House in the village story. A sad story about an abandoned village and home

And hello dear friends! You are on the channel "Hiniri"! And this is my first video in this genre! I'll try to spend the night in one fierce-super-mega scary place! Before that, I shot videos on horror, but no matter how you look, there are fewer and fewer interesting horrors and they have already become boring and no longer scary. That's why I decided to tickle my nerves and you! Happy viewing!

So, we arrived at the place. It’s still 100 meters to walk to this house, but I’m already scared. I came to shoot late at night, so the atmosphere is so heavy. It's good that the moon shines brightly. It won't be so scary.

I took a smartphone with me, how could it be without it, a 10400 power bank, a camera with night vision, batteries, so that the camera does not sit down, a flashlight just in case, some water and a couple of sandwiches, as they say, a normal video will not come out on an empty stomach. Okay, for now I'll tell you the story of how I got to this fucking place. While I was driving here, in the village, not far from this house, there were very strange sayings and proverbs, they still make my hair stand on end. And the people themselves are strange, too. As I passed by them, they kept looking at me. All this can still be tolerated, but even the language is different from Russian, I don’t understand, maybe it’s some kind of flash mob or someone decided to make fun of me, but still this is a Russian village! You can drive to the city in just a couple of hours! Maybe they have such a dialect, but .... It's just terrible .... Okay, it was scary, but what happened next was .... this ... I can't describe how crazy! When I asked about this house, they either shouted something at me, in the same incomprehensible language, or they took something in their hands, be it a stick or an ax, and practically threw it at me! It's just damn! One old woman hit my camera with a stone and broke it, the record from the village has not been preserved, I will try to restore it when I get home. It's good that I took 2 cameras ... In general, I had to look for this house myself. I only found it a couple of hours ago. By the time I got ready to record, it was already dark. Well .... It will be more atmospheric.

Here we are at the house. He really is creepy! And by the way, as I noticed, the villages do not use light! Generally! Although the wiring is! And the light can work! If you remember so, they were always in the shade, and did not go out into the sunlight. I wonder why I didn't notice this before... But oh well. By the way, I completely forgot about this house, from what I learned on the Internet, a family from the village lived here, but it was not an ordinary family, but a family of village sorcerers. They also wrote there that this is an ordinary Russian village in which there is a family of sorcerers, but then, for some reason, people from the village killed the whole family. I don't know the reason why they were killed. But these sorcerers had a fairly high reputation. to them from the city came to check. But in the end they were just killed. Yes, it's a bad story. But the killer or killers were never found. But since then, in the village, people have changed so much, as I said before. This story happened 20 years ago, but the house looks 50 years old... A terrible house. Very scary... This house stands alone in the field. There are no trees around. Why haven't I seen him before? During the day, it should be very noticeable, as if on some kind of pedestal, maybe I'm just a fool and wandered around? Somehow I even felt like going into it, but I will hate myself all my life if I don’t go into it. I haven't felt this awful feeling in such a long time. Yes, butter oil. I felt a feeling ... But the house is really creepy! I don’t do anything like that ... And it already happened, well, you understand me. Okay, let's get closer. So, as I look, all the windows are clogged with boards, in some places they have already begun to rot, but it is clear that someone is changing these boards. Strange, maybe the locals have such a custom. Uhh ... I remembered about them already goosebumps ... The door is also boarded up. Mlyn, why didn't I take any of the instruments? Only a knife and that's it... I'll go around the house and look behind, maybe there will be a passage, although it's unlikely. I tried to tear off the rotten board, but apart from a broken nail, I got nothing, the knife also turned out to be useless.

Yeah... Nothing here, why am I such a fool??? It was necessary to take at least pliers. I'm ashamed of myself... Why do people kill such a fool like me? Eh .. Forgive this nerves ... Okay, because I'm such a fool, I'll have to cut into the village and take tools from the residents. I hope they will not be offended, although looking at their behavior it seems to me that it is better if they do not notice me, otherwise I am afraid of them, what if they want to leave me with knives? Well them. It is better to make your way, take it, and then leave it somewhere in the village in the morning. And leave. I will do so.

The text is large so it is divided into pages.

This dacha belonged to my whole family, my grandparents used to live there, and then they moved to the city. As a child, I often went there in the summer to relax. Still, air, nature, beauty-beauty! A year ago, my grandfather gave me the key to a house in the country and said that I could go there to relax there, to relax. I was delighted, because sometimes I want to go somewhere far away from a noisy city, especially one like St. Petersburg. A year has passed, and I had already forgotten about the dacha because of my studies, but at the beginning of summer I remembered and decided to go there alone to have a rest. In general, I warned my relatives, packed my things, bought food, threw them into the car and, having said goodbye to the city for two weeks, set off on my way.

It takes about 2.5 hours to get from St. Petersburg to my village. I left the city at about 4 p.m., that is, I reached my destination at about 6:30 p.m., maybe a little later. The road to the village is still normal, but in the village itself it is hard to call it expensive. In general, with grief in half, I still got to my little rural one-story paradise. I drove the car into the yard, thank God, there is enough space in the yard, and began to unload. But it was not there! I spent about an hour fiddling with an old door lock that didn't want to budge. I was surprised that I didn't break the key during this hour, but still - a victory! - I got inside! Thus, I ended up in the house itself at 20:00. I unloaded my belongings and purchased provisions from the car and brought them all into the house. I wanted to eat terribly after the road, and having prepared myself scrambled eggs and salad, I sat down at the table and began the feast. After finishing my meal, I looked at the clock, which showed 21:00. I sorted things out, called home and said that I had arrived, and at 10 pm I decided to take a walk through a quiet and very beautiful village. I walked for about 2 hours, having managed to meet my two beautiful neighbors (Sveta and Olya), who, as it turned out, were visiting their grandmother Valya. We chatted with them, and went home.

This time I got home calmly, because when I left I did not lock the front door, believing that in such a village it would never occur to anyone to rob me. When I returned home, it was about midnight, I finished the scrambled eggs, watched TV, sat in VK and at one in the morning decided to indulge in Morpheus ...

I woke up at about 2:30 from a knock on the door. Waking up, I thought that it seemed to me, but after a few seconds I heard a more confident knock. I assessed the situation. I am in a God-forsaken village, around there are only houses with 85-year-old grandmothers and their little grandchildren, there are not so many peasants in the village. Three drunkards and the seller Valerka, and, well, the old man, the husband of the woman Valya (neighbor) Ivan Ivanovich. None of them would obviously knock on my door in the middle of the night. And why? So it's someone not local, but who? After all, there was no light in the house and there were no signs of life, why knock? And then an even more terrible and simple thought came to me: "But the gate and the gate are closed!" Well, who is it? Conclusion: maniac! Yes, maybe it's funny, but then I was not laughing!

And the knock got louder. I remembered that there was a peephole at the front door, but for some reason I really did not want to look through it ... At the mere thought of what I would see there, my imagination drew the most scary pictures, and the skin was covered with goosebumps ... I wrapped myself in a blanket and tried to sleep. This damned knocking went on for about two more hours, and by morning, when it was almost dawn, I was finally able to fall asleep.

I woke up the next day to the phone ringing. My grandfather called, I answered. He asked me how I got settled, and was surprised why I was still sleeping at 12 o'clock. I told about the night visitor, and grandfather, saying: "Strange", said goodbye and said that he was going to the store with his grandmother and would call again in the evening. I got up, cooked myself breakfast and lunch and decided to forget about the night knocking. I thought: "Well, you never know! Indeed, some village drunk made a mistake with the house, and I almost laid bricks!" I laughed at myself and spent most of the day watching TV. In the evening, as promised, my grandfather called, we talked to him and ended the conversation. I had dinner and went for a walk before going to bed.

When I got outside, the first thing I did was look around. Hmm... Nothing suspicious. Weird. In general, I walked until 23:00 and returned home. I decided to go to bed and soon fell asleep.

I was awakened at 2:30 by a knock on the door. Deja vu, right?! This time I decided to look into the eyes of the disturber of my peace (or rather into the peephole, you never know who it is). I got up and tiptoed like a spy to the door. The knocking continued, but when I clung to the peephole, it disappeared, and I decided to wait. I waited, waited, waited... At 5 am I spat and went to bed.

The next day, everything worked out according to the scheme. Ate, sat in the internet, telly, walk, dinner, BUT! That night I decided not to sleep, but to wait for the night visitor. I brought a chair under the front door, chips, juice and (do not believe it) a chopper ... Well, to chop this snitch properly! And it's 2:30. There is no knock, I was upset and was about to go to a cozy bed, but suddenly there was a familiar and elegant knock. Knock-Knock! Three times. This is how some well-bred intellectuals usually knock. I stood up abruptly and stuck to the door peephole.

What I saw cannot be described in words! Not a man, not a zombie, no matter how funny it sounds! Huge, bloodshot eyeballs, half nose, toothless mouth, face (if you can call it a face) dark gray. And this monster is a few centimeters away from me. And then I thought: "No chopper will save you, Zhenya!" Honestly, I don’t know how many bricks I piled at that moment, but there will definitely be enough for the construction of a brick factory, and there will still be more. In short, this creature stood for another twenty minutes, elegantly tapping with its long fingers, and then, smiling (or rather, twisting its face), disappeared. I stood for another 15 minutes and almost did not breathe so that HE would not hear! .. That night I did not sleep, I sat in the kitchen with the lights off and the curtains closed and drank a sedative, thinking about what happened. I couldn't believe what was happening!

In the morning I still fell asleep, and waking up at 2 pm, the first thing I called my brother Denis and asked him to come. At 8 pm Denis was with me.
Denis entered the house and said the following:
- Hello, Zhen! Listen, why is your door all peeled off? Eyoyo! .. Well, you have a vidocq! Che happened something?

I told Denis everything, and he agreed to help me believe that I did not have glitches. At 2:30, Denis and I sat quietly at the front door and waited ... We were waiting for him ...
And He came! By tradition, three elegant knocks! Denis clung to his eye and was stunned. After that, Denis stuttered for two years. The one who came yesterday became even more terrible, he was covered in worms, and his face was distorted so that it hardly looked like a face at all. He did not leave until five in the morning, and then he began to scratch the door and still left. At 10 o'clock we came to our senses a little and went out into the street. And on the door was scrawled: "I'll go in anyway!"

On the same day, Denis and I packed our things and hit the road to the city! What happened next is simply unimaginable! We got a call two days later and were told that our house had burned to the ground. Nothing left. Denis and I almost turned gray ...

And then everything came together for me! And the fact that the door did not open for a long time, and the scrawled message on the door. I understand. He wanted to kill the inhabitants of the house, and if we had not left, two of our charred corpses would have been found in the house two days later. We all told my grandfather, he paused and said: "I don't know who it was, but I know that you guys are very lucky!" Grandpa hugged us tightly. Later, I learned that a sectarian had previously lived on our site, who burned his house down and then drowned himself. Then the land was bought by grandparents and built their own house. He came to us. Sectarian...

P.S. For many years I lost my craving for solitude in a country house. Now everything is fine, I live with my wife in my apartment and try not to remember that incident.

edited news Melford - 12-07-2014, 23:15

Spring actively awakened all nature in the village of Krasilino to the beginning of a new life. Even grandfather Matvey began to crawl out of the house where he had been sitting all winter. He sometimes resembled a bear that sleeps all winter and leaves its rookery only in spring. Grandfather Mikola set up frames in bee hives, and grandmother Ulyana sowed seedlings in a greenhouse.

Spring began the same way as she did all previous years.
On one of these spring days, Antonina Ivanovna received a call from her son. He had lived in the city for a long time and only occasionally visited his mother.

Mammy, hello! How are you there? I'm going to visit you! At the same time I will bring my bride, I will introduce you!

Oh, that's good, son. When will you arrive? When to prepare?

Mommy, just don't cook anything on purpose. We will come this weekend, with an overnight stay. You don’t need to prepare much, we will bring everything you need with you. Till. See you soon.

See you soon, son.

Of course, Antonina Ivanovna could not meet her dear guests with empty hands and an empty table, and from Thursday she began to prepare for their arrival. At first, she thought about the menu for a long time. holiday table, and on Friday began to realize their grandiose plans. I made salads, baked homemade bread, baked various vegetables. The table turned out rich and tasty.

And then the long-awaited moment came when Maksimka ran up to the threshold and, lifting Mamula in his arms, twirled her around the hut. He circled her, laughing and rejoicing!

Maksimka! Put me on the floor, - smiling, and laughing, mum wailed. And she herself had a bright red blush on her cheeks from the indescribable pleasure of meeting her son.

And when she was on the floor, after long hugs and kisses with her son, her eyes fell on the girl who came in after Maxim.

The girl was very beautiful - but her beauty was as if cold. She was dressed, as Baba Ulyana would say, "fashionably": she had on a short blue skirt and an almost transparent blouse, covered by a slightly unbuttoned blouse. She completed this look with bright blue high heels.

Antonina Ivanovna froze in surprise when she saw her son's chosen one in front of her. She looked at her with all her eyes, trying to determine what was so interesting in her that her Maxim found.

Mommy! Meet my Natasha! Take home my bride.

Hello Mom! Natasha said smiling. And her gaze carefully examined the entire situation in the old house. Yes, he examined it so much that Antonina Ivanovna felt uncomfortable for such simplicity in which she lives.

"Probably she the best conditions I’m used to it, ”Antonina thought to herself and decided to do everything possible to make her son’s chosen one as comfortable as possible at her home.

Hello Natasha! You decided to call me Mom right away?! I just didn't expect. Come on through. Wash your hands and sit down at the table.

Mom, I said that we will bring everything with us. Now let's unpack the bags and set the table, - Maxim shouted from behind the washbasin.

Well, why! I have already prepared so many things. Now the potatoes will do!

Mom, we brought everything with us, - Natasha began to say, - You never ate such food as we brought. There is nowhere to buy it in the village. So we decided to please you and brought with us. Sushi is a Japanese dish. This is specially prepared rice wrapped in fish and seaweed. Together with soy sauce, it is very tasty to eat it.

Yes, how is it! I also cooked salads and baked vegetables. And we never ate fish with my son. She's alive. How can you kill her and eat her?

Mom, you haven’t even tried it, and you’re already saying that you can’t eat it, Natalya pouted her lips.

Girls don't fight. We will put dishes of both Japanese cuisine and our rustic Russian cuisine on the table. We will have an international table! - Maxim tried to smooth out the tension, - Yes, mom, now I started to eat both fish and meat. Nothing seems to taste like that. Natasha and I often go to restaurants. There they can cook it in such a way that you won’t even understand that it’s meat.

So why eat it if you don't know what you're eating?

Well, everyone eats. I don't understand why you and I never ate it.

So we didn’t eat them, because animals are our friends. How can you be friends with them if you eat them?

You know, in the city I have no time to be friends with animals. I spend most of my time at work. To earn a lot, you need to work hard. And I try to devote all the remaining time to Natasha.

Son, why do you have a lot of money? It turns out that you earn them in order to spend them on restaurants where they feed fish and meat incomprehensible. Spend on the apartment you rent. And then you will also start spending on doctors, because meat is absolutely not absorbed by the human body. But what about nature, animals? How can you not communicate with them? Maybe you can move back to the village. Here the air is cleaner, and our river is wonderful with living water. And you can find work here too. Just recently, Pashka and his sister Yulenka returned from the city. They went there to work. And here they opened a farm with cows. Now they are recruiting workers. If you could see what conditions for cows are created there! There is so much light, such purity, and what delicious milk the cows give! It's expensive to see. And he promises to pay very good money.

Mom, why do we need to return to the village? We have an interesting life in the city, but what are we going to do here? Milking cows and going to local dances? Natasha entered the conversation.

You know, Natasha. And I agree with my mom. Why do we live in a city apartment? In nature, outside the city it is easier to breathe! Maybe, really, we will think with you in order to move to a village where you can live happily and raise children? And entertainment is all temporary. Yes, and in the village you can organize such entertainment for yourself that you yourself will like!

Honey, let's talk about it with you later. We still came to your Mom. Let's better time We'll spend it to talk to her! Find out how she lives! Mom, tell me how you live?

Then the conversation turned to topics of no importance to everyone. Everyone sat down at the table and began to eat different dishes. Antonina Ivanovna could not even think of putting even a piece of these overseas dishes into her mouth. And she kept thinking: “How is it possible to live like this? After all, there is no point in life if you live in a stone box of an apartment and only do what you are looking for new entertainment. What did he still find in this Natasha? Yes, obviously I didn’t want such a bride for my Maxim. What to do? How to make it clear to Sonny that he has found the wrong bride for himself? After all, she is already trying to remake him, what will happen next.

Ulyanushka! What news do I have! The son has arrived. Yes, he brought the bride to the house, to get acquainted.

You, Antonina, are saying something unhappy about your daughter-in-law. Didn't you like it?

You know, not about such a daughter-in-law, I probably dreamed for Maxim. Our village would suit him better. To be closer to nature, and with Natasha he even began to eat fish with meat. And what to do with it now, I have no idea.

Antonina! What are you sitting, lamenting? I don't recognize you at all. You yourself say that you didn’t dream of such a bride for your son. And you yourself know that dreams are not built from the opposite. Take it and dream about a girl who would suit Maxim. Write a dream on a piece of paper, but do not forget to take into account that together they will do good things in the world, how they will live, what kind of grandchildren they will give you. And don't forget about the relationship with nature to add. It is important. Look, your dream will come true. After all, our Creator always supports everything reasonable and thoughtful. As they say, it doesn’t matter to him what dreams to fulfill, as long as the person clearly knows what he wants. Maxim will come to his senses and meet his true Love!

And really, what am I! I'll go home and, while Maksimka and her newly-made daughter-in-law are walking, I will write a dream about him with a real Beloved.

And Antonina Ivanovna went to her hut, to make out her dream. And she got a whole poem.

There are so many words and so many verses

In this world big and beautiful,

To describe your feelings

On paper with a playful pattern.

But I missed them sometimes

Tell how you are loved by us with dad!

Will you embody the dream of the Creator,

He dreamed of you with his Beloved.

You will live happily in your native land

Together with affectionate, gentle and kind.

Let the Beloved meet you

And go through life with her exactly.

Children will delight you

Making all your dreams come true.

Life will be full of miracles and beautiful,

To the joy of the whole Universe!

Satisfied, Antonina Ivanovna folded her notebook and put it in the sideboard. She seemed to have a hope that, as she wished, it would happen. And that her Maxim will be happy and loved. And he will find a girl for himself to live in happiness with her and raise beautiful children.

In the meantime, Maxim and Natalya returned from a walk. And he began to tell how on the way they met Yulia, whom they had not seen since childhood and with whom they grew up together in front of everyone.

She has changed so much! Just don't know at all. So much prettier, flourished. Lucky for the guy with whom she will build life!

And what did you see in this simple village girl?! - Natalya chuckled, - Yes, and I don’t understand why she and her brother returned to the village. After all, what is waiting for her here? All the life of cows to twist their tails and take out manure from the barn. Better to stay in the city. There are prospects, and a career, and suitors. And here? What is waiting for her here?

So here she has a real life! Here she is in nature. You should have seen how she talks to cows! They themselves run to her for milking! She caresses them, and talks to them, and hugs them with an affectionate word. Cows are drawn to her. How much milk do they give her? All village women are surprised. What a secret Yulenka knows! - Antonina Ivanovna happily praised Yulia, to whom she had recently become attached as to her own daughter.

“Now, if Maxim had chosen Yulenka as his bride, happiness would have settled in his house forever and ever! They wouldn't cherish each other's souls! And they would have love for all their eternal life!” Antonina Ivanovna thought to herself.

For conversations and household chores, the weekend flew by unnoticed, and Maxim and Natasha returned to the city. And they promised to come more often.

Life in Krasilino for Antonina Ivanovna returned to its former course. But more and more often she began to think about Yulenka as a beautiful Beloved for her son. Moreover, Yulia also began to show interest in Maxim. The other day I went to visit for tea, brought a baked pie with me and slowly began to ask how Maxim lives, what is new in his life. Such interest sincerely pleased Antonina Ivanovna, but she knew for sure that it was not worth asking unnecessary questions. After all, she wrote a strong dream, and if Maxim is really Beloved for Yulenka, everything will be fine with them and they will be happy together. In what, in what, and in the dream, Antonina Ivanovna always believed unconditionally. I knew that you only need to really want and put strong feelings into the dream - and everything will come true. So she dreamed of Maxim and Yulia as a happy couple and increasingly imagined them together.

A little time passed, and Maxim came to Mamula again. For some reason, he arrived alone, without Natasha, and stubbornly refused to talk about this topic.

“Something obviously went wrong with them,” thought Antonina Ivanovna, but did not develop the topic. She was glad to have arrived and, as usual, fussed about setting the table.

Mommy, how is Yulenka doing? I haven't seen her for a long time. Would like to see. We had such a great talk last time, she told so many things! Do you know where she might be today?

How can you not know. In the barn, where else! She coos with her cows at this time. Now it's time for lunch! She's probably working with them now. Go, at the same time, maybe you can help with the housework. They have a lot of cows, but there are no workers yet. Here Pasha and Yulia mostly work together. I don’t know what they would do if their cows weren’t so smart. After all, they only go into the barn so that Yulia and Pasha can milk them. And if you go to the toilet, they don’t do it in the barn for anything. They go out into the street. And on the street - immediately and the fertilizer is ready and the barn does not need to be cleaned. I don’t know how Yulia agreed with them - I don’t know, the whole village is surprised at such miracles!

Mamul, you tell some fantastic stories! Then I run away to the farm, I want to see these miracles myself. There, you see, maybe my help will really come in handy.

And Maxim ran out of the house, and Antonina Ivanovna only joyfully smiled after him.

Maxim returned home only in the evening. Smiling contentedly, he picked up Mamulya in his arms and spun around the hut.

Mammy, you don't happen to know why I'm so happy! The soul just sings! And by the way, I agreed with Pasha that from next month I will work with him and Yulia on the farm. I am moving back to my native village. Are you happy?

Of course I'm glad, son. But it's so unexpected. You never told me about your plans before.

You know, I didn't think I'd be back. And today I met with Pavel and Yulia, looked at how everything is fine with them, and as if I returned back to a children's fairy tale. They really have everything like in a fantasy world. All animals seem to be trained, but in reality they are not. They just somehow know how to communicate with them that all animals simply understand human speech, or more, probably, they understand not words, but the love with which the guys treat them. And for work they are just looking for those who will love animals. You know, when I approached the cows, they were very alert, and Yulia immediately asked if I eat meat. It turns out that any animal senses whether I have ever eaten meat from fish or other animals. And if they feel it, then they are very wary of a person. In this case, they do not know what to expect from a person - suddenly he will let them in for meat. But Yulia and Pasha never ate meat, and therefore all animals know that they can be trusted. And that they are just truly loved. But you were right when you didn’t feed me meat as a child! Thank you Mammy!

Over the past 16 years, 18 thousand villages and villages have disappeared in the Russian Federation and no one is worried about this. When up to six hundred rural schools are closed every year, there are no regular buses, shops, first-aid posts - rural residents flee who can and where they can.

Lost in the woods

This summer I managed to visit my native village, in which there is no longer a single living soul. Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet space, every year there are more and more such villages and villages ... It is located among forests and far from settlements, which became the decisive factor in what happened to it.

And then memories flooded over me, some kind of nostalgia, despondency, because devastation was all around.

* * *

At the entrance to the village, we are met by a painfully familiar house, this is my grandmother's house, where the happy half of my childhood passed, where pancakes were baked in the oven every weekend, fresh bread, and all this was consumed with fresh milk, with great joy by me and a couple more - three brothers and sisters...

In front of the house, even the fence of the front garden is still standing, which I beat so diligently at the age of 12. True, it seems that he did not have to stand for long. Just like the rest of the house in general.

The door of the house is now always open and it will accept any guest. But the guests don't come...Only nature, shamelessly steps over the threshold, slowly taking its own.

A collapsing collective farm warehouse next to the house, and behind it a barely standing garage. Previously, even behind the garage, there was a grain trap, which later the looters sawed into ferrous metal as soon as the collective farm ceased to exist.

It seems that some houses are still well preserved, but this is only from the outside. Floors, ceilings and stoves have collapsed in almost all houses. And the houses quietly and peacefully await their fate.

This is the local prayer house. There was no church in the village and all services were held in it.

Inside view.

And this is the stable. Or rather, what was left of her. Once upon a time, we, being small, loved to go here and feed the horses with fresh carrots, apples and other goodies for them, which were safely poked in other people's gardens. Lord, I'm sorry. To the right of the stable rise lindens, which are more than a century old, in the shade of which children, perhaps of all generations who lived in our village, liked to hide.

Wooden tubs, pitchforks, baskets were an attribute of almost every house and were actively used. And now they stand, forgotten and unnecessary to anyone.

Previously, a rather large stream flowed through this ravine, from it there was a small puddle in which we were hot summer days disappeared from morning to night, catching frogs, throwing mud, someone even managed to dive. And then, in the evening, they rushed home, headlong, driven from behind by their parents with armed belts and vichki, whoever was lucky.

And again the ruins ...

Well, where in the village without a store? It was here that we bought fresh, still warm bread, which was delivered here from a bakery located 100 meters from the store, and then we went home with this loaf and bit off from it, broke off, the most delicious crisp. We also spent a lot of money in this store (well, by those childish standards), buying any offal with Pokemon, such as chips and chewing gum.

And these are the remnants of the kindergarten, which for the last 6 years has served as a school. Behind them you can see the kitchen, where they cooked such a delicious semolina with raisins.

Just a road smoothly turning into waist-high grass.

The only lamppost left in the village, which will never illuminate the road for anyone ...

In one of the houses there was such an old pot, braided with birch bark. And even the thermometer is still in place and working properly.

And next to it is a large old chest.

Artwork by an unknown artist.

Of course, after going there, I had mixed feelings. I was glad that I had been there at least once over the past many years, I was glad to walk around painfully familiar places, recall funny moments from life, but on the other hand, I was overcome with despondency due to the fact that the place where you were born and grew, with which almost half of life is connected, turned into this empty house with warped fences and overgrown paths ...


There are people in our time who run away from the current civilization, as it is very aggressive, brutally kills all living things in its path. They run away to the village, and the villages are also already dead ...
One of these fugitives was Dmitry Arseniev, who, having an excellent education and a remarkable career, gave up everything, choosing a solitary life in the village and the peasantry. The village transformed his soul, led him to God and helped him understand the purpose of human life and, above all, his own.


I have long wanted to burn this waste paper. Fire up the stove for her. But there are still a lot of books in the closet, and even more furniture for firewood. Yes, and coal should soon be brought on a sleigh. So let it lie down.

I will leave it to my grandchildren. Let them revere when we leave this world. Maybe some of them will be entertained by these lines. Maybe our personal drama will seem ridiculous to them against the backdrop of what happened next. Their right.

So, as the poet said: "Professor, take off your bicycle glasses. I'll tell you about the time and about myself."

Everything that starts well ends badly. But if everything is bad from the very beginning, then there will be a complete star.

I realized this not before everyone else, but one of the first. Perhaps in the first thousand of the 140 million population of the country - back in those days when only the paranoid stuttered about the coming cataclysms. Yes, and those were ridiculed as city madmen.

Silence and smoothness reigned all around, and I already knew that the mythical beast Roasted Rooster was on its way, and nothing would stop its inexorable approach. I could not share this knowledge with anyone close to me. They wouldn't believe me.

I was wrong only about the cause of the Crisis. I believed in the tales of the alarmists and prepared for the depletion of energy resources. I thought that without oil, power plants would stop, cars would stop, and one system international trade, and then famine and pestilence will come.

The oil hasn't run out. Did not make it. But otherwise I was right.

My world did not collapse on the day when, in the midst of the December frosts, the electricity and heat were turned off. Much earlier. Still in the middle of sunny July. When I returned from work in the evening as usual, I realized from her eyes that she knew everything.

Ah, if it were possible to turn back time... - this eternal cry of cowards and egoists.

“If it were possible, I would be smarter,” I thought then. “And I would not let her know about my misdeed. I would keep it in myself. For her own good. without going into details."

Somehow I wasn't surprised. More than once I imagined this moment, scrolled the situation before my eyes. With breaking dishes, her scratched face, her hysteria, valerian and corvalol.

But not in one of my visions did she react like that. Knowing her character, I expected to see a storm and destruction in the apartment, but I saw only her eyes filled with pain. And it was much worse than screaming. It would be better if she looked at me with a look of pure hatred. I'd rather say, "Damn you, you bastard." It wouldn't be so creepy and disgusting at heart.

Don't worry, - my beloved said calmly, taking my hand. - We will live with you. I'm not leaving, so relax. You only need this. And love... there is no love, you know.

You can't prepare for this. The ground began to slip from under my feet. I tried to hug her (Nastya, not the earth), but she pulled away. I'm probably a masochist, but in moments of anger, she always seemed to me the most attractive. Especially in this short robe. Yes, I am so shameless.

We've quarreled before. Almost every day. She is by no means a slut. But usually after such outbursts of anger came reconciliation, and we were happy.

And now I wanted her to scream. Or she threw a vase from the closet at me. I would dodge or catch. Yes, even if he got hit in his stupid head ... everything is better.

But she just looked at me. That's right, sometimes silence is like screaming.

I wanted to fall on my knees in front of her and cling to her legs. Maybe I would have done that if I had not thought about how I look from the outside. And suddenly he was ashamed of his weakness.

"What am I, emo, or what? Also me, man. Weakling. Everyone lives like that ... Everyone does it. And nothing, they do not repent all their lives."

Much later I will be ashamed of this shame. She's not everything and I knew it. Maybe the ones I've met before... Maybe a fleeting betrayal wouldn't hurt them... because they themselves could have done it more than once. But she was different. And to offend such a person is like frying a hummingbird bird as a side dish for potatoes. No matter how she sometimes pretended to be a tigress, I knew very well how vulnerable she was.

I know you are good,” Nastya suddenly spoke up. - Everyone backs off. It's my fault. I thought that you, - she laughed nervously, - you won’t believe it, you’re not like everyone else. That you are the only one in the whole world who understands me. The one I've been looking for all these years. And you... you're a stranger. And all this time that you were with me, you lived double life. You know, that prince with green eyes, whom I saw and could not forget, is dead to me. And with you I will stay only for the sake of the child.

How she loved melodrama, damn it. "Luke, I am your father!"

I was silent, digesting what I heard. You should have seen my face.

Why didn't she tell me anything, even though she had known for two months? Chose the time. She wanted to surprise me, but it turned out that I did it.

Moral frenzy...

She wanted to remember that day forever. And so it happened.

Those were her last words, loved one. After that, we talked only about everyday topics, like two neighbors in a communal apartment.

She had no idea how right she was. I really lived a double life. But what she didn't realize was that my second life had nothing to do with a stupid affair that broke the fate of both of us.

I have been waiting and preparing. I was a member of a secret brotherhood of paranoids.

The optimists still believed in the government and the president ("Everything is fine, beautiful marquise..."), but smart people already understood that the patient was more dead than alive.

And while others took plasma TVs on credit and enjoyed life, these quietly acquired weapons, stockpiled stew, made hideouts along future evacuation routes from million-plus cities, and arranged captures in the remote taiga with warehouses of everything necessary for an autonomous life. The most stubborn even dug underground shelters.

The most reasonable and calm peak of the crisis was seen as an abrupt rise in prices, unemployment and hyperinflation. We were preparing for this. Others were preparing for world conflict, occupation and civil war. The most advanced cases were worn with the idea of ​​complete autonomy from a dying civilization. They were preparing to move to the land, voluntarily give up the benefits of civilization and set up a subsistence economy similar to the pre-industrial one. Anastasians, followers of Maigret (not the commissar), driven ecologists and conspiracy theorists of all countries and peoples. Reading their revelations, I realized that I still hadn't gone that far.

I never felt called to farming. And he treated all this paranoid audience as nudists. That is, people who are annoying all the time because they have too much free time. I thought that I had not chewed out a red diploma with my teeth in order to pick in manure.