Effective plan. Developing Successful Planning Skills

  • How to set targets based on previous periods
  • Is it always necessary to require 100% completion of the plan?

effective planning, as you know, is the key to the well-coordinated work of the company, which plays an important role in its long-term development.

Planning helps in those moments when you need to make the right management decision. Therefore, you must answer three questions:

  1. What is the state of the company today?
  2. In what direction does the company plan to move?
  3. How does the company plan to achieve this, what will it do?

The beginning of planning in the company will be the realization of what needs to be done for further effective functioning and development. Success depends on the following factors:

  1. The quality of goal-setting in the main key issues of the development of the organization.
  2. The quality of the preliminary analysis of the activities of the enterprise, competitors, market, product distribution, etc.
  3. The quality of the assessment of competitiveness.
  4. Choice and implementation of strategy.

What are the goals of effective planning

1. Strategic goals - a description of the company in the future. These goals affect all areas of the company's activities. They are official goals that reflect the purposeful activities of the enterprise to achieve the goals in the long term. Due to the strategic plans, the timeframe for the implementation of the goals can be determined - usually 2-5 years ahead. Strategic planning is intended to review and develop new products and enterprise capabilities.

2. Goals for specific, most important departments of the enterprise - tactical goals. The calculation of plans for these goals is made for a period of not more than 2 years. Tactical planning is intermediate between short-term and long-term periods. This planning solves a set of issues that relate to the achievement of goals through the distribution of existing resources.

3. Operational or operational goals - a set of tasks set for a given time period for the lower departments of the enterprise or individual employees. Implementation of operational plans is carried out in the short term. Operational planning involves the construction of schedules for individual employees and departments.

To ensure maximum efficiency in the activities of the enterprise, a hierarchical chain of goals should be formed.

  • Economic planning at the enterprise: lessons from the crisis

CEO speaking

Mikhail Strupinsky, General Director of the group of companies "Special Systems and Technologies", Moscow; candidate of technical sciences

It should be noted that there is no universal scheduling algorithm. Appropriate methods of effective planning depend on the specifics of the enterprise - on the nuances of production and sale of products. Like many businesses, our company prefers planning from sales. We build forecasts of two types - by product and by distribution channels.

Planning at our enterprise is designed to solve two problems: to ensure efficient utilization of production capacities and to provide for the non-linear nature of the sale of goods. That is why marketing specialists and specialists from the development department are involved in the preparation of production plans. This allows you to take into account market forecasts (for example, a worsening economic situation or, conversely, an explosive growth in demand for products).

In order for planned indicators to be achieved in practice, modern production requires adequate technical and information support. Otherwise, monitoring and evaluating the results of activities will be difficult. But regular recording of deviations and analysis of their causes is the most important tool that allows you to improve the planning system at the enterprise.

Types of effective planning

1. Depending on the degree of coverage of areas of activity.

  • general planning - all areas of the enterprise are planned;
  • private planning - certain areas of activity are planned.

2. Depending on the content (types) of planning:

  • strategic - the search for new opportunities, the creation of certain prerequisites;
  • current - planning with linking all areas in the activities of the enterprise and the work of all structural divisions of the organization for the coming financial year;
  • operational - opportunities are realized and the current course of production is controlled.

3. Depending on the objects of functioning:

  • production planning;
  • financial planning;
  • sales planning;
  • personnel planning.

4. Depending on the periods (coverage of a period of time):

  • short-term for a period of 1 month to 1 year of the enterprise;
  • medium-term - 1-5 years;
  • long-term - more than 5 years.

5. Depending on the possibility of making changes:

  • flexible - changes are allowed;
  • hard - no changes are expected.

CEO speaking

Vladimir Mozhenkov, General Director Audi Center Taganka, Moscow

Four years ago, on one of my business trips to the USA, I got acquainted with the “principle of three periods”, which I later successfully implemented in my company. The market in which we work is growing, so it is very important for the head of the department to catch market trends in time. The principle of three periods allows you to do this most effectively.

The three periods are the three previous quarters. Based on the data of these periods, we draw a graph, draw up and adjust a plan for the next quarter. If we talk about 2016, then the plan for the first quarter will be formed on the basis of data from the second, third and fourth quarters of 2015. Everything is very simple - you need to put three points and draw two lines. You can get one of three trends: positive, negative or unchanged.

Option 1. The trend is positive. If we see positive dynamics on the chart, then in the plan for the next quarter we can put the average figures for the previous three quarters or the figures for the last quarter. There is a third option - to lay the indicators offered by the head of the department (naturally, they should be higher than those calculated on the basis of three periods). I am a supporter of a little overestimation of goals when planning: my task is to create tension in the company so that employees do not relax. If the leader is ready to overfulfill the plan, then I simply ask what resources he needs.

Option 2. The trend is negative. In this case, the main task in planning is to stop the development of the situation in a negative direction. In our company, such problems arose, but very rarely. For example, in the first three quarters of the year, there was an increase in receivables - we planned two million, but it turned out to be two and a half. The task for the fourth quarter is to stop the further growth of debt and not exceed the last indicator, and for the next quarter - to bring the amount of accounts receivable to the planned indicator that was set earlier (that is, to two million).

Option 3. The trend does not change. In a growing and dynamic market, such situations should not be. But if, nevertheless, the trend remains unchanged, there are two options for planning for the next quarter: we lay down the same indicators that we have achieved, or we set the bar a little higher.

After the head of the department determines the trend, he comes to me with graphs. In preparing for the meeting, he must also analyze the resources he has and the market (customers, competitors). Based on all the data, we determine the quarterly plan. However, the planning does not end there. I ask each department head to submit a plan for the implementation of the stated plans. Each director must prescribe how he will achieve the planned indicators: resources, deadlines, who is responsible for each stage.

What are the steps in an effective planning process?

1. Drawing up plans - making decisions about the future goals of the enterprise, ways to achieve them. Based on the results of this process, a system of plans is formed. Combines this stage:

  • research of the internal and external environment of the organization. The main components of the organizational environment are determined, with the selection of those that are really important for the enterprise. Collecting and tracking information about these components, making forecasts for the future state of the environment, assessing the real situation of the company;
  • determination of the desired direction, guidelines in activities, mission, vision and set of goals;
  • strategic analysis. The Company compares the goals and results of studies of internal and external factors, with the definition of a gap between them. Methods of strategic analysis become the basis for the formation of different strategy options;
  • one of the alternative strategies is selected, its development is carried out;
  • the final strategic plan of the enterprise is being prepared;
  • preparation of medium-term planning. With the preparation of medium-term programs and plans;
  • formation of an annual operational plan of projects. This is based on the strategic plan and the results of the medium-term planning;
  • implementation of a plan;
  • monitoring the implementation of the established plan.

2. Implementation of planned decisions. As a result, real performance indicators of the enterprise are obtained.

3. Control of results. Real and planned indicators are compared, prerequisites are created for adjusting the actions of the enterprise in the chosen direction.

Factors to consider when planning

  1. The range of manufactured products.
  2. Seasonality of demand.
  3. Own trading network, terms of cooperation with dealers.
  4. Availability of large one-time orders (export or domestic for key suppliers).
  5. Work to order (the need to comply with the exact terms of production, the possibility of warehousing).

Effective planning tools

For the analysis of the environment - the basis for developing a development strategy

1. SWOT-analysis - to determine the reasons for the effectiveness or inefficiency in the activities of the enterprise, it consists in a concise analysis of marketing information, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the desired direction of movement and development of the enterprise, establishing the final result of the distribution of resources by segments. According to the analysis, a hypothesis or strategy is developed for further verification.

2. Competitive analysis - is a deep comprehensive study of the competitive position of the organization, with an assessment of the available markets, in order to form an effective enterprise strategy.

3. Comparative industry analysis. The object of this analysis is the performance of enterprises in the same industry. In particular, labor productivity, turnover, profitability.

4. Resource analysis is an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.

5. Competitive analysis according to the "5 forces" model by M. Porter.

To define the mission and goals of the organization

1. Brainstorm. It is an operational method in solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity. Participants in the discussion are invited to express as many options as possible, even fantastic ones. Then, from all the proposed ideas, the most successful ones are selected, which will be implemented in practice.

2. Tree of goals - is a structured set of goals of the system, a program built on a hierarchical principle - with the allocation of a general goal, subordinate goals, divided into 1st, 2nd and subsequent levels, like a tree.

3. Business engineering (business-engineering) is based on a systematic approach. The company is an open system, described accurately, formally, comprehensively and completely, building basic information models of the enterprise in interaction with the model of the external environment.

  • Brainstorming Method: 3 Rules for Making Good Decisions

For strategy selection and basic scenarios

1. Method of the Boston Consulting Group (matrix). The indicators that form the evaluation matrix are the rate of production growth, the market share controlled by this enterprise.

2. McKinsey method (matrix). The main evaluation indicators are the competitive position of the enterprise and the attractiveness of the market.

3. Method of development curves. The basis of this method is the construction of the dependence of the size of production costs and its volume.

4. Model Shell / DPM - in the form of a two-dimensional table, with reflection on the X and Y axes of the company's strengths and industry attractiveness, respectively.

5. Model ADL / LC - built on a combination of 2 parameters, 4 stages of the life cycle of production and five competitive positions. Based on the model, an updated strategy for the development of the enterprise is selected.

6. Product life cycle method. This method is based on the definition of strategic directions, actions for each stage of the product life cycle.

To develop a basic strategy

1. Model I. Ansoff. In this model of product development, several strategies can be used simultaneously. The model is based on the premise that the most preferable strategy for intensive growth in sales can be determined based on the decision to sell existing or new products in the current or new market.

This matrix is ​​intended to describe the possible strategies of the company in a growing market. This model assumes that in order to ensure integrity, the strategic plan of the enterprise must have an administrative and financial strategy.

The financial strategy is a set of tools and rules that are aimed at increasing the financial potential of the enterprise. Administrative strategy involves a set of appropriate rules for the organizational development of the company.

2. Model G. Steiner. A matrix that includes the classification of products and markets into existing, new but related to existing, and entirely new. By

The data of the matrix can reveal the levels of risk and the probability of success in different market-product combinations.

3. D. Abel's model. It is possible to measure business strategy according to the following criteria:

  • customer needs;
  • served consumer groups;
  • technology that is used to develop and manufacture a product.

To implement the strategy

1. Methods of network planning. The main goal of these methods is to minimize the duration of the project.

2. Structure of the "Work Breakdown" - the original tool for organizing work, ensures the division of the entire scope of work according to the structure of their implementation in the company.

To evaluate and monitor the implementation of the strategy

1. Strategic audit - is a check and evaluation of the quality of work of the enterprise units in which strategic management is carried out.

2. Internal audit - the provision of objective and independent guarantees and consultations to improve the activities of the enterprise. Internal audit contributes to the achievement of set goals, based on a consistent and systematic assessment, improving the efficiency of control, risk management and corporate governance processes.

  • Strategic development planning: 7 stages of strategy development

Effective planning in times of crisis

1. Focus on the policy of import substitution. Import substitution involves the establishment of the production of necessary products by the efforts of domestic producers. Import substitution can be carried out on the basis of predominant market mechanisms, or through administrative intervention by various political structures.

You should consider which of the components of production that you previously purchased abroad can be purchased from domestic enterprises. It is necessary to calculate the budget and regime, only then we add this item to the plan of our enterprise.

Narrative practitioner

Vyacheslav Puzenkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Modular Boiler Systems group of companies

Before setting sales volumes in the plan, you should understand what the crisis market is able to offer. The domestic market of modular boiler systems is fundamentally different in comparison with the segments of the automotive industry or household appliances, given the high inertia. Here, the main consumers are companies in the market of long-term construction of commercial, industrial or residential complexes. Despite the economic instability of the situation, heat generation equipment is considered the key to almost any building.

In addition to inertia, the Russian market of modular boiler systems is characterized by almost pure competition - with many market participants who cannot significantly influence the average market price of products. All enterprises here have almost the same growth prospects, which are limited only by demand.

We are planning for 2016 sales growth of 20-25%. It is this volume of sales, according to the experience of past years, that makes it possible to increase production without the need for significant investments.

We achieve this result by minimal expansion of production capacity or by transferring employees to work on a two-shift schedule.

2. Expand and strengthen the sales department. After determining the desired level of sales for 2016, the next stage is devoted to drawing up a sales plan. An operational plan (for the 1st quarter) can be built in the context of product groups for six months, based on the report of the commercial department on transactions planned for this period.

Consequently, sales managers can record in the CRM system companies with which cooperation is at the stage of signing an agreement. Every 2 weeks, the sales director should update this plan based on the sales report prepared by the sales department. In case of failure of the transaction or termination of negotiations on the part of the client, it is necessary to connect the sales director to the process.

In addition to the operational plan, it is also necessary to draw up a tactical one (for six months), which should also be based on the report of the commercial department. It is necessary to give in this plan a scheme for a uniform increase in production volumes. When forming a strategic (annual) plan based on the first 6 months of the 40/60 ratio, the number of transactions for the 2nd half of the year should be calculated.

This proportion is universally suitable for many companies. But it is difficult to predict the development of the situation for a period of more than the first half of the year given the economic instability. Therefore, you need to focus mainly on the tactical plan.

We recommend evenly distributing the growth in production and sales by 20-25% for 12 months, reflecting this information in all plans. Following the planning comes the main stage - the stimulation of the commercial department. To do this, steps can be taken in the following directions:

  1. Extensive path. Assumes the expansion of the commercial department of the enterprise. To find out the required number of employees to increase sales by 20-25%, you need to calculate the "cost" of your sales managers by analyzing incoming traffic.
  2. Intensive path. According to the analysis of the average "cost" of an employee, it will be possible to determine that 2-3 new managers will not actually be able to immediately bring a sharp increase in annual revenue. It is necessary to calculate, according to the data of previous years, after what period a beginner is able to reach the required level - not earlier than 2-3 years. Therefore, you need to think not only about expanding the commercial department, but also improving the quality of work due to the growth of incoming traffic.

The most common planning mistakes

Mistake 1. A plan without a goal and incorrect delegation of authority

When planning, you need, first of all, to ask yourself a few basic questions. It also matters who you entrust the planning to. For example, the planning and economic department will be able to submit a forecast, but not a plan. In turn, the management can approve the plan, require the presence of appropriate volumes in it, but there is no need to “lower” the plan from above. Otherwise, the management will be held responsible for the implementation of the plan, but there is no need to talk about compliance with reality. There should not be aimless drawing up of a plan, it is important to be aware of the tasks of its development.

Error 2. Linking annual planning to calendar years

In companies, it is common to work with the following scheme - planning at the end of the previous month for the indicators of the next, trying to achieve them all 30 days. At the beginning of the next month, all data is summarized, with a comparison of actual indicators and initial plans. It is natural to want to transfer the working mechanism to annual planning. Usually at this stage, problems arise.

Planning participants are sometimes poorly aware of the rules and nuances of drawing up plans for the year, they do not want to spend time on this. Therefore, the management is working on the annual plan, setting too ambitious goals for the enterprise, and which does not really understand how to achieve such goals, therefore, it proposes the transfer of current indicators to the next year.

As a result, a situation arises when the plan shows overall growth, including stagnating branches and products. Managers will not be motivated to carry out such an unrealistic plan.

Rules for effective planning

  1. Provide business processes, approve the rules of interaction between financial, logistics, production and sales departments.
  2. Fixation, analysis and prompt elimination of interaction failures between departments.
  3. Automation of planning, accounting, implementation of the ERP system, electronic product reservation system by the sales department.
  4. Maintaining electronic document management with appropriate training
  5. Constant work to optimize the internal logistics of the enterprise.
  6. Timeliness of modernization of production capacities.

Is it always necessary to demand 100% fulfillment of the plan?

Vladimir Mozhenkov, General Director of the company "Audi Center Taganka", Moscow.

Six or seven years ago, we introduced the following rule: the plan is considered fulfilled if the result is in the range of 95-110%. This allows you to both stimulate people and create useful tension at work. By the way, overfulfillment of the plan by more than 110% is bad, because the quality of work is declining. In other words, it is necessary to set not only the minimum limit, but also the maximum one.

For example, I say to the director of the profit center: “You did a great job last year, sold a thousand cars. I think this year, as the market grows, you can sell one thousand four hundred or one thousand five hundred.” To which he replies: “What 1500?! It's hard to sell a thousand here! New dealerships are opening, customers are switching to cheaper cars. What 1500?!». And he will talk for a month about how hard it is. Of course, he understands that the well-being of his family depends on the implementation of this ambitious plan, but at the same time he wants to play it safe. I give him time to feel the goal, to believe that it is realistic to achieve it, because any goal must be measurable, realistic and achievable. To make him feel more confident, I insure him, I say: “I will give you resources so that you complete the plan by 100%, but if you complete it by 97%, 96% or even 95%, then it will be considered that you completed the plan, and you will receive all bonuses and bonuses. And if after that he fulfills the plan, say, by 98%, 100% or even 103%, I tell him: “See? Worked great!" And the trend on the chart is positive (although the dynamics is not very significant). But if the manager fulfilled the plan by 94.99%, then he is already losing something. At 80–95%, this is even worse, but if it is less than 80% (we have never had this), then the manager does not receive any bonuses - only a bare salary.

"Modular boiler systems" The group of companies was founded in 2005. Field of activity - the implementation of services and the supply of ready-made heat and power solutions in the market of block-modular boiler houses and mini-CHPs. Among the clients: Gazprom Transgaz Moscow, ABH Miratorg, Ostankino Meat Processing Plant, Castorama, Samsung Group, Hyundai, etc.

Mikhail Strupinsky graduated from Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. He worked in the design bureau of the cable industry. Author of about 50 scientific papers. Has about 50 patents for inventions. Honorary Builder of Russia (2006). "Special Systems and Technologies" Field of activity: design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of household and industrial systems of cable electric heating, production of temperature control equipment. Form of organization: OOO. Territory: head office - in Moscow; production - in Mytishchi (Moscow region); representations and dealers - in 250 cities of the world. Number of employees: 1500. Annual turnover: more than 3.2 billion rubles. (in 2009). Seniority of the General Director in office: since 1991. Participation of the CEO in the business: owner.

"Audi Centre Taganka" is part of the AvtoSpetsCentre group of companies.

The productivity and effectiveness of work directly depends on the correct formulation of the tasks set and their implementation, therefore it plays a key role here. First of all, you need to know that planning is the implementation of certain working moments, the choice of a time period for their implementation, and direct control of the results. These aspects are very important, and have some nuances. If you know them, then you can achieve maximum efficiency in the implementation of the daily plan.

Setting goals

The main point in the formation of a daily plan is the correct setting of tasks. It is necessary not only to allocate time for their solution, but also to correctly identify each of them. Many people prescribe the points for the plan in a rather trite way: hold a meeting or meeting, make a presentation, prepare a report, and so on. All these tasks are aimed at the process, not the result. However, in order to achieve effective planning, it is necessary to voice the statement of the problem. For example, there is a need to replenish the staff with one more employee, this goal is written in the plan for a certain day and has the following wording: “conduct 3 interviews”. Instead of this common phrase, you should write: "hire one person." If after the interviews, the employer has not hired a new employee, then the goal has not been achieved. This approach to the task will allow you to note whether the plan was achieved within the time allotted for this, and what result was obtained. In addition, you will be able to analyze personal effectiveness.

Pareto rule and prioritization

Many people think that prioritizing tasks is a the key to effective planning. However, let's analyze, is this really so? The Pareto rule will help us with this, which sounds like this - 80% of the result gives 20% of the effort. Often a similar principle is found in business, for example, 20% of employees are able to bring 80% of the benefits or 20% of the efforts can give 80% of the profit. It becomes clear that it is worth concentrating all efforts on the implementation of these 20% of tasks.

However, it is usually very difficult or almost impossible to predict which efforts will be included in this 20%. The priority system implies the presence of effective planning skills, that is, the ability to determine important tasks from less significant ones. A person makes every effort to do all the things that supposedly seem to be priority and significant. As a result, he executes only some part of the plan.

According to , only 20% of these tasks are able to bring the greatest result. And since 20% of the total is not much more than 20% of the common affairs, therefore, the person who does all the things according to the plan, and is not limited to significant tasks, will achieve the greatest result. The key takeaway from effective planning is that everything that was originally planned must be done. In this case, 100% of the scope of the plan will be preserved, which means that those tasks that can bring the maximum result will certainly be completed.

Working day planning

Proper planning is the key to achieving 100% of the tasks. It should be systematic and cover a certain time period. For example, every evening it is convenient to make a plan for tomorrow. The time spent on the planning process is not so important. It is essential that it be concretely defined and constantly carried out. At effective planning is important take into account large-scale events and those that are repeated regularly. This can become the basis of the plan, and the rest of the cases will simply be tied to it. Remember to leave small time “windows” in your plan in case one of the tasks takes longer to complete. So there will be no overlap, and you will be able to do all the work on time.

Strategic planning skills assumes a correct assessment of one's own strengths. That is, the volume of tasks set must correspond to the actual capabilities. To evaluate your performance, you need to constantly monitor the implementation of all points of the plan. This way you can see which tasks are consistently failing, why they are happening, and where the difficulty lies. As a result, you will identify the reasons for low efficiency.

So, to sum it up, efficient workflow planning implies a competent setting of tasks, a systematic drawing up of a plan, the obligatory fulfillment of all established tasks and an analysis of one's own activities.

In the article, we began to analyze the topic of time management, now let's talk about the rules of planning.

As Benjamin Franklin said, "Time is money." We have been using this axiom for more than 250 years.

But some modern business philosophers believe that time and capital are equivalent concepts in only two ways:

  • time and money are limited resources;
  • time and money have a value.

According to many others, time is much more valuable because:

  • you can't get more time for any amount of money;
  • no one gets more or less time than you.

“You have exactly as much time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had” - Jackson Brown;

  • money can be borrowed, but time never;
  • money can be spent tomorrow, but time can only be spent today.

Despite the divergence of views on the issue of the equivalence of time and capital, it is clear that time is limited in any business area, and planning is an effective tool for managing this invaluable resource.

... "Plans are worthless, planning is priceless" Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States.

So if you want to make the most of your time potential, remember a few basics. planning rules.

Basic planning rules:

1. Never start a day if it hasn't already been planned out on paper.

If your goal is not written down, then it does not exist at all. A to-do list is a map that will keep you from falling off or deviating from your goal.

2. Working with a written to-do list increases your overall performance from day one of planning.

In the evening, prepare a list of tasks that you need to complete the next day. Thanks to this, you will always know where to start your day.

3. Work on your list throughout the day.

If you have a new task, add it to the priority list in relation to previously scheduled tasks. After completing the next task from the list, be sure to cross it off. This will give you a sense of satisfaction with your work, give you enthusiasm and inspire you to complete the following tasks.

4. Plan from big to small, long term to short term, life goal to daily plan.

For each case, set fixed deadlines for when it must be completed. ... "One completed productive task is worth fifty half-finished tasks." — Malcolm Forbes.

5. Always divide a complex task into small subtasks.

A decision tree helps here, where the key task is a tree, and the subtasks for its implementation are branches. Continue "branching" until the process of completing the entire task becomes simple and transparent. This is where MindManager comes in handy, with which you can easily create an interactive visual mind map.

Before you start doing anything, remember the basic planning rules and don't forget about 10/90 rule: 10% of the time spent planning before the start of the task will save 90% of the time to solve it. And your success is guaranteed!

And finally, a short video about planning your time from Stephen Covey, a specialist in leadership, life management, teacher and organizational management consultant.

The calendar is one of the most effective planning tools. Any of us, having begun to manage time, sooner or later understands - without a calendar, neither here nor there. Indeed, it was not in vain that as early as 4236 BC, the ancient Egyptians consulted the calendar and determined when and how they would cultivate the land.

At the heart of any calendar are observations: the sun or the moon, the tides. But since the most difficult work has already been done for us, dividing the time into days, weeks and months, let's get down to simpler things. We will watch ourselves and make our own calendar!

Calendars vary...

One of the first calendars found in the fly system is "Family Calendar". Something necessary and useful! Of course, your memory is excellent, but it is better to write down the birthdays of relatives and other memorable dates in your family. A family calendar will help everyone remember different dates, so it's important that it's public. If it is possible to hang such a calendar on a refrigerator or a wall that all relatives walk past every day, then without unnecessary reminders, each of them will be able to plan time taking into account family traditions. And it will be easier to remember about gifts in time.

Another type of calendar - diary! We will talk about it today. Of course, you already have a “Control Journal”, it is compiled, occasionally supplemented with new notes, but it is inconvenient to carry it with you.

For daily planning, I use a calendar-diary, but not dated. I had to test the strength of planning with a diary for more than one year in order to decide on the best option. You too should experiment, observe and try. I bought diaries with A5 format dates, bought large notebooks and albums and drew a week in them, tried a small notebook - in each system something did not suit me and prevented me from working.

Three by three!

The most acceptable option was obtained after applying the three by three system. The idea is to:

      • Each month of the year is divided into three components: month, week, day.
      • Imagine each day consisting of three parts: morning, afternoon, evening.
      • Remember that life consists of three areas: work, family-home, personal time.
      • Every day, set ONE goal in each of the areas, i.e. plan the three must-dos.

Month - week - day

Diaries without dates are very convenient for such a system. On the first clean spread, I draw the month. The process may seem laborious, but difficulties arise only the first time, then everything is much easier.

Having drawn the whole month, I try to estimate the obligatory things for this month. Agree, “adult” things are quite seasonal, and no matter how we try to prepare a sled in the summer, something cannot be transferred. I enter the dates of birth of relatives and friends, write down when to send greeting cards, mark trips to the dentist, the day when you definitely need to pay bills, days of work reports, in general, everything that will happen in the coming month.

The next spread is dedicated to the week. Here, but already in more detail I am introducing the things that are mandatory this week: both on weekdays and on weekends.

Then the most interesting begins. I imagine my day divided into three parts: morning, afternoon and evening. Night in this scheme is not taken into account, because. I prefer to sleep at night, but for owls, division into day, evening, night is possible. It is important to determine what kind of business you are going to do, and at what time of the day. There is no doubt that some cases cannot be transferred in any way. For example, I always go to the bazaar three times a week, but in order to buy everything you need from the right hostess, you should get up very early, and be at the bazaar by 7 am. Having placed the obligatory tasks on time, I am engaged in setting goals.

It's no secret that the life of every woman fits into a trio: work, home-family, "I-beloved." It is also not a secret, usually only one area is given due attention, some second is lame, sometimes even on two legs, and the third ... yes, what can I remember, the third is almost absent. This is where setting goals for areas of life can help. For each day of the week, I define three obligatory tasks, one for each area. Three things without which the day will not be fully lived! The main thing to remember is that you cannot put off doing things from any area, you deserve to live every day of your life to the fullest!


Every evening, for about five minutes, I devote to analyzing the past day and planning the next day, not forgetting to check the cases planned for the whole month. This is very important, because at first it is difficult to control all things at once. If I find it difficult to come up with a task of the day in any area, I use a “deferred to-do list”. It is very helpful when setting goals, and quietly disappears with regular use of this method.

Every week I do 21 things, which is not so little!

In a free market economy, intra-company planning becomes the basis for the independent labor activity of many categories of planners-managers. The planned activity of the personnel of enterprises, like any production work, is characterized by various indicators of social and economic efficiency.

The effectiveness and efficiency of planning depends on the following mandatory provisions.

1) The overall plan of the organization is a systemic union of various plans related by unity: deadlines, structural elements, system elements.

2) All plans should be based on the unity of goals, technologies, market behavior policy, chosen strategies, common time scale, unity of personnel.

3) Strategic, medium-term and short-term plans related to the above general components are independent documents.

4) Planning is carried out on the basis of taking into account changes and general trends and patterns for the main internal and external factors.

5) Different plans need different levels of detail and deep elaboration.

6) To carry out the planning process, it is necessary to produce the required information. Different plans can be developed by different groups of employees, but with the obligatory unity of leadership.

7) All interested managers of hierarchical and functional levels should participate in the planning process.

8) All planners should be prepared in a timely manner to carry out the planning process.

9) Planning as a laborious process requires a lot of time to justify the details. If plans are developed episodically, then their quality is sharply reduced, since either the validity or timeliness of preparation suffers.

10) Each section of the plan and the entire document as a whole needs special expertise.

11) It is advisable to carry out the planning process according to certain, proven in practice, methods that are equally understood by the participants.

12) Employees of the organization must be timely familiarized with the content of the plan as a whole and in detail with the content of those works that are planned for them directly.

13) Both in organizations and in individual departments, it is necessary to have internal experts capable of professionally evaluating technologies, deadlines and other aspects of the quality of plans.

14) When forming plans, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of acceptability and expediency of performing the necessary work on time. The plan should not be an order from above, it should become expedient for everyone.

15) In order for plans to be successful in the competition, they must be innovative and original along with standardization.

The main performance indicators of planned activities are both absolute and relative values ​​of costs and results, income and expenses, costs and profits, and other general economic or corporate standards and norms. Let us dwell in more detail on the essence of such important planning and economic indicators as effect and efficiency, cost and profitability, as well as on modern methods of their scientific substantiation and practical calculation.

Any effect shows the degree of achievement of some given result: how is the work on the production of goods and services done, does it satisfy the consumer and will it be sold, at what price can it be sold, what is the possible profit? When evaluating the effect, actual or expected indicators are compared with an established standard, a benchmark, a predetermined goal, and other economic data. It is quite clear that it is not always possible to evaluate the real effect in different areas of labor activity, for example, in creative types of labor. However, in general, we can say that the effect in general terms is the difference between results and costs, between the price of a product and its cost, between planned (normative) and actual values ​​of an indicator, etc.

Efficiency characterizes the ratio of the effect obtained to the cost of its implementation and is a kind of price or payment for achieving this result. If the result, for example, a given goal, is not achieved at all, then the efficiency loses its positive economic value. In practice, the efficiency indicator expresses the amount of income (profit) per unit of cost, for example, the profitability of a product, labor and production, etc.

In the process of intra-company planning, the concepts of "effect" and "efficiency" are interpreted as broad general scientific categories, including scientific, technical, social, economic and other results.

The scientific effect is associated with the discovery of new phenomena of the material world or the laws of its development, as well as with the identification of practical possibilities for their use in economic activity and the establishment of optimal parameters and indicators for applying the results of scientific research in specific areas of human activity.

The technical effect is characterized by the obtained advantage of the created or improved technological systems of machines, working devices and other production resources in comparison with the most progressive means in this technical field.

The social effect reflects the development of the human factor, the growth of qualifications and changes in the professional composition of the personnel, as well as the improvement of working conditions and an increase in its productivity.

The economic effect means the reduction or saving of production resources for the manufacture of products, goods or services, for example, material or labor costs per unit of useful capacity or other end results.

In market conditions, in accordance with the current recommendations for the evaluation of investment projects and their selection for financing, the following types of economic efficiency are established:

Commercial (financial) efficiency, taking into account the financial consequences of the implementation of an innovative business project for its direct participants;

Budget efficiency, reflecting the financial results of the implementation of the developed project for the federal, regional or local budgets;

National economic efficiency, containing the economic costs and results associated with the implementation of the planned project, which go beyond the direct financial interests of the participants in the investment project and allow the measurement and evaluation of cost results.

Commercial efficiency indicators characterize the ratio of financial costs and results that provide the required rate of return. They can be considered both for the entire business project as a whole and for its individual participants, taking into account the share contribution of each of them to the overall financial result. The main indicator of commercial efficiency is the flow of real cash.

Budget efficiency indicators reflect the impact of the ongoing investment project on increasing revenues and reducing expenditures of the corresponding budget of both the federal and regional or local levels of government. Here the main indicator is the budgetary effect. It is defined as the excess of revenues of the relevant budget over its expenditures for the period of implementation of this project.

Indicators of national economic efficiency determine the main economic results of the project, taking into account the interests of state, federal, sectoral and other organizations and economic entities.

The development and justification of the best option for the future plan-project of the enterprise's production activities in the appropriate market conditions involves the correct choice of the criterion of economic efficiency and the assessment of costs and results. In free market relations of enterprises, where the laws of supply and demand operate, the main criterion for the effectiveness of the economic activity of producers and entrepreneurs is the maximum possible profit, the largest total income. This criterion not only meets the basic requirements of the market, but also corresponds to the main goal of each enterprise, which, as you know, is to maximize profits.

The processes of substantiating the criterion of economic efficiency and formulating strategic goals for the development of an enterprise or firm are closely interrelated and play an important role both in intra-company planning and in the organization of production and entrepreneurial activities. Under the criterion of efficiency in economic theory, it is customary to understand the totality of requirements, goals and objectives that ensure the highest final results. The review of investment decision making confirms the importance of the correct choice of the main goals of the company in the process of intra-company planning. The plans developed taking into account the specific purpose of the development of the enterprise cannot be of universal application. A project plan that is justified for one firm in order to maximize its profits may be completely unacceptable for another company seeking to maximize the growth of revenue from the sale of its products and services. Therefore, in each case, it is necessary to have clear goals and criteria for assessing the economic activity of an enterprise at the first stages of developing on-farm plans.

Here is a list of the main economic indicators that can be used as evaluation criteria for the effectiveness of both planned and all production and economic activities.

1) Net present value (NPV) is the total amount of the effect for the entire planned or estimated life of the project for the production of goods and services, reduced to the initial period of time. NPV can also be expressed as the excess of integral results over integral costs for the corresponding period.

2) Index of profitability (ID) characterizes the ratio of the sum of the given effects to the total value of capital investments.

3) The internal rate of return (IRR) determines such a discount rate at which the value of the reduced effects is equal to the value of the reduced capital investment.

4) The payback period of the project establishes the minimum time interval from the date of the project, beyond which the integral effect has a positive value. This period, measured in days, months and years, determines the period from which the total initial costs of the investment project are covered by the cumulative results.

Thus, in the process of intra-company planning, in addition to the considered efficiency criteria, private criteria can be used to establish and select the optimal values ​​of the planned indicators: cost, material intensity, labor intensity, profitability, break-even, sales volume, shareholder income, market price, etc. The choice of certain economic indicators as performance evaluation criteria depends on specific production conditions. However, in all cases, economists-managers must be able to achieve their goal under existing restrictions: to obtain maximum results or have minimum costs.