Scenario of the theatrical New Year's performance “How Grandmothers-Hedgehogs celebrated the New Year. Extracurricular event "New Year in reverse" (New Year's holiday scenario) New Year's scenario casting of grandmothers hedgehog

To have a fun holiday event, you need to think in advance, which will help ensure fun and good mood.

Funny and cool skits that do not take much time are especially well received at the New Year's holiday, so they can be staged several in a row, involving as many people as possible.

New Year's skits that are funny and cool for high school students can include both famous and fictional characters, as long as it is fun and interesting.

New Year's skit about grandmas Yozhek

Characters: 5 grandmas hedgehogs

Grandma 1: Hedgehogs, have you noticed that we haven’t hung out for a long time! Oh look, what's here
Is everyone here?
Grandmother 2: Yes, they’re probably celebrating something again! send it! We have to go to bro Kascheich's party! By the way, I need to call him, has he changed his mind about hanging out? So, let's dial the number! Hello, Kashcheich! Hey, how's everything ready? oh, well then we’ll be there! Well, the kashcheich said, everything is ready! Send it?!
Grandma 3: Wait, we still don’t know what’s going on here? Let's ask the guys?
Grandma 4: Yes, no problem! Guys, tell me, what's going on here?
Guys: We are celebrating the New Year!
Grandma 5: Wow, does that mean there’s going to be a party here too? Cool, let's stay here, otherwise I won't get to the kashcheyushka! My back hurts terribly!
All grandmothers except 2 grandmothers: We agree! Eh, hedgehog, how are you?
Grandmother 2: what?
Grandmother 1: Well, you're damn deaf, you need to go to the ENT!
Grandma 2: Alas, my electric broom is broken!
Grandma 1: I’ve been driving a Merc for a long time! Well, why do you want to stay here for the party?
Grandma 2: Of course! Well, grannies, let's have a blast!?

The phone is ringing at the 4th grandma

Grandma 4: Hello, hello! Oh, well, I already signed up for tomorrow! Okay, I don’t have time now! Dosvidos!
Grandma 5: Where did you sign up?
Grandma 4: Hey, go to the makeup artist! I decided to preen myself before my date with the merman!
Grandma 3: Okay, that's enough, let's finally hang out!
Grandma 1: Well, DJ, play us a song! Yes, better!

include for example: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

3 Grandma: Hey, you’re a DJ, what did you play for us? Give us ours, my beloved!

The song of hedgehog grandmothers is playing

Cool New Year's scene about blondes

Participants should speak with expression and intonation, parodying modern fashionistas

1 Blonde: Hello girlfriend, Why are you standing here?
2 Blonde: Waiting for Leshy
1 Blonde: Why wait for him?
2 Blonde: Yes, I met him, I couldn’t leave everything as it was - he looks like a loser... no one walks like that now...
1 Blonde: And where is he?
2 Blonde: At the hairdresser... at Zverev’s
1 Blonde: Is this the famous hairdresser?
2 Blonde: No, namesake... he’s also a stylist, he’ll do a little image work...
1 Blonde: Oh
2 Blonde: What?
1 Blonde: Your hair is black!
2 Blonde: Pull it out faster!
1 Blonde: Yes, I was joking..
2 Blonde: Fuck you... By the way, here’s Leshy.

Leshy comes out in super new clothes, to the music

1 Blonde: Listen to the latest fashion...
2 Blonde: Yes, now with him both to the feast and to the world..
Leshy: Well, I changed my image a little... how did it happen?
1 Blonde: Great...
2 Blonde: Now I’d like to teach you how to dance...
Leshy: I can do tectonics...
1 Blonde: Something already, show me...

You can end the performance with the dance of Leshy and the blondes.

The blondes and Leshy leave on stage, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson appear, holding Leshy's sock in their hands, approach the microphone and twirl it in their hands

Holmes: Watson, I think this is a man's sock...
Watson: How did you guess?
Holmes: Elementary! The size is too big.
Watson: Do you think it can't belong to a woman?
Holmes: To be honest, I saw a gentleman who was walking in the second sock.
Watson: Holmes, you are simply a genius. Where was this gentleman going?
Holmes: Elementary, my dear friend, accompanied by two ladies, he was probably in a hurry to the disco…. Oh, it seems to me that someone else is going there too...
Watson: Shall we go too?
Holmes: For those over a hundred years old? Although, let's go... It doesn't hurt us to have fun.

New Year's skit about the Snow Queen

Snow Queen: Call Zlyuchka and Thorn to me...

Zlyuchka and Thorn come running

Snow Queen: My faithful maids, how long have we done nasty things?
Zlyuchka: A long time ago...
Thorn: A long time ago...
Snow Queen: Do you want to ruin people's holiday?
Zlyuchka: I want...
Thorn: It’s already pricking...
Snow Queen: Here, keep a catalog of cosmetics, whoever rubs it and smells it will get sick, get sick
Sneaky: Will he get sick?
Thorn: Will he get sick?
Zlyuchka: And he’ll miss the holiday?
Thorn: And a holiday!!! Will he miss...?
Snow Queen: And she’ll get sick and miss it. You need to offer this catalog to everyone and make people sneeze.
Zlyuchka: What if people take vitamins?
Thorn: What if you were involved in sports?
Snow Queen: And they will celebrate alone without friends... Go quickly, fulfill my will.

They leave. Ivanushka comes on stage

Ivanushka: Alyonushka? Has anyone seen my sister?
Zlyuchka: Is this Ivanushka?
Thorn: Open the page with goat flu quickly?
Zlyuchka: Young man, look at some cosmetics, just for your sister.
Thorn: Here, take a sniff.
Ivanushka: Oh, but you really need to buy a gift for your sister! (sniffs)
Vicious: Well, how?
Thorn: Good cosmetics?
Ivanushka: Oh, I have a fever, probably an acute respiratory infection.

Alyonushka comes

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what’s wrong with you? Oh... temperature!
Zlyuchka: They got infected, will your brother get sick now?
Thorn: And your holiday is ruined?

Ivanushka coughs

Alyonushka: We'll see about that. (Takes the phone) Urgent orderlies.

Orderlies run in in the form of snowmen

Orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?
Alyonushka: Yes, there are two people here who are tearing apart.
Ivanushka: I was infected with goat flu.
Orderlies: I see, disinfect the infection!

Zlyuchka and Thorn run away screaming, followed by orderlies with large syringes.

Alyonushka: I told you, Ivanushka, go in for sports, and take your vitamins - you didn’t listen to me, but nothing...

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: I’ll help your problem, but just don’t get sick anymore... I’ll wave my magic wand, and the illness will go away by the evening, but for now the milk is warm, and the stove...
Who arranged all this... Surely either Baba Yaga or the Snow Queen, you will need to tell Santa Claus...

MKOU Dobryatinskaya secondary school

Scenario for a New Year's play in elementary school
“How did Grandmothers-Hedgehogs celebrate the New Year?”

Goal: Creating a favorable fairy-tale atmosphere for children of primary school age.
-Promote the development of initiative, creativity of high school students, and the manifestation of their individuality.
- Contribute to the development of aesthetic taste in high school students, an attentive and caring attitude towards juniors.
-Create a festive, fabulous atmosphere for the New Year.
-Develop an aesthetic perception of the activity. -Cultivate a friendly attitude towards New Year's characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters

Characters: Baba Yaga the Elder
Baba Yaga average
Baba Yaga the Younger
Snow Maiden
Father Frost
Santa Claus (replacement)

Progress of the event:

With blizzard, wind and frost
The winter holiday is coming to us.
And, of course, Santa Claus to us
He will bring gifts to everyone!
Tell me guys
What kind of holiday awaits us all?
Answer amicably, loudly,
We are meeting
All: New Year!
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
Like a beautiful maiden
In colorful toys,
What miracles!
I'll ask you guys
Can you give me the answer?
But think first
“Yes” answer or “No”.
Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?
And what about the painted balls and stars?
Perhaps oranges?
Funny and pink pigs?
Are the pillows down?
And honey gingerbread?
Are the galoshes shiny?
Are the candies real?
Well, guys! Everyone said it!
All the riddles have been solved!
I will reward you royally
I will give you a miracle fairy tale.
What? Don't believe me? Don't you know
That on New Year's Eve,
Whatever you want,
Everything will always happen
Does everything always come true?
The time has come for us to hit the road,
Take a peek into the fairy-tale world.

(Magical music sounds. The curtain opens)
1 action.

Preparations are underway for the New Year holiday. B-Ya, the youngest, is decorating the Christmas tree and humming.
Koschey appears.
K. Hello, old one! What are you doing, European-quality renovation?

B-Ya. I’m getting ready for the holiday, come and help me decorate the tree.

K. Of course, I will help. (giggles). (takes out a box. He takes out dead mice from it. Bones, skulls, spiders and hangs them on the tree).

B.Ya. Well, what's going on, Koscheyushka?

K. How it turns out! Eh, beauty! And you?

B.Ya. And I can do it. (Moves away and admires) Balls, beads

K. Bones!!! (joyfully) spiders!!!

B.Ya. What bones, what spiders?! What did you hang here? Well, take it off immediately. This is a Christmas tree, not a trash can!

K. And that, in my opinion, is even original. Well, do you want me to hang a balloon for a change?

B.Ya. For a change you should be hanged! Take it off, I said!

K. I won’t think so. Me by the way. I have my own opinion. And you, old one, by the way, are minding your own business, and neither are your sisters. They gathered to celebrate the New Year!!! The Christmas tree is being decorated!! Ugh!

B.Ya. You. What, have you lost your mind?

K. It was you who lost your mind. Your job is to fry small children (points to the audience) in the oven. And they organize holidays here!
B.Ya. Yes, it’s a pity there is no shovel. Otherwise I would have hit you so you wouldn’t talk nonsense here.

K. That’s why I see how kind you are. Either you want to hang me on the tree, or you want to heat me with a shovel.

B.Ya. Okay, Koshcheyushka. Do not be angry! Soon the sisters will come, we will sit down at the table, and we will celebrate the New Year. Let's have fun!
(middle and eldest B.Ya. run in, puffing)

Art. B.Ya. (gloomily). Well, are you ready for the holiday?

Jr. B.Ya. Look how the Christmas tree was decorated!

Art. B.Ya. So what's the point? We spent half a day running around the fairytale forest, trying to invite someone, but all in vain. The snake Gorynych is sleeping on the river bank, Viy’s eye hurts, Sinister and Anchutka locked themselves in their house and are celebrating together, the kikimora married Domovoy. Well, what kind of fun is it without guests, huh?!

Jr. B.Ya. Isn’t this a guest or something? (points to Koshchei). Zucchini without seeds.

K. Why is it without seeds?

Jr. B.Ya. And if you even had seeds in your head, you wouldn’t decorate the Christmas tree like that.

Wed. B.Ya. Or maybe we’ll go visit someone ourselves?

Art. B.Ya. To whom?

K. (delighted) To Sinister with Anchutka!!!

Sr.B.Ya. Come on! Maybe to Ivan Tsarevich!?

St.B.Ya. Yeah, go, go! Marya Tsarevna pulls out the rest of your hair!

Jr. B.Ya. I came up with an idea!
(everyone shuddered)
And we flew to the children’s school for the holiday! I have long wanted to meet them.

Wed. B.Ya. Eh, we’ll dance and sing ditties.
My dear dear
The beauty says.
How can I stamp my foot?

K. So it will fall off.

(they dance to Babok Ezhek’s ditties).


Jr. B.Ya. How will we get there? That's so far!

St.B.Ya. And we will turn into snowballs and fly with the blizzard!

(The curtain closes.)

The Snow Maiden comes out into the hall to the children.

Snow Maiden
Grandfather and I live together in our white house,
In the thicket of a centuries-old forest
We often hear the wind howling.
But we are not afraid of the cold,
We are glad for frosty days.
There is no stove in our house,
Grandfather is afraid of the fire.
The light and I'm afraid
After all, I am called the Snow Maiden.

Hello, dear guys! Happy New Year!

· Why do you have such surprised faces? Oh, Santa Claus is not with me! So he was delayed on the way. And soon he will come to us for a holiday.

(Snowflakes run out)

We'll fly away snowflakes
Along the fields. Through the forests
To cover all the paths,
We need to circle around.

Wind, wind. blow harder
Spin around in the forest faster!
You wrap everything around
Pure white snow.

We'll fly away snowflakes
Along the fields. Through the forests
To cover all the paths,
We need to circle around.

(Perform a dance of snowflakes)

(run into the hall)

The curtain opens.

Act 2

Santa Claus sits in pajamas and slippers, cleans his outfit and packs his bag. Koschey runs in (dressed as a Dwarf).

D.M. Who are you? What are you doing here?

K. Grandfather, you are dreaming. That I came, but I didn’t come at all. I'm sitting at home. And you are sleeping. And it's all a dream. You dream everything.

D.M. (scratching the back of his head) Strange dream. As if in reality. And who are you?

K. I am a Dwarf. I keep treasures in the depths of the earth. And so I decided to dream about you. To cheer you up so that you can wake up with this mood and go to the guys for a holiday. Let's play!

D.M. What?

K. We will play Santa Claus and little Dwarf.

D.M. What is this? Are we going to play ourselves?

K. A To make it interesting. Let's change clothes. I'll put on your robe. And I’ll be Santa Claus, and you’ll dress up as a Gnome.

(changing clothes)
Koschey takes the bag and leaves. Santa Claus scratches his head and shrugs.
(The curtain closes)

Koschey comes out into the hall to see the children.
Hello guys!
So that the holiday is without tears. Santa Claus has appeared
Bearded, mustachioed and gray
And (he hesitates, scratches his head) And a dancing ballet.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, where is your beard?
(Koschei backs away)

Snow Maiden:
Ay, ah, ah, Wait, don't run away!
All my friends are here,
What a disaster!
Look, hurry up
Who is this in your circle of friends?

(Granny Hedgehogs run at full speed)

St.B.Ya. Ugh! We made it! (look around). Children, we've come to the right address, is this a school? Hasn't the holiday started yet?
(sees Koshchei, turns to him)
Oh, what are you doing here? And generally speaking. What kind of outfit are you wearing? Yes you know guys. Who is this?

Snow Maiden:
He wanted to deceive us and pretended to be Santa Claus. And we almost didn’t believe him. So he wanted to disrupt our matinee?!

Sr.B.Ya. So, does that mean you don’t have everything? (hands on hips) Admit it, where is Santa Claus?

K. He is going to the children, I deceived him, Forgive me, I won’t do it again.

Snow Maiden:
Guys. Shall we forgive Koshchei? Let's call Santa Claus. Maybe he will hear us and understand that Koschey deceived him, and will come to us for the holiday. Three, four Santa Claus! Father Frost!

Junior B.Ya. Quiet! (leans towards the floor) I hear the ringing and clatter of hooves! It was Santa Claus who heard us.

(Bells ring, Santa Claus comes in)

In multicolored, New Year's
Holiday lights
We congratulate you today
All the gathered friends.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
With new joy for everyone!
Let them ring under this tree
Songs, music and laughter!

Snow Maiden:
Friends. Let's do it together
We will celebrate the new year
A cheerful ringing song
Let's start our round dance.

Presenter. We all get up in a round dance and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
"Little Christmas tree"

Santa Claus: Oh, my legs are tired,
Well, I’ll sit down, sit down,
I'll look at the kids.
Children: No, no, no! It's not time to sleep.
Time to play with us.

Presenter: Let me, Santa Claus, I’ll look at your mitten.
Santa Claus gives.
Presenter: Now, catch up!
Children pass the mitten around (or throw it to each other). Santa Claus is catching up with her.

Santa Claus: Well, that's it, we've played to our heart's content, it's time to get ready for the journey.

Presenter: And we, grandfather, will not let you out.
Children join hands. Santa Claus is trying to get out of the circle, but the children won’t let him out. At the end of the game, Santa Claus crawls under your arms.

Presenter: What a mischief you are, Santa Claus! Since you are so cheerful, the guys and I will sing a song about you. “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus.”

Santa Claus is tired of standing
He wants to dance “The Lady.”
SANTA'S DANCE to a cheerful dance song.

Tired, grandpa. Sit down, relax, and the guys will read poetry to you about winter. About the New Year!
And now I invite everyone to a round dance.

Santa Claus: You had great fun,
They amused me.
A year later at the appointed time
I will be with you again.

Presenter: What are you, Santa Claus, saying goodbye to us? And our guys drew newspapers and sewed costumes! Did you happen to forget about the gifts?

Santa Claus: Oh, I forgot, I forgot! Sclerosis has completely overcome me.
(casts a spell) Ice flakes, snowflakes,
Icicles, snowball.
Come to this hall
My magic bag!

(Awards for newspapers and costumes).

Father Frost.
Oh, well done! They made me happy.
Well, now it’s time, friends, you need to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden:
And it's time for me.
I wish you success in the new year
More cheerful, loud laughter
More cheerful friends and girlfriends
Excellent marks and knowledge chest.

See you soon! And we’ll sing one more song.” Happy New Year, okay!”

Scenario of a festive matinee in the preparatory group

with the participation of parents"New Year's Adventures of Babok-Yozhek"

musical director Zaripova S.E.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in front of the Christmas tree.

Ved. Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May good luck and success come to you in the coming year!

May it be for you, good people who are not afraid of worries,

It will be not just a new year, but a happy new year!


1. She's been coming to us for a holiday all year

Green beauty of the forests.

Then I quietly dressed up in this room,

And now her outfit is ready.

2. We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma,

And the best New Year's holiday

He comes with her to kindergarten.

Song "New Year's Eve"

3. Firecrackers, icicles, candies,

Golden colored balls,

Jokes, songs, games and dances,

Children in fancy costumes and masks,

The noise doesn't stop

And laughter incessantly,

What's here today?

All. Merry Christmas tree.

4. The snow is spinning white - white

And trees and houses

Silver patterns

Gives winter - winter.


5. When the snowflakes are funny

Suddenly they fly to the ground from heaven

And they will hide the streets, paths,

They will cover the river, field, forest,

I will say, standing at the window:

“Look, winter has come.”

6. Happy, noisy New Year!

There are songs, dances, round dances.

Fairy tale heroes will come to us

And everyone, of course, is waiting for a miracle!

7. Let it be all over, all over the planet

Children celebrate New Year

Joyful and fun

With dancing and songs.

8. Happy New Year, Happy New Year

With new joy for everyone

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Ved. The most fun in the world
Let's celebrate the New Year's holiday

To rejoice with us

Your dads, your moms.

Hold your hands tighter,

Stand in a wide circle,

We will sing and dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year.

Song Forest Beauty(sit on chairs)

Reb. - A magical holiday is coming

We've been waiting for him for a long time

Snowflakes are spinning and flying

They want to come to our Christmas tree.

Dance of snowflakes. (sit down)

Ved. They say on New Year's Eve

All dreams come true

And in our hall today

The fairy tale begins.

New Year's holiday is the best! The most mysterious and magical.

Everyone is rushing to this tree, everyone is waiting to meet Santa Claus. But it seems

Someone is already coming here! Let's sit down and see who it is?

Music sounds, winter comes in

Winter . Hello, friends!

I am a sorceress - winter,

I came to your holiday.

Russian, icy, snowy and blizzard,

Friendly with icy winds and frost.

Aren't you scared of me? (NO)

Didn't you snuggle up to the warm stove?

Didn't you complain to mom?

Can I live with you? (YES)

Ved. We miss miracles so much

On fun adventures,

According to good Russian fairy tales.

Magical transformations.

We want your fabulous miracles so much!

Winter. Fairytale miracles? Well, it's easy! All I have to do is wave

with a magic wand, like...

Waves his wand, music sounds,

A Horse runs into the hall, after dancing around the Christmas tree, it runs away).

Winter. Oh, the horse... ran away...

I'll try again...

Miracle, miracle, respond!

Miracle, miracle, appear!

The March of New Year's Toys sounds, children march around the Christmas tree and stand up

in chess order in front of the audience.


All. Simple toys through the crack

One day we saw a Christmas tree:

* “Let's decorate the Christmas tree!

Let’s climb onto the branches and sit down!”

* The toys climbed onto the Christmas tree.

* The monkey is already at the top.

* The branch bent under Mishka,

* She swayed a little under the Bunny.

* Chickens hang like lanterns

* Matryoshka dolls are like colorful balls...

All. We all ended up on the Christmas tree!

Now let's make the kids happy!

Oh, fathers! We're falling! We’re falling!”

Dance NEW YEAR'S TOYS(children sit down)

Winter. Dear guests – fathers, mothers!

Childhood is a golden time,

And we are given only once...

May you be reminded

That good planet

The one where the rays of the eyes

You have met good sunrises,

Where are the miracles, wizards and fairies,

The doors to a fairy tale have been opened for you more than once...

Today this door is open!

Go boldly - a fairy tale awaits you!

(waves his wand, adults go to the Christmas tree)

Here the fairy tale begins, and on its way,

Takes you along the magic stairs(adults leave)

Winter . Guys, I also invite you to a fairy tale,

But first, I’ll test it.

I'll name things and you guys will say what could be

Christmas tree decorations and what not. So, what's hanging on the Christmas tree:

Sounding cracker (Yes.)

Red toy (Yes.)

Old tub (Who answers yes)

Cheerful Parsley?

Hot cheesecake?

White snowflakes?

Vibrant pictures?

Torn boots?

Are the apples soaked?


Are the weights really heavy?

Bunnies made from cotton wool?

White horses?

Torn gloves?

What great fellows you all are! My test passed. Yes, I had no doubt that today

Very attentive, active and

friendly guys!

Let's play some more! This time you must answer my questions too

Yes or no.

Ready? (Yes!)

Santa Claus is known to everyone...

He comes exactly at seven...

Santa Claus is a good old man...

Wears a hat and galoshes...

Soon Santa Claus will come...

He will bring gifts...

The trunk of our Christmas tree is good...

It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun...

What grows on the Christmas tree? Cones?....

Tomatoes and gingerbread...

The view is beautiful from our Christmas tree...

Red needles everywhere...

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold...

He is friends with the Snow Maiden...

Winter .

To make the tree stand up,

And she looked more cheerful,

Smiled at all the boys

Let's light some lights on it!

Together we will say with you:

Christmas tree, light up the lights!

Children : Christmas tree, light up the lights!(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Winter : Speak very quietly

Come on, guests, help!

Let's say loudly, with full force:

Become beautiful, Christmas tree!

All : Become beautiful, Christmas tree!(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Winter : Still quiet, still weak.

We all need to shout together:

All: "One two Three! Miracle Christmas tree, burn!”(The lights on the tree come on,

everyone claps their hands)

Winter. Guys, you are all so great! Just something from Santa Claus

Not for a long time.

Is he really lost? I'll go meet him.

Don't be bored without me!(leaves)

Music sounds, three Grandmothers-Hedgehogs ride into the hall on one broom

1 B-Y. We were looking for the kids, and we were probably too late?

Ved. No, grannies, we're not late. Please pass. Who are you?

B-Yozhki. (one by one)We are funny sisters

And we are as cunning as foxes.

We live in a forest lodge

(together) And our name is Babki-Yozhki.

1B-Ya. Oh, our journey is far and not short.

2 B-Y. We walked and walked, low bow to you.

3 B-Y . One two three four five -

We'll play a fairy tale.

Music sounds, Kashchei enters. In his hands is a bag, which he hides under the tree.

Kasch. Hello grannies! H aw oh, are you all gathered here? Are you here for the holiday?

1B-Y . We've arrived. See, what a beauty!(points to the Christmas tree)

2B-Y. Happy New Year to you, Koscheyushka! Apparently you didn't pass by either?

Kasch. Yes, the Christmas tree here is beautiful. But there aren’t enough toys on it...

Well, I'll quickly fix that now!(trying to arrange HIS toys)

B-Yo (in unison) What did you think of this? Why did you hang a block of bone here?

Take it down now!

Kasch. I won’t even think about it! In my opinion, it’s even very original...

B-Yo. Shoot!

Kasch. I won't take it off! I have my own opinion on this matter...

3B-Y. But I'll take a broom! I'll hurt you! You will then

My opinion!

Kasch. (removing) Well, okay, okay... Why immediately USE THE BROOM!... Don’t bother me with the broom...

2B-Y. Stop quarreling! It's a holiday! New Year!

Let's better have fun! I know Santa Claus’s favorite song...

Oh, what is it called, I forgot something. I have this...what's it called...

chlorophos memory. Oh, that is, dichlorvos.

Ugh, I'm completely confused.

Kasch. You have sclerosis, my dear.

2B-Y That's right, I wanted to say that sclerosis. Now I remember -

"A chick was born in the forest."

Kasch. Yes, not a chick, but a Christmas tree.

2B-Y Well, yes, not a chick, but a Christmas tree.(Singing)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Pale in winter and summer...

Kasch. Not pale, but...

2B-Y She wasn't pale.

Gray bunny in shorts

Jumped under the Christmas tree...

Kasch. What did you jump in?

2B-Y In shorts. It's cold in winter, so he jumped in them,

so as not to freeze. Don't interfere, Koschey!

Gray bunny in shorts

Jumped under the Christmas tree.

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf

I ran with the sheep.

Kasch. Why with a sheep?

2B-Y Are you stupid? Because wolves love to eat sheep,

so he ran with her.

Chu, there is snow in the dense forest

It creaks under the runner,

Hairy horse

It lies under the Christmas tree.

Kasch. What is he doing?

2B-Y Lying down. I was tired, so I lay down to rest. Listen, smart guy,

Why are you constantly bothering me? Let me finish the song!

The horse is carrying wood,

And coal and oats,

And Santa Claus sat in the firewood

And he brought a Christmas tree to the children

Kash . Yes, Yagusya. How is everything running for you...

3B-Y. Ah... Let's dance? I can sing ditties:

My dear dear

Says "beautiful"!

And when I stamp my foot...

Kasch. So the leg will fall off!(sarcastically) You will have fun - Santa Claus

will not be at your party!

B-Yo. How can it not?!

Kasch. Yes, I say: they say, I won’t do it anymore. Well, I’ll probably run

time to start YOUR holiday...(takes the bag and leaves)

2B-Y. But I wonder what he had there in the bag?

1B-Ya. And the devil knows him! You can immediately see that he is sick in the head...

3B-Y. And for the whole time! (laugh) He should have smeared it with iodine!

Kasch. (leaning out from behind the door)You should smear your heads with iodine yourself!

(shakes his fist)

Wow! Well, I’ll arrange it for you!(disappears behind the door)

3B-Y. What a restless evil spirit!

1B-Ya. Oh, guys! Why are you all sitting and sitting...

Like turnips in the ground!

2B-Y. Run to the Christmas tree quickly

3B-Y. Make everyone happy with a song

Song KITTEN AND PUPPY (sit down)

3B-Y . Yes... it's good here... But where is Santa Claus going?

Are you missing the Snow Maiden? We really got lost...

2B-Y. Well, sisters, it looks like it’s time for US to get down to business - to start

to perform miracles - to perform miracles.

1 and 3 B-E. How about yourself?

2 B-Y. And here it is... (shows sieve)That's where all my miracles are...

1 and 3 B-E. Where?

2 B-Y. Where, where... In the sieve!

3 B-Y. In the sieve?.. Somehow I doubt it...

2 B-Y. Miracles... miracles...

Sun, pine trees, skies...

1 B-Y . So where are the miracles?

2 B-Y. I say - here! My sieve is pure magic! Let's do some magic now,

And Santa Claus will be here in no time! You, little one, will help me:

As soon as I say the last words, throw your handkerchief on the floor!(casts a spell)

(a horse runs into the hall to the music and walks in front of the grandmothers)

Where are you from? Let's go! Let's go!..(drive the horse away)

Well, so... (casts a spell again)

A sieve, a sieve, entwined with fresh bast,

Entwined, entwined, washed with white snow...

(a horse peeks out from behind the door)

Horse (playfully) E-gogo!

2B-Y. Perish, perish, unclean...(the horse disappears)

So that the holiday is without tears,

Santa Claus has appeared!

Bearded, mustachioed and gray...(thinks) You don’t remember what happened next...

Here is sclerosis...

3B-Y . ...and dancing ballet!(throws the handkerchief)

Santa Claus in a ballet costume runs into the hall and performs a ballet

number and runs away

2B-Y. Oh... What was that?

3B-Y. Santa Claus danced an excerpt from the ballet and... ran away.

2B-Y. Tell me, why did you get in? Who asked you to cast a spell?

3B-Y. So you asked for it yourself(offended)

2B-Y. Okay... So be it... I'll try again...

A sieve, a sieve, entwined with fresh bast,

(looks at the door to see if there is a horse)

So that the holiday is without tears,

Santa Claus has appeared!

With a beard and mustache...

With a beard and mustache...

1B-Ya. (thoughtfully) And with cow horns...

The horned D.M. enters - a flower pot in his hands. He's melancholy

“chews” leaves. Seeing B-Yo, he tries to gore them.

1 and 3 B-Y. (running around the hall)Karau-ul! Conjure! Cast your spell faster - it will gore you!!!

2B-Ya. (swings at D.M. with a sieve, he runs away)Phew... Here we go...

Either a horse or horns...

1B-Ya. Give me the sieve! I will do magic myself!

(a horse tries to tiptoe into the hall)

1B-Ya. (to the horse) And don’t even hope! Out!(the horse disappears behind the door)

A sieve, a sieve, entwined with fresh bast,

Entwined, entwined, washed with white snow,

So that the holiday is without tears,

Santa Claus has appeared!

He has a beard and a mustache... Hm...(thinks)

And in Adidas sneakers! Oh!

Enter marching D.M. in a tracksuit, begins to do exercises.

Then, marching, he leaves.

Ved. Well, grannies, well, Yagushi... You've done something strange here... Sit down here under the Christmas tree,

take some rest. The guys and I also know how to do something. Let's get together,

Let's all call Grandfather Frost together.(name - Kashchey enters in disguise)

Kasch. Hello, good people,

Healthy and sick!

Small and big

Young and old.

You are so great, it’s like cucumbers in a barrel!

They grew up and became big.

Did you recognize me?

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

I pinch my ears, I pinch my nose!

The real D.M. enters. and stands on the other side of the tree.

D.M. Ooh-ho-ho, Ooh-ho-ho,

It was a long way to get to you!

But I heard your call,

And finally I came to you!

I walked to you for a long, long time,

And I found a lot of interesting things.

Various riddles and tasks,

And interesting challenges.

2B-Y. Ahhh... Santa Claus.... And.. Santa Claus...

1B-Ya. Yes…. Affairs…. Either none, then two at once...

3B-Y . Wait, wait! We need to figure this out!

D.M. What's going on here? Here I am Santa Claus!

Kasch. No, I am Santa Claus!

1B-Ya. So... If this one is Santa Claus, then that one is NOT Santa Claus!

2B-Y. And if THIS one is Santa Claus, then THAT one is not Santa Claus! It's simple!

3B-Y (notices a familiar bag)Whose bag is this?

Kash . This is my bag! I'm carrying the kids in it! No no no…

I bring GIFTS for the children.

2B-Z takes the bag and shakes out its contents. There are different things

junk, bones, fish skeletons.

B-Yo. Well, and gifts... Is THIS possible to give to children!? No! You are not Santa Claus

You are a liar and a deceiver!

Kash . How dare you call me a liar and a deceiver! Me! Great

Kashcheya the Immortal! Oh….(B-E drive away the embarrassed Kashchei)

D.M. How glad I am, how glad I am

That he came to your kindergarten!

Quickly everyone get up in a circle,

Sing a song together!

We'll start a round dance,

Let's celebrate the holiday - New Year!


D.M. Ah, they decided to tease me.

Come on, show me your hands, ears, nose -

Santa Claus will freeze everyone.

Children run to their seats and sit on chairs.

B-Yo. Santa Claus, don't rush,

And dance with us!

B-Yo dance with D.M. LADY.

D.M. Phew, I danced and danced,

And I'm tired of dancing!

I'll sit down and rest

I'll just catch my breath.

Ved . Well, is Santa Claus tired?

D.M. Oh, I'm tired!

I haven't danced like that for a long time!

Oh, I completely forgot!

Before you play

The Snow Maiden should have been invited!

Ved. So what are we waiting for

Let's call together!

The children call Snegurochka. The Snow Maiden comes in and cries.

D.M. Granddaughter, dear,

Why are you crying?

Has something happened?

Snow. Yes, grandpa, it happened

Trouble has happened!

I didn't come here alone,

And with a horse - a symbol of the New Year.

But suddenly a black cloud came over,

And the symbol of the year was taken away by the dark force!

D.M. What to do now?

After all, without this horse the New Year will not come!

1B-Ya. Oh, trouble, trouble... So the Horse is a symbol of the New Year?

2 B-Y. And we… kicked her out of the hall, kicked her…. Ay-yay-yay, trouble-trouble...

3B.Ya . And I can guess who did it! Surely Kashchei took away the horse!

Things won't calm down!

Kashchei peeks out from behind the door. Asks to visit the children for a holiday. He brings the Horse, which everyone sits together on D.M.’s throne.

D.M. Thank you, Kashcheyushka, for our Horse. Do you want me and the guys?

Shall we sing you a song about the Christmas tree?


After the round dance - a group photo. Then everyone sees off the Horse.

Snow . Here the Christmas tree is shaking its branches,

He must be saying goodbye to us.

Friends, the moments of celebration flew by,

Our hall was full of ringing laughter,

We played, joked and sang,

But time is rushing to finish our ball...

B-Yo. How? How to finish this? What about gifts?

Presenting gifts, photographing children with fairy tale characters.

Performance shown for the New Year 2007. The basis was a script from the magazine "Class Teacher", but completely redone for a musical performance, taking into account the number of artists (they took everyone) and their abilities.

1. Dance of the Snow Maiden's retinue

The Snow Maiden comes out
Song of the Snow Maiden (continuation of music)
As in a fairy tale, the New Year will come
Millions of lights will light on the Christmas trees,
I see all my good friends
Today we are together, together
How many miracles there are in the New Year
I know that happiness will come and we will be lucky
So many friends in this room here,
Today we are together again, together

Snow Maiden: (against the background of continuing music)
Happy New Year to you guys! And probably you all want to know what awaits you this year, what events will happen. I have not yet mastered the art of magic like my grandfather. But today I will try to make a miracle that will help us unravel our future. You must help me with this. (music fades out)

Game: Let several people come out here. You must repeat after my retinue all the movements, except for one enchanted one. Instead, you should come up with your own. Whoever makes a mistake sits down. And for others, another forbidden movement will be added. (All participants are given surprise icicles)
Well done, you completed the task, which means a miracle will happen, and we will find out what awaits us this year...

2. The exit of the gypsies
The gypsies rode in a wagon
And lights flashed in the distance
Eh, I wish I could drive up to some gate
I would like to dispel my soul from melancholy.
On a long road and on a moonlit night,
Yes, with the song that flies into the distance ringing.
And with that old one, and with the seven-string,
What tormented me so much at night.
Gypsy dance (continuing music)

Gypsy Natasha: Do you want to know your future? No problem, my yacht! Now I'll tell you fortune! Give me a hand. What do you want to know?
Snow Maiden: Gypsy, dear, tell me what the New Year has in store for the teachers and students of this school.
Gypsy Natasha: Oh, my dear, I see: everything will be fine with you! You will have lessons, how could there be no lessons? There will also be holidays: February 23, March 8, graduation...
Snow Maiden: We already know that, but what’s new will happen this year.
Gypsy Natasha K.: My Diamond, there will be a lot of new things, can you list them all... but your Grandfather Frost is bothering us. No matter what happens to him...
Gypsy Katya: You, our silver one, should look after him, otherwise it’s like this: gray hair in a beard - a devil in a rib! Your Grandfather will go on a spree at some drive club, with whom will you celebrate the New Year?
Snow Maiden: And what should I do?
Gypsy Irina: That's it, my golden one, we will give you the charmed talismans: they will help you.
Snow Maiden: What kind of talismans are these?
Gypsy Irina: If you think a little, you yourself will remember the talisman of the coming year...
Snow Maiden: Pig
Gypsy Katya K.: Just call it more gentle
Snow Maiden: piggy!?
Gypsy Katya K.: And not one, but three.

3. The piglets come out, the gypsies leave
Song of the piglets "Road"
The road runs, runs, runs, and never ends.
On the way we meet poppies and tulips
They sway and smile
It's like we are old and good friends
And in the sky the sun is mischievous and radiant
And the sky here is so smooth and clear
That you just want to touch with your hand
It's nearby, but you can't get it
So we all often
Happiness seems very close
And it’s a long, long, long way to get to it.

Introducing themselves: (against the background of continuing music)
Nif-Nif: Nif-Nif
Nuf-Nuf: Nuf-Nuf
Naf-Naf: Naf-Naf
Nif-Nif: We are not simple talismans!
Nuf-Nuf: We are cheerful and mischievous!
Naf-Naf: We will go through fire and water!
Nif-Nif: We will take any trouble away from you!
Nuf-Nuf: And, of course, we will find Santa Claus!
Naf-Naf: Don’t worry, Snow Maiden, we will find your Grandfather...
Snow Maiden: Then let's go!
Song "Road" chorus
The Snow Maiden and the piglets leave (the music fades away)

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs come out, singing
Honey, what? Yes, dear, is it leaning on your shoulder?
And I, my dear, fell in love, I fell in love! Oh!
Music "Two Pieces of Sausage"
With music in the background:
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Oh, girls, I want so much love!
2 Grandma-hedgehog: We’ve been living in the world for 400 years, but we’re still just girls!
3rd grandmother-hedgehog: I can’t bear to get married!
4 Grandma Hedgehog: Maybe we should go and make eyes for Snake Gorynych?
5 Grandma-hedgehog: What are you talking about! It’s like he’s breathing fire – he’ll burn all the cosmetics!
4 Granny Hedgehog: But I still like him
Dance of hedgehog grandmothers with a snake
I love the gorynych snake,
Ooh, he's a hot guy
You won't freeze with him in a snowstorm
It's like being a lady with him
If you come to him
You're so hungry
Enough fire for him
If you're not proud
Fry two pieces
Just don't ask me what
And he’ll cook some stew for you,
From that, pieces from whom.

5 Grandma-hedgehog: This is all wrong
1st grandmother-hedgehog: Or maybe I should fool Koshchei? He's rich...
2 Grandma-hedgehog: So he will walk around your hut, rattling his bones - he will get tired of it in three days!
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Yes, and he is greedy. It’s not like he has a chinchilla fur coat - you can’t beg for a dead ring with a diamond!
1 hedgehog grandmother: But what kind of car does he have?
“Cherry Nine” Grannies-hedgehogs as a train behind Koshchei with a steering wheel
His cherry nine drove me completely crazy
His cherry nine completely took away my peace
His cherry nine is honking outside the window again (signal)
When he passes by, the hut shakes.

3 grandma-hedgehog: Look, she rolled her little sponge onto her car
4 Grandma-hedgehog: And I know who the best groom is: both cheerful and agile. One bad thing - the mug didn’t come out!
5 Granny Hedgehog: Are you talking about the Devil, or what? To hell with it! He pokes his nose around everywhere, I'm tired as hell!
Grandma Hedgehog 3: But he is the smartest, he knows how to count
"Accountant" Dance of hedgehogs with the devil
Everyone knows that the devil in the forest is the smartest one here
And we, who are in hell, he knows all of us.
And even though of all of us in the forest he is the noisiest
He’s still the devil with a tail, but so be it.
Oh, little devil, my dear little devil,
That's how it is, so simple
Oh, little devil, my dear little devil
And there will be happiness if there is peace in the soul.

It's with the hell and peace, well, you say
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Eh, there are no decent suitors in our swamp. There is nowhere for us beauties to go!
2 grandmother-hedgehog: But New Year is coming soon...
3 Grandma-hedgehog: And Santa Claus will come to everyone’s Christmas tree...
4 Grandma-hedgehog: So who is the enviable groom!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: And it’s true: generous, respectable and serious
Grandma hedgehog 1: Yes, yes, let’s quickly go look for Santa Claus!
2 grandma-hedgehog: Let's intercept him before he gets stuck on some Christmas tree
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Eh, you’re not in a hurry, it was my idea, which means I’ll get Santa Claus too!
4 grandmother-hedgehog: He needs you badly, I’m much more beautiful!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: And I’m smarter!
Grandma hedgehog 1: I’ll be the first to come running! Arguing, they run away

Music for the exit of the Devil, the Snake-Gorynych and Koshchei “Suit”
Devil: No, did you hear? Things are happening! We are no longer good for them!
Snake: Give them Santa Claus, you see!
Koschey: What didn’t please us?
Damn: We are so smart that our intelligence even sticks out of our heads (points to the horns)!
Snake: And very beautiful, especially my middle head
Koschey: And strong! Oh, just something aches in my bones, know about the frost!
Devil: Speaking of Frost. Let's steal it.
Snake: That's right, we'll remove the competitor, so to speak.
Koschey: Then these idiots will come running to us!
Devil: Go ahead, follow Santa Claus!
Music for the departure of the heroes “Kite”

Indian song "Empty Bamboo"
My hard life stresses me out
I'm always like a parrot
Our tribe is attacking me, stressing me out.
The advice of all the leaders at this meeting is straining
It’s so stressful, you know
Every day they convert from faith to faith, strain
The wife is tense, she asks for scalps again
On a wig that has lost weight.
And the relatives squeeze out all the juices, strain
The work and care of an idiot are stressful
The emptiness is stressful.
And again, whoever comes to our wigwam is annoying
I'm Chingachgook, I'm Chingachgook
I am an Indian empty bamboo
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Hey man, who are you?
2 grandmother-hedgehog: Have you seen Santa Claus?
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Why are you silent?
4 Granny Hedgehog: Are you deaf or what?
5 Granny Hedgehog: Or mute?
1 grandmother-hedgehog: But he’s okay. (flirty)
2 Grandma-hedgehog: Those feathers are so colorful.
3 grandma-hedgehog: Like a parrot.
4 Granny Hedgehog: Let's take a few feathers for souvenirs - we'll stick them in a hat.
Indian: Don't come close, pale-faced wolverines!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: Oh, look, he started talking!
Grandma-hedgehog 1: Dear, didn’t Santa Claus pass by?
Indian: Who are you talking about, pale faces? I know Hawk Claw, I know Hawkeye, I know Light Feather, I don’t know Santa Claus!
2 grandmother-hedgehog: Severe man!
3 Grandma Hedgehog: Hey, feathered one, why are you sitting here?
4 Grandma-hedgehog: Shall we go for a walk?
Indian: Wise Indians do not waste precious time on trifles. Will not go.
5 Granny Hedgehog: Please tell me!
1 hedgehog grandmother: What do wise Indians spend their time on?
Indian: On the days when snow covers the hills and valleys, we smoke a peace pipe and arrange tests of strength, agility, accuracy and speed for our tribe.
2 grandmother-hedgehog: how is it, can we have a look?
Indian: Sit in the corner, pale-faced wolverines, and don’t bother me.

Game: I, the wise leader Chinganchuk the Big Snake, call on the youth of the tribe to take part in the tests. Come up on stage 5 people and introduce yourself to our pale-faced guests. And now your task is to get into the basket as many times as possible with these fruits... (The hedgehog grandmothers comment on the game. All participants are given magical icicles from the Snow Maiden’s retinue)
Indian: Congratulations to the winner! He can now be called the proud name Dead Eye! Be proud of this title! And you, pale-faced wolverines, go your way.
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Oh, just think how proud we are!
4 Grandma-hedgehog: You’re so cool, feathered one!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: It didn’t hurt and I wanted to stay with you!
1 grandmother-hedgehog: You just wasted your time!
2 Grandma-hedgehog: And we still need to look for Santa Claus!
Together: Farewell, feathered...
Indian: Farewell, pale faces.

Music for the entrance of Koshchei, the Devil and the Snake. “If only there was a sea of ​​beer”
Koschey: Well, where have you taken us, three-headed Susanin?
Damn: Three heads - and not one of them thinks!
Koschey: I’m about to get sciatica, I got my feet wet in this swamp!
Kikimora appears
1 Kikimora: Hee hee hee! Who came to our forest kingdom?
Koschey, Snake, Devil (together): Who are you?
Song Kikimor “The Sea is Calling”
Swampy shore, fragrant air,
Big hummocks, sit down with us here on the moss
Sit down with us, because we miss you
And we will put things in order
Tina is calling, the wave is singing
We'll catch leeches for you
Snake: Ugh, what disgusting!
Damn: Forget me! Forget me!
2 Kikimora: Oh, boys, why did you come?
3 Kikimora: For business or for fun?
Snake: To the point, to the point!
Koschey: On an urgent matter!
Damn: We are looking for Santa Claus!
Snake: Have you seen him by any chance?
1 Kikimora: (shows, grimaces). Grandfather?
2 Kikimora: Frost?
3 Kikimora: Is this so old? With a beard like that?
1 Kikimora: And in such a hat? And with a bag?
Snake, Koschey, Devil (together). Yes Yes Yes!
Kikimora: We didn’t see it.
2 Kikimora: Oh, boys, why do you need him?
Snake: That's what we told you!
3 Kikimora: Don’t even say that! Do you want to play?
Koschey: We have no time to play with you!
1 Kikimora: But you have to! Otherwise you won’t get out of the swamp.
Koschey: Yes, we will tear you to pieces!
Snake: Let's breathe fire and burn!
Koschey: So you won’t be able to collect the seeds!
2 Kikimora: Oh, boys, why are you nervous, you can’t even joke!
3 Kikimora: Just in order to get through our sleepy kingdom, we need to stir up our subjects a little.
1 Kikimora: After all, they are all hibernating in winter. So you'll have to dance with us.

Dance of Kikimora with the Snake, Koshchei and the Devil
Snake: Well, have you danced? Tell me now, where is Santa Claus?
2 Kikimora: Oh, boys, didn’t we tell you?
3 Kikimora: We don’t know where he is, Kikimora: we were joking...
Koschey: Oh, you vile liars!
Devil: Yes, we will... Just let me get there!
Snake: Well, hold on!
The Snake, Koschey and the Devil run after the Kikimoras to the music “Communal Apartment” and run away

Music for the entrance of the Snow Maiden with the piglets “Dorozhnaya”
As the music continues:
Snow Maiden: Look how beautiful it is! A castle can be seen in the distance. Knights are prancing around on horses, ladies are waving at them from the windows with white handkerchiefs.
Nif-Nif: Let's quickly come closer and see...
Nuf-Nuf: Isn’t that where our Santa Claus stayed?
(music fades out)
A knight comes out
Knight: I am happy to greet you, oh beautiful Snow Maiden! What roads brought you here? And what are you looking for in our country?
Nif-Nif: Not “what”, but “whom”!
Nuf-Nuf: We've lost Santa Claus!
Knight: Dear Snow Maiden, why do you need Santa Claus? Stay in our fairy tale. You will become the lady of my heart, I will win knightly tournaments in your honor...
Snow Maiden: Yes, yes, brave knight, and I will live in the castle, look from the tower window at the road and wave my handkerchief to you!
Naf-Naf: Hey, hey, stop!
Nif-Nif: Wake up!
Nuf-Nuf: Where are you going?
Naf-Naf: Have you forgotten that we haven’t found your grandfather yet?
Nif-Nif: Frost wanted to warn, but she fell in love with the first person she met!
Nuf-Nuf: Better take him with you, let him protect us on the way.
Naf-Naf: Do you think he will be able to help the lady on the road?
Knight: Do you doubt my knightly qualities? This means you simply don’t know who the real knights are.

Game: I will ask the bravest, strongest and most resourceful guys to come up here. And now there are just as many beauties.
Retinue: Dear friends, we will imagine that our ladies are getting ready to travel. A huge puddle blocks their path! How to walk without getting a wonderful long dress wet? The gentlemen will come to the rescue. They will throw their cloaks at the feet of beautiful ladies or carry them in their arms. Or maybe they'll come up with some other way.
Snow Maiden: You all showed yourself like real knights, for this I will also give you these magic icicles. And you, brave knight, have proven to us that we can rely on you.
Knight: Then let's go!
Music “Road” The Snow Maiden, the piglets and the knight leave (the music fades away)

Hedgehog grandmothers come out
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Oh, girls, where has this taken us?
2 grandmother-hedgehog: Something doesn’t smell like the human spirit.
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Where are the people here?
4 grandmother-hedgehog: And there they come, they are sad about something. Aliens come out and freeze in the middle of the stage.
5 Granny Hedgehog: Let's try to cheer them up
1 grandmother-hedgehog: We grandmothers are cheerful, mischievous, lively, maybe we’ll stir them up.
2 and 5 hedgehog grandmothers: Dedicated to Santa Claus:
Grandmother's song "Still Mine"
You may not respond to love
Don't even let me into my dreams
But there are still some left in the world
Hedgehog grandmothers like us
We'll give Grandpa the witch's herb
2 grandma-hedgehog: Wherever he runs there
Whatever he was doing there
He will still be mine
5 Grandma-hedgehog: She won’t go anywhere, she will fall in love and get married
It will still be mine.

2 grandmother-hedgehog: Are they not having fun?
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Or maybe these aren’t people at all?
2 grandma-hedgehog: (sniffs aliens) I’m telling you, it doesn’t smell like the human spirit.
4 Granny Hedgehog: Let's ask them.
5 Granny Hedgehog: Hey, admit it, where did we end up?
Alien 1: You have arrived on a planet in the Centaurus constellation
1st grandmother-hedgehog: Wow, where our broom mortars have brought us!
2 grandma-hedgehog: It’s all you with your cosmic speed: “Let’s speed it up, otherwise Santa Claus will melt!”...
3 Grandma-hedgehog: So the hard thing has taken us!
4 Grandma-hedgehog: She didn’t bring it, but she took it into space!
Alien 2: These are emotions. They are unnecessary. The inhabitants of our planet are friendly and easy to get in touch with.
Alien 1: We invite you to get to know each other better.
Alien Dance (Turn on flashing lights)

Alien 2: Are you sure that the inhabitants are friendly?
5 Grandma-hedgehog: Yes, of course. Nice guys.
Grandma-hedgehog 1: But we’re not just running around in space.
2 grandmother-hedgehog: We are looking for grooms.
3 grandmother-hedgehog: And among you, forgive me, there are no suitors for us!
4 Grandma Hedgehog: We’ll have to get out of here to look for Santa Claus.
Aliens: And we are with you
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Well, they've stuck it on our heads.
2 grandma-hedgehog: Okay, let’s fly

Music for the exit of the Snow Maiden with the piglets “Road” (music fades out)
Snow Maiden: Oh, where are we?
Nif-Nif: Are we at the New Year's party again?
Snow Maiden: Well, you mascots are letting us down. They promised to find Santa Claus.
Nuf-Nuf: And we will find it. And since our path led us here, it means it’s no coincidence
Naf-Naf: So, this is where we need to look for Santa Claus.

Music of the Devil, the Snake and Koshchei “Oktyabryatskaya-Partisan”
Damn, the Snake and Koshay make a circle around the stage, and Grandmothers-Hedgehogs come out to meet them.
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Oh, look who came!
4 Granny Hedgehog: Oh, the grooms have arrived!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: Why did you come here?
1st grandmother-hedgehog: No way to get married?
Snake: Don't suck up!
Koschey: We don’t want to know you!
Devil: We heard what you said about us, what they called us!
Snake: Insulted!
Koschey: offended!
2 grandmother-hedgehog: You’ll probably offend people like you!
3rd grandmother-hedgehog: What, you decided to take revenge?
4 Grandma-hedgehog: It’s better not to ask, otherwise we’ll be like...
Devil: Yes, we like you...
They run after each other to the music “Greetings from the Big Hangover”

Music is playing.
Santa Claus enters.
"Happy New Year" (Music interrupts)
Santa Claus: What's all the noise, but there's no fight? Who is this quarreling here?
Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, well, finally!
Santa Claus: Hello, granddaughter! What kind of scream are you making? What's happening? All the characters begin to explain in chorus what happened.
Grandfather knocks with his staff.
Santa Claus: Come on, make peace quickly! Can't you see where you've gotten yourself? It’s the New Year’s holiday here, and you’re in chaos: noise, screaming.
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Oh, Santa Claus, what a great fellow you are, you brought order in an instant.
2 Grandma-hedgehog: And you love children!
3 Grandma-hedgehog: And your beard is so beautiful!
4 Granny Hedgehog: And a magic staff!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: Why are you still unmarried?
1 grandmother-hedgehog: Would you marry one of us?
2nd grandmother-hedgehog: Why not an option?
3 Grandma-hedgehog: Uh, I came up with that
4 Grandma-hedgehog: And I’m much more beautiful!
5 Grandma-hedgehog: And I’m smarter!
Grandma hedgehog 1: And I was the first to come running!
Snow Maiden: Don't listen to them, grandfather! The gypsy told me that you need to stay away from all kinds of money!
Santa Claus: Yes, I didn’t intend to, granddaughter. I have no time to deal with this nonsense. The children are waiting. New Year is coming soon. It's time to have fun!
Piglets: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Final song
Positive characters: (Snow Maiden with her retinue, gypsies, piglets, knight, Indian, aliens, Santa Claus)
The New Year is rushing towards us
Everything will happen soon.
What you dream will come true,
Negative characters: (Grandmothers-hedgehogs, Snakes, Koschei, Devil, Kikimoras)
That they will deceive us again and won’t give us anything.
All: The wait won't be long, there will be a Christmas tree soon
There's just little point
If children don't sing a song to Santa Claus
Hi happy new year,
New Year is coming to us
And you can freely expect anything
Negative heroes: For a long time we were looking for that gray-haired old man,
Who takes gifts out of a backpack for children.
Hey, Santa Claus, come out, we were looking for you,
And we expect congratulations from you and so on
Show yourself to us, don't make the kids nervous,
We will shout: “Santa Claus, hey!”
All: New Year is rushing towards us
Everything will happen soon.
What you dream will come true,
No one will be deceived, everyone will be given gifts.
The wait won't be long, there will be a Christmas tree soon
There will be a lot of fun
Because children will still sing a song to Santa Claus.
As the music continues, congratulations from the organizers and an invitation to the disco.

This cool, comic musical parody New Year's scenario for adults about Baba Yaga, which was written especially for the New Year's holiday by modern author Evelina Pizhenko, was really liked by the site. We hope you like it too. Thanks to the author!

BABA YAGA IS NOT AGAINST. New Year's musical parody script (comic and funny)

Summary: Having arrived for the annual gathering, Grandmothers-Hedgehogs plan to arrange a casting with Santa Claus himself. The goal is to finally replace the Snow Maiden, whom they dislike, with one of their own persons. The plan works: having received a blow from the staff, the Snow Maiden becomes enchanted. She immediately decides that she has grown out of “children’s” Christmas trees, leaves Frost halfway and goes to have fun at a nightclub. Taking advantage of her absence, the enterprising Yagushi begin to fool Santa Claus in all ways available to them. But the “faithful” grandfather does not want to accept the “replacement” that has fallen on his head. The “enchanting” Snow Women help him stay true to his interests. They, too, are women... Everything ends as it should be on the New Year - fun and happily.


FATHER FROST. Old workaholic. He doesn’t rest himself, and he doesn’t give it to his granddaughter.

SNOW MAIDEN. Granddaughter of marriageable age. She dreams of performing round dances not in kindergartens, but in nightclubs.

GARPINA DORMIDONTOVNA. The cunning local Baba Yaga. Organizer of the Grandmother Hedgehog Festival.

DUSYANDRA AFINOGENOVNA. A cheerful Baba Yaga from distant lands. Arrived at the festival.

PENELOPA FRANCEVNA. Glamorous Baba Yaga from very distant lands. Arrived at the festival.

1st SNOW MAN. Observant. Loves to gossip.

2nd SNOW MAN. Too talkative. A real find for a spy.

SNOWFLAKES. Ordinary, standard.

Picture one.

Forest, hut. Above the hut is a poster “Greetings to the participants of the Baba Yaga 2017 festival.” On the sides of the stage there are Snow Women with brooms. Garpina looks from under her hand into the sky.

GARPINE. Rock!.. Rock!.. Good to go!.. Myna! Maina!

The sound of an airplane, then the brakes. Dusyandra and Penelope run out onto the stage “in mortars”. One has a stupa with the BMW logo, the other has a MERCEDES logo. They make a circle around the stage, then stop. They crawl out of the mortars. They stretch, straighten their bones.

GARPINA: We've finally arrived, the old clubs! Let's fly!

DUSYANDRA: Let's fly!

PENELOPE: We've arrived - a barrel organ!

GARPINA: Well, then I consider our festival “Baba Yaga 2017” open!

Baba Yagas sing a song.

COMMON SONG OF BABBOK YOZHEK (To the tune of “By Stage” Gr. “Butyrka”)

We've arrived. Gathered among the taiga

Three grandmothers, three girlfriends, three Yagis.

Let's celebrate the festival, let's rock it, let's rock it,

If only we could catch Santa Claus.

We can catch Santa Claus.

There is a stupa, and also a broom.

It's okay if your leg cramps.

There is a bone leg.

Baba Yaga can play pranks.

DUSYANDRA: Listen, Garpina, every year we come to this rally, and every year it’s the same thing: well, we’ve arrived. Well, we ate and drank. Well, we caught some good fellow. Well, we showed off and played cards. The songs started screaming... Then everything is as always: first the three of us will hang out, then we will get bored, let's go look for Leshy... Well, we'll punch him in the face. Or he - to us... Well, boring!

PENELOPE: No glamor!

GARPINA: Well, what other glamor do you want? What kind of prince should I catch?

DUSYANDRA: Fuck them, these princes! They give me heartburn!

PENELOPE. Oh, let's arrange some kind of casting!

GARPINE. Is this still a faq?

DUSYANDRA (interrupts): Who has the worst nose!

PENELOPE. No! For example…

GARPINA (interrupts again): Who has the coolest stupa!

PENELOPE. No! Need something romantic. For example, which of us is the most charming Baba Yaga!

GARPINE. Ugh! I have nothing else to do! Who is there to charm? Goblin? So he has been lying in his den for the third week, enchanted by me!

DUSYANDRA. This is what happened to him?

GARPINE. There's no point in cheating at cards! So I charmed him with a deck to the head.

Grandmas Yozhki laugh loudly.

DUSYANDRA. Well, you have a deck! What kind of cards are these, brick ones, or what?

GARPINE. Not. These are not cards. I got my hands on a stack of firewood!

Grandmother hedgehogs laugh loudly again.

PENELOPE. I protest! And so everyone knows that the most cunning Baba Yaga is you!

DUSYANDRA. The biggest dirty trick on New Year's Eve is to quarrel between Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. But no one has ever succeeded in doing this!

PENELOPE. What's true is true! And they caused damage and did kidnapping...


PENELOPE. Well, kidnapping... Kidnapping children... Well, they stole the Snow Maiden! Nothing succeeded!

GARPINA (thoughtfully): I know one way! (The hedgehog grandmothers stand in a circle, listen carefully, assent). You need to touch the Snow Maiden with the back of Santa Claus's staff, and then she will turn into an ordinary girl! And then it’s a matter of technology!


PENELOPE. And romantic! But how? He doesn’t let go of their hands! And where should we look for it?

GARPINE. Quiet! Every year, at exactly this time, they pass by here! Let's make an ambush! Afinogenovna, you will be instead of bait! Come here! We will transform you! (Waves her hand, points to the chest) So I have the right clothes! Come on, open it!

Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" is playing. The grandmothers rummage through the chest, taking out different things one by one: a police cap, flippers, a helmet. All this is tried on Dusyandra. Finally, they settle on a kokoshnik and a colorful scarf. They put all this on her head, sit her under the tree, and hide themselves.

The music starts again. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear. The Snow Maiden is carrying Grandfather on a sled.

SNOW MAIDEN (stops, wipes sweat from her forehead). Grandfather, how long do we have to go?

SANTA CLAUS (sits on a children's sleigh, legs crossed, holding his staff in his hands). It won't be long now! Five hundred kilometers. The clutch is acting up... We'll have to take a look!

SNOW MAIDEN. I told you, you should have installed an automatic transmission! Oh, grandpa! (Saw Dusyandra) Who else is this?

SANTA CLAUS (Dusyandra). Who are you, beauty?

FATHER FROST. How did you get here, sister Alyonushka?!

DUSYANDRA. Who the hell knows. It would be better if you didn’t ask, but helped him up, old stump.

Music from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” is playing. Santa Claus puts his staff under his armpit and begins to lift Dusyandra. He doesn't succeed - he falls every now and then, gets up again, pulls the headstock, and so on several times. Eventually he falls down next to him and lies there.

DUSYANDRA. Oh! I'm freezing! Raise your bearded refrigerator, or I'll wrap my fins!

Santa Claus rises again and begins to lift Dusyandra again. The Snow Maiden decides to help him. They both don't look back. At this time, Garpina sneaks up from behind, snatches the staff from Santa Claus and hits the Snow Maiden on the head with it. He immediately runs away. Thunder sounds, lights blink. The Snow Maiden stands dumbfounded, then walks away from Grandfather with a “model” gait.

FATHER FROST. Granddaughter, help!

SNOW MAIDEN (Transforms into a naughty girl. Speaks, drawing out her words): Here's another one. She sat down herself, let her get up herself.

DUSYANDRA (to the audience) Looks like it worked!

FATHER FROST. Help, Snow Maiden! It's time for us to go!

SNOW MAIDEN (puts his hands on his hips). It's time for me to go. And you stay!

SANTA CLAUS (surprised). Where are you going?! Without me?!

SNOW MAIDEN. Yeah! Tired of it! Every year it's the same! Go, congratulate, give gifts! And by the way, I’m still young myself! I also want to have a blast!

SANTA CLAUS (menacingly). Where did you pick up such words?!

SNOW MAIDEN. Your kids! You keep giving them balls and balloons, but they’ve been dreaming about something else for a long time!

FATHER FROST. About what?!

The Snow Maiden sings a song. Snowflakes are dancing.

SONG OF THE SNOW MAIDEN. (To the tune of “Go to hell” by Lyubov Uspenskaya)

I don't know who my parents are

But my eyes wouldn’t even see you.

And I can’t find words anymore.

That's it, I'm leaving you.

Get lost, get lost,

Get lost, get lost

You didn't steer me.

Sometimes I shout to you, sometimes I whisper,

Sometimes I shout to you, sometimes I whisper

I say: fuck off.

The full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script.

SANTA CLAUS (compassionately). But you will be lost alone!

SNOW MAIDEN. Who told you that I would be alone? I won't get lost! Ciao-cocoa, grandpa!

The Snow Maiden sits on the sled and is taken away by the Snowflakes. Santa Claus grabs his head.

FATHER FROST. She left! And what about me?! Without a sleigh, without a granddaughter!

DUSYANDRA (gets up and shakes herself off). Don't be afraid, old man, you won't get lost! Do you know how many Snow Maidens there are here in the forest? You will find something for every taste!

FATHER FROST. No! I won't be able to find one like this anymore! (Sits down and clasps his head in his hands.)

DUSYANDRA (pats him on the shoulder). If you find something better, let's go!

Dusyandra takes the sad Moroz into the hut.

1 SNOW MAN (the second one speaks). Did you see what's going on?

2 SNOW MAN. Enchanting!

1 SNOW MAN. This was to be expected!

2 SNOW MAN. Why?

1 SNOW MAN. This Snow Maiden... is painfully young! And for him... He would like someone older, and not a granddaughter at all!