Topics of design work on the MHK. Topics of projects and research works on fine arts and arts and crafts

There is a lot of information about writing a term paper. In this article, let's take a closer look at the design title page.

What is a title page

The title page of the course project is the first page of the work that precedes its content. Title pages are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 “Research report. Structure and rules of registration” and GOST 2.105-95 “Unified system design documentation". This standard applies to Russian Federation since July 1, 1996. It has also been adopted in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

GOST does not regulate the type of font in any way, but it is customary to use Times New Roman with a character size (size) for typing the title page 14 pt. In this case, you can use both lowercase and uppercase (uppercase) letters.

The words “MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (or any other country), the name of the educational institution and the topic of work are typed in capital letters, the rest of the information is in lowercase. However, the requirements for the design of title pages may vary depending on the university, so you need to be careful.

For example, here is a sample design for the title page of practical work, where there are no words "Ministry of Education and Science ...".

The indication of certain words depends not so much on GOSTs, but on the requirements of individual educational institutions. So be sure to read the manual before you take on the design of the title page of practical work or any other project.

The examples of title pages from other years presented in this article are also suitable for the design requirements in 2019!

Rules for the design of title pages in accordance with GOST

Despite these differences, there are certain rules for the design of title pages that are the same for all educational institutions. Any "title book" of the course project must contain the following information:

  • the full name of the educational institution;
  • name of the department;
  • name of the academic discipline;
  • topic of work;
  • FULL NAME. the author of the work;
  • course or class number;
  • type of form of education (full-time, part-time, evening);
  • group number;
  • FULL NAME. teacher indicating his position;
  • locality;
  • year of writing.

You also need to take into account that even though the page numbering of the work begins from the title page, the serial number does not need to be put on it.

The procedure for the design of the title page

The design process looks something like this:

  1. In capital letters, we type the name of the university with all the “caps” at the top of the page. Highlight in bold, do center alignment (recall, Times New Roman font, single spacing).
  2. Specify the type of student work (term paper, diploma, control, abstract, etc.).
  3. We write the topic of work.
  4. Next, we indicate the author and teacher (as a rule, using the words “performed” and “checked”).
  5. At the very bottom, we write the city in which the educational institution is located, and the current year.
  6. We set the sizes of the margins of the title page (the size of the margins for the title page: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm).

By the way! It doesn't matter, you only need to issue a title page for practical work college or write an entire university diploma from scratch. For our readers there is now a 10% discount on

The result should be something like this title:

Samples of title pages can vary significantly depending on the guidelines drawn up in different universities. However, if you design your title page according to the above pattern, no one should find fault with you, because. this will be the design strictly according to GOSTs.

Title page of the thesis

Here is an example of a title page thesis:

There is only one thing left to add. If you don’t want to mess with the “title book” yourself, download the thesis title page template, in which all the basic design rules are already taken into account.

Title page of the course work

Below is just an example of what the title page of a term paper might look like.

Can download the template for the title page of the term paper and just enter your personal data into it.

A template for the title page of a term paper can be downloaded for free from the Internet, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is safer to ask the alma mater staff for tips. Laboratory assistants or methodologists of the department will issue a single form, a template can also be asked from the teacher.

Each institution of higher education develops its own standards for maintaining research documentation, based on the unified national standards established by GOSTs. If you make a title page in Word on your own in accordance with the federal procedure, even the most captious reviewers of any university will not have any complaints.

State Standards of the title page for the term paper

The requirements for the form are:

  • in GOST 2.105-95, relevant since July 1996;
  • GOST 21.101.97;
  • GOST 7.32-2001.

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD has the status of interstate, which means that it operates in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

How to issue according to GOSTs

The page size of the title page should be A4. State standards do not strictly regulate the font type, but Times New Roman is most often used in the 14th, less often in the 12th size.

The title page of the term paper is considered the first, but the numbers on the sheets are put down starting from the chapter "Introduction".

Standard fields:

  • upper - from 1.5 to 2 cm;
  • lower and left - 3 cm;
  • right - from 1 to 1.5 cm.

The indentation values ​​are set in MS Word 2010 at the top of the file in the "Page Layout" - "Margins" section - the line at the bottom of the "Custom Margins" drop-down box.

The title page for a term paper should contain the following information:

  1. Full (without abbreviations) name of the university.
  2. The name of the faculty and department.
  3. Subject.
  4. Topic.
  5. Full name of the author.
  6. Course number, group.
  7. Full name, position of teacher.
  8. City.

You can use uppercase (large, capital) and lowercase (small) letters. As a rule, the names of ministries, educational organizations and the topic are typed in capital letters (caps lock), the rest of the information is in lowercase. It is best to refer to the example title page on coursework from the department manual.

How to fill out the title page of a term paper

All information is located on the sheet in three blocks.

Upper ("hat")

Formatting in the center of the page. Dots are not placed at the end of lines. Letters are preferable to uppercase, a combination of uppercase and lowercase is allowed, the use of bold font:

There is a double spacing between the lines with the names of faculties and departments.


It is located slightly above the middle of the title page. The type of study is written in font from 16 to 24, bold type can be used as an additional emphasis.

Be careful: there are no dots at the end of phrases. Center alignment.

Below, indented by two or three lines and shifted to the right, information about the student and his supervisor is indicated.

Completed (option - "Student"):

course, group.

Checked ("Head"): title, scientific degree, position, full name of the reviewer (head).

It is easier to place this part in the right place if you do not shift each line with the space key, but use the functionality of the Word ruler - its icon is located in the upper right corner of the page. After clicking on the icon, a markup appears on the left and at the top. Move the cursor to the left edge of the upper scale, to the location of the two triangles joined by the vertices, wait for the window with the inscription "Indent to the left" to appear, holding the left mouse button, grab the square at the base and move the block to the desired distance.-

Lower ("basement")

Saint Petersburg 2017

Which universities, specialties and subjects are suitable for the sample

The title page for the term paper presented in the article is universal and suitable for all higher educational institutions and organizations in Russia and countries that are members of the Interstate Council for Standardization.

The design of scientific papers of any complexity without fail includes the preparation of a title page. The abstract, despite its small volume and loyalty to the general requirements for registration, is no exception. According to the title page, an initial assessment takes place, which may well become a decisive factor in the defense. Therefore, writing a title should be taken seriously. To do this, to help students, the methodological department of the educational institution provides a manual with a list of requirements for the design of the work in general and the title page, in particular. If there is no such manual, then on this issue you should consult with the teacher who provides scientific guidance to the project. In the event that this did not bring results either, or the student was given relative freedom in the design of the work, you can use the recommendations below, which reflect the generally accepted standard of design.

General requirements for the design of the title page

Like the entire abstract, the title page is a sheet of A4 paper. Font - similar to the font of the text of the work. Size, line spacing, case and other aspects of formatting may vary in different blocks of information. In total there are four such blocks - upper, central, right and lower. When designing them, it is important to comply not only with the individual requirements for each block, but also correctly place them relative to each other. Each block should be in its place and in harmony with the rest. Another important point- primary information (for example, the title of the topic and the full name of the author) should not be "drowned" in the details of a secondary plan. If there is too much text, then it is better to highlight important parts additionally.

Upper block

The first block is the top one. It contains information about the university or other educational institution, faculty and department within which the study was conducted. This block is formatted in the center of the line. Size - 14, one and a half interval. At the same time, the name of the educational institution, unlike the name of the faculty and department, is typed in capital letters and is taken in quotation marks. Between the name of the educational institution and the faculty, an indent of one empty line is made. There is no indent between the lines with the name of the faculty and department.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation




Faculty of Law

Department of Criminalistics

central block

The central block is the most important in its content - it contains information about the research topic and the corresponding scientific discipline. It is formatted in the center of the line and sheet and consists of three positions. On the first line, the type of work is written in capital letters - an abstract. The line below, after the words "by discipline", indicates the name of the subject. One more line below, “on the topic” is followed by the full name of the topic of the work. All lines (except the first, of course) begin with a small letter. Size - 14. For the word "abstract" can be used and 16. Single spacing. In addition, the title of the work can also be indicated in capital letters.

in the discipline "Forensic Psychiatry"

on the topic "Forensic psychiatric data as a source of forensically significant information in the investigation of violent death"

right block

The third block is below the central one by seven to nine line indents. Its task is to convey to the reader information about the author of the work and its supervisor. The font of the block is typed in 14 pt. The interval can be either single or one and a half. As you can see from the name of the block, it is placed in right side sheet. There are two options for how to do this. The first option is to simply align the text to the right.

5th year student

day department
groups #01-12
Savitskaya K. P.

Scientific adviser:

Ordzhonikidze A.P.

The second option is to move the left margin two-thirds to the right and then align it to the left.

5th year student

day department
groups #01-12
Savitskaya K. P.

Scientific adviser:
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Ordzhonikidze A.P.

bottom block

The bottom block is the smallest. It contains only the name of the city where this educational institution is located, as well as the year in which the abstract was submitted for defense. Size, as elsewhere - 14. Formatting in the center. As in the case of the right block, the bottom one has two design options: in one line or in two.

Option 1:

Vorkuta 2015

Option 2:

Other requirements

As you can see from the samples, three of the four title page blocks are formatted in the center. This makes the requirements for the margins of the title page rather conditional. However, such requirements exist and may not be of any significance, for example, when flashing a paper version of a work. Here are the requirements:

Top field - 15 mm.

Bottom field - 30 mm.

Right margin - 15 mm.

Left margin - 20 or 25 mm.


The correct design of the abstract is not just a formal necessity, but the same part of the assignment and therefore requires a responsible approach, like the study itself. It is important to remember this, because for a careless attitude to design, you can pay with a good grade.

The first page of the document has its own unique design that each student must adhere to. After all, the title of the abstract is the face of all the work done and it creates the first impression (negative or positive) of the inspector. If the first page is framed incorrectly, then the reviewer, without even reading the text, will send the document for revision.

The title page of the abstract is drawn up according to two main state standards:

  1. GOST 7.32-2001 - “Research Report”. This applies to research work, which is the abstract. In this section of the section, all the necessary requirements are well described and students must adhere to them when they make out the main page of the work. That is, what exactly should be on the title.
  2. GOST 2.105-95 - as a rule, they say ESKD, but the document is called in full: "Unified system for design documentation." This state standard operates not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. Here are the general requirements for any text documents. That is, the student will read what the format of the title page should be, how to write the name of the university, the data of the student and teacher, etc.

Teachers of some universities are not guided by GOSTs, but create guidelines based on GOSTs, which spell out the requirements for the entire abstract, including the first page of the abstract.

Still, according to GOSTs, it is easier to draw up documents, because even if students did something wrong according to the training manual, the teacher will not be able to object, since the student adhered to state standards.

Title page rules

Despite the fact that university teachers create manuals with their own requirements, there are certain rules that must be followed in any case. Before creating the title page of the abstract, you need to set the margins: right - at least 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm, and top and bottom 2 cm, respectively.

However, it is better to learn these nuances at the department, as the teacher can change the requirements and deviate from state standards.

The title page of the main page of the document for each student should contain the following data:

  • Country name (not always);
  • full or abbreviated name of the department. This should be discussed with the reviewer;
  • name of the discipline;
  • the subject of scientific work;
  • student data (the author who wrote the work). All data must be indicated in full, that is, full name, course or group number;
  • author's form of education. A student can study full-time, part-time or evening;
  • reviewer details, i.e. position (mandatory) and full surname, name and patronymic;
  • the city where the student is studying;
  • year of issue of the document.

It should also be remembered that the abstract should be numbered from the first page, but the page number is not affixed on the title page.

It should be noted that not a single GOST regulates the font, that is, the type and size are not indicated. As a rule, teachers themselves say what font to use, usually Times New Roman, size 14. Therefore, before starting to write a work, you need to consult your reviewer about this, who will accept the work.

The procedure for preparing the title page of the abstract

Do not know how to arrange the title page of the abstract? If the teacher did not indicate his requirements, then the student can independently draw up a document in accordance with GOST.

To begin with, you can conditionally divide an A4 sheet into 4 parts. This is the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them adhere to certain requirements.

In the first upper part in capital letters in the center is written: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. On the next line, the name of the university is written and below the name of the department in quotation marks. We present an example for clarity:

The second part is located in the center of the A4 sheet. Here the word is written only in capital letters: "SUMMARY", and after it the subject and topic of the scientific work are indicated. For example:

The third block must be right-aligned, where the data of the students (group, full name) and the inspector (position and full name) are written. The position of the teacher must be indicated:

And the last, fourth block, although small, is no less important. It is drawn at the very bottom of the page and must be centered. It indicates the city in which the university is located and the year the scientific work was published. It is worth remembering: if the abstract is submitted at the end of December, then you need to indicate the next year. The example shows that only the name of the city and the year are written. It is very important to note that the dot is not placed anywhere.

Of course, title pages often differ from each other. It all depends on the particular university and its requirements. Some teachers ask that the design of the title page of the abstract comply with all GOST standards, while others want to see a work written exclusively according to the training manual.

The title page of the abstract is issued quickly and easily if the student knows all the necessary rules. Here the requirements are minimal, but it is very important to correctly indicate the data not only of the university or department, but also of the teacher.

The article examined how to correctly issue the title page of the abstract in accordance with all GOST standards. When writing a paper, it is very important to consider the design of the first page. However, do not forget that universities often deviate at least a little from GOST, so it’s better to consult with your reviewer, and then start writing an abstract.

How to arrange the title page of the abstract correctly? updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Proper design in the student's abstract is an important step in completing the entire task, so students of a college or institute should take the design theme seriously.

If you do not take into account such an important factor as the design of the abstract, then even the best work can be reworked. And during the session period, when timely delivery is required, this can become a problem. We will analyze what a title page is and how to draw it up according to the rules.

There are developed rules that recommend how to write the title page of an abstract in accordance with GOST. Freshmen should pay attention to them, especially before the first session. This topic is easy. Except general rules, GOSTs, there are guidelines that detail the topic of how to properly format the title page.

Title page example

The design of the abstract should begin with the study of GOSTs. Each university develops its own teaching aids, where there is an example of a title page for a student's work. You should carefully study the manuals.

The first page of the work, as a rule, is designed in a style that is designed for this purpose. Each student must adhere to the rules that indicate how to properly format the title page.

Important! The first page is always a presentation of the student's entire work. It can create both a positive and a negative impression on the teacher.

The thing is that if the title page of the essay at the university is drawn up incorrectly, then the teacher will not even read the text, but simply return it for revision.

There are two types of scientific papers:

  1. The first one is called the "Research Report". Its number is 7.32-2001. It refers to scientific work This section of GOST describes in detail all the conditions for preparing a report, and what information it should contain.
  2. The second one is called " unified system design documentation. His number is 2.105-95. This document is distributed not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries. It regulates the execution of documents: the format of the main sheet, how to write the name of the university, the personal data of the student and the inspector.

If you draw up the title page of the abstract in accordance with GOST, then the teacher will have less chance of returning it for revision.

Basic Rules

Of course, the university management can put forward their own requirements, and approve them in teaching aids. But there are general developed rules on how to arrange the title page of an abstract. First of all, you should set the size of the sheet margin.

Title page sample

The indentation should be like this:

  • right - 15 mm;
  • left - 30 mm;
  • top - 20 mm;
  • below - 20 mm.

Important! For insurance, you can check with the teacher this information, since he has the right to change it. Even if it goes against the accepted norms of registration.

Basic information on the front page:

  1. Country (sometimes this information is not required).
  2. Department name. It can be complete or abbreviated. This should be clarified with the inspector.
  3. Discipline.
  4. Topic title.
  5. Basic information about the student.
  6. The type of form of study used (day hospital, part-time form, evening form).
  7. Information about the reviewer, what is his name and what position he holds.
  8. City.

Title page sample

Elements of the presentation page of the work:

  1. School data. They must be indicated in full, without abbreviations, at the top of the page. When entering information, a regular font is used, writing in capital letters is allowed. But this is not a prerequisite. The phrase is centered.
  2. The name of the department should be written using Times New Roman, size 14. It is centered. To distinguish it from the name of the university, you can draw a line.
  3. The title of the topic is located in the middle of the page. The font is already in use 18. Bold font is used when writing the theme.
  4. When entering data about the performer, verifier, the text should be placed on the right edge. Be sure to indicate the position of the reviewer.
  5. Data relating to the year the work was written and the city are centered on the page.

Digression is an important point when writing a paper. If GOST is taken into account, then 1.5 cm is receded on the right, and 2 cm on the left.

Essay title page sample

When designing the first page, students look for an example of already designed work. The sample is downloaded from the Internet, but how correct it is should be checked by comparing it with GOSTs. It should not be considered as an example of the work of other students, as it is easy to copy someone else's mistake.

We must not forget that even though the numbering starts from the first page, the number should not be on the title. Not a single GOST recommends which font should be used when writing. The most common is Times New Roman. Sometimes 18 pin is used.

The text is typed in black. If the student does not know exactly how to correctly issue the title page of the abstract, then you need to contact the department to your teacher for clarification.

Since the main page presents the entire work, you need to type it without errors, correctly, in accordance with the general requirements:

  1. No spelling errors.
  2. Complete provision of information.
  3. Compliance with GOSTs.


Provided that the reviewer has not put forward special requirements, you can use GOSTs to formalize the work. First, you should delimit the page into 4 sectors: top, center, right and bottom. Each segment is designed in accordance with the developed requirements.

If the student is not sure, then he can always clarify the information on how to issue the title page of the abstract at his department.

For example,


Samara State University

Department of Information Innovation

Creating a database "Library storage"

Completed: NAP student

group KI-521 Ivanov A.A.

Checked by: Associate Professor Anikin S.E.

To control the assimilation of the topic, teachers ask students to write abstracts on the topics covered. When completing a task, you have to study the subject in more detail, increasing your level of education.

The work should have a clear structure, from the introduction to the final part. It is good when the text is diluted with diagrams, diagrams, tables. The student not only explores the topic, but can also express his point of view on the issue under consideration.

Title page requirements

An abstract is a written text that highlights a topic with the help of several sources. It is drawn up on A4 paper. You can write by hand or type on a computer. The font size used is 12/14 and the name is Times New Roman.

Be sure to respect the line spacing and indentation of the fields. The title never ends with a dot. The text is located on one side of the sheet. The entire abstract must be numbered. The title page is included in the numbering, but the mark is not put on it.

The student must list the sources in order of their importance:

  • basic,
  • periodicals,
  • the Internet.

To get a positive assessment, the student must fully consider the topic, research it, give examples. The work is carried out according to the plan and is executed according to the established rules. On the main sheet, the student indicates all the key points: what topic is revealed, who wrote, which department, who will check the work.

Useful video

Summing up

It is important that the first page is designed in accordance with GOST, so for safety reasons, the student can use a sample title page, which is easy to download from the Internet space, or you can find a photo of the work already submitted to be sure of the correct design.

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