Druzhinin left the dance. Why did Yegor Druzhinin leave dancing on TNT? Early years, childhood and the family of Yegor Druzhinin

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Fans of the biggest dance show Russians on TNT "Dances" are seriously alarmed by the announcement of their departure from the popular project. The jury member and mentor of the show said that he would not take part in the fourth season.

TNT parted ways with Yegor amicably, since Druzhinin approached this issue without scandals and warned the management in advance about plans for the future.

The transfer was left without one mentor, and therefore the team is forced to look for a worthy replacement.

The producers of "Dances" are actively searching for a new member of the jury. The task is not easy, because there is not too much time before the filming of the new season. As it became known, regional castings will start from April.

What prompted Yegor to make such a decision?

The choreographer noted that being a judge only from the outside may seem easy, in fact, this task requires great endurance and is accompanied by constant stress.

Not being the owner of steel nerves, Yegor realized that he should not take everything that happens on the show with the participants so close to heart.

Giving himself a promise not to worry, the choreographer could not keep it. Emotions tore apart from the inside, as a result, after the next season, Yegor said that he felt empty and squeezed out like a lemon. Recovering from such a state is incredibly difficult.

The viewer of the show "Dancing" personally witnessed the experiences of Druzhinin. In past seasons, Yegor's team members left the show only because the audience did not vote for them. The situation is really unfair, because worthy dancers left the project. The producers listened to the comments of the jury member and made some changes to the rules of the project.

From the words of the choreographer, it became clear that the vote of the audience was not always objective. Despite the original essence of the program - the competition of two teams, it turned out that in fact the best guys, talented and experienced, left the project. It all ended with a grandiose scandal in the third season.

At the end of the show, Egor thanked everyone who is in the project team, and gave a hint that he would no longer take part in it. As for Druzhinin's future plans, he will soon present a new 3D production of Jumeo.

In accordance with the plot, the lovers will have to confront their relatives and everyone in a world full of fantastic events and creatures. The premiere will take place at the end of March 2017.

Rumor has it that, nevertheless, Druzhinin's departure is not associated with fatigue and stress, but with the fact that Yegor is no longer able to restrain his resentment due to disagreement with the results of the audience vote.

Plus, March 19 on the TV channel "Russia 1" starts the show "Everybody Dance", where Yegor Druzhinin will appear as a judge.

As a replacement for the mentor of the channel's management, he is considering the candidacy of Tatyana Denisova. A beautiful and clever girl, a talented choreographer from Ukraine, has already taken part in the show.

Then, in the third season of the Dancing project, she assessed the talent of the inhabitants of Kaliningrad, replacing the popular presenter.

The choreographer is strict in her judgments, she was able to establish herself as a true dance professional. Many novice dancers set her as an example, they want to look as charming as Denisova and learn from the mentor a special manner of dancing, femininity and grace.

Tatiana has experience in similar projects. At home, she is a member of the jury "Everybody Dance". Denisova is divorced and has a son. Tatyana tries not to talk about her personal life in the media.

Last week while filming next issue show "Dancing. Battle of the Seasons" on TNT there was a scandal that threatens the further continuation of the project. One of the mentors Egor Druzhinin, categorically refused to accept the decision of the audience vote and left with his team.

The film crew failed to persuade the choreographer to return to the studio. Because of the incident, negotiations are underway with the rest of the mentors and participants of the show - after all, the continuation of the project is in doubt. In addition, the channel's management also decides whether the audience vote will remain in the show or the jury members will have the final say.

Druzhinin recently commented on his harsh act, explaining the reasons for such a violent reaction. “You must understand that what happened on the air is an absolutely spontaneous manifestation of emotions. I would not call it a scandal, because my decision was justified. As practice shows, audience voting is not objective, and continuing to work in the same spirit means silently agreeing with what is happening and watching the best of your team leave it, ”StarHit quotes the choreographer.

In addition, he added that he did not consider it necessary to go from one extreme to another. According to him, he does not require that the members of the jury make the choice alone, he asks to leave them the right to a decisive vote. “It is a mistake to think that we, the mentors, decide who will continue to participate, we just save this or that participant when they are nominated by the audience. But who had the idea to give all the reins of power to the audience, ”Druzhinin admitted in an interview with radio


One of key figures and judges large-scale project"Dancing" on the TNT channel Yegor Druzhinin refused to participate in its continuation.

The famous choreographer left the project on the eve of the launch of the new - already the fourth - season. Life became aware of this from sources on the channel. The producers of "Dances" were quite surprised by Druzhinin's decision, but they assure that the parting went peacefully. The situation was explained to Life in the press service of the project.

Egor Druzhinin really leaves us, - representatives of TNT reported. - He warned everyone about his departure, but the project managers are still confused: Yegor's replacement must be sought as soon as possible, because castings are already starting in April.

I'm tired, everyone new season I made a promise to myself not to worry so much about my participants, but it doesn’t work out. Excitement and emotions are torn apart. At the end of every season, I feel empty and squeezed like a lemon, I have to spend time on recovery, but there is none. The situation of the competition is clearly not for me. I can't dispassionately make decisions about members leaving when I'm working with them. You get used to each and get attached. My decision, no matter how you explain it, is a blow to them. I don't want to hurt them anymore, I don't want to hurt myself.

As a replacement for the mentor of the channel's management, he is considering the candidacy of Tatyana Denisova. A beautiful and clever girl, a talented choreographer from Ukraine, has already taken part in the show. Then, in the third season of the Dancing project, she assessed the talent of the inhabitants of Kaliningrad, replacing the popular presenter Olga Buzova. The choreographer is strict in her judgments, she was able to establish herself as a true dance professional. Many novice dancers set her as an example, they want to look as charming as Denisova and learn from the mentor a special manner of dancing, femininity and grace.

Started in Moscow new project video tours, during which choreographer Egor Druzhinin gave a tour of Myasnitskaya Street. This was announced on August 31st.

The action was developed by the Moscow Government on the eve of the 870th anniversary of the capital. As part of this project, video tours were recorded by well-known metropolitan personalities: directors, athletes and musicians.

Video tours continue the tradition of free educational walks around Moscow, which are regularly held at the festivals of the Moscow Seasons cycle.

One of the jury members of the large-scale project "You are super! Dancing", choreographer Egor Druzhinin shared his opinion about the project.
NTV and Sputnik presented the members of the jury of a new dance competition for children left without parental care.

Choreographer Egor Druzhinin hopes that the contestants will listen to the advice of the jury members. The main thing is not to start pitying them, because they "do not want pity, they need attention, benevolent respectful attitude devoid of condescension."

Egor Druzhinin also believes that every child should be seen as something special.

According to TASS, the theater on Malaya Bronnaya was the first among the capital's troupes to open its new 72nd season, which will show 8 premieres from autumn 2017 to spring 2018.

At the traditional gathering of the troupe artistic director Theater Sergei Golomazov said that the first premiere, scheduled for December this year, will be "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov directed by Pavel Safonov. The premiere of Yegor Druzhinin's musical "Alice in Wonderland" is scheduled for the second half of the season. In addition, the theater will stage Cheek to Cheek by Swedish playwright Jonas Gardel, Ugly Swans based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers and Alexander Pushkin's Little Tragedies.

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Why did Yegor Druzhinin leave dancing on TNT, was he paid? And what is he doing now? Will the project be closed soon or not?

Recently, the fourth season of the show "Dances" was aired on TNT channel. But this time, Tatyana Denisova appeared instead of the choreographer-mentor Yegor Druzhinin. In this regard, everyone is interested in why Druzhinin left dancing on TNT? There are a lot of rumors about this in the media, but the dancer himself, in an interview with KP, said that he was just tired, because he could not say goodbye to the participants who leave the project without emotions. However, at the same time, he recently took part in a similar project on the Russia 1 channel “Everybody Dance”. So what is the real reason for his departure from TNT?

Maybe it's all about his colleague on the show, Miguel. Recall that during the third season they had a conflict due to the fact that the audience wanted to expel Yegor's favorite Dima Maslennikov, and he protested, to which Miguel did not support him, but rather severely criticized him on social networks. So, after that, in another interview, Druzhinin said the following: “You can’t work with a colleague for whom you don’t have respect. Now I am more than comfortable among the members of the jury “Everybody dance!”. I am among well-mannered and benevolent people - recognized by all professionals.” Probably, that says it all. Druzhinin simply did not feel comfortable working with Miguel.

There are also rumors that Russia 1 simply paid Druzhinin a large amount for the transition to their show. We are probably talking about five million rubles. Because Yegor Druzhinin is a fairly popular personality, and after his departure from TNT, interest in the dancer’s persona has increased hundreds of times, which will significantly increase the ratings of the channel and doom the show “Everybody Dance” to unambiguous success. But why Yegor Druzhinin actually left dancing on TNT is known only to himself.

"Dancing" on TNT jury, winners and rules

„Dances” is a show on TNT channel. Participants from different cities compete for the title of the best dancer in Russia and the main prize of 3 million rubles. The first season of the project aired on August 23, 2014, and the last fourth on August 19, 2017.

The winner of the first season was Ilshat Shabaev, the second - Maxim Nesterovich, the third - Dmitry Schebet. There was also his “Battle of the Seasons”, in which Anton Panufnik won. Who will win in the fourth season is not yet known.

The jury was Yegor Druzhinin, Miguel and Tatiana Denisova.

Young people and girls aged 16 to 36 could take part in this show. The project itself consists of four stages: "Casting in the cities", "Selection of project participants from those who passed the casting in Moscow", "Competitive concerts every week", "Final".

The winner of the entire season of the show is the participant who received the most votes from the audience in the "Final".

Biography of Yegor Druzhinin

  • Age: 45 (March 12, 1972).
  • Place of birth: St. Petersburg
  • Parents: Vladislav Yuryevich Druzhinin - choreographer, nothing is known about his mother
  • Education: Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography, dance school in New York.
  • Career: the main role in the films “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin” and “Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin”, choreographer Philip Kirkorov, Laima Vaikule, “Brilliant”, taught choreography to the participants of the “Star Factory” project all seasons, is a director, choreographer, artist of the play “Life is Everywhere”, was the host of the Golden Gramophone hit parade, was a jury member and mentor in the show "Dancing" on TNT, is a member of the jury of the show "Everybody Dance!" on the channel "Russia-1".
  • Family: married since 1994 to Veronika Ilyinichna Itskovich, has three children: Tikhon, Platon and Alexandra.