A day without laughter. Is a day without laughter a wasted day? Better to be happy and healthy than sad and sick

Full passage of the quest Laboratory "Cambridge-Polymer" for the Underground in Fallout 4 | The fastest the way to unlock it is to stay in the terminal and select Factory Defense Systems. Now you can leave the lab without any problems.

Return to headquarters

Return to Railroad HQ and speak with Desdemona. Move to the Institute and meet with Liam to give him the password. Go to synthetic for an upgrade. Z1-14 will need 24 hours to think about the next step, so you will have time to complete other missions. But you can just rest or sleep. Talk to the synthetic and learn about his plan to attack the guards in the nearby tunnel and storeroom. Other synthetics will also take part in this attack. You have the opportunity to support them by transferring some of the weapons you have to the indicated container. When you're ready, go to the storage room and help the synthetics kill the guards.

Next, you will again need to talk with the synth, who will advise you on the next steps. You will have to spend some time with the Father, completing two tasks of the Institute - "The New Face of Humanity" and "Mass Fusion". After completing these quests, the synthetic will ask you to return to the room. In it you will meet with Z1-14. He received word of the Brotherhood of Steel's planned attack on the Underground. Return to the headquarters and chat with Desdemona. Get ready to defend. This will start the next quest, Breaking the War.

Read about how not to fail a study at the Cambridge Polymer Lab. Complete this Fallout 4 mission as efficiently as possible and get the well-deserved reward.

Fallout 4: quest Laboratory Cambridge Polymer

Fallout 4 quests sometimes include the most diverse tasks. Maybe that's why this game attracts the attention of fans of various types of entertainment. Those who like to shoot are happy to fight against powerful and heavily armed opponents. Fans of solving riddles and finding secrets wander for a long time through the farthest nooks and crannies of locations until they find out all the features and hack all the secret places. The Fallout 4 mission Cambridge Polymer Lab takes place in a limited space, but nevertheless includes combat and many puzzles during the passage.

The quest causes certain difficulties, and not everyone manages to pass it the first time. Some players have been complaining that the Cambridge Polymer Lab quest does not complete in Fallout 4.

Chamber of Secrets

The mission begins with the entrance to the laboratory, where the protagonist is greeted by a robot named Polly. He conducts an introductory briefing and offers to work in the organization as a laboratory assistant. The conversation and slide show about the history of the laboratory take place against the backdrop of devastation reigning in it. In total, there are two main tasks in the quest. You need to find a way out of the laboratory, since when you get there, the entrance is blocked due to radiation, and conduct an experiment using two reagents and an isotope.

IN Fallout missions 4 Cambridge Polymer The secret room is located on the second floor of the laboratory. When passing to it, you will have to fight a little with the ghouls, of which there are too many in the laboratory. The door of the room is locked, and if main character not pumped by Hacker's skill, you will have to get into it through an inconspicuous rise near the wall, leading to the ventilation system. After going through a few turns, you need to find a break in the floor, through which you can get into the room. Here you need to take a sample for research, unlock the door on the terminal and go outside after completing the first task. At the exit from the room, you should beware of the electronic trap and wall-mounted machine gun turrets.

Conducting research

Traveling through the premises of the laboratory, we find three more unidentified samples. The U288 isotope is in a room with a glowing ghoul on one of the shelves. After collecting, we head to the test bench. We insert the samples one by one into the racks and enter the command to determine their composition on the terminal. The player's task is to find lithium hydride and gold. After determining, we insert lithium hydride into the left rack, and gold into the right one. Rack with right side terminal, insert the isotope and run the production program on the terminal. We wait a bit, and at the exit window we get piezonuclear power armor. This is how you can complete the research in the Fallout 4 Cambridge Polymer Laboratory.

The quest itself can end in different ways. If you kill the Director, then an angry Polly will appear, and after his destruction, the passage of the Laboratory of Cambridge Polymer Fallout 4 is marked completed. In this case, the experiment may not be carried out at all. But still, it's better to finish all the tasks, find an isotope and reagents, and make armor. Otherwise, the Fallout 4 Cambridge Polymer research will fail.

The correct ending of the quest will be a meeting with Polly the robot at the exit from the rehabilitation room. After talking with him, the doors will be unlocked and all tasks will be marked as completed. This option for passing the Cambridge Polymer Laboratory in the game Fallout 4 will be optimal.

Traveling around Boston, you may stumble upon the Cambridge Polymer Laboratory building in Fallout 4, in which a small side quest awaits you. As soon as you enter the building, the robot secretary Molly will rush to meet you, who will ask if you accidentally came to the job announcement. If you decide to cheat and answer that it is, then the secretary gives a task for professional suitability. With the help of options in the dialogue and the possibility of persuasion, you can claim a better place.


This will be followed by a small immersion in the history of this place, after which you will suddenly be asked to complete an experiment. You will not have the choice to refuse, so you will have to follow the instructions. As soon as the door closes behind you, there are only two ways to solve this problem - to complete the experiment or to find a cunning alternative.

Now you have to kill the ghouls that the dead employees have turned into and explore the terminals to understand what exactly happened here.

Way out 1. This is to set all reagents + radioactive isotope in the correct order. In fact, in different parts of the building and different places there will be many different reagents that you will need to scan along the way to understand which one you need.

Cambridge Polymer Laboratory in Fallout 4

When everything is completed, Molly will say that you must show the results to the director and take him to his office - naturally, the director has also turned into a ghoul and you need to kill him.

Way out 2. We are looking for the Bergman terminal, which is located in the C3 laboratory and remove the lock, but in this case defense systems are activated and Molly becomes hostile and turrets appear. After killing the secretary, we take the key to the director's office and go there.


For this task in Fallout 4 - Cambridge Polymer, in addition to loot from opponents and surrounding chests with cabinets, you will receive unique power armor, or rather a breastplate, which will have a special name and some of the non-standard effects.

You will be prompted to download the "Virus" on any of the Institute's terminals. This, in turn, will trigger a new mission, Underground and Undercover.

Step-by-step guide to downloading a virus:

1. Find any terminal in the Institute
2. Insert holotape ([R] button)
3. Select "Virus" from the list
4. "Click" all the items in the menu - Network scan / Message from Tom / Copy encrypted message.
5. Return to the main menu. A new line should appear in it about an urgent answer - open - ready.

The answer will say the meeting place. We follow the marker on the compass and meet Liam:

After the conversation, he will offer to meet with "his synth", we communicate, we learn that they have 13 more synths who want to escape from the Institute. And Liam has an idea how to send everyone to the surface at once, but for this he will need our help - to get access details to the old security system of the Institute of Technology - "Code Defender", which are located somewhere in the Commonwealth.

We go to the subway, we talk with Desdemona.

She will ask you to leave a report on the PAM terminal go to him.

Select "Open Institute Report". Then we speak with the PAM robot, it stands nearby (note: the PAM terminal and the PAM robot are different things).

We are told the place of the next visit - "Cambridge Polymer Laboratory", we go there.

In the building we are met by the robot Molly (a rather funny robot that will give an additional task "Cambridge Polymer Laboratory"). After talking with the robot, we are looking for this room:

To get there, you will need to either hack the Hard level terminal, or run around the building a little more and find a passage to the room through the top floor (there will be a hole in the floor).

We get to the desired terminal - there will be many points, we need "Request for issuing a password (archive)".

To leave the room, open the door using another terminal in the room.

We return to Desdemona, we talk. Then we return to the Institute and communicate with Liam and Z1-14.

The latter will say that he needs time to talk with his friends. We sit on a bench nearby and scroll through 24 hours. Again we talk with Z1-14.

He will say that the synths are ready to fight for freedom, but they need weapons that they, in general, can make themselves, but they need materials.

We leave for the tunnel and kill the guards.

We return to Z1-14, he will say that they are starting to assemble weapons, but this will take time.

Further, the task will be “on pause” until the task Start is completed. After completing this task, immediately after the meeting of directors, a synth will come up to you and say that in your room then you need to urgently go there. It's clear that there is no flood, just Z1-14 needs to meet with us.

He will say that the Institute secretly gave the Brotherhood of Steel the location of the subway base, and they need to be warned urgently. We leave for the subway, and we speak with Desdemona.

This completes the task.


  • 400 (?) experience
  • nail gun
  • Railway nail (56)

(Excerpts from the literary and local history study "My dear Solovyovo")

First, we will put here what happened in distant, former times. And again, I must mention here Klinovitsky A.M., who kept in his memory these funny stories that took place in the village.
Let's start with the 30s. Life was bad then, and rarely women could please themselves with a new thing, at least buy chintz for a new dress. As soon as "goods" appeared in the village shop, everyone was in a hurry to "shop out". And I must say that the store in the village was small, cramped, and therefore a long queue lined up on the street. And so everyone wanted to get inside as quickly as possible, that people hung on top of each other on the small porch and two steps, like a bunch of grapes, or rather, like a swarm of bees.
And then one day, this bunch hangs, buzzes, quarrels, lets all sorts of jokes. And then, as expected, the door opens, someone happy, having stocked up, goes out. The door moved this bunch, and it hung very awkwardly from the porch. She hung, hung and fell down. The gray-haired Old Believer, who was the last to stand, crashed to the ground. On top of him, right on his beard, a plump woman fell awkwardly. The third in line landed on her stomach. And that fat woman suddenly makes the same sound that sometimes makes us blush to the roots of our hair.
Of course, you would have been pressed on your stomach, you would have farted too. The crowd is laughing. Fat woman - along with the crowd.
And the Old Believer was so offended that he spat and went home. So the man didn't budge.

There are always special and necessary people in the village - jokers. Such a joker at one time was Nikita Kirillovich Klinovitsky, the uncle of Anatoly Merkulovich.
Village men were often engaged in catching fish with the help of a muzzle woven from wire, and, for example, they set traps on animals, like marmots. Here Nikita Kirillovich, knowing who put these devices, pulled out his muzzle, looking - and there is a pike in it. I checked the trap, and there was a groundhog. Take it and swap them. Little time has passed. The owner went to check. He looks, and in his muzzle - a marmot - he sits barely alive and holds his muzzle above the water in the free space of the braid so as not to suffocate. Went further. He looks - a pike is stuck in a trap. He returned home, tells about these miracles. "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it," he says. But Nikita is silent. All sorts of gossip went, what would it be. One woman said that such cases happen either in an unclean place, or things are heading for war. And so, when passions acquired a universal scale, Nikita, in front of a large crowd of people, confessed to his deed. There was a lot of laughter.
The qualities of the joker Nikita Kirillovich were embodied in his grandson Ivan Trofimovich, who was a born humorist.
One day he gave his flower-loving niece some seeds and said that they were the seeds of marvelous Chinese roses. She sowed them in the garden. And after a while he asks: "Well, how are Chinese roses still blooming?" “No, they are not blooming yet, but they are growing well,” says the niece, “the leaves are so big, wide, like burdocks” - “Nothing. Will blossom. Just water them well, they love moisture. “Only in August did she guess about the prank, when everyone who saw her“ roses ”began to ask why she wouldn’t pull out the burdock.
And once Ivan came home in the evening in the rain pretty drunk. He threw off his sodden coat on the veranda. And in the morning he hangs it outside on a rope to dry. A curious neighbor saw this and asked: “What are you doing, Ivan Trofimovich?” - “Yes, I was walking yesterday in the evening, I see that the coat is lying around. I saw it, but it is good, only wet. , - the neighbor agreed, - a good coat. You are lucky. "
By evening, the whole village knew how lucky Ivan Trofimovich was.

There is a bus on the route Chirkain, Sredygornoe, Solovyevo, Zyryanovsk. People go, joke. Here is one elderly man who captures the attention of everyone, promising to tell the most important truth about all the villagers of nearby villages:
- So I just drove through all these villages and noticed: after all, dogs in each village in their own way lie. (Attention intensifies on the bus.) In Chirkain, where there are many crests, they bark: "Borscht, borscht, borscht!" In the Middle Mountain: "Schi, cabbage soup, cabbage soup!" - Kerzhaks live there. And you have in Solovyevo: "Tea, tea, tea!" - you are closer to the city, you have a lot of intelligentsia, white-handed people. Here tea does not leave the table.

This case also happened to our man. He held an important leadership position. And, as usual, poorly and little engaged in household chores. Cases, up to the repair of the iron or the fence, the wife did herself. But when he suddenly had time, he demanded that she immediately give him a task - a male household chore. Somehow a neighbor comes to them on Sunday. Women are watching, and Vanya (the leading husband) walks past the window with a hammer and a nail in his hands, first there, then back. Neighbor's wife: "Look, look, my Vanya found a hammer and a nail, he doesn't know where to nail it. I'll go and tell you."
And this anecdote was born on the go. We have a place called Wet Log (there were several keys there, hence the name). In the evening, the husband and friend-neighbor return home drunk again, the wife asks:
- Where do you work?
“Wet,” he answers innocently.
- You don't dry out.

Two little girlfriends are talking:
We have oral tablets at home.
- Why should they?
-When you eat them, then you yell, yell, yell.

Daughter - mother:
- Mom, I read about scabies.
-Well done.
“But now I won’t wash the floor, I can’t bend close to the floor.”
-It says: from sexual intimacy is scabies.

The family agrees with the father that tomorrow he will go for the fifth time for coding from alcoholism.
Son to father:
- Aren't you going to get a discount there as a regular customer?

Five-year-old Katyushka is talking to her mother:
- Mom, mom, you said that Olya is sweet, I licked her here - she points to her ass - but she is not sweet.

Before the lesson, one of the kids complains to Ulyana Akimovna:
-And someone ate my pie, - there are tears in my eyes. I put it here and now it's gone.
The teacher is clear. She thinks and does not immediately respond to the complaint. But when the lesson is in full swing, a good idea comes to her mind. She approaches the child and sympathetically whispers:
- Olezha, and the pie, probably, was with jam?
- No, - Sasha responds, - he was with cabbage.

Sometimes we share the skin of an unkilled bear.
Husband and wife bought tickets.
What does the husband say?
- If we win a car, we'll have to build a garage.
-Right now, - says his wife, - he will build a garage. The son needs to be taught, the daughter is marriageable.
I won't let you build a garage. It won't be your way.
- I don't think so? Then you won't!
- Why don't I think it will? You just have your way. I didn’t know that you were so greedy You spared money for your own children.
“And anyway, you don’t think it will.”
- No, it will, it will! And if not, I will divorce you altogether.
-Get divorced!
- So that's how you are! - the wife shouts, - You already have no question of getting a divorce.
- Not a question, - the husband agrees.
The wife slams the door.
- Val! - he shouts after her, - let's win first.

That is why we often say, varying the thought to your taste:
Don't push, but go.
I did it, I thought.
Not giving birth, raised.
Not sewn, but already dressed up.