Alexander Bryantsev singer. Ether radio chanson

Alexey Bryantsev is a talented chansonnier whose soulful vocals captivate not only beautiful ladies but also the representatives of the stronger sex. Moreover, according to fans of chanson music, Alexei's voice strongly resembles the baritone of the unforgettable.

Childhood and youth

Bryantsev was born in the city of Voronezh on February 19, 1984. Alexei could boast of a passion for music with early childhood. The music school gave the future star an initial knowledge of musical notation and a sincere love for music. However, after graduating from school, Alexey Bryantsev did not go to School of Music, as might be expected.

The young man chose a more serious profession: Bryantsev entered the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute, choosing the specialty of an oil and gas engineer. In parallel with his studies at the institute, Alexey tries his hand at business by opening his own fast food cafe. Profitable at first, soon this business begins to bring losses. It is known that on this moment the affairs of the cafe are managed by the singer's mother.

And only after graduating from the institute, Alexei realized how much he missed music. The decision came quickly: Bryantsev went to the audition.


The audition took place not with anyone, but with the eminent namesake of Alexei - Alexei Bryantsev - the elder. The fact is that Bryantsev, the eldest (this is how fans of chanson call the man, calling the second Alexei, respectively, “younger”) is a well-known producer and songwriter of the “yard romance” style. Cult in narrow circles, the Butyrka project is the brainchild of Bryantsev, the elder. According to some media reports, both Alexei are distant relatives. Perhaps due to this fact, the men were united by a common musical taste.

Bryantsev, the elder, immediately appreciated the vocal and artistic abilities of the younger namesake. Most of all, the producer was struck by Alexei's vocals: the young man sang in the voice of an adult man. In addition, Bryantsev Jr.'s vocals are very similar to the recognizable voice of Mikhail Krug, who also preferred chanson music.

On the one hand, this fact turned out to be in the hands of the young talent - after all, the comparison with the hardened chansonnier cannot but flatter. On the other hand, after the death of the musician, many imitators appeared, some performers simply tried to sing "under the Circle", someone even passed off their recordings as the "secret" archives of the deceased bard. Bryantsev did not want to become one of these faceless singers. I had to create my own unique style.

Bryantsev Sr., realizing this, begins to work on the repertoire for the namesake. The first song to appear is “Hi, baby!”. This song was supposed to be performed in a duet with a woman. The Bryantsevs wanted to offer this role to a popular chanson performer. However, things turned out differently: thanks to happy occasion the widow of Mikhail Krug agreed to the role of the singer,. This is how it started creative biography Alexey Bryantsev.

The song immediately fell in love with fans of chanson. Alexey became recognizable, and the duet with the inimitable Irina helped the performer become even more famous. On this creative collaboration did not end, the performers released two joint albums: in 2007, “Hi, baby!” appeared, and three years later, in 2010, the record “If it weren’t for you” saw the light of day. The compositions “Favorite look”, “Come to me in a dream” and “I miss your eyes” are still often heard on radio stations dedicated to chanson music.

The first concert, to which the performer was invited, turned out to be dedicated to the anniversary of the Chanson radio station. The opportunity to perform at the main event dedicated to music in this style is worth a lot. The event was held in Kyiv, in concert hall Palace of Arts "Ukraine" Alexey later admitted to reporters that he was insanely nervous before this performance: for the first time, and even at such a loud concert. However, Bryantsev managed to cope with emotions and please the fans with a soulful performance.

In 2012, Alexei gave fans another album - "Your Breath". Both fans and strict music critics reacted favorably to this disc. After the release of the album, the performer went on tour: the fans wanted to hear new songs and music by Alexei Bryantsev. In parallel, the singer is also working on clips. Alexey Bryantsev has released a video version of the composition “I miss your eyes” and, according to rumors, is preparing new recordings for release. In the meantime, fans create amateur clips on their own.

Fan videos for the songs “Unloved”, “Your Eyes” and “I Still Love You” are especially popular. Videos from Alexey Bryantsev's concerts are also loved by fans. Two years later, in 2014, Bryantsev again pleases fans with new songs: the album “Thank you for being you” is released. 2016 in the career of Alexei Bryantsev was marked by tours and performances, as well as preparations for the release of a new album, which will be released in 2017.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexei Bryantsev is securely hidden from prying eyes. The singer does not like to talk about what is not related to creativity, as well as post home photos for the public to see.

It is only known that the popular chansonnier is happily married. In 2011, beloved Alexei Bryantsev gave the singer a long-awaited daughter. However, neither the details of this marriage, nor the names of Bryantsev's daughter and wife, the journalists were able to find out.

Alexey Bryantsev now

Now Alexey Bryantsev, according to rumors, has already started working on a new disc. And although the beginning of 2017 has already been marked by the release of the album "From You to You", the singer, obviously, is not going to stop there. Fans can only rejoice at the fertility of their favorite artist and look forward to new musical masterpieces of the idol.

By his own admission, in free time the singer prefers to be close to his beloved family. In addition, Alexei discovered a brutal male hobby - Bryantsev is improving in trap and bullet shooting. From sports, Alexey likes football. The performer does not hide that he supports Italian teams.


  • 2007 - "Hello baby!"
  • 2010 - "If not for you"
  • 2012 - "Your Breath"
  • 2014 - "Thank you for being you"
  • 2017 - "From You to You"

Alexey Bryantsev is the star of Russian chanson. A talented singer, author and performer of love songs. No one knows where Bryantsev came from, and how he managed in such a short term become famous. But the fact remains. The lyrics of his songs are known by heart. His voice is familiar to everyone. There is very little information about Alexey Bryantsev. He does not often give interviews, although the singer's life has long attracted public attention.

Biography of Alexei Bryantsev

Alexey's year of birth is 1984 (February). He was born in Voronezh. He is married, but in every possible way hides this fact from the public. There are children, more precisely one daughter. The tour schedule is booked a year in advance. Let's start the story about the singer from the very beginning, from the moment music appeared in his life. The biography of Alexei Bryantsev began in the beautiful city of Voronezh. From childhood, Alexey was fond of music. He successfully graduated music school. Bryantsev was in no hurry to connect his fate with music. He chooses another profession and enters the Voronezh Technical University. Having received a diploma in radio engineering, Bryantsev is trying to find a job in his specialty. In the 90s, this profession lost its relevance, in Russia there was practically no production of equipment. Alexey Bryantsev gets a job in a recording studio.


His technical knowledge came in handy when using electronics to arrange the songs. For several years, Bryantsev managed to work with many Russian pop stars. Alexei never used his connections. The biography of Alexei Bryantsev includes learning all the tricks and subtleties of the music business. The singer got into chanson quite by accident. This folk genre of music has long interested Bryantsev.

The biography of Alexei Bryantsev received a new impetus to development on the day when he began cooperation with the Butyrka group, during which he had to closely link his career with chanson music. The young and promising arranger received a proposal for cooperation from the poet Simonov. Bryantsev plunges headlong into new project, and already in 2 months they release an album. Songs about life, love and betrayal are becoming popular. Bryantsev continues close cooperation with the Butyrka group.

Best years

The biography of Alexei Bryantsev received a sharp turn immediately after the release debut album. Then he recorded 5 more albums together with Irina Krug and others popular performers. Most fans of chanson appeared in early 2000. This happened at a time when Alexey began to become especially popular. One by one, Bryantsev signed contracts with musicians no longer as an arranger, but as a producer. The professional biography of Alexei Bryantsev is not too different from other similar stories. The country might never recognize him as a singer. Once in his life a fateful turn occurs, after which Bryantsev's life changes. A young guy who had just turned 22 years old, accidentally got to audition for a popular producer and his full namesake Alexei Bryantsev. Having performed one song, the aspiring singer put an experienced music producer into a stupor. The extraordinary baritone of Alexei, his soft and unlike other voice simply shocked those around him. The young man sang in the voice of an adult man. The producer did not know how to competently beat the contrast between the singer's voice and appearance. He did not want to let Bryantsev go and began to look for a repertoire for him.

Full house

The incredible similarity of the timbre of Bryantsev's voice with the voice of Mikhail Krug was evident. A year later, the singing biography of the singer Alexei Bryantsev began to develop rapidly. He records a duet with Irina Krug. Alexey Bryantsev could not even imagine what a stunning success would fall on him! The song "Hi, baby" takes first place in the charts. She sounds everywhere. The most famous radio stations play the songs of Bryantsev and Irina Krug. The duo recorded 2 albums, which became very popular. New voices and songs are not like the usual chanson genre.

Beautiful melodies, heartfelt words about love without thieves' jargon ... The biography of Alexei Bryantsev was gaining momentum. He tours all over the country. He is met with a full house in all regions of Russia. In 2012, Alexei released his debut solo album, which is sold in huge numbers. Groupies young singer became very interested in the biography of Alexei Bryantsev. Is he married to someone? How old is he? Does he have children? What secrets does the biography of Aleksey Bryantsev hold? Married to a beauty successful career singer and composer, tight tour schedule. Alexei himself does not consider himself a star and leads the life of an ordinary person. Lives in his native city of Voronezh. Like most men, he loves football, fishing and hanging out with friends. Leads healthy lifestyle life. This year, Alexei Bryantsev is scheduled to tour the largest cities of Russia.

His voice is mesmerizing, penetrating into the very depths of the soul of both men and women. Many fans of Alexei Bryantsev claim that there is a certain similarity between his voice and the voice of the chanson legend, Mikhail Krug. Nevertheless, the young singer did not go the way of the numerous imitators of the Circle, imitating his manner of singing. Alexey Bryantsev created his own biography.

Guy from a simple family

The performer keeps his real name and surname a secret. However, the question of how old is Alexei Bryantsev is quite easy to answer, since the singer does not hide this information. He was born on February 19, 1984, his age today is 34 years. According to the horoscope, the chansonnier's zodiac sign is Aquarius. The place of his birth is also not a secret - it is the city of Voronezh. Bryantsev defines his occupation as a singer. Marital status: Married.

The future performer of Russian chanson was born in a simple, ordinary family. His parents had nothing to do with the music world. But already at a young age, the boy noticed his musical talent in time.

From early childhood, he showed a passion for sweet sounds, the boy attended a music school, studied musical notation studied piano and guitar. These were only the initial knowledge, which only strengthened Alexei's love for music.

But, as it seemed to him then, the music school was only a stage in the general cultural development. Everyone, both parents and the young man himself, believed that the profession should be chosen more seriously. After all, making a living with music seemed something too ephemeral. And the young man, after graduating from a music school, enters the Voronezh Technical Institute, choosing the specialty of an engineer.

Also, while studying at the institute, the young man tries to develop his business. But thoughts about the stage and music never leave him. But the commercial vein turned out to be rather weak, and soon the business begins to bring not profit, but losses.

After graduating from the institute, Bryantsev received a diploma as a radio engineering design engineer, but at that time it was difficult to find a job in his specialty, and then Alexey decided to get a job in a recording studio.

The irony of fate: a profession that seemed reliable, turned out to be not so at all. And on "frivolous" music it turned out to be quite possible to earn money. Music projects, creation and processing of music - yesterday's radio engineering student plunged headlong into all this.

But that didn't seem to be enough for him. The return to music gave birth to new hopes and big creative plans. Moreover, the young man has always strived for development in music. The changes were not long in coming.

Lucky Fortune Ticket

How old is Bryantsev Alexei the singer is also easy to establish. His creative biography began with a fateful meeting and audition, which took place at the producer of the Butyrka group, the eminent namesake of the performer - Alexei Bryantsev Sr.

At that time, the young man, who was 22 years old, already had the necessary vocal and artistic abilities. This was immediately noticed and appreciated by the producer. The novice singer received a proposal for cooperation, and it was then that he realized for sure that his further career would develop in line with the Russian chanson.

The performer is happy to work on his first project, puts all his strength into it, and as a result of fruitful work in a group of like-minded people, the first project was released after 2 months. music album. Popular were, of course, songs about love and betrayal - the eternal theme of chanson.

However, the cooperation did not last long. Not at all because something did not suit Alexei in his work, but because of the similarity of his voice with the voice of Mikhail Krug. Someone regarded it as inappropriate PR. Indeed, many third-rate performers, taking advantage of the death of the legendary chansonnier, made money by imitating the voice and manner of performing the Circle.

Others thought that the young singer was simply trying to imitate the Circle without having his own manner. This arrangement did not suit the performer. He began to think about creating his own individual style and image. In 2006, Bryantsev thoroughly began to build his career as a singer and musician.

Recognition came to the young chansonnier quickly, the listener immediately appreciated the talent of the singer, and his producer thought about creating a unique repertoire for him. The recognition of the singer's talent became undeniable when his solo album was released in 2012.

Popularity and recognition

To today The singer has released several albums:

  • "Your Breath", release date 2012;
  • "Thank you for being you", release date 2014;
  • "From You to You", release date 2017.

The first album, released in 2012, was received very positively by critics. The pleasant baritone of the singer wanted to listen more and more often. Fans wanted new songs and music. In addition to recording songs and touring, the singer worked a lot on creating clips for songs:

  • "Disliked";
  • "Your eyes";
  • "I'm still loving you".

Fans were pleasantly surprised and delighted to get acquainted with this facet of the chansonnier's work.

Producer Bryantseva, realizing that the singer's career is gaining momentum, offers to create a composition in a duet with a female singer. Back in 2007, the song “Hi, baby!” Was written for the duet. It was assumed that the singer Bryantsev would perform it together with popular star chanson by Elena Kasyanova. But thanks to a happy accident and fortunate circumstances, Alexey Bryantsev meets Irina Krug (the widow of Mikhail Krug), and she agrees to work together.

Fans of music of the chanson genre really liked the duet of Alexei and Irina. The singer was already well known, and no one asked who was singing with Irina Krug. But the chanson stars were not limited to this, it was decided to release a joint album.

Albums by Alexey Bryantsev and Irina Krug:

  • "Hi, baby!", Album release 2007;
  • "If not for you", album release in 2010;
  • "New and Better", album release in 2013.

Many of their songs are still heard on the radio, where chanson songs are performed.

The career of the performer went up. Chansonnier was invited to responsible receptions, to various events. Radio station "Chanson" gave the singer a great opportunity to perform on anniversary concert radio stations. Bryantsev was very nervous before this solemn event, but he coped with the excitement and pleased the audience with his performance.

Personal life and family

Unfortunately, the singer has not yet written an autobiography, there are only short interviews with journalists that Alexey Bryantsev agreed to give. The personal life of a chansonnier for journalists and the press, one might say, is not available. The singer rarely talks about his family relationships. Prefers not to show family photos. This is a matter of personal and special importance for him. Art is for the public.

The singer is married, but Alexei does not even reveal the name of his wife. The maximum that is known is what Alexei himself told in an interview:

First love, like many guys, happened back in kindergarten, walked together, went to the garden together, lived in the neighborhood, were friends, like other children.

At the institute, the future singer met a girl, and this could no longer be called love. He realized that these were real feelings, now everything is serious and for life.

“I can’t understand people who talk about their love to everyone, and then after a while they part,” says the singer. - I approach the creation with full responsibility family relations, understand that my choice is forever. I will walk next to my wife all my life, I will be support and support. Isn't that what real love is? I have a wonderful family, we raise two wonderful daughters, the eldest is Anastasia, she is seven years old, and she just went to school. The youngest is only four years old. So I'm a happy family man."

Hobbies chansonnier

The singer admits that spends free time with family arranges field trips with friends. He is fond of bench and bullet shooting, considers this a real worthy male hobby. loves football, without hiding, says that he is a fan of the football teams in Italy. Chansonnier still lives in his native Voronezh, absolutely does not consider himself a star, leads the ordinary life of an ordinary person.

Tries to eat right, looks after his appearance and health. He doesn't drink and almost doesn't smoke.

Thanks to his talent, the singer travels to tours in the cities of Russia and abroad. He became known to the general public. They love him. They talk about him it is expected in any city of Russia. Such is he - Alexey Bryantsev, the famous chansonnier with amazing vocal abilities.

Attention, only TODAY!

Irina Viktorovna Krug (maiden name Glazko, after Vorobyov's spouse) - singer, widow of the famous performer Mikhail Krug (Vorobiev).

Childhood of Irina Krug

The future singer was born in a military family. As a child, Ira Glazko was engaged in the theater circle of the Chelyabinsk House of Culture, and all the time she dreamed of becoming an actress. However, she did not immediately begin to realize her dream - to be famous and go on stage. At 21, the future star went to work as a waitress. For two years she worked in one of the city restaurants, where she got a job after the girl's first marriage broke up. It was there that she met the famous Russian chanson singer-songwriter Mikhail Krug.

By that time, Irina was familiar with the work of Mikhail Krug firsthand. The artist's songs were very much liked by the girl's first husband. However, Ira did not share her husband's enthusiasm, but listened to Tanya Bulanova.

Acquaintance with Mikhail Krug

Once the director of the restaurant approached the waitress Irina and announced that Mikhail Krug was giving a concert in Chelyabinsk, and then had dinner at their catering establishment. The employer gave Irina an instruction that the famous guest should eat well, and was pleased with the visit. The girl carefully watched so that garlic, onions and tomatoes, which he cannot stand, did not get into Mikhail's plate. Bringing and taking away dishes. Unexpectedly for everyone and in front of everyone, Mikhail Krug made a tempting offer to Irina - to work for him as a costume designer.

And then he announced the estimated salary. Moreover, she was quite impressive. In response to this, the girl said that she could not go, because she had Small child. The future celebrity refused to work.

However, she was shocked by this incident. The girl could not understand why the All-Russian star needed an unknown girl from Chelyabinsk, who, moreover, was 14 years younger than him. Nobody believed such a proposal, everyone kept saying that Irina came up with this story. However, a few months later, the director of Mikhail Krug called the girl and said: “The circle has already pulled me! Are you going with him or not?" The girl agreed to the repeated proposal.

By the way, Mikhail was not embarrassed by the fact that the girl he took to Tver had a daughter from her first marriage. A little later, he took responsibility for her upbringing, and the girl began to call the artist dad. In 2001, Irina and Mikhail Krug became official husband and wife.

However, before the wedding and before the start of the novel, Mikhail kept Irina at a distance for about a year. Relations did not go beyond business. As the girl herself says, the artist seemed to be looking at her and checking, not in a hurry with the choice of a life partner. At that time, Mikhail had been alone for eight years. And a year later, after a kind of “check”, Krug simply took Irina to his home and said: “That's it, we will live together.” “It's funny, but we got married in tracksuits! Misha and I just left the house and went to the store for groceries. On the way there was a registry office. Misha says to me: “So, that's it, I decided! Let's go!" In the registry office, of course, they recognized him: “Oh, Mikhail Vladimirovich!”. You can say right on the doorstep, he said: “Please, we urgently need to sign!”. And then he went for passports and champagne. By the way, in the registry office for some reason I was stamped in the wrong place. And then they apologized for a long time and said: “Irina, we saw how you stood, blinked your eyes, and did not understand at all what was happening here.”

Before and after marriage, Irina and Mikhail addressed each other by name and patronymic and “you”. All because they got used to it during work, and after the wedding it even began to amuse them.

A year after the wedding, in 2002, Mikhail and Irina had a son. The boy was named Alexander. But the kid did not even have time to remember his father. In the same year, on the night of June 30 to July 1, when the baby was not even a month and a half old, unknown people killed Mikhail Krug in his own house.

Irina, before the death of her husband, foresaw trouble. A few months before the tragedy, she constantly begged Mikhail to hire security. The family lived too openly: someone constantly came to visit, the doors were wide open and sometimes they were not even locked at night. Once the artist had a dream that in their house a crowd of people were mourning someone, and Irina could not find Mikhail among them. Krug ridiculed such a dream: “Irina Viktorovna, then I will live a long time!”. However…

The criminals made their way into the house on an ominous night and hid on the third floor. Children and Mikhail Krug were on the second. The third was Irina's mother. The attackers first attacked her and began to choke her. The young mistress of the house went up to her mother, saw her unconscious on the floor, people in masks and began to scream. When Mikhail came running, the criminals opened fire. The singer covered his wife from bullets and was injured himself. While the ambulance was on the way, Krug encouraged his wife, however, he died on the way to the hospital.

Irina Krug's career after her husband's death

After the death of Mikhail Krug, Irina was offered to record several songs in memory of her famous husband. This idea was thrown by the singer-songwriter Vladimir Bocharov. As a result, in 2004 the first album of Irina the singer was released. It was called "The First Autumn of Separation". However, there the artist sings a duet with a close friend of her late husband, Leonid Teleshov. A year later, Irina Krug became the winner of the Chanson of the Year award. The girl was nominated as "Discovery of the Year". A year later, in the spring of 2006, the singer released her second album, "To you, my last love". The record with songs to the verses and music of Mikhail Krug was produced by Vadim Tsyganov.

Irina Krug on video

It is worth noting that Mikhail did not teach Irina to sing and did not even think of her as a singer. The couple dreamed of children and a peaceful old age. “If you want to sing, I’ll buy you karaoke,” Krug said to his wife. And after the death of Mikhail, the widow found recordings from an unfinished album and took up vocals.

In the same year, Irina Krug received a red diploma of higher education. The artist graduated from Tver State University where she studied at the Faculty of Management.

In 2006, Irina Krug got married again. Her chosen one was now a man not from the creative circle, but with a more mundane profession - a businessman named Sergei.

“Many after the next marriage condemned me. But these people had no idea how hard it was for me to lose a loved one and live alone with two children! But I managed to love again.

My husband and I bought an apartment in Moscow (in the house where the crime happened, it became impossible to live, everything reminded of the tragedy), we earned a bit of it, however, we still had to get into debt. My children like the person who is next to us. It is very important for me. I did not betray either Misha, or, moreover, the memory of him. Michael is the best thing in my life. He often dreams of me. And he always appears in a white suit with the words: "Irina Viktorovna, I love you." I think he would not want me to be alone and I'm sure he's happy for me. By the way, in difficult situation I always ask him: “Mikhail Vladimirovich, help me, and I believe that before the concerts Misha helps me and gives me strength,” says Irina Krug.

Irina and Mikhail Krug

In total, Irina Krug has released seven music records and actively goes on tour. It is noteworthy that fans of the work of Mikhail Krug mainly go to her concerts.

Irina Krug now

The latest album by Irina Krug was released in 2015. The disc of 12 songs was called "Mother Love".

Alexey Bryantsev quickly gained popularity and fell in love with a wide range listeners, captivating them with his velvety baritone. To lure the audience, Alexei does not need to arrange a bright show with backup dancers, he just needs to perform his lyrical song. During the concert, the artist not only sings, but also answers questions from fans. At the same time, Bryantsev covers some events from his biography, but does not say anything about his personal life, considering this topic closed to journalists and the public.

Alexey was born in 1984 in Voronezh in an ordinary family. His parents were not related to creative world, but the future singer has been fond of music since childhood and loved to sing. The boy went to a music school in piano, and then learned to play the guitar, under which he sang songs. After graduating from school, he entered a technical university, choosing a specialty - a designer of microelectronic equipment.

However, the 22-year-old young man was in no hurry to work in his specialty, as he dreamed of singing on stage. And soon he met the songwriter and arranger Alexei Bryantsev, with whom they are namesakes. It was he who saw in a talented guy future star chanson. Alexei's voice was very similar to the voice of the legendary Mikhail Krug, so the composer did not want Bryantsev to be considered one of the imitators of the great singer.

At the beginning of his career, he sang in a duet with Elena Kasyanova, and then sang the song “Hi, baby” with Irina Krug, after which his close collaboration with Krug's widow began. In 2007, the couple's first duet album was released, and three years later they released their second disc. The albums were not stale and were instantly snapped up by music lovers. The singers performed in different corners Russia, where they were always warmly welcomed. In 2012, Alexei, having gained vast experience on the stage, decided to take up solo career, as a result of which his debut album “Your Breath” was soon released.

In the photo Alexey Bryantsev with Irina Krug

Bryantsev says little about himself and his personal life. He does not consider himself a stage star, but just an ordinary person who has a lucky chance to demonstrate his abilities. However, journalists and fans want to know not only his work, but also who his parents are, his wife and whether there are children. The singer himself answers these questions very succinctly. He does not hide the fact that in his life there is a beloved woman, whose name he does not disclose. Alexey prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle, and in his free time he likes to play football. Some sources indicate that the singer is married and has a daughter born in 2011.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 20.05.2017