Singer burbulis biography. Biography and creative life of intars busulis

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Biography, life story of Intars Busulis

Intars Busulis (Intars Busulis) - singer and musician.


Intars Busulis was born on May 2, 1978 in the small town of Tulsa, where he received his first musical skills in music school trombone class. As a child, he was distinguished by special diligence - he attended art school, danced in a folk dance group, even studied shooting, and in free time drew cartoons from various magazines. The first performance took place together with the children's ensemble Talsu Spridisi (Talsu Spridisi) back in the days of the music school.

Youth. The beginning of the creative path

While still very young, Intars worked as a presenter at the Radio SWH radio station.

After graduating from a music school in Tulsa, he decided to try more spacious "waters" and went to the city by the sea - Ventspils, where he studied at a music college and played in the "Ventspils Big Band" under the direction of Ziedonis Zaikovskis. Soon, in a place with Raymond Tigulis, he created the Caffe group. The project, which began as a comic challenge to fate, became her turning point. The group existed for four years and even gained considerable popularity - this is how Intars officially became a singer. At the same time, he continued to play in the NVS Orchestra and in the Wet Point jazz group (with Vilnis Kundrat), and in 2005, already as a vocalist, he participated in the project of the Danish bass guitarist Erik Musholm E.Y.J.O. (European Youth Jazz Orchestra).


Participated in jazz festivals in Lithuania (Kaunas Jazz), Estonia (Nomme Jazz, Jazz Kaar), France (MIDEM), Finland (Pori Jazz), Canada (Otawa Jazz) and, of course, in Latvia (Sony Jazz Stage), in the musicals Notre Dame de Paris (2007), "Autoplanet", in Leonard Bernstein's "Mass", as well as in concert productions of the production group Virus Art Cabaret (Cabaret (2004), Kino Cabaret (2005), Cabaret Allez (2006), Cabaret plin, plin... (2007)) and in musical project Viva la Bomba together with Aya Vitolinya, Uldis Markhilevich and others.

Intars got the opportunity to work with maestro Raimonds Pauls, whose fame extends throughout Russia. It was Pauls who recommended Intars to take part in the contest " New wave– 2005”, where he won the Grand Prix. Since winning the competition, Intars has become its annual guest, performing with the "cream" of Russian show business.


“In interviews, I am often asked about the spirit of competition, about rivalry. I admit, I like to participate in competitions. I think it's a good experience and a way to express yourself, as well as meet new people, hear different points of view, and learn about the experience of others. It doesn't matter if we agree, it's just interesting to see how different people we are surrounded"- said Intars.

In addition to three selections at Eurovision and New Wave, he performed at the Sony Jazz Stage competitions (Grand prix (2004)) and the international competition in Pärnu (Grand prix (2004)).

In 2007, Intars already took second place, performing the hit "Races" by Latsis and Sergey Timofeev.

In 2008, Intars, together with the composer Karlis Latsis, released his first album, which included original compositions in Russian and Latvian. He performed songs from the album at concerts throughout Latvia. For several months, Brivdiena topped the radio and TV charts. In 2009 he won several prestigious Latvian music awards and started work on solo album on the English language.

In 2009, Intars and Sweetwaterz won the national preselection with the song Sastregums ("Jam").

In the middle of winter 2013, Intars was lucky enough to meet talented singer. After talking a little, the artists decided to cooperate. This is how their joint composition "Neva" was born, the presentation of which took place at the end of January 2014 at a solo concert in St. Petersburg. By spring, the song had become very popular. For almost a month, she did not leave the first lines of various charts.

After the first success, Intars decided to continue their mutually fruitful work. In the spring of 2014, the duet performed on Channel One, striking the audience with the brightness of their number. In the autumn of the same year, Busulis presented new song"Gravity" (translation already famous song Intarsa ​​Btivdiena).

In the summer of 2014, Intars Busulis decided to try his hand at the television show "Voice". He submitted an application for participation, which was, of course, approved by the organizers of the competition. On September 5, he sang the song It Don't Mean a Thing superbly. Two mentors wanted to work with him at once -

His charming, attractive and bewitching voice conquered thousands of ladies' hearts. Talented singer, family man, father of three children and just a handsome man Intars Busulis talked to us early morning at breakfast on the sunny terrace of the Riga Restaurant Le Dome.

LENA: Intars, you are from Talsi, a small Latvian town. How do you remember your life there?
INTARS: This is my hometown and the memories of it are only the best! Even youthful fights are remembered with some warmth! ( laughing)

LENA: Are there many childhood friends around?
INTARS: Unfortunately no. Someone left to pick strawberries in Ireland, someone just drank himself - the city is small. But now, by the way, there are a lot of English numbers in Talsi. Probably the local guys came on vacation. ( smiling)

LENA: This is a tragedy of the periphery - the people are leaving or drinking themselves from idleness. But you are a completely different matter. What helped you to escape not only to the capital, but also to conquer the Russian and European scenes?
INTARS: Oh, still conquer and conquer! But a big thank you to my parents. I was always busy with something: a music school, some circles. I was taught not just responsibility, but responsibility to myself.

LENA: Are you raising your children the same way?
INTARS: Trying! I want my children to be busy with business, and not spend all the time at the computer. In our family, as in films: there is a bad policeman - that's me and a good one - my wife. ( laughing). But when they mess up, the son immediately runs to his mother, and the daughter to me. Everything is like a book!

LENA: The son and daughter study at the music school. Do you want them to continue the dynasty?
INTARS: Absolutely not! I just want them to be musical, to be able to sing in a circle of friends and to be able to do it well. I have an example before my eyes - my neighbor. An adult man, a businessman, deals with cars, but as soon as a feast, an accordion appears in his hands and that's it - we have another person in front of us, the soul of the company, the ringleader!

LENA: Intars, you have long been popular not only in Latvia. After the projects on Channel One, you began to be recognized abroad. It's time to "grab a star", no?
INTARS: I don't have time for star disease! If people recognize us - it's good, then everything we do is not in vain. Why do I say "we"? Because I'm not alone, but we are a whole team. ( Switches to a Caucasian accent) We try hard, we put our soul into the music and the listener feels it, right?

LENA: Have you performed in front of children? More difficult than in front of adults?
INTARS: We had charity concerts for children, and you know, it’s generally not clear what they need! As always with children - n-e-p-o-n-i-t-n-o! ( laughing). In addition, children come to such events with adults, which means that both young listeners and “old people” need to be interested. At such mixed concerts, we even had a certain scheme of work. For example, we offer to raise their hands to those who are already eighteen, or, let's say, to confess: who kissed? And we perform a song for such categories. Actually, it's funny. Teenagers begin to be embarrassed, giggle, show bravado.

LENA: Your participation in the project "Just the same". So many images! What was the most difficult one? Tina Turner?
INTARS: Here Tina Turner was generally easy to show! What is there to play? The main thing is that she never straightened her legs on stage. This saved me! Of course, I practiced walking in heels ...

LENA: (laughs) He borrowed his wife's shoes and cut through the kitchen?!
INTARS: (laughing) No, I wandered around the hotel room back and forth. But this is horror! How do you walk on this?! All legs hurt by the end of the evening!

LENA: That is, on stage you suffered and suffered?
INTARS: (laughing) Exactly! I had to stand still for fifteen minutes, I would lift one leg, then the other. And everyone thinks: this is how it should be, the number is like that!

LENA: And which image was more difficult?
INTARS: O! It was the Frenchman Joe Dassin and the song "Champs Elysees". I do not know French, and when I sing, I must know the literal meaning of each line. There were also difficulties in staging the performance: one camera was filming there, I had to go towards the operator, and on the way to greet the audience, remember the text and movements, plasticity, characteristic of the artist himself. It was all very difficult!

LENA: Have you ever wanted to learn French? Such a beautiful language!
INTARS: I have long had a desire to learn French, Arabic and Spanish! There is just no time...

LENA: Now you are like in a famous cartoon: “Your mother is shown both there and here.” You don't seem to rest at all! Do you have enough time for your family?
INTARS: I try to spend more time with my family, especially in summer. In June I had a two-week vacation, then another one and a half weeks in July, and in August I will also have two weeks free. But by the autumn it will be necessary to work a lot.

LENA: Creative people are usually very emotional, is it easy to piss you off, make you laugh, upset?
INTARS: It's easier to upset me than to make me laugh. I can laugh, but to laugh to tears - you need to try!

LENA: And can you cry?
INTARS: Sure I can! We are all people. But I don't cry over movies and cats from the Internet. That's when I stand on stage or hear good song, I can shed a tear. True, only about myself!

LENA: Where is it more difficult for you to perform: in front of a large audience or at private events?
INTARS: It's hard to say… Each performance is a huge responsibility. But small, chamber events are great for keeping fit. And then you won’t sing for a week and you already have to sing for several hours. But be it big concert or a private "herringbone" - I go to the end! It is important for me that the viewer is satisfied and it is important to see the return from the listeners. If during a performance someone breaks away from the plate and listens, if they start dancing, if they react, then everything is not in vain!

LENA: Are you risky? Can you skydive?
INTARS: Yes, nafig! I regularly receive an invitation to Dinner in the Sky, but I keep refusing. I look at this crane that holds the platform, and immediately remember how my brother suffered in the Talsi tragedy - he broke his legs, but, fortunately, survived. Therefore, for the sake of food, I will not risk my life. But to drive a car, ride a roller coaster - this is please!

LENA: What brings joy in life?
INTARS: I love fast driving, pine forest, morning coffee is a ritual! My wife and I even learned how to reach Zen - children can go crazy, and we calmly drink coffee. I love traveling around Latvia, but I dream of going to Iceland. I really like to plan my vacation, chat with friends at home, at the set table, so we have a big table, but no TV. And I love my family, of course!

Intars Busulis, a native of a small Latvian town turned jazz and pop artist, has managed to achieve international recognition and win several prestigious awards in Latvia and Europe. However, mass fame brought him participation in the Moscow Eurovision Song Contest, and then in popular TV shows.

Intars was born on May 2, 1978 in the ancient, but very small Latvian town of Talsi. Despite the fact that their family was large, parents paid much attention to the development of the abilities of children. From the age of eight, the boy began to study at a music school in the trombone class, in addition, he attended an art school and danced in folk ensemble Talsu Spridisi. After graduating from a music school, following the example of his older sister, Intars entered College of Music Ventspils city. There he became a member of the Ventspils Big Band, led by Ziedlnis Zaikovskis. Military service Intarsa ​​played in the orchestra of the Latvian Armed Forces, in addition, he was the host of the radio station "Radio SWF". Like any novice performer, Busulis went through the stage of forming his own group. In 1999, he and Raymond Tigulis created the boy band "Caffe

", where Intars became a soloist. The group performed for four years, which is not so little for a group of this level. In 2003, Invar Busulis and tenor saxophonist Vilnis Kundrats created the Wet Point jazz group, which performed in jazz festival programs different countries- not only in neighboring Lithuania ("Kaunas Jazz"), and Estonia ("Nomme Jazz"), but even in France ("Midem") and Canada ("Ottawa Jazz"). In 2004, Busulis received the Grand Prix at the Baltic Jazz Vocal Competition "Sony Jazz Stage", and then another one at the improvisation competition in Pärnu. Since 2005, Busulis has performed in Canada and European countries with Erik Mosuholm (Denmark) as part of his jazz orchestra "European Youth" (E.Y.J.O).

However, Intars began to think about a solo career. Back in 2004, he took part in the qualifying competition of the "New Wave" in Jurmala. At

the dacha smiled at the singer in the summer of 2005, when the New Wave jury, which included such authorities as Pauls, Meladze, Krutoy, Agutin, Vaikule, unanimously awarded him first place and a prize of 35 thousand dollars. In the same year, Busulis released his debut English-language album "Shades of Kiss". He led an active concert activity, participated in various musicals, and began an active collaboration with the composer Karolis Latsis. The songs they created in Latvian and Russian made up the album "Kino". In 2008, for the release of the album, Intars Busulis held a concert tour throughout Latvia, which was a great success, and the song "Brīvdiena" entered the charts of music channels on television and radio stations.

The next stage in the performing career of Intars Busulis was participation in such a prestigious competition as Eurovision, which in 2009

du passed in Moscow. The singer successfully passed all rounds of selection, and presented the song "Sastrēgums" ("Street traffic jam") at the competition. Performing in Russian was a rather unexpected step for the Latvian singer, but Intars explained this by the fact that he speaks Russian better than English. The song entered the second semi-final. Since that time, the singer began an active collaboration with Raymond Pauls, which resulted in the release of the album "God forbid" in 2010. It included Pauls' songs performed by Intars Busulis to the words of the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. The rating of the performer continued to rise in his homeland: in 2013 he was invited to the Riga Dailes Theater, where for two years he appeared on stage in the musical Onegin, in which he played the role of Pushkin. In addition, his specialty as a trombonist turned out to be in demand: Busulis became a member of Big Ben

yes on Latvian radio. As for Russia, since 2013 Intars has been actively cooperating with Elena Vaenga. They jointly performed the composition "Neva", which was performed at the solo concerts of the singer in St. Petersburg and Busulis in Jurmala, as well as at the presentation of the "Golden Gramophone". This song entered the rotation of many radio stations, including such as "Road Radio", "Spring", "Peter FM", etc. In April 204, "Neva" was in the lead in the hit parade of the radio station "Chanson", and retained the rating for three weeks. In the spring of 2014, the duo made their debut on Channel One, then on the Rossiya TV channel. Vaenga and Busulis recorded another song called "Lena", and the singer also performed a Russian translation of Busulis' old hit "Brivdiena". The new text was called "Gravity", and the duo performed it at Elena Vaenga's concert in September 2014.

In the same

In the year Busulis made a rather unexpected act for his fans - he became a member of the TV show "Voice", conducted by Channel One. In fairness, the singer's friends submitted the application without his knowledge, however, after the selection jury approved his candidacy, Busulis decided to take part in this popular show. In "Blind Audition" he performed jazz standard"It don't mean a thing", in which he combined singing with the trombone part. This made a huge impression on the organizers of the "Voice", and such singers as Leonid Agutin and Pelageya expressed their desire to become mentors of Intars. Under the leadership of Agutin in "Fights" Busulis won convincingly against Michael Blaze with the song "Play that funky music". The contrast to this famous composition was the song "I draw you", dedicated to the memory of the deceased Estonian singer Jaak Joala.

position Intras Busulis won in "Knockouts" and reached the quarterfinals, and then, with the song of Pauls and Yevtushenko "I love you more than nature", confidently reached the semifinals. He opened the final concert of the show with the cult song "Honesty" by Billy Joel.

The singer's new projects were the TV show "Just Like It", in which Busulis successfully reincarnated as such an ambiguous celebrity as Boris Moiseev, who spoke very approvingly of the image created by Intars. The singer's performances were also successful in the images of Nikolai Rastorguev, Billy Joel, Joe Dassin and other celebrities. In the summer of 2015, the singer plans to record a new album "Gravity", the presentation of which will take place in the fall. As for the personal life of Intars Busulis, he prefers not to talk about it. It is known that the singer is happily married and is a loving father of a son and two daughters.

Intars Busulis- famous Latvian jazz and pop musician and artist.

Intars Busulis. Biography

Intars Busulis was born on May 2, 1978 in Talsy, (Latvian SSR). AT school years played in a children's musical ensemble, was engaged in folk dances. Graduated from the Talsi School of Music, trombone class, and from the Ventspils College of Music. He worked as a presenter at the Latvian radio station Radio SWH.

In 1999, together with Raimonds Tigulis he assembled the Caffe group, and four years later began solo career looking for own style. At the same time, he played in the National Armed Forces Brass Band and the jazz band Wet Point. This was not the end of his musical odyssey. He has performed at jazz festivals in Lithuania, Estonia and France, and in 2005, as a vocalist and trombonist, he joined the band of a Danish bass player Erika Mosuholma E.Y.J.O.

In 2008, Intars, together with the composer Karlis Latsis, released his first album, which included songs in Latvian and Russian. Intars supported the release of the album with a concert tour in Latvia. Four months later, the song "Brīvdiena" hit the charts of music channels and radio stations.

In 2009 Intars Busulis received several important Latvian music awards and started work on a new album in English. On the " Eurovision 2009"In Moscow, he performed the song" Cork "in Russian.

Since 2013, Intars has been playing A.S. Pushkin in the musical "Onegin" in the Riga theater "Dailes". Also, as a trombonist, Intars performs as part of the legendary big band of the Latvian Radio.

At the end of 2013, Intars met the singer Elena Vaenga. Highly appreciating the musical presentation, unusual manner of performance and natural artistry, Elena invited Intars to enter the Russian stage. Together they recorded a duet for the song "Neva", which was presented at the singer's solo concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg on January 28, 2014 and at Intars' solo concert at the Dzintari Hall in Jurmala on June 30, as well as at the " Golden Gramophone Award” at the Ice Palace on November 30, 2014.

On March 8, 2014, the duet's TV premiere took place on Channel One in a programme " Songs for loved ones”, a week later on the channel Russia 1 in a programme " Saturday evening».

September 5, 2014 Intars Busulis stepped on the stage of the show The Voice Season 3. At a blind audition, he decided to sing the song Duke Ellington"It's all pointless," with the singer taking the stage with a trombone, playing along and vocalizing at the same time. To Intars Busulis all the mentors turned and all, without exception, showered him with praise. However, he preferred the team of Leonid Agutin.

Performing "I love you more than nature" Intars advanced to the semi-finals. On December 19, 2014, Intars opened the semi-final of the TV show "Voice" with a hit Billy Joel Honesty.

In February 2015, the second season of the show of reincarnations "Just the same" started on Channel One, and one of its participants was Intars Busulis. On the project, the singer transformed into Boris Moiseev, and the original himself was very pleased with the image that Intars showed. It took a total of about four hours of make-up work to create the image of Boris Moiseev. Viewers also saw Busulis in images Billy Joel and soloist of the Lube group Nikolai Rastorguev.

Intars Busulis: “It was especially interesting for me to perform in the image of Billy Joel, because he has an unusual manner of performance: he sings only with a diaphragm. When I reincarnated as him, I felt a real excitement. I think that at the moment it is with Billy Joel that I have the greatest similarity. ”

Intars Busulis married, he has three children.

There are several projects in our country that open up new talented performers throughout the country. Such a project is "Voice" on the first channel, charged with vocalists. It was with his help that the Latvian performer Intars Busulis became known to the Russian public. This is a man who devoted his life to music and achieved popularity.

Biography and early career

The famous singer was born on March 2, 1987 in the Latvian city of Talsi. His family was large, his parents raised five children. His older sister went to a music school, where they sent the grown boy. There, Inter Busulis learned to play the trombone. Studying at a music school was easy, which cannot be said about the middle school. The boy's progress was very limping. In addition, he enrolled in an art school, participated in a folk dance group. It was at this time that he first appeared on stage as an artist.

As a teenager, he hosted programs on the radio.

After graduation high school left to study at the College of Music, which was located in the city of Ventspils. At this time, he becomes a member of the Ventspils Big Band ensemble and begins to sing. A little later, together with his friend, he creates the Cafe group, in which he becomes a soloist. This is how the first steps were taken in his musical career. The project was liked by the youth and quickly gained momentum. In parallel, Busulis played in a jazz group and the NVS Orchestra. Where else did the musician perform:

  • At a jazz festival in Lithuania.
  • festivals jazz music in Canada, France, Estonia, Latvia.
  • Performances and musicals. He was able to participate in the famous production of Notre Dame de Paris.

In the 2000s, the singer Intars Busulis met the Russian public. At one of the New Wave competitions, the musician performed for the domestic audience on the advice of Raymond Pauls. In 2005 he won the Grand Prix International Competition and becomes a regular guest in concert program festival.

In the same year, the singer releases debut album, which Karlis Latsis worked on. All tracks were in English. Three years later, he releases a new collection, which featured songs in Russian and Latvian. The most popular track was Brīvdiena. To support the album, the artist goes to tour by home country.

In 2009 he becomes a member of Eurovision and comes to Russia with the song "Probka", which he performed in Russian. The clip was filmed in a supermarket, and ordinary citizens were used as extras. At the competition, the artist took only 19th place and was not selected for the final.

In 2013, he participates in the musical Onegin, which premiered in Latvia. The artist performed the part of Pushkin.

Popularity in Russia

In 2013, Intars Busulis met Elena Vaenga. There is an idea to sing a duet. The artists record several joint songs: "Neva", "Gravity", "Lena". They performed as a duet at many venues. Also, the Baltic singer supported Elena at her solo concert in St. Petersburg, where they sang joint songs. As a duet, they also performed tracks at Busulis' concert. After there were performances in Jurmala and at the Golden Gramophone. The audience liked the duet of Vaenga and Busulis, their relationship in the songs did not leave anyone indifferent.

2014 was marked by the participation of Intars Busulis in the Voice project. At the qualifying stage, he performed the song and accompanied himself on the trombone. Two mentors turned to him - Leonid Agutin and Pelageya. The singer chose the team of the first performer. In the project, he was able to reach the final. After success in "The Voice", the artist is invited to another show of the first channel - "Just the Same". Intours reincarnated as well-known personalities of our and foreign stage. According to the feedback from the audience, he did it well.

In 2015, the singer released his album Gravity. Two songs became real hits in our country - "Umbrella" and "I'm going to look." Currently, the artist also records songs and shoots videos. One of his works is a video for the song "I draw you", which he sang on the "Voice". The video has already been viewed by 50,000 people. Intars Busulis also maintains a page on Instagram, where he shares moments from his life and work with his subscribers.

Artist's personal life

The artist is married to a girl Inge. They met in 1996 at a disco in their hometown. For some time they talked, spent time together, after which they decided to get married. In 1999, the couple moved to Riga. In 2001, they had their first child, a boy named Lanny. Five years later, they became parents for the second time. They had a girl named Emilia. In 2012, the couple became a large family. The wife gave birth to a third child - a girl named Amelia. The artist's children go to regular school. They are also interested in music. The eldest son is learning to play the trombone.

Many journalists tried to attribute to him an affair with Elena Vaenga, as the couple had a warm relationship. But they were connected only by the stage and joint work. As time passed, the conversations subsided.

Intars Busulis or, as he was called in one of the printed publications, Butulis, Burbulis, is a famous Latvian musician and singer. His career started in Latvia in 2002. He became known to the Russian audience after a duet with Vaenga, the show "Voice" and "Just Like". Today, the artist is engaged in music, releases his own videos and writes songs. Marital status: married and has three children.

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