Subtle moments and artificial scarcity. How was the first debate of the participants in the primaries of "United Russia" in Stary Oskol

The first debate of the participants of the primaries took place in Stary Oskol United Russia”, applying for a seat in the State Duma from the local district. Five United Russia members met face to face and to support groups of competitors, including State Duma deputy Andrey Skoch and head of the regional youth policy department Andrey Chesnokov. Gulnara Tagirova followed the course of the first Stary Oskol debates of the ruling party.

The first debates of United Russia in Stary Oskol were devoted to the topic “Saving the Nation: Education, Health Care, Social Policy.” Five candidates for the State Duma stood on the stage in front of the Stary Oskol members.

From left to right Vyacheslav Gvozdev, Andrey Drozdov, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Andrey Skoch, Andrey Chesnokov, screenshot

First, director of MUP "Navigation and information systems" Oskol "" Vyacheslav Gvozdev, admitted that for him the saving of the nation is "respect for one's own people."

A person is happy when he is healthy and in demand, - said the head of the enterprise. The candidate urged “not to abandon” university graduates, while noting that there are many state programs for this; in health care, he considered it necessary to increase the list of free services; in the social sphere, Gvozdev began to talk about benefits, but time was up.

Advocate Andrey Drozdov gave a list of problems on the topic of debate and stated that "the list is endless, but action must be taken."

- As a lawyer, I believe that work should begin in the legal field, because the final result of our vote will be obtaining the status of a deputy of the State Duma, that is, a deputy of the legislative body Russian Federation, - Drozdov thought about the prospect.

The meaning of his speech boiled down to the fact that people with a legal education should be present in the lower house of parliament.

Technician Vladimir Kolesnikov He started his speech like this:

I have no experience in public speaking, it is quite difficult to convey my vision on the topic, but I think you will agree with me: the topic of the debate is "Education, Health and Social Policy"...

Kolesnikov proposed to introduce a housing mortgage deduction for the birth of children, to motivate people to maintain their health, and employers - the health of their employees. In education, the candidate proposed to focus on creating conditions for especially gifted children.

Andrey Skoch, screenshot

State Duma deputy Andrey Skoch proposed to think about what "social policy" is.

This is public policy. What one person needs is also necessary for society: where to live, where to be treated, where to get an education, where to work.

The candidate explained that all this can be achieved thanks to the initiative of the people and the help of the state, but, above all, he believes in the first.

Chief for youth policy in the region Andrey Chesnokov began with the results of the "competent socio-economic policy of the regional authorities." The candidate named four factors that will help stop the outflow of young people from the region: affordable education, employment, leisure activities and support for young families.

- The area of ​​new opportunities and attractive prospects - this is how I see the Belgorod region, - said a potential candidate for the State Duma.

The stage of questions was started by a young girl in a school uniform from candidate Gvozdev's support group. She asked Andrey Drozdov if the authorities support private kindergartens. The lawyer spoke about the established regional "Association of Private Kindergartens", which is just doing this work.

Technician Kolesnikov was asked about the development of social policy in the villages. The candidate said that it is necessary to create pharmacies, schools, kindergartens and engage in "reproduction of labor resources."

Each candidate's support groups asked questions, screenshot

The next question was whether the crisis affected the desire of Russians to start families and raise children.

I remember when I came to Tashkent, I saw that people there live much poorer, but the birth rate is colossal. You can take an example from them. When you look from this point of view, it is not entirely clear how important this social and material support is, - Andrey Skoch said. At the same time, the deputy recalled that we are Russians, “and for a Russian person this is important,” therefore, he himself, as far as possible, tries to encourage large families.

The director of the enterprise, Vyacheslav Gvozdev, meanwhile spoke about the support of crossfit and workout. He recalled that he himself “once had something to do with sports,” it later turned out that “once upon a time” meant a very specific year 2004.

- It's nice to see how young guys do parkour at five o'clock in the morning, when I myself run around the stadium, - the candidate said about the usual morning in Oskol.

In the next question to Andrey Skoch, the girl compared his assistance to Belgorod healthcare and people's complaints about this area "in public and" Black Lists "". “What push should be given to healthcare to bring it to the right level?” she asked the deputy.

Probably should pay more. If we pay more, then we can ask more, there will be competition among doctors.

“What innovations would you introduce into the program to support young families?” - asked the candidate Gvozdev.

He was very happy about this question. “I am 25 years old and sooner or later, and most likely sooner, I myself plan to start a family,” the candidate shared his personal with the audience. And he explained that due to the lack of housing, many young couples disperse, and families simply cannot get housing without state support.

Then the girl asked Andrey Skoch what can be done with the departure of students from the regions to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The deputy replied that, in his opinion, there was nothing to worry about. “Youth is romance,” he said, adding that after gaining experience outside the region, most of the guys will definitely return to the region. At the same time, it is necessary to create conditions on the ground, but there are “subtle points” here.

Andrey Drozdov was asked how to solve the problem of additional paid medical care, which “crowds out free”. “The answer is contained in the question: it is necessary to raise the salaries of doctors at the legislative level,” the candidate answered and advised him to contact the administration of the medical institution when imposing services.

Andrey Drozdov, screenshot

Chesnokov was asked how he sees patriotism.

Many see patriotism with an emphasis on military patriotism. Of course, this is very important, but, above all, patriotism is love for the motherland and participation in its fate, the candidate explained.

Andrey Drozdov talked about raising the retirement age.

- It is necessary to know under what conditions the legislator will adopt this law, because there is a temptation to raise it by five or nine years at once. On the other hand, you need to accept the realities of life - I was surprised to read that the number of people who have reached 60 years of age and more has increased. Accordingly, the burden on the working population is growing.

The lawyer concluded that the adoption of such a law would have a negative impact on people.

In the final speech, Vladimir Kolesnikov flashed brightest of all.

On May 22, it is you who will make the choice of who will run as a candidate for deputy in the fall. Everyone says: "Everything is bought there." Not bought! Come May 22 and make your choice!

Before the second debate, host Elena Kalugina recalled that the mission of the debate was "to help figure out who to vote for." The topic of debate was agriculture and food security.

In his opening speech, the director of Oskol Navigation and Information Systems, already known to the public, Gvozdev, mentioned claims against “certain countries” that imported agricultural products to Russia, which became the basis for a ban on the further import of these products.

- The state should increase the share of its presence in agriculture, - the candidate decided.

Lawyer Drozdov followed up by saying that "small" agricultural producers should not be "absorbed" by large agricultural holdings.

Candidate Kolesnikov explained that they should "credit their tractors", subsidize farmers and give them discounts on fuel.

Deputy Skoch supported Kolesnikov. "We really have to feed ourselves," said the candidate. According to Andrey Skoch, food security is not dependent on foreign goods.

Andrei Chesnokov simply spoke about what is being done in the Belgorod region. Good, of course.

Andrey Chesnokov, screenshot

I believe that with proper state support for regional initiatives, we will prove the advantage of living on our own land and fulfill not just a task, but an important mission to preserve the national mentality of Russians, we will return a person to his home, the candidate said.

“Quite often on business trips in Moscow, I find myself in large stores, where I find the price of a product grown in our region is much lower than in our stores. What does this have to do with it? - Asked the lawyer Andrey Drozdov.

The applicant explained that the difference could be due to the supply contract; besides, according to him, if entrepreneurs “haven’t grown”, then they “save on the residents of the Belgorod region”, creating artificial scarcity.

Andrei Skoch explained to the guy, who introduced himself as a person who is concerned about the problem of the extinction of villages due to the lack of qualified youth, that the state should pay attention to this problem, but, first of all, “to equip your world around you” is the business of initiative people on the ground .

Technician Kolesnikov talked about government bureaucratic delays and tenders for farmers. “And if it’s just a fiction, then why finance farmers?!” the candidate asked rhetorically.

One of the questions to Andrei Chesnokov was related to the assessment of the younger generation's orientation towards "consumption of imported goods."

It is necessary to change the consciousness of young people in the consumption of these products, - answered the head of the department of youth policy of the region.

We Russians are incapable of languages. Who hasn't heard this phrase?“I do not agree! - the rector of Kursk objects state university Vyacheslav Viktorovich GVOZDEV. - I have been teaching French for more than three decades, and in all these years I have met only two guys who really had no language skills. It's all about motivation - why and how much a person needs a language.

On motivation and the role of a foreign language in modern world, about the mission of the university and the problems of teaching our conversation. It is perhaps worth recalling that Vyacheslav Viktorovich is not only a rector, but also a professor at the Department of French Philology. And not just a professor, but a person awarded by the French government with the Order of Academic Palms, who celebrates the outstanding achievements of university teachers in the field of education. In a word, it is difficult to find an interlocutor more knowledgeable in the subject of conversation.

- Vyacheslav Viktorovich, foreign language has always been one of the most popular faculties of your university at a time when the word “pedagogical” still appeared in its name, and remains so today. A seemingly absurd question: why do people learn a foreign language? And foreign language graduates do not always associate their future with it ...

What gives a foreign language? The answer that lies on the surface: acquaintance with another country, its traditions, culture, literature, art. But what philologists know well, but is not very expressed at the level of public consciousness: language is a way of knowing the world and oneself in this world. If you like, a mirror in which we see ourselves. Language is more than a means of communication.

Tell me, how can a person who has never seen his own reflection describe his appearance? How can we evaluate our national character without having a reference point for comparison? We habitually talk about ourselves: we are open, hospitable... Are we not flattering ourselves? Do we sometimes breathe a sigh of relief when we close the door behind our guests? Well, let's say, with hospitality and in Europe, not everything is so simple. But in general, there is a different type of relationship between people. Less rudeness and harshness, more tolerance and respect. But to see it, it is not enough just to walk through the streets, museums, shops. Yes, we will notice a different style of communication. But only its external manifestations. To understand some essential differences, one must speak a foreign language, communicate with people not at a table in a cafe, but in a family where we are more sincere and liberated. Therefore, those who could live in a family in another country understand the people of this country, their psychology, culture to a greater extent. By understanding others, we understand ourselves better. In the same way, by learning a foreign language, you understand your native language better. A diverse, multifaceted way of knowing the world - that's the point of learning a language. From this point of view, interest in him will never decrease. Without knowing the language, it is impossible to be friends or enemies. It is no coincidence that before the war in the Soviet Union so actively studied German. We knew with whom we would have to fight, and we understood that we needed to know the nature of the enemy.

- Well, we are not going to fight with America now?! And English is clearly in the lead among foreign ...

Yes, and that's part of the problem. Why English, in principle, is understandable. In the time of Peter the Great, German and Dutch were actively studied in Russia, since science and technology in these countries were the most advanced, and we needed technical progress. AT XVIII-XIX centuries in Russia, the French language prevailed, since freedom-loving moods in this era attracted science, again, art. The 20th century is the century of America with its economic and technical potential. This determined the vector of current language education throughout the world. But the world is changing. And it is dangerous not to notice it. We see what place China has already taken on the world stage. And how many specialists in Russia know Chinese? Yes, now there is a boom in learning the language of the eastern neighbor, many universities have opened the corresponding specialty. But the Arab world is no less important to us than China! What about the problem of Islam? So, we need specialists with Arabic language. This is not a problem of tomorrow, but today. And Africa, which has not yet woken up, but will definitely wake up? Unfortunately, we are very slow to respond to the changing picture of the world.

- We - I mean Russia. Are any steps being taken towards new realities at the level of your university?

We already have Chinese courses. Foreign language teachers have been trained in China. There are enough people in Kursk who want to learn this language. Of course, we will inevitably come to the conclusion that the Chinese language will appear in the set of our educational programs: the need to know and understand such an important neighbor for the country is obvious. Who can compare with him in political, territorial, economic significance? And what do we know about China besides some standard set of facts?! We do not know the language - we do not know, we do not understand the people.

But to open a new specialty, you need to spend several years preparing. It is necessary to have a sufficient number of teachers, material base, textbooks. By the way, in China now, after a rather long break, they are very actively studying the Russian language. KSU accepts students from China for language internships, about thirty people annually. This is very interesting groups. But we cannot send our students there. The reason is the same - ignorance of the language. What is Chinese?! How many people in Russia speak Portuguese? Meanwhile, it is spoken not only by one of the poorest European countries, but also by Brazil, which is part of the BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India, China. Four countries, behind which the future, which have the greatest potential for economic and political development. It's not us, it's the whole world talking.

- But so far Kursk State University has a "gentleman's" set of habitual for Russia foreign languages- English, German, French...

At the same time, the share of the latter two is still decreasing. And this also reflects a sad all-Russian trend. AT Soviet time there was an order of the Ministry of Education on the ratio of languages ​​in the school. Today, parents and children themselves choose which foreign language to study. Frankly, I do not understand the logic of parents who say: let my child learn English, because it is needed when using the Internet. I spend quite a lot of time on the net and do not experience any difficulties from the fact that I speak French and German, and not English. No matter how leading the world the language spoken by America, it is further than Germany and France. And their languages ​​are no less, and sometimes more interesting than English. Contacts with these countries are much wider in Kursk, joint ventures are appearing, there are their representative offices here. All this increases the demand for specialists who know European languages ​​... Nevertheless, we have to make a lot of efforts to keep the situation. So far, a sharp drop has been avoided. Meanwhile, the market also requires planning. What is the decline in the number of French speakers? Decrease in contacts with Francophone countries. And this is not only Europe, but also former colonies in Africa and Asia.

- And how do you try to keep your interest in German and French?

Huge assistance is provided by the embassies of these countries, non-governmental organizations such as DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Well, on your own, of course. The popularity of the French language, for example, is added by the francophone theater "JEM", which even visited Paris. This, you see, is an incentive for the student. My department - French philology - annually invites Francophone students studying at our university for a week of French language - this is much more exotic than France, Belgium. Switzerland, They come in their national costumes preparing dishes of national cuisine. Thus, we remind you that the francophone world is not limited to Europe, and the more contacts with foreign countries, the more relevant the study of languages.

- And not only in foreign language. Did this affect the curricula of foreign studies at other faculties?

Undoubtedly. There are already several faculties where language programs are approaching those of Inyazov. These are, for example, social services and tourism, lawyers, economists, and not only in the specialty "World Economy", in general, there is a serious language program at the Faculty of Economics.

And yet the problem of knowledge of a foreign language by non-philologists exists. It is not only ours - all-Russian. We would very much like to send a significant number of undergraduates and graduate students for internships and short-term courses in foreign universities. And, oddly enough, there are no technical problems here. We have many contacts with European universities that are willing to accept our students. And KSU is ready to take on some financial expenses, pay for travel, modest accommodation. Of course, provided that the undergraduate or graduate student returns to us. And then this problem arises: a good knowledge of at least one foreign language. Within existing curricula it is very difficult to give the amount of language that would allow speaking it. And miracles don't happen. Language is motivation plus time spent on it. We are trying to get out of this impasse. The only way is to use new techniques. In the Soviet Union, very effective methods of language learning by non-specialists were developed. They give good results. But not all teachers are able to apply them. This means that it is necessary to retrain teachers, change their psychology, supply them with other textbooks. This is what we do.

I must say that at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​we have always brought students to a very good level of language proficiency and, perhaps, we maintain our leading positions. Colleagues-philologists from foreign universities are simply amazed at how we, using penny means, including technical ones, achieve such results. This is the real truth. But as far as non-philologists are concerned, there are problems.

- But philologists trained by a foreign language teach the language ?!

And they reproduce the academic, traditional teaching methods. The intentions are good: to know grammar, to have pronunciation. And as a result, a graduate of a non-linguistic faculty can say, after 11 years of study, “hello, goodbye, thank you.”

Let me take a small digression. Long ago, in the 80s, when our first teachers were just starting to work according to intensive methods, I don’t know by what miracle the head of our department of foreign languages, working with non-philologists, Elena Ivanovna Mikhailina, managed to lure almost the entire directorial corps of industrial Kursk. I, a philologist, who came out of the traditional pedagogical overcoat, was full of skepticism: why are you wasting time! The director of a large plant will come here four days a week for at least four hours and even pretend that he is not Ivan Ivanovich, say, but John Miller, the director of the hotel ... And me, at that time vice-rector for academic work, invited to the test ... There was no question of grammar and pronunciation. But I saw adults who willingly and freely spoke a foreign language. And then I realized what language is as a means of communication - you understand and you are understood. The rest is from the evil one. Hundreds of my foreign acquaintances speak with a strong accent and grammatical errors, but this does not in the least interfere with our communication. If I build a phrase in my second language - German - according to the model of French syntax, the German sees that he has a foreigner in front of him, but he understands me - the act of communication has taken place! This is the main thing for non-specialists, and we will leave the subtleties for the philologist, who must know grammar, have the correct pronunciation - this is his professional level.

The new is always difficult psychologically: how can I give up what I have gained over 20 years at the university? In addition, intensive methods are very costly in relation to the energy of the teacher. But there is no choice. Sooner or later we will be obliged to come to the European standard - the obligatory knowledge of two foreign languages. Without this, it is difficult for Russia to integrate into the modern economic process.

We are already trying to teach a foreign language to our non-philologists in a new way, first of all post-graduate students, then magistrates, then bachelors.

- A reliable way to learn a foreign language is to immerse yourself in it. How actively can the university help its students in this regard?

Here we can talk about several directions. First - summer job of our students in holiday camps mostly in America. The second is trips of groups to Germany along the lines of the partner cities of Witten and Speyer, to the Ruhr University (Bochum). In Speyer, for example, our students are hosted by the Lion Club. They not only improve the language, but also get acquainted with the work of banks and institutions. This year we even did a mini-internship for the first time. Everyone was satisfied - both the students and the organizers. The third is cultural events in France. The already mentioned francophone theater is a powerful motivation. Last summer, students of the Faculty of Social Services and Tourism worked in travel agencies in Turkey. They turned to us for help, we carefully checked the companies, we were convinced that all of them were serious and trustworthy. Of course, in the heat, when everyone is resting, it is hard to work. But practice is great. In addition, biologists have been exchanged for quite a long time. Students from the university in Bochum come for an internship in the Streletskaya steppe, and our students in different parts of Germany study the flora and fauna.

And, of course, students themselves look for and find all kinds of grants for internships, courses, and special programs. A lot of personal contacts, which is also good.

- In a word, Russia is learning to live in open world and the mission of universities in this process cannot be overestimated. It's time to let go of the myth of our inability to speak languages.

Rector of Kursk State University. Born on June 1, 1951 in the village. Dachny, Krasnogorsk district, Sakhalin region Higher education (Kursk State Pedagogical Institute), candidate of philological sciences, professor, more than 40 scientific publications. From 1973 to the present - work in the field of education (teacher, university lecturer, dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Kursk State Pedagogical Institute, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Rector of Kursk State University). Member of the Political Council of the WFP "United Russia" for the Central District of Kursk, member of the Public Council of the traffic police in the Kursk region, member of the Public Council under the head of the Administration of Kursk, member of the Public Council of the society "Knowledge" (Kursk region), Chairman of the Council of rectors of universities in the Kursk region . Excellence in Education of the USSR, Honorary Worker of the Higher vocational education RF, Honored Worker high school Russian Federation, Commander of the Order of Academic Palms (France).