Composition "I am a resident of the planet Earth." “Our planet Earth” - essay Composition “Our planet Earth”

Have you ever thought about how amazing and unusual our planet is? Of course, in the midst of all this frantic whirlwind of our lives, under the incessant burden of daily worries and problems, it is difficult to just stop and find time to simply admire such a wonderful and one of a kind world - planet Earth.

Almost all the planets of the solar system bear majestic names: Mars, Venus, Jupiter - all the names of powerful gods. And our modestly named Earth, although small in size, has one undoubted advantage - there is life on it. It is rather difficult for a modern person to mentally travel back to the distant, distant past, several billion years ago and imagine our planet as it was before the appearance of the first living beings - just one cold element of the galaxy. For a very long time, our planet “worked” on everything that is habitual and unshakable for people - on the creation of seas, oceans, lakes and rivers, on the separation of continents, on the appearance of us ourselves - intelligent people. Why do you think nature endowed us with reason, the ability to experience certain emotions, thinking? Certainly not for us, humans, the most perfect creatures of the planet, to pollute it, destroy rare species of flora and fauna, and harm our environment! Surely any person who has at least once seen pictures of our amazing planet from space will recognize that the Earth is amazingly beautiful. None of the other planets in the solar system surpasses the beauty of our own. So why do people so stubbornly destroy, litter it - the mother of all mankind?

One of the first living organisms that appeared on Earth were plants. Any first grader knows that if there were no plants, there would be no air on our planet. In a sense, plants are our lungs. If the air disappears, all life will disappear. Why do we harm ourselves by destroying forests (thus destroying the animals whose habitat the forest is) and reducing the number of plants? Why do we pollute the water with the waste of enterprises, and even with ordinary household waste, destroying all the inhabitants of the underwater depths? And then we complain that water contaminated with “chemistry” runs out of our taps.

It turns out that our planet gives us, its unreasonable creatures, only good things - air, water, food. And in return, we inflict harm on it, which is far from always possible to correct. Each person must constantly remember that our planet is not just a habitat, a huge ball, over which the entire population of the Earth is scattered. Our planet is our home, and your own home should not be cluttered, dirty, or trashy. Our planet is our mother, and a mother cannot be treated with disdain, it cannot be harmed, you cannot simply mindlessly use its benefits without caring about their preservation and without giving anything in return. We must not forget that people are given reason, which means that each person is responsible for everything that surrounds him.

Ecology. How often do we hear this word these days! Radio, television, newspapers, the Internet are already tired of shouting about environmental problems. What about people? People understand that this is a very serious issue and that they themselves are to blame, but ... but nothing changes. Man does not protect our planet-breadwinner. Are people really evil egoists? Why does a person who says he loves nature actually destroy it? Are there any answers to these questions? Maybe there is some special department responsible for the appearance of the planet, for its purity and freshness? Let's try to figure it out.

Probably, everyone is familiar with this situation: you are driving from one city to another, look out the window and admire the beautiful views of nature. The land is covered with a wonderful carpet of grass and flowers, on the horizon you can see an uneven strip of bluish-gray mountains and an emerald-green forest top. The bright yellow sun looks into the windows of the car and seems to be smiling at the travelers, stroking them with warm rainbow rays. And against the backdrop of this magnificent landscape, here and there you can see plastic pacts, aluminum cans from drinks, candy wrappers, and so on and so forth ... A terrible picture, isn't it? Since childhood, we know that it is impossible to litter, that it is clean not where they clean, but where they do not litter. And what do we see as a result? Untidy, untidy, unspiritualized face of the Earth.

For example, the well-known Russian writer and publicist Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin tried to understand this topical problem. In one of his essays, he vividly, figuratively compares our planet with a cosmic body, and we, people, with astronauts flying through the infinite Universe. What do we see from the window of our "spaceship"? Not people, but some microscopic creatures on a planetary scale, the author writes, bite into the bowels of the planet, devour them, deplete the soil, poison the atmosphere with gases. With bitter sarcasm, the writer pronounces the word "creatures." Where is the proud Man? Is man the king of nature? But will the king begin to ruin his state, pollute the rivers, make the forests barren?

In connection with this burning problem, I recall the story “And Thunder Came” by the American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury (more known for the novel “451 degrees Fahrenheit” and the autobiography story “Dandelion Wine”), which tells how a group of researchers traveled in a time machine into the distant past. The man accidentally stumbled and crushed the butterfly. Upon returning back, people did not recognize their world: so it changed in connection with this. Funny? What is there a butterfly, a bug! Think! But if we calculate the consequences of the death of one plant, insect, animal for millions of years ahead, then they can be terrifying.

How can modern man draw spiritual strength from communion with nature, if, according to Vladimir Soloukhin, our planet is afflicted with a special disease called "humanity"? First of all, everyone should start solving the problem of environmental pollution with themselves. A person who is proud of his mind and strength should not forget that the person himself, in essence, only recently stepped over the barrier that separated him from the animal on a time scale. People living on our beautiful planet should not be like nomads, temporary workers, and their habitats should not be like camps. We are responsible for what our descendants will see: whether it will be littered forests, shallow rivers or green groves rustling with branches, full-flowing sources of life-giving moisture that amaze the mind and heart of the picture of native nature! We all need to think about the huge responsibility to our future generations for the fate of our green planet!

Watch the movie Fahrenheit 451

Topic: How to save our planet

Topic: How to save our planet

Nowadays, the place we live great danger. There are a lot of things that affect the Earth. , deforestation, poisoning of the air and water pollution, destruction of the and global warming – these are the problems which should face. The main question is what is needed to be done to make the things better? Is it possible to change the current situation somehow?

Today the place where we live is in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth. Factory emissions and exhaust gases, deforestation, air poisoning and water pollution, ozone depletion and global warming - these are the problems that modern man has to face. The main question is what do we need to do to change things for the better? Is it possible to somehow change this situation?

I think there are some steps that could help people to improve the things. The first that we are able to do is to change the way of life. In my opinion, we should begin with something very simple. For example, start using public transport instead of our cars, we can use glass and wood instead of plastic, it will be effective organize planting of the trees and renovation of the parks.

I think there are several steps that will help people improve the situation. The first thing you can do is change your lifestyle. I think we need to start with something very simple. For example, starting to use public transport instead of our cars, using glass and wood instead of plastic, it would be effective if people would organize tree planting and park restoration.

As you can understand, many serious problems exist and these solutions can be ineffective. The main task is to save the planet which is going to be destroyed. We understand that there is no opportunity to renew the nature completely, but it is possible to make some improvements. If people realize the size of the problem and all the possible consequences, there will be an encouragement for them to take some measures.

As you understand, there are many serious problems and these solutions may not be effective. The main task is to save the planet, which is on the verge of destruction. We understand that there is no way to completely restore nature, but we can improve something. If people realize the scale of the problem and all the possible consequences, there will be a desire to take some action.

Talking about the saving of the environment, it is important to remember the three basic rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It is very simple, but somehow we tend to forget about it. If we reduce the usage of natural resources, we will have an opportunity to consume energy and water more wisely. Reusing will help to prevent total exhaustion of natural goods, such as trees and water. Recycling will help to prevent high levels of pollution.

When it comes to protecting the environment, it is important to remember the three basic rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It's very simple, but somehow we tend to forget about it. If we reduce the use of natural resources, it will be possible to use water and energy more wisely. Reuse will help prevent the complete depletion of natural resources such as trees and water. Breaking in will help prevent high levels of contamination.

To my mind, we should also look for the alternative energy sources. These could be wind, water and solar energy. In the whole world, scientists are making efforts and looking for ways to use all the resources properly, so I hope that in the future they will have a chance to succeed. That means that we will give up using coal and oil, which can give off very toxic wastes.

I think we should also look for alternative energy sources. It can be wind, water and solar energy. All over the world, scientists are trying, looking for ways to rationally use resources, so I hope that in the future there will be a chance for success. This means that we will stop using coal and oil, which can release toxic waste.

The source of human life on the Earth is water and it needs our attention and protection. Many factories throw the wastes into the rivers and oceans as a result we receive and complication of the process of water purification. We should take measures before it is too late.

The source of human life on Earth is water, which needs attention and protection. Many factories throw waste into rivers and oceans, as a result of which we get the extinction of rare animal species and the complication of the water purification process. We need to take action before it's too late.

We should also remember about the air. The easiest ways to fight with the air pollution are planting the trees and destroying the reason of the pollution. All that we need is to have the desire to improve the situation and to stop being lazy.

We should also remember about the air. The easiest way to fight air pollution is to plant trees and eliminate the source of pollution. Planting a tree is very easy and does not require much effort. All it takes is a desire to improve the situation and stop being lazy.

The Earth is the place where we live, it is our home and the task is to protect it and . If the humanity change nothing in a thousand of years our planet will not exist. We should start doing something and give a chance to next generations to live in a peaceful and beautiful home.

The earth is the place where we live, it is our home and our task is to protect it and appreciate what it gives us. If humanity does not change anything, in a thousand years, our planet will cease to exist. We need to start doing something and give future generations a chance to live in a peaceful and beautiful home.

Text in English with translation into Russian "How to save our planet (How to save our planet)" on this topic "Environment / Environment" is the author's composition of the user. We will be grateful if you point out any errors found in the text. The author of the text who disagrees with the corrections can also express his opinion.

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the easiest ways

The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world, breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster.

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Long live mother Earth - Mom I live for you. An ardent conservationist Nazar Pervobytnyi, for conservation Earth. Peace and Friendship are the most important to us. Protect nature from humanity. stop the production of oil, gas, salt and so on. Arctic unique, live there polar bears, walruses, narwhals and other amazing animals. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, our home, our common home - the planet where

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The eldest daughter of former U.S. President, Barack Obama Malia stood in the protection of Nature.
Humans are destroying Nature, knowing that every step could lead to a global catastrophe and blatantly destroy Nature. Please save Earth and Arctic. Long live mother Earth - Mom I live for you. An ardent conservationist Nazar Pervobytnyi, for conservation Earth. Peace and Friendship are the most important to us. Protect nature from humanity. stop the production of oil, gas, salt and so on. Arctic unique, live there polar bears, walruses, narwhals and other amazing animals. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, our home, our common home - the planet where
the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks,
springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save nature: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world, breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) tw Exxon Valdez oil spill tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray Environmental problems of the Earth! fb Pepper Spray

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World to save nature Nazar Pervobytnyi: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world, breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) tw Exxon Valdez oil spill tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray Environmental problems of the Earth!

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Factory waste and exhaust gases

Factories waste and exhaust gases

value all that it gives to us

appreciate all it gives to us

in is in

Correct "in is in"
"The place we live in is in great danger"

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Peace and Friendship are the most important to us. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, our home, our common home - the planet where
the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks,
springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save nature: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world, breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) tw Exxon Valdez oil spill tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray Environmental problems of the Earth!

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Fires in Spain, Portugal, Russia, Canada, USA and so on. All the fires are the fault of humanity: People throw cigarette
butts everywhere, lighting fires in unclear areas from
grass, garbage and combustible materials. Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world, breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) tw Exxon Valdez oil spill tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray Environmental problems of the Earth!

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SOS:Macron meets Schwarzenegger and vows to stop oil and gas. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and more. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death.
Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother-Earth, where
the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks,
springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save nature: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world, breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all
sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) tw Exxon Valdez oil spill tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray Environmental problems of the Earth! fb Pepper Spray

Theme description: It takes 20 minutes for a plastic bag to carry purchases from a store to a home, and it takes 400 years for nature to recycle it.

So the essay will be on the topic: On ecology and respect for nature, namely, the revision of the attitude of all people to our planet, which is one and dear to everyone.

"We need to be wiser, not more fashionable"

Our earth is a unique planet in the universe, our only home. Each person should take care of the environment and not rely on the other. This, like washing your dishes, should become a habit.

The ecology of the Earth suffers more and more every day. New factories are being built, more cars are on the road, rockets and satellites are being launched. This leads to air pollution, global warming, the melting of glaciers, and ozone holes appear. Entire species of animals are dying out due to deforestation, many aquatic mammals and fish have long been endangered due to pollution of water bodies, because many car enthusiasts save on car washes and wash their iron horses in natural sources using household chemicals.

In big cities, people suffer from respiratory diseases due to poor ecology. Heaps of garbage grow outside the city limits, because bags and bottles are not recycled, but thrown away. It's little things like that that we don't think about that cause rodents to multiply and new diseases that they then bring to cities.

To protect our Earth from destruction, everyone must start with themselves. First of all, there should be a careful attitude towards nature, plants that give us air. It is not necessary to pollute the cities with small garbage, which is not difficult to carry to the bin, throw cigarette butts, candy papers, bottle caps along the sidewalks.

If everyone looks into himself and remembers how much harm he has caused to nature, and after that he tries to be wiser and more caring, then our "Blue Planet" will last hundreds of years longer, along with our great-grandchildren and their descendants.