Together with the children we collect the harvest while playing. Harvesting Finger gymnastics: “Salting cabbage”

Purpose: To expand and systematize children's ideas and knowledge about vegetables. Develop interest in the plant world: tell children that vegetables grow in the garden, in the garden. Teach children the concept that vegetables are a source of vitamins. Teach children to guess riddles of a descriptive nature. Improving the grammatical structure of speech: matching adjectives with nouns. Development of coherent speech, visual perception and attention, fine and general motor skills, creative imagination.

Vocabulary: harvest, garden, vegetable garden, vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, beets, onions; grow, clean, drip, pull, cut, salt, chop; tasty, sweet, juicy, healthy, soft, hard, smooth, rough, red, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown.

Material: Basket with natural vegetables; panel: vegetable garden; cards for each child with the image of vegetables; pictures with missing parts of the image, colored pencils for each child.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the benefits of vegetables, looking at vegetables. Learning finger gymnastics “Salting cabbage”. D / and “Vegetable Lotto”, the game “Learn by Taste”.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

(Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Creating an emotional atmosphere.)

Reading an excerpt from Y. Tuwim's poem "Vegetables"

One day the hostess came from the market.
The hostess brought home from the market.
Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, peas.
Parsley and beets. Oh!

Educator: Guys, how can you call in one word everything that the hostess brought home from the market?

Children: The hostess brought vegetables from the market.

Educator: The hostess brought vegetables from the market, but how did the vegetables get to the market?

Children: Vegetables were brought from the garden to the market.

Educator: What is the name of the place where vegetables grow?

Children: Vegetables grow in the garden.

Educator: Guys, tell me, when do people harvest vegetables?

Children: People harvest in autumn.

Educator: And why is it harvested in the fall?

Children: Vegetables ripen in autumn, so people harvest vegetables.

Educator: Well done, you answered correctly.

Today we will talk about vegetables, how they harvest, play with you and draw.

Guys, I also went to the vegetable market and bought different vegetables. Do you want to know what I bought?

I'll give you riddles, and if you guess right, I'll get the answer from the basket.

A guest came in a red sundress,

They began to undress, began to shed tears. (ONION)

The teacher distributes vegetables to the children, which they guessed with the help of riddles.

Examining vegetables.(Clarification of color, shape, hardness, softness).

The development of coherent speech, the formation of sentences with homogeneous adjectives.

Example: This is a tomato - it is red, round, soft, juicy, ripe.

Finger gymnastics: “Salting cabbage”

Coordination of speech with movement, development of fine motor skills.

Educator: Guys, what did we do with cabbage and carrots?

Children: We pickled cabbage and carrots.

Educator: What else can be done from vegetables?

The game "What can be cooked from vegetables"

Agreement of the adjective vegetable with nouns in gender, number.

Vegetable salad (what?) - vegetable.

Juice from vegetables (what?) - ...

Cutlets from vegetables (which one?) - ...

Vegetable casserole (what?) - ...

Puree of vegetables (what?) - ...

The teacher puts up a panel: A vegetable garden with beds.

Educator: Guys, let's look at this picture with you, what is shown on it?

Children: The picture shows a garden with beds.

Educator: Right. See how many vegetables have grown in the garden. Let's name the vegetables that grew in the garden. (The children take turns calling the vegetable beds.) We have named all the vegetables, and now it's time to harvest.

Fizminutka "Harvesting"

Development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Educator: Here we have harvested. And you tell me how you picked vegetables. You have pictures with different vegetables on your tables. You must take a picture and tell how this vegetable is harvested.

The game "Gather vegetables from the garden"

Search for a matching verb.

Example: This is a carrot - it is pulled out.

Educator: Do you guys know what vegetables are good for?

Children: There are a lot of vitamins in vegetables.

Educator: What are vitamins, do you know? (children's answers)

Educator: Vitamins are substances useful for all people.

Do you want me to tell you where vitamins come from in vegetables? (Yes)

Vegetables grow in the garden and the sun warms them with its warmth, the rains give them water, and the earth preserves their roots. The sun, water and earth - that's what fills vegetables with vitamins.

Educator: Guys, you have pictures on your tables, look at them, what is missing?

Children: The artist forgot to finish the second half of the vegetable.

Teacher: Let's help him.

Game “Draw what is missing”

Development of visual perception and graphic skills.

The result of the lesson: (assessment of the work of children)

What did we talk about today?

When is the harvest?

Where do vegetables grow?

In summer, a garden is like a city!

It has a hundred thousand citizens:

Tomato, peas, cabbage,

Zucchini and eggplant!

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his values ​​of orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards oneself and the people around is laid.

A consciously correct attitude to nature is based on the sensory perception of nature, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the features of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The presence of a garden in a kindergarten contributes to the direct contact of the child with objects of nature, observation and practical activities for caring for plants.

A garden in kindergarten is a very pleasant experience, especially in spring, when you want to look at the colors of greenery or the first spring flowers. There is nothing more pleasant than creating a real garden under the windows of a kindergarten. The garden in kindergarten contributes to the development of curiosity and observation in children, and this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children's ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop aesthetic feelings, the ability to enjoy the beauty of grown plants and the results of their work. And how much joy the first plantings and shoots bring to children.

The purpose of educational activities with children in the garden is to expand and generalize knowledge about cultivated garden plants that can be grown, cared for, and awareness of the importance of vegetables in human life.

And we set ourselves the following tasks:

Expand and clarify children's ideas about vegetables, garden plants

To teach how to care for plants, to give a visual representation to children about the need for light, heat, soil moisture for plant growth

Develop children's cognitive and creative abilities

To form a consciously correct attitude to the nature of the native land, to human labor.

Collective work in the garden teaches children to be responsible, develops labor skills, unites children, and by the middle of summer they can see the fruits of their labor.

As a result, everyone experiences great pleasure, and children gain confidence in their abilities and the conviction that they are doing real work, bringing joy to the people around them.

So, what can children do in the garden? How to help them?

Soil cultivation. Adults do the first spring tillage. It is done as early as possible. Children dig a second time. Digging is available only to children of older preschool age. Not all children should be involved in digging, but in subgroups. The teacher announces in detail how to use a shovel correctly, how to turn the earth over. . After digging, the children take part in laying out the beds, leveling the beds with a rake.

Sowing seeds. We plant pumpkin, beets, radishes, peas, beans, dill, lettuce, carrots and potatoes with seeds. Children in all groups can sow seeds. But first you should water the beds, sow only in damp soil. It is necessary to emotionally tell that life is embedded in such a small seed, that in the presence of heat, moisture, a sprout will hatch from the seed. It is necessary in the group to consider germinated seeds, sprouts. Children need to be told what they will plant. In groups, we grow seedlings of zucchini, cabbage, pepper, eggplant, cucumbers.

Loosening. This can be done by older children. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the resulting crust. Explains why this is happening. Using a pointed stick, he shows how to loosen the soil. The teacher offers 2-3 children to show how they loosen. The teacher arranges the children, distributes plots and the children work. The frequency of loosening depends on the soil and weather. While loosening, children watch the plants. Nothing should go unnoticed. The teacher corrects the erroneous ideas of children about certain phenomena: about the benefits of worms, why there are caterpillars in the ground, etc.

Weeding. It is carried out mainly with children of the senior and preparatory groups. Children of the older group are involved in weeding in the second half of summer, when the plants get stronger.

In the older group, the first acquaintance with weeds is made in class. The teacher draws the attention of the children that the seedlings are not the same. He offers to compare them in terms of leaf shape, color, they do not grow in rows, but randomly. The teacher explains that it is a weed. It takes a lot of light, moisture, sun from planted plants, so it needs to be pulled out. The teacher teaches how to pull out weeds (swing at the root and tear at the root with the root). Weeding contributes to the development of attention, responsibility for the task assigned, endurance, the ability to overcome difficulties.

Watering. All children do watering. But a condition is necessary (buckets, watering cans). It is good to have a well for watering (dig in a barrel, block it with boards, it is good to put a grate for the feet so that the children do not wet their feet). Adults bring water to babies. These children are more interested in the process of watering (pouring water). It is necessary to show the children how to hold a watering can, where to pour water, from what height.

In the middle group, the teacher pays attention to the plants that they grow well from watering. It is very important to teach every child how to properly hold a watering can.

In the older group, the first watering is carried out as a lesson. Each child is given a task. The teacher explains that the earth cannot be wetted from one time, so you need to water one place three times.

In the preparatory group, you need to have a conversation about the importance of watering in the life of plants.

Harvesting- the most joyful period, it brings a lot of pleasure and joy to children. Vegetables, berries must be collected by children. How fun and interesting to immediately collect radishes, wash and eat them. Therefore, it is necessary to plant it so much that each child has enough. Harvesting is carried out by children of all groups. Toddlers can easily pull out turnips or radishes, you just need to show how to pick vegetables. It would be nice to let the kids pull out a big turnip like in a fairy tale. Harvesting can be done in different ways, depending on what kind of crop. Harvesting also includes the collection of colored seeds. This is a very interesting activity, because. seeds ripen in various pods, boxes, heads. At the same time, children will learn a lot of interesting things. Seed collection is carried out only by children of the senior and preparatory groups.

Thus, a garden in kindergarten is one of the conditions that is necessary for the implementation of environmental education of preschoolers.

Teacher of MDOU No. 4 Stepanova T.A.

Senior teacherSusanova A.V.

You can tell the children about how fruits and vegetables grow and ripen, why potatoes grow in the ground, but apples do not. When harvesting with your children, teach them about how food is prepared from the harvested crops and why it is important to be very careful about the environment. You can even arrange a field lesson in biology, history, geography, or even math.

What seeds should be collected?

Not all seeds ripen equally well, so it is important to teach your child to choose dense seed pods. Proper collection of seeds will save on buying new ones next season. You can do this all summer and until late autumn while walking in the forest, on a pond or in a summer cottage.

How to collect seeds?

Together with your child, prepare several plastic bags, paper envelopes or plastic boxes for seeds and label each one depending on what seeds you will collect there.

Have your child carefully remove the seeds from the flowers and place them on a paper towel or newspaper to dry. After the seeds have dried, place them in pre-prepared envelopes, bags or containers. Make sure all containers are labeled and tightly closed, then place them in a cool and dry place. Place several packets of moisture-retaining material on bags or containers to keep the seeds dry. Every 5-6 months, they need to be sprinkled with seeds to extend the shelf life to 3 years.

How to use the collected seeds?

Collected seeds can be used for board games, crafts, or added to molding. Pumpkin or sunflower seeds, for example, can to eat, fried in a pan or dried in the oven.

Seeds are useful for studying mathematics. Arrange them in handfuls and ask the baby to count how many seeds are in each of them, after that you can pick up a few seeds from one pile and ask them to count how many are left.

You can also mix several types of seeds and ask your child to separate them by type. This is good for developing fine motor skills, attention and perseverance.

From the collected seeds, you can make little men, houses, cars, and even draw pictures. Let the child experiment and decide for himself what he wants to do.

Based on materials from

Harvesting vegetables at our summer cottage. This is a very interesting and exciting activity, which is why we do it together.

Along with the child's possible help in harvesting, we will try to turn this work into exciting games. Let's start by picking carrots.

It is very interesting to consider carrots, because there is not a single repeating carrot in the garden. They are all different, although they grew on the same bed from similar seeds from one bag. In this bunch of carrots there are small ones, and large ones, and large ones, and small ones, and crooked ones, and straight ones, and smooth ones, and rough ones, etc. and so on.

See how many different concepts a child can master when looking at a simple carrot? A child can be asked to show the longest, or the thinnest, or the most curved or ...

Here are carrots that wanted to stand out from the general mass of their own kind. Let's dream together - why are these carrots so special?

In these carrots, several "sisters" are collected. Maybe it was close for them to grow in the earth, they united and began to live together as friendly families?

These carrots vary in thickness. The carrots grew close together and didn't have much room to grow, which is why they are so thin...

But this carrot grew alone, there were no other carrots nearby. Or maybe she was bored alone, and she decided to get closer to her girlfriends and that's why she's so fat? And these carrots are "hairy" and with long roots. Or maybe these carrots were watered a lot and they took root?

And this carrot confused the bottom with the top - it is thicker at the bottom than at the top. And these are carrot coquettes. To please others, they began to play sports. And now they have wonderful figures with a thin waist.

What a crooked left carrot! Why? Maybe she stumbled upon an obstacle (a stone, a hard piece of earth, etc.)? And then she rounded this obstacle and continued her growth.

But nothing interfered with other carrots during growth. Therefore, they were even and grew quietly until the moment they were pulled out of the ground.

We collect beets and potatoes

Beets are also not the same. See how different they are.

Among the potatoes, you can also find unusual tubers and see various animals and birds in them.

Autumn holiday for children of middle and senior preschool age

Sports holiday kindergarten. "We are harvesting!"

The scenario of a sports festival in kindergarten

The author is the music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 of Kalininsk, Saratov Region, Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna.

The script will be of interest to educators and musical directors of preschool educational institutions.
Children from 4 to 6 years old can take part in the festival.
Target: Create a festive mood for children; provide children with the opportunity to apply motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes; to form in pupils the need for motor activity.
Equipment: 2 toy trucks, 2 baskets, vegetables and fruits, 4 hoops, 4 large balls, 2 small balls, 2 easels, colored markers or pencils, 2 turnip caps. Hostess costume, Cabbage costume. Cooked cabbage dishes: coleslaw, stewed cabbage, sauerkraut. Spoons and napkins.

Children enter the hall to the music of "March" "The country is calling forward", go around the circle, sit on the chairs.
Presenter: leaf fall, leaf fall,
The yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring. (author V. Nirovich)
Child: Gives autumn miracles
And what!
The forests are dressed up
In golden hats.
Child: On a stump they sit in a crowd
red mushrooms,
And the spider is a dodger! -
Pulls the network somewhere.
Child: Rain and withered grass
Sleepy more often at night
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning. (author M. Geller)
Children perform the song "Calendar Sheet" (words and music by N.V. Kulikova)
The hostess enters the hall.
Hostess: Hello honest people!
Hostess: Why are you sitting here?
Do you want to help me?
Presenter: What help do you need?
Hostess: Autumn decorates the squares
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.
And in the gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water.
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.
It's time to harvest, but store up for the winter!
Child: The fields are being cleaned
People collect bread.
The mouse drags the grain into the mink,
To have lunch in winter.
Child: Root squirrels dry,
Bees store honey.
Grandma cooks jam
He puts apples in the cellar.
Hostess: Harvest was born -
Collect the gifts of nature!
In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather
The harvest will come in handy! "Harvest Festival" (author A.N. Starik)
Presenter: Our guys know how to harvest, right guys?
Hostess: Aren't your guys braggarts?
Presenter: Our guys are brave, strong, skillful. Every morning they do exercises, do sports.
Hostess: Are you talking smart? Skilled? And we will check it now, arrange a competition. I see you have two teams, what are they called?
Children of the 1st team: Freckles!
Children of the 2nd team: Smile!
Hostess: And in order to correctly determine the winner, we have a jury. (Jury presentation).
Here is the first task for you:

1 task "Unload the car."

Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume.
The jury sums up the results of the 1st competition.
Hostess: and here is the second task for you: pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes, both large and small, ripened in the garden. How many round vegetables can you carry away at once?

Task 2: "Running with three balls."

At the start line, the child takes 3 balls of different sizes. On a signal, he runs with them to the hoop, which is several meters away from the start, and put the balls into it. Then he comes back and passes the baton to the next one. The next participant runs to the balls, takes them and returns with them to the start line, puts them on the floor. The relay starts over.
The hostess praises the children. The jury announces the results of the relay.
Teams pass and sit on chairs.
Hostess: tired, guys, sit down, rest.
Presenter: and our kids will sing and dance a song for you.
(Performed "Merry warm-up" junior group)
Hostess: enough for you guys to sit, you need to harvest the harvest on time. Oh, I forgot to ask, do you know what grows in the garden? Now let's check.

3rd task "Artists".

There is an easel in the center of the room. 2 commands are called. Children take turns drawing each of their vegetables at the signal of the host. It is important that the vegetables are not repeated twice in the picture of one team. The task is to draw as many vegetables as possible.
The hostess calls the vegetables drawn by the children of the 1st team, and the host calls the children of the 2nd team. The jury announces the results of the competition.
Hostess: you all know and love fairy tales, but have you read the fairy tale "Turnip"? Here, in our garden, two turnips grew at once: (children wear turnip hats). You guys need to pull them out. There are 2 teams of 6 people in the relay. At the opposite wall of the hall there are 2 chairs, "Turnip" sit on them. The game starts "Grandfather". At the leader’s signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, “Grandma” clings to him (holds on to his waist) and the two of them, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. at the end of the game, a turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.
The jury announces the winner.
Hostess: Everything seems to have been collected.
Oh, where's the cabbage? Without it, the plate is empty!
Since there is no cabbage to be seen, we must call her.
Well, let's sing a song, we'll invite a godfather to visit.
(Children sing the song "Cabbage")
To the music, Cabbage enters the hall.
Hostess: And here is the Cabbage itself!
Well, why are you late?
Cabbage: I tried on outfits
After all, I have a hundred clothes, and all without fasteners.
I can't resist - I love dressing up!
It’s not for nothing that I, a gardener, am called a big fashionista! (S.V.Kustareva)
And for you guys, a treat: sauerkraut, fried cabbage and cabbage salad.
Well, get the spoons for a treat, lean on.
Children are treated to cabbage.
Hostess: We had a lot of fun and helped me harvest the harvest, and now it's time to say goodbye.
Leaves the hall.
The leader ends the party.