Combined choir of the academy. Concerts of the children's choir of Russia Big consolidated choir

January 8th, two thousand and fourteen new stage Mariinsky Theater a concert of the Consolidated children's choir Russia, numbering over a thousand participants. Those who were lucky enough to be in a huge hall that evening witnessed a grand celebration!

The project was initiated by the All-Russian Choral Society. In September 2013, preselection auditions for children began in eighty-three regions. Russian Federation. For an objective and impartial assessment of future project participants, the best choirmasters of Russia were sent to all corners of Russia. Artistic director Choir studio of boys and young men of St. Petersburg Vadim Pchelkin was invited to audition children in Karelia (Petrozavodsk), Pskov region (Velikie Luki) and the Chechen Republic (Grozny). According to the results of the competitive selection, the thousandth choir included children aged from nine to fourteen years old, with a beautiful timbre of voice, able to quickly assimilate musical material and able to work in a large team.

On January 2, 2014, young singers from all over Russia arrived in St. Petersburg and settled in the hotels of our city. On January 3, rehearsals began. They were held in the new building of the Mariinsky Theater and in the hall of the Academic Chapel.

The thousandth choir was divided into nine districts. In each district, from six to sixteen regions of our country were represented. Nine choirmasters started working with the districts.

Today's concert began with a performance by the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra conducted by People's Artist Russia Valery Gergiev. After the brilliantly performed overture by Georgy Sviridov “Time, forward”, the curtain began to slowly rise and auditorium seized with unbridled delight. From the stage smiled a thousand children's faces glowing with happiness. Everyone who witnessed this moment experienced a special feeling.

Accompanied by the orchestra, the choir performed such works as Isaac Dunayevsky's song "Fly, pigeons", Alexandra Pakhmutova's works "The good choir" and "Heroes of sports", Arkady Ostrovsky's hymn "Let there always be sunshine". Polyphony poured through the hall, consisting of thousands of children's souls and merging into a single voice - the voice of Russia.

In addition to the consolidated pieces, the children of each district independently performed one piece, pre-selected and learned by the choirmaster working with them.

The North-Western Federal District under the direction of Vadim Pchelkin performed the work of Georgy Sviridov on the verses of S. Yesenin "Departed Russia".

Vadim Pcholkin says: “It was interesting for me to participate in such a grandiose project at all its stages: from conception to implementation. During this period of time, many unusual things happened, but I will note only two of the most bright moments: a trip to Grozny and a rehearsal with the children's choir of the Northwestern Federal District.

A trip to Grozny changed my outlook and idea of ​​the North Caucasus, and rehearsals with the Children's Choir gave me the best winter holidays in my life! The warmth and love that I received during these few January days from children with whom I had never known before became the best Christmas present for me. I have never had to sign so many autographs and wishes! I sincerely hope that these amazing girls and boys will remember our rehearsals and successful performance on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre!”

In a month, the Children's Choir of Russia will be entrusted with a special mission - a performance at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and this unique team will see the whole world.

Dear friends!

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The creation of a consolidated choir with the participation of children from all over our country was one of the first initiatives of the recently revived All-Russian Choral Society. This initiative is supported by the leaders of leading choirs, well-known figures of choral art, the public, federal and regional authorities. Invaluable assistance in the implementation of a project that is significant for our time is provided by Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Russia Olga Yuryevna Golodets, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, governors of territories and regions, heads of Russian republics.

In search of gifted children, members of the Presidium of the All-Russian Choral Society traveled across the country: from Chukotka to Kaliningrad, from Murmansk to Makhachkala. More than a thousand young talents have been selected to participate in the Children's Choir of Russia, who will take part in the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi early next year.

« The choir is a prototype of an ideal society based on a common aspiration and harmonious breathing, a society in which it is important to hear the other, to listen to each other,” said Georgy Struve. Creation of the Children's Choir of Russia not only creative project, it also has a large public importance. Children from different regions will perform in a single team, of different nationalities, different social strata of the population. They will learn to listen and hear each other outside of art, to feel like children of a single great country and will transmit this sense of unity to others.

Throughout the world, the level of development of choral art is recognized as an indicator of the moral health of society. The Children's Choir of Russia is a vivid illustration of the fact that our country is more and more confidently following the path of its spiritual and moral revival.


On September 13, the final gala concert of the Children's Choir of Russia brought together the best bands of the country on the Artek stage. As part of a large combined choir, 525 children from 59 regions of the Russian Federation and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic performed works by Russian classics and children's songs loved by everyone in front of the entire Artek.

On June 27, 2019, the Pskov Kremlin hosted the solemn opening ceremony of the 39th International Hanseatic Days of the New Age, at which a combined children's choir consisting of 700 young singers from the Children's Choir of Russia, foreign groups from Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and the joint choir of the Pskov region.

From 26 to 30 June in Bonn (Germany) will be held international festival"Young voices on the move". More than 700 singers from 8 to 20 years old from 7 countries will take part in the project. Russia at the festival will be represented by the Boys' Choir of the Nizhny Novgorod Choir College named after L.K. Sivukhin.

In 2017, in order to develop choral traditions, the department of culture of the administration of the city of Magnitogorsk decided to create the City Children's Combined Choir of students of institutions additional education spheres of culture.


The large consolidated choir of Moscow schoolchildren is a unique creative union that has united more than a hundred children's choirs in the capital. For more than 20 years, his concert and rehearsal activities have been coordinated by the Joy Children's Music and Choir School, headed by the famous choir conductor, Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Zhdanova. The large combined choir is an adornment of the gala concerts of a number of festival programs: the Moscow Children and Youth Choir Festival on best performance sacred music "Christmas Song", the Moscow International Children's and Youth Choir Festival "Moscow Sounds", All-Russian competition youth musical creativity"Musical Muscovy" and others. And since the middle of 2012, young artists and choirmasters of the Great Consolidated Choir of Moscow Schoolchildren have become participants in a large-scale cultural program, established by the Government of Moscow and the Moscow Department of Education - the Moscow City Target integrated program education of youth "Children of Moscow sing". The repertoire of the Great Consolidated Choir of Moscow Schoolchildren already includes almost 30 choral compositions - Russian folk, military and pop songs, choirs of Russian composers. This performing and choirmaster experience has been summarized in this collection. Its content consists of works, both already performed by the combined choir, and only planned for execution.

Pages: 134

Joy publishing house

Year of publication: 2013

400 rub.

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