Pencil drawings from the Assassin game. How to draw Assassin from Assassins Creed step by step (lesson of drawing a man in full growth)

You may wonder how to draw an assassin? There is nothing easier. In this article, we will show you step by step the simplicity of this process.

Many people are simply afraid to even try to draw not only complex illustrations, but sometimes even banal drawings. We hasten to reassure you, create beautiful drawing very easy, especially using our step by step instructions, which will clarify in detail the procedure and the principle of the animation. And so let's get started.

Let's try to understand in detailhow to draw an assassin with a pencil. Initially, we need to draw the outline, which is indicated in the figure. We draw a vertical line, which will be the axis of our entire drawing. Parallels should be drawn, which will be the faces of the head, shoulders, waist and lower legs. Do not forget to enter a quadrilateral into our drawing, which will later serve as a kind of support for us, from which we will build on to create a further composition.

When the contour sketches are already created, we can safely move on to the next step. You should have absolutely no problems with this. Assassin pencil drawing step by step will allow you to demonstrate your creative skill in front of your friends and get an unforgettable and precious experience in artistic development.

Drawing an assassin in stages is extremely simple and even enticing.As you can see, our character is starting to acquire a more or less recognizable image. Using the outline sketches above, we can boldly draw out the outlines of the helmet, arms, waist and legs. Do not try to draw identically, your skill and imagination will only help you develop your creative and artistic potential.

It is worth noting that the contour should not be drawn with very rough thick lines. Extra strokes we should erase. Thus, you can create a beautiful and colorful picture.

Next, using a pencil, we begin to draw out the details. From the top to the base of the legs, we smoothly draw all the fragments of our character, outlining more and more detailed segments of the composition. Drawassassin creed pencil drawings can be done both independently and with adults. Many of the details that are indicated in the illustration are important due to the fact that the character is already recognizable and their own adjustments may not be appropriate. Drawing the contours of the fingers, shoes, bringing together the waist and helmet, focus on the general concept of the drawing. Our hero should not be overly full or thin. When creating a picture of an assassin drawing with a pencil, you need to take into account all factors of growth, proportions and symmetry.

How to draw an assassin with a pencil in stages can only be understood when you get to work. Practice and you will definitely succeed.

So we are approaching the final stage of our master class lesson "We draw an assassin with a pencil. As you can see, you should apply shadows, thin strokes, finish the belt. Our character is almost ready. At this stage, you can use an eraser and remove unnecessary strokes, sketches, schematic proportions, with which the drawing of our hero began. How to draw an assassin step by step you have already understood. minimum effort and maximum amount diligence will lead you to success.

Now you know how to draw an assassin with a pencil. We hope that our article helped you draw a beautiful and rich composition.

The meaning of the word "Assassin", if briefly it is a hashish smoker, a drug addict, appeared from the distorted Arabic "hashishiyun" - using hashish. Subsequently, this term will be attributed to fanatics who commit murders for religious and political reasons.

And already at the time of the Crusades, this term began to mean assassino, which, translated from the Portuguese assassin, where many crusader leaders who became victims of the intrigues of internecine wars died at the hands of hired killers, the Ismaili hashshashin, lubricating their daggers with poison.

In this lesson I will show you how to draw assassin altair, edward, connor, ezio v full height from the video game with a simple pencil and step by step.

We draw an assassin in stages:

Step one. We draw the frame of the body of Ezio's character with rectangular lines, his arms are slightly raised, his head is lowered.

Step two. We make a sketch of a suit and a hood.

Step three. We completely outline the entire body with a bold outline, finish drawing the belt and face, and then the daggers in the hands of the assassin.

Yes Firenze - that was the name of an assassin who lived during the Renaissance in Italy. Translated into Russian, "assassin" means "murderer". Today's drawing lesson is dedicated to this character. We will take a detailed look at how to draw an assassin.

A bit of history

Ezio was born in 1459, June 24, had an older brother and younger sister and brother. Ezio had a strong friendship with the elder Auditore, and he took care of the younger ones and took care of them, although he himself was not much older.

By nature, he was cheerful and had a warm, amorous heart. Many beauties of that time fell victim to his charm. The auditore was very kind. He had enough time to help his parents. Father - with his papers, and sometimes with delivery to recipients. Mothers - with artists who brought their paintings to her shop.

Second birth

Thus, Ezio was an ordinary person until the time when his father and brothers were executed due to treachery. After this terrible and tragic event, the average Auditore went on the warpath.

Protecting his sister and mother, Ezio decided to leave for a quieter place and stayed with his uncle, who taught his nephew many of the techniques of the Assassins, and handling weapons.

Thanks to the deeds of Ezio, many cities in Europe came under the control of the Assassins. And his descendants stood at the head of the Order for more than 500 years after his death.

Stages of work

In our today's lesson, we will consider how to draw an assassin with a pencil in stages.

The drawing must begin with a schematic sketch of the figure. Consider the situation surrounding a person, and the movements that he performs: jumping, standing or something else. Ezio is a man, and his body, like that of any trained man, looks like a bowl: broad shoulders, narrow hips and a pelvis. This is due to the structure of muscles and bones.

For the convenience of drawing, we will divide the process into successive stages, performing which we will depict the entire drawing.

In the lesson "How to draw an assassin" we will consider a simple pose of a standing person.

Stage one. Human sketch

Sketch first human body carefully observing all proportions. Despite the fact that all people are different in build, the proportions, as a rule, they have the same.

Draw a circle where the head will be, and continue with the center line of the neck.

We outline the line of the shoulders and draw a trapezoidal body.

Let's finish the sketch of the body with the image of the legs from the knee to the feet.

The first stage is quite important in drawing. Therefore, before starting further work, it is necessary to check the ratio of the main proportions.

Stage two. Draw the details of the head

The assassin is secretive, his identity should not be recognized. Otherwise, the danger threatens not only him, but also his family and his loved ones. That is why he wears a mask and hood, which almost completely cover his face. The hair is hidden under the hood.

At the second stage of the lesson "How to draw an assassin with a pencil" we begin to draw the details of the cape collar. It consists of several lapels on the chest, internal seams and general contour passing into the hood.

Stage three

We draw the top of the hood, passing along the top of the figure, lower it to the shoulders, outlining the pattern of the cape.

Highly detailed. It consists of many elements and can create some difficulties in its image. Please note that the clothes are not symmetrical. And the pattern of the right shoulder will be different from the left.

IN this lesson we will look at how to draw assassin Ezio. We will especially pay attention to the image of his clothes, because Ezio inherited her from his father.

The set consists of a white faded shirt, over which a silvery doublet is put on - outerwear for men, lined, embroidered with red patterns. A wide belt with a metal buckle, which depicts the symbol of the order of assassins, has many pockets and pockets for daggers, medicines and poisons.

Hood white color with a pointed, beak-like end. A cloak is fixed on the left shoulder, covering half of the back and arm.


On the right palm is a glove with a hidden stiletto. On his left hand he wears a metal engraved bracer, in which a stiletto is also hidden. It is ejected using a secret mechanism.

An interesting fact is that when this mechanism was first created, correct work interfered with the hands, which were simply chopped off so that weapons could be used. Later, changes in the design of the mechanism were made by Leonardo da Vinci, who made it possible to use a flip stylet without injuring the hands.

Dark pants and soft boots.

Stage four. Details

The head is drawn. Now let's proceed to further elaboration of the drawing: we will depict that part of the cape that covers right hand figures.

Let's shape the sleeves. They are quite wide and therefore have folds.

Let's draw the details on Ezio's chest. Through his torso passes a strap designed to attach various weapons.

We finish this stage by sketching the bottom edge of the jacket. Be careful and careful when drawing details.

Stage five

Add cuffs on the sleeves and fingers. Let's pay attention to the fact that weapons are hidden in the sleeves. These are two daggers or stilettos, which, if necessary, can be extended along the palms with the help of a mechanism.

A wide patterned belt is located at the waist of the assassin. The beauty of the drawing will depend on the quality of its drawing. Ahead on the belt is the symbol of the order of assassins.

Draw the folds of the cape on the right, the bottom of the shirt and the ends of the belt, fluttering in the wind or from fast movement.

Stage six. Finishing touches

The drawing is almost finished. A few more strokes - and you will know how to draw an assassin. It remains to finish some minor details of clothing that give the human figure uniqueness and recognizability.

Draw the skirts of the long shirt peeking out from under the jacket. A little lower is the end of the Assassin's cloak.

Stage seven

Draw the legs in high boots, which are just as detailed, although to a lesser extent, than the belt and cloak.

Stage eight

The last step in the lesson "How to draw an assassin" will be the outline of the main contours of the figure. Erase the extra lines. You can color the drawing and add shadows to give volume to Ezio.


After reading the article, you learned how to draw an assassin in stages. And now it will not be difficult for you to do everything yourself.

Especially at the request of our reader Stas the Great, I prepared a lesson on how draw an assassin with a pencil. Probably, among our readers there are still many fans of the game Assassin's Creed, and, I hope, the lesson will be of interest to you. And I was once fond of this game and look forward to the next part coming out. According to Ubisoft director Yves Guillemot, the next part of the game will be even more interesting and with unrealistic graphics. The release of the game is promised, if not this year, then certainly in 2013 for sure. If you are a true connoisseur, then I recommend reading the biography of Ezio Auditore de Ferenze. I want to note right away that it is not for drawing, so please be patient and pencils. The main difficulty in drawing lies in the costume of Ezio Auditore. I took a picture from Wikipedia: Look closely at Ezio Auditore costume. It consists of many parts, including metal parts, fabric items, in general, everything that a killer needs is there. But many designers and computer scientists worked on this image, and we are just beginners. Therefore, I will try to simplify it a little so that it is easier for you to draw. Let's start learning step by step instructions.

How to draw an assassin with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw the position of Ezio's body. Circles in place of the head and arms, the body in the form of a trapezoid, and two lines in place of the legs. Step two. Pictures of Ezio Auditore de Firenze very highly detailed, there are a lot of shadows and colors. We will try to highlight only the main elements. Start drawing the details of the costume. Step three. Below the circle that denoted the head, draw an oval face. Draw the nose and lips on the face. We have already seen how to draw a nose with a pencil in the previous lesson. Make a few strokes to highlight the neck. Next draw the hood and move on to the shoulder part. Step four. We draw sleeves and a belt on a stomach. Step five. Draw the hands. Note that he has two hidden blades in his sleeves. They are fixed in a special mechanism and, if necessary, are extended along the palm. We draw further the costume as in the figure. Step six. Let's add some details on the costume, according to the picture. Let's move on to drawing the legs. I don't think there should be any problem here. Step seven. We delete the auxiliary lines with the help of an eraser and highlight the contours of the picture with a bold line. Here's how we should be. I decided to add some more shadows with a simple pencil. If you have any further questions, how to draw ezio write them in the comments. Show your drawings. Rate another drawing by our reader Maria: If you can't see the pictures well, click on them with the mouse - they will enlarge! Would you like to draw portraits of famous people? Then try these.

In this lesson I will try to tell you how to draw an assassin in stages. You can use any drawing method convenient for you - an assassin can be drawn both with a pencil and in a graphics editor.

In any drawing, we always move from larger to smaller, that is, we first draw general forms, gradually detailing our image. Here we start with a schematic sketch of the body. We draw a head in the form of an elongated oval, a neck, two circles in those places where the shoulders should be located. Next draw common features shapes with simple lines. Keep in mind that you are drawing an assassin, which means a man, so his figure should be appropriate. The shoulders should be much wider than the hips.

We begin to apply muscles to our so-called skeleton. Try to stick to natural human proportions. This stage will significantly affect the assassin's posture. Pay attention to his posture in this picture.

Let's start detailing the drawing. Before drawing an assassin, get to know the character well - look for art by other artists, play the game. Carefully study what clothes are inherent in the character, what elements are significant in the image of an assassin. We draw clothes in more detail, removing all unnecessary lines.

Now we proceed to the lower body of the assassin. We draw his boots, pants and other paraphernalia. If you don't like the pose, try redrawing it, and if it needs to be corrected slightly, the Liquify tool will come to the rescue.

We draw weapons for our assassin - he won’t fight with his bare hands, will he? Although ... who knows, these assassins.

The last, final stage is the application of flowers. If you decide to draw an assassin with a simple pencil, you can stop at this stage, or apply shadows. We will paint the assassin in Photoshop. There should not be many colors in the picture - everything is as minimalistic as possible. Sharp shadows and pure colors.