Drawing leaves in the senior group. Abstract of the lesson on fine arts in the senior group "Waltz of autumn leaves

The scheme for creating a modular origami paper daisy for beginners. Master class with photo

The scheme for creating a modular origami paper daisy for beginners. Master class with photo

In childhood, each of us collected paper crafts. Ships, airplanes, frogs are traditional paper toys. However, the hardy Japanese did not stop there. Origami is whole culture, the art of paper plastics. In today's article, I will introduce you to one of the types of this art - modular origami. For some reason, I wanted to remember summer today and I bring to your attention origami chamomile flowers. This very beautiful, pure flower will look great in a composition on your desktop. After all, warm rays of the sun blow from him, looking at him, you always want to go on vacation. this moment I will offer you an origami daisy scheme - the easiest to work with. When you master this amount of work, you will definitely create another scheme, a heavier, but charming chamomile according to a different scheme. Already from the name it is clear that these crafts are based on modules that, when inserted into each other, are assembled as a constructor. Therefore, the first thing we need to master is the creation of a module. To do this, we need a regular A4 sheet 1. Cut the sheet into 16 equal parts, as shown in the figure. 2. Take one sheet and bend it in half.
3. Once again in half and turn back. Flip the fold towards you
4. Follow the lines, fold the edges to the center.
5. Turn over and bend the lower lapels up. At the same time, we bend the remaining corners for a triangle.

6. Unbend, folding small triangles along the marked lines, and again bend the lapels up. Fold in half.
7. The module is ready.
8. On the one hand, it has a pocket that we will need during assembly.
Don't be put off by such a long description. In fact, the module itself is assembled elementarily and very quickly. It is worth figuring it out once, and then your hands will twist the modules by themselves. The next thing you need to know before proceeding with the assembly - the module has 2 sides: Short:
and long:
This is important, because during assembly we will connect the modules along the long or short side. And finally, we turn to the process of creation itself. I will show you one a simple circuit from modular origami. Having mastered it, you will be able to take on more complex models. Chamomile scheme, the first and second rows will be assembled from 20 pink modules. When assembling, the module is placed on the short side, as shown in the picture.

We add the third row of 10 yellow modules, put the module on the long side. At this stage, be careful, the tails of neighboring modules are connected. That is, we get a connection in a checkerboard pattern.

After that, we turn our flower over and we will make the rest of the rows in modules on the short side.
Fourth row - 10 yellow modules.
Fifth row - we put 2 elements on each module. The assembly takes place in such a way that the free pocket is inside. So we need 20 modules white color.
The last sixth row will consist of 30 white modules. We put on 3 elements for 2 modules, again free pockets should be inside.

The flower itself is ready, it remains to make the stem and leaves. To do this, we need a regular straw and green tape.
We wrap the straw with electrical tape, make leaves from colored paper or from all the same electrical tape. Insert the stem into the center of the flower. To do this, squeeze the chamomile petals a little, and a hole for the straw is formed on the back side. It must be said that special fastening is not needed, the stalk will hold perfectly anyway.
Make a few more of these daisies and you will have a beautiful spring bouquet. This craft can also be a good gift for friends and family.


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Modular origami for preschoolers "Chamomile"

Target: familiarization of teachers with the technique of modular origami
- create a creative atmosphere;
- to teach practical techniques for making a modular origami flower;
- develop artistic taste in the process of work.

Materials: paper blanks.
Equipment: according to the number of participants paper rectangles 5*7 cm yellow, green, white, wooden sticks, sheets of green paper 1. Introductory part.
One of important points I consider acquaintance and education of older children preschool age not just paper construction, but the use of modular modeling, which is the repeated repetition of the same actions, thereby contributing to the solid consolidation of the acquired knowledge and their use in free activity.

2. Practical part.
teacher: Dear teachers, today I will show you how to make a flower. Children preparatory group made such a flower as a gift to mothers. Flowers look very impressive and therefore they are always a great gift for any holiday.

Making a flower - chamomile.

We make a triangular module.
1. Take one rectangle and bend it in half lengthwise.
2-3. We bend again across to outline the middle, and unbend.
4. Put the fold line up (like a "house").
5. We bend the edges to the middle: one side.

6. And the other side.
7. Turn over and bend the bottom up.
8. We bend the corners for a large triangle.
9. We unbend the corners and the lower part.
10. Again, fold the corners along the marked lines and bend the lower part up.
11. Fold in half.
12. The module is ready.
Module Assembly Diagram

On the one hand, it has a pocket that we will need during assembly. It is also important to distinguish between the long and short side of the module, since during construction we will fasten the modules along one of the sides.
Let's start making chamomile. The flower pattern is very simple. Having mastered it, it will be possible to take on more complex work.
So let's get started.
1. The first three rows are assembled from modules yellow color(18 pieces in each row). If you make a chamomile with 7 petals, then you will need 14 modules in each row, for 8 petals - 16 modules each, etc.
1 row. We put 18 yellow modules on the short side.
2 row. We connect 18 yellow modules with the 1st row. We put the modules on the long side. Be careful: the tails of neighboring modules are fastened.
3 row. We connect 18 yellow modules with the 2nd row. We put the modules on the long side. It is better to assemble three rows at once so that the structure does not fall apart in your hands.
2. We close the circle of the 2nd row.
3. And the third row.
4. We collect the 4th row from 18 white modules.
5. The middle of the chamomile is ready!
6. We make chamomile petals. For one petal we need 7 white modules. We put them on any 2 modules of the previous row in this order: 1, 2, 1, 2, 1.
7. In the same way we make the remaining 8 petals.
8. Our flower is ready.
9. Turn over the chamomile.
10. We make a stalk. We take a cocktail tube and wind a strip of yellow corrugated paper 1 cm wide around the tip. Glue the tip.
11. Next, we wind a strip of green corrugated paper 1 cm wide along the entire length. We fix it with adhesive tape at the bottom.
12. Cut out leaves from green corrugated paper.
13. Insert the stem into the chamomile so that the yellow top is in the center of the core. We fix the leaves on the stalk with tape. From above, you can also wrap a strip of green paper and secure it with tape at the bottom.
Chamomile is ready!
3. Upon completion of work:
Such an unusual design will be remembered by your guests for a long time, and you will be pleased to hear compliments about your skills.

Goodbye my friends, see you soon!

Alena Gubaidulina
Synopsis of OOD on drawing in the senior group "Colors of Autumn". Non-traditional leaf printing technique

Program content:

Target: to develop the ability of children to work collectively, to see and convey color in the drawing autumn using unconventional drawing techniques« leaf printing»


Educational: clarify and generalize children's knowledge about autumn; continue to teach children to select the necessary color solutions (autumn palette) ; acquaintance with in an unconventional way drawing - an imprint with autumn leaves and an imprint with a poke;

Educational: to develop an aesthetic perception of color in nature; the ability of children to work together, not interfering, but helping each other; develop a sense of form, rhythm, composition; to lead children to understand the benefits of collective activity.

Educational: cultivate love for nature; emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn; interest and positive attitude towards unconventional drawing ; striving to achieve results; mutual assistance in the course of work, positive emotional attitudes towards joint activities

Materials and equipment: drawing paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins, autumn leaves from various trees

paintings from autumn landscape; musical accompaniment by P. I. Tchaikovsky cycle "Seasons" « Autumn»

preliminary work: monitoring autumn nature while walking, reading poems about autumn, talk about signs autumn, looking at illustrations depicting autumn nature, drawing autumn scenery , collection autumn leaves for herbarium and crafts

OOD progress:

Children sit on the mat

For starters, you guys

Guess the riddle!

It smells like rain in the air

It's getting colder every day.

Trees change their dress

Leaves are slowly losing.

It is clear to everyone how twice two -


Yesterday, on a walk, we collected autumn leaves. Who remembers what for?

And who's to say what else you can do with leaflets?

Let's play a game "From what tree sheet

Also, guys, these leaves can be painted! Imagine!

Have you ever seen pictures painted leaves?

Do you want to try to create such a picture yourself?

Just imagine how surprised your parents will be when you tell them that painted painting without a brush.

Let's paint a picture leaves and surprise your moms and dads!

What do we need for our wonderful picture?

Guys, remember autumn pictures of which artists did we consider with you?

What is depicted in the landscapes?

Let's name what paints used by artists to write autumn pictures.

What we don’t have enough colors to paint the landscape? Where do we get them from?

Now we need to determine what we will paint, sketch.

Let's split the work. Who will be draw the sky? Forest? River?

And now it's time to turn into real artists to write autumn landscape.

You have on trays leaves, take one of them, consider.

What does it look like sheet? (on a small tree)

In the middle sheet a large vein passes, what do you think it is? (trunk)

From trunk to different sides small veins pass, what can they be compared to? (with branches)

And you sheet what does it remind you of? (tree crown)

Now watch closely, I'll show you how draw forest and sky - we will do leaf printing:

Have to take sheet, put it on white paper apply with a brush paint leaving no empty spaces;

Take sheet behind the handle and put the painted side on the tinted sheet, squeeze it, trying not to budge;

Then take the handle and carefully remove it from sheet, put on a tray;

We will draw a river by drawing wavy lines leaves.

And fallen foliage method"poke" crumpled leaves.

Before we get started, let's warm up a bit. Take in each hand leaflet and repeat after me.

Physical education minute "We autumn leaves»

We - leaflets, We - leaflets,

We - autumn leaves.

We were sitting on a branch

The wind blew - they flew.

We flew, we flew

And then they got tired of flying.

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat in a circle.

The wind suddenly blew again

AND the leaves quickly blew off.

Independent activity to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons" « Autumn» , the children begin paint.

Let's see what we got. Like?

you are very tried you have a wonderful landscape!

I think your moms and dads will love it too.

It was difficult to?

We will still paint with leaves?

Related publications:

Tasks: - to expand the understanding of autumn changes in nature, to systematize knowledge about the use of vegetables and fruits for food; - fix.

Educational areas: " Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development” Technologies: gaming, speech,.

Dear colleagues, I offer your attention to the summary of the GCD, which I showed to the administration and educators: Tasks: Educational: expand.


Hello, I want to present to your attention our work with children on non-traditional drawing techniques. Theme "Autumn forest" For work.

In my work with children, I often use unconventional techniques drawing, and not only various techniques drawings, but also unusual.

Synopsis of an organized educational activities in the senior group: drawing "Leaves of trees".

Author: Burmistrova Tatyana Valerievna, educator of the MADOU kindergarten of a combined type No. 385 of the city district of Samara.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a summary of organized educational activities for children of the older group on the topic: “drawing tree leaves”. The presented development introduces preschoolers to the ability to draw silhouettes of tree leaves from life and carefully paint over them with colored pencils. This material is intended for educators. preschool institutions, parents.
Main educational area:"Artistic and aesthetic development"
Integration educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Socio-communicative development", "Physical development"
Target: to consolidate the ability to draw silhouettes of tree leaves from life and carefully paint over them with colored pencils.
Tasks: to consolidate the ability to enter a drawing into a sheet by compositionally filling it; paint over the leaves with colored pencils, shading in one direction without gaps and increasing pressure in darker places; develop aesthetic perception and artistic taste.
Methods and techniques: use of verbal artistic image; questions for children a game; conversation; examination of nature; demonstration of drawing techniques; explanation; reminder; analysis of children's work.
Handout: leaves of linden, willow, oak; album sheets, simple and colored pencils.

Lesson progress:

On the table there is a black box prepared in advance, in which there is a vase with a bouquet of leaves (linden, willow, oak).
The teacher invites the children to solve the riddle and find out what is in the black box.
He hung on a branch from spring
Was green - turned yellow,
Only a slight wind blew
He has already flown.
Answers of children (leaves).
Let's see if you guessed the riddle correctly? (the teacher opens the black box and takes out a vase with a bouquet of leaves)
Look what bouquet I have collected for you today. Let's look at all the leaves, and then draw them. Can you tell me which leaves?
Children's answers (beautiful, colorful, autumn ...)
The teacher distributes leaves to all children. Each child has three different leaves, one from each tree.

- Look at the leaves that lie in front of you and tell me from which trees these leaves? (oak, willow, linden)
- What color are they? (yellow, brown, green, multi-colored, two-tone, gold, crimson)
What shape are the leaves? (oval, round, heart, carved)
Speech game:
I will start a sentence and throw the ball. Whichever one of you catches him will continue my sentence.
Leaves grow on a birch tree ... (birch).
Leaves grow on a mountain ash tree ... (rowan).
Leaves grow on a maple tree ... (maple).
Leaves grow on an oak tree ... (oak).
Leaves grow on a chestnut tree ... (chestnut).
Leaves grow on an aspen tree ... (aspen).
Leaves grow on a poplar tree ... (poplar).
Leaves grow on a linden tree ... (linden).
Now we are going to draw the leaves. But first, we examine each leaflet individually. See how we will do it with our fingers. Place a piece of paper in front of you. Index finger on right hand place a leaf on the stalk. We lead the finger along the edge of the leaf up and bring it to the top of the head. Stopped. Now we will move our finger down the edge of the leaf to the stalk and stop at the point from which we started. (Offer to repeat the same movements several times so that the hand remembers how this leaflet is drawn.)
Let's continue the survey. Place a willow leaf in front of you. Place the index finger on the right hand on the stalk of the leaf. We lead the finger along the edge of the leaf up and bring it to the top of the head. Stopped. Now we will move our finger down the edge of the leaf to the stalk and stop at the point from which we started. (Offer to repeat the same movements several times so that the hand remembers how this leaflet is drawn.)
We left the most unusual leaf for the end. Place an oak leaf in front of you. Place the index finger on the right hand on the stalk of the leaf. We lead the finger along the edge of the leaf up the first semicircle, stopped, along the second semicircle, stopped, along the third semicircle, stopped ... From above, we begin to circle the leaf with our finger down, also in semicircles with a stop, until we return to the point from which we began to trace the oak leaflet. (Offer to repeat the same movements several times so that the hand remembers how this leaflet is drawn.)
Let's take a break to recharge.
Autumn leaves are golden
The wind rustles them:
Shur-shur-shur, shur-shur-shur. Rhythmically rub palm on palm.
And blows them from the trees.
Will play, quit again:
Ooh, ooh, ooh Raised hands are crossed rhythmically.
Up will lift, spin
And wrap it in place:
Ooh, ooh, ooh Make circular movements with index fingers.
That will press to the ground, stroke,
Suddenly he will plant on a branch:
So-so-so, so-so-so. Rhythmically clap your hands with a change in hand position.
Pick up a big pile
Runs away and sits in a cloud. Rhythmically clench and unclench hands.
- We examined the leaves of three different trees. Remind me what? (linden, willow, oak). And now we will draw the leaves simple pencils along the contour, as we traced them with our fingers. Pick up a simple graphite pencil correctly. First, we will draw the outline of the leaves with light pressure on the pencil. Then we divide the silhouette of the leaf with a line (stem) into two parts and draw the veins.
When the leaves are drawn, proceed to painting with colored pencils. Do not forget that with colored pencils you need to paint over in one direction, without gaps and increase pressure in darker places.
In the process of drawing, the teacher monitors the location of the drawing, the use of the previously shown pencil drawing techniques. If the child does not act correctly, reminds how to draw. Be sure to make sure that the children hold the pencil correctly and freely when drawing lines and painting over the drawings, if necessary, corrects the child's hand.
At the end of the lesson, the drawings should be considered, pay attention to interesting points in the drawing. Invite the children to choose the most interesting drawings.

Used Books:

1. Koldina D.N. \ Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Summaries of classes - 2013;
2. Pavlova L.Yu. \ Collection didactic games to familiarize children 4-7 years old with the outside world. – 2013;
3. Lykova I.A. \ Visual activity V kindergarten senior group. planning, notes, guidelines- 2009;