as a challenge, backed up by sincere interest.

You hosted various TV programs, participated in reality shows. How are "Weighted People" different from past experiences?

This project is important for me, first of all, because I can, at least a little, but change a person's life. It's great to see how unhappy people turn into happy ones! Weighted People requires daily immersion and evokes a completely different emotion for me than entertainment programs. As an experienced reality TV participant, I thought that being directly involved in the show is much more interesting than hosting it. It turned out that managing such a competition is no less exciting: somewhere to tease a falling asleep player, somewhere to encourage kind word.

You can already be considered a true expert in the field of weight loss. In your opinion, which methods are the most effective, and which ones are a waste of time?

There was a period in my life when I really resorted to the help of diets. But this was not due to the desire to lose weight. Then I took tests, according to the results of which an individual program was formed for me, which allowed me to normalize the functioning of the body. And it really helped me. But now there are so many diets that only make things worse. Therefore, the main advice: first of all, try to stick to a balanced diet. Each person needs a certain amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, but in individual proportions. There is no diet that can suit everyone: after all, someone weighs fifty kilograms, and someone a hundred, someone has a sick stomach, and someone has diabetes. As for the general points, try not to overeat at night looking and eat fractionally: every three to four hours. If you stick to these simple rules plus you will start walking or cycling a lot, even such simple tricks will be enough not to gain extra pounds.

According to your observations, how does a person change when he loses excess weight, using the example of the participants in the show “Weighted People”?

I follow the guys and I can say that I feel great pride, for example, for the same finalist of the second season - Yan Samokhvalov, who is now in such a wonderful physical shape. Just smart! Yakov Povarenkin also turned into a slender woman, now he is a coach himself. Of course, I rejoice in the success of Timur Bikbulatov, the winner of the second season. He looks amazing, got a job in the gym, and recently became a father for the third time. Of course, not only their appearance, but also in general setting for life: work, relationships with relatives, friends, the opposite sex and, in general, with the outside world. In the third season, by the way, it will be more difficult for our participants, because now they will lose weight and compete in pairs - husbands with wives, children with parents and best friends. Believe us, we have prepared many surprises!

It's no secret that one of the main female fears is to get fat. Admit it, personally you are sometimes tormented by such fear? How do you deal with it?

To be honest with early childhood I go in for sports: rhythmic gymnastics, folk dances and jazz modern. Having moved to Moscow, I entered the choreographic faculty. My dancing experience is twenty-five years. If you constantly exercise, it becomes difficult to sit without physical activity even for a couple of days. In addition, I train a lot before performances, and the concerts themselves help burn calories and kilograms. I regularly visit the gym, but I don’t really like fitness, I’m more willing to do exercises for certain muscle groups. I love swimming, which, by the way, is also very useful for people with problematic weight: a person spends two to three times more energy in water than in air, which means that they lose weight faster.

From April 18, the Russian analogue of the American reality show The Biggest Loser - "Weighted People" starts on the STS channel. The project was hosted by 32-year-old singer and actress Yulia Kovalchuk. On the eve of the show’s release on television, the site met with the artist and learned how to properly motivate yourself to play sports, why lack of time is not a hindrance to physical activity, and whether a woman with forms can be considered beautiful.

32-year-old Yulia Kovalchuk is a role model: slim, beautiful, successful. The singer always watches her figure and does not miss any opportunity to go in for sports. Perhaps that is why she became the host of the reality show "Weighted People". In the Russian analogue of the American project The Biggest Loser, Yulia Kovalchuk, together with a team of qualified specialists (fitness trainers, a nutritionist and psychologists), will help 18 participants suffering from excess weight, radically change your life - lose annoying kilograms and compete for an impressive prize fund 3 million rubles.

website: Julia, how did it happen that you became the host of the show "Weighted People"?

It seems to me that to see in front of you a person who is much slimmer than you, and at the same time asks or even forces you to do physical exercises, this is a great incentive to work on yourself, to win. So inviting me to host the show "Weighted People" is an informed decision. I was very worried about the participants, sometimes to tears, because I saw how their characters broke during the trials, how difficult it was for them to change themselves for the sake of cherished dream. As planned by the creators, I had to be more restrained and strict than in life. So in front of the camera she could not give up.

. What about your loved ones? How can you help a person in such a situation?

Yu.K.: You can only help with sober, tough advice. There are no other options. Because these people are already reaching the point where gentleness on the part of loved ones only exacerbates the situation.

“It is a lie like:“ No, you’re normal, just a little plump, ”when a real fat man stands in front of you, and creates big problem for obese people. Of course, you need to choose words very correctly, not to offend a person, not to offend.

But an overweight person must understand that he brought himself to such a state and extra pounds threaten his health. For a woman, this is fraught with the impossibility of becoming pregnant; men most often have problems with potency. From the fact that the hormonal background is changing, hair falls out, in the end.

Among my relatives and friends, very fat people no. But even those who have at least a little overweight, they always get a dose of "healthy" advice from me (smiles). Otherwise it won't work. I always try to help in any way I can - I talk about the daily routine, about good diets, new exercises. For my parents, I myself am a motivation, as they need to monitor their health so that there is no pain in the joints, in the spine, rheumatism. All my loved ones are in good shape, including my husband!

website: Many people think that if you are a celebrity, a media person, then it is easier for you to find time and money for sports ...

Yu.K.: You know, it would be very cool to interview my mother on this topic. I'll explain why. Once she came to visit me, and I decided to show her what the life of an artist is. She and I went to the shooting, rehearsals, together with me my mother was present at the interview, then at the concert ... Arriving home at 2 am, she exhaled: “Hellish profession!”

“There is a misconception that artists go only to concerts and performances, the rest is just a trifle, offscreen work. In my case, it's a 24-hour job, because I'm my own producer."

In addition to the fact that I need to work out concerts, I also meet a huge number of people. I also help my colleagues and friends organize some meetings.

website: Then how do you manage to deal with yourself in such a schedule?

Yu.K.: To be honest, I generally don’t have enough time to go to the gym. I certainly try to do it. But in the event that I don’t get into the gym, believe me (and my husband will confirm it!), I go to bed at home and pump the press. I do simple exercises. While walking with dogs, I run. In summer I ride a bike. I am always looking for an excuse to increase my physical activity, and this is all in addition to the fact that I constantly have to run in heels.

“Lack of time is too easy an excuse for those who say so. If you wish, you can do everything. And if a person refers to the fact that there is no time for sports, but at the same time he finds it to go on the Internet and write a suffering comment about it somewhere on the forum instead of lying down and shaking the press, then this indicates that that he is lazy. We must look for the reasons in ourselves.

All my successful colleagues, believe me, often have very little time for themselves. Everyone will tell you that they visit the beautician "forays", periodically stop by the bathhouse and pool in order to somehow tone themselves up after a hard day's work.

Yu.K.: I don't have a typical day otherwise I would go crazy (smiles). But take, for example, an average busy day. Since I go to bed at 3-4 am, I wake up around 11 am. In order to feel good, I allocate 8 hours for sleep. I get up quickly, sharply, without any swaying. Breakfast is the main meal of the day. True, I can’t say that it’s very tight, it’s more important for me to feel full.

Yu.K.: I choose one thing: yogurt, toast, porridge, cheesecakes, cookies. Then I go either to an interview, or to a business meeting, or to a shooting ... I rarely have lunch, but I try to have a snack so that there is no feeling of hunger and I don’t want to eat everything that I see later. For a snack I have muesli bars, dried fruits, salads. Then I can have a dance rehearsal with a ballet or a concert.