Tasks for the formation of logical ud. Formation of logical universal educational activities in elementary school

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education in Russia general education main goal of education in primary school is the formation of the ability to learn, which means the ability to effectively cooperate both with the teacher and with peers, the ability to conduct a dialogue, look for solutions, support each other. Achieving this goal becomes possible due to the formation of a system of universal educational activities. The concept of the development of universal educational activities was developed on the basis of a system-activity approach by a group of numerous authors led by A.G. Asmolov.Today, the most promising way is the formation of general educational skills in schoolchildren, designed to help solve the problems of fast and high-quality learning. Approaches to the formation of universal educational actions of students are actively considered by A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya, O.A. Karabanova, L.G. Peterson.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological) sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as skills associated with them). academic work), providing independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

As part of the main types of universal educational activities that correspond to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: 1) personal; 2) regulatory (including also the actions of self-regulation); 3) cognitive; 4) communicative. Among the meta-subject universal educational activities (UUD) of younger schoolchildren, cognitive UUDs play a special role, since the effectiveness of all subsequent human education depends on their formation. Cognitive UUD, which includes general educational, logical, sign-symbolic, as well as the actions of setting and solving problems, prepare the student to solve any problem-task.

An analysis of modern textbooks in mathematics for elementary school showed that most of them contain tasks that assume that the child has formed logical operations. In addition, many tasks are presented in the form of texts, which makes it difficult for the younger student to complete them, since the predominant thinking in this category of children remains visual-figurative. Therefore, we will consider in more detail the logicaluniversal training activities, including:

    analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential)

    synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

    choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

    summing up under concepts, deducing consequences;

    establishment of causal relationships;

    building a logical chain of reasoning;


    hypotheses and their justification.

Formingbrain teaseruniversal learning activities, it is worth relying on the above list in order to use all the components and make this work comprehensive and more productive.

The mental activity of people is carried out with the help of mental operations: comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization, concretization. All these operations are different aspects of the main activity of thinking - mediation, i.e. disclosure of more and more significant objective connections and relationships between objects, phenomena, facts.

Comparison is a comparison of objects and phenomena in order to find similarities and differences between them. KD Ushinsky considered the operation of comparison to be the basis of understanding. He wrote: “... comparison is the basis of all understanding and all thinking. We know everything in the world only through comparison ... ". Analysis and synthesis are the most important mental operations, inextricably linked. In unity, they give a complete and comprehensive knowledge of reality. Analysis is the mental division of an object or phenomenon into its constituent parts or the mental separation of individual properties, features, qualities in it. Synthesis is a mental combination of individual parts of objects or a mental combination of their individual properties. Abstraction is a mental abstraction from any parts or properties of an object in order to highlight its essential features. Generalization is a mental association of objects and phenomena according to their common and essential features. Concretization is a mental representation of something single that corresponds to a particular concept or general position.

Development logical thinking child is a process of transition of thinking from empirical level knowledge (visual-effective thinking) to the scientific and theoretical level (logical thinking), followed by the design of the structure of interrelated components, where the components are the methods of logical thinking (logical skills), which ensure the integral functioning of logical thinking.

The subject "mathematics" has a special potential in the formation of logical universal educational actions among younger schoolchildren. Mathematics provides many opportunities to keep the student's thought in constant tension, in vigorous activity, in the mode of independent searches for solutions to feasible problems. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate confidence in one's strengths, capabilities and abilities. Great importance in the formation of logical UUD in the classroom in mathematics, he has training in solving problems for movement, which stand out among other types of problems according to the plot. By structure, they are very diverse: simple, compound, tasks with proportional values, etc. An analysis of practice shows that the main attention is paid to familiarization with special methods for solving different types of motion problems.

Thus, logical thinking is a type of thinking, the essence of which is to operate with concepts, judgments, inferences based on the laws of logic, their comparison and correlation with actions, or a set of mental logically reliable actions or operations of thinking, connected by cause-and-effect patterns that allow to harmonize available knowledge in order to describe and transform objective reality. Of particular importance is the development of logical thinking in the younger school age when the child is included in educational activities, socialization, active development of the world around, the formation and development of ideas about the surrounding reality, including in the process of teaching mathematics.

    Asmolov, A.G. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from action to thought [Text]: teacher's guide / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya and others; ed. A.G. Asmolova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 151p.

    Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / under. ed. V.V. Davydov. - M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1996. - 536 p.

    Dubrovina, I.V. Psychology [Text]: Textbook for students. Avg. Pedagogical studies institutions / I.V. Dubrovina, E.E. Danilova, A.M. parishioners; Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012. - 464 p.

    Karabanova, O.A. What are universal learning activities and why are they needed [Text] / O. A. Karabanova // Municipal education: innovations and experiment. -2010. - No. 2. - S. 11-12.

    Maklakov, A.G. General Psychology [Text]: Textbook for universities / A.G. Maklakov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 583 p.

    Peterson, L.G. Formation of UUD on the basis of the system-activity approach L.G. Peterson. - NOU "Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy", 2012.- 1 electron. opt. disc (DVD).

Methodical development on the formation of logical universal educational activities for younger students

in math class

Shchelokova N.V.

5th year student

Educational standards set the school the task of general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence as the ability to learn. The solution of the task is supposed to be carried out through the formation of universal educational activities (UUD), which ensure the ability of students to self-development and self-presentation. Logical universal learning activities that are part of cognitive UUD have the most general character and are aimed at establishing connections and relationships in any field of knowledge. The formation of logical actions is closely connected with the formation of logical methods of thinking, which form the basis of one or another logical action. In primary school, children must master the elements of logical actions (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, etc.).

The main means of forming logical UUD in the course of mathematics are educational tasks that are variable in wording (explain, check, evaluate, choose, compare, find a pattern, is the statement true, guess, observe, draw a conclusion, etc.), which aim students to perform various kinds activities, thereby forming the ability to act in accordance with the goal. Learning tasks encourage children to analyze objects in order to highlight their essential and non-essential features; identify their similarities and differences; compare and classify according to given or independently selected features (grounds); establish causal relationships; build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties; to generalize, that is, to carry out generalization for a number of single objects based on the identification of an essential connection. The formation of logical UUD in mathematics lessons can be carried out not only when working with text tasks, but also during the oral account, activities with geometric material, in solving non-standard (logical) problems. Logical UUD will develop in mathematics lessons in the course of solving each subject task, if the teacher, together with the students, discusses the method itself, that is, the sequence of actions that led to the result, with the help of a chain of questions, then this sequence will eventually become an assigned universal educational action. On the basis of the given tasks, it is possible, by analogy, to develop new tasks, using not only mathematical material, and offer them to students in lessons in other subjects. The following is a selection of tasks for the formation of logical skills: analysis with the selection of essential and non-essential features, comparison, synthesis and classification, as well as the establishment of analogies for second grade students. A selection of tasks consists of author's tasks, tasks from the textbook "Mathematics", etc.

Tasks for highlighting essential and non-essential features

    The school is located in the middle of the village, on the square. Masha was going to school and met 4 boys. Each of them was with a briefcase. How many children were sent to school? Answer: only Masha.

Kolya drew 2 Christmas trees, under each of them - 3 mushrooms. Alyosha drew 2 pines. How many deciduous trees did the boys draw in total? Answer: none.

    The game "Name the signs of the object" the teacher names an object, for example: a book, a brick, a box. Name as many features of this object as you can.

Tasks for the application of analysis

    Logic tasks to find a match on the basis of:

Serezha, Grisha and Kolya took the first three places in the running competition. What place did each take, is it known that Grisha did not take second or third place, and Seryozha did not take third?

2) Find the values ​​of the products, replacing them with sums:

1∙3 1∙5 1∙8

    Rhymed tasks:

a) How many ears do five mice have?

b) A kitten ran across the grass, followed by a puppy. Who will count the guys how many legs ran there?

c) A shepherd was walking along the path. She has four legs. To meet her is a black dog. How many dog ​​legs are there?

4) How many segments are in the drawing? triangles? Quadrangles?

Tasks for the application of synthesis

1) Write down several equalities and inequalities using only the numbers 9, 6, 13, 3, 15, action signs and comparison signs.

Check if the task is completed correctly: 10 + 3 = 13; 9 + 6 = 15; 9 3.

2) Connect the rule correctly: “If all the terms in the sum are (same, different), then the action (addition, subtraction) can be replaced by the action (multiplication, division).”

3) The game "Collect proverbs." Mathematical proverbs are written on the cards. Each is divided into two parts. We need to bring them together.


....and have a hundred friends

Old friend…..

... there is no warrior in the field

Do not have a hundred rubles ....

…better than the new two


... one is not expected

    Problems with extra or missing data: Grandma had 2 black 5 white rabbits and 7 hens. How many rabbits did grandma have. Put the question to the problem in such a way that you can use the entire condition of the problem when solving it.

Lyuba recorded 10 melodies on her mobile phone, and Faith on 6 melodies ______? How many tunes did Vera record? Complete the condition of the problem so that the problem is solved: a) by addition; b) subtraction.

    Write down the number: in which there are four tens and five units.

Comparison tasks

1) The master made three fabulous tables: one table with an area of ​​1 m², another with an area of ​​1 dm², and the third - 1 cm². Which table is more comfortable to sit at? fairy tale characters: a) Thumbelina; b) Boy-with-a-finger; c) Uncle Fedor.

2) Determine which of the trees growing on the streets of our city is the best "vacuum cleaner":

A) Birch - 28;

B) Pine - 17;

C) Poplar - 23. To answer the question, solve the expression: 17–(14:2) + 13.

3) Tasks for comparison: Sveta is more fun than Olya, and Olya is more fun than Vera. Which girl is the funniest?

Vova's hair is lighter than Petya's, and Petya's hair is lighter than Kolya's. Which boy has the darkest hair?

Tasks for the application of classification

    Which figure is "extra"? Prove your choice.

A) 62, 4, 8, 2∙8, 9.

B) Sum, product, difference, term.

C) Kilometer, kilogram, meter, centimeter, decimeter.

D) 2∙3, 2∙5, 2+3, 2∙2, 2∙4.

4) Name the even numbers first, and then the odd ones.

Write down the numbers from 1 to 10. Underline only the odd ones.

    Set the pattern in accordance with which the table is filled. Find the missing numbers.

    Set a pattern.

Tasks for the application of generalization

    What is the general term for each group of words?

mass units;

length units.

    Choose one general term.

2,4,6, 14,18, 20 - digits, numbers, single digits, double digits, even numbers.

Condition and question - solution, expression, scheme, task, task.

    Divide the table into columns: 7 + 4; 7∙2; 7+4=11; a + b; a + b with; 12:2.





Is not


    Distribute mathematical expressions:

45- 9 6∙2 12+18

45+19 24- 7 7∙1



Tasks for the application of analogy

    For each product, make 2 equalities per division. Follow the pattern.

2*3=6 2*4 2*8 7*2

2) Underline the correct answer.

3) Add the answer:

part - whole, term ________

8 is an even number, 11 ________

tree - cut down, number ________

table - leg, product _______

4) Which combination of words is more similar to the words in the box?

cable of swearing

1. mathematical expressions;

2. addition of numbers;

3. multiplication table.


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    Gin S.I. World of Logic Publisher: M.: Vita-Press. Series: Primary school teacher's library 2003 - 144s.

    Kuprienko V.V. Teaching with passion. A collection of developmental tasks in mathematics for the 2nd grade with methodological recommendations and answers. - 2014. - 103p.

  1. Mishakina T.L., Novikova S.N. We form universal educational actions in mathematics lessons Grade 2 / - M .: Yuventa, 2013. - 48p.
  2. Melnikova T.A. etc. Mathematics. Development of logical thinking. Grades 1 - 4: a set of exercises and tasks - 2nd ed. Volgograd: Teacher. - 131s.
  3. Merkulova T.V. What to teach and how to teach? // Primary school plus before and after. - 2012. - No. 5.

Formation of cognitive UUD in the classroom in elementary school.

Nikiforova Yulia Petrovna


"Tell me– and I will forget.

Show me- and I will remember.

let me do it myself– and I will learn!”

Chinese wisdom.

The child entered first grade. For the first time, he begins to engage in socially significant, socially valued educational activities. All relations of the student are now determined by his new position - the role of the student, the schoolboy.

Today's children are different from those for whom a real functioning education system was created. They are more informed (computers), they read less books.

And now the teacher primary school having to solve very difficult tasks of his pedagogical experience, more often looking for an answer to the question “How to teach children in new conditions?” And the school is not so much a source of information as it teaches how to learn; the teacher is not just a conductor of knowledge, but a person who teaches creative activity aimed at independent acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge.

The new Federal State Educational Standard announces new goals for general education.Education in elementary school is the foundation, the foundation of all subsequent education. This possibility is ensured by the fact that universal learning actions are generalized actions that generate motivation for learning and allow students to navigate in various subject areas of knowledge. The priority goal of school education is the formation of the ability to learn.

Achieving this goal is made possible byformation of a system of universal educational activities (UUD) . In a broad sense, the termuniversal learning activities " means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of a student to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, to form skills and competencies, including the independent organization of this process. Thus, the achievement of the ability to learn involves the full development by schoolchildren of allcomponents learning activities , including: 1) cognitive and educational motives; 2) learning goal; 3) learning task; 4) educational activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation).All this is achieved through the conscious, active appropriation of social experience by students.

Quality the assimilation of knowledge is determined by the variety and nature of the types of universal actions.Universal learning activities grouped into four main blocks: 1) personal; 2) regulatory; 3) communicative actions; 4) cognitive.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the fourth group - the formationcognitive universal learning activities, which for successful learning should be formed already in primary school.For the formationcognitive UUD - tasks are selected, pthe correct result of which cannot be found in the textbook in finished form. But in the texts and illustrations of the textbook, reference literature there are hints that allow you to complete the task.

cognitive universal learning activities include:general education, logical, actions of setting and solving problems .

1.General education generic actions:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection of necessary information;

Application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools: sign-symbolic -modeling - transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic) are highlighted, andmodel transformation in order to identify general laws that define this subject area;

Ability to structure knowledge;

The ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written form;

Choice of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;

Semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Universalbrain teaser actions:

Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

Synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts, including self-completing, replenishing the missing components;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

Summing up under concepts, deducing consequences;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Building a logical chain of reasoning;


Hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem:

Formulation of the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

ATIn the process of forming cognitive universal educational activities, perhaps the most important thing is to teach younger students to make small, but their own discoveries. The student must already lower grades to solve problems that required from him not a simple action by analogy (copying the actions of a teacher), but would conceal the possibility for a “mental breakthrough”. It is not so much the finished result that is useful, but the process of solving itself with its hypotheses, mistakes, comparisons of various ideas, assessments and discoveries, which can lead to personal victories in the development of the mind.

The use of various educational technologies contributes to the formation of cognitive UUD. For me, these are activity-type technologies: problematic dialogue, productive reading, assessment technology and the use of a group form of work.

Each subject, depending on its content and ways of organizing the educational activities of students, reveals certainopportunities for the formation of cognitive UUD.


general education

Cognitive logical

Russian language


(translation oral speech into writing)

Formulation of personal, linguistic, moral problems. Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a search and creative nature

Literary reading

Semantic reading, arbitrary and conscious oral and written statements


Modeling, choosing the most effective ways to solve problems

Analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, cause-and-effect relationships, logical reasoning, evidence, practical actions

The world

Wide range of information sources

How to design a lesson?

I believe that in order to form UUD, the technology for conducting lessons of each type must implement the activity method of teaching. I design my lessons based on this technology. For example, the lessons of "discovery" of new educational knowledge includes the following steps:

1. Motivation for learning activities.

This stage of the learning process involves the student's conscious entry into the space of learning activities to "discover" new educational knowledge. For this purpose, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely:

The requirements for it from the side of educational activities are updated in accordance with accepted standards (“must”);

Conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (“I want”);

Thematic frameworks (“I can”) are established.

2. Actualization and fixation of difficulties in the trial educational action.

At this stage, the preparation of students for proper fixation in a trial educational action is organized.

Accordingly, this stage involves:

Actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient for the construction of new knowledge, their generalization and sign fixation;

Independent implementation of a trial educational action;

Fixing by students of difficulties in performing or justifying a trial educational action.

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

At this stage, the teacher organizes the students to identify the place and cause

difficulties. To do this, students must:

Restore completed operations and fix (in speech and symbolically)

place - step, operation - where the difficulty arose;

Correlate your actions with the method used (algorithm, concept, etc.), and on this basis, identify and fix in speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific universal knowledge that is lacking to solve the task and tasks of this type in general.

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (goal, plan, method, means).

At this stage, students in a communicative form think about the course

future learning activities: set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate

difficulty), build a plan to achieve the goal, choose

way and means. This process is guided by the teacher (leading dialogue,

prompting dialogue, etc.)

5. Implementation of the constructed project.

At this stage, the project is being implemented. The resulting universal educational action is fixed in the language verbally and symbolically in the form of a standard. Next, the constructed method of action is used to solve the original problem that caused the difficulty, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified, and the overcoming of the difficulty that arose earlier is fixed. In conclusion, a reflection of the work performed is organized and the next steps are outlined aimed at mastering the new UUD.

6. Primary fastening with pronunciation in external speech.

At this stage, students solve typical tasks on new way actions with speaking the algorithm aloud.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard .

During this stage, an individual form of work is used:

students independently perform the studied UUD and implement it

self-test, step by step comparing with the standard. Finally, organized

reflection on the implementation of control procedures. The emotional orientation of the stage consists in organizing a situation of success for each student, motivating him to be included in the further development of knowledge.

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

At this stage, the essential features of new knowledge and actions, its role and place in the system of studied educational actions are clarified.

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (outcome of the lesson).

At this stage, the studied action is fixed, reflection is organized and

self-assessment by students of their own learning activities. In conclusion,

the set goal and results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is fixed, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

Such lessons fully solve the issues of the formation of not only subject educational knowledge, but also all types of UUD.

After analyzing the activities of students at each stage of the lesson, one can single out those universal learning activities that are formed with the correct organization of students' activities, as well as those methods, techniques, teaching aids, forms of organization of students' activities that contribute to the formation of UUD.

Each academic subject, depending on its content and ways of organizing the educational activities of students, reveals certain opportunities for the formation of certain UUDs. For example:From the first literacy lessons, modeling has been used. At the stageliteracy these are sentence models, then sound models of the word, which are then converted to letter ones. We use these models throughout the course of the Russian language. And of course, you can’t do without diagrams in reflection lessons. Here, children must fix their knowledge themselves with the help of a model.

A significant part of the logicalcognitive UUD is formed and improved while studying the course"Literary Reading" . Trainers learn compare characters from one work and characters from different works; compare works by genre and type, justify your judgments: “Why do you think so (think, believe)?”, “Justify your opinion”, “Confirm with words from the text”, etc. At the initial stage of working with text, children use models that determine the point of view, the position of the author, reader and narrator.

For example: 1. Working on the work of K.G. Paustovsky "Steel Ring" divide the text into parts, find in the text artistic technique used by the author, guess how events will develop further, find in the text a description of the arrival of spring and a passage that seems especially beautiful to you - learn by heart.

2. Pupils compose their own poems, fairy tales, and then read them.

3. The guys like working in groups, in pairs.

Task for group 1:

Before you are the opening lines from I. Bunin's poem "Spring". Based on knowledge about the types of rhymes, compose the correct quatrain and read it.

Always shady and damp.

A cold spring springs from stones,
In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
In a steep ravine under the mountain,

In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green ,
Always shady and damp.

In a steep ravine under the mountain ,
A cold spring springs from stones .

4. Prepare a story about the writer using encyclopedias, the Internet, compose short story about the life and work of the writer.

Prepare to speak at the beginning of the next lesson.

Write down this story and arrange it beautifully.

5. Work with reproduction. Follow the theme of “Wind” by A. Rylov “Green Noise” and I. Shishkin “Pine”, etc.

On the lesson literary reading there is a formation of all types of UUD with the priority of the development of the value-semantic sphere and communication. The subject provides the development of ideological and moral content fiction, development of aesthetic perception, tracing and revealing the moral meanings of the actions of heroes literary works. (meaning formation through tracing the fate of the hero and orientation in the system of personal meanings, self-determination and self-knowledge based on comparing oneself with literary heroes, foundations of civic identity, aesthetic values, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to make a plan)

Mathematics in elementary school acts as the basis for the development of cognitive actions, primarily logical ones, including sign-symbolic ones, planning (chains of actions by tasks), systematization and structuring of knowledge, translation from one language to another, modeling, differentiation of essential and non-essential conditions, formation of elements of systemic thinking , spatial imagination, mathematical speech; the ability to build reasoning, choose arguments, distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable judgments, search for information (facts, grounds for ordering, options, etc.); Special meaning has mathematics for the formation of a general technique for solving problems as a universal educational action. Simple memorization of rules and definitions gives way to the establishment of distinctive mathematical features of an object (for example, a rectangle, square), the search for common and different in external features (shape, size), as well as numerical characteristics (perimeter, area). During the measurement process, students identify changes that occur with mathematical objects, establish relationships between them in the measurement process, search for solutions to text problems, analyze information, determine, by means of comparison (comparison), the characteristic features of mathematical objects (numbers, numerical expressions, geometric shapes, dependencies, relationships). Students use the simplest subject, sign, graphical models, tables, diagrams, build and transform them in accordance with the content of the task (task). In the course of studying mathematics, acquaintance with the mathematical language is carried out: the ability to read a mathematical text develops, speech skills are formed (children learn to express judgments using mathematical terms and concepts). Students learn to ask questions in the course of completing the task, to choose evidence of the correctness or incorrectness of the action performed, to substantiate the stages of solving the educational problem, to characterize the results of their educational work. Mathematical content also allows you to develop organizational skills: plan the stages of the upcoming work, determine the sequence of educational actions; monitor and evaluate their correctness, search for ways to overcome errors. In the process of teaching mathematics, students learn to participate in joint activities: to negotiate, discuss, come to a common opinion, distribute responsibilities for information search, take initiative and independence.

The formation and development of cognitive UUD in mathematics lessons occurs with the help of various types of tasks:

"Find the differences"

"Search for Extras"



Drawing up support schemes

Working with different types of tables

Diagramming and recognition

Working with dictionaries

As an example, I will give several tasks that allow you to optimize mathematics lessons by shifting the focus from a reproductive frontal survey to independent research activities of younger students. 1) -From all expressions, write down and find the values ​​of those expressions in which addition must be performed: a) first, b) second, c) third action:

4 17+3 90-52+18 70-(10+15) * 2

37+26-16 15+45:(15-12) 60:15+5 *3

24+6* 3 (30+70):25* 2 40+60:5 *2

2) - Arrange the brackets in the expressions in several ways and calculate the values ​​of the resulting expressions: a) 76-27-12+6 b) 78-18:3 2

3) -Put brackets in expressions so that it has the specified value 16:4:2=8 24-16:4:2=1 24-16:4:2=16

4) - Divide the numbers into two groups: 15, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 40 define it yourself. Numbers can be divided into two groups according to different criteria, but it is necessary to ensure that all numbers are distributed into groups and it does not happen that the same number falls into both groups. To improve the effectiveness of learning and development of students, tasks that allow more than one Possible Solution, but several (here we mean not different ways finding the same answer, but the existence of different solutions-answers and their search). The task in this case does not constrain the student with the rigid framework of a single solution, but opens up an opportunity for him to search and reflect, research and discoveries, even if they are small for the first time. For example:

Alyosha tried to write down all the examples for adding three single-digit numbers so that the result would be 20 each time (some terms may be the same), but he was wrong all the time. Help him solve the problem.

Decision. 1) 9+9+2=20 5) 8+8+4=20

2) 9+8+3=20 6) 8+7+5=20

3) 9+7+4=20 7) 8+6+6=20

4) 9+6+5=20 8) 7+7+6=20

As you can see, the problem has eight solutions. In order not to miss any of them, it is necessary to write down the examples in a certain sequence. The above tasks contribute to the development of children's cognitive abilities, expand their mathematical horizons, help to master program knowledge deeper and more firmly, which creates conditions for the successful continuation of mathematical education.

The assimilation of the general method of solving problems in elementary school is based on the formation of logical operations - the ability to analyze an object, compare, distinguish between common and different, classify, serialize, logical multiplication (logical multiplication), establish analogies. Due to the complex systemic nature of the general method of solving problems, this universal educational action can be considered as a model for a system of cognitive actions. Problem solving is both a goal and a means of learning. The ability to set and solve problems is one of the main indicators of the level of development of students, it opens up ways for them to master new knowledge.

On the lessonRussian language cognitive, communicative and regulatory actions are formed to a greater extent. There is a formation of logical actions of analysis, comparison, establishing links, orientation in the structure of the language and assimilation of rules, modeling.

From the first days of literacy, children learn to use teaching aids: find page, topic, task. Learn to read and understand diagrams, tables and other symbols presented in educational literature. In grades 3-4, students learn to search for the necessary information in additional publications: encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, electronic and digital resources.

The theme of the lesson can be formulated in different ways. For example,as question . Students need to build a plan of action to answer the question. Children put forward many different opinions, the more there are, the better the ability to listen to each other and support the ideas of others is developed, the more interesting and active the work is. The teacher himself can choose the correct result in subjective relations, or the chosen student, and the teacher can only express his opinion and direct the activity.

For example, for the topic of the lesson "How do nouns change?" made a plan of action:

1. repeat knowledge about the noun;

2. determine with which parts of speech it is combined;

3. change a few nouns along with adjectives;

4. determine the pattern of changes, draw a conclusion.

Work on the concept

I offer students for visual perception the name of the topic of the lesson and find the words in " explanatory dictionary". For example, the topic of the lesson is "The concept of the verb." Further, from the meaning of the word, we determine the task of the lesson. It can be done through the selection of related words or through the search for word constituents in a compound word. For example, the topics of the lessons "Phrase", "Polygon".

Lead-in dialogue

At the stage of actualization, a conversation is held aimed at generalization, concretization, logic of reasoning. I lead the dialogue to something that children cannot talk about due to incompetence or insufficiently complete justification of their actions. Thus, a situation arises for which additional research or action is needed.

Collect the word

The technique is based on the ability of children to isolate the first sound in words and synthesize it into a single word. The reception is aimed at the development of auditory attention and at the concentration of thinking to the perception of the new.

For example, the topic of the lesson is "The concept of the verb."

Collect the word from the first sounds of the words: "Burn, flip, neat, dialect, oats, dexterous."

If possible and necessary, you can repeat the studied parts of speech on the proposed words, and solve logical problems.


I suggest that children divide a number of words, objects, figures, numbers into groups, substantiating their statements. The classification will be based on external signs, and the question: "Why do they have such signs?" will be the task of the lesson.

In the textbooks of the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, the world around there are many tasks that begin with the words "compare ...". The authors of textbooks offer to compare numbers, expressions, texts of tasks, words, heroes of works, etc., and not all children have the skill of comparison. The question "Why?" arises. The method of comparison is not assimilated by children as a technique. After all, in the textbooks there are no algorithms for the formation of logical operations. And well-formed logical actions serve only as a basis for successful mastery of program material.

When studying the course "The world around" skills developextract information , presented in different forms (illustrative, schematic, tabular, symbolic, etc.), in different sources (textbook, atlas of maps, reference literature, dictionary, Internet, etc.);describe, compare, classify natural and social objects based on their external features;install causal relationships and dependencies between living and inanimate nature, between living beings in natural communities, past and present events, etc.;use ready-made models to study the structure of natural objects,simulate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;make simple observations and experiments on the study of natural objects and phenomena, drawing conclusions on the results, fixing them in tables, in drawings, in oral and written form. Students acquire the skills to work with information: learnsummarize, systematize, convert information from one type to another (from pictorial, schematic, model, symbolic to verbal and vice versa);encode and decode information (weather conditions, map reading, road signs and etc.)

Task: Compare rain and snow and answer the questions.

1) At what time of the year does this precipitation occur most often?
Rain-_____________________ ; snow-___________________________

2) What do these precipitations have in common? __________________________________

3) What does the ground look like when snow and rain fall?
From the rain, the earth _____________________; from the snow the earth _____________

4) What precipitation is used for the game? ______________________

5) Where does the snow and rain fall from?_________________________________

For example, in the lesson of the surrounding world in the first grade on the topic"Who are the birds?" we can create the following problematic situation:

Name the distinguishing feature of birds.

Look. What animals do you recognize? (Butterfly, sparrow, chicken.)

What do these animals have in common? (They can fly.)

Do they belong to the same group? (Not.)

Will the hallmark of birds be their ability to fly?

What did you assume? What question arises? (What is the distinguishing feature of birds?)

Students make an assumption, try to answer the problematic question themselves, and then check or clarify the answer according to the textbook. There is a situation of contradiction between the known and the unknown. At the same time, the children repeat the knowledge necessary to study new material. It is important for the teacher to teach children to observe, compare, draw conclusions, and this, in turn, helps to bring students to the ability to independently acquire knowledge, and not to receive it in finished form.

Theme "The water cycle in nature"

motivational stage.

Without what is the life of living organisms on our planet unthinkable?

"The sun, air and water are our best friends"

Until now, we have considered each object of nature separately, finding out their special properties. We will remember some of them today, we will trace how the sun, air and water give rise to one of the most important natural phenomena.

1. Sun (benefit - light, heat; harm -solar storms, solar flares)

2.Some types of winds. (Marshmallow, sara, bora, dry winds) Establishing connections. (Group work)

3. Messages about the winds (encyclopedia, Internet resource) - homework.

The result of the formation of cognitive UUD will be the ability of the student:

Select the type of tasks and ways to solve them;

To search for the necessary information that is needed to solve problems;

Distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable judgments;

To substantiate the stages of solving the educational problem;

To analyze and transform information;

Carry out basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, analogy, etc.);

Establish causal relationships;

Own a general technique for solving problems;

Create and convert schemes necessary for solving problems;

To carry out the choice of the most effective way to solve the problem based on specific conditions.

Modern educational technologies in the aspect of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, ensuring the formation of cognitive universal actions

Formed UUD

Problem learning

Creating a problem situation


general educational cognitive actions, problem posing and solving

Cooperation Pedagogy

Joint activity, heuristic conversation, collective conclusion, comparison

Cognitive: logical universal actions

Individually differentiated approach

Multi-level tasks

Competence-Based Learning

Research, project activity

Cognitive: general educational cognitive actions, setting and solving problems, logical universal actions

Information and communication technologies

Acquaintance with new material on a PC, testing, presentation, interactive whiteboard

Cognitive: logical universal actions, general educational cognitive actions.

To achieve the developmental goals of teaching, the teacher should try to activate cognitive activity students to create a situation of interest. One of the most significant motives of educational activity is the formation of cognitive interest. The main source of stimulation of cognitive interest is the content of educational material, which provides students with previously unknown information, causing a feeling of surprise, allowing them to take a fresh look at already known phenomena, to discover new facets in knowledge.

Formation of cognitive UUD

in Russian language lessons in elementary school

The priority direction of the new educational standards is to ensure the development of universal educational activities. In a broad sense the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

The main types of universal educational activities include: four blocks:1)personal; 2)regulatory; 3)informative; 4)communicative .

Let's focus on group 3. : cognitive UUD.

Cognitive universal actions include: general educational, logical, as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.

General educational universal actions:

· independent selection and formation of a cognitive goal;

· search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

· structuring knowledge;

· conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

· selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

· semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

· formulation and formation of the problem, independent creation of algorithms for solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

special group general educational universal action constitute sign-symbolic actions:

· modeling - the transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);

· transformation of the model in order to identify the general laws that define this subject area.

Boolean generic actions:

· analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);

· synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of the missing components;

· choice of bases and criteria for comparison. seriation, classification of objects;

· summing up under concepts, deducing consequences;

· establishment of causal relationships;

· building a logical chain of reasoning;

· proof;

· hypotheses and their justification.

Problem setting and problem solving:

· problem formation;

· independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

When analyzing the content of Russian language textbooks, one can notice that the internal structure of each paragraph of the textbook includes such elements that, to one degree or another, are aimed at the formation of all groups of universal educational activities. But tasks and exercises that contribute to effective development educational activities and logical methods of thinking are the most frequent. I also use additional sources in my work: control and measuring materials, final diagnostic work on the Federal State Educational Standard, notebooks creative works, notebooks for complex work. But, of course, there are many tasks that I choose myself and offer to children. The main thing is that the work is carried out in the system, in a spiral from simple to complex.I want to tell you about some types of cognitive tasks of a creative nature, which I successfully use in my lessons. These tasks and techniques will allow: to make the learning process creative, joyful, to get good learning outcomes, to constantly keep the attention of children, to control discipline.

Exercises and tasks for the development of general educational universal actions:

"Make a word." The exercise is used at the stage of declaring the topic of the lesson in order to train attention and create positive motivation to study a new topic.

In the words that I will name, remember the first letter. If you do everything right, you will get a word that has a direct meaning to the topic of the lesson. 1. Deaf - f, voiced - ... 2. The penultimate letter in the word "wind". 3. Behind the letter R. 4. Suffix in a word "river". 5. The first letter of the alphabet.

Answer: SPRING.

"The fourth extra".

Task: in each row, three words are related to each other for a certain reason, and the fourth one is different. Find it, justify the answer.

1. Cow, bear, fox, hare.

2. Duremar, Malvina, Aibolit, Pierrot.

3. Subtracted, reduced, sum, difference

4. Divisible, multiplier, divisor, quotient.

5. Product, sum, difference, term, quotient.

"Developing Logic" Name the word by definition:

§ crispy, green, pimply;

§ small, shy, computer;

§ interesting, thick, library.

Think of two similar examples.

“Encoded Word” or “Encrypted Word”

In addition to the speed of reaction, it trains voluntary attention.

Let's denote the following letters by numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C M N O L D T

What words are hidden under the numbers: 2780 37281 4756101

This type of work can be used in Russian language lessons when introducing dictionary or new words. Written out with difficulty, they are much better remembered.


Children are offered an incorrectly solved problem: a text with errors, incorrectly recorded information, a task, the sequence of actions is confused, etc.

Condition: find all the errors. Justify your answer.

"Alternative tasks"

1. Remember 5 literary works of A. S. Pushkin, in the title of which there are adjectives.

2. Choose difficult antonyms, for example, a smart girl is a stupid boy

Good friend - Light frost

Late evening - Sad old age

Short day - Joyful meeting

3. Insert the missing adjectives into proverbs and sayings:

Better ______ true than ______ lies.

Peace is better than ______ war.

Give your examples.

4. If in the following pairs the second word is a synonym for the first, replace it with an antonym and vice versa:

Sadness - longing Lies - fiction

Gloom - darkness Heat - cold

Close - near Work - work.

We develop and enrich speech.

5.B popular expressions fill in the missing identical words, make sentences:

From ... out bad.

Sitting down….

Master of all...

Golden ... .

"Find a match."

1. Define each word with 3-4 adjectives. For example: fraction - decimal, lead, proper.

Sound -

Speech -

Offer -

Vocabulary -

2. Insert adjectives into the text:

After ____, __ winter with its ____ bad weather, finally, ____, ____ spring has come. ______ flocks of ____ sparrows with _____ chirps enjoyed the _____ weather.

"Restoring Warped Text".

Make up a story from these sentences and write it down.

She picked up thin twigs. Nastya was walking home from school. Trees were pruned in the school garden. Soon the green leaves began to sprout. At home, the girl put them in the water.

Compose sentences from these words with the addition of any other words: snow maiden essay write

« Write as best as you can more offers , in which each word will begin with the specified letter.

M…………… in……….. with………… n……………. G………… .

We went for a walk with the whole family.

AT……………. at……………… in………………. m…………. .

M……………. with………………. g……………….. b……………. .

An essay about "What would I tell an African boy about winter"

Text editing .
Read the text. Replace repeated words with synonyms. Write down the text .

The smartest of my dogs is Zhalka. It's a pity all the teachings passed, as if her parents taught everything. Pity. It's a pity she played with ice. Suddenly it seemed to Pity something and Pity did not throw this piece of ice, but licked it. So it's a pity I realized that water is in liquid and solid state.

Determination of the boundaries of proposals.

Read. Define sentence boundaries. Write it down.

1. A boat is floating on the river. And a raft.
2. When the trees shook their branches. They creaked softly.
3. Beavers blocked the channel in the middle of the forest, a beautiful lake appeared.

Compiling a story from the beginning.

1) A hunter in thick grass stumbled upon a little bunny. The hunter called his friends to see the find...

2) Seryozha and Kolya were walking in the forest. The boys saw a nest in a tree. They decided to take the chicks...

"Who quickly"

This block of tasks, which evokes the spirit of healthy competition, is very good for working out automatism. necessary skills and skills.

1. Choose from the words only those that refer to adjectives: beauty, beautiful, paint, red, paint ...

2. Make up as many words as possible according to the construction: s- - o (village, hay, lard ...)

3. Make up a series of words in which only the first and last letters are indicated, and their number does not matter: s ... g ... a ... s ... t ... (snow, - mountain - diamond - winter).

Grammar tales- this is an integral part of the Russian language lesson when studying some topics: “Verb”, “Changing nouns by cases”, “Parts of speech”, “Spelling of suffixes -ek; -ik;" For example, on the topic: “Generalization. Noun" I invite schoolchildren to reveal the secrets that this part of speech "hid": "At first, all nouns were very similar. Even the queen confused them. And then one day she issued a decree: "Whoever invents differences for my nouns will be rewarded." A husband and wife in another kingdom heard about it. The husband typed a lot of words for himself and said: "Let them be mine, masculine." And the wife typed a lot of words and said: “And these will be mine, feminine.” And the rest of the words remained in the middle - the middle gender. The queen rewarded husband and wife. She stopped confusing nouns because she knew the "secret" of difference."

Such a form of presenting new material as a fairy tale is always interesting for children, and as you know, what is interesting is assimilated more joyfully, stronger, deeper.

Vocabulary dictations and spelling minutes, too, I always try to carry out in a variety of ways. For example, vocabulary dictation when students are offered a text with missing words. You need to read, write down, inserting words.

Not great... let the nose turn red. (Freezing)

….loves cleanliness. (Dishes)

Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - .... (Raspberry)

…. the person remembers well. (Russian)

When repeating the studied material, such an interesting technique helps me, which is called "Troubles from the barrel." It can be a cardboard barrel, and the guys and I have an ordinary glass jar in which there are leaflets with questions. Children take them out and answer questions. It turns out mysterious, and unusual, and useful!

Exercises and tasks for the development of sign-symbolic actions:

Correlation of the model with the picture.

How many letters are in the first word? (5) What is the second one? (o) the last one? (a)

Choose the words that fit this pattern (slide, crust, barrel)

Pick up words for the second scheme (castle, fence)

Graphic dictations:

1. Letters in block letters come in groups, preceded by questions

What common? How are they different? (letter uppercase, lowercase)

There is space for graphic dictations in checkered copybooks.

2. Make proposals for the schemes.

________ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


_ _ _ _ _ _ _________ ________ .


3. Make a sentence scheme: The spring sun illuminated the forest clearing.

4. Pick up and write down 3 words - o-o--, -- o-o--, --o-o--.

Logical UUDs are formed through the analysis of objects in order to highlight features. This is facilitated in the first turn different types of parsing: phonetic, syllabic, semantic, derivational and morphemic, morphological, syntactic. One of the types of analysis is spelling, i.e. detection of orthograms, their definition and commenting, indication of the method of verification. The same UUD is formed through tasks for highlighting the so-called "extra word". Children, defining essential features, single out from several words a word that does not have these features. Through the analysis of objects, selective cheating and tasks for isolating words with certain characteristics from a group of words, sentences or text are performed.

1. Analyze the composition of the word.

Subway, take out, circle, leaflets.

2 .What word is superfluous? Highlight it.

a) sock, corn, dahlia, tomato;
b) scissors, yeast, tongs, shoes;
c) subject, verb, noun, adverb;
d) trousers, chores, doors, pitchforks.

3. Divide the words into 3 groups based on the meaning of the suffix. Explain the meaning of the suffix -IST-.

Medalist, wooded, fibrous. golden, hockey player, silvery, wooded, hilly.

Tasks for composing words from sounds and syllables, complex words from basics, phrases, set expressions, proverbs from "scattered" words, constructing and redesigning sentences, composing words and sentences according to a scheme, unraveling charades require the use of such a logical action as synthesis - compiling a whole from parts, including self-completing, filling in the missing components.

1. Make up anagrams . Anagramsare words that are obtained by rearranging the letters of a word. For example: growth-grade

Anagrams- letter combinations from which it is necessary to make meaningful words. You can start with 3 letters, gradually increasing the number to 6-7, and maybe 8 or even 9 letters.

Make up words from the following letters:

A) k, o, s a) e, r, o, m a) l, a, n, e, p

b) y, e, b b) w, a, k, a b) k, h, a, p, y

c) m, r, and c) a, k, y, r c) h, a, k, o, k

d) t, o, r d) b, o, n, e d) n, o, d, i, r

e) s, s, r e) a, s, o, k e) r, o, d, o, d

f) d, m, s e) d, a, c, o e) k, k, o, a, w

Answer: a) juice, oak, peace, cheese, smoke; b) sea, porridge, hand, sky, spit, water; c) pencil case, pen, bump, pie, city, cat.

Decipher what words are hidden here, and say which word from the data is superfluous.

1) s, l, y, t 2) w, y, d, a, p 3) s, b, a, a, k, o

w, a, f, k e, p, a, h, b, e o, o, p, k, a, c

f, o, a, k, l b, i, i, o, l, n w, k, k, o, a

k, b, c, a, p, t, o n, o, i, l, m c, b, i, i, s, n

s, l, t, o a, s, c, i, l i, a, c, h

Answer: 1) chair, wardrobe, a spoon, bed, table; 2) pear, Birch, apple tree, lemon, plum; 3) dog, cow, cat, pig, hare.

Unscramble the words and say what common word can combine them.

1) p, i, k, a, t 2) b, o, h, n 3) d, e, n, and

t, f, i, y, l h, e, e, r, c d, a, r, g

b, i, i, t, n, o, k y, o, p, t s, d, e, n

d, a, o, n, i, s n, e, e, b b, d, e, o, f

Answer: 1) slippers, shoes, boots, boots- shoes;2) night, evening, morning, day Times of Day; 3) frost, hail, snow, rain- precipitation

Decipher the words and say what groups they can be divided into.

1) e, m, p, o 2) k, y, a, p 3) a, k, o, p, o, s

r, a, e, k z, i, a, c v, l, e

w, a, a, m, p, o, k a, i, s, l s, a, y, k

o, o, e, s, p x, m, a, y a, a, b, s, p, k

b, u, t, l, n, a, p m, d, e, c, a, y, r t, p, r, i

f, k, a, a, l, i k, v, o, l a, n, o, o, r, v

Answer: 1) sea, river, chamomile, lake, tulip, violet; 2) spider, hare, fox, fly, ant, wolf; 3) magpie, lion, pike, crucian carp, tiger, crow.

Anagrams- these are words formed when reading from right to left.

Guess the words:

Breathing easy in my shadow

You often praise me in the summer,

But rearrange my letters -

And you will cut down a whole forest with me.

(linden - saw)

You will solve the problem freely:

I am a small part of the face.

But read me from the end -

In a dream, you will see anything.

(nose - sleep)

I blow air into the tires

I bring life to the wheel.

If we mix syllables,

I will be a tree in the forest.

(pump - pine)

Like an umbrella, I can cover many

And in the summer heat, and in bad weather.

But swap the syllables -

I will turn into a period of the year.

(canopy - spring)

Solve the charade write down the word, parse it by composition. Think of and write down two more words with this composition.

My root is in the price.

In the essay, find a prefix for me,

You met my suffix in a notebook.

All the same - in my diary and in the magazine

Make up sentences from words, fill in the missing letters.

1) This is, long .. th, in, r ... ka, (E, e) Europe, the most

2) b ... ret, ... on, n ... h ... lo, sv ... e, mountains ... yes, (T, t) in ... ri

3) vp .. gives, in, (B, c) olga, sea, (K, k) Aspian

Collect proverb:

What he doesn’t learn, Vanya didn’t learn, Ivan didn’t.

Solve puzzles:

SH1A, 2D, 1UM, ZA1KA, O5, SH3H, 1POINT, 1BOR

From the letters of the word VTOROKLASSNIK make other words.

Divide the words into two groups:

· Kind, white, sunny, darkness, kindness, sun, little white, dark

· Horse, spring, deer, wheel, carriage, grass, anchor .

There are exercises in which analysis and synthesis are closely intertwined. These are all kinds of dictations, cheating, commented letters.

The message about this or that linguistic phenomenon, explanation of the meaning of a word, phraseological unit, the correct use of a word, setting the stress requires the search for the necessary information, including with the help of ICT. The same tasks contribute to the formation of the ability to build speech utterances in oral speech.

1. Explain the meaning of the word "language" in each phrase:

He bit his tongue painfully.

Language will bring to Kyiv.

The scouts took the language.

Without tongue and dumb bell.

Bite your tongue!

Tongue with garlic sauce.

2. Make sentences with words so that the difference in lexical meaning is clear.

The ignoramus is the ignoramus.

3. Write down what these phraseological units mean.

· Ask a puzzle -

· Swallow tongue -

Hang nose -

· An hour later, a teaspoon

4. Pick up antonymous phraseological units for these phraseological units.

  • Boil porridge-
  • Live soul to soul
  • Looking at the night
  • Hang your nose
  • Do not spill water -

5. Put stress in words:

caterpillar, shop, document, needles, carpenter, alphabet, briefcase

6. From each word, take only the first syllables, make a new word:

ear, rose, cotton wool - ...

bark, loto, boxer - ...

ram, wound, bank - ...

Formed logical UUD: analysis, synthesis.

7. From this list of words, find the fourth extra.

Pine, maple, ash, poplar.

The methodology for carrying out such a task is well known. But, unlike the traditional methodology, in the system of developmental education it has its own characteristics: students are offered such a selection of words in which

"Superfluous" can be any of the proposed four.

Answer: 1) pine is a coniferous tree, and the rest are deciduous

2) maple - 1 syllable

3) maple - a word without a spelling, the rest have the spelling "unstressed vowel in the root"

4) ash - start with a vowel, the rest with a consonant

5) pine-n. 1 fold, and the rest - 2 fold.

6) pine-n. feminine and the rest masculine

Formed UUD: comparison, analysis, generalization.

Statement and solution of the problem as an integral part of the cognitive block UUD include the formulation of the problem, as well as the independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature. "Problematic" it is called because it corresponds to the main category of problem-based learning - a problem situation. In the process of solving such a task, students independently come to new knowledge or ways to obtain it, that is, the search for a solution or the solution itself is assigned to the students. As experience shows, what is needed is not a random set of problem tasks, but their system. Tasks should be accessible, important in general educational terms, have a different degree of complexity. The structure of the content of the task does not have to comply with the principle of didactics “from easy to difficult”.

In order to select or independently develop a system of problem tasks, the teacher must be guided by an action program based on the following principles:

1. Educational material should be presented in such a way as to reveal to the child the leading, general properties concepts or phenomena subject to further study.

2. Practical skills and abilities must be developed even in the lower grades on the basis of relevant theoretical information.

3. The created system of problem tasks should contain not only factual material, but also a description of the actions of the children themselves to master it.

4. The system being developed should include tasks that provide mastery of the method of analyzing the material and the means of modeling the properties to be discovered, as well as exercises for children to use ready-made models to discover new properties.


A chain of words is given:

Car, plane, Masha, Bug, shovel, Murka, Moscow.

1. Can these words be combined into two groups?

2. If possible, then on what basis?

3. Some words are capitalized, while others are small. Why?

a) names; b) names of cities, rivers; c) animal names?

4. What questions do all these words answer? What parts of speech are they?


Read the text. Find in it a noun with the following characteristics: inanimate, common noun, neuter, singular, nominative, subject in the sentence.

Baikal is located in the east of Russia. People call it the blue eye of Siberia. By the amount of fresh water, this lake ranks first on Earth. Thousands of species of rare animals and plants live in Baikal.


I . In each group, find the "extra" word, justify your choice:

1) sea, coffee, sun, plant

2) salt, dust, belt, pier

3) stone, horse, doe, fire.

II . Group the verbs into groups according to their meaning: 1) the beginning of the action; 2) the end of the action; 3) incomplete action:

raise, speak, finish playing, get sick, carry, take off, swim, hold, dig.

The systematic activity of the teacher in creating problem situations in the process of solving problematic tasks in Russian language lessons leads to the fact that students have the opportunity to solve tasks that are feasible for themselves, gradually mastering cognitive universal learning activities.


Cognitive UUD are formed gradually from grades 1-4. As a result of a system of exercises aimed at the formation of cognitive UUD, the student must realize "I can think, reason, compare, generalize, find and store information."In the field of cognitive universal educational activities, elementary school students will learn to perceive and analyze messages and their most important components - texts. Use sign-symbolic means, including mastering the action of modeling, as well as a wide range of logical actions and operations, including general methods of solving problems.

It is possible to track the level of formation of cognitive UUD through independent performance of the textbook exercises. As a diagnostic for identifying the level of formation of cognitive UUD, I use complex diagnostic work (input, intermediate, final).Thus, by forming cognitive UUD, I develop the competencies of the personality of younger students, preparing them for successful life in modern society, which meets the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education.

Attached files:

Speech by Gusarova S.A. at the pedagogical council on the topic:

Formation of cognitive UUD at lessons in elementary school

“The child does not want to take ready-made knowledge and will avoid someone who hammers it into his head by force. But on the other hand, he will willingly follow his mentor to seek this very knowledge and master it.

Modern society characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, the creation of new information technologies that radically transform people's lives. The priority goal of school education is the formation of the ability to learn.

So the main objective my pedagogical activity- this is the formation of a person who wants and knows how to learn.

Achieving this goal is made possible byformation of a system of universal educational activities .

Universal learning activities (UUD) - these are actions that ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn.

In a broad sense, the words "universal learning activities" mean self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

Universal learning activities grouped into four main blocks: 1) personal; 2) regulatory; 3) communicative actions; 4) cognitive.

COGNITIVE UUD - this is a system of ways of knowing the world around, building an independent process of search, research and a set of operations for processing, systematizing, generalizing and using the information received.

Therefore, I would like to dwell a little more on the formationcognitive universal educational activities, which for successful learning should be formed already in primary school.

cognitive universal learning activities include: general educational activities, problem posing and solving activities, and logical activities andprovide the ability to cognize the world around: the willingness to carry out directed search, processing and use of information.

Tocognitive UUD skills include: to realize the cognitive task; read and listen, extracting the necessary information, as well as independently find it in the materials of textbooks, workbooks, and other additional literature; carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, conclusions; perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; understand the information presented in a pictorial, schematic, model form, use sign-symbolic means to solve various educational problems.

WithIt should be remembered that when formingcognitive UUD it is necessary to pay attention to the establishment of links between the concepts introduced by the teacher and the past experience of children, in this case it is easier for the student to see, perceive and comprehend educational material.

I have set the following goals for myself - to adapt the methods and techniques of basic technology, to begin developing a system of tasks that would help form cognitive universal learning activities in students.

To achieve this goal, I consider it necessary to solve the followingtasks :

    to teach children to think logically, scientifically, creatively; to make the educational material more evidence-based and convincing for students;

    introduce forms of organization into their practice educational process, which would contribute to the formation of solid knowledge on the basis of information independently obtained by students;

    use methods, methods and techniques aimed at ensuring the development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren, the formation of elementary skills.

Consider educational technologyaimed at the formation of cognitive UUD: the technology of problem-dialogical learning, the technology of project-based learning, game technologies, level differentiation, ICT.

1. Technology of problem-dialogical learning

For example, in the lesson of the world around us in the first grade on the topic “Who are birds?” we can create the following problematic situation:

Name the distinguishing feature of birds. (These are animals that can fly.)

Look at the slide. What animals do you recognize? ( Bat, butterfly, sparrow, chicken.)

What do these animals have in common? (They can fly.)

Can they be classified in the same group? (Not.)

Will the ability to fly be a hallmark of birds?

What did you assume? And what actually happens? What question arises? (What is the distinguishing feature of birds?)

I suggest that students make an assumption, try to answer the problematic question themselves, and then check or clarify the answer according to the textbook. A situation of contradiction between the known and the unknown is created. At the same time, the knowledge necessary for learning new material is repeated. The teacher needs to teach children to observe, compare, draw conclusions, and this, in turn, helps to bring students to the ability to independently acquire knowledge, and not to receive it in finished form.

2. Project based learning represents the development of the ideas of problem-based learning.

The role of a teacher is the role of a curator, adviser, mentor, but not a performer.

The purpose of project-based learning: to master general skills and abilities in the process of creative independent work, as well as to develop social consciousness.

In grades 1 and 2, the following projects are successfully implemented in our class:

educational : “Books are babies”, “Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings”, “Live ABC”, “The most beautiful letter”, “My favorite pet”.

creative : "Visiting the Queen of Golden Autumn and the autumn brothers of the months", "Space Pioneers";

research : "Seven wonderful places of the village of Koshki."

3. Gaming technologies

Forms of conducting lessons using gaming technology can be very different. Most often I use lessons that stimulate cognitive interest such as "Lesson-game", "Lesson-quiz", "Lesson-fairy tale", "Lesson-travel", "Business game", "Lesson-research".

My students are very interested in research. Together we explore in literacy lessons: sound patterns of words, consonants and vowels, around the world: “Why is there mud in snowballs?”, “Where do polar bears live?”,

“When will summer come?”, in mathematics: “Addition and subtraction with the transition through a dozen.”

In mathematics lessons, I use support schemes to solve various types of problems. Such schemes are good to use when compiling a short note. Depending on the condition of the task, it is modified by the student himself. The use of these schemes brings results. At the lessons of the Russian language, I widely use various symbols, diagrams, tables, algorithms. For example, we have a table in which all the studied spellings are encrypted. 1. An unstressed vowel in the root, checked by stress.
2. Voiced / voiceless paired consonants at the end of a word and before other consonants
3. Separating b.

Usageinformation and communication technologies .

The use of ICT in various lessons in elementary school makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an active one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activity. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students.

Of course, such a clear, purposeful, organized system is more conducive to achieving the desired result. But in order to achieve better end result a clear diagnostic system for studying the intermediate results of the formation of meta-subject and personal planned results is needed. It was in this that many questions arose in the direct organization of the educational process at school.
One of them:« How to properly organize monitoring of the formation of UUD.
Unfortunately, the new standards do not provide materials (tables, forms, evaluation sheets, etc.) for fixing the indicators of diagnosing the formation and development of meta-subject and personal results. This makes it difficult to track the indicators of a student's development throughout the entire education in elementary school.
The design and implementation of the process of forming universal educational activities as part of the implementation of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards led to the problem of creating a program for monitoring the level of formation of UUD as an application to the Development Program for universal educational activities.

The program is based on methodological manual ed. A. G. Asmolova "How to design universal learning activities in elementary school." The program is recommended for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school.
For the diagnosis and formation of cognitive universal educational activities, the following types of tasks are appropriate:

- "find the differences" (you can set their number);

- "what does it look like?";

Search for superfluous;

- "mazes";


- "chains";

ingenious solutions;

Drawing up schemes-supports;

Work with different kind tables;

Compilation and recognition of diagrams;

Working with dictionaries.

After analyzing the results for 2 years, I came to the conclusion that the application of the above modern technologies and techniques leads to stable results.

I believe that with such an organization of the educational process, students lay a solid foundation for successful formation in the main school: an internal need and motivation to learn new things, the ability to learn in a team environment, and self-confidence. The child has the opportunity to realize his abilities, he learns to live in society.