I was deciding on a contact phone number. Vlad Chizhov - biography, personal life

The “Reshala” program has been airing on the “Che” TV channel for six months. Its idea is to specific examples show viewers what schemes various scammers use and how to prevent them from emptying your wallet.

According to TASS, in Russia last year one fraud was committed every three minutes, and more than 200 thousand Russians suffered from the actions of scammers.

Ufa journalists talked with blogger Vlad Chizhov, author and host of the program.

- Is it easy to expose scammers?

You must understand that the program is filmed over several days, and the most delicious things are shown to the audience. And you may get the false impression that all this is done easily. But actually it is not. It’s hard to work with analytics so that later everything will be fine during filming, so that it’s clear how to talk to scammers and how to ensure safety.

- How did you come to television?

I received an offer of cooperation from the Che TV channel. I myself encountered fraud in the 90s. My experience and advice helped people. Some turned, others, I helped them get out difficult situations. After that, I decided to create a blog, which began to gain popularity over time. And television for me, as well as for the TV viewer, is a miracle.

- What frauds occur most often?

Most often, scammers play on human vices- greed and greed. If you manage to press this button, then it’s easy to scam you. And this happens all over the world. Russians also resort to fraud based on trust, that is, when they ask you to borrow money and then do not return it, for example.

- Were there any dangerous situations when your health was at risk?

Well, I’m a person with experience, things have happened. (Here one of the channel’s employees enters the conversation and talks about an incident when one of the program’s anti-heroes took out a knife during filming, but thanks to Vlad’s skill, he was able to neutralize it).

- But how do you understand that a person is lying?

Well, I can't reveal all my secrets. I can only say that as soon as I come across a fraudster, I easily and quickly expose him and immediately calculate all his actions. There are two categories of scammers, some are professionals who are looking for a victim, others unwittingly create such a situation and deceive people.

- How to behave – your advice?

As soon as you are offered a product at a cheap price or are informed that you have won the lottery, but you need to pay money in advance, you need to be wary. Scammers have their own approach to everyone. Teenagers are being bred with the help computer games, bonuses in them, grandmothers are pressed for pity, and businessmen are pressured for their greed. Of course, you can’t live all the time like on a powder keg; live easily, but don’t lose your sense of smell. If you are offered something non-standard, unusual, then you should tense up - most likely someone is after your wallet.

- Can you be deceived? Can you yourself become a victim of fraud?

Do I have a weak point? Of course, like any person. But sometimes I consciously give money, there is just a category of people who need a little support.

- What is the goal of your program?

Teach people not to fall for the tricks of scammers, warn them. In 6 months, the audience of my blog grew from 6-7 thousand to 75. And do you know what reviews are there? About 30 percent are of this type - “I was offered a deal, I refused, and the one who agreed was thrown out, thank you for warning me.”

- And yet you call for shouting “Guard, police!” or solve problems ourselves?

I'm not calling for anything. I saw what happened in the 90s and what is happening now. The police are working, you are not afraid to walk the streets. The government has done something strong to keep you safe. The people who write to me: “Help,” they don’t even use 10% of the capabilities of the state machine. It is necessary to write the application correctly, for example, but in our country things are bad with legal literacy. The state machine defends the interests of the people.

- Do you have followers, “solvers” in other cities?

There was one case: a 16-year-old guy wrote to me that he and his dad were buying a car, some problems arose, and he solved them. “Now I am the main “decider” in Rostov,” he wrote. There was also an unpleasant story when, using my name, my photographs, they created a fake account and scammed people out of money, offering to solve their problems, but I never take money for help. But we managed to figure it out.

- If you imagine that there are no more scammers, then what will you do?

I’m actually a very simple person, I’m used to earning money with my own hands. I have restaurants, I cook myself. So, if suddenly all the scammers disappear, I will happily feed you in my restaurants.

As for Internet scams, this is a completely different story. All these proposals about bitcoins, about currency pairs, exchanges, brokerage business - it’s all bullshit. This type of business is engaged in by a very narrow layer of people, and they earn at the expense of others. Therefore, if you are not a professional in this field, do not get involved in online finance - you will simply lose your money.


Is the large number of reports of fraud in Russia due to an increase in the number of crimes or the increased frequency of such news in the media?
- Nothing changes in the world. The number of scammers remains the same as before. But 20 years ago, when you live in a five-story building and the old lady in your building is being deceived, you learn about it from your neighbors. Now, with the Internet, television, newspapers and other media, the information flow collects all cases of fraud. And all this passes through us. Therefore it seems that similar cases more.

-What do people most often get caught doing?
- The most common vices of people that scammers play on are greed and greed. If you promise a person a freebie, his thirst for profit is triggered, he drives himself into the clutches of scammers and is very easily stripped. 90 percent of such divorces reach the final stage; people end up with money. I lived abroad for a long time and I can say that the story is approximately the same all over the world. Unless fraud based on trust - for example, when people are asked to lend money or make payment in advance - is peculiar only to Russians. I’m not talking to the Russians, just to the Russians. We are kinder, we are more soulful than in other countries. For example, it is almost impossible to cheat in England.

- How is the filming of “Reshala” going?
- Complexities that the viewer does not need to see are not included in the final edit. This is hard work that involves analytics and security issues. So there is a false impression that everything is simple and easy. The program itself, of course, is not filmed in one day. It takes time to prepare and actually shoot, and time to edit. All the hard work remains behind the scenes. I can’t tell you about the technology of the program, since it is a trade secret. All the topics are here, in my head. I find confirmation of their relevance in my blog, where people constantly write about what interests them most. We read everything carefully and select messages that we then work on. As for scammers, due to my age, I understand perfectly well who plays what instruments. Therefore, when I see a fraudster who is working right now, I figure him out by the tone of the conversation, by certain words. I immediately calculate it until the very end. But since we are filming the program, in the show we gradually break down any fraud scheme into elements so that the viewer gets it all in their head. In particular, signs of fraud, how to behave if you get into a bad situation, how to get out of it, what the consequences may be.

- How to avoid falling for a scammer?
- There are no universal tips. I always say: everything in life should be without fanaticism. If you now decide to live like in a minefield, your life will turn into hell. For what? You need to live the way you lived. But at the same time, if you live too relaxed, then every brat will be in your pocket. Therefore, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Enjoy life, but don't lose your sense of smell. Listen to events around you. If they start offering you something profitable, you have to tense up and understand that someone is after your wallet.

Fraud has become one of the most common types of crimes, and yet the detection rate of such cases is only 25%. It seems that people increasingly have to rely only on themselves. It turns out that calling the police in the 21st century is useless?
- I saw what was happening in the country in the 80s, 90s, in the 2000s, I see what is happening now. I can say: the state machine is working, the police are working. You are not afraid to walk around the city in the evening. They don’t rip off your hat, poke you in the ribs with a knife, or throw you out of cars. The government has done something very strong to make sure you live in safety. Another question is that I never communicate with the police from the point of view of my case. It is my choice. At the same time, I understand that the people who write to my blog: “Vlad, help,” even 10 percent do not work out the resource of the state machine. Therefore, I always advise you to contact the police, the courts, fill out applications correctly, and tell you how and where to complain. Unfortunately, people's legal literacy is not very good.

Vlad Chizhov – host of the popular program “Reshala”. Of course, fans of this program are interested in learning the details of the biography of their favorite presenter. But Vlad is a rather private person and tries not to tell journalists about the details of his personal life.

However, we still managed to find out something. It is known that Vlad was born on the very New Year, January 1, 1972. It is not difficult to calculate that his youth fell on the early 90s, which are now commonly called “dashing”. This was the heyday of crime, various groups, fraud, etc.

It is likely that our hero has encountered them more than once, otherwise how else can one explain such a wealth of experience in solving various issues. Someone suspects that he himself is in The 90s could be associated with bandits, someone thinks that even during those turbulent years he was engaged in exposing fraudsters. The biography of the presenter is a secret behind seven seals. Maybe someday it will be revealed, but for now everything is kept in the strictest confidence.

The program “Reshala” first aired in August last year on the TV channel "Che". And before that, Vlad Chizhov ran his own blog on the Internet, which also specialized in solving issues related to various "divorces". So new and interesting topic could not leave Internet users indifferent, so the blog was wildly popular.

Probably the large audience of the blog and the interesting, fresh topic attracted the attention of the producers of the “Che” channel and they invited Vlad as a presenter. The program exposes various fraudulent schemes and scams. Ordinary people, not actors, take part in “Reshal”.

Chizhov is conducting an investigation and brings scammers to clean water. Of course, exposing criminal schemes is not always painless. For example, in one episode of the program, an exposed seller of counterfeit mobile phones attacked Chizhov with a knife, and before that nothing foreshadowed such a turn of events.

Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, but Vlad struggled with the finger on his hand for a long time, which was noticeable to the viewers of the program. In another episode, an attacker tried to set fire to Vlad’s “lair”, and in February 2018 his car was blocked and three unknown people attacked the presenter.

As a result of the incident, Chizhov was not seriously injured, but the car was left with serious damage.

It is known that Chizhov lives in Moscow. He is interested in healthy lifestyle and sports. After all, he is always ready to fight back against bandits, and here there is simply no place without good physical shape. Vlad gets carried away various types sports, He works out both in the gym and goes for morning runs, thanks to which he has a very high level of endurance.

Chizhov loves to eat delicious food. There is no information about the family, which is understandable, due to the dangerous work of the presenter. Journalists were unable to find out anything about his parents. It is reliably known that Vlad has a long-haired cat at home.

Naturally, it’s hard to believe that such an impressive man doesn’t have a family, he just hides it very well, thereby ensuring the safety of his family and friends.

People with their problems rush to turn to Chizhov for help. Fortunately, it’s very easy to write to him; he actively replies on his page in social network“VKontakte”, and he also has a personal website, where you can also consult on a pressing problem.

He also often posts, which he writes based on the questions asked to him most often.

The inquisitive minds of Vlad Chizhov’s fans are also concerned about the car their favorite presenter drives. And this is not a secret. His car is a Chevrolet jeep, with a leather interior, an inlaid armrest, and an engine capacity of 3 liters. According to some speculations, this may be Tahoe model.

Thanks to its reliability and high ground clearance, it successfully overcomes even difficult road conditions, which is very important in filming conditions, which do not always take place on asphalt roads.

Among fans of the program, debates continue: what is the program “Reshal”? Real reality show or simply a program with a pre-written script. Vlad himself and the producers claim that all situations are genuine, as are the characters participating in the program. And there is no reason not to believe them.

Perhaps Vlad Chizhov is modern Robin Hood who fights injustice and evil in this world. After all, the police cannot always bring to justice scammers who play it safe and the person exposed to them has no evidence of deception, and “Reshala” can help even in a situation where the victim has no evidence, only his story about his misfortune.

And even if his methods are not always correct and legal, he does not leave the slightest chance for scammers to escape without punishment.

"There is a problem? We will decide” - this is the slogan of the provocative TV show “Decided” by Vlad Chizhov, broadcast on the “Che” TV channel. The program is aimed at exposing scams and helping people who have suffered in such situations. “Reshala” is one of the few non-framework projects with real heroes, acting not according to the script. The twists and situations that you can get into during filming require fearlessness and superhuman patience from your host. But what is hidden behind this stone wall and what is the story of the life and success of the king of this Rus', Vlad Chizhov?

In this article we will talk about the personal life of the TV presenter, how his career was built, and what he owes to such success. Also, who are the members of Chizhov’s family, what does he do in his free time from work and what are his interests.

Early years and first steps towards the emergence of the project

The presenter was born in 1972, so the heyday of his youth fell on the harsh criminal 90s. Vlad has repeatedly found himself in dangerous troubles and faced fraud, but from all situations he singles out a special case. This happened to him at the age of 17, which Chizhov told about in the description of his television project. It is not known exactly what caused the bitter experience, but it is believed to have been a robbery or theft. This phenomenon was widespread throughout Russia and Vlad understood this very well. Therefore, I did not want to put up with the injustice of the former Russia, brought up by hard times, still a future, fearless leader. The 90s influenced Vlad’s career, giving him a pressing idea for a daring and daring project and also instilled in him the core necessary for the host of a provocative show.

It is worth noting that there is very little information related to Chizhov’s personal life. There are only assumptions that the parents sent the future presenter to a regular secondary school. After which, after finishing 10th grade, he enrolls as a director or TV presenter, which is, one way or another, related to the media. On this moment Vlad Chizhov supposedly has two permanent places of residence: in the Gagarinsky district of Moscow and in the city of Nha Trang, Vietnam.

Life before “Decision”

Before the project, Vlad was engaged in maintaining his own blog, which also specialized in the topic of scams in various areas of life. By the way, this blog still exists, so if you have a problem of this kind, you can contact the host directly on social networks. At the same time, Vlad tirelessly insists on his page on VKontakte that people who want to ask him a question should not trust anyone who “can” forward him and receive an answer out of turn or organize a meeting. This is a scam and the presenter is fighting against scammers who are encroaching on the viewers of the country's main decision-maker.

Photo vk.com/chizhov.vlad

It is also impossible not to mention Vlad Chizhov’s earlier hobby. This is the restaurant business. According to some reports, the presenter opened at least 3 bars, the first of which is the dance bar “TARANTINO” in Nha Trang (Vietnam). The second restaurant was located on the coast of the South China Sea. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, both establishments closed and a new and third bar “RANCHO” was founded in their place, which is still operating in Vietnam.

Well, on August 21, 2017, the already mentioned above project “Solved” starts on the “Che” TV channel, in connection with which Chizhov begins active work in the field of television industry.

Attacks and pitfalls of “media success”

On the evening of February 6, 2018, Vlad Chizhov was brutal attack. Returning from the filming of a new episode of “Reshaly,” a black SUV blocked the presenter’s path, and three people known to him got out of the car. A brutal fight began, during which the windshield of Chizhov’s car was broken and his collarbone was broken. The presenter was hospitalized. Fortunately, the car was equipped with a video recorder and captured the faces of the intruders. It is also known that in the presenter’s car at that time there was a certain girl with whom, apparently, Vlad had a relationship.

This is not the first case of an attack on a TV presenter; as is known, similar situations occurred before, back in Chizhov’s youth. This incident had a positive effect on the dynamics of the popularity of his program and blog, not only adding public interest in the person, but also once again confirming the veracity and reality of the content offered by the presenter. We are all human and can fall into scary situations, about which one cannot remain silent. The presenter of the “prevention” program against scammers was no exception. As the presenter himself says, “in our profession you have to be prepared for anything. When you fight scammers every day, sooner or later you will make enemies and learn to take the blow.”

The host's secret family

For obvious reasons, Vlad keeps secret the existence of his family and relatives. Revealing all the cards can be dangerous for them, due to the work of a blogger. Based on data on the Internet, we can conclude that Vlad Chizhov is divorced and has at least one child, a boy. The names of family members remain unknown, as do the names of the TV presenter’s parents. Most likely, Chizhov’s mother and father are the most ordinary people, unknown by their names to the mass audience. What Vlad is not afraid to show to all viewers and subscribers is his gray cat, with whom they apparently have a particularly close relationship.

Photo vk.com/chizhov.vlad

It is also not entirely clear the connection between the presenter and the young model Anna Chizhma, who was involved in a terrible accident in 2013 in the city of Nha Trang. With all his might, still unknown at that time, Chizhov collected funds for the treatment and hospitalization of the victim. The girl fell into a coma and was under the wing of the blogger for a long time. Fortunately, everything ended well, Chizhma came out of a coma and underwent rehabilitation. This situation prompts the conclusion about a possible close friendship between Anna and Vlad.

Hobbies and interests

Oddly enough, solving the problems of scammers’ machinations is not the presenter’s only passion. For a long time he was looking for his way in the restaurant business. Experimenting with types of cuisine, Vlad leaves one thing unchanged - the vector is directed to the west. Or one might say, even “wild news”. Chizhov is inspired by the harsh spirit of that time, which he reflects in his business projects.

It is also worth noting the presenter’s great love for food. Chizhov masters quite a few cooking techniques and knows many secrets of creating delicious dishes. On July 31, 2018, he even holds his own cooking master class. And on his social networks, Vlad often posts photos of mouth-watering culinary masterpieces.
One way or another, a food lover controls his diet and monitors his health, so the TV presenter leads an active and eventful life with travel, and any experienced traveler will envy his passion for adventure and danger. Vlad Chizhov is an avid amateur active recreation and wild loud parties. The second explains the concept of it restaurant business. The presenter is also an ardent football fan and is very worried about the success of the Russian national team.

Watching the life of a TV presenter, one gets the impression that this man devoted his entire life to work. Chizhov himself shares information about a 13-15 hour working day. Vlad's hard work and passion own business capable of inspiring.
The presenter is also interested in literature and psychology. It is worth noting Chizhov’s love for good cinema.

Internet blog

As mentioned above, Vlad’s career in exposing scams began with a blog. In his videos, he examines various fraud situations and structurally explains how to protect yourself or solve this problem. Soon after launching the blog, he begins to receive questions and requests to analyze a specific situation that happened to a person.

Instagram vlad_chizhov_official

Thus, the main mechanism for the existence of his Internet activities becomes interaction with his viewer and subscriber. Today, Vlad has just over 50 thousand subscribers on the VKontakte social network and only 180 actually added friends.

The life of Vlad Chizhov in 2018

Since the start of the “Solved” project, we can safely say that Vlad’s life has changed, acquiring a public character. The presenter is always in the attention of the audience, which is a huge responsibility that he successfully copes with. As always, Chizhov is immersed in work, because he just recently came out new season his television project, in connection with which he opens a new section “ReshalaReshit”, in which he also helps people who have encountered scammers. Interactivity and respect for his viewer are what makes Vlad Chizhov fall in love.

In 2017, the Che channel released a new provocative project, “Reshala,” which was received rather ambiguously by viewers. Reviews about “Reshal” are very different: some are completely delighted with the idea of ​​the program, while others call everything that happens in the program cheap theater. What are the most opinions about this program, what shortcomings are noted by almost all TV viewers, and who is Reshala really? More on all this later.

The main idea of ​​the program

The program positions itself as tutorial, which clearly shows ways of taking money from the population, as well as various fraudulent schemes. The host of the program solves the problems of people who contact him, brings criminals to light and punishes them. Often the most vulnerable categories of citizens become victims of insidious scammers: pensioners, women, children. They are the ones who in most cases become participants in the releases.

In order to contact the leader of the project, you need to fill out a form on the official website of the channel or write directly to Vlad Chizhov in a personal message on the VKontakte social network, where he already has more than 5,000 friends. When contacting the program through the channel’s website, you will need to communicate with the editor and describe to him the situation that happened to you. The channel's editors may refuse assistance without explanation.

Project leader

The role of Reshala was played by a brutal man - Vlad Chizhov. Before participating in this project, he ran his own blog for several years, where he talked about the methods used by scammers and taught how to avoid such situations. After the release of the television version of Reshala, Chizhov became even more famous and recognizable, and other people now blog for him. But besides oral advice Vlad Chizhov also got the opportunity to help people physically, solving their problems.

Many people who have contacted Chizhov personally or written a message to him on a social network note that he is quite responsive, although he does not always find time to respond to people’s requests for help. Since Chizhov receives a lot of messages that he physically cannot answer, he reviews applications, and can consider a number of situations with a similar plot in his group on VKontakte, or make them the main topic of a new issue of Reshaly. And the channel editor will always tell you how best to act in a given situation, even if he does not have the opportunity to invite a person to participate in the program.

Fact or Fiction

The project team positions everything that happens on the screen as cases of real help to victims of scammers, however, many moments look quite implausible. The faces of all the characters in the program, except those who sought a solution to their problems, are hidden. But, despite this approach and the inability to see the facial expressions of criminals, you can often hear not very good acting in their voices. Most viewers note that they watch the program as a good detective story or action movie, and not as a summary of real events.

During one of the episodes of the show, Vlad Chizhov was attacked with a knife and almost wounded. The presenter managed to trick an unlucky swindler who wanted to sell him a non-working cell phone. Also, criminals repeatedly tried to avoid filming in the program and broke the expensive equipment of the project. So, in one of the episodes, a camera worth more than one hundred thousand rubles was broken. From the reviews of the “Reshala” program left by random witnesses to the filming, one can understand that a huge number of people are working on the program. In addition to operators with professional equipment, there are also several people filming from the side with hidden cameras, merging with the crowd, and there are also technicians who install cameras in the area where the filming will take place. In addition to the film crew, there are always producers and a screenwriter on set, who tells Chizhov what to say for the show’s intros.