Small works in the direction of honor and dishonor. Essay on honor and dishonor

In my opinion, kindness is a piece of happiness that we share with people, whether it be actions, words or just smiles. Good deeds should be done by each of us, because they make people happier. To prove this thesis, let us turn to the text of V. Zheleznikov and life experience.

As the first argument for the correctness of the stated thesis, let's take sentences 43-44. Valerka wondered why the dog was howling. Having learned that Yanka - that was the name of the dog - was used to walking during the day, and there was no one to walk her, the boy offered his help. He helped

to a complete stranger by doing a kind and selfless deed.

As a second argument proving my opinion about what kindness is, I would like to give an example from life. Once I was passing by a shopping center in the city of Voronezh. The flow of people was huge, everyone was in a hurry somewhere, and in the crowd I noticed an elderly man. I stepped closer. Next to him were scales and a sign with the inscription “five rubles”. He did not ask for money - he offered to weigh himself for five rubles. Every time I pass by him, I give him ten or even fifty rubles, and my soul immediately becomes easier. After all, helping people

as difficult as it seems. For us, five rubles is a trifle, but for someone it is money that can save a life.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that everyone should have such a human quality as kindness. After all, it is this quality that is the positive thing to strive for.

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Text for work
(1) She appeared in front of Alexei's gaze one evening, at the hour of a frenzied attack of his pain, and did not pass by, lingered. (2) Pryakhin later found out that Aunt Grunya works not as a nurse, not as a nurse, but as a janitor, sits at the entrance, and after the shift goes around the hospital wards to give water to someone, to whom to tuck in a cold cloth blanket, although no one tells her about it asked. (Z) But is it really necessary to ask when there is a war, when people need compassion more than bread? (4) And the illiterate old woman wandered in the evenings between the beds, fluffing the pillows, putting compresses on her burning foreheads and saying, saying some words, either lulling them to sleep, or telling a fairy tale.
(5) In the same way, she entered Alekseev’s eyes, into his pupils dilated with pain, put her hand to her cheek, somehow comfortably leaned on her elbows, stood for a minute, sighed and leaned towards Pryakhin, unexpectedly strongly, but gently raised his head with one hand, and another fluffed up a pillow.
(6) When her watch ended, Aunt Grunya now sat down on a stool near Alexei, moistened his dry, parched lips with a corner of the towel, and wiped her face, and brought some water, and all the time she stroked his cold, lifeless hand and sentenced, sentenced, not pitying words, soft as a good bandage.
(7) And she stroked and stroked Alexei's cold hand and, apparently, she achieved her goal. (8) The hand turned pink, became warm, and one day Pryakhin looked at Aunt Grunya consciously and began to cry. (9) And she cried too. (Yu) Only her tears were light. (11) Aunt Grunya paid that she had achieved her goal, that now this soldier would survive, because he conquered his pain, and she also cried because her husband and son had not sent news from the front for a long time and maybe just like this poor fellow Alexei Pryakhin, they are toiling somewhere in the hospital, suffering and tormenting in the same way ... (12) How could she, mother and wife, not go to the wards after duty, how could she not say her kind words, how could she not help Alexei?
(13) After being discharged, Aunt Grunya brought Alexei to her house, clean and comfortable.
(14) In the corner behind a curtain like a separate room, and Aunt Grunya nodded at her:
(15) - There is your little room.
(16) - Aunt Grunya, how will I settle with you? Pryakhin smiled. (17) - What kind of gold-silver?
(18) - And, dear, - answered Aunt Grunya angrily. (19) - If people started paying for everything with each other, they would turn the whole world into a store. (20) God save us from this store! (21) Then the good will be destroyed! (22) He will not be.
(23) - Why? Alex was surprised. (24) Aunt Grunya looked at him sternly.
(25) - Because good is without self-interest. (26) Al did not know?
(According to A. Likhanov)

Option 1
Kindness is a caring, warm attitude towards another person. It usually appears in good deeds whose purpose is to make life easier or better for people.
In A. Likhanov's story, Aunt Grunya showed kindness. She by own initiative helped the sick and wounded in the hospital (preposition 2). When her watch ended, she spent time next to Alexei, tried to ease his pain (proposition 6). I think main character the story of a very kind and sensitive woman.
Kindness has a place not only in wartime, but also in peacetime.
I recently learned the story of a nine-year-old boy from the city of Dallas. He has a rare disease and will soon lose his sight. This boy made a list of places he would like to see. Having learned that the family does not have money to fulfill the dream of a blind son, kind people came to the aid of his parents. For example, one of the pilots took the boy to Alaska for free, where he saw the northern lights.
I believe that kindness is a wonderful quality, thanks to which all people become better.

Option 2
Kindness is a quality that distinguishes people who sincerely help others. It is selfless and often manifests itself in caring attitude even to strangers.
In the text I read by A. Likhanov, kindness is a distinctive quality of Aunt Grunya. She did everything in her power to alleviate the condition of the wounded in the hospital (proposition 4), helped the soldier Alexei overcome pain (proposition 11), left him to live (proposition 13). I think Aunt Grunya is an amazingly kind person, because all her actions are disinterested.
How good it would be if such kindness lived in our every action!

Option 3
Kindness is a natural disinterested need to take care of the people around you. For good man there are no "foreign" problems, because he perceives them as his own.
For example, in the text of A. Likhanov, the hospital watchman Aunt Grunya supports the wounded Alexei Pryakhin both in word and deed. She claims that “good without self-interest” (proposition 25), and her behavior proves these words. Aunt Grunya helps both Alexei (preposition 6) and the rest of the sick and wounded (preposition 4), despite the fact that no one asks her about it.
I know other examples of kindness. Dr. Jansen from Smolensk died saving children from a well where methane had accumulated. His act, I think, was dictated solely by kindness and concern for other people.
No wonder they say that the beauty of human actions grows from this quality.

A.S. Pushkin "Pushchin"

Friendship A.S. Pushkin and Ivan Pushchin.

When the poet was in exile in Mikhailovsky, his lyceum friend Pushchin, not afraid of punishment for violating the ban, visits Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich was grateful to his friend for this last meeting, which was reflected in his poem "Pushchino"

My friends, our union is beautiful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal...

A striking example to follow is the attitude of Wilhelm Kuchelbecker to his lyceum friend A.S. Pushkin. Kyukhlya, as his comrades called him, was more aware of genius than anyone else. young poet and did not hide his sincere admiration for him. And A.S. Pushkin highly valued his comrade.Andersen's Snow Queen. Gerda overcame many obstacles to save Kai.

In the story of V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow" Lenka turns out to be betrayed by her friend. And similar cases not uncommon in people's lives. But not all people are able to survive this, although those who still cope with the situation will forever remember bitterness and resentment. The "wind of the past" will "whip" them "in the face". Lenka turned out to be a strong person, able to rise after such an insult and humiliation, able to remain a merciful and devoted friend.

Let's remember another literary hero- Pechorin, to find a true friend who was also prevented by selfishness and indifference. This man was passionate only about himself, his own interests and experiments, so people for him were just means to achieve his goals.

The hero of the fairy tale A. de Saint-Exupery also needed a real friend. The little Prince lived on his small planet and took care of the only close creature - the beautiful Rose. But Rosa was very capricious, her words often offended the baby, and this made him unhappy. But one day the Little Prince left his planet and went on a journey through the universe in search of true friends.

Let us also recall one of the friends of A.S. Pushkin - V.A. Zhukovsky , who always came to the aid of the poet, even in the most difficult moments. For example, during the Mikhailovsky exile, Vasily Andreevich petitioned the court for the release of A.S. Pushkin, and in the 30s he tried to achieve reconciliation between his friend and the tsar, believing that this would benefit the poet.A.S. Pushkin saw this, appreciated and loved his older friend, recognized him as his only adviser.

And here is another sad story about a lost friendship. One of A. Aleksin's works tells about two friends - Lucy and Olya, whose friendly relations were doomed, because one of them - Lucy - always took care of her friend, and the other did not. Even when Olenka had the opportunity to please Lucy, she did not consider it necessary to use it, which greatly offended her friend. Olya acted selfishly, she did not think about the interests and desires of Lucy, so their friendship came to an end.

The relationship between the main characters of the novel « » - a classic example true friendship. D "Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis live under the motto: "One for all, all for one", the heroes of the novel overcome all difficulties thanks to true friendship.