The role of youth in a changing world. Youth in development

Regional scientific and practical conference "Step into the future - 2013"

Youth in modern world

Sannikova Elizaveta Konstantinovna

MKOU secondary school s.Korsavovo-1


Agapova Ludmila Ivanovna

History and social studies teacher


I chose this topic: "Youth in the modern world" based on the need to deepen my knowledge on this issue, which we studied in social studies classes this academic year.

The younger generation is the basic core of the further development of any society. The situation of young people is a kind of barometer of the state of society as a whole, an indicator of what is happening in various areas. public relations processes. The study of the moods and views of young people will allow not only to solve the current tasks of improving and optimizing their lives, but also to predict the prospects for the development of the professional, political and social spheres of the country.

Finally, I also belong to this social group - youth, so I wanted to get to know the characteristics and problems of today's youth, their interests and aspirations.

I wanted to look into my future, getting acquainted, for example, with the youth policy of the state, with the social changes taking place in society, which will help me in the future in choosing a profession and my place in life. Therefore, this topic has not only theoretical but also practical significance for me.

. Who is considered youth

· The age limits that allow people to be classified as young people differ depending on the specific country. As a rule, the lowest age limit of youth is 13-15 years old, the average one is 16-24 years old, the highest one is 25-36 years old.

· Many sociologists refer to youth as a group of the population aged 14 to 25 years.

· The Moscow City Duma, at a meeting on September 30, 2009, adopted a bill defining in the document, in particular, the age of people belonging to youth - from 14 to 30 years.

2. Age criteria

Youth, being a heterogeneous entity, is divided into the following age subgroups:

) teenagers. From 13 to 16-17 years old.

) youth. From 16-17 to 20-21 years old.

) youth. From 20-21 to 30 years old

Two main approaches are used to determine the age limits of youth:

Statistical -determines the strict age limits of youth, is an average indicator that has legislative consolidation. But it does not take into account the individual characteristics of the development of young individuals, and therefore, if necessary, is supplemented sociological or social approach. This approach does not give rigidly established age limits for youth, but as criteria for determining the upper age limit of youth, it singles out:

) having a family of their own;

) the presence of a profession;

) economic independence;

) personal independence, i.e. the ability to make decisions on your own.

3. Individual boundaries of youth

There are various circumstances that accelerate or delay youth:

- The lower bound is


I have highlighted some of the circumstances that make you grow up earlier:

.) Early earnings - Until recently, child labor was considered exploitative. Today, a teenager washing cars or standing in a cafe does not surprise anyone. Moreover, as shown by a sociological study, 94% of adults approve of such additional earnings.

.) Rapid adaptation - Children, due to the flexibility of their mental apparatus, adapt better to changes in society than adults. They are modern and timely, because they are independent, purposeful, active and independent. Children have the qualities that modern parents would like to see in them. While they themselves were brought up in a completely different way - in the spirit of discipline, obedience, perseverance. These traits today are more likely to interfere with moving towards success.

.) Authority for parents - Eggs do not teach chicken, they said a few decades ago. They teach, even as they teach, - modern moms and dads sigh. One gets the impression that children are already born with the knowledge of what bluetooth is and why the modem hangs. It is no wonder that they feel like experts in many everyday issues. They advise adults on what equipment and where to buy, what to wear from clothes, how parents communicate with each other, how to work on a computer.

.) Knowledge of life - “When I was a child, during the holidays we were seated at a separate table, sent to play in our room so that we would not hear unnecessary conversations.” - so say the parents. Today, almost from the cradle, adult life invades the nursery through television and the Internet, leaves glossy covers and seeps through the open windows of Doma-2. Parents do not hesitate to discuss their problems in the presence of the child. Sometimes they even involve him in the process itself.

.) New Idols - The entire show business and film industry is focused on creating new role models. Today, the concepts of "real man" and "ideal woman" mean "cool" and "sexy". A sexy woman grabs attention with clothes and makeup, while a cool man has the latest phone and a tidy sum in a purse. Often children adopt the external attributes of growing up, but are not psychologically ready for it.


"Young old people" or "eternal" youth

You must have met older people who are young at heart! They continue to get everything from life! Travel, walks, extreme. All this helps many to live and feel complete person, despite the years and gray hair. Psychologists say that it is the consciousness of being needed, being in demand that prolongs life, fills you with optimism and saves you from depression. Then you want to work. To be active. Exercise. Just live.

SO: Youth is a feeling that necessarily manifests itself both in appearance and in behavior.

4. Social status of youth

Modern young people associate their idea of ​​"adulthood" primarily with changes in their social roles, and especially with the start of work and gaining independence.

In general, the social status of youth is the position of the younger generation in society, due to its social roles and functions.

The study of young people in the process of social mobility makes it possible to notice that young people are socially stratified. In modern Russian society, the differences between groups within the youth are becoming more noticeable. To the traditional socially differentiating features (according to the forms of employment, the nature and content of labor), new, more significant ones are added, for example, the social affiliation of a young person, the property status of his family.

Young people are characterized by frequent changes in social status and social roles (student-student-employee).

The status positions of young people are determined by the prestige of education and profession (both future and present), lifestyle, values ​​and norms of behavior, and their connection with market positions is also fixed. And the desire to change the status is one of the most important needs for young people, "responsible" for social mobility. It has been recorded and confirmed that education is one of the leading channels of social mobility; besides it, there are also such channels of social mobility as marriage, religion, profession, politics, and the army.

Since young people do not have clear ideas about the future, they are characterized by an active search for their place.

5. Features of youth

youth subculture social age

The youth of today is what society has raised them to be. The values ​​and preferences of young people were greatly influenced by many events of our time: the collapse of the USSR, terrorist attacks and military conflicts, the development of digital technologies, AIDS, drugs, total shortages, the “dashing” 90s, the mass distribution of mobile phones and the Internet, the era of brands, the improvement of the economic condition , social networks, global social crisis, Olympic Games in Sochi.

Young people have common sense, the intention to get a quality education, the desire to work for good remuneration. Unlike the older generations, young people are not afraid of market transformations in the economy, they demonstrate adherence to traditional values family life, material prosperity.

Since young people do not have clear ideas about the future, they are also characterized by an active search for their place in life.

. Psychological characteristics of youth

Among the leading psychological qualities of the younger generation are selfishness (58%), optimism (43%), friendliness (43%), activity (42%), purposefulness (42%), freedom (41%). These traits were named by the young people themselves - the participants in my own survey. An unstable psyche often causes mental breakdowns, suicides, and drugs.

Unformed consciousness - the desire to quickly achieve the desired - to various forms of antisocial behavior. Internal inconsistency - the inability to be tolerant - to constant conflicts with others.

The criminalization of part of the Russian youth is also obvious - part of the young population is trying to find its way to social success in criminal organizations.

In addition, some young people, in search of the meaning of life or, obeying a sense of social protest, end up in totalitarian sects, extremist political organizations. Infantilism is inherent in many young people - the desire for dependency, the requirement of constant self-care, reduced self-criticism.

And at the same time, in socio-psychological terms, youth is a time:) Physical maturation;) Development of intellect and will;) Discovery of one’s own “I” and the inner world of a person;) Civil age, i.e. the opportunity to use their rights to the full (from the age of 18)) Infantilism - the desire for dependency, the requirement of constant self-care, reduced self-criticism.

Involuntarily, I remembered the expression, or, more precisely, folk wisdom: “if youth knew, if old age could!” and asked the question: What features of adulthood would you like to acquire, and what features of youth to leave?


· Striving for self-realization.

Striving for independence.

Formation of plans for the future

Striving not to be like everyone else




7. Youth policy of the state

Youth policy- a system of state priorities and measures aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, for developing their potential in the interests of the country.

The priority areas of youth policy are:

· involvement of young people in an active social life and constant information about opportunities in the field of education, career growth, leisure, etc.;

· development of creative activity of youth;

· active socialization of young people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Much attention is paid to solving problems with employment, as well as housing policy and assistance to young families. An important area of ​​youth policy is the prevention of orphanhood.

My youth bill.

AT modern Russia a broad legal framework relations in the sphere of state youth policy. But the most important element of this regulatory framework is missing, so far it has not been possible to resolve the issue of adopting a basic federal law that establishes the legal framework for regulating the status of youth, implementing and developing youth policy. And how then can youth develop if their rights are not explained? I think that the law, first of all, should meet the modern needs and legitimate interests of young citizens and associations. It is obvious that the young man himself, the peculiarities of the realization of his constitutional rights and freedoms, should be at the center of the law. This requires that the specifics of the implementation of political, socio-economic and cultural rights and freedoms of young citizens be seen in the law, and the foundations for ensuring their observance and implementation in the Russian Federation should be laid.

Once upon a time in the 80-90s in the society of states, the issue of the need to adopt a youth law was very actively discussed. But everything remained only in words. I would like to propose my draft law on youth.

In it, I would consider the main problems of modern youth. And this:

The lack of security and confidence in it on the part of the Russian government - there is no clear understanding of history, what is good and what is bad. - disunity of society and nation. -lack of a national idea. - low level of education. -corruption. - inaccessibility, high cost of sports sections and circles. - lack of mass sports. - Corruption of TV and the press.

youth alcoholism, drug addiction.

If these problems are not resolved, then it will turn out - no prospects for the best + unemployment = no future for our country ...

. Youth subcultures

The socio-psychological characteristics of youth as a social group are also manifested in the existence of a special youth subculture.

Subculture - the culture of a certain social or demographic group, which is formed within the framework of the traditional (dominant) culture, but differs from it in the specifics of values, lifestyle, and behavior.

A subculture is a certain style, a way of life and thinking of separate social groups that are isolated within a society. This is partly due to the high criticality inherent in age, the notion that history starts with us . It also affects the fact that young people by their nature are aimed at transformations, the creation of something new.

Youth subculture is the culture of the younger generation, expressing the characteristics of the life of young people. For the first time, a youth subculture, as a social phenomenon, appeared in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century in the United States. Later, in the 50s-60s, the youth subculture manifested itself in Europe, and in the 70s-80s in the USSR.

The main features of the youth subculture:

.Challenge the values ​​of adults and experiment with your own lifestyle;

.Inclusion in various peer groups;

.Peculiar tastes, especially in clothes, music;

Types of subcultures.


Bikers are one of the few for whom words one for all and all for one - not an empty phrase, but a lifestyle. A biker is a motorcycle rider. They have evolved from savage hordes slicing through the countryside roads of boundless America to an elite, tough, money-handling organization that has draped the planet in a web.

Rappers and hip-hopers

The man-rapper not only goes in for sports (which is already a plus), he manifests himself creatively. And the manifestation of talent always leads to personal growth. This is a huge plus.

Everything seems to be fine, but there is such a leak as Gansta . Right here in fashion aggressive style of behavior. Such people may have firearms, because they believe that the world is cruel, and only they can protect themselves. They consider themselves kings and do not recognize anyone and nothing above themselves.


The idea of ​​skinheads is that only the strong can live. Therefore, one must be strong, and not only in body, but also in spirit.

They take their idea too literally. It is for skinheads that seizures without causal aggression towards other people are very often noticed. They are not afraid to kill at all. not his , and even aspire to it to some extent.


The main idea - Personally, as a person from the outside, I do not see others.

Therefore, where punks appear, there are fights, robberies, violence with the aim of desecrating a person.

Rastafarians (Rastafari)

Pretty calm culture and harmless to society. As they say no matter what the child is amused ...

In fact, their occupation is idleness, such a person is unlikely to become someone big in social life.


There is no negative attitude towards the world and towards not his . There is nothing that they vehemently oppose.

It is their freedom that is their main disadvantage. It gives them everything, while it is impossible to influence them from the outside, i.e. if so far it is harmless and fun, then who knows what it will result in later ... And no one can stop them.


Only intellectually developed people become role players. They are necessarily educated, well-read, and very intelligent and peace-loving. There is a danger play too much according to one scenario or another, and no longer get out of the role. In such situations, a person is simply knocked out of society.

Expression of emotions<#"justify">Goths.

Go ́ you are representatives of the goth subculture, inspired by the aesthetics of the gothic novel, the aesthetics of death, gothic music and identifying yourself with the gothic scene.

Representatives of the movement appeared in 1979 on the wave of post-punk. The Goths directed punk outrageousness into the mainstream of addiction to vampire aesthetics, to dark gaze to the world.

Getting acquainted with subcultures, one involuntarily asks the question: Is a youth subculture a movement of the soul, a desire to stand out or a social protest???

I believe that, first of all, it is a desire to stand out, not to be a "gray mass". And as a reason going underground youth calls: Challenge to society, protest.. Calling the family, misunderstanding in the family .. Not wanting to be like everyone else.. Desire to be established in a new environment.. Draw attention to yourself.. Undeveloped sphere of organizing leisure activities for young people in the country. Copying Western structures, trends, culture.. Religious ideological beliefs.. Tribute to fashion.. No purpose in life.. Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism.. Age hobbies. Media influence.

Youth culture is more of a leisure culture than a work culture. Hence the special youth slang.

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as is clear from its nomination itself, but also by social, temporal, and spatial limits.

It exists among urban student youth and in separate, more or less closed groups.

Like all social dialects, it is only a lexicon that feeds on the juices of the national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

It seems that youth slang should become the object of close attention of linguists, because, as examples of other slang systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates the literary language and is fixed there for many years.

I think that youth slang is lack of culture, disrespect for elders. For me, it is better to speak our great Russian language than to distort it, break it and borrow words. Our generation is equal to Europe, but I don't understand why? From Europe they take everything from clothing styles to behavior and manner of speech, they borrow words. And our government is largely to blame for this, since since the time of Peter the Great, Russia has tried to be equal to Europe. Of course, there are pluses in this, but there are no minuses either. For example, in our time it has become fashionable to say not a girl, but “a heifer or a girl”, now it’s not a beloved guy, but “boyfriend” (although the word boyfriend has a completely different meaning, literally - boyfriend-friend). Well, where is the respect for each other? And now he is gone. And this is one of the social ills of our modern society.

. Social portrait of modern Russian youth

But it is not for nothing that youth is the time for the formation of one's own views and patterns of behavior, the ability to process information, form positions and follow one's social roles.

Based on the foregoing, I tried to draw up a social portrait of today's Russian youth. In doing so, I used the latest data from the Public Opinion Foundation.

The new generation today is tireless optimists, satisfied with life, looking forward with hope, extremely loyal to the authorities and not experiencing pronounced protest moods.

For the most part, today's young people can be safely attributed to the "gold personnel reserve" due to a high degree of loyalty to the current government: 75% 18-25 year oldsRussians are evaluated the work of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putinas good(versus 68% among the population over 25); 82% youthpointed out that head of government D. Medvedevworking at his post well(versus 75% among the population over 25). Somewhat cooler respondents 18-25 years oldevaluate the work Russian government: 50% positive answers (among the population over 25 years old - 43%).

Despite the youth, which, as the history of mankind shows, is characterized by a rebellious spirit, the current Russian youth is not readyto take to the streets and participate in protests. According to this indicator, the age group 18-25 years oldhas no qualitative differences from the group older than 25 years ( 72% and 71%, respectively), and this result logically correlates with a high degree of satisfaction with their lives and loyalty to the current government.

About half of young people have permanent job(in January 2010 - 44 %), 12% receive a scholarship 10% enjoy the financial support of relatives and friends.

Areas of life that cause anxiety when thinking about the future?

So, the most “terrible” areas turned out to be:


.Family and marriage



.Society, country

What social problems of our society are most relevant for young people?

Unfortunately, the mass media have a serious negative impact on the social health of young Russians. The main source of information for young people is, in descending order - the Internet, television, local TV channels.

Therefore, the main problems of modern youth are:

· lack of spirituality

· Moral degradation of personality and depreciation of value human life

· Inaction, indifference, individualism

· Sexual promiscuity

· The collapse of the family

· The cult of money

· Social dependency

Also among the problems of youth it is worth highlighting:

Ø Unemployment

Ø Corruption

Ø Lack of security and confidence in it from the Russian government

Ø Low level education

Ø Inaccessibility and high cost of sports sections

Ø Lack of mass sports

Ø Youth alcoholism and drug addiction

10. Key life values ​​and goals of youth

Every person strives for success, wealth, happiness. Therefore, today's youth is trying to get a higher education and not one, but several. Not everyone can afford it. Nowadays, it is necessary to pay for education (with the exception of the budgetary basis). Yes, this is a financial problem, but young people are determined, and they try to get hired as a watchman, a kiosk seller, a cleaner, any paid job in order to be able to study.

One of the most important values ​​of people is freedom. Freedom of speech, action, choice are necessary for self-affirmation and self-improvement. Here the question arises: “Will the youth become a consumer society?” V. Dahl wrote: "Freedom is will." Although these words are synonymous, in my opinion, they should be considered a little differently. Freedom has certain boundaries that cannot be violated. And the will has no limits. Therefore, today's youth should understand the meaning of the word freedom.

The next vital value is awareness of the need for health. We must strive for a healthy lifestyle. Only a healthy person can feel like a full-fledged person, feel all the beauty and charm of life in all its manifestations. How I would like to see modern youth in such a state. And it's good that most of her is aware of this.

Spiritual culture is very important in the life of modern youth. Spiritual culture can give rise to painting, the birth of poetry, and so on. Many can become artists, writers. Today's youth are actively involved in various activities in order to preserve environment, nature protection, care for the disabled, the elderly, etc. She knows how to adapt in a variety of societies and defend her opinions.

Young people, in fact, are sociable and friendly people. We have a different worldview, very different from our aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers. There are concepts of "cool" and "sucks". We try to fit in with the outside world and cannot live without communication - that's another value. If we spend some time in fellowship, we strengthen the bonds of friendship with new friends. With the help of communication, we show our manners, our upbringing and gain respect for ourselves as simply good man. In difficult times, these people will always support and help.

Modern youth is very sociable and comprehensively developed. Young people have great prospects. They boldly look to the future, achieve their goals. Our youth is our future.

Is there a difference in the main life goals and values ​​of young people in different countries?

I tried to figure it out. For comparison, I took the data of German sociologists.

About 6 million young people aged 14 to 21 live in Germany. Their favorite activities are sports, going to the movies, listening to music, going to the disco, "just hanging out." Their biggest concerns are unemployment, environmental degradation, crime, right-wing radicalism, hostility to foreigners, and youth violence. Desires related to the future: 75% would like to get married someday (get married), 83% wish to have children.

It turns out that we are Russians, and they - Germans - are very similar. Probably, this is a property of youth in general, regardless of nationality. And it's great! This means that we can easily find a common language, we can jointly deal with common troubles and problems and look confidently into the future.


From what has been said, it follows that the existing range of problems in youth research is very diverse. Despite the fact that much attention is paid to the problem of education of modern youth, related problems are also in the close focus of social researchers: these are housing problems, unemployment problems, leisure problems, political insecurity and corruption of youth by the media, as well as the fight against drugs. of a different nature.

Thus, social researchers still have a lot to do in studying today's youth, their social environment and the social factors that influence the life path of children, adolescents and young people.


Your child is informal. Parents about youth subcultures M.: Genesis, 2010

Life perspective and professional self-determination of young people Kyiv: Naukova Dumka,

Psychology of asocial-criminal groups of adolescents and youth NPO "MODEK", MPSI

Developmental psychology: youth, maturity, old age: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments M.: Publishing Center "Academy"

Kukhterina E.A. The variability of the value orientations of young people depending on the region.

Kukhterina E.A. Social mobility of youth: Monograph. Tyumen: Publishing and printing center "Express", 2004.

Let us now dwell on the role and significance of youth in society. In general, this role is due to the following objective circumstances.

1. Youth, being a fairly large socio-demographic group, occupies an important place in national economic production as the only source of replenishment of labor resources.

2. Youth is the main bearer of the intellectual potential of society. She has great abilities for work, for creativity in all spheres of life.

3. Young people have a fairly large social and professional perspective. It is able to acquire new knowledge, professions and specialties faster than other social groups in society.

The indicated circumstances can be confirmed by actual and statistical data.

By the beginning of 1990, there were 62 million people in the former USSR. under the age of 30. At the same time, every fourth resident of the city and every fifth of the village were young people. In total, citizens under the age of 30 accounted for 43% of the working population.

The proportion of young people aged 16 to 30 in the former USSR in 1990 was 22% of the total population. Approximately the same percentage was in Ukraine. Over the past ten years, there has been a decrease in the young population in the territory of the former USSR by 4.8 million people, including in Ukraine the share of young people from 1989 to 1999 decreased from 22 to 20%.

According to 1986 data, about 40 million boys and girls were employed in the national economy of the former USSR. At the same time, in some industries, more than half of the employees were young people. For example, in industry and construction, 54% of workers were under the age of 30, in agriculture - 44, in mechanical engineering - 40, in light industry - more than 50%.

AT last years In the demographic situation with regard to young people, the following trends were noted:

The number of rural youth is growing, which is a good prerequisite for the demographic revival of the village;

There is a pronounced trend towards rejuvenation of motherhood, although a significant number of young families, due to socio-economic problems, are in no hurry to have children;

The number of young migrants is increasing, etc.

Fundamentally important when considering youth problems is the question of youth as the subject and object of social transformations.

The role of youth as a subject and object in the historical process of the development of society is very specific. From the point of view of the mechanism of youth socialization, at first, a young person, entering into life, is an object of influence of social conditions, family, friends, institutions of training and education, and then, in the process of growing up and transitioning from childhood to youth, he learns and begins to create the world himself, i.e. becomes the subject of all socio-economic, political and social transformations.

It is clear that the problem of youth has a global, universal character, and therefore is in the center of attention of all countries and major organizations in the world.

Through UNESCO, for example, from 1979 to 1989 alone, more than 100 documents were adopted concerning the problems of youth. Most of them emphasize that young people themselves, through their work, must realize their goals. Young people should be in constant search, dare, build their own destiny. Naturally, this is inherent only in democratic societies, countries with a high level of economic and social development.

At the same time, characterizing the problems of youth, at the fortieth session of the UN General Assembly, attention was drawn to the fact that "young people play a dual, at first glance contradictory role, on the one hand, they actively contribute to the process of social change, and on the other hand, they turn out to be his victims."

Indeed, today's youth cannot be focused solely on the implementation of national affairs related to the solution of plan targets; she should be given the opportunity to solve her own youth problems. The interests of young people, their real, pressing problems are an organic part of all social tasks society. Here it is appropriate to recall interesting statement famous psychologist I. S. Kohn that in the 20th century the rate of change of new technology began to outstrip the rate of change of new

generations. This feature of the scientific and technological revolution significantly affected the psyche and psychology of young people, more clearly revealed their inability to live. We will enter the 21st century with this problem of youth.

Along with the loss by older generations of the right to perform the traditional teaching and upbringing function, the problem of young people's independence, their preparation for life, for conscious actions has become more acute.

Young people today, on the one hand, increasingly feel like a special group of society within a certain "youth culture", and on the other hand, they are increasingly suffering from the insolubility of many of their specific problems. At the same time, the most serious factor that deforms the psyche of young people is the lack of a certain trust in them. Boys and girls are very little involved in solving and implementing a variety of problems in the life of modern society. Moreover, they are not even included on an equal footing in the discussion of various issues that concern all citizens.

As a result of all the causes and problems discussed above, a certain differentiation is taking place among young people, which has so far been little studied by sociological science. In particular, VF Levicheva in her works during the period of rapid growth of the so-called informal youth associations singled out three classes of social objects of a fundamentally different type: adolescent groups; amateur associations of young people of various orientations (groups for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, "green", associations of creative youth, leisure groups, sports and recreation and peacekeeping associations, political clubs, etc.); popular fronts (social formations, which included young people).


1. The most acceptable, in our opinion, is the following interpretation of the concept of "youth": "Youth is a relatively large socio-demographic group, distinguished on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, social status, socio-psychological properties that are determined by the social system, culture laws of socialization and education in a given society".

There is also such a more complex and multifaceted definition: "Youth as a social group is a specific social community of people, which occupies a certain place in the social structure of society, is characterized by the process of acquiring a stable social status in various social substructures (social class, social settlement, professional-labor, socio-political, family-domestic), and therefore, it is distinguished by the commonality of the problems being solved and the commonality of social interests and features of the forms of life that follow from them" [No., 17].

With the transition to the market, the formation of a democratic society, not only the ideals of young people, but also the social ideal of young people in general, change significantly. In particular, the conclusions of the Ukrainian scientist Y. Tereshchenko, who distinguishes such traits in a person of our time (and, consequently, in youth) are very interesting.

Firstly, - he writes, - this is an economically free, enterprising, enterprising, active person. He is characterized by independent creativity associated with the organization of a new business and a constant number of opportunities to apply his own strength.

Secondly, this is a person who is deeply interested in personal involvement in political freedoms. Such a person is characterized by a developed legal and moral responsibility, he is able to protect himself and others.

Thirdly, this is a person with a clearly defined worldview and ecological orientation.

Fourthly, this is a person with a nationally oriented consciousness. Such a person loves his people, for him native language and other signs of native culture are a means of national self-identification.

2. The question of the age limits of youth is not just a subject of theoretical scientific dispute. In particular, the upper limit of the youth age, for all its conventionality, implies exactly the age at which a young person becomes economically independent, able to create material and spiritual values, to continue the human race. And this means that all these conditions should be considered in close unity, interdependence, and even more so without any idealization. For example, it is known that many

young people become economically independent (capable of earning a livelihood, self-sufficiency) even before the age of 28. Of course, this does not exclude receiving economic assistance from parents, relatives, friends and at a later age. In this regard, it seems to us that the youth limit (28 years) is largely determined by the period of graduation, obtaining a profession, that is, the completion of preparation for productive work in any field of activity.

Over time, the age limits of young people (in particular, in Ukraine), apparently, will have to be reviewed and determined taking into account the new socio-economic, political and other conditions for the formation and formation of Ukrainian statehood as a whole.

3. Youth is not only a biological, but also a social process, dialectically connected with the reproduction of society, both demographically and socially. Young people are not just an object - the successor of the material and spiritual wealth of society, but also a subject - a transformer of social relations. “History,” noted K. Marx and F. Engels, “is nothing but a consistent system of separate generations, each of which uses materials, capital, productive forces transferred to it by all previous generations ... Indeed, from that, in what, relatively speaking, the tone of the conversation will be between the "fathers" who pass on the heritage, and the "children" who accept it, the stability, stability of the system depends to a large extent, if not decisively" // Proceedings of the international interuniversity student scientific- practical conference dedicated to the Year of Youth in the Russian Federation. - M.: Institute of International Social and Humanitarian Relations, - 2012. - 240 p.

The youth- this is a special social and age group, distinguished by age limits and their status in society: the transition from childhood and youth to social responsibility. Some scientists understand youth as a set of young people to whom society provides the opportunity for social development, providing them with benefits, but limiting their ability to actively participate in certain areas of society. Young people in a significant part have the level of mobility, intellectual activity and health that distinguishes them favorably from other groups of the population. During this period, a person lives an important stage of family and outside family socialization.

Today, scientists define youth as a socio-demographic group of society, singled out on the basis of a combination of characteristics, features of social status and due to certain socio-psychological properties that are determined by the level of socio-economic, cultural development, features of socialization in Russian society.

The boundaries of youth age are mobile. They depend on the socio-economic development of society, the level of well-being and culture achieved, and the living conditions of people. The impact of these factors is really manifested in the life expectancy of people, expanding the boundaries of youth age from 14 to 30 years.

Differentiation of young people by age allows us to distinguish three main groups:

  • · 14-19 years old(boys and girls) - a group of young people who are financially dependent on their parental families and who are faced with the choice of a profession;
  • · 20-24 years old(youth in the narrow sense of the word) - a youth group integrating into the socio-professional structure of society, acquiring material and social independence;
  • · 25-29 years old(young adults) - a socio-demographic group that is completing the acquisition of a full set of social statuses and roles, which has become the subject of social reproduction.

Thus, we can conclude that the lower age limit is determined by the fact that from the age of 14 physical maturity begins and a person can engage in labor activity(period of choice to study or work). The upper limit is determined by the achievement of economic independence, professional and personal stability.

As structural elements You can also distinguish the following groups of young people:

  • · demographic(gender, age, marital status);
  • · national-ethnic;
  • · target and contact(for example, all young people aspiring to enter higher education; all young people working in the organization);
  • · by level of education;
  • · at the place of residence(urban and rural youth);
  • · according to the degree of socio-political activity;
  • · by hobby(athletes, musicians, etc.);
  • · by professional affiliation.

The application of these and other typological criteria allows you to build a multidimensional personal space of young people.

Thus, it would be more correct to speak not about youth in general, but about studying, student or working youth; youth from large central cities, provincial cities or youth from rural areas, etc. It follows from this that when determining the social positions of young people, their various groups it is necessary to study the qualitative social characteristics of young people: social composition and origin, financial situation of parents, worldview and religious affiliation, education, professional activity, Political Views etc.

In developmental psychology, youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the formation of the social status of an individual. The consciousness of a young person has a special susceptibility, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, critical thinking develops, the desire to give one's own assessment of various phenomena, the search for argumentation, original thinking. At the same time, at this age, some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation are still preserved. This is due to the fact that the period of vigorous activity in a young person encounters a limited nature of practical, creative activity, an incomplete involvement of a young person in the system of social relations. Hence, in the behavior of young people, there is an amazing combination of contradictory qualities and traits: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and withdrawal, detachment from the outside world. The instability and inconsistency of youth consciousness have an impact on many forms of behavior and activity of the individual. The formation of the social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many relatively independent factors: families, educational institutions, labor collective, mass media, youth organizations and spontaneous groups. This plurality of institutions and mechanisms of socialization does not represent a rigid hierarchical system; each of them performs its own specific functions in the development of the individual.

Value orientations are the most important elements of the internal structure of the personality, fixed life experience individual. The set of established, established experiences that separate the significant, the essential from the insignificant forms a kind of axis of consciousness that ensures the stability of the personality, the continuity of a certain type of behavior, and activity, expressed in the direction of needs and interests. Because of this, value orientations are the most important factor that ensures the cohesion of social groups and regulates the behavior of the individual. Through orientation, a person selects the most significant objects for him. Thus, orientations reflect the selectivity of people. This circumstance gives them the status of an independent phenomenon.

Youth, as a social group, whose position is completely determined by its socio-economic condition, first of all reacts to the changes taking place in society. The youth is of interest as a generation that in the near future will take the place of the main productive force, and therefore its values ​​will largely determine the values ​​of the whole society. The situation in the country as a whole largely depends on what principles, norms and values ​​this social group adheres to.

The system of value orientations of the individual, although it is formed under the influence of the values ​​that prevail in society and the immediate social environment surrounding the individual, is not rigidly predetermined by them. The personality is not passive in the process of forming its orientations. The values ​​offered by society, the individual assimilates selectively. The formation of value orientations is influenced not only by social factors, but also by some characteristics of the individual himself, his personal characteristics. The system of value orientations is not given once and for all: with changes in living conditions, the personality itself, new values ​​appear, and sometimes they are completely or partially reassessed. Once again, it should be emphasized that the value orientations of young people as the most dynamic part of Russian society the first to undergo changes caused by various processes taking place in the life of the country.

In the value orientations of modern Russian youth, it is traditionally possible to distinguish 2 groups of values: terminal - beliefs that some ultimate goal of individual existence is worth striving for; instrumental - beliefs that some mode of action or personality trait is preferable in any situation. This division corresponds to the traditional division into values-goals and values-means.

At present, the analysis of the values ​​of different generations, and above all, young people and its specific part - students, which, as a social group, is characterized by age, belonging to high school and involvement in the process of forming a layer of intellectuals. Modern Russian students are forced to focus on a mixed system of values. Traditional values ​​have not been completely replaced by Western ones and, most likely, a complete change of values ​​will not happen. However, the change in the socio-cultural situation with an attempt to create a market economy in Russia, democratic changes, led to the emergence and increase in the importance of some values ​​that were absent or were on the periphery of the traditional system of values.

Values ​​effectively determine the behavior of people, if only they are introduced not by force of coercion, but are based on the authority of society. Studying the value orientations of students makes it possible to identify the degree of their adaptation to new social conditions and their innovative potential. The future state of society largely depends on what value foundation will be formed.

Characteristics of modern youth

The intellectual and educational values ​​of modern youth should be considered from the perspective of their mental, creative potential, which, unfortunately, has significantly decreased in recent years. This is due to the deterioration of the physical and mental condition of the younger generation. The new conditions have given rise to new problems that have become inherent in the socio-cultural values ​​of today's youth.

Without having an idea of ​​what the basic values, guidelines, views and interests of a young person are today, it is extremely difficult to count on a positive result in the process of forming his best qualities citizen. Under the conditions of very unfavorable influences of the macro environment as a whole, the prestige of morality has decreased, greedy orientations, and purely personal, pragmatic interests among the youth have increased. A significant part of young people have destroyed and lost such traditional moral and psychological traits as romanticism, selflessness, readiness for heroism, honesty, conscientiousness, faith in goodness and justice, the desire for truth and the search for an ideal, for the positive realization of not only personal, but also social significant interests and goals, and others.

Youth in the modern world


The formation of the modern younger generation takes place in difficult conditions of breaking many historically established values ​​and the formation of new social relations. As life has shown, education can no longer act as a monopolist in the dissemination of knowledge, but, having significant independence, it is called upon to perform the functions of forming stable value orientations of the humanistic worldview, educating the civic qualities of the individual. It is important to raise the level of social, spiritual, moral and subject-activity maturity of student youth in spite of false values. The relevance of such an educational orientation is obvious, since it is in the youth environment that new forms of being are born, norms and values ​​are developed, which eventually become the norms and values ​​of the whole society, and are subsequently transmitted to subsequent generations.
The ongoing liberal-democratic transformations, unfortunately, along with positive aspects, also have negative consequences, expressed in the devaluation of moral ideals. The idealization of the image of a young man, free from social prohibitions and the requirements of public morality, the propaganda of free love, the growing cult of individualism and a consumerist attitude to life cause irreparable harm to the spiritual and physical health of the younger generation.
At present, the task of creating such situations in the upbringing and educational process in which the student would cultivate the above-mentioned value orientations for himself, not allowing them to be “squeezed out” to the periphery of his life activity, comes to the fore. It is necessary to move away from the style of edification, instructiveness and obsession in discussing ethical problems with students, since it is impossible to overcome socially negative trends in the youth environment with directive measures, short-term or even one-time actions. The freedom to choose values ​​is an important factor determining the development of civil society.
Considering the axiological imperatives of upbringing and education in the socio-philosophical aspect, it should be emphasized that they are guided primarily by the personal qualities of student youth, their spiritual and moral world. Their methodological approach is based on a well-traced connection between the value orientations of the past and the present. The moral priorities put forward by the pedagogical practice of the past can be applied in completely different socio-historical conditions and, at the same time, not only interact with the values ​​of the new time, but also have a significant impact on them. Practical results convince of the need to abandon the idea of ​​the conservative values ​​of previous generations, point to the extreme mobility of the socio-cultural process itself, allow us to see the prospects in the reasonable continuity of value orientations.
Radical democratic transformations of social life, the construction of market relations have brought into the life of Russian society the ideological value orientations of Western civilization.
The process of forming the social maturity of young people, their choice of an individual life trajectory takes place in all the main spheres of an individual's activity, mainly through education and training, assimilation and transformation of the experience of older generations. The main socio-psychological regulators of this process and at the same time indicators of the position of young people in society and in the structure historical process development are value orientations, social norms and attitudes. They determine the type of consciousness, the nature of activity, the specifics of the problems, needs, interests, expectations of young people, typical patterns of behavior.
During the period of formation of a personality, its acquisition of its social status in society, such personality traits as critical thinking, the desire to give one's own assessment of the most diverse phenomena of social life, the search for argumentation, an original solution develop most intensively. At the same time, at this age, some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous age are still preserved. This is due to the fact that the period of active value-creative activity in a young person comes into conflict with the limited possibility of practical creative activity, his incomplete involvement in the system of social relations. Hence, in the behavior of young people there is an amazing combination of contradictory features and qualities - the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and avoidance of it, and often detachment from the outside world.
The characteristics of the values ​​inherent in youth reflect the diversity of life conditions and destinies of young people. The system of value orientations is the most important component of the personality structure, reflecting the selective attitude of students to social values ​​and determining the line of behavior (social activity) aimed at achieving them.
In the studies of the 80s. of the last century, devoted to youth, it was usually stated that the majority of young people correctly perceive the true values ​​of life. To the question “What are the main values ​​for you?” students usually gave the following answers. In the first place - interesting, favorite work; then - friendship; decency; love; family; respect for others; independence from others; health; physical perfection; loyalty to ideals, principles and beliefs. These data indicate that students in the relatively recent past had clear value orientations that were generally positive. Today, on the contrary, there is an obvious crisis in the youth worldview, manifested in a consumerist attitude to life, the desire for instant enrichment, civic nihilism, and exaggerated claims to success without a personal contribution to achieving the goal.
Many researchers rightly believe that modern youth prefers the values ​​of Western society with its distinctive features (individualism, pragmatism, initiative, independence in solving problems), which are constantly replicated in the media. Young people are being massively attacked by global reference groups - brands coming from the most developed countries of the world (Coca Cola, Levis, American Express, Microsoft, Ford, Du Pont, General Motors). The existing youth subcultures are not particularly stable, since their emergence is largely a product of commissioned advertising of entire industries, the existence of which directly depends on meeting the demand of the population from 16 to 30 years old. The imaginary freedom of choice turns into a kind of slavery, dependence on market conditions.
Undoubtedly, a modern young person has much greater freedom to choose a profession, patterns of behavior, style of thinking than his peers 15-20 years ago. However, the level of his requests and claims is characterized by maximalism and does not always correlate with his abilities, which leads to unfulfilled plans and a state of dissatisfaction.
The media belongs to the leadership in the formation of consciousness and worldview, ideals to follow in the modern youth environment. Propaganda of the cult of cruelty and violence exerts powerful pressure on the psychological state of young people, forms appropriate behavior patterns and stereotypes of life perception. The electronic resources of cyberspace have a huge potential for cultivating consumer values ​​compared to traditional media, especially given the increased interest of young people in the World Wide Web. This environment is subject to very little censorship, in addition, access to resources is geographically unrestricted. The creation in Bashkortostan of a regional information and educational youth portal, which will accumulate versions of youth and children's publications, audiovisual programs with an interactive discussion of problems vital for young people, can neutralize the dangerous influence of electronic resources.
Unfortunately, we have to state that the ongoing disintegration of public consciousness has led many young people to accept inadequate values ​​as a strategy for survival in the conditions of spontaneous market relations, while at the same time such true values ​​as nobility, generosity, justice, recognition of rights and respect for dignity have become secondary category. Moreover, young people do not always associate their success in life with the future of the country. Their own individualistic values ​​are formed, which begin to dominate over universal ones, moral norms and moral principles of human life activity are devalued. For some of the young people, these paths are quite attractive, although they not only do not lead to true success, but, on the contrary, enhance the feeling of spiritual vacuum and the meaninglessness of being, the momentary nature of everything that happens. The consequences of replacing true values ​​with false ones are extremely dangerous, as they can lead to global spiritual devastation, a lack of moral culture, and even an anthropological catastrophe.
During the period of spontaneous democratization of society, our country has largely lost the positive experience of the past, including educational experience, recognized throughout the world. Today, Russia, which is dramatically experiencing a change in value orientations due to the development of mass consumer false culture, must seriously and urgently take up the preservation of its political, economic and spiritual sovereignty, since rationalism in the most categorical form is now becoming the predominant feature of the spiritual and moral consciousness of young students.
Increasingly, to make decisions, students are guided not so much by moral postulates as by specific rational benefit and empirical reason. Unfortunately, our country has come to that state, characterizing which E. Fromm rightly argued that a person with a market character perceives everything as a commodity - not only things, but the person himself, including his physical energy, skills, knowledge, opinions , feelings, even a smile... and his main goal is to make a good deal in any situation. For example, the well-known pro-Western human rights activist V. Navodvorskaya formulated clear guidelines for “normal” human life: “Firm. Money. Bank. Knowledge. Intelligence. Information. Automobile. A computer. Smart books. Irony. Skepticism. Loneliness. Individualism".
However, no matter how severe the consequences of market reforms may be, on the whole, the events of the beginning of the 21st century indicate that the period of turbulent changes in Russia is over. This is a sign that the spiritual revival of society is coming to the fore.
The moral culture of student youth is a kind of cross-section of the state of the moral culture of the whole society, has its own specifics, which is due to age characteristics and the special position of students in the social structure of society. Therefore, it would be logical, first of all, to identify the very specifics, as well as the social status of this social group.
Traditionally, it is customary to divide young people into several age categories: 15-17-year-olds; 18-19 year olds; 20-24 year olds; 25-29 year olds. In our opinion, the main criterion of youth is age, since this category includes a person who has prospects in life and for whom all of them are absolutely new. Thus, young people belong to a socio-demographic group that is undergoing a period of social maturity, adaptation and integration into the world of adults. The current young generation, born in the era of political and socio-economic transformations, has grown up free and independent, the bearer of a new economic and political thinking.
Most researchers of the problems of student youth emphasize that student age is the most important factor in the development of a person as an individual and an active member of society. The expression has become a phraseological stamp: "... youth is a shortcoming that passes quickly."
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Z. Ya. Rakhmatullina, discussing the place and role of youth in the spiritual revival of society, believes that it is during this short period of spiritual "confusion" and ideological "vacillations" that life guidelines are laid in the individual, outlining his attitude to his own life, the existence of society, to the fate of their nation, which determine all its subsequent attitude to the world. Spiritual formation, awareness of one's involvement in the vital, fateful problems of one's people is the result of not only one's own efforts. An important link here is properly organized and organized work with the youth, based not only and not so much on propaganda and education, but on the appropriate economic, social and cultural policy aimed at meeting the real spiritual and material needs of the younger generation. What can education do here? The education system faces the most important task of creating the necessary conditions for the active self-realization of students, which will determine the development of a socially successful personality resistant to negative influence surrounding social environment.
In conditions of social cataclysms, when the connection between times and generations is broken, the experience and spiritual values ​​of the elders are often unclaimed by the youth. Today, when society is in moral turmoil and there is a disharmony of social relations and value priorities, it is important to find an incentive basis for restoring the moral forces of society and make efforts to ethically verified guidelines for educating the younger generation. In such periods, especially at the junction of eras, the task of preserving humanistic moral imperatives, the value vector of being, social cultural traditions.
The opposition of the images "we" and "they" is traditional - it is enough to refer to the textbook work of I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Today, however, young people's attitude towards the older generation is often manifested in the complete denial of established traditional values, including the history of their own state. The confrontation often comes to an open conflict. The position taken by young people is vulnerable, if we bear in mind their own apoliticality, civic infantilism and aloofness from participation in solving the social problems of modern society.
Such a “blurring” of the social and spiritual and moral guidelines of young people cannot but disturb the pedagogical community and wide circles of society. The danger of a value conflict between generations is beyond doubt. Moreover, a young person is not always able to appreciate the values ​​that have been professed by elders for decades, and the search for equivalents is often immoral. A personality that is being formed, not yet strengthened spiritually, loses purpose and hope in life.
With the help of a survey, we made an attempt to find out what the concept of “value” means for students and what meaning they put into it. Do they think that there are eternal universal and national values? If so, which ones? Despite the fact that the pilot survey covered only students of the Ufa College of Economics, Management and Service, the depth and scale of the work carried out made it possible to identify very clear trends and indicators that allow them to be transferred to all student youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
It should be recognized that the threat of the development of dependent psychology remains, which does not fit into the content of the concept of "spiritual culture". In the context of the crisis of spiritual ideals, the admissibility of achieving material well-being at any cost is becoming more widespread. Up to 24% of young people hold this opinion.
A number of studies of the deviant behavior of young people, conducted in the Republic of Bashkortostan, revealed the absence of a sharp boundary in the values ​​and interests of "prosperous" and deviant youth. There is a kind of diffusion of deviance. The characteristics of a deviant environment (with some limitations) become valid for young people in general, at least for some of its groups. So, for example, in Ufa there are about 40 entertainment complexes, focused mainly on young people from 17 to 30 years old. Regular visits to such nightclubs as "Ogni Ufa", "Pilot", "Jolly Roger", "Che", "Latino", "Gagarin" and others, suggests belonging to the "golden youth". Such pastime as part of the socio-cultural space of a million-strong city becomes the norm of her life.
The other part of young people, including students, who do not have material opportunities for spending leisure time, realize themselves through the informal "street" socialization of the individual, which can lead to negative consequences. One of the paradoxes of the modern youth environment is that the deviation in the eyes of peers (especially young people aged 17-20) is not the consumption of alcohol, but rather the rejection of it. Systematic implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan M.G. Rakhimov "On the announcement of 2005 as the Year of the Prevention of Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Tobacco" made it possible to put a powerful barrier to these unacceptable asocial manifestations among the youth.
The reality of our time has become informal youth associations with names that are unusual for our hearing: “bikers”, “hippies”, “metalheads”, “punks”, “rappers”, “rollers”, “fans”, representing for the most part harmless forms of personal and collective self-realization in the social space of the metropolis. These age-related hobbies, as a rule, remain in the past for young people in the process of becoming a person. However, the time wasted is the most convincing proof of the omissions in the education of our young contemporaries.
Many of the causes of moral degradation that are seen today in the youth environment lie in the plane of family education, those socially orienting and pedagogical projections that are laid down in deep childhood. Often parents argue like this: we have suffered in childhood, let our children grow up happy. Defending their deliberately false educational position, they are trying in every possible way to save their children from worries and restrictions, thanks to which an illusory myth has been established: the meaning of life is to go to stores and buy things, and for parents there is nothing more joyful and useful than buying another child for their children. present. The viciousness of the practice of these hapless parents was not long in coming. They received social dependents who were not ready for an active working life and the support of their parents in old age. The consciousness of 17-20-year-old youth is oriented towards the concept of consumer behavior. Goods and services have ceased to be just useful things, turning into markers of certain lifestyles.
It causes concern that a certain part of the students consider success in personal life, material security to be the most important, neglecting spiritual values, which largely determine true happiness and well-being.
Summarizing all of the above, we can present in a more detailed form the process of formation of student value orientations, its subsequent formation, and draw the following conclusions:
at present, there is a change of moral guidelines in the student environment; the values ​​and norms of socialist morality, according to which collectivist attitudes were dominant, are being replaced by other values ​​and norms;
the presence of multidirectional vectors in the moral consciousness and behavior of students is evidence of the simultaneous existence in the mass student consciousness of various systems of moral regulation;
a new type of morality is being formed before our eyes. Conventionally, it can be called "the type of morality of a market person";
quite intensively there is a process of "erosion" in the minds of students of such moral norms as kindness, mercy, decency, honesty, responsiveness, etc.;
the differentiation of students according to value orientations is deepening;
the most common phenomenon among students is pragmatic individualism;
there is a crisis of morality, as well as polarization of personality types of students, which is an objective basis for creating conflict situations.
There is no doubt that an effective upbringing and educational policy for youth, primarily the state policy, will enable society to rise to a new round of economic and social progress. Without cardinal changes in the field of education, not only the effectiveness of training a professional specialist is called into question, it becomes practically impossible to form the social cohesion of civil society, the implementation of the national idea of ​​​​spiritual consolidation.
In recent years, a positive trend has emerged: the desire to unite predominantly student (student) youth and the young intelligentsia. Youth unions are moving away from politics towards professional interests. Among the largest is the Union of Democratic Youth of Bashkortostan (the successor to the republican Komsomol organization), which unites high school students of general educational institutions, students of 12 state universities, 75 colleges, as well as students of other institutions.
The Union of Bashkir Youth and the Union of Tatar Youth occupy their niche in the youth socio-cultural space, playing a serious role in mobilizing the spiritual resources of students. There is a need for systematic scientific understanding and generalization of the experience of one of the largest in Russia children's and adolescent public organization"Pioneers of Bashkortostan", in the ranks of which there are more than 300 thousand people. This should be done, if only because, on the whole, youth public associations have not yet been able to mobilize youth initiative in the public interest and the interests of the development of the state. At present, the consolidation of student youth, focused on the creation of material and spiritual values, is in demand.
The difficulties and polyphonic variety of tasks facing modern education, the multi-vector nature of educational activities, as well as the regional features of the functioning of a particular educational institution imply the search for optimal options for solving socially significant problems.
In general, the successful functioning of the system vocational education The city of Ufa is largely due to the presence of a clear prospect for the development of a million-strong city, all its infrastructures. Since the structure of industrial production in Ufa is associated with high technologies in various sectors of the economy and the social sphere, rich in spiritual and cultural life, the education system should focus on the education of an Ufa citizen - a patriot of his native city, characterized by the following positions of his "I-concept":
- I am a resident of a city located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, at the intersection of two global cultural traditions - West and East, who knows their spiritual values ​​and implements their positive, complementary, humanistic components in life;
- I am a resident of the city, which is more than 400 years old, closely connected with the inspired traditions and memory of the great ancestors of Russia and native Bashkortostan, who knows and respects the lessons of history, honors and observes the humanistic traditions and precepts of the ancestors, who wants to leave his mark on the glorious history of his native city , republics and countries;
- I am a resident of a city where representatives of many nationalities live in peace and harmony, sincerely respecting their unique culture, values ​​and customs, accepting an open mutually enriching dialogue as the only possible strategy for communication between people, cultures and peoples;
- I am a resident of the city - the heart of my republic, in which all economic, trade, social, transport "arteries" intersect, and therefore, throughout my creative life, I have been striving to become a high professional and bring maximum benefit to fellow countrymen at my workplace;
- I am a resident of a peninsular city located between two full-flowing rivers Agidel and Karaidel, one of the greenest cities in Russia with a unique natural landscape, appreciating the beauty of its nature, parks and alleys, decorating its natural appearance and protecting the fragile ecological balance;
- I am a resident of the city, in the architectural appearance of which different eras are intertwined, who knows its history, protects the “wooden and stone” flesh, respects the work of ancient architects and modern architects, honors its old age and youth, does not allow its originality to dissolve.
These characteristics of a citizen of Ufa, a resident of the capital as a bearer and subject of urban culture serve as a guideline for modeling the target, content, procedural and evaluative components of educating student youth in a metropolis.
In various socio-historical periods, Russian youth in their spiritual quests strove to follow noble ideals. Common to the youth of all times was their desire to create their own world, different from the world of the older generation. And adults did not always have the wisdom and courage to accept her world, to recognize her historical correctness. Youth fashion and leaders are rapidly changing, but young people themselves are still stubbornly looking for their ways to a better future. This is a historical pattern.