What does the fairy tale about the chicken ripple teach. But this is not all the arguments in favor of reading fiction books.

I have long been interested in the meaning of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", but it turns out to be ...

Famous children's story:

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. And they had a Ryaba Hen. The hen laid an egg. Yes, not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat-beat - did not break. Baba beat-beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail - the testicle fell and broke. Grandfather cries, Baba cries, and the Hen cackles: "Don't cry, Grandfather, don't cry, Baba. I'll lay you another egg - not golden, but simple."

Familiar story?

Now let's check ourselves:

- Grandfather and Baba wanted to break an egg?

- If you wanted to, then why did you cry when it crashed?

- Why didn't Grandfather and Baba pawn the shells in a pawnshop if they are gold?

What was in the testicle when it broke?

- How often did you think about the situation of a fairy tale when you told it to a child?

- Why do you tell certain fairy tales if they are always full of contradictions?

- What do you expect from reading this fairy tale?

Moral: often, when communicating with a child, we do not think about what we are really doing. And then we wonder why he grows up like this when we raised him in a completely different way. You have to be especially careful with fairy tales. There is not a single fairy tale that does not carry an extremely POWERFUL psychological meaning (most often in a fairy tale there is not even one "second bottom", but three or four). Moreover, the information contained in fairy tales carries messages that have a much greater impact than all the words spoken directly to the child. Why do you think there is even such a direction in psychology as fairy tale therapy? Precisely because a fairy tale is capable of exerting a colossal influence on the development, attitudes and worldview of a child. Are you familiar with the meaning and "message" of those fairy tales that you tell your child?

" So, about Ryaba.

A fairy tale is always a metaphorical model of the Cosmos (not the Cosmos in the literal sense, but in the sense of Life, the Universe). It carries knowledge about how the world works and how one should behave in it - again in a metaphorical form.

Let's move on to Ryaba's analysis.

Grandfather and Baba - model family relations, but not with information about the relationship of the sexes (then there would be a young family), but with information about All People Living Together. They have some resources, experience, knowledge. In particular, they have chicken. They quite expect predictable actions from her: she must lay eggs. But suddenly the chicken lays not a simple egg, but a golden one. What does this mean? First, life itself decides when and what surprises to present to us. And it does not depend on status, or on superstitions, or on a person. There is a place for accidents in life. The Golden Egg is here as a chance, as an opportunity, as an Event. But the old people, being timid, THE FIRST THING TRYING TO DO WITH THE UNKNOWN IS TO DESTROY. Because the new is always scary. (After all, one could lay an egg and see what hatches from it, for example). And then there is the Mouse. Very often in fairy tales, the mouse symbolizes Chance, the Hand of God, Fate. The mouse takes away from the old people (All People) what they do not know how to use. Therefore, Grandfather and Baba begin to cry.

But what does Life say to them? Do not cry - well, you missed the Chance now, (golden egg), but I will lay down a simple one for you (that is, even though you are not ready for the new now, the resources that you had have not gone away, the end of the world with the loss of a chance did not come).

Among other things, in the original version of this tale there is a continuation, which reports that when one - fifth - tenth relatives heard this story, someone unexpectedly broke the tub, spilled water, and so on. This suggests that the events of one person affect the entire environment.

And now let's summarize: how much information ABOUT LIFE is hidden in five lines of the fairy tale? And I just did a superficial analysis, according to the main scenario. And with a thorough one, three or four more topics are usually distinguished ... "

Do you have an opinion about this tale?

From the comments:
"Psychoanalysis of Ryaba". Here is a children's tale about Ryaba, about a mouse, a grandfather, an egg, a woman. At first glance, sheer nonsense, but what would Sigmund Freud say. My grandfather had egg necrosis, oblique hernia and phimosis. And the grandmother was tormented by desire, she wanted sex in the subconscious. And Grandma Ryaba asked: "Understand me like a woman is a woman. So that my grandfather climbs to me at night, lay down his prosthesis eggs. Made of silicone so that, like a pear, otherwise you will go on Bush's legs!" With a prosthesis, Ryaba was smart, she gave birth to an egg from gold. In short, complete garbage: grandfather walks with eggs ringing! A mouse looked out of the mink: "Why are you walking around and ringing?" And so that this ringing died out, she whipped her tail between her legs. The grandfather and grandmother curse the mouse - an infection that deprived them of sex right away. We learned the moral together: MEN SHOULD PROTECT EGGS!
This tale is not as simple and primitive as it sometimes seems to adults. It really reflects the model of the universe. Over the years and since the tale was told to very young, illiterate grandmothers thought that the EGG is a diminutive of the EGG. Initially, the Hen laid an EGG! And the size has nothing to do with it, and an ostrich egg, and a quail egg too. TESTICULARS are the property of males, that is, males. What children allegedly do not understand is not entirely true; through fairy tales, a child receives information on an unconscious level about his family, about his people, about his homeland, etc. at the archetypal level.

Russian fairy tale "Kurochka Ryaba" - space calendar
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Toporov refers the plot of the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen", in which the beginning of the world is represented in the form of an egg, to the most ancient mythological and astronomical religious Russian tradition.

To properly understand the depth storyline, laid down by the millennia-old wisdom of the Russian people in this fairy tale, let's consider its key terms.

The term "star-" in the words "old man" and "old woman" - in Russian means the antiquity of events, equal to the cosmic - stellar. Therefore star - letters. old, that is, "star". The suffixes -ik and -uha denote males and females, respectively.

The term "Chicken" is an ornithomorphic incarnation of the goddess Makoshi, who personifies the Universe and Time and exercises power over them.

The term “Ryaba” is formed using the suffix -b(a) “of nouns denoting the process of movement (request, threshing, friendship, marriage, wedding, etc.), but in the Old Russian language there were much more of these words, and they were formed, mainly from nouns. This also includes the word "fate", denoting one of the spheres controlled by the goddess Makosh. Fate - from judging + -ba; cf. Russian last fate will judge. And the first part of the word "Ryaba" comes from the ancient Russian verb "ryat" (ryat, ryat), denoting plurality, abundance, brightness. Compare Russian. clear “jewelry, necklace”, cassock “thick, hanging in thick clusters”, cassock “row, low, necklace thread, beads”, cassock-dressed “visibly-invisibly”, the stars look at the allowance, clearly and clearly. Thus, Ryaba is the cosmos, twinkling and rippling with many of its stars. And the full name Kurochka Ryaba stands for "cosmos-Makosh, twinkling with many stars."

The egg is an extremely common and well-known symbol of the world - its beginning and end.

The term "mouse" is an ancient sacred term. It has been known in almost all nations since time immemorial. As evidenced by the immutability of the word "mouse": Ukr. Mish, Bulgarian Mish, Serbohorv. Mish, Slovenian mm, genus. n. mni, Czech, Slav. mu, Polish. mysz, v. puddles, n. puddles mu. Indo-European stem into a consonant: OE Ind. müs- m. "mouse", new-Pers. m, Greek. m. "mouse, muscle", lat. müs, Alb. mi "mouse", D.H.S. mys - the same, arm. mukn "mouse, muscle"; other ind. mösati, musati, musnäti “steals”.

From "mouse" the name of the Milky Way is derived - Mouse Trail. According to popular belief, Milky Way- this, like a rainbow, is the road along which the soul goes to the next world. Wed lit. Paõkciu kñlias, Paõkciu tgkas "milky way", lit. “Bird road, path”, Nzh.-German. kaurat - the same, in fact, "cow path". The linguist Trubachev, commenting on M. Fasmer's dictionary, adds that "most likely, this is one of the oldest Indo-European taboo animal names - *mьs, in fact," gray ", - related to the words fly, moss."

According to ancient Russian legends, the Milky Way was formed by milk flowing from the nipples of the Cow Zemun (Makoshi) and the Goat Sedun (Satan). Makosh generally has three of its dimensions: the first is Makosh herself, as a judge, as the ruler of eternity and the universe, space and time. The second is Makosh, equal to Living Water, Alive, Share, Srecha. Third - Makosh, equal dead water, Mara, Nedolya, Nesrecha. In general, Makosh's influence on the world is as follows: within Mokosh-eternity, Makosh-Zhiva gives birth to the world anew, and after the cycle of life, Makosh-Mara takes the world into the bosom of death.

The last essence of Mokosh - death - is the MOUSE. And the tail, with which the mouse waved and broke the egg, is the end of the period (code, era, etc.).

From what has been said, the meaning of the cosmic Russian fairy tale is also visible, which in simple words can be conveyed as follows: both the birth of the world and its death are in the power of Mokosh; the souls of the Russians, who have joined the stars, are also in the power of Mokosh and can receive a new incarnation from her - in the form of a simple egg, that is, earthly life.
Here is a simple story for you!

For several days now I have been reading this fairy tale to my daughter and I am indignant! Well, what a stupid chicken, couldn’t immediately lay a normal egg? It was so difficult. In a fit of anger, so to speak, I was puzzled by the question, what is the moral of this fairy tale. The first link that Google gave me is very informative)) I quote:

For half a year I tell my child a fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba for the night, and each time I am tormented by guesses, what is her morality.

Finally, I decided to do a little research on this topic. And here is the result!

Firstly, I learned that there are a lot of variations on the theme of the plot of the fairy tale about the chicken Ryaba. Here are some examples:

Attempts to interpret its meaning are also very wide, from simple statements like “what we have - we don’t keep, if we lose it - we cry”, “we didn’t live richly, and there’s nothing to start” or “old age is not joy: they have less strength left for two, than a mouse” to whole parables, for example, about love: “About 5 years ago, when I was a student, a certain aunt-professor told me that the golden egg is Love, which my grandfather and grandmother did not save. Grandfather beat - drank, walked ..., grandmother beat - walked, did not wash floors and did not wash shirts. A de mouse is such a small muck like gossip or some household trifle. Like, if Love is beaten for a long time and diligently, then in order to finally chop it up, a little thing is enough. Well, a simple testicle is a habit that grandparents got instead of love. Hen Ryaba, respectively, Fate or the Higher Mind. And Ryaba is because it is pockmarked, i.e. black and white, i.e. combines both black and white sides of life” or about the ecological end of the world:

Here are some more interpretations:

Perhaps all these interpretations are not without meaning, but the most plausible decoding (as it seems to me) is offered by E. Nikolaeva in the book "111 tales for child psychologists « (if you don’t have the strength to read in full, pay attention at least to the last 5 paragraphs):

“Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. And they had a Ryaba Hen. The hen laid an egg. Yes, not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat-beat - did not break. Baba beat-beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail - the testicle fell and broke. Grandfather cries, Baba cries, and the Hen cackles: “Don't cry, Grandfather, don't cry, Baba. I will lay you another testicle - not golden, but simple.

Ask a parent to tell you this story. It is difficult to find a person who does not know her. You can start by asking if the parent has read the story to the child. If you read it, then let it retell. If there is a hitch in the story, you can help. And when the parent tells the whole story, it is worth asking a few questions.

Grandfather and Baba wanted to break an egg?
If they wanted to, then why did they cry?
Why didn't Grandfather and Baba pawn the shells in a pawnshop if they are gold?
What was in the testicle when it broke?
How often did the parent think about the situation when telling the story to the child?
Why does a parent read this particular fairy tale to a child if it is full of contradictions?
What do we expect from reading this tale?

Moral: often, when communicating with a child, we do not think about what we are really doing, and therefore we offer him something that we ourselves do not know the answer to.

Comment: Most parents will report that they never thought about the content of the story. Those who say that they were always embarrassed by its content will add that they never found an explanation for the strange behavior of Grandfather and Baba. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that, remaining at a loss, we often do not change our behavior, do not trust the child, for example, after consulting with him about the content of the tale. After all, one could simply ask the child about what Grandfather and Baba are doing, why are they crying?

It is quite possible that the psychologist will hear the parent's counter question about how to consult with one and a half year old child to whom a parent read a fairy tale? Then one can simply ask, how often does a parent even ask about a child's opinion? And this in itself can be a separate topic for conversation.

However, if the parent remains confused about the previous one (that is, the psychologist clearly grasped the context of the unconscious), then it is better to develop the "fairytale" direction further, and not rise again to the level of consciousness.

It can be said that the parent just retold this tale word for word, because he remembered it not when he read it to the child, but when his parents read it to him, still a child. Information received in early age, we keep our whole life and perceive it without criticism, because at this age we do not have developed critical thinking. Therefore, when reading a fairy tale as an adult, we continue to relate to it without a shadow of doubt.

But a fairy tale is only a pretext for discussing what a parent does when he or she reads a fairy tale or otherwise interacts with a child. When communicating, the child remembers all the statements of the parents and, just like a fairy tale, treats them uncritically. Therefore, already as an adult, a person sees in the mirror not himself, but the image that he has developed under the influence of the words of people significant to him: “You are such and such or such and such. Nothing will come of you” or “You will grow up, you will work hard and achieve everything you want.” These words and the attitude towards a child under 5 form a scenario that entangles a person with invisible threads and makes adults act not in accordance with the real situation, but in accordance with the ideas about themselves and their destiny that were formed in childhood.

When we read a fairy tale to a child, he reacts not to it, but to our attitude towards it.

A fairy tale told in childhood makes it possible to understand many features of an adult's behavior. In addition, this tale is not everyday, it is not easy to interpret. It differs from others in that it is told to all the children of our culture, because it bears the imprint of this culture.

That version of “Ryaba the Hen”, which the parent will most likely remember, appeared in the 19th century, when the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky for some reason took away the ending from this very ancient fairy tale. And the ending can be found in the three-volume book by A. N. Afanasyev “Russian Folk Tales”. When reading this option, it turns out that after Grandfather and Baba cried, the granddaughters came, found out about the testicle, broke the buckets (they went for water), spilled the water. The mother, having learned about the testicle (and she was kneading the dough), broke the kneader, the father, who at that moment was in the smithy, smashed the smithy, and the priest, passing by, demolished the bell tower. And the peasants, having learned about this event, in different versions of the tale, hanged themselves or drowned themselves.

What kind of event is this, after which there was no stone left unturned?

Most likely, such details will confuse the parent, so we can continue that repeated in different corners world events, actions and heroes participating in them, K. Jung called archetypes - ancient ideas. They are transmitted through fairy tales to people of the same culture. At the moment of extreme stress, a person begins to behave not as characteristic of his personality, but shows behavior common to this people. If we take into account that this fairy tale is not everyday, but carries the features of our culture, then it can be read differently.

Someone gave Grandfather and Baba something that they had never met. An egg as an archetype, which is regularly found both in myths and in fairy tales of all peoples, is a symbol of the birth of something. It is golden, because it does not look like what the Hen was carrying earlier. That is why Grandfather and Baba do not run to the pawnshop to pawn a golden shell, so that later they can buy a mountain of simple eggs. Gold, like the egg itself, is only a symbol here. But the old people are trying to destroy what they have never met before in their lives. But you could wait, put it aside and see who hatches from it. But they do not act like this, but are in a hurry to destroy this new one. And here another archetypal hero appears in the story - the Mouse. We write her name with a capital letter, because this is also not a small rodent, but a symbol. It is not for nothing that in many Russian fairy tales she is a key subject, which solves the problems that have arisen. The mouse as an archetype is God's substitute. And then the one who gave, he takes away what people do not know how to use. And then another archetype appears in the tale.

But it will be better if the psychologist does not simply say what kind of archetype it is, but helps the parent to feel its existence. The psychologist can tell him that he would like to prove the existence of this archetype, and not just report it. After all, it was precisely for its introduction into the unconscious of every child of a given culture that this fairy tale was created, for the sake of it it is passed down from generation to generation.

The psychologist asks the parent to completely trust him for two minutes, close his eyes, listen to his voice and compare what he hears with what is happening at that moment in his soul. If the parent agrees to such an experiment, then the psychologist in a slow, clear voice, befitting suggestion, says: “Imagine that there is Someone about whom you know that any of his words will come true for sure. And now this Someone comes in and says to you: “From now on, nothing new will ever, NEVER happen in your life. Just an eternal repetition of what you have already experienced. Never anything new. The eternal cycle of already accomplished events.

What do you feel? - you ask the parent in a normal voice. Obviously, he will say that either he did not believe you (worst case), or he felt scared, unpleasant, bad (you succeeded). Then you say that right now a person has felt the reality in himself of the most important archetype that all people of the same culture pass on to each other from generation to generation - this is the archetype of the Miracle. We live because we know for sure that if not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, but a miracle will surely happen to us. Everyone has their own. But for everyone it is extremely attractive.

There is one difference between the Russian archetype of a miracle and a similar archetype of other peoples (and everyone has it, since it is it that allows us to survive when there is simply no hope, when life drives us into a dead end). For many Russian-speakers, this miracle happens for nothing, “for free,” because many of our fairy tales tell how a miracle happens without any effort on our part. And here the psychologist has the opportunity to talk about the fact that a miracle will definitely happen to a child, and to any other person, but not for free, but thanks to joint work. It's a long way to create a miracle, but a very effective one. If it is possible to conduct such a mini-training with the parent, then further cooperation with him is guaranteed.”

The German air was gradually filled with the intoxicating aromas of hot waffles and sausages mixed with the smell of fresh Christmas trees in the Christmas markets. The German public is in anticipation of the joy of pleasant gifts, table gatherings and weekends. But no matter how much they say that modern celebration Christmas is a purely commercial project, perhaps every person expects something especially good from this holiday. And if we, adults, in the depths of our souls hope for the upcoming improvement of some of our life realities, trying to find the simple in the complex, then children sincerely believe in fairy-tale miracles.

The days before Christmas are a particularly pleasant period for warm family evenings reading children's books. fairy tales. Right now, I would like to recall and rethink the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen", which has no analogues in European fairy tales. The text of this unique fairy tale is simple and known to all our compatriots. “An old man lived with an old woman, and they had a hen Ryaba. The hen laid an egg: the testicle is not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat-beat - did not break; the woman beat-beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. The old man is crying, the old woman is crying, the hen is cackling: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman. I will lay you a different egg, not a golden one - a simple one.

It turns out that the meaning of this tale is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And all because this tale was originally intended for adults, but in Ancient Russia even children understood its deep sacred meaning. There is a version that the golden egg is a symbol of death that the elderly receive. speckled hen in ancient mythology mediator between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Therefore, the grandfather and the woman are trying to break the golden egg, and the simple egg promised to the old people by Pockmarked is a symbol of new life. The tale was intended to cheer up the elderly, not to let them grieve greatly because of the inevitable old age, symbolizing the victory of eternal life over death.

There is also a version that the golden egg in this tale symbolizes the love that the grandfather and grandmother did not save. A mouse is such a small muck, like gossip, or some household trifle that bothers the family. Like, if love is beaten for a long time and diligently, then in order to finally chop it up, a trifle is enough. And a simple testicle is a habit that an old man and an old woman got instead of love. IN this case Ryaba chicken symbolizes fate, which is why it is pockmarked, because it combines both the black and white sides of life.

And here is another interpretation in the relativity of modern values ​​about how shaky the vanity of wealth is: the mouse waved its tail - and that's it, it's gone. Or another aspect: it is useless to offer gold to the hungry, it is inedible. Someone sees in this fairy tale motivation for work, they say, if you want to eat scrambled eggs, work with your chickens.

Too many meanings are kept in this story about the chicken Ryaba. By the way, this is the only Russian fairy tale that was written about and analyzed by such fathers of world psychology and psychoanalysis as Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. And this is without listing Russian ethnographers, psychologists and philosophers. And some believe that this is not a Russian folk tale at all, but an Indian fairy tale, and it is already more than three thousand years old. There is also an assumption that in this tale the “story about Adam and Eve” is encrypted.

And yet the main meaning of the tale lies in the idea of ​​the "golden egg". But the main question that violates the whole logic of even fairy-tale fiction is why the grandfather and the woman are crying, because they really wanted to break this egg? There can be only one answer here: they were not satisfied with the result. Perhaps because they were very hungry. This very simple truth is obvious to a small child and does not catch the eye of an adult reader blinded by a golden shell.

But we, modern people, absorbed in our routine and achieving some of our goals, sometimes we are very upset when we do not get the desired result. And often we do not know at all how to respond to the surprises that life brings us. Or maybe you just need to seriously rethink the situation and understand that everything is only for the better? And that the power we need so much is somewhere nearby - you just need to look around and see it. And fate (like the chicken Ryaba) is trying to help us believe in good miracles, at least on these fabulous Christmas days.

From childhood I learned Pushkin's: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson". But now, as an adult, I would argue with the great poet: not a lie is a fairy tale, but the truth! The reason for such a categorical statement is my acquaintance with fairy tale therapists. There are, it turns out, such people - and this is a serious and interesting trend in modern psychology. About Cinderella, Thumbelina, the Frog Princess and others like them - a conversation ahead, and today we'll talk about a fairy tale that seems too unpretentious at first glance - "Ryaba the Hen". Our interlocutor is a fairy tale therapist Larisa Enaleeva.

Larisa, if we start talking about fairy tales not just as fictional stories for kids, but as a psychotherapeutic method, then let's take a look at what a fairy tale is in general, and how does it manifest itself in our lives?

A fairy tale is the wisdom of our ancestors, it encodes the laws of the universe, which were thus passed down from generation to generation. It is clear that we all live not only outside world, each of us has inner world, which develops according to certain laws, and a fairy tale reflects these visible and invisible processes: through metaphors, through images, through events taking place in fairy tales, we can observe our life scenarios - as external, social life, maybe, family, and internal.

That is, fairy tale scenarios affect us independently of us?

Subconsciously, a fairy tale can influence us as a beautiful or not very illustration of our state. A fairy tale can use the language of metaphors to show the processes that are happening to us, reflect them, as in a mirror: we can look into it and draw wisdom. Or a fairy tale can become a warning for us, a hint: it is not worth going along this road, it is better to bypass it.

Any fairy tale, especially if we are talking about a folk tale (Russian folk, Ukrainian folk, Greek folk, any) is a concentrate of worldly wisdom, and we can use it, having the keys to these stories. Any fairy tale is like a layer cake. We can open it layer by layer and plunge into the depths of meaning gradually, slowly, opening one door after another ...

Is "Ryaba the Hen" a fairy tale for children or for adults?

Chicken Ryaba is a fairy tale. She lives forever. Why do you think such a short, seemingly uncomplicated story has been passed down from generation to generation for so many years? There is a very beautiful cipher in this story.

For example, what is a golden egg? The golden egg is what God gives us at birth - life. And the chicken Ryaba is a prototype of higher forces that give us life as a great value, and it is important to protect this value. It is given once and for all. If it is not preserved, if you succumb to the influence of evil, life, like a golden egg, can be destroyed. From birth, from infancy, we tell this tale to our children in order to convey to them the idea that the most valuable thing in a person is his life, and it must be protected.

All the characters in this tale are trying to break the golden egg. Grandfather beat-beat, did not break. Baba beat-beat, did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, and the testicle broke ...

Yes, it is the same in our lives. There will always be external forces around important values, confusing, trying to cause damage. Where does it all begin? Grandfather and woman do not take care of the golden egg, and they themselves begin to hit it. They fail to break it, but they again make attempts, and then, in a natural way, a third force is found that completes this matter to the end.

And here begins not a children's fairy tale at all, where grandfather and grandmother act as a prototype of a person who is trying to destroy himself from the inside. It can be a virus of self-criticism, for example, in a woman - I am such and such, I don’t know how, I can’t do it, etc. The spoons with which the characters of the fairy tale hit the golden egg can also be viruses of anxiety, doubt, irritation. These are some twilight feelings, experiencing which we begin to destroy ourselves from the inside, without even realizing it. But the Lord God, giving us a golden egg, our life, says: live and rejoice, multiply light, love, and not despondency, fears, irritation and anger. These negative feelings are mouse food. What is a mouse? This is a resident of the underworld. A resident who is alien to the sun is alien to the light, because the mouse does not just live underground. It is there that the power resides, which will take its power and destroy the egg if you stop valuing your life.

That is, it is enough for grandparents to even think about breaking a golden egg, the mouse is right there. What the grandfather and grandmother could not do was easily done by the mouse - it was enough to wave its tail, and the egg broke. Grandpa is crying. Grandma is crying. And the hen Ryaba declares that she will lay a simple egg for them. What does simple egg mean?

It means that you will still have a life, but will it be full of light, love and goodness? It will be ordinary, like a simple egg.

The hen Ryaba in this tale is a prototype of the Creator. The Creator is merciful to us. He gives strength. If you do not live the life that God gave you at birth, then live another. It is ordinary, familiar, but simple, maybe even empty.

This tale warns not only about the importance of preserving life. We can also talk about health - there are many semantic layers here. Initially, each person is given a golden egg as a vital sign of health - mental, spiritual, physical, and a baby born in love has such health. But we can also worsen and destroy health under the influence of negative thoughts, irritation, and anxiety. Or we begin to collect and multiply illnesses around us with constant complaints: my back hurts, my head hurts, my neck hurts: the more we think about it, the more we nurture these illnesses in ourselves, the more we feed them. "Mouse" is growing and getting stronger and really affects our health. At the same time, when we multiply the health given to us by God (golden egg), we protect it - through faith, through love for ourselves, including our thoughts, then the resources of the body are preserved and protect us from "mice", and even break the shackles of evil and allow us to live a full beautiful life.

What a deep story...

Consider another of the layers: relations in the union of a man and a woman. The Lord gives them love, a golden egg is a type of their relationship. There is grace, but now they begin to act in their usual way. What are we used to doing with eggs? Break, eat, consume...


Yes, if we begin to use these relationships to satisfy our “ego”, not caring about the needs of another, we thereby also do not protect the golden egg, we do not create some kind of work of art from it, we do not increase the grace given to us. On the contrary, we habitually proudly react to something, act proudly, thereby attracting those forces that will destroy our relationships, our golden egg. As a result, the relationship becomes simple, ordinary, and then the woman's eyes stop burning, and the man stops feeling like a warrior, a winner, a king. The fairy tale warns us: value your relationships - this is a gift from God, it is given for a reason. We know that if spouses are given some kind of difficulties, then this is also a gift from God, this is also a golden egg, you just need to take a closer look at what it teaches us.

When we read this fairy tale to children, naturally, we do not think about such deep meanings. And the kids don't see it that way either. How now to read it with kids?

Specially, of course, nothing needs to be interpreted. After all, all the fairy tales that we just read to kids are laid in our subconscious. Another thing is that together with the children we can become researchers, we can ask them relevant questions, reflect on the actions of the characters. What is a fairy tale cipher? This is what the story teaches. There is also a fairy tale code. This is the answer to the question, what is the story about?

The deep, secret code of the fairy tale about the hen Ryaba is the values ​​of our life, human virtues and the conclusion about how important it is to protect them. And we can think with children about what this fairy tale is about, what important ideas are reflected in it and how we can pass this knowledge on to a friend, dad, mom, how the lesson learned in a fairy tale manifests itself in our lives. Then the fabulous information becomes vital. Enough to think about it.

Is it possible to ask children directly: what do you think the golden egg is?

Yes, and if he says "I don't know", that's fine. “Well, yes, I don’t know either, but let’s think: it seems to me that the golden egg is ...”, - and you continue further. What do you think? But it seems to me that this is ... Let's see the line of heroes? How do heroes overcome adversity? Some are active, some are passive. And so gradually, step by step, you disassemble the whole fairy tale. In "Ryaba the Hen", how did the grandfather and grandmother overcome the difficulty? Passively?

It turns out, yes. They cried.

On the one hand, tears are a passive reaction. But, on the other hand, their heart began to purify. They began to cry with regret, they felt sorry that the egg was broken ... They repented truly, sincerely and received another egg. And this is also one of the options for overcoming difficulties.

Sometimes heroes in fairy tales actively enter the struggle. For example, Ivan Tsarevich and Miracle Yudo on Kalinov bridge from the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo". There is an active fight. Sometimes the fight is fought like a woman - remember the mothers-nannies in the Frog Princess: "Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening"? The princess called the nurses, they baked her bread and wove a carpet.

Who are the babysitters?

These are our invisible helpers who help us resolve difficulties. The fairy tale teaches us to remember that we are not alone in the world, we always have helpers we can rely on. And most importantly - inner helpers, our spiritual resources - the Mother of God, guardian angels, saints ... This is the power, those, excuse me, "nurses" who will always come to the rescue.

That is, the frog is a Princess, she just prayed, in other words? ..

She called all the forces of the universe into her life to solve some problem. And this is a woman's way of resolving difficulties - through prayer, through faith in God, through inner sensation. But for help to come, there must be purity and freedom from twilight feelings, worries and anxieties inside. An active way of fighting is a male type of overcoming difficulties.

To show them the value of the life they have lost?

Of course, it was the mouse that was supposed to show them how irreversible the process that we ourselves launch can be, and this is very clearly demonstrated in the warning fairy tale. And the chicken Ryaba was given to decorate and renew the life of grandfather and grandmother.

I heard a different opinion about the meaning of the golden egg: it is impractical, not applicable to life, nothing can be done with it, which is why it broke as not necessary for life. A simple egg is closer to reality, you can cook something from it, make it, cook it, and you can only admire a golden one. What do you think of this interpretation of the story?

There is also such an option. But then it turns out that everything that the Lord gives us, we must give at the mercy of the forces of destruction and be content with just a simple life? There are two interpretations. It turns out that you should not multiply the gift of grace in yourself, but be content with small and simple things, indulging the forces of evil - the “mouse”. Then why does this fairy tale live on for so many centuries?

Much, apparently, depends on the intonation with which we read this fairy tale ...

Any folk tale- this is a concentrate of wisdom, and it does not just show the forces, virtues that cause in us the desire for life, the desire to rejoice, the desire to multiply our gift. The golden egg is God's gift, which is given to man at birth. The gift is associated with such an internal state when you cannot but do what you are given to do: when you have to give back to people what is given to you and make their world cleaner, better, more beautiful, brighter. The gift is impossible not to realize. By any means, a person will still find how to do it. If his work, for example, is connected with papers, but there is a gift of a warm heart, such a person will be able to help. He will find places, find areas where he can apply himself. And each of us has this gift, and it is very important to discover it, to find our calling, purpose in this life. Someone is given acting talent - to give people certain states and experiences, someone - the gift of playing music, to spiritualize, someone the gift of prayer is a special gift. If you do not develop your gift, it will first of all destroy the woman herself, make her less happy.

And I would also like to touch on the topic of the gift of motherhood. A child is also an image of the golden egg that is given to the family. And you don’t need to hit him with spoons, hanging one or another model of education. What this can lead to, we know - the egg can break. It often happens when parents do not see children in children. A child, of course, must, first of all, simply be loved, and if we want to develop his talents, first we must carefully, carefully look at him, observe what he loves, what mood he has, what desires and abilities, what is his purpose in our world. generation, why was it given to us?

A child is that golden egg, from which it is important to create a unique work of art, organic to its inner nature. Overprotective, tightly controlling the child, we will never help him open up and destroy all the good that is in him, and if we find the key to his heart, our baby will shine with happiness.

Interviewed by Margarita Yakunina

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Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a hen Ryaba.
Once a chicken laid an egg, not a simple one, but a golden one.
Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break.
The mouse ran, touched the tail, the testicle fell and broke.
The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the hen cackles:
- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman: I will lay you an egg not a golden one, but a simple one.

The meaning of the fairy tale

Life has always been compared to an egg, and Wisdom too, so the saying has come down to our days: "This information is not worth a damned egg."
The golden egg is the secret Ancestral Wisdom, which no matter how much you hit, you won’t take it in a hurry. And if accidentally touched, this integral system can be destroyed, broken into small fragments, and then there will be no integrity. The golden egg is information, wisdom that touched the Soul, you need to study it little by little, you won’t take it in a hurry.
A simple testicle is simple information. Those. since the grandfather and the woman had not yet reached this level, they were not ready for the golden (deep) Wisdom, the hen told them that she would lay a simple testicle, i.e. give them simple information.

It seems to be a little fairy tale, but how much deep meaning laid down - who cannot touch the Golden Egg, start learning with simple, superficial information. And then some at once: “give sacred Wisdom, now I’ll figure it out” ... and mental asylum to the "great". Because one cannot approach the cognition of Wisdom at once, everything is given gradually, starting with a simple testicle. Because the World is diverse, multi-structured, but at the same time it is brilliant and simple. Therefore, even hundreds of human lives may not be enough to know the small and the great.