The son of the regiment was with his father. Valentin Petrovich Kataev son of the regiment story

Britain's greatest shame. From Dunkirk to Crete. 1940-1941 Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich


Army Group "B" (commander - Bock, n / w - Salmut)

2nd Air Fleet (Kesselring)

IV Air Corps (Keller)

VIII Air Corps (Richthofen)

II Anti-Aircraft Corps (Desloch)

2nd Air Corps for Special Missions (Putzier)

1st Fighter Group (Doring)

7th Air (Parachute) Division (Student)

18th Army (commander - Kühler, n / w - Marx)

X Army Corps (Hansen)

207th Infantry Division (Tidemann)

227th Infantry Division (Wachter)

XXVI Army Corps (Vodrig)

254th Infantry Division (Koch)

256th Infantry Division (Kaufman)

22nd Airborne Division

9th Panzer Division(Khubitsky)

SS Leibschandart "Adolf Hitler" (Dietrich)

Motorized SS Regiment "Der Fuhrer" (Keppler)

1st Cavalry Division (Feldt)

6th Army (commander - Reichenau, n / w - Paulus)

IX Army Corps (Geyer)

56th Infantry Division (Kibel)

30th Infantry Division (Briesen)

216th Infantry Division (Bettcher)

XI Army Corps (Korzfleisch)

19th Infantry Division (Knobelsdorf)

14th Infantry Division (Weyer)

31st Infantry Division (Kempf)

IV Army Corps (Schwedler)

4th Panzer Division(Stewer)

7th Infantry Division (Gablenz)

18th Infantry Division (Kranz)

35th Infantry Division (Reinhard)

61st Infantry Division (Hanike)

XXVII Army Corps (Weger)

269th Infantry Division Hell)

253rd Kühne Infantry Division)

XVI Motorized Corps (Gepner)

3rd Panzer Division(Stumpf)

255th Infantry Division (Wetzel)

I Army Corps - Army Group "B" reserve (Bot)

1st Infantry Division (Kleffer)

11th Infantry Division (Beckman)

223rd Infantry Division (Kerner)

Army Group "A" (commander - Rundstedt, n / sh - Zodenstern)

3rd Air Fleet (Sperrle)

I Air Corps (Grauert)

II Air Corps (Lerzer)

V Air Corps (Grim)

I Anti-Aircraft Corps (Weise)

2nd Fighter Group (Osterkamp)

4th Army (commander - Kluge, n / w - Brenneko)

V Army Corps (Ruof)

251st Infantry Division (Kratzert)

VIII Army Corps (Heitz)

8th Infantry Division (Koch-Erpach)

28th Infantry Division (Obstfelder)

87th Infantry Division (Studnitz)

267th Infantry Division (Fesman)

II Army Corps (Strausse)

32nd Infantry Division (Boehme)

12th Infantry Division (Seidlitz von Kurzbach)

7th Panzer Division(Rommel)

XV Motorized Corps (Goth)

62nd Infantry Division (Keyner)

5th Panzer Division(vonHartlib)

211th Infantry Division (Renner)

263rd Infantry Division (Karl)

12th Army (commander - List, n / w - Mackensen)

III Army Corps (Haase)

3rd Infantry Division (Lichel)

23rd Infantry Division (Brockdorf-Alefeldt)

VI Army Corps (Förster)

24th Infantry Division (Obernitz)

16th Infantry Division (Krumpf)

XVIII Army Corps (Bayer)

1st Mountain Division (Kübler)

5th Infantry Division (Farmbacher)

21st Infantry Division (Spornheimer)

25th Infantry Division (Klössner)

Panzer group (commander - Kleist, n / sh - Zeitzler)

XIX Motorized Corps (Guderian)

1st Panzer Division(Kircher)

2nd Panzer Division(Vayel)

10th Panzer Division(Shaal)

motorized regiment "Grossdeutschland" (von Stockhausen)

XXXXI Motorized Corps (Reinhardt)

6th Panzer Division(Kempf)

8th Panzer Division(Küntzen)

2nd motorized division (Bader)

XIV Army Corps (Witersheim)

13th motorized division (von Rothkirchen und Panten)

29th motorized division (von Langermann and Erlenkamp)

16th Army (commander - Bush, n / sh - Model)

VII Army Corps (Schobert)

36th Infantry Division (Lindemann)

68th Infantry Division (Brown)

XIII Army Corps (Wietinghof)

17th Infantry Division (Loch)

15th Infantry Division (von Happkus)

XXIII Army Corps (Schubert)

34th Infantry Division (Behlendorf)

76th Infantry Division (Angelis)

58th Infantry Division (Heunert)

XXXX Army Corps (Shtumme)

33rd Infantry Division (Schintzenich)

6th Infantry Division (von Bigeleben)

9th Infantry Division (von Appel)

73rd Infantry Division (Beeper)

52nd Infantry Division (Rendulich)

26th Infantry Division (Förster)

71st Infantry Division (Weisenberger)

Army Group Reserve:

4th Infantry Division (Hansen)

27th Infantry Division (Bergman)

Eiffel Fortress Division

Army Group "C" (commander - Leeb, n / w - Felber)

1st Army (commander - Witzleben, n / w - Hilpert)

XXX Army Corps (Hartman)

79th Infantry Division (Strekker)

95th Infantry Division (Sixtus von Arnim)

93rd Infantry Division (Tieman)

XII Army Corps (Schroth)

258th Infantry Division (Wollman)

75th Infantry Division (Hummer)

252nd Infantry Division (Kühne)

XXIV Army Corps (Geir von Schweppenburg) 257th Infantry Division (von Wiebachn)

268th Infantry Division (Straube)

262nd Infantry Division (Thyssen)

XXXVII Army Corps (Böhm-Tettelbach)

215th Infantry Division (Kniss)

246th Infantry Division (Deneke)

7th Army (commander - Dollman, n / w - Wickerstal)

XXV Army Corps (von Prager)

555th Infantry Division (Henriii)

557th Infantry Division (Kuprionri)

XXXIII Army Corps (Brandt)

554th Infantry Division (von Hirscheberg)

556th Infantry Division (von Berg)

96th Infantry Division (Virov)

94th Infantry Division (Volkman)

98th Infantry Division (Shtimmel)

Reserve OKH in the West


2nd Army (Weichs)

XVII Army Corps (Kenitz)

XXXVIII Army Corps (Mangitein)

XXXIX Motorized Corps (Schmidt)

XXXXII Army Corps (Kuptse)

10th Infantry Division

44th Infantry Division

45th Infantry Division

46th Infantry Division

50th Infantry Division

57th Infantry Division

60th Infantry Division

72nd Infantry Division

78th Infantry Division

81st Infantry Division*

82nd Infantry Division*

83rd Infantry Division*

161st Infantry Division

162nd Infantry Division

167th Infantry Division

183rd Infantry Division

205th Infantry Division

260th Infantry Division

290th Infantry Division

299th Infantry Division*

Division "Policeman" * (Pfeffer-Wildenbruck)

SS Motorized Division "Totenkopf" (Eike)

This lists 22 divisions that took a more or less significant part in the French campaign - mostly as early as June 1940. A significant part of them was transferred to the army group "C", overcoming the "Maginot Line".

In addition, by May 1940, there were 18 more infantry divisions in the OKH general reserve in western Germany - 60, 86, 88*, 164*, 168*, 169, 197, 212, 217, 221, 291*, 292*, 293 *, 294*, 295, 296*, 297*, 298th*. Later, these divisions were redeployed to the territory of Belgium and France, but they practically did not take part in hostilities.

From the book Results of the Second World War. Conclusions of the vanquished author Specialists German Military

Combat use of parachute troops German parachute troops were used in the Second World War to solve independent tasks of an operational nature and tactical tasks as part of the operations of larger formations of the ground army. Operation Freudenthal.

From the book Penal battalions and detachments of the Red Army author Daines Vladimir Ottovich

Combat schedule of penal units of the Red Army Separate penal battalions Separate penal battalions of the fronts 1942 Separate penal battalion of the Voronezh Front. Separate penal battalion of the Transcaucasian Front.

From the book 1941. Hitler's Victory Parade [The Truth about the Battle of Uman] author Runov Valentin Alexandrovich

Appendix 1 From the notes made by the Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces F. Halder at a meeting with Hitler in the Berghof on July 31, 1940 “... if Russia is defeated, last hope England will fade away. The ruler of Europe and the Balkans will then become

From the book Did penal battalions win the war? [Myths and truth about the penalty box of the Red Army] author Daines Vladimir Ottovich

Annex No. 2 Combat schedule of penal units of the Red Army Separate penal battalions Separate penal battalion of the Bryansk Front 08/09/1942-02/5/1943 (February 5, 1943 was renamed the 12th separate penal battalion.) Separate penal battalion of the Voronezh Front

From the book Technique and weapons 2001 11-12 author Magazine "Technique and weapons"

Combat use of German tanks During the offensive in Piccardy (Operation Michael, March 21 - April 4, 1918), the Germans on a front of 765 km brought into action 59 divisions with 6,824 guns, 1,000 aircraft and only 19 tanks (of which 9 were captured ). For the first time, German tanks entered the battle on March 21

From the book Britain's Greatest Shame. From Dunkirk to Crete. 1940-1941 author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

I. BATTLE SCHEDULE OF THE ALLIED FORCES FOR MAY 10, 1940 FRENCH-BRITISH TROOPS 1st Army Group (commander - Billot, N / W - Humbert) Air Force of the Northern Zone (Astiers de la Vigerie) 7th Army (Giraud) I Army Corps (Cyar) 25th Motorized Division XVI Army Corps

From the book The Rise of Stalin. Defense of Tsaritsyn author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

Chapter I. Invasion of the Austro-German Troops into the Soviet Republic in 1918 Although on March 3, 1918, the Kaiser government signed a peace treaty in Brest-Litovsk, the German-Austrian troops continued their offensive against the Ukraine. Long before February 18, 1918

From the book The Great Patriotic War Soviet people(in the context of World War II) author Krasnova Marina Alekseevna

5. FROM THE DECISION OF THE CC AUCP(B) ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE FIGHT IN THE REAR OF THE GERMAN TROOPS July 18, 1941 In the war with Nazi Germany, which seized part of Soviet territory, exclusively importance acquired the struggle in the rear of the German army. The task is to create

From book Battle of Kursk. Offensive. Operation Kutuzov. Operation "Commander Rumyantsev". July-August 1943 author Bukeikhanov Petr Evgenievich


From the book 1991. Chronicle of the Gulf War by Lauri Richard S.

1.2. The state of defense of the Orlovsky bridgehead of the German army, the grouping of German troops on the bridgehead and the plans of the German command for its defense Since August 1942, the German command took all measures to turn the Orlovsky bridgehead into a powerful

From the book German submarines Type II close-up author Ivanov S. V.

Chapter 4

From the book Memorable Book of the Red Navy author Kuznetsov N. G.

1.1. The defense of the German troops on the southern face of the Kursk ledge and the assessment by the German command of the operational situation that had developed on the front of the Wehrmacht Army Group "South" in early August 1943

From the book Battle of Kursk, which we started author Bukeikhanov Petr Evgenievich

Appendix B. Coalition Forces in Operation Desert Storm. Combat Schedule CENTCOM (Central Command) - Gen. H. (Herbert) Norman Schwarzkopf (USA) ARCENT (Central Command Army) - US THIRD ARMY - Gen. John J. Yosok (USA) VII US ARMY CORPS -

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Combat use of submarines of the II series until 1940 In the mobilization plan of 1938, there was a so-called Z-Plan, according to which the division of the submarine fleet into eastern and western flotillas was envisaged. This plan came into force on August 18, 1939, in preparation

From the author's book

The combat schedule of the ship 1. For the expedient distribution of personnel among combat posts and command posts, for the control and maintenance of weapons and technical means of the ship in battle, a combat schedule is drawn up.2. Place (deck area, room or row

From the author's book

Chapter 1.6 Operational and tactical preparation of German troops for the start of Operation Citadel

There is good Russian word- "essay". The current student does not always understand this word correctly: he thinks that an essay is something school, given. And he, unfortunately, not without the help of teachers, is somewhat right, because all schoolchildren have to write essays in class, that is, to do not always pleasant, but obligatory work, and even get marks for this work.

I would like to remind you that the word “composition” has been and still is used to refer to the works of Pushkin and Byron, Lermontov and Jack London, Nekrasov and Mark Twain, Turgenev and Jules Verne, Tolstoy and Conan Doyle, Chekhov and Kipling, Gorky, Rolland, Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Hemingway and many other domestic and foreign writers. And it is no coincidence that when the most complete edition of the books of this or that writer comes out, the words “Complete Works” are written on them.

To compose or compose, our compatriot, an expert on the Russian language Vladimir Ivanovich Dal once said, is to invent, invent, invent, create mentally, produce with the spirit, with the power of imagination.

These are very precise words, and they can be attributed to the work of every real writer, artist, composer, scientist, when he invents, creates, creates, and we believe in this created, because it happens, it could or can be in life.

Such a writer, such an artist has always been and remains for me Valentin Petrovich Kataev. I knew and accepted him like that when, as a boy, I read “The lonely sail turns white” and “I, the son of the working people ...”, and a little later (it just so happened!) - His previously written novel “Time, forward!”. And then, when in years Patriotic War appeared the story "The Son of the Regiment" - one of best books in Soviet literature for children - it was natural for me that Valentin Kataev wrote it.

The continuation of the reader's friendship with the writer in post-war years there was an acquaintance with the books “A Farm in the Steppe”, “Winter Wind”, “For the Power of the Soviets”, which, together with the story “The lonely sail turns white”, then entered the epic “Waves of the Black Sea”, and, finally, with the book by V. Kataev “ A small iron door in the wall”, an unusual book, but very interesting for the reader and the work of the writer himself.

The works of Valentin Kataev have become good companions of people of all ages - big and small. They excite the reader, they reveal to him a great and complex world life. They sometimes, for example, like the “adult” story by V. Kataev “The Holy Well”, cause heated debate. But people argue about what they care about ...

Before talking about the story "The Son of the Regiment", which you will read in this book, I would like to tell a little about its author. I know that children, and not only children, are interested in the life of every beloved writer, his biography: when and where he was born, how he behaved in childhood and how he studied, and, of course, how he became a writer.

To begin with, I will quote the words of V. Kataev himself:

“I was born in Ukraine. My childhood, adolescence and youth passed there. My father was a native Russian. Mother is a native Ukrainian. In my soul from the very early years"Ukrainian" and "Russian" are intertwined. Or rather, not even intertwined, but completely merged.

Valentin Petrovich Kataev was born in Odessa on January 28, 1897. He learned to read early. Shevchenko, Pushkin, Gogol, Nikitin, Koltsov, Tolstoy became his first favorite writers and teachers. It happened naturally and simply, perhaps even imperceptibly for the future writer: he grew up in a family where they truly knew and loved classic literature. At the age of thirteen, Valya Kataev published his poem "Autumn" in a newspaper. His brother Zhenya was just as passionately drawn to literature (later the remarkable Soviet writer Yevgeny Petrov, one of the creators of the novels The Twelve Chairs and The Golden Calf).

Valentin Kataev grew up and matured as a person, a citizen and a writer in a stormy historical era. Revolution of 1905, the beginning and collapse of the First World War, the Great October Revolution, the years of socialist construction and the first five-year plans - these are the events that he witnessed or participated in and which later formed the basis of many of his books.

big role in creative biography Valentina Kataeva played such outstanding masters of our culture, like Vladimir Mayakovsky, Ivan Bunin, Demyan Bedny, Maxim Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Eduard Bagritsky, Yuri Olesha, with whom life has confronted the writer in different years. They were true friends V. Kataev, his good advisers and teachers.

The story "The Son of the Regiment" Valentin Kataev wrote in 1944, during the Patriotic War of our people with the Nazi invaders. Remembering this time, Valentin Petrovich said: “Always and everywhere, in the most critical moments Soviet writers were with the people. They shared with millions Soviet people the hardships and hardships of the difficult war years.

The war correspondent of the newspapers Pravda and Krasnaya Zvezda, the writer Valentin Kataev himself walked and drove thousands of kilometers of front-line roads.

The war brought our country a lot of grief, troubles and misfortunes. She ruined tens of thousands of cities and villages. She made terrible sacrifices: twenty million Soviet people, more than the population of other states, died in that war. The war deprived thousands of children of fathers and mothers, grandfathers and older brothers. But our people won this war, they won because they showed the greatest endurance, courage and courage. He won because he could not help but win. "Victory or death!" - said our people in those years. And they went to their deaths so that others who survived would win. It was a fair fight for happiness and peace on earth.

The story "The Son of the Regiment" returns the reader to the difficult, heroic events of the war years, which today's children know only from textbooks and the stories of their elders. But textbooks do not always talk about it in an interesting way, and the elders do not always like to remember the war: these memories are too sad ...

After reading this story, you will learn about the fate of a simple village boy Vanya Solntsev, from whom the war took everything: relatives and friends, home and childhood itself. You will learn how, having become a brave scout, Vanya took revenge on the Nazis for his own and the people's grief. Together with Vanya Solntsev, you will go through many trials and experience the joy of heroism in the name of victory over the enemy. You will meet wonderful people, soldiers of our army - Sergeant Egorov and Captain Enakiev, gunner Kovalev and Corporal Bidenko, who not only helped Vanya become a brave scout, but also raised him best qualities real person. And, after reading the story "The Son of the Regiment", you, of course, will understand that a feat is not just courage and heroism, but great, great work, iron discipline, inflexibility of will and, most importantly, great love for one's Motherland ...

The stories of Valentin Kataev have been living in the world for many decades. Over the years, they have been read and loved by millions of readers not only in our country, but also abroad. They fell in love, like many other books by Valentin Kataev - a great writer, artist, master of the word. And if you have not yet read all of Kataev's works, then you can only be envied: you have a lot of good and joyful ahead.