Telegram ex. "You are the best thing in my life"

By blocking, a channel has recently appeared called "Former". In fact, this is a simulator of an ex-girlfriend who periodically writes messages, finding some stupid reasons. The irony of the channel format in the messenger is that it is impossible to answer these messages - therefore, the real life situation is reconstructed: the former writes to you, but you do not answer her.

Of course, the channel was accused of sexism, objectification and everything that comes with it. At the moment, he has a little over 40,000 subscribers, the similar channel of the opposite sex "Former" has about 1,100. The channels are not run by the same person, because today it became known that the channel "Former" is hosted by Russian stand-up comedian Artur Chaparyan .

He performs at Stand-Up Club #1, and also hosts a show with Belarusians Vanya Usovich and Idrak Mirzalizade "evening". TJournal called Arthur, and how the creator explained the appearance of his channel:

“I liked that the messages come directly to you, with a notification. It's kind of a personal moment. I thought it would be funny to make an "ex" who writes like that, and you do not answer. That is, you emerge victorious from parting. Well, I immediately told my brother, he said: "Cool, let's do it." We posted a post about the channel on Instagram, where the reaction was so-so. Then I posted it on Twitter and it went viral very quickly.

Why has the channel become so popular? Well, I think it's a fun idea. I take life phrases, I haven’t come up with anything on purpose yet. They will probably end soon, and I will start thinking if Telegram is not closed. Many recognize themselves, so the channel is spreading. I also wrote all these things. And when a friend talks about a breakup and what a girl writes to him, you think, damn it, they all write the same thing. An archive of these phrases begins to accumulate.

I do not see sexism in the channel at all, this claim is far-fetched. The “former” can also be made, and someone has already made it, they showed me. But, I think, if we do the "Former", then all messages from him should come only at night. I did not pursue the goal of somehow humiliating women, and it seems to me that the majority of subscribers are girls who recognize themselves and find it funny. I didn't mean to offend anyone."

The Former humorous channel is gaining popularity in Telegram, which imitates messages from a girl who recently broke up with a young man. Some users admire the channel, others are taken by surprise by the messages from it.

Once every few days, the "Ex" sends messages from a girl who is worried about the ended relationship. The channel appeared on June 12 and quickly became popular: at the time of writing, 23 thousand people had already subscribed to it.

The creation of the channel is attributed to stand-up artist Artur Chaparyan. On the creation of the "Former" he announced on your Instagram account. In his opinion, the channel will help "satisfy the emptiness after the breakup and somehow create the illusion that in the end you came out the winner."

you don't have to reply to this message. you are the best thing in my life. sorry if that was wrong. looking back, I understand that many moments could have been different, but nothing can be changed. they say that everything is for the best, but so far nothing good has happened in my life since the breakup. sorry to talk about myself again. Perhaps it was a mistake that I will regret for a long time. you are wonderful, I wish you to find my love and I hope that she will appreciate your kindness, smile, look ... it’s good that I’m writing this, because at the meeting I wouldn’t have the strength to say anything, I would just ask you to hug me as you always did, and I would feel good. I feel like the heroine of a garnet bracelet, but we had a slightly different plot. I'm only now realizing that I shouldn't have fucked Chaparyan. sorry if you can. I know you will not forgive, and even if you say that you have forgiven, I will not believe it, because I know you. I know you too well. I wish you happiness and find the right one. Bye

- "Former".

Some even suggested that Roskomnadzor was going to block Telegram precisely because of the "Former".

The most widely read telegram channel in Russia, Former, was sold for 1,200,000 rubles. Now, the expert suggested, the number of advertisements on the channel will increase - and as a result, it will "fall under the onslaught of barbarians." The author of ViVA la Cloud explained why this is good news and not bad news. ">

Telegram channel "Former" will soon die - and thank God

The most widely read telegram channel in Russia, Former, was sold for 1,200,000 rubles. Now, expert suggested, the number of advertising on the channel will increase - and as a result, it will "fall under the onslaught of barbarians." The author of ViVA la Cloud explained why this is good news and not bad news.

Channel Avatar

The Former channel was created in June 2017. Now the channel has almost 80,000 readers, and posts are gaining 200-400 thousand views. The concept is that a "former" reader writes on the channel. Her messages are displayed on the notification screen, evoking associations with the actions of the real ex (if the reader has one, of course).

On August 30, it became known that the author had sold the "Former". The buyer, wrote, was a certain Yura Korb (this is a pseudonym) - he had previously acquired other channels in the telegram. The transaction amount was about 1,200,000 rubles.

More about Telegram:

Instead of reading this text, you could watch Rick and Morty.

Or play Life is Strange: Before The Storm. The author of ViVA la Cloud at first thought that she was, and then played and.

Not funny, but real

I do not really understand the consumption strategy of the "Former". It is worth subscribing to what? Does the reader have a real ex who behaves in much the same way? "Former" does not give anything. Does the reader have an ex? It is even more unclear why the channel is needed. For what?

The best jokes of the "Former"

In fact, instead of this derogatory text, the TOP jokes of the "Former" were supposed. It did not work out: there were exactly two relatively funny jokes in the entire channel. Here they are:

A friend [wanted] to go [to ice hockey] with her mother, but they did not succeed, her mother died. 15 years ago.

Didn't you walk on the street just now? In jeans. And clothes on top too.

The defender of the domestic stand-up will object: “It is worth subscribing to“ Former ”at least for the sake of the fact that it is vital.” Alas, I do not understand the idea of ​​"life" content at all. This is the estate of Semyon Slepakov and others like him - meaningless, unfunny, albeit backed up by experience, sketches about love life. Those who need additional reflection on this matter can only sympathize - all normal guys are able to analyze their intimate life themselves.

Typo - Ctrl + Enter

» Artur Chaparyan sold the project for 1.2 million rubles two months after the launch, his friend told the site. Information about the sale was confirmed by the stand-up comedian himself and the buyer.

To bookmarks

The Former Telegram channel with fictitious messages from an ex-girlfriend was created in June 2017 and quickly gained viral popularity: 35,000 people subscribed to it in the first two weeks. At the time of this writing, the number of subscribers exceeded 75 thousand.

Chaparyan transferred the rights to the channel on 29 August. According to him, he decided to sell the project because he was "tired and chose the money." The buyer was a man under the pseudonym "Yura Korb", who did not reveal his identity. According to Chaparyan, he is engaged in the promotion of channels.

“He monetizes it more successfully than I do, because he does it. I did not treat the issue of monetization responsibly, I missed profitable offers,” Chaparyan said. According to the comedian, during the development of the channel, he made about seven advertising publications, earning less than 1 million rubles on them.

Artur Chaparyan

Korb told the site that he is developing the Black Team group, which now includes three Telegram channels: "Former", "English" (more than 95 thousand subscribers) and " Lustful Dory" (a little more than 2200 subscribers). The description of the channels "Former" and "English" now contains contacts for communication with representatives of the Black Team.

The total revenue of all three channels is from 500 thousand rubles a month and more, Korb says: “It all depends on the season.”

According to the new owner of Former, Chaparyan received 1.2 million rubles for the channel in its pure form, while he had to spend additional money on an intermediary and the services of the Garant.Pro secure transaction service. Chaparyan refused to discuss the details of the deal, saying only that its amount really amounted to about 1.2 million rubles.

When forming the cost of the project, Korb, in his own words, proceeded from the fact that the channel was launched by a media personality, and the entire audience was attracted through the media. “The project has never been advertised in other channels, all traffic is from the media,” he said.

The content of the Former channel will remain the same, but the Black Team will be engaged in more detailed and high-quality monetization of the project, Korb said. “We value the audience and do not plan to poison it,” he added.

Placement in the channel costs from 50 thousand rubles: for this amount, the Black Team will leave an advertising post in the channel for five days and will not publish other messages for three hours. For 75 thousand, you can agree on placement in the tape for a month and a half with the ability to save the record in the top for three hours.

"Former" is the most read Telegram channel in July according to "Medialogy". Publications in the channel gained an average of 290 thousand views. The second place was taken by the Prikol channel, each publication of which collects an average of 176.4 thousand views. The channel "Stalingulag" closes the top three, the average number of views of one entry in which exceeds 171 thousand.

"English" also entered the top ten popular, taking fourth place. According to Medialogia's calculations, the average number of views of one publication in the channel is 94.4 thousand.

At the time of publication of the note, the Telegram support service did not answer the site’s questions about how the administration of the messenger relates to the sale of channels.

Updated at 22:10. Elizaveta Kislova, employee of the service for analytics of group Telegram chats Combot, on her Facebook page

For those who take a responsible approach to the issue of their own anonymity, Telegram provides many opportunities. One of them is fine-tuning the status that the interlocutor under your name sees in the chat window.

This status, for example "was recently", shows when you last logged into Telegram.

Options the status of the last visit to the application:

  1. "For all". If you set this option, any user in the chat window will see how long ago you logged into Telegram.
  2. "My contacts". By selecting this item, your status will be visible only to your contacts.
  3. "Nobody". In this case, instead of a time stamp in the Telegram status, the inscriptions “was (a) online recently”, “this week”, “this month”, “long ago” will be displayed - the approximate value of the date of the last online.

Set status and select exclusions

Exceptions can be configured for each of the three options . Define specific people from the contact list who will see Always or they won't see never your status!

So, where to find the visibility and exclusion settings:

In Telegram for android: In Telegram for iOS: In Telegram desktop:
Main menu → section "Privacy and security" → item "Last activity" Main menu → section "Privacy" → item "Last activity" Main menu → subsection "Privacy and security" → item "Who sees the last login time"

Chip from TV Guide: Status visibility change works round trip. If you have hidden the status from a specific user, you won't see either the time of his last visit to Telegram. It's the same if you hide the status from everyone - you won't know anyone's last online date.

How the status works when a user is blocked

This question often arises, so we took it out separately: even if you have the visibility of the status for everyone in Telegram, the blocked user will see under your name "has been online for a very long time".

Therefore, if you suddenly see such a status in a person with whom you have recently communicated, this may mean that he has blocked you for some reason.

By the way, if a person who is not in the contact list was the first to write to you, there will be a “Spam” button next to his nickname.

Accounts that have been reported for spam will not be able to send messages to people outside of their contact list.

The ban can last from a week to infinity, depending on how often complaints about the account were received.

Therefore, with all this in mind, it is worth thinking carefully before writing to a stranger.

If a user blocks you, you will not see the exact time of his last online

Little trick: detecting user activity with timestamps turned off

It can be determined, but approximately:

‣ If you see the status "Been online recently", it really means that the user was in Telegram not so long ago - within a month.

‣ But “I have been online for a long time” indicates that the user has not logged into Telegram more than one month. Also, this status will be shown if the account has been blocked by the administration of the messenger.

‣ Another option is to sit in Telegram around the clock and look at the chat window to see the inscription "online". It is displayed for a few seconds even with the "do not show to anyone" settings.

As we can see, if the user has disabled the display of exact timestamps, his activity can only be determined approximately. This feature gives some privacy, but you should not rely on it alone.