Katya Lel biography. Katya Lel: When I saw Igor for the first time, I thought: what an impudent one! The path to a successful solo career

famous singer Ekaterina Chuprinina, better known by her stage name Katya Lel, was born in September 1974 in Nalchik. Parents noticed that the baby showed great interest to music and gave her a piano. Since then, the music has not stopped playing in the house.

It is not surprising that at the age of seven Katya was enrolled in a music school - the girl's abilities needed to be developed. It is noteworthy that at school Katya managed to study in two classes at once, learning the intricacies of playing the piano and conducting. Chuprinina brilliantly graduated from both classes, after which she entered the music school, and then the Institute of Arts.

Having become a certified specialist, Katya decided to go to the capital, where there were much more opportunities for realizing her talents than in her native Nalchik. In Moscow, an ambitious girl managed to enter the famous Gnesinka. She also got a job in the theater, where she worked on backing vocals for several years.

After graduating from Gnesinka, Katya decided to start a solo career, and the first thing she came up with was a sonorous and memorable pseudonym - Katya Lel.

In 1998, Katya Lel recorded debut album called "Champs Elysees" - this is how the career of a young singer began. At first, she was looking for her own unique, memorable style of performance. The results of such searches and experiments were the albums "Itself" and "Between Us", but they did not justify the hopes placed on them and did not bring the singer the long-awaited fame.

Fateful for Katya Lel was an acquaintance with producer Max Fadeev in 2002. Already after a year of their fruitful cooperation, Katya Lel performed such compositions as “My Marmalade”, “Fly” and “Musi-Pusi”, and instantly became famous throughout the country.

On the wave of success, an album called "Jaga-jaga" was recorded, which turned out to be the most successful in creative biography Katy Lel. Thanks to him, the singer was repeatedly nominated for prestigious music awards, its popularity increased more and more. In 2004, Katya Lel shot a video for the song "Two Drops", which was broadcast on TV channels for a long time, remaining on the wave of popularity.

However, the artist managed to cope with the difficulties, and the result of her perseverance and determination was the next album, "Twirl-Twirl", released in 2006. The album includes 6 compositions written by Katya herself.

Two years later, the singer recorded new album called "I am yours", and in 2011 she resumed her collaboration with Max Fadeev. In 2013, Katya Lel recorded the song “I Live With You” together with the popular Swedish artist Bosson. In the same year, she released another solo album called "The Sun of Love".

Interesting Notes:

In 2016, Katya Lel delighted her fans by recording two new songs - “Invented” and “Crazy Love”. The singer does not stop there, and continues her creative activity.

Personal life

Men have always played a big role not only in the personal, but also in the creative life of the singer. So, a serious relationship connected Catherine with Alexander Volkov, with whom she lived in civil marriage eight years . At the time of the acquaintance, the young singer was 22 years old, while her chosen one was twice as old and had a family. The rupture of this union turned out to be very painful for Katya Lel, since Volkov sued her because of the rights to her work. It became known that in 2008 Alexander Volkov died as a result of cancer.

Despite the bitter experience, Catherine still hoped to create a strong, loving family. An example of a truly happy family life her parents always served her, and she dreamed of following him.

Luck smiled at the singer in 2008, when she became the official wife of entrepreneur Igor Kuznetsov. After a while, Catherine experienced the joy of motherhood by giving birth to a girl, who was named Emilia.

Katya Lel was born on September 20, 1974 in Nalchik, in the family of Nikolai and Lyudmila Chuprinin. The elder sister is Irina.

Katya Lel: “Dad was 7 years older than mom and nursed her, little. And as soon as she graduated from high school, they immediately got married. And they did not part until the very father's death, they lived in perfect harmony for almost 34 years, they could not breathe on each other. My older sister Ira and I called them doves.

Katya started singing at a young age. Future star She graduated from a music school in piano, after which she studied at a music school. Then the future singer entered the North Caucasian Institute of Arts.

In 1994, Katya left for Moscow, where she took part in the competition " morning Star". Soon, the young singer became a laureate of the Musical Start competition for young performers, where she met Lev Leshchenko and began working in his theater.

Katya Lel: “I will never forget the date of the beginning of my Moscow life - July 5, 1994. I was sheltered by the kindness of my soul by a completely unfamiliar girl, to whom I got on the recommendation of my teacher from the music school in Nalchik.
The quote is taken from the magazine "7 Days", No. 44 (10/23/2008)

For several years, the girl performed with a solo program and on back vocals with Leshchenko. At the same time, Ekaterina studied at the correspondence department of the Russian

Known Russian singer Katya Lel was born on September 20, 1974. in Nalchik. She was remembered by many fans thanks to the unique performance of songs. More than once Katerina's songs won prizes in many charts and tops. The singer is still leading creative life and continues to delight its fans with newer songs and incendiary clips.

Katya Lel, even at 43, looks simply excellent and has model parameters; with her weight of 165 cm, she weighs only 50 kilograms. She kept this form almost always, because the singer perfectly controls herself and has a slender toned body. Even after she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she soon regained her shape with the help of a special technique.

Hard road to success

Since childhood, Katerina showed great interest in music, and her parents bought pianos for two sisters, after which the melodies did not subside at their house. So still little Katya gradually learned to listen and sing. When she was seven, Katya went to a music school. Moreover, she studied in two directions at the same time, diligently studied the piano and developed her vocal abilities. It was then that the still young Katerina realized her path in life and decided to dedicate her life to singing.

After studying at school, Lel went further and entered a specialized school, and after that she graduated from the Institute of Culture. Staying in her hometown and embodying the prospects that opened up for her there did not suit the aspiring singer in any way. And she decided to go to Moscow to conquer new heights. The girl devoted her youth to the development of her skills and stubbornly walked towards her goal, she entered Gnesenka and participated in many competitions. At one of these competitions, Catherine was noticed with what, and her career began.

When in 1998 Katerina received a diploma as a vocalist, she began to build her solo career as a singer. Just this year, her first album "Champs Elysees" was released, but the singer's search for her genre did not end there, and several more albums followed this album. But none of them brought the desired fame, but the recording, together with the DJ, brought Lel the first Golden Gramophone. After that, the singer continued her journey with producer Fadeev, and their union was very successful. It was under his leadership that all the most famous hits of Katya Lel came out.

Then there was another breakthrough, with which Katya received many nominations, and fame lasted for several years, after which she began to gradually fade away. But in 2006, the girl decided to become a producer of her songs and released six new products. And in 2011 she decided to return to Fadeev, her career continues, and the singer pleases us with her performance.

Embodiment of children's ideals in family life

The ideal for Catherine was always her native home, in which love reigned, and understanding from childhood, the singer had the warmest memories. The girl's parents were always an example for Katya in family life. First attempt to start strong family was not successful. The singer lived in a civil marriage with producer Volkov for 8 years, who was 24 years older than her, and in addition he had an official wife. The breakup of this couple was very scandalous, and for a long time they shared the rights to Catherine's work.

In 2008, Katerina officially married businessman Igor Kuznetsov, and a year later the couple had a beautiful daughter, Emily. The husband supports the singer in everything and harmony reigns in their relationship, because for Catherine her work is very important. Igor loves music very much, but treats it as a hobby and does not interfere with the singer in building her career. Katerina claims that it is very fortunate that her husband is not from creative environment that is why they have no disagreements, and to this day a strong marriage.

Katya Lel (Ekaterina Chuprinina)

Singer, actress Date of birth September 20 (Virgo) 1974 (44) Place of birth Nalchik Instagram @katyalel777

Katya Lel is a popular genre singer, songwriter. Winner of three Golden Gramophone awards, multiple laureate and participant in the Song of the Year. Twice won the Ovation Prize competition. In 2004, she was awarded the "Bomb of the Year" and "Stop Hit" awards for the popular song "Musi-Pusi". Released 8 solo albums. Many texts for music were composed by the singer herself. In 2008 received the status People's Artist Chechnya, and in 2009 - Kabardino-Balkaria.

Biography of Katya Lel

Katya Chuprinina was born in the autumn of 1974 in the city of Nalchik. The future star grew up with her sister, who was also fond of music. In Katya's family, love for art was instilled in children from early age. According to the singer's memoirs, her childhood passed in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Guests often came to the house, and music sounded within its walls every day.

At the age of 3, the girl first showed interest in creativity. Her sister got a piano. Katya sang along when she tried to play music. At the age of 7, Lel became a student music school. In addition to the piano department, she attended choral conducting lessons, and was also fond of dancing and athletics.

After successfully graduating from school, she applied to a music school. This was followed by the Institute of Arts, which she was not destined to finish. The future artist understood that in her city she would not be able to reach the desired heights. In 1994, she went to Moscow to conquer the "musical Olympus".

In the capital, she managed to enter the Gnesinka. At the academy, she was taught by the masters of the stage - Leshchenko, Kobzon, Bazdyrev. Not having spent even a year in Moscow, Katya became the young laureate of the Musical Start. Then she worked with Leshchenko, in the theater, sang along in backing vocals, sometimes performed solo compositions.

In 1998, Lel graduated from the Academy of Music and recorded her first disc, Champs Elysees. She changed her last name to a more sonorous one and changed her passport. Clips were created for the compositions "Lights", "Champs Elysees" and "I miss you." Producer Alexander Volkov took up the promotion of the young singer.

in 2002, the artist began a joint work with Maxim Fadeev. A year later, this collaboration led to several hits that conquered the top of the charts. The album "Jaga-Jaga" followed, which soon went platinum, increasing the ratings of the singer. In 2005, Katya herself produced her new album "Twirl-Twirl". She also became the author of several songs.

For several years, Lel participated in various television projects, and in 2008 she recorded the disc "I'm Yours." The album "Sun of Love" was presented in 2013.

Since 2011, the singer has been working with Fadeev. She constantly goes on tour, gives charity concerts, participates in joint projects with others famous artists. In 2013, together with the Swedish singer Bosson, she recorded the song “I live with you”. In 2016, she became a participant in the "Heat" festival in Baku, sang the song "Crazy Love" in a duet with Sergey Kurenkov and recorded a new single "Invented".

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As in many Caucasian families, the Chuprinins always played music. Grandfather had a beautiful voice - he sang well, sister Ira sat at the piano from the age of six, and little Katyushka helped her every now and then, singing children's songs.

Biography of Katya Lel

At the age of seven, Katya begins attending classes at once in two departments - piano and choral conducting. After the music school, which Katya Chuprinina graduated with an A, the girl enters School of Music, and then - to the North Caucasian Institute of Arts, participates in competitions, festivals, receives the first applause. According to one of her countrymen, she really had a voice and talent: “In 1992, Katya participated in the Nalchik Dawns competition. She sang a blues composition and was head and shoulders above everyone else. But she was sued, given the third place.

Who knows, maybe after that incident, the girl had thoughts about something more for herself - interesting and bright. And she decides to go to Moscow. 19-year-old Katya easily enters the Gnesinka for the correspondence department, but it’s impossible to declare herself as an original talent with a running start. She is denied auditions almost everywhere. Option one - to return to Nalchik.

Everything would have happened if it were not for the meeting with Lev Leshchenko. A concert of the Musical Start-94 talent festival was held in Gorky Park. The eminent singer was a member of the jury. The girl did not hesitate to hand him the cassette and asked him to listen. Two days later, fate made the first compliment: Katya received a call with an offer to participate in the final round of the competition. There she took second place.

“I like to remember that time,” the singer notes. “Lev Valeryanovich became a second dad for me.” Indeed, Leshchenko took a young, fledgling talent under his wing, providing a place as a backing vocalist in the team and the opportunity to perform his songs on the same stage with him. Three years of touring flew by in an instant.

Katya did not leave the dream of solo career. After graduating from the Academy of Music in 1998, the singer works with Yuri Aizenshpis (at that time he produced Inga Drozdova, Vlad Stashevsky, Nikita). Aizenshpis first of all suggested thinking about a pseudonym, they say, Chuprinina is not for the big stage. And now the first track of Katya Lel "Lights" sounds from recording studios, on the radio and on television, and the debut album "Champs Elysees", which includes 17 songs, was awarded the national award "Ovation". Katya began to be recognized on the street. By the way, Chuprinina officially became Lel in 2000, changing her last name in her passport.

In 2002, the hit “Peas” (album “Mezhdu us”), written in collaboration with DJ Tsvaetkov, was awarded the first Golden Gramophone. But mega-popularity overtook Katya in collaboration with Maxim Fadeev. The producer demanded a lot: to lose weight (and this with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 52 kg!), to change the hairstyle, style, but he also gave a lot. Two years of sleepless nights, and the super hits “My Marmalade”, “Musi-Pusi” (the “Stop Hit” and “Bomb of the Year” awards) are heard from all windows. The album "Jaga-Jaga" (2004) became platinum.

The albums “Twirl-Twirl” (2005), six compositions of which were written by Katya herself, and “I'm Yours” (2008) did not arouse stormy delight among the fans. In show business, there is talk of a decline in Lel's popularity. In 2011, Katya again starts working with her favorite producer. The fruit of the union with Max Fadeev this time is the song and video "Yours".

20th anniversary creative activity the singer celebrated October 17, 2015 with a solo concert. Eleven years later, she presented the program “Let them talk” in Moscow, at the Crocus City Hall.

Katya Lel's personal life

The first meeting with a man who became more for Katya than a beloved man took place in the dressing room. A well-known restaurateur, a businessman who opened a window to Europe for our stars, looked at a friend's light. Alexander Volkov recalled that day in this way: “In 1996, I came to a performance with Leva Leshchenko, whom I once organized concerts in Berlin. I saw a girl, her eyes sparkled ... Leva said that this was his backing vocalist, asked her to promote, they say, talented. I don’t know why, but I got turned on ... I was 46 years old, she was 22. That’s how it all started. After a year of courtship, the beauty's heart could not withstand the onslaught.

Becoming a star is not only talent and self-discipline, which Katya spoke about in numerous interviews, but also a lot of money. You had to pay to work with eminent producers. It was mentioned about the amounts of 50 thousand euros per song. Katya was lucky: she didn’t have a headache about this. Relations with Volkov for eight years provided the singer with the opportunity to calmly do what she loves.

The couple lived together, appeared at secular parties, but ... Volkov was not free and did not want to destroy his marriage. And Katya dreamed of a family and a child, and age left no choice. In 2004, at the peak of Katya's popularity, the relationship came to naught: the singer fluttered out of the golden cage, deciding to also run a business on her own. “Volkov told me then:“ If you are not with me, I will destroy it, ”recalls Lel.

The war between the former partners lasted four years. Katya lost the first trial. The singer had to fulfill the contract signed with Volkov, namely: without his consent, not to make decisions about the creative and touring activities. Lel ignored the court decision. In response, Volkov sent a letter to concert venues about banning her from speaking. He later laid claim to Katino's name, profit. Fortunately, this meeting ended in favor of the singer. And yet Katya's popularity began to fade. Screaming headlines in the yellow press, the indifference of colleagues in the shop, the absence of television broadcasts - Volkov was an extremely influential figure. What would have ended exhausting both confrontation is unknown. But in 2008, Alexander Volkov died: the businessman could not cope with a serious illness.

Acquaintance with the future spouse of businessman Igor Kuznetsov happened in 2005. At that time, the singer, exhausted from the showdown, did not expect gifts of fate. The 28-year-old man stood firmly on his feet: sea freight, a karaoke club in Odessa ... But Katya was attracted not by the handsome man's wallet, but by his self-confidence, bordering on impudence. At one of the concerts, he asked the singer head-on: “Do you have your“ marmalade ”? Can I become one?" Katya did not save: “Are you free?” There was sympathy, but the singer immediately outlined the boundaries: “My profession is a taboo. This is not discussed. It is my choice". She couldn't let anyone stop her from singing. Two weeks later, Igor made an offer.

The marriage took place only three years later - in October 2008. And on April 8, 2009, the long-awaited daughter Emilia was born. The girl goes to first grade, studies English and dreams of becoming a singer. Perseverance and strength of character she does not hold - all in her mother.