The project is my favorite fairy tale hen Ryaba. The project "friendly family of chicken ryaba"

city ​​of Kokshetau

high school № 8

Mini project
"Poetic Treasure"
according to Russian folk tale

"Ryaba Hen"

5th class "A"

Direction: Historical monuments Kazakhstan and promising tourist routes

Section: Literature

Supervisor: Anemgurova L.A.

An object: Poetic heritage of the Russian people

Item: Fairy tale as a genre of folklore

Subject: Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Target: Reveal why a broken egg turned into universal grief (reveal the symbolic basis of the egg).


1. Study myths, fairy tales, folk traditions, paintings by artists, objects of architecture associated with the image of an egg.

    Conduct surveys in different age groups(do they know the tale, do they remember it by heart).

    Conduct search work (collection of proverbs, sayings, riddles on the topic of the project).

    Prepare a staging of one of the variants of the fairy tale (as a result of searching for variants of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen").


    Study of literary sources;


    Fulfilling the role of collectors-folklorists;




If a broken egg in a fairy tale turns into universal grief, That , This means that the egg is not a simple object.

introductory word teachers

From the first days, children learn to read a scientific text meaningfully. Folklore material is divided into parts, on which you can work individually, collectively (micro-group) with the subsequent presentation of observations and their discussion. This develops the skills of meaningful work with text, cooperation.

It was these skills that the guys used when preparing a project based on the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". Everyone understood their responsibility, since the success of the whole group depended on each of them.

In order to better present the material, the students searched, drew, prepared a dramatization, conducted a survey, systematized the material, and created summary tables. That is, the students did a lot of search work, which resulted in a mini-project.

Introductory word of the student

Before starting to collect material related to the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", we conducted a survey among representatives different ages. 100% of the respondents named the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" among those fairy tales that they heard and know by heart from early childhood.

slide show

And to the question of what the words “golden egg” are associated with, we received a variety of answers and present to you in the form of the following associative series.

D slide show "GOLDEN EGG"

Miracle - something wonderful - magic - God's gift - beauty - beautiful - something unusual - fabulous - fantastic - unusual - unusual - mysterious - mysterious - gift of fate - treasure - native home- family - life of relatives - nature - animals - sun - sky - earth - man - mind in nature - the ability to run - jump - move - that we exist - birth - new life- friendship - honor - good people- payment for goodness - love - team - love for one's neighbor - communication - abilities - skill - knowledge - talent - benefit - benefit - wealth - a good life- insight - happiness - love - joy - kindness - fidelity - hope - desire to live - me.

In the role of "gatherers" we managed to make a selection of proverbs, sayings and riddles, thematically related to the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Riddles, proverbs, sayings.

    “We had a golden egg,

And there was an empty basket ... "-

Crying grandfather, crying woman

But they are consoled ... (Ryaba Hen)

    What is the chicken sitting on? (on eggs)

    Where did the chickens hatch from? (from eggs)

    A thin chicken makes the eggs thinner.

    Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

    Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow.

    A smart egg can teach a stupid chicken.

    You can't hatch one egg twice.

    It is not enough to lay eggs - you also need to cackle.

    Don't break a stone's egg

    A fly will not fly into a whole egg

    Smart from a smart egg hatched

    The egg comes from the chicken and the chicken comes from the egg

    Chicken eggs don't hatch

    The turtle lays a thousand eggs, and no one knows, the chicken lays one - noise for the whole neighborhood

    Better to lose an egg than a chicken

    Not worth a damn

    White round lay for a long time,

Suddenly it crackled

And inanimate, but became alive

    From the living to the dead

From the dead to the living.

    I found a ball, broke it,

I saw silver and gold.

    The little white sheepskin coat is sewn without a rib.

    What can't be put on the table?

    There is food in the house, but the door is locked.

    A pound of food, yes a pound of water, yes a pound of salt

I’ll cook, I’ll eat - it’s not salty.

Purpose of the study:

“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a Chicken Ryaba ...” This tale is one of the first in our life, a long and fascinating journey begins with it. fairy world

“The chicken laid an egg - not a simple one, but a golden one ...” Words are easily repeated, remembered - forever. This is one of the few folk tales that everyone knows by heart.

Why is that? May be, some secret lies in this unpretentious a fairy tale?.. Then what is she? After all, it’s not without reason that the golden testicle, it’s not without reason that the loss of it turns for a woman and grandfather into a universal grief: “Grandfather is crying, a woman is crying ...”

Why would it be so on the egg to be killed?

Egg motif in mythology

An egg is not an ordinary item, but mystical and mythological. Since ancient times, the egg has been a symbol of life, the personification of the Universe, the embryo of all that exists, from which the world and everything that inhabits it comes. Many myths about the origin of the Earth and life on it are associated with the egg. In the myths of the peoples of India, China, Egypt, America, Oceania, Europe, the egg is the primary home of the progenitor of mankind. Generated by the cosmos or carried down by some mysterious creature (most often a bird), it invariably sways on the boundless waters of the world, concealing in itself the omnipotence of the creator. For many centuries, he lurks in this egg, usually gold (the color of the sun!), And finally breaks its shell to begin creation.

Here is a myth ancient india: « At first there was nothing. There was no sun, no moon, no stars… Water gave birth to fire. The Golden Egg was born by the great power of heat. There was not yet a year, for there was no one to measure the time; but as long as the year lasts, the Golden Egg floated in the waters, in the boundless and bottomless ocean. A year later, the Progenitor Brahma arose from the Golden Embryo. He broke the Egg and it split in two. The upper half of it became the Sky, the lower half became the Earth, and between them, in order to separate Brahma, he placed air space. And he established the Earth among the waters, and created the countries of the world, and laid the foundation for time. This is how the universe was created».

Like Brahma, the Chinese Pangu also appeared: “ At a time when the earth and sky had not yet separated from each other, the universe was a complete chaos and in shape resembled a huge chicken egg. In it, the first ancestor of Pangu was born. He grew up and fell asleep, breathing heavily in this huge egg. It took 18,000 years before he woke up. He opened his eyes to look around, but alas! – he didn’t see anything: there was a solid black and sticky darkness around him, and his heart was filled with longing. Unable to find a way out of this egg, Pangu grabbed an ax from nowhere and with force hit the darkness in front of him. There was a deafening roar, such as happens when mountains crack ... and a huge egg cracked. Everything light and clean immediately rose up and formed the sky, and heavy and dirty went down and formed the Earth.».

In the above myths, the motif is repeated: the egg is not only a “home”, but also, as it were, the foundation of the universe, because it is from it that heaven and earth are formed. And in the Finnish creation myth, the yolk of an egg becomes the sun and the white becomes the moon. Here is how these miraculous transformations are poetically described in the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala":

Eggs rolled into the water

They fell into the waves of water,

Broken to pieces in the sea

And the wreckage disintegrated.

Eggs didn't die in mud

And pieces in the moisture of the sea,

But miraculously changed

And they were transformed:

From the egg, from the bottom

The mother earth came out damp;

From the egg, from the top,

The high vault of heaven arose,

From the yolk, from the top.

The bright sun appeared;

From the squirrel, from the top,

A clear moon has appeared

From the egg, from the motley part,

The stars have become in the sky;

From the egg, from the dark part,

Clouds appeared in the air.

Thus, the egg is the container of everything that the Universe contains.

A. Afanasiev leads interesting myth about the beginning of life on earth: “In ancient times, the Earth was empty, there was nothing on it - only a stone. God regretted that and sent his rooster. May he fertilize the earth. Kochet sat in a cave and laid a miraculous egg from which seven rivers flowed; they flooded the plains, and soon everything around was green, full of flowers and full of all kinds of fruits; without worries, people lived happily in that paradise.

Among the peoples of Asia, the motif of the appearance of the first ancestors from miraculous eggs is popular. For example, in Korean myths, the appearance of Pak Hyekkose, the founder of ancient state Silla: “Under the mountain, in the middle of the forest, near the well, the elders of six settlements saw steam that illuminated the earth like a flash of lightning, and a white horse kneeling and bowing, next to which lay a purple egg. Noticing the elders, the horse neighed and rose into the sky. In the egg they found a boy, whose body emitted radiance, the birds and animals danced, followed him, and the sun and moon shone with the purest light.

Sometimes, not the first ancestors and founders of dynasties appear from the eggs, but heroes endowed with some kind of sign. Helen of Troy, born to Leda from Zeus from a hyacinth-colored egg, with divine beauty, Polydeuces, her brother, with extraordinary strength and immortality. By the way, the motif of the appearance of twins from an egg is not uncommon in myths, such as the aforementioned Helen and Polydeuces or the sons of Poseidon, born with fused bodies from a silver egg. Probably because the birth of twins in ancient times was perceived as something special and inexplicable, their birth was associated with the egg as a divine object.

Slavic fiery spirit Rarog hatches into the light from an egg, which a man hatches for nine days and nights on the stove, and this spirit looks like a fiery bird (in Czech raroh - falcon). The Fire Serpent (also Slavic) is also related to him, he is in charge of treasures and can bring wealth.

But perhaps the most scary creature, made from an egg, can be called a basilisk - a monstrous snake that can kill not only with poison, but also with a look, breath, from which grass dries and rocks crack. You can escape from him only by showing him a mirror: he dies from his own reflection, the cry or glance of a rooster is also dangerous for a basilisk. It was believed that the basilisk comes out of an egg laid by a rooster and incubated by a toad.

This is another function of the egg: it contains not only the beginning of life and all its benefits, but also its end, not only light, but also dark.

The same motif is repeated in the Slavic myths of creation, processed by Bus Kresen: “ The duck began to lay eggs, not ordinary eggs, magic. Some have iron shells, while others are made of pure gold.

The golden egg cracked, which is filled with the power of Reveal, then the blue bird Mother Swa, our mother, rose into the sky. An eagle flew out of a golden egg. The Eagle ascended to the Red Sun.

And Alkonost fluttered behind him - a dawning bird, dawn ... Following her, Stratim, the winged one.

And then a blue prophetic bird rose into the sky - Gamayun.

an iron testicle was shattered. A black Raven was revealed from an egg by the power of Navi ...

... And behind him, in a flock of black, gloomy vision, birds rose, Naviu born: a swan bird Resentment with a sad face. Following the Griffin and Mogul - strong birds, and behind them the sweet-voiced bird Sirin, which intoxicates with a sad song and beckons to the kingdom of death.

The golden egg, broken by Dazhdbog, entails a flood, and behind it - the Great Fire, promising the end of the world:

« Great Fire arises from the Egg.

The End of the World is coming!

Great Waters are rising!

It's time to cleanse the Earth!

Part in all directions, Mother Earth! Anger is coming!

Role in the life process An egg is just two substances that, warmed by heat, form a complex living organism ...

As you can see, in the mythological egg, all beginnings and ends, it, like in a cherished chest, contains countless treasures and secrets of being.

How to explain such a veneration of the egg, why it was attributed to him so important role in the life process?

2, 3. Shell membrane
4, 13. Rope (chalazy)
5, 6, 12. Protein (different in consistency)
7. Yolk membrane
8, 10, 11.

9. disk
14. Air chamber (puga)

Long observations of the surrounding world, vivid imagination suggested a lot ancient man. For example, A. Afanasiev in his famous work “The Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature” connects the egg with the poetic metaphor of the sun: “According to legend, rising Sun was born from the dark bowels of the night, and the spring sun - from thunderclouds. A golden, sunny egg was carried by a black bird-night or a lightning bird-cloud.

The storm cloud seemed to be sitting on golden eggs, and in the sparkling lightning they saw the brilliance of these eggs rolled by cloud demons. Hence the Russian belief that devils roll eggs at crossroads.

The fragility of the egg has always reminded of the fragility and fragility of the life contained in it. From this it is clear why both the beginning and the end could be hidden in the egg.

Endowed with all these features and properties, the egg became a ritual, magical object. Many rituals are associated with it: rolling an egg in a tub of grain for sowing, scattering the shell of a consecrated egg over a sown field, tossing an egg up so that rye grows higher. The egg is used in funeral rites as food, strengthening the deceased on the way to the other world. And the Easter egg? It gives beauty. Harvest. Protects from the evil eye, saves from lightning, heals diseases, etc. It symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its white color signifies purity and perfection. And the traditionally red-colored egg is bound in one of folk legends with drops of the blood of the Crucified.

The egg is a symbol of Easter

"Dear testicle for Christ's day"

surprise moment

With a saint Easter week the first spring games and round dances begin.

    Let's get in a round dance.

"The sun is red

burn brightly!

Fly into the sky like a bird

Light up our land

Swim like a fish in the sky

Revive our land!

All the kids in the world

Warm up, heal up!

    One of the symbols of the holiday is the egg. The egg is a symbol of new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. The egg is a sign of life.

Presentation of souvenirs

special treatment to the egg as a ritual object is confirmed by the fact that the egg has become an object of art since ancient times. Ukrainian Easter eggs are widely known - Easter eggs, decorated with geometric or floral ornament. They are given to loved ones, relatives, loved ones with the wish of happiness, kindness, well-being. Light paper wings attached to an elegant egg allow it to soar under the roof of a village house, like a fabulous bird; placers of bright Easter eggs glisten on shrines… similar ones were found in mounds dating back to pagan times.

The tradition of painting eggs continues to revive and continues to live in other European countries.

Faberge eggs, decorated with intricate patterns of gold, silver, gems and fraught with amazing surprises, can be called masterpieces of jewelry art. Intended as a gift to the imperial family, they conquered the whole world with their beauty, imagination, complexity of designs and originality of the secret.

And the same “kinder surprises” popular today with a chocolate shell in a silver wrapper and miniature toys in the middle are, in a way, an imitation of ancient ritual eggs.

But we can write a separate study about this, but we are interested in the Ryaba Chicken egg.

Egg motif in fairy tales

A fabulous egg resembles a mythical one in its unusualness (color, pattern). It looks like a large white dome, going up and huge in circumference, it " motley, vostro, bone, tricky "or" black, motley and purple, like in Russian fairy tales, or"brilliant and transparent ”, but most often gold or silver. This egg is carried by a chicken or a duck, sometimes a turtle. And it happens that golden and silver birds lay magical eggs, which are sometimes called firebirds, which directly indicates a connection with the sun.

The golden egg in some fairy tales appears by chance, suddenly:“There was an old man and an old woman. They had a colorful hen. She laid a testicle at Kot Kotofeich under the window on a fur coat rag ”(Russian folk tale“ Broken egg ”). Sometimes they are waiting for his appearance:“For three years they fed the hen, from day to day they expected eggs from her” (Ukrainian folk tale “About the hen that laid the golden eggs”).

A fabulous egg, like a mythical one, gives life to supernatural creatures (for example, in the tale of Sinbad - an egg of a huge fabulous bird ruhh) or people endowed with supernatural abilities or wondrous beauty, strength. 40 strong sons of a grandfather and a woman come out of chicken eggs and the 41st - Zamoryshek - the most dexterous, strong and resourceful (Russian fairy tale "Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek").

In fairy tales, an egg is often a hiding place in which something especially dear to its owner is stored: strength, life, death, soul. These are numerous Russian fairy tales about Koshchei the Immortal, whose soul is hidden in an egg.

In the Belarusian fairy tale "Three - the nameless son » The beauty of Nastasya the maiden is in the egg. In the Estonian fairy tale "The Magic Egg » An egg is a guarantee of future happiness, but it brings happiness only to the one to whom it is intended. The poor young shepherd Pyartel, who got this egg, fell in love with a white snake, which was an enchanted princess, and the egg helped him remove the spell from her and become a king.

The egg in fairy tales becomes a source of material wealth. For example, in the Kazakh fairy tale "Three sisters » one of the sisters feeds the whole people with one egg. In the Ukrainian fairy tale "Egg-Raytso" cattle come out of a broken egg.

In the Ukrainian fairy tale "Ivashko - a bear's ear "An egg in general can give everything you want, you just have to say:" Testicle, open and fall out.

On earth, this wonderful egg becomes the hero's helper and a storehouse of good luck and wealth: from there he takes out luxurious dresses, laces, gardens, palaces and entire kingdoms.: “... Ivan Tsarevich took a golden egg, rolled it along the road. A golden palace stood before him. Ivan Tsarevich entered the room, took out shoes from the chest, embroidered with gold ... ”(“ Copper, silver and gold kingdoms ”).

Sometimes an egg is a "pass" to a cherished goal or a "payment" for the fulfillment of a wish, such as in the Russian folk tale “The Feather of Finist Yasna Sokol”: Maryushka, who sought out her beloved husband, entered his chambers with the help of an egg. Or: “I took an egg out of my pocket and rolled along the path. And he, as he rolled forward, only gleams, and runs. He will not stop, and the brothers follow him ”(Finnish fairy tale“ Nine Golden Sons ”).

In fairy tales, we can also meet another purpose of the egg: it removes the spell, spell, returns the person to his original appearance ( for example, in the Estonian fairy tale "The Magic Egg"). In the German fairy tale "The Crystal Ball" "it makes the youth king in the castle of the Sun, in the Russian fairy tale "Crystal Mountain" helps Ivan Tsarevich to bring the princess out of the mountain.

Egg motif in fine arts.

Ryaba Hen's Egg continues to roll across our Mother Earth.


We find the motif of the egg and in the visual arts.

The fantasy of artists gives rise to amazing images associated with the egg. In the picture thin. G. Kichigina "Fragile life" (1994.) The fragility of the egg is reminiscent of the fragility and fragility of life.

intricately readable the image of an egg famous artist 20th century Salvador Dali. A man is trying to get out of a huge egg lying against the backdrop of a golden landscape. The baby, who has embraced the legs of an adult, watches the process of birth with curiosity.

Birth is difficult, but a person will still be born. What will it be, what will it bring to the world?


There is an endless stream of works related to Ryaba the Hen's egg. These are wooden sculptures, whimsical nesting dolls, bright embroideries, dolls for finger theater and children's drawings.

Egg motif in the form of the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana.

Astana is the administrative center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a city with a rapidly developing urban infrastructure that provides comfort to residents and guests of the capital.

Astana, like a multi-colored and multi-petalled plant that opens its buds, forms an oasis among the endless expanses of Saryarka.

Every day a new pattern appears in the architectural contours of Astana. Here the stone flower “Baiterek” grew up and, spreading its petals, presented the world with a huge shining ball - a symbol of life and goodness, illuminating the surroundings with bright reflections of the reflected rays of the Sun.

One of the main and, perhaps, one of the most beloved characters of Kazakh folk tales was and, no doubt. The batyr Er-Tostik remains. Remember how Yer-Tostik, having overcome all conceivable and unthinkable obstacles, got into the underworld and found himself in front of a huge tree, symbolizing the beginning of life?

According to Turkic legends, it was at the top of this tree that the mythical blue bird Samruk brought one golden egg, which gives life to all living things and symbolizes life itself. But, like the seasons, the life born of the Great Bird constantly froze - every time a chick was born from an egg, a huge snake-dragon crawled up the trunk of a huge tree, which ate a defenseless newborn. Batyr Er-Tostik aimed his arrow straight at the heart of the dragon and killed him. The grateful bird helped Yer-Tostik get out of the dungeon to the surface of the earth.

The idea that the new capital simply needs some iconic symbol, something that would distinguish Astana from other capitals, came almost simultaneously with the decision to move the administrative center of the capital to the left bank.

What exactly should become the symbol of the new capital? Once read a fairy tale had an effect.

Baiterek, organically woven from metal, glass and reinforced concrete, has taken place and pleases the eye. The height of this wonderful spatial structure is 97 meters. The “trunk” protects sheet material weighing 85 tons from moisture. The golden ball itself with a diameter of 22 meters is located at a height of 76.9 meters. The weight of the dome, glazed with special double-glazed windows, is almost 70 tons, and the surface area of ​​the golden ball is 1.553 square meters.

It is in Baiterek that the artistic traditions of the Steppe, the culture of ancient Kazakhstan and the philosophical concepts embedded in the very idea of ​​a tree, the fruits of which are life itself, are most organically reflected. The golden egg (a huge shining ball of Baiterek) is a symbol of life and kindness.

Variants of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

    Working on the project, performing search work, we found out that there are many variants of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".


(From the collection of I. Afanasyev "Russian folk tales")

Ryaba hen

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman, they had a Tatar hen, she laid an egg in a kuta under the window: colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! She put it on a shelf: the mouse walked, shook its tail, the shelf fell, and the testicle broke. The old man is crying, the old woman is crying, she is burning in the oven, the top of the hut is shaking, the granddaughter girl has strangled herself with grief. The old people began to retell: “How can we not cry? We have a Tatar hen, she laid an egg in a kut under the window: colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! ! She put it on a shelf: the mouse walked, shook its tail, the shelf fell, and the testicle broke! I, the old man, cry, the old woman sobs , it burns in the oven, the top of the hut is staggering, the granddaughter girl strangled herself with grief!» As she heard the prosvirnya, she broke all the prosvirs and threw them away. The deacon comes up and asks the prosvira: why did she leave the prosvira?

She told him all the grief: the deacon ran to the bell tower and broke all the bells. The priest comes and asks the sexton: why did you interrupt the bells? The deacon retold the grief to the priest, and the priest ran around, tore up all the books.

(The endings of the Ukrainian and Belarusian versions according to the book: Anikin V.P. to the wisdom of a step. - M., 1982)

Belarusian version: “... the grandfather and the woman are crying, the chicken is cackling, the gates are creaking, the chips are flying, the dogs are barking, the geese are screaming, the priest's maid has beaten the bucket, the rocker has broken. The clerk ran, tore up the books, and burned the priest's church.

Ukrainian version: “... the priest set fire to the church, and the church headman set fire to his house, fellow villagers snatched firebrands from the fire and carried them to their huts, each set his own on fire - the village burned down.”

    In our time, modern versions of the fairy tale are appearing.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen in a new manner"

Final word teachers

This amazing image of an egg is truly inexhaustible - a way of life and death, happiness and misfortune, perfection and absurdity. But everything goes back to an ordinary chicken egg - to the egg of Hen Ryaba, which turned out to be “not simple” not only because it is golden ...





Wealth smoke


All that bequeathed


We humans don't always keep.

I want good


and light

and make mistakes

and search!

Well, an egg from this fairy tale

get upset -

I will remember. O.I. Rudina


Afanasiev A.N. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature: In 3 volumes - M. Indrik, 1994.

Afanasiev A.N. Folk Russian fairy tales: V3t. - M. Arts. literature, 1957.

Afanasiev A.N. Tree of life. - M. Sovremennik, 1982.

Slavic fairy tales. - Nizhny Novgorod: Russian merchant, 1991.

Semyonova M. At the hearth of our ancestors: Hearth. - 1991. - No. 1.

Myths of the peoples of the world. - M., 1992. - p. 681.

Nursultan Nazarbayev In the heart of Eurasia. - Astana, 2005. - p.157.

Chicken Ryaba:

The interpretation of the fairy tale "" is not an easy task. After all, earlier this tale was intended for adults, but in Ancient Rus' even the kids understood it symbolic meaning. The golden egg is a symbol of death that the elderly receive. speckled hen in ancient mythology- an intermediary between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Therefore, the grandfather and the woman are trying to break the golden egg, and the simple egg promised to the old people by Pockmarked is a symbol of new life. The tale was intended to cheer up old people, not to let them grieve greatly because of the inevitable old age, symbolizing the victory of life over death.

Chicken Ryaba:
traditionalist analysis of Russian folk tale
1. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,
2. They had a pockmarked chicken.
3. The hen laid a testicle:
4. Motley, sharp, bone, tricky, -
5. I planted an egg in an aspen hollow,
6. In Kut
under the bench
7. The mouse ran, returned with its tail,
8. Broken testicle.
9. Grandfather began to cry about this testicle,
10. Grandma sob, faith
11. Chickens fly, gates creak,
12. Litter under the threshold began to smoke,
13. Doors got bumped
, tyn crumbled,
14. The top of the hut staggered ...
15. And the hen ryaba says to them:
16. - Grandfather do not cry, grandmother do not cry,
17. Chickens do not fly,
18. Do not creak the gate, rubbish under the threshold
19. Don't smoke
20. Tyn do not crumble,
21. Do not stagger the top of the hut -
22. I'll lay you another testicle:
23. Motley, sharp, bone, tricky,
24. The testicle is not simple - golden.

1. Kut - a corner in the hut, a counter, a chest in which chickens were kept in winter.
Verei - pillars on which the gates were hung.
pobutusilis - bulged out, arched, swelled up.
Tyn - wooden solid fence, palisade.

The fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" is interesting text, in which you can see several myths related to cosmogony, eschatology, and the traditionalist cyclicity of eras.

Lines 2-3, 5-8. Ryaba hen lays an egg. The mouse touches it with its tail and breaks
In the ancient Greek Pelasgian myth of the creation of the world, Eurynome - the goddess of all things - rose from Chaos and conceived from the north wind Boreas, who appeared in the form of the serpent Ophion. Eurynome, turning into a duck, laid the World Egg on the waves. At her request, the serpent Ophion coiled around the egg seven times and hatched it until it broke and "everything that exists in the world" appeared from it.
The image of a bird that lays the World Egg (in particular on water) is quite common in world mythology. Here are just a few examples. In "Kalevala" it is described how a duck, "daughter of air space", conceived from the east wind and laid several eggs on the knee of the water mother Ilmatar. The eggs eventually broke and the world was born from their wreckage.
. Similar cosmogonic symbolism can also be found in Komi mythology.

In Hinduism, the divine bird carries the Cosmic egg from which Brahma arose to the primordial waters. , and in ancient Indian mythology, the golden embryo - Hiranyagarbha - is the original form of Prajapati, the creator of the Universe.

The Old Testament also contains echoes of this archaic myth: "The Spirit of God hovered over the waters" (Gen. 1:2). This correspondence is also indicated in the "Explanatory Bible" edited by professor of theology A.P. Lopukhin: "The very action of the Holy Spirit on chaos is likened here to the action of a bird sitting in a nest on eggs and warming them with its warmth to awaken life in them" .
The connection between the bird and the world egg can also be traced in ancient Egyptian mythology: in the Germanic cosmogony, the white goose "Great Gogotun", the incarnation of the earth god Seb, lays an egg from which the sun god Ra is born.
In the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", an egg is broken by a mouse. The mouse is an extremely symbolic image in mythology. In the Mediterranean countries - Egypt, Palestine, Greece - it was believed that the mouse was born from the earth. Indeed, many researchers point to the chthonic symbolism of the mouse, which is also confirmed in the language: rat (Russian) - hruse (OE "earth") - kirza (Russian dialect. "upper layer of the earth"), and also: geli- (Indo-European proto-language "mouse") - qela (Lydian "earth"). Another chthonic animal, the snake, is just as symbolic. In this sense, the mouse and the snake are equated (Compare: shur (Russian dial. "rat") - worm (Russian), as well as: sorex (lat. "mouse") - sauroz (Greek "lizard> "snake")

Thus, comparing the beginning of the analyzed fairy tale and the Pelasgic myth of creation, we saw the identity of the logical constructions:

Eurynome as a dove

World Egg


Hen Ryaba



This allows us to conclude that the image Ryaba chickens, laying an egg, then broken by a chthonic animal mouse, is nothing more than a simplified description of a cosmogonic myth similar to the Pelasgian one.
Lines 9-14. Consequences
Further in the text of the tale, we no longer see the continuation of the usual cosmogonic myth, but the symbolism of what is happening becomes more complicated. After the egg broke, eschatological chaos began, the description of which was largely influenced by the description of the apocalypse in the "Revelation of John": human crying (lines 9-10), burning earth and smoke (line 12), earthquake (lines 11, 13 -14). We also come across a most interesting detail in line 10, which we will dwell on in more detail.

Despite the reigning chaos that accompanies the dying of the world, we are faced with the fact that "the faiths are laughing." "Vereami" in the old days called the pillars on which the gates were hung. Pillars also have several symbolic meanings, but from this set we are interested in the sacred meaning of the pillar, which is reflected in the language: columna (Latin "pillar", Russian "column") - stake (Russian) - kel (Osset. "burn , shine") + lumen (lat. "light") - caelum (lat. "sky"). The pillar is also one of the oldest objects of worship; from the moment of the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the pillars began to be identified with evil, since the pagans worshiped them. Thus, "the laughter of faiths" can be identified with the laughter of evil, caused by the picture of the destruction of the world and human grief.
However, there is another meaning of the pillar, as a symbol, which sheds light on the actual subject of our little study. The sacred meaning of the pillar is also associated with death and rebirth - the renewal of the Universe: swir (OE "pillar") - wer (OE "vessel, abyss") - faith (Russian "pillar") - wir ( Tocharian A "new, young")
. The word "laughter" has a similar combination of meanings. On the one hand: mer- (Indo-European parent language "to die") - death (Russian) - laughter (Russian), as well as ridere (lat. "laugh") - ri (th) (Avest. "death" ); on the other hand: ridere (lat. "laugh") - to give birth (Russian) - ret- (Old Ind. "male seed").
So, we see that "the laughter of faiths" has not only the meaning of the laughter of evil, but also an indication of the renewal of the world. This is also proved by further analysis of the text. In addition to apocalyptic details, in lines 11, 13 and 14 we find the following description of what is happening: "hens are flying, the gates are creaking, the doors are bumped, the top of the hut is shaking." It seems that a strong squall of wind hit the hut. Let's leave outside the scope of our analysis the direction of the wind - north, east or any other - let's just assume that this wind filled the house - this is indicated by the word "butusitsya", which means "bulge out, swell up." This wind fertilizes the hen Ryaba: in lines 16-24 she calms people, animals and inanimate objects and says that she will lay another egg - a golden one. Thus, at the end of the tale, a hint is given of a repetition of the cosmogonic myth, only the world, this time promisedchicken Pockmarked is completely different.
Turning again to ancient Greek mythology, we will see that the Greeks divided the time of the existence of mankind into several eras: gold, silver, copper and iron. It would be useful to recall that under this division, the ancient Greeks meant the degradation of mankind - from the Golden Age, when people lived in harmony with the Gods happily ever after, not thinking about adversity and death, to the Iron Age, where people live a short life filled with malice , greed, debauchery and injustice. The ancient Hindus adhered to a similar division: four Yugas - Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga make up the Manvantar cycle, where Kali Yuga corresponds to the Iron Age and is described almost identically: virtue falls into complete decline, the righteous are in poverty, criminals prosper. "The downward movement of manifestation, and therefore of the cycle it expresses, from the positive or essential pole of existence to its negative or substantial pole". Kali Yuga is the final part of the Manvantar cycle, "the "spark of being" within the framework of becoming is exhausted, eroded, and then a special situation of the end of time arises, the apocalypse." This "special situation" is followed by a new cycle, the world again goes into golden age, which is called by the Hindus Satya Yugi. The Golden Egg, promised by the Pockmarked Hen to people, animals and the rest of the world, is this era when people will again live in harmony with the Gods and nature.
Now that we have fully analyzed the text of the tale, we can restore its rather simple symbolic meaning:
Ryaba the hen lays an egg that marks the world in the fourth Iron Age. The chthonic creature mouse breaks this egg, thus completing the Kali Yuga. As a result, the end of time comes, absolute entropy, the destruction of the world. However, chaos, which can also be called the universal bardo, does not exist forever; it ends with the beginning of the Golden Age, Satya Yuga, a new cycle of Manvantara.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type" Scarlet Flower "

Information and educational project

"Ryaba Hen"

Completed by: Yamshchikov Vladimir 4 years

Head: Yakovleva Natalya Vasilievna teacher

Peregrebnoe village, 2016

Project type: information and practical. Project type: informative, individual.
Term: short.
Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

The world of animals is unusually diverse and attractive to children. Even in early childhood, many of the guys have such a necessary opportunity to contact with pets. Animals become as much an integral part of childhood as favorite toys. A variety of situations of communication with pets give a large stock of ideas about their features, habits, arouse interest, curiosity, form the skill of interacting with them. That is why the Ryaba Hen project was drawn up. Justification of the problem: at present, the problem of relationships in families, joint creativity of parents and children is very acute, there is a need to unite all family members, because it is in childhood that the foundations of a person’s relationship to their own family are laid throughout their conscious life.

Target : the formation of children's ideas about poultry.
1. Development of cognitive abilities. Clarify and expand children's knowledge about poultry.
2. Find out the conditions for the appearance and development of chickens at home. 3. Find out what equipment is needed to hatch the chicks.
4. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the characteristic habits and signs of poultry.
5. Develop children's speech activity, vocabulary, monologue speech.
6. Raise interest and love for poultry through fairy tales, poems, sayings.
Focus parents on development cognitive activity child, enriching his horizons, the development of arbitrary mental processes, positive emotions from joint activities performed.

Research methods:

Observation, storytelling, conversation, reading fiction, showing, didactic game.

Stages of work on the project.

Preparatory stage.
Starting conversation to identify initial ideas about birds.
Allocation of tasks, organization of work on the project. Selection of literature, illustrations, verses.
Drawing up a project work plan. Creating a business card for the project.

main learning stage.
Expanding and deepening knowledge about poultry,
characteristic habits and characteristics. Conditions for the emergence and development of chickens at home. Usage necessary equipment for hatching chickens.

Creative task:
Compilation of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen in a new way."

The final stage.
Analyze and evaluate the results of cognitive activity. Drawing up a presentation of the project, inventing a story.

Expected Result: As a result of working on the project, I learned aboutpoultry, characteristic habits and signs, conditions for the appearance and development of chickens, at home.



    Proverbs and sayings


    List of fairy tales about domestic birds.

Project progress.

Behind the forests, behind the mountains, on the banks of the Ob River,

One family lives in the village of Peregrebnoye.

Mom - Anastasia Sergeevna, dad - Yuri Georgievich

And two sons - Vova and Ilya.

And also lives with us, the chicken Ryaba,

Not alone, but with my family.

The head of the family is Petya, but the children are chickens

they did not have, and we decided to help them.

Discharged from distant overseas countries

miracle - box - incubator.

They put fresh eggs in it, from Ryaba's chicken,

And they began to wait.

How long, shortly waited, and now it has come

chick birth time.

Many of them appeared. Small, fluffy, warm lumps.

And we fed them with millet, and gave them water to drink, so that lumps would grow in their mother - chicken kvochka.

The children began to grow up, to catch up with mom and dad.

There were small lumps, there were cockerels - sons and hens - daughters.

Together with them I grow and save the economy!


Poems about chicken.


A beautiful chicken lived with me.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!

She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,
Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.

And when he manages, he will sit at the gate -
Tell a story, sing a song.


Looking for grains of a girlfriend

With tufts on top.

Not far from the porch

It is distributed: KO-KO-KO!


Hen-Pestrushka, kind fatty,
He walks around the yard, calls the children:

Ko-ko-ko, guys, where are you, chickens,
Yellow lumps, daughters and sons?

Hurry to mom: we will eat with you
Seeds and crumbs, take out the spoons.


Hen - mother hen
She brought out the chickens.
little kids
They squeak all day long.

Days flew by
And there is no peace.
I gave them soup
Bread and meatballs.

What didn't you eat?
What is the secret here?
Or are you not brave?
Or a bad lunch?

Can they have cookies?
Maybe milk?
Or tea with jam. Let them have a drink?

I cooked porridge
Delicious for chickens.
And they are insects
Fools want.

In the morning at dawn
Rejoicing in the spring
Kwok da kwok mother hen,
And chickens with her.

They are all happy
Looking for worms.
Good at will
Even squeak.


Hen teaches chicks
Avoid angry kittens:
- There is no more dangerous animal for us,
Don't go to the back door.

Co-co-co ... co-co-co!
Where are you so far away?!
At the gate Vaska cat,
He has been waiting for you fools for a long time!

Eka unseen - kitten -
One chicken says
I'm not afraid of anyone
Even Vaska himself!

Meanwhile, our red cat
I thought the opposite;
Lie down in the grass and hide
He covered himself with loupochki

Looking forward to victory:
- Murr, I haven't had lunch for a long time.
And the appetizer is just "class",
Here I am now!..

So it would be eaten with Panama,
Yes, Klusha-mother intervened.
And let's peck the cat.
"Will you offend children?!"
(I. Schastneva)


The turkey asked the rooster, -
What are you asking?
Only beak bale yes bale,
Yes, you're still fighting.

You really do not seek
The most stupid
Search the whole village -
You won't find it.

Ha! - in response to him a rooster. -
Don't be afraid again
repeat it all out loud
Exactly word for word?

Stupid! Well, give!
Well, I take my word for it!
So push - you will understand in an instant
Which of us is smarter!

(Elena Nemenko)

The hen laid an egg.
She put it under the porch.
sat there again
And took down five more.

And then the Rooster came
I counted all the eggs out loud.
How many birds now
Is there an egg under the porch?

(Valentina Chernyaeva)

Proverbs and sayings about chicken.

    The chicken comes from the egg, and the chicken comes from the egg.

    The chicken is good with feathers, but the meat is even better.

    The hen lays eggs through its beak.

    And the chicken has a heart.

    Eggs don't teach chicken.

    A hen cackles in one place and lays eggs in another.

    A hen does not sing like a rooster.

    The hen does not always cackle where the egg has been laid.

    A chicken is not a bird, and a crab is not a fish.

    It would be nice if the chicken did not go to the feast, but they drag him by the tuft.

    Learn from the chicken: rake, but pick up.

    Pop and cock and sing on an empty stomach.

    Skinny chickens make skinny eggs.

    A hen that cackles a lot, lays a lot of eggs.

    A hen gave birth to a bull, a piglet laid an egg (just kidding).

    A hungry chicken dreams of millet.

    The blind chicken is all wheat.

    A hen pecks grain by grain for a day, but there is no satiety.

    The chicken hasn't laid yet, but it's already clucking.

    Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

    The egg does not teach the chicken.

    There was a chicken, there was a rooster.

    The rooster roared, but it hit the cabbage soup.

    She sits like a chicken on her eggs.

    Grazing chickens - you can’t find good.

    The chicken would be glad to fly, but if there is no urine.

    The hen is in the nest, and the woman is heating the frying pan.

    The chicken is in the nest, the testicles are unknown where, and you are already in Okhotny Ryad trade chickens.

    A chicken scolds water because it cannot swim.

    The chicken cackles even though it lays an egg. Why is Kochet tearing his throat in vain?

    A chicken on a saddle is thin spinning for a whorl.

    A chicken is not a bird, a bum is not a person, a talker is not a master.

    A chicken pecks grain by grain, but lives full.

    The hen lays one egg each.

    The chicken drinks and looks at the sky.

    A hen carries an egg through its beak.

    The chicken laid an egg, but cluck-tah-tah!

    A chicken should not sing like a rooster, and if such a sin happens, then on the threshold and off with your head.

    Give the hen a ridge - she will take the whole garden.

    Don't feed the chicken, don't dress up the girl.

    He didn’t catch the chicken, but he plucked it.

    Hen and cow - early lunch.

    Not there the chicken laid an egg, where it cackles.

    Hen in earrings, and a rooster in boots.

    The chicken rows itself on the back.

    The sulfur hen is motley, the duck is flat from the toe.

Chicken riddles.

I am a pied, I am a corydalis.
Where-where! I shout briefly.
I scream, and the street hears:
Laid an egg...(Chicken)

She cackles in the morning
Carrying an egg as a gift to us.

( Chicken)

Leading the chickens

Like a nanny in a kindergarten.


Ruffled, sits on the eggs,
On the paws, only four fingers
Cackling and worrying
Can't fly...(Chicken)

She cackled: "I'm a big bird!
Look, she brought a yellow egg!"
And went to the street

"Chick-chick-chick! Whoop-whoop!" -
We hear on the street.
Calls all the chickens

Ko-ko, ko-ko! Ko-ko, ko!
Being a mom is not easy for her!
Gotta count the kids
Put under the wings to sleep.
Twenty daughters, two sons.
And the mother's name is ... kvochka!
Strictly quacking at the gazebo.
They are also called ... mother hens!


All this bird cackles,
Looking for something to eat.
No, she doesn't frown.
This is simple -(Chicken)

We are business birds!
Lay eggs in the morning
People for breakfast, and in the afternoon -
Let's go grab something.(Chicken)

She pecks at the grains.
Delicious eggs.
Heard all over the street
How cackle...(Chicken)

Fairy tales.

    Fairy tale "Golden Scallop Cockerel".

    Russian folk tale "The Rooster and the Hen".

    K. Chukovsky "Chicken".

    Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"

    V.Suteev "Chicken and duckling".

    Krylov I.A. "The Crow and the Chicken".

    Afanasiev "Cat, rooster and fox".

Project theme:"Visiting a fairy tale"

Project type: creative, collective, medium duration

Members: middle-aged children with OHP, speech therapist, music director, educators, parents of pupils.

Implementation period: January - April

Target: correction of the pronunciation side of speech in theatrical activities.


Build parent-child relationships through collaborative activities.

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Systematize knowledge about poultry.

Develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Develop a common and fine motor skills.

Form coherent speech, automate the delivered sounds in phrases.

Introduce Russian folk tales.

To teach to play simple scenes from a familiar fairy tale.

Develop orientation in space.

Form a sufficient stock of emotions.

To develop the expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the motor character of the image.

To cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

Project relevance:

Children with various speech disorders enter speech therapy groups: polymorphic dyslalia, dysarthria, stuttering. Sometimes a speech defect is very persistent and is accompanied by disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere. Children have an increased motor activity, distractibility, self-doubt, aggressiveness is noted. The most optimal means of influencing the comprehensive development of a child with speech impairment is theatrical activity. In theatrical activities develop:

Connected speech (monologic, dialogical);

Lexico-grammatical structure of speech;

Mental processes (imagination, emotional-volitional sphere, attention, perception, and others);

Movement coordination;

Mimicry, pantomime;

Melodic and intonation expressiveness;

Creative skills;

Sounds in the text are automated.

Ensuring project activities:

Planning, methodical and fiction, illustrative, visual, musical material.

Expected result:

Positive dynamics speech development children.

Enrichment of the developing subject-spatial environment for theatrical activities with scenery, attributes, costume elements, video material.

Project activity product:

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Distribution of work by project stages

Project stages

Activities of the music director

Activities of a speech therapist

The activities of the educator

Activity children

Parents activities

Define goals and objectives.

Collect and update information.

Choose the best options.

Make up an action plan.

Accept goals and objectives proposed by teachers

Get in trouble.

Accept tasks.

January March

Selects musical material.

Learns musical material with children.

Selects speech material.

Learns speech material with children. Improves the skills of sound pronunciation, the grammatical structure of speech, develops coherent speech.

Jointly discusses, distributes roles.

Strengthens musical speech material with children.

He makes attributes, scenery, a poster for the performance.

Build knowledge, skills and abilities.

Do homework.

They organize a presentation of the project through a show for parents, kindergarten staff and children of other groups.

Participate in the dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"

Assist in providing children with costumes.

Implementation of interdisciplinary links by sections

Program Sections

Types of children's activities

Speech development

Vocabulary Development

Formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech

The development of the phonetic-phonemic system of the language

Development of coherent speech

The game "Birdyard", "Let's cook food for the birds."

Games: “Find mom”, “Who has who?”, “Call it affectionately”

Articulation gymnastics: "Beak", "Chicken drinks water"

Breathing exercises "Cockerel"

Retelling of the fairy tale by reference pictures, by roles.

Examining illustrations for a fairy tale and talking about them.

Writing descriptive stories.

cognitive development

Development mental functions

Acquaintance with the surrounding reality

Acquaintance with fiction

Games: “Who is gone?”, “What has changed?”, “Who is superfluous?”

Conversations with children on the topic "Poultry", "Family".

Reading the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen". Identification of the heroes of the fairy tale, determination of their characters.

Reading a poem

V. Berestov "Hen with chickens"

Learning verses.


Artistic and aesthetic development

Artistic and creative activity

Musical development

Coloring illustration for a fairy tale

Drawing, modeling, application of poultry.

Singing the song "Rooster"

Physical health and development

Physical culture break "Poultry"

Mobile game "Kite"

Finger games: "Chicken", "Cockerel"

moral development

Game and theatrical activities

Plot - role-playing games: "Family", "In the Village"

flannelgraph, table theater based on the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"

Psycho-gymnastic exercises and studies for the development of mimic culture, to reflect the emotional state of children.

The project achieved its main goal. Together with children, specialists, educators and parents, a dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" was staged. All children had roles and actively participated.

Scenario dramatization of a fairy tale

"Ryaba Hen"


Storyteller - boy

Grandfather Matvey

Baba Matryona

Hen Ryaba

Moths - boys

Flowers - girls


Scenery: house, table and chairs, fence, flower bed.

Children sing a song.

Song "Sunshine"

Storyteller. Grandfather Matvey lived in the village

Music sounds, Grandfather comes up to the hut and sits on a chair.

Storyteller.... and grandmother Matryona.

Music sounds, Baba comes up to the hut and sits next to him.

Storyteller. Corydalis lived with them - chicken Ryaba.

In a colorful outfit, a hen Ryaba runs out.

Song of the chicken Ryaba, Baba and Grandfather

Storyteller. Grandfather Matvey and grandmother Nastya loved the chicken.

The hen sits between the grandfather and the woman, they stroke her.

Storyteller. The chicken was fed with a selected grain.

Grandfather brings a bucket of water.

Here is water from the well

Drink water from a bucket.

Brings a bucket, Ryaba "drinks" from a bucket. Baba brings a bowl.


Eat Ryaba, eat grain,

It is your health.

Ryaba pecks with pleasure. taken for food.


Ryaba chicken ate

and drank water

it's time for her to go for a walk.

The song "The chicken went out for a walk"

Storyteller. At the window, the old men are sitting waiting for the chicken.

A moth and a flower come out.


The forest woke up in the spring and the meadow,

Butterflies woke up around.


Grasses and flowers woke up

There is so much beauty everywhere.

Dance of flowers and moths.


What do I hear, in the yard the chicken cackles

Ryabushka laid an egg, because it’s not in vain that it cackles ..

A hen with a "gilded egg" appears from behind the house.

Chicken Ryaba.

Grandfather and grandmother, look

What did I take down today?

Giving the grandfather an egg..

What a miracle, what a miracle!

Thanks for the egg!


Ah, the testicle is not simple?!

Look, Grandfather, it's golden!

Surprised old people sit down at the table, examining the egg.

How shiny it is

Eyes blind even scary.

Should have broken it

Yes, find out what's inside?

Knocks testicle on the table.


Oh, you old grandfather!

Who beats like that

Come on stronger!

Grandma with a big swing beats the testicle on the table, it’s impossible to break it.

Ah, that's not the task,

Eggs don't seem to break

What to do, how to be here?

Grieving, Grandfather and Baba are sitting.


The mouse ran past

waving his tail.

The egg immediately rolled

shattered in front of everyone!

Grandfather and Baba clasping their hands and crying.


Don't twist and don't cry

We're celebrating now!

Grandfather and Baba are at a loss, the chicken leaves.

Round dance "Spring"


Ryaba hen goes and carries a basket

It contains a large egg.

White, not gold!

A hen comes out with chickens and with a simple egg.

Song of the chicken Ryaba.

Grandfather with Baba.

Ryaba chicken thanks, fed us today!

The chickens come out.


We are bright fluffy

Yellow lumps -

little kids

Our mother - kvochki.

Chicken song.


Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!

Project "Ryaba Hen"

(Second junior group)

Duration: short term

Project type : cognitive - playful

Members: pupils early age, group educators, parents of pupils.

Age of children: 3-4 years

Relevance of the problem:young children know little about domestic animals, namely birds. Hen Ryaba - one of the first fairy tale characters with which the child is introduced. Probably, the importance of this bird in the past was so great that a positive attitude towards it was instilled from early childhood. And, despite the fact that modern urban children see the first cockerel and hen for the first time only in the picture, they immediately win children's hearts, arouse curiosity and interest. In addition, in any program for working with young children, there is a lot of material for toddlers to get to know the hen, cockerel, and chickens.

Objective of the project: To develop cognitive interest in the animals (birds) section in young children.

Project objectives:

Clarification and expansion of children's ideas about the chicken. Formation in children of elementary ideas about the relationships and interactions of living organisms with the environment.

Upbringing careful attitude to nature.

The development of curiosity in children.

Stages of project activity

1. Preparatory stage:

Collection and analysis of literature on this topic.

Setting goals based on the interests and needs of children.

Selection of paintings and illustrations for the project.

Selection of material for artistic activity.

Selection of fiction for reading.

Planning for future activities aimed at the implementation of the project.

Together with the parents of the pupils, the following tasks were implemented:

Equipping the subject-developing environment with equipment for role-playing games (making chicken masks)

2. Main stage:

Practical activities

Project implementation through different kinds activities (joint production of a chicken - ripples, appliqué, modeling, papier-mâché, beading)

Interaction with parents to get to know project activities(collection of exhibits).

3. Final stage

1. Mini-museum "Kurochka-Ryaba"

Implementation of the Ryaba Hen project

Types of activity: gaming, communicative, cognitive research, artistic creativity.

Planning and organization of activities

1. Stage - Preparatory

1. Selection visually didactic aids, demonstration material.

2. Creation of conditions for successful cognitive activity of children.

2. Stage - Main

1. Considering the painting "Hen with chickens."

To develop monologue speech, to develop the mental activity of children.

2. Lesson on acquaintance with the outside world “A fairy tale has come to visit us. Chicken Ryaba.

Introduce children to poultry - chicken.

Activate and expand vocabulary.

3. Research activity "Chicken Nutrition".

D. and "Let's Treat the Birds."

4. Layout "Who lives in the grandmother's yard."

Expand children's understanding of chicken nutrition.

5 Drawing "Let's feed the chickens."

Develop Creative skills children, fantasy.

6 Theatricalization "Ryaba Hen"

Expand children's understanding of pets and their characteristics.

7. Reading the story of M. Zoshchenko "Smart Chicken".

8. The outdoor game "Chicken and chickens."

Teach children to act on the signal of the teacher, to develop friendly relationships.

9. D. i. "Who's screaming?"

To teach children to imitate the sounds of the inhabitants of the Bird Yard.

10. Reading E. Charushin "Chicken"

Teach children to listen carefully, activate vocabulary.

11. Conversation "Who lives in the grandmother's yard"

Give an idea about the "inhabitants" of the grandmother's yard (horse, cow, geese, chickens, etc.).

Encourage children's curiosity, develop research skills.

3. stage - final

The work of the mini-museum.


After analyzing the stages of implementation this project I would like to note the positive results that have been achieved:

1. The level of assimilation of material on cognitive development in the section "Animals" has increased;

2. The need for children to express themselves in creative activities;

3. The need to communicate with representatives of the animal world;

Creative project: Visiting the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" for children of the middle speech therapy group

Author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Bendery Kindergarten No. 9, Bendery.
Description of work: creative project designed for the average speech therapy group. This material will be useful to speech therapists, educators, musical directors of kindergartens for theatrical activities with children of the middle group.

Problem: in the dramatization of fairy tales, all children want to play and talk. How to involve all the children in the group in dramatizing fairy tales with a small number of characters?
Project type: creative, collective, medium duration
Members: middle-aged children with OHP, speech therapist, music director, educators, parents of pupils.
Implementation period: January - April
Target: correction of the pronunciation side of speech in theatrical activities.
Build parent-child relationships through collaborative activities.
Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
Systematize knowledge about poultry.
Develop the grammatical structure of speech.
Develop gross and fine motor skills.
Form a coherent speech.
Automate delivered sounds in phrases.
Introduce Russian folk tales.
To teach to play simple scenes from a familiar fairy tale.
Develop orientation in space.
Form a sufficient stock of emotions.
To develop the expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the motor character of the image.
To cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people.
Project relevance:
Children with various speech disorders enter speech therapy groups: polymorphic dyslalia, dysarthria, stuttering. Sometimes a speech defect is very persistent and is accompanied by disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere. Children have increased motor activity, distractibility, self-doubt, aggressiveness is noted. The most optimal means of influencing the comprehensive development of a child with speech impairment is theatrical activity, in which they develop:
- coherent monologue and dialogic speech;
- lexical and grammatical structure of speech;
- mental processes (imagination, emotional-volitional sphere, attention, perception and others);
- coordination of movements;
- facial expressions, pantomime;
- melodic and intonation expressiveness;
- Creative skills;
- automated sounds in the text.
Ensuring project activities:
Planning, methodical and fiction, illustrative, visual, musical material.
Expected result:
Positive dynamics of speech development of children.
Enrichment of the developing subject-spatial environment for theatrical activities with scenery, attributes, costume elements, video material.
Project activity product:
Scenario dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

Stages of creating a project:

Preparatory stage:
Definition of goals and objectives.
Drawing up an activity plan.
Selection of methodological material.
Selection of speech material for all children.
Selection of musical material.

Main stage:
Conversations with children on the topics: “Poultry”, “Family”.
Compilation of descriptive stories about a chicken, a rooster, a chicken.
Reading Russian folk tales. Reading session.
Learning verses.
Solving riddles.
Examining illustrations for fairy tales.
Reading the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", V. Berestov's poem "The Hen with Chickens".
Retelling of the fairy tale by reference pictures, by roles.
Articulatory gymnastics: "Beak", "Chicken drinks water."
Voice exercise "Chicken squeaks."
Respiratory gymnastics "Cockerel".
Finger games: "Cockerel". "Hen",
Physical culture break "Poultry"
Psycho-gymnastics and studies for the development of facial expressions.
Flannelgraph, table theater based on the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen"
Games: "Birdyard", "Let's prepare food for the birds."
Didactic games: “Who has who?”, “Find mom”, “Name it affectionately”, “Who is gone?”, “What has changed?”, “Who is superfluous?”.
Outdoor games: "The mother hen and chickens", "Kite", "The chicken went out for a walk."
Attention games: “What has changed in a familiar fairy tale?”, “What does not happen?”
Plot - role-playing games: "Family", "In the village"
Drawing, modeling, application of poultry.
Discussion, distribution of roles.
Learning speech material with children.
Learning musical material with children.
Production of attributes, scenery, posters for the performance.

The final stage.
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

The project achieved its main goal. Together with children, specialists, educators and parents, a dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" was staged. All children had roles and actively participated.

Used Books:
Antipina E.A. Theatrical activity in kindergarten”, M.: TC Sphere, 2009
Gnedova O.L., Maydanyuk L.E. "Theatricalization of fairy tales in a correctional kindergarten", St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2007
Makhaneva M.D. Classes in theatrical activities in kindergarten. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009
"Speech therapist" scientific and methodological journal No. 6, 2008

"Ryaba Hen"

Dramatization of a fairy tale

Storyteller - boy
Grandfather Matvey
Baba Matryona
Hen Ryaba
Moths - boys
Flowers - girls
Scenery: house, table and chairs, fence, flower bed.

The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. A girl and a boy come out.
There are many fairy tales in the world -
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Everything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale is knocking at our door
Let's say to the guest: "Come in!"

Song "Sunshine"

Grandfather Matvey lived in the village
Music sounds, Grandfather comes up to the hut and sits on a chair.
... and grandmother Matryona.
Music sounds, Baba comes up to the hut and sits next to him.
Corydalis lived with them - chicken Ryaba.
In a colorful outfit, a hen Ryaba runs out.

Song of the chicken Ryaba, Baba and Grandfather

Grandfather Matvey and grandmother Nastya loved the chicken.
The hen sits between the grandfather and the woman, they stroke her.
The chicken was fed with a selected grain.
Grandfather brings a bucket of water.
Here is water from the well
Drink water from a bucket.
Brings a bucket, Ryaba "drinks" from a bucket. Baba brings a bowl.
Eat, Ryaba, eat grain,
It is your health.
Ryaba pecks with pleasure.
Ryaba - the chicken ate,
And drank water
It's time for her to walk now.

The song "The chicken went out for a walk"

At the window, the old men are sitting waiting for the chicken.
A moth and a flower come out.
The forest woke up in the spring and the meadow,
Butterflies woke up around.
Grasses and flowers woke up
There is so much beauty everywhere.

Dance of flowers and moths.

What I hear is a chicken clucking in the yard.
Ryabushka laid an egg, because it's not in vain that she clucks.
A hen with a "golden" egg appears from behind the house.
Chicken Ryaba.
Grandfather and grandmother, look
What I took down today.
Gives grandfather an egg.
What a miracle, what a miracle!
Thanks for the egg!
Ah, the testicle is not simple?!
Look, Grandfather, it's golden!
Surprised old people sit down at the table, examining the egg.
How shiny it is
Eyes blind even scary.
Should have broken it
Yes, find out what's inside?
Knocks an egg on the table.
Oh, you old grandfather!
Who beats like that
Come on stronger!
Grandma beats the egg on the table with a big swing, it’s impossible to break it.
Ah, that's not the task,
Eggs don't seem to break
What to do, how to be here?
Griefing, Grandfather and Baba are sitting.
The mouse ran past...
The mouse runs out.
She waved her tail.
The egg immediately rolled
It crashed before everyone's eyes!
Grandfather and Baba, clasping their hands, cry.
Don't grieve and don't cry
We're celebrating now!
Grandfather and Baba are at a loss, the chicken leaves.

Round dance "Spring"

Ryaba hen goes and carries a basket.
It contains a large egg.
White, not gold!
A hen comes out with chickens and with a simple egg.

Song of the chicken Ryaba.