"noble estate". Information about spa salon noble estate Spa noble estate



E.N. paly

The Russian noble salon was a complex form of cultural and artistic life of noble Russia in the first half of XIX century, in which serious, deep interests are combined with entertainment, personal with public, and what is meant different types activities (literature, philosophy, music), but at the same time each of the activities did not suppress the other. In the first half of the XIX century. only a “thin layer of the educated, thinking” part of it was involved in culture. All these representatives of the noble avant-garde were the creators cultural property, all the best that was laid down in Russia was connected with them XV, N.A. Belozerskaya, M.A. Harris, N. Fatova, which were descriptive in nature, as such, there was no analysis of salon culture in them.

In the XIX - early XX century. a number of works devoted to the history of the nobility were published, which also touched on certain aspects of the noble salon culture. At the same time, several works on the history of technical education in Russia appeared. They contain information about the place and role of liberal arts education and the elements of salon nobility culture in university programs.

The first books devoted to the salon culture itself were published in the 1920s. 20th century Peru M. O. Gershenzon owns a number of works in which questions are raised that are close to the topic of our study. Created on the basis of the richest material, these works are marked by an excellent knowledge of old Moscow life, the subtlety of psychological characteristics, and are written with artistic brilliance.

Analyzing the Soviet literature on the research topic, it should be noted the works of Yu.M. Lotman on history

Russian culture in general and the culture of the XVIII-XIX centuries. in particular. In his works, salon culture is seen as an expression of the life and traditions of the Russian nobility.

In the 1980-90s. in general, interest in the scientific study of the history of the Russian nobility, the history of salons, increased. In this regard, there appear: "Materials on the history of Russian culture late XVIII- the first half of the 19th century"; "Culture and art of Russia of the XIX century"; From the history of Russian culture. Collection "Literature and art in the system of culture", works by A.D. Endless; joint work of M.F. Zezina, L.V. Koshman, V.S. Shulgin; the work of V.N. Kasatkina. All these studies have made a great contribution to the study of Russian culture. However, the topics related to salon culture were considered here rather superficially, as a rule, in connection with the history of the nobility.

In the 1990s in the field of studying Moscow literary salons of the first half of the 19th century. I.V. worked very fruitfully. Kantorovich. In her work, one can find the typology of salons, the allocation of provincial salons and the analysis of their features, the study of literary and musical salons, the study of the activities of individual salons - A.P. Elagina, E.P. Rostopchina, I.I. Shuvalova and others. At the same time, there is no holistic concept of salon culture.

Monograph of a famous researcher Russian culture N.I. Yakovkina "History of Russian culture: XIX century" is devoted to the brightest and most fruitful period of the cultural life of Russia in the XIX century. The history of the noble life of the first half of the XIX century. highlights her other work " Russian nobility the first half of the 19th century: life and traditions". In these works, in connection with the disclosure of the life of the nobility, the problems of salon culture are highlighted.

AT last years many works appeared, wholly or partly devoted to individual representatives of the Russian noble intelligentsia, including those who directly organized the salons. The authors of these works seek to reveal the specific features of a particular salon through the personal characteristics of its owner (hostess), showing the relationship between the individuality of the salon organizer and the activities of the latter.

In a separate group can be distinguished works devoted to the activities of literary and musical salons. Among them are the works of N.L. Brodsky, A.I. Brudny, O.V. Glagoleva, V.V. Muravyova, B.M. Ekhenbaum and others. Much attention was paid to the study of chamber amateur music-making in the works of E.Yu. Artemova, B.V. Asafiev, M.A. Gerasimova-Persidskaya, B.V. Dobrokhovoy, E.I. Mokryak, D.V. Sarabyanova, L.P. Smirnova; EAT. Srago, V.I. Sheredegi and V.S. Turchin and others.

To some extent, issues related to the activities of literary and musical salons were considered in the works devoted to the work of cultural and educational institutions (A.I. Arnoldov, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.E. Triodina, etc.).

However, they explore only one of the areas of activity of salons - literary and musical salons, the authors do not analyze the very concept of salon culture.

The study of salon culture raises and more general theme associated with the processes of cultural inheritance, which was studied in the works of I.G. Herder, J. Maritain, G. Rickert, A. Toynbee, J. Huizinga, M. Scheler, O. Spengler, E. Fromm, K. Jaspers, V.F. Asmusa, N.A. Berdyaeva, N.Ya. Danilevsky, A.I. Ilyina, A.F. Losev, P.A. Florensky and others. From contemporary authors should be called the works of L.M. Batki-

on, V.S. Bibler, M.N. Gromova, P.S. Gurevich, Yu.N. Davydova, I.K. Kuchmaeva, A.K. Konenkova, Yu.M. Lotman, E.S. Markaryan, M.A. Maslina, V.M. Mezhueva, V.I. Melnik, V.R. Rastorgueva, E.Yu. Solovyov, P.A. Sorokina, V.I. Shamshurina and others.

The analysis of the scientific elaboration of the research topic showed that salon culture was practically not studied as an integral cultural phenomenon, and there are no clear definitions of it; most of the works are based on a generalization of empirical material without deep theoretical conclusions; for many authors, the theme of salon culture had an accompanying character (for example, in connection with the history of the nobility or Russian culture in general); a number of works give a one-sided assessment of salon culture (for the sake of ideological attitudes or existing stereotypes); there is also no typology of salons, the dynamics of the development of salon culture is practically not analyzed.

The purpose of our study was to study, by means of cultural analysis, the essential features, functions, and dynamics of Russian salon culture during its peak in the 19th century.

The Russian noble salon was a complex form of cultural and artistic life of noble Russia in the first half of the 19th century, in which serious, deep interests are combined with entertainment, personal and public, and different types of activity are meant (literature, philosophy, music), but In this case, each of the activities did not suppress the other. The personality of the owner of the salon as a private owner of the city house or estate where the salon functioned, left a peculiar imprint on his activities.

In the first half of the XIX century. involved in culture was only, according to the expression

N.Ya. Eidelman, "a thin layer of educated, thinking" part of him. All these representatives of the noble avant-garde were the creators of cultural values, all the best that was laid down in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries was associated with them.

Any culturological phenomenon, including salon Russian culture, should be critically perceived and evaluated from the standpoint of modern cultural heritage.

niya. It is impossible not to see the following features. Firstly, the heterogeneity of the nobility allows us to conclude that the salon culture was associated only with the enlightened nobility, while the nobility as a whole cannot be overestimated by exaggerating its education and enlightenment.

The salon society itself did not always give correct, aesthetically verified assessments of a particular work, whether it be literature or music, painting, etc. The salon society is not a society of experts, professionals in the field of art, on the contrary, it, like in the West, was unprofessional.

Eminence, refined arrogance in circulation - also characteristic salons. If the salon culture of the province is more common people, then the similar culture of St. Petersburg is quite standard in manners and etiquette.

The observed role differentiation of guests in the salon itself could brand a person for a long time as a “provincial”, “jester”, etc., i.e., led to his humiliating assessment, from which he could not get rid of throughout his life.

The poetics of secular behavior relied primarily on the ability to distinguish between a number of basic models, a number of masks and roles, each of which had its own special value status (“provincial”, “marginal”, “dandy”, “salon trendsetter”, “jester” and etc.). So, they laughed at the "provincials", ridiculing, first of all, their manners, stiffness in behavior, at the same time there was sympathy - and even some genuine interest, provincial naivety attracted. A different position in secular society is the position of the “marginal”. His statements are harsh, on the verge of the accepted norm, he deliberately violates the accepted rules of etiquette. This person could differ not only in the manners accepted in society, but also in the desire to discuss those topics that do not give an “easy” conversation, are not combined with the pleasantness of communication, and therefore are not accepted in the salons.

An example of the capital's philosophical salon can be considered the salon of Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky1 (1804-1869) - state

1 He was born in 1804 in Moscow, was educated at the Noble Boarding School at Moscow University, was one of the founders of the Society for

a gift official, a well-known novelist, publicist, mechanic-inventor, composer and musical public figure, who studied church and folk Russian music, was fond of physics, mathematics, philosophy.

In 1826 V.F. Odoevsky moved to St. Petersburg. M.P. Pogodin recalled: “Since Odoevsky began to live in St. Petersburg with his household, evenings opened with him, once a week, where his friends and acquaintances gathered - writers, scientists, musicians, officials. It was an original gathering of heterogeneous people, often even hostile, but for some reason remarkable. All of them on neutral ground felt completely free and treated each other without any hesitation. Here the cheerful Pushkin and Father Iakinf with narrowed Chinese eyes, the fat traveler, the heavy German, Baron Schilling, who had returned from Siberia, and the lively, pretty Count. Rostopchin, Glinka and prof. Chemistry Hess, Lermontov and the clumsy but knowledgeable archaeologist Sakharov. Krylov, Zhukovsky and Vyazemsky were regular visitors. Here appeared on the stage of great society and Gogol, met by Odoevsky at first with friendly participation. The impartial personality of the host had an effect on the guests, who became both kinder and more indulgent towards each other.

In the living room on the sofa, according to the memoirs of V. A. Sollogub, “Pushkin listened to ... Zhukovsky; Countess Rostopchina read her last poem to Lermontov, Gogol eavesdropped on secular speeches; Glinka asked Mr. Vielgorsky about the resolution of counterpoint problems; Dargomyzhsky plotted new opera and dreamed of a librettist. All beginners and laborers in the field of science and art arrived here - in

wise, which united young Schellingian philosophers. In 1826, having married, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he entered the service of the Censorship Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the 1830s Odoevsky becomes famous as a novelist and publicist. In 1849 he became deputy director of the Imperial Public Library, as well as director Rumyantsev Museum. In 1861, the museum was transferred to Moscow, and in early 1862 Odoevsky returned to the ancient capital, where he lived until the end of his days.

among them, the master of the house either listened to the conversation, or encouraged the debutant, or made his remarks in his quiet, kind-hearted voice, always full of knowledge and gentleness. We knew four such houses: Olenin, Karamzin, Vielgorsky and Odoevsky.

Vladimir Fedorovich left behind a great literary and musical heritage, interest in which has always existed1.

Among Vladimir Fedorovich's later numerous notes made in his declining years, there is one short entry that is very remarkable. He wrote down on paper the answer of a certain lady to the question of what a democrat is. “The working aristocrat is already a democrat,” she replied. Odoevsky wrote down this answer, apparently not by chance - the lady's words were about him, an aristocratic worker; so he built his life from a young age, so it was prompted by fate itself.

“By origin, Prince Odoevsky stood at the head of the entire Russian nobility,” wrote Vladimir Sollogub. - He knew it; but in his soul there was no room for arrogance - in his soul there was only room for love. A few decades later, the American Eugene Skyler, the translator of Turgenev and Tolstoy, perceptively noticed the same thing, who felt in the “first aristocrat” of Russia and the “greatest democrat”.

Therefore, probably, the path of a working official, which he chose not only “ideologically”, but also necessary - as a means of subsistence, and Odoevsky perceived the career of a writer with proud dignity - he still remained a descendant of a historical family, and he had no need, as, say, Pushkin, with painful constancy

1 An important stage in its development was, in particular, 1935, when a large selection from Odoevsky's Diary was published in the series "Literary Heritage", reflecting mainly his views on the socio-political life of Russia. As for musical side heritage of the prince, then by 1940 a monograph by G.B. Bernandt, but the work, which received a negative assessment from reviewers, was not published. In 1952, a dissertation on the topic “V. F. Odoevsky is a music critic” defended by B. B. Granovsky, but this work, preserved in the manuscript, did not see the light of day. Finally, in 1956, the “Musical and Literary Heritage” volume left by G. B. Bernandt was published, in which Odoevsky’s musical critical articles, his selected letters, and fragments of some unfinished works are presented.

prove their ancient nobility. Perhaps this special democratism immediately distinguished him from the environment of the St. Petersburg "literary aristocrats", where he was accepted as an equal. Himself just getting on his feet, he could afford not only to openly extend a hand of support to his fellow writers, without ranks and distinctions, but also to do it with breadth and constancy. That is why, according to Shevyrev's apt remark, "all of Russian literature has sat him out on the couch."

This is how the famous "Saturdays" were formed. They did not at all represent a stupid or even pretentious, as it seemed to others, mixture of "languages": it was a thoughtful, accepted once and for all life position, one of the attempts to "incarnate" it. Attentive visitors to his evenings caught this and, which is typical, most sensitively - people of the next generation, the "forties".

Saturdays by Odoevsky long years became a landmark of more than one secular metropolitan life. Visitors to the salon changed, the owner himself changed, but his weekly meetings all bore the imprint of an almost stubborn constancy, fidelity to the "original" idea. The prototype of St. Petersburg evenings was born - or was created - already in Moscow's Gazetny Lane: the high intellectual intensity of the conversations that heated up here, their many topics and the breadth of prevailing interests, even the bizarre, "decorative" crampedness of the "sanctuary" of the newly appeared Faust. All this then migrated to the capital, adapted to the new life, came into final conformity with the principles of life.

The phenomenon of salon culture is one of those that were undeservedly deleted from culture. Soviet period(again, for ideological reasons, since the salon culture was associated primarily with the culture of the nobility). However, the time has come to approach the disclosure of this phenomenon from the standpoint of objectivity.

Salon culture originates in Europe, and its traditions arise precisely on the basis of European culture. The flowering of salon culture takes place in France, where, in fact, its essential features are formed. These signs include: a special venue - a private house of a person of the highest circle (or a person who

special respect), which created an atmosphere of intimacy, comfort and, at the same time, went beyond the ordinary, setting up high intellectual communication. Literally everything was used to create such an atmosphere: a special decor of the room, cozy furniture, art objects, etc.

It should be emphasized as a specific feature of this culture and the special role of the owner (hostess) of the salon. As a rule, these were highly intelligent, erudite people, with a developed artistic taste, impeccable manners, and hospitable hosts. It was they who determined the topics of conversations, invited guests, in a word, did everything to make it interesting in the salon.

The composition of the guests is also important: it was a chosen society, striving for spiritual communication, loving art, philosophy (the word “chosenness” here more emphasizes not social belonging to the highest circle, but a special aesthetic predisposition to high art).

It is impossible not to note such an essential feature of the salon culture as “classes”, that is, what they did in the salons. Of course, this is, first of all, intellectual communication (discussion of topics of art, philosophy, politics). Since the audience was sufficiently prepared, the judgments expressed by the guests and the host were very competent and professional. Writers, artists, poets, musicians, composers sought to perform their works in the salons in order to receive a competent assessment. And if the salon audience warmly welcomed the performed work, then it was possible to go on to a wide ruble in the future.

In addition, a lot of time was devoted to art (it was possible to listen to invited singers, musicians, writers, poets, etc., or to make music, sing, take part in a play, etc.). A person could realize himself in art, get support.

Spending time in the salon is both entertainment and an opportunity to relax. It is impossible not to note the models of gaming behavior that took place in the salon (whether it was the use of pseudonyms taken

from Greek mythology, the requirement to speak exclusively in verse, etc.).

Finally, another essential feature of the salon is the rules of etiquette and communication used (they could be more or less strict in different types of salons).

It should be emphasized that not all of the nobility, but only its most educated part, was involved in salon culture. At the same time, salon culture itself served the processes of social and cultural identification of the nobility. This feature is a characteristic feature of Russian salon culture. Hence its special role in broadcasting certain patterns of behavior, and even a way of thinking.

Russian aristocrat of the 19th century - this is a very special type of personality. The whole style of his life, demeanor, even appearance bore the imprint of a certain cultural tradition, as a rule, embedded in the salon culture. The so-called bon ton consisted in the organic unity of ethical and etiquette norms formed in the salons. However, it is this element of salon culture, in our opinion, that requires a significant revision. Since the etiquette side of the salon culture largely does not correspond to the realities today. Among the original features of Russian salon culture is such a phenomenon as the salon culture of the estate, which has turned into a cultural center. It differed from the salon culture of the highest nobility of St. Petersburg, and even Moscow salons. It should also be noted the specifics of a number of topics that were discussed in Russian salons (for example, discussions about romanticism that took place in the first third of the 19th century or discussions between Westerners and Slavophiles related to the development of Russia and its historical mission, etc.). The topic under discussion can be defined as interweaving, interaction of philosophy, literature, music as the basis of salon communication, and politics will be added here a little later.

Thus, Russian salons XVIII -beginning 19th century basically can be characterized as noble in their social composition. However, even then they could be divided into aristocratic and more democratic. As a rule, the democratic salon was oriented towards professional

sionals - professional artist, musician or writer. Sometimes such a division looked conditional (for example, in the house of Prince VF Odoevsky there were two salons - democratic and aristocratic).

1. Bartenev P.I. I.I. Shuvalov. M., 1855.

2. Bartenev P.I. A.P. Elagin // RA. 1877. Vol. 2.

3. Belozerskaya N.A. Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya // IV. 1897. No. 3. S. 939-972.

4. Harris M.A. Zinaida Volkonskaya and her time. M., 1906.

5. Fatov N. Love and death D.V. Venevitinov. Warsaw, 1914.

6. Gershenzon M.O. Historical Notes: (On Russian Society). M., 1910.

7. Gershenzon M.O. History of young Russia. M.; Pg., 1923.

8. Gershenzon M.O. Griboedovskaya Moscow. P.Ya. Chaadaev. Sketches of the past. M., 1989.

9. Yakovkina N.I. History of Russian culture: XIX century. SPb., 2000.

10. Yakovkina N. I. Russian nobility in the first half of the 19th century: Life and traditions. SPb., 2002.

11. Pogodin M.P. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. "In memory of the book. V.F. Odoevsky". M., 1869. S. 56.

12. Sollogub V.A. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. "In memory of the book. V.F. Odoevsky". M., 1869. S. 90.

Received October 12, 2008

Paliy E.N. The Russian nobility salon of XIX century. The Russian nobility salon represented by a complex form of

cultural and artistic life of the Russian nobility at the first half of the XIX century which combined serious and deep outlook on life with entertainment, private life and publicity with respect to different kinds of activities (literature, philosophy, music). None of these activities suppressed one another. At the first half of the 19th century a small group of well-educated and thinking people were art and part in cultural life of the society. We associate all these representatives of noble avant-garde with creation of cultural values ​​of Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. The example of the capital philosophic salons was the salon of Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky.

Key words: salon, Russian nobility salon.

1. Bartenev P.I. I.I. Shuvalov. Moscow, 1855.

2. Bartenev P.I. A.P. Elagina // RA. 1877 Vol. 2.

3. Belozyorskaya N.4. Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya // IV. 1897. # 3. P. 939-972.

4. Harris M.A. Zinaida Volkonskaya and her time. Moscow, 1906.

5. Fatov N. Love and Death of D.V. Venevitinov. Warsaw, 1914.

6. Gershenzon M.O. Historical notes: (About Russian society). Moscow, 1910.

7. Gershenzon M.O. History of young Russia. Moscow; Prague, 1923.

8. Gershenzon M.O. Griboedov's Moscow. P.Ya. Chaa-daev. historical sketches. Moscow, 1989.

9. Yakovkina N.I. History of Russian culture: XIX century. Petersburg, 2000.

10. Yakovkina N.I. Russian nobility of the first half of the 19th century: Everyday life and traditions. Petersburg, 2002.

11. Pogodin M.P. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. “In commemoration of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. Moscow, 1869. P. 56.

12. Sollogub V.A. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. “In commemoration of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. Moscow, 1869. P. 90.

In the famous historical center of Moscow, next to the Petrovsky Palace and the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God on the estate<Черный лебедь>, owned famous philanthropist and traveler, admirer of oriental luxury and female beauty Nikolai Ryabushinsky, the INFANTA-PREMIUM SPA salon was opened, imbued with the energy of this magical era and all-round respect for BEAUTY.
We can say with full right: we provide you with all the luxury service as a gift. You pay only for the service, and at a reasonable and reasonable price.

By coming to our salon you are guaranteed:
Free guarded parking of your car with video surveillance
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Individual safe boxes for storing valuables
The ability to change from a business suit to special spa clothing, and not only in the spa area
Care administrator-hostess
Possibility to order food from the restaurant

The well-thought-out layout of work areas and recreation areas includes everything necessary for the most demanding client.

The atmosphere of the salon is a unique combination of the pretentious design of an old aristocratic manor and a homely, warm atmosphere with a personalized attitude towards each client.
We are located in the old historical center of Moscow next to the Petrovsky Travel Palace, the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, in isolation from residential areas on the border of Petrovsky Park.

The energy of this place has an interesting historical background: the Black Swan Estate is the second Moscow Estate of Nikolai Ryabushinsky, built for exquisite social events and meetings with beautiful ladies. Some elements of the interior decor are authentic, and some are exactly the same as the utensils of a luxury home.
Everything in this Manor is imbued with an atmosphere of sybaritism and worship of female beauty.

We tried to collect all the most popular aesthetic services in one salon, all the best "hits" and novelties of the beauty and cosmetology industry, the most experienced and competent specialists in such a way that you can combine relaxation, care for beauty and health, a pleasant pastime and, even, exotic tour.
Each of the specialized divisions develops as if it were unique.
In each of them, we try to match the concept of lux in everything related to the quality of service. If you have come to the Medical Center, then you can be sure that it will not yield to the best medical cosmetology centers: neither in terms of the range of services provided, nor in the use of the most innovative technologies, nor by the qualifications and professional status of doctors ...

By visiting our Hairdressing Studio, you are guaranteed the latest fashion trends and the best hairdressing technologies. Only masters of international class work in the studio. It is very important that all of them actively participate in the fashionable life of the capital, travel abroad a lot, and often attend the most fashionable “parties”.

Our SPA zone is a separate state: everything from “classic” to “exotic” is here. It just needs to be felt and seen!

Even from medical centers they send to our Manicure-Pedicure Studio to the master of international class in apparatus and medical pedicure, the absolute Champion of Russia Svetlana Yevtushenko.

Among the clients of the international class master of Permanent Makeup Margarita Lenskaya are many stars of our show business...

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We are focused on the result, so we do not save on the components of the service.

We believe that resource-intensive performance is ultimately beneficial to us, as evidenced by the loyalty of our guests and a large number of regular customers.

The main idea of ​​our Discount Program is to encourage customer loyalty and trust as much as possible. Given that our base prices are more than reasonable and justified, purchasing any additional discount is doubly beneficial.

In addition, we have "super discounts" at the time of the launch of the service or the initial visit of the client. The task of such discounts is to enable you to evaluate the quality of the service, its effectiveness and introduce you to our institution.

A computer system for recording your visits guarantees full reporting on invested deposit funds.
To date, the Noble Estate "Infanta Premium SPA" is one of the few spa salons in Moscow that has a medical license and provides medical advice in any branch of the spa industry. In our spa salon, certified specialists in the field of medical massage and physiotherapists work as spa zone operators, masseurs and attendants; in the cosmetology center, the reception is conducted by cosmetologists-dermatologists, neurologists; there is a medical pedicure room; in the hairdressing studio you can not only use the services of a stylist, but also get advice from a trichologist; individual sessions in the yoga studio and sessions of osteopathy are held by a member of the yoga federation, an orthopedic doctor, a student of the London School of Osteopaths.

face care
- spa-cosmetology
- massage
- peeling
- lifting
- makeup
- make-up removal
- eyelash extensions

body care
- massage
- wraps
- hydrotherapy
- thalassotherapy
- thermotherapy
- ozone therapy
- body shaping
- mesotherapy

hand care
- massage
- manicure
- nail modeling
- nail extension

feet care
- massage
- pedicure

- a photo

hairdressing services
- cutting, coloring, highlighting
- laying
- hair and scalp treatment
- hair extension

- horizontal

Gift certificates
- cash

- Cafe
- restaurant
- vip room

Payment Methods
- cash
- credit card
- gift Certificate

Infanta-Premium SPA Club "Noble Estate" got its name from the estate of the famous philanthropist N. Ryabushinsky.

Being in Infante-Premium SPA will allow you to feel the luxury, grandeur and splendor inherent in the Manor of the 18th century. If you want to give yourself pleasure and comfort, Infanta-Premium SPA will give you that opportunity. The club is equipped with the most advanced equipment. A team of high-level specialists allowed the club to receive the title of "Best Beauty - SPA".

The spa salon "Noble Estate" offers a wide range of services and procedures: a Turkish bath, a hammam will allow you to feel the exoticism and luxury of the East, and those who prefer a traditional bath will like a Russian bath.

The specialists of the spa salon will help you with the care of your fingernails and toenails, make a manicure and help with problem nails (ingrown toenail). Nail care procedures are carried out using modern cosmetics, which, combined with the experience of our masters, will make your nails beautiful and healthy.

You can choose spa treatments for body and face skin care. Cleansing the skin of the face will maintain and keep it fresh and healthy for a long time. Spa-program for body shaping may consist of a different set of procedures. A set of procedures can consist of many components: hammam, thalassopiling, body wraps, chiromassage, massage, mesotherapy, etc. Combinations of treatments will help your skin, hair and nails gain strength and health.

If you do not know what to give to a loved one or loved one, then the best gift would be a gift certificate. This is a certificate for any services of our spa salon. You buy a gift certificate and give it as a gift. Any person who comes with this certificate will be able to choose a set of procedures and services to their taste at a convenient time for the amount prepaid by you for