Feeding underprivileged children at school. Who is entitled to free school meals and how to apply

First of all, you should know that the social protection authorities are dealing with the problems of free food for children who study at schools. In the departments of social protection, located in accordance with the territorial location of the citizen. He can apply to the city-type department, to the district or municipal departments, as well as to the village service.

In accordance with the basic rules, the social protection authorities are required to have their own Internet pages, which indicate contact number and the exact address of the organization. Free school meals a child welfare officer.

Attention! The provision of social support of this type is carried out in accordance with pre-compiled lists. Lists that are formed directly in the bodies of social protection of the population.

Among other things, the school has its own social worker, who is responsible for conveying all important information related to this issue to the parents of students. At the local level, he will oversee the compilation of lists for food benefits. Also, this employee is responsible for the distribution of funds allocated for this social assistance within the school. Read the information on how to arrange free parking for large families,.

In a standard situation, the practice of distributing free meals for schoolchildren is reduced to calculating the funds allocated for two meals a day per person with the total number of schoolchildren eligible for such a benefit on a particular reference day.

Attention! In accordance with the developed legislative draft, if the child was on sick leave for the past period or was absent from school for any other reason, then the funds are not compensated.

Also in many educational educational institutions There is a "first lesson" rule. This rule implies the following: if the student does not come to school during the first lesson and the teacher was not warned about his delay or absence, then the student is considered not to have officially come to class. In the end, on this day, even if he comes to the second or subsequent lessons, he is not included in the lists for free meals. Read the guide on how to apply for and receive unemployment benefits.

Moreover, the legislative draft regulates the direct form of providing free meals and its procedure for providing:

  • Children studying from the first to the fourth grades eat in an organized way, i.e. at the very hours that are pre-provisioned by the dining room schedule. As for the dishes, they are compiled in accordance with the general menu.
  • Older students, at the discretion of the school administration, may receive carte blanche. This suggests that for the allotted amount they can collect food in the canteen.
  • Also, in some schools it is possible to receive a “takeaway product”. For example, it can be pies or buns.

Attention! In accordance with government regulation, students can eat in the school cafeteria one, two or three times a day. But you can only do this during office hours.

Who is supposed to?

Only certain categories of schoolchildren can get the opportunity for free meals in the school canteen. These include:

  • Children of citizens who were previously involved in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • Children with the status of orphans who were left without parental care;
  • Also count on this form social support can also be given to children with disabled status;
  • Another category of children are children from large families.
  • As well as those children who, for reasons beyond their control, found themselves in a difficult life situation.

It should be separately told about the children who ended up in difficult situation, because in itself this concept is very inaccurate, vague. A lot depends on the class teacher here. The mother and father of the child contact him. All circumstances are examined and only then the conclusions of the study are transferred to the guardianship authorities. After that comes the petition. This benefit is granted for a period of one year.

How to apply?

To apply for free meals, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • Fill out an application.
  • The child's birth certificate or passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation should be attached to the application.
  • The next document is a certificate confirming the special status of the child.
  • Information about the composition of the family.

To be able to eat free of charge in the school canteen, you should contact either the school or the social welfare authorities.


The application for free school meals must include the following information:

  • On the form, you will need to indicate the personal data of the child;
  • His age;
  • Information about the place of study;
  • Information about the special status.

As an illustrative example, below is an application for free meals for a child who is in school.


Watch the video who is entitled to free meals at school:

Free meals for schoolchildren are an additional measure of social support for the population, which is provided to a very large category of citizens. In order to exercise the right to receive this service, you should contact your local department of social protection authorities. It is there that the specialist of the center will describe in detail how you can exercise this right.

The procedure for providing additional measures of social support to students of MBU school No. 28 in the 2015-2016 academic year
(Decree of the mayor's office of the urban district of Tolyatti dated September 2, 2015 No. 2847-p / 1 “On approval of the procedure for providing additional measures of social support to students mastering educational programs elementary general, basic general or secondary general education in municipal educational institutions of the urban district of Tolyatti ")
Additional measures of social support are provided in the form of:
1) free meals;
2) preferential meals;
3) a monthly cash payment for food.
Meals are provided in the form of breakfast or lunch (optional) based on the directive of the Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs.
School No. 28 must submit an application for an additional measure of social support in the form, including consent to the processing of personal data, for those issued in May of this year, a package of documents for the rest.
Students with disabilities have the right to provide free two meals a day (Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 79).


1. Certificates from the school of the established form (Forms 1-3) - are issued by the secretary of the school.
2. A certificate from the Housing Office on the composition of the family.
3. Birth certificates of children (passport), photocopies.
4. Certificate from the place of work of the parents about the salary for 3 months.
5. Certificate of marriage or divorce.
6. Certificate of guardianship (if any).
7. Information about receiving alimony (if any).

The need to provide other documents will be reported on the spot, in the departments of assignment of social assistance.
Avtozavodsky district - b-r Ordzhonikidze, 16. tel. 32-88-57

For nutrition, please contact the Deputy Director for ITBaushin Alexander Anatolievich2nd floor, head teacher's office, t. 37-12-77


1. Students of educational institutions have the right to receive free meals:

Disabled children - clearance at school

Children from dysfunctional families registered at the Family Center - registration at the school, only an application from the center;

Children for whom parents receive regional social assistance and at the same time are not recipients of a monthly regional allowance for child nutrition in the amount of 350 rubles. - registration in the Department of social support of the population.

2. The right to receive reduced-price meals are students of the MOU, whose parents are simultaneously recipients of the regional food allowance in the amount of 350 rubles. and regional social assistance. - registration in the Department of social support of the population.

3. Additional measures of social support for disabled children:
- if a disabled child is in individual education, then parents can choose either free meals at school, or a monthly compensation payment of 1000 rubles - registration at school.

4. Registration of free (preferential) meals for children under guardianship takes place on a general basis, taking into account the average per capita income of the family in the Department of Social Support for the Population.

You will need

  • – Application for issuance of a certificate;
  • - passport of the parent (of the person replacing him);
  • - birth certificate of the child;
  • - information about the composition of the family;
  • - income statements of all family members;
  • - a copy of the work book, if the able-bodied family member does not work;
  • – a copy of the divorce certificate (if the marriage of the parents is dissolved);
  • - certificates of alimony (paid and received);
  • - a written notice from the parent (person replacing him) about the non-receipt of a certificate for the free sale of special dairy products at the place of registration;
  • - a prescription from the local pediatrician for a free baby food.


View legislation adopted for implementation in your area to provide families with children with free meals.
Free baby food in Russia is provided to all children under 2 years of age who are on a mixed or artificial feeding, children under 3 years old, if the child's family has many children, up to 15 years old children with a chronic disease, up to 18 years old children with disabilities. But in many regions of Russia, children under 2 years of age receive free meals, whose families have an income per person that is less than the minimum subsistence level. Every subject Russian Federation determines the amount of the living wage for its territory and the rules by which children receive free children's meals.

Check with your local pediatrician to find out what benefits you are entitled to for free baby food. It depends on your financial situation, the rules adopted in your area and whether the child is on mixed or artificial feeding. If the child is on breastfeeding a nursing mother is provided with free meals, but each region has its own rules for obtaining this benefit.

Contact the social security service and write an application for a certificate for the right to receive state social assistance. To do this, provide documents:
- passport of the parent (of the person replacing him), birth certificate of the child, certificate of family composition, certificates of income of all family members, a copy of the work book, if the able-bodied family member does not work, a copy of the divorce certificate (if the marriage of the parents is dissolved, certificates of alimony (paid and received, a written notification from the parent (person replacing him) about the failure to receive a certificate for the free distribution of special dairy products at the place of registration. The social protection authority will calculate the average monthly income of the family and if the income per family member is below the subsistence level, then issue a certificate to provide it to the pediatrician.

Provide the received certificate to the local pediatrician. Get Free recipes for baby food. Prescriptions from the pediatrician are presented on dairy kitchen if your city or town has one. If not, then polyclinics and pharmacy chains are engaged in issuing free food, you can find out the procedure for obtaining it from a pediatrician. AT dairy kitchen you will be given your number and will be told the date the meals will be received.

In many regions of Russia, free meals are provided for schoolchildren whose families have an average monthly income below the subsistence level adopted in the region, or who are brought up in a family with one parent. If this is provided for in your city or region, then in order to receive meals, you must provide all of the above documents and an application for providing the child with free breakfast to the social welfare authorities.

Advice 2: What documents are needed for free baby food

In accordance with current legislation, parents, if their family is recognized as low-income, have the right to receive free meals for babies under the age of 2 years.

You will need

  • passports of all family members, certificates of wages from the place of work of able-bodied family members, some other documents


To receive free meals for a baby under 2 summer age, you need to start preparing everything Required documents and then contact the relevant services. The social worker will have to study all the papers provided and, on the basis of this, issue a certificate stating that your family needs to receive free food for the child.

You will need passports of all family members and documents confirming kinship. These include birth certificates of children, marriage certificates. If your marriage is dissolved at the time of filing, you must provide the original divorce certificate.

Be sure to take with you an extract from your personal account or a certificate of family composition, which can be issued by specialists of the management company. If the documents indicate that you live with your parents or other close relatives, you will need to write a statement that you and them are running a separate household. This is necessary in cases where you do not want their income to be taken into account when assessing your financial situation.

Be sure to prepare salary certificates for all working family members. They can be obtained from the accounting department. Remember that all types of income are subject to accounting: earned income, maternity benefits, pension transfers and alimony.

Provide the social service specialist with copies of work books certified by employers. If one of the family members does not work for a good reason, he must have the original work book.

Together with income statements, provide the specialist with copies of work books certified by employers. If one of the family members does not work for a good reason, he must provide the original work book and a certificate from the labor exchange. If an able-bodied family member does not work without good reason and at the same time is not registered for unemployment, food may be denied.

Having received a certificate of the established form, contact the district pediatrician, who must write out recipe to receive free meals with an indication of its quantity. With this recipe, contact the point of issue of dry dairy products located at the children's clinic. Please note that most establishments only serve meals on certain days of the week.


Simultaneously with the submission of documents for the issuance of free meals, write an application for other types of benefits that you are entitled to by law.

Useful advice

A certificate stating that your family needs free baby food is issued for 3 months. After this time, contact the social service again.

In most cases, the concept of alimony is associated with the payment of a certain amount of money for the maintenance of a child. Many mothers, left with a child and without a spouse, deny themselves financial assistance, because they believe that it is very difficult to get alimony. This is not entirely true; to resolve the issue in court, a minimum set of documents is needed.


Mothers raising children without the participation of fathers should not bear the burden of material maintenance on their own, there is a law, and it obliges both parents to bear the costs of maintaining their children. If the father is a conscientious citizen and is ready to voluntarily participate in the costs of maintaining the child or children, then this must be documented. There must be an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony. The agreement is concluded in writing and certified by a notary. For a notary, you need to provide: passports of the parties to the agreement, birth certificate of the child, marriage certificate or divorce certificate. An agreement can be concluded only upon reaching an agreement between the parties regarding the amount of alimony and the timing of payments.

If the father of the child evades the payment of financial support to his baby, then in this case it is necessary to apply to the court for a court decision. To do this, you must send to the court: a statement of claim, a birth certificate of the child, a certificate from the passport office, to confirm that the child lives with his mother, if available, then a certificate of the father's salary. All documents are attached to the application in copies, the originals are submitted for review by the court already in the course of the trial. If the place of residence of the father is unknown, the statement of claim is submitted to the Magistrate's Court at the place of residence of the child.

As a rule, the amount of alimony is set as a share of the parent's income. For one child, 25% of the amount of net income is collected; for two 33% and for three or more 50% of the amount of net income. Alimony is collected monthly. If the parent is not working, then the amount of monthly child support can be set at a fixed amount. Alimony is collected from any income of the parent until the age of majority of the child. If a parent is in arrears in the payment of alimony, then the debt will be collected even after the child's eighteen years of age.

When receiving food in the dairy kitchen, a recipe and a birth certificate of the child are provided.
