Wooden wedding scenario. Fifth anniversary or wooden wedding 5 years wedding celebration ideas

5 years of marriage or Wooden wedding is first serious milestone and an anniversary in the married life of the spouses. This is a significant date that is worth celebrating on a grand scale with family, friends and loved ones.

The five-year anniversary of the spouses’ marriage symbolizes tree: roots are parents, trunk - themselves spouses, and new branches and leaves are theirs children. It is believed that over five years, the husband and wife overcame many difficulties, learned each other’s character, and smoothed out major misunderstandings. Very often, by this time a family already has children who make the family even stronger.

A tree is also home symbol, This is a warm material that creates a cozy atmosphere. According to tradition, by the age of five years of marriage, a young family should already have acquired their own home and bring their love and comfort into it.

According to statistics, the largest number of divorces occurs precisely in the fifth year of married life, so if you are still together, this is a good sign!

This day needs to be celebrated on a grand scale: invite friends and relatives, gather a nice table and indulge in memories of the pleasant moments of family life and its troubles.
Symbolically celebrate this date in nature, among the trees. If you have a summer house, invite guests there. An important part of the celebration can be planting a new tree, which from this day forward will always symbolize your family. Imagine how pleasant it will be for the spouses to sit in the shade of a tree crown later and remember this day!

What to give for a 5 year anniversary?

Gifts for the fifth anniversary of marriage must certainly be made of wood. Fortunately, stores today offer an abundance of products made from this material.

Gift for husband

It is advisable to choose a gift for your husband based on his interests. For example, if your spouse is into chess, give him a collectible game with wooden pieces. You can choose a gift to suit every taste:

  • ashtray
  • baseball bat
  • cue if your husband is a billiards fan
  • wooden photo frame with a family photo
  • picture in frame

Gift for wife

It is much easier for men to choose a gift for their wife on their five-year anniversary:

  • wooden jewelry (rings, beads, bracelets)
  • caskets
  • paintings
  • figurines

From friends and parents

Relatives will also not have to suffer for long in search of gifts for spouses. You can give wooden dishes, a painting, a chest, furniture and interior items made of wood. A good wooden icon can be a good gift from parents.

In other words, literally anything can be a gift for this anniversary! The main thing is that it is made of wood!

Gifts for a wooden wedding

Congratulations on 5 years of marriage


Visitors to our site have a great opportunity order unique congratulations on your Wedding Day from a professional!

You can order:

  • toasts and congratulations in verse (80 rubles per quatrain);
  • a congratulatory song remade to a well-known tune (800 rubles);
  • scenario for the holiday (price depends on complexity and duration, from 1500 rubles);
  • personalized verse with a declaration of love (80 rubles per quatrain);
  • acrostic (120 rubles per quatrain).

Write to us by email: [email protected]

You lived together for five years.
There was everything: joy, anxiety.
You walked the same path together.
And we want to wish you
Live until the wedding is golden.

Congratulations on your wooden wedding,
We wish you great happiness.
It's easier to live life with love -
Everyone knows about this.
Achieve harmony in life,
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love and advice to you!
Today is your special day -
Your five year anniversary.
So be happy always!
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep the feeling, loyalty, affection,
Don't forget the first meetings.
And the rings that you put on
Make sure you save until the end!
Five years of marriage -
Good holiday, dear.
May the commonwealth of happy souls
Will be your star
So that you don’t come out untalented
Life on the road is not easy
So that the wedding is “wooden”
Has grown to “golden”.
Happiness, joy to you, young people,
And forget the sadness forever!
Like beautiful bouquets of flowers,
You can live your life just as beautifully.

You can also write a text in prose, praise the young family for its achievements (and saving the marriage at this stage is already an achievement), wish for greater mutual understanding and happy, bright days.

Five years ago you took an oath
Walk through life by the hand,
And every day love grows stronger -
You couldn't find a happier couple.

At your wooden wedding
Today we would like to wish
Among problems, adversities and everyday life
Don't lose your love.

We wish you to pass through the years,
Live until the wedding is golden.
And no matter what happens to you,
Walk the road alone!

We decided to congratulate you,
So that you don't forget
What is your family life
It's all about weddings.

You've already worn calico,
Len, they survived the paper,
And today, oddly enough,
The wedding will become wooden.

Even if not the most valuable yet,
But reliable, faithful,
Strong, generous and big.
Live golden until the wedding!

My dears, congratulations on your wooden wedding! So 5 years of marriage have flown by. You managed to show everyone what a strong, happy family means, what it means to overcome obstacles together, no matter what. I wish that your family tree has strong roots, a lush crown and a strong trunk, that the foliage is swayed by a breeze of hope and inspiration, that the rain of good luck and joy fills the branches with new strength and health!

Happy anniversary,
Happy first anniversary,
You have five wonderful years
We became better and wiser.

I want to wish you happiness
So that your family inspires you,
So that love in family life
I was just controlling you.

I wish you strength, patience,
Understanding, ardent passion,
Let them pass by
You have problems and bad weather.

You've been married for five years now,
Anniversary date
May you be in care and prosperity
There will be family life.

May luck never
He will not leave your house,
And love for all the years
They won't cool off towards each other.

Happy wooden wedding to you,
Happy 5th birthday!
How happy you are now!
The choice was made correctly.

May you have another hundred years
Happiness continues
Every moment and every hour
All dreams come true!

The fate of hearts united,
After all, you two have been together for five years!
I wish that life gives
You only have goodness and bright light!

Let everything you want be
Let your hearts beat in unison,
Always fly forward together,
May life be like a sweet dream!

Happy wooden wedding to you,
Happy important anniversary!
You are no longer afraid of the evil eye,
There is no danger of routine.

Five whole happy years
You are next to each other.
Made a vow of fidelity
Love is your reward!

Let comfort reign in the family,
Don't let it be boring
Every day surprises await
The clouds will all disappear.

Have beautiful, bright days
And sleepless nights.
Let the nightingale sing to you
Songs for lovers.

It's not easy for a tree to grow,
Don't break in the wind
It's not easy for people to talk to each other
Get along with love.

But you did it, you did it,
Your marriage has become stronger.
Five years of love from all winds
The family took care of it.

Today we congratulate you
We are with a wooden wedding,
We wish you to keep your love
And don’t lose happiness!

Wooden wedding, simple,
And while it’s not gold at all,
But to live so many years in marriage,
We need to cherish this marriage!

You have walked this path almost worthily,
And in general they looked decent,
And lovingly, we understood each other,
At least sometimes they offended me!

Let there be only happiness ahead,
Hug tighter in bad weather,
May love help you in everything,
And the Lord protects from troubles!

Since the family was born,
Five very interesting years have already passed.
It was all there: romance, breakfast in bed,
Walking in the heat and snowstorms in winter.

But there were events of a different plan -
Whims and quarrels, where would we be without them?
After all, everyone has a few flaws.
It doesn't matter if it's the bride or the groom.

But we did it! Glory to the wonderful cell!
If only you could live together for seventy-five years,
So that later sitting next to you on a bench,
In the evenings you could count your grandchildren.

Text Natalya Gaiduk

The tradition of celebrating the fifth anniversary of marriage is one of the first in the celebration of marriage anniversaries. It appeared in Southern Germany. In those days, it was mandatory to have the same guests present as 5 years ago and repeat the wedding scenario, but in a humorous manner. In Slavic countries, a “princely table” was adopted for the fifth anniversary: ​​a wooden wedding was celebrated on a grand scale, and the tradition of organizing a magnificent first anniversary has remained to this day.

A 5-year wedding anniversary provides for every possible inclusion of a tree in the celebration. This happens because it is believed that in 5 years a family has time to “take root”, acquire offspring and, under good circumstances, build a house.

3 traditions of a wooden wedding

It is customary to celebrate a family’s fifth birthday on a grand scale, even if all previous anniversaries took place in private in a romantic setting. All close relatives and friends should congratulate you on your wooden wedding. Moreover, an ordinary feast is not enough: there are established traditions of celebrating the first anniversary of the family.

On the anniversary day, you must perform at least one of the rituals:

  • To plant a tree. This option is suitable for anniversaries in the warm season and provided that the family or parents live in their own home, because the tree must grow on “its” land: it must be looked after and taken care of. The type of seedling matters: oak is planted as a symbol of reliability and longevity, maple attracts wealth to the family, birch symbolizes fertility, and fruit trees are responsible for a strong bond between parents and children. If there is no suitable site, there is no need to despair! An option adapted to modern realities is to transplant a houseplant into a new pot.

  • A jointly made object made of wood. If a man has sufficient skills, he can put together some piece of furniture or craft. And the wife should varnish it or start decorating the product - joint work brings the spouses very close!

  • Throw a wreath into the river or tie colored ribbons on trees, depending on the season. This ancient tradition is very close to the Slavs. It’s nice and romantic to go for a walk in the forest or park, choose trees that both spouses like and tie 5 ribbons on them according to the number of years spent together.

Wooden wedding scenario

When all traditions are observed, you can think about a traditional feast. There are no restrictions on where it will be held - congratulations on a wooden wedding are accepted both at home and in a restaurant. But it is better if this place is closer to nature.

In the summer you can have a picnic in the forest or at the dacha, and in cold weather you can rent a cottage on the outskirts of a village or on a farm.

When there is no opportunity to go into nature, you can choose a restaurant or cafe decorated in eco-style or use wood in the decor of a banquet. Serving dishes on wooden cuts is at the peak of popularity. If this option is too extravagant, ordinary wooden utensils will do.

If the celebrants decide to celebrate their anniversary at home, a suitable gift for a wooden wedding, which should be made in advance, is a table made of solid wood. All the people dear to the family will comfortably sit behind it on this holiday and all subsequent ones.

You need to think about outfits for yourself and your guests. It is better if they are in green and brown “natural” tones. Girls can decorate their hair with flowers or wreaths.

When decorating a room or site, the best option is to hang family photographs in wooden frames everywhere. On the fifth wedding anniversary, it is also customary to hang tree branches decorated with ribbons. Any design concept will do, as long as it includes wooden objects.

What to give for a wooden wedding

Wooden gifts for 5 wedding years are a mandatory attribute of the holiday, both from guests and from each other. A gift for a husband for a wooden wedding does not have to be something valuable or practical; it must, firstly, be made of wood, and secondly, remind the spouse of the five-year anniversary. This also applies to congratulations to your wife on a wooden wedding. An original gift would be a photo shoot in the forest on the wedding day or the day before. In any season, forest landscapes are an excellent backdrop for romantic photos and your love story.

What to give to friends for a wooden wedding is a particularly pressing question before the anniversary. Instead of traditional flowers, present a potted tree, such as a bonsai or tangerine tree. It is desirable that the gift be useful in everyday life. Wooden utensils, cutting boards, decorative items, and wooden massagers are suitable. For a more fundamental gift, pieces of furniture that are missing in the spouses’ home are suitable.

What gifts are given to friends for a wooden wedding depends on the character of the giver and the spouses themselves. The main thing is that the gift is made of wood or contains a reference, and is selected with soul.

June 4, 2017

It is generally accepted that marriages are created in Heaven and celebrated on Earth. It seems that the holiday was recently, but 5 years of marriage have already passed. What kind of wedding, what to give for an anniversary and how to give a gift are questions that mislead every person. That's why five years of marriage It is considered to be a grandiose event in every family.

Each wedding anniversary has its own symbol, which personifies the strength of the spouses’ union and family relationships. People often wonder: what kind of wedding is this if you’ve been married for 5 years?

According to traditions, the married couple has already taken root like a tree, firmly established itself on the ground, and blossomed into leaves. The tree can rightfully be considered symbol of family and love. Where the strong roots are - the parents, the trunk - the young spouses. And the fragile branches and leaves are a new generation, gradually gaining confidence and stability in life.

The family is already firmly on its feet, but is still young. Just as frost and wind are not terrible for a tree, so misunderstandings and quarrels cannot destroy the union of love.

Over the years, the tree grows, becomes wiser and stronger, and the family hearth expands and blossoms. Wood is popularly considered a warm and durable material, symbol of home, peace and comfort. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' churches and huts were built from this rich material, the smell of which calms and relieves stress.

Before you decide on a gift for your 5th wedding anniversary, what kind of wedding and how to congratulate you correctly, you need to carefully think through the whole process in advance. Of course, attention should be paid to products made from natural wood.

A wedding anniversary is an event that is usually celebrated on a grand scale, and congratulations should be appropriate. The following tips will help you decide what to give your parents for 5 years of marriage:

  • A table in an expensive restaurant will create a unique atmosphere of love and romance that will be remembered for many years.
  • Now there are many interesting souvenirs made of natural wood, which can be presented as a symbol of love, health and a strong marriage.
  • Furnishing an apartment with furniture will not only please the spouses, but will create coziness and comfort in the room for many years.
  • A gift in the form of a holiday abroad by the sea is the best surprise, the joy from which cannot be hidden.
  • Many spouses have memorable places where the first meeting took place, where the first flowers were given. By organizing a secret meeting of spouses, you can see the joy and love in their eyes.

What to give to friends for their 5th wedding anniversary

Choosing a gift is always an unusual and interesting activity. Complete freedom of imagination and thoughts is provided, and the mood of loved ones depends on a competent decision. A coffee table, a wall clock with a wooden frame, a flower stand and a handmade craft made from natural wood will harmoniously combine with the interior.

A decorative box, vase and wine jug will dispel doubts about what to give as a wedding gift to friends for 5 years. If there are children in the family, then you can make a surprise in the form of a wooden horse. Paying attention to the child and happiness in children's eyes will be a wonderful gift for parents.

As inexpensive gifts, it is recommended to choose beautiful photo frames, paintings by great artists, a board game stand or natural tableware. An excellent option that emphasizes symbolism and good luck in the house, is a horseshoe made of natural material.

When the 5th wedding anniversary arrives, what wedding can do without jokes and fun. A sense of humor has never let a person down and helps to find the right solution in all situations. Friends will accept hangers, a chair, a rolling pin or a wooden spoon as a gift with a smile. If you have a country house, a birdhouse, a voluminous decorative vase or mill, as well as a dog house will be perfect. The ideal gift that will delight spouses is a minibar made made of natural wood. For a greater impression, you can fill it with the favorite drinks of the heroes of the occasion.

First anniversary year of marriage accepted celebrate in a special way. As a rule, women are more likely to create surprises during pleasant moments. And they try to take seriously what to give their husband from his wife. Not every loving wife manages to present funny congratulations to her husband on his 5th wedding anniversary. But if you show your imagination, you can decorate any family holiday.

For a man, a wedding is an important moment in life, the day of which will be remembered every year with a smile and pleasant impressions. An ordinary serious congratulation will not always bring pleasure. Comic gifts have a more significant and special meaning. An interesting and rather original gift would be a certificate, according to which the husband undertakes to give his wife flowers every day and follow all instructions: bring coffee to bed in the morning, kiss every time they meet in the apartment, cook dinner and constantly throw out the trash.

You can make many objects from wood. The husband is the breadwinner and head of the family. As a gift, you can give a bow and arrows or a wooden pistol, which will help in obtaining food and protecting the family hearth. A man with dignity and humor will appreciate the original surprise. A shield with a sword will not hurt the defender. Now the man is fully armed and ready to withstand attacks from the outside.

In the lives of spouses, the family budget occupies an important place, for which the man in the house is responsible. To ensure your savings never run out, a wooden piggy bank is ideal as a gift. Or miniature safes, divided into two halves with the inscriptions “husband” and “wife”. The essence of the surprise is that the man must throw his savings into his wife’s department.

  • set of wooden tools;
  • board games (chess, backgammon);
  • bath accessories;
  • notebooks with a gift cover made of wood;
  • wooden spoons with patterns;
  • smoking pipe.

A man should not forget that he is married man with experience, so you can order a T-shirt with the word “busy” written on it.

Women are the beautiful half of humanity, which deserves the best gifts and tender words. A man should think in advance about what to give his wife for 5 years of family life. Over the course of a long time, a lot of things have accumulated in the house, but not a single woman will refuse another intriguing gift.

Products made from expensive wood – mahogany – are considered valuable and worthwhile gifts. Wives love changes in the apartment, so new furniture made from natural material would be a good gift. Such attention will come as a surprise and will bring comfort and coziness.

Representatives of the fair sex have always been not indifferent to jewelry. A rich necklace made of natural wood would be an excellent gift. If a woman prefers products with natural stones, then the decoration can be pack in a wooden box.

The most popular anniversary gifts are:

  • Furniture for kitchen;
  • kitchen wooden utensils;
  • photo frames or collage;
  • funny souvenirs;
  • jewelry, earrings, bracelets;
  • set of dishes.

Many wives love to engage in indoor floriculture. An originally presented tree in a pot, as a symbol of a strong family, is the most touching and romantic gift from a man.

When going to a celebration, guests should definitely choose a symbolic gift that, after many years, will serve as a pleasant memory of an important date. It is traditional to pay attention to the beautiful design and a card with a touching congratulation. Both spouses must be congratulated, presenting a gift to the husband, which the wife will unwrap. In the winter season, instead of flowers, a bouquet of fir branches with cones will perfectly lift your spirits.

To choose cool congratulations for your 5th wedding anniversary, you need to be patient and resourceful. A rolling pin with the words “advice and love” written on it is a common and fun gift. It is given not for the purpose of improving girls’ culinary abilities, but as a regulator of family relationships.

Wedding photos do not leave the digital world. Therefore, you can help the heroes of the occasion remember the funniest captured moment on their wedding day, and print it on canvas in an original wooden frame. Such a masterpiece will decorate your interior and will remind you of a wonderful day every day.

5th wedding anniversary statuses with jokes for classmates and more

A wedding is a joyful and interesting event. Original statuses on social networks can only complement wedding photos. Remembering the wonderful wedding day, there is a desire to set statuses for the 5th wedding anniversary with a joke for classmates. And not only to remind you of the anniversary, but also to lift your spirits.

It is not at all necessary to write poetry and eloquent congratulations. Statuses in the form of cool expressions and phrases will instantly lift the spirits of those celebrating the anniversary. It has been proven that comic wishes are remembered longer, rather than solid words.

You can congratulate classmates with cool and unique statuses that will be appreciated:

  • “There were women who dreamed of living in his thoughts and heart, of staying in bed. And I’ve been living in his passport for five years!”;
  • “We’ve been together for five years already! What is the secret to a happy marriage? Do what your wife says";
  • “Girls, don’t look for a wonderful man! He’s been living with me for five years now”;
  • “In family life, after five years, everything is divided equally: for men - shaving foam and shower gel. And for women – a fur coat and a holiday at sea”;
  • “A wooden wedding is a significant time, and a tree is a symbol of strong relationships and love that do not drown in water, but fire is still dangerous. Spouses, be careful! Don’t light a big fire in the forest!”

A wedding anniversary is a significant day not only for spouses, but also for close friends and relatives. Congratulations and gifts, love and attention on your anniversary day will bring joy and leave the warmest impressions. Tree as a symbol of five years of marriage

After five years of marriage, the first serious anniversary comes to the house of the young spouses -. The symbol of the holiday is much stronger than those that marked previous anniversaries - chintz, paper, linen, wax. An original wooden wedding scenario with fun competitions, interesting games, tasks, and beautiful congratulations will help you celebrate your anniversary.

Preparing for the celebration

Organizing a wooden wedding anniversary is a responsible task that should be entrusted to the closest people or real professionals in their field. In order for the wooden celebration to go perfectly and be remembered for a long time by the guests present, it is necessary to take into account all the little things and show attention to detail. Invitation cards sent to relatives, friends, the color of the tablecloth at a banquet - everything should correspond to a single concept.

To make the wooden holiday beautiful, all guests should follow the dress code, for example, dress up in a suit or dress in brown shades, have something wooden with them - rosary beads, beads, cufflinks, and other accessories. Let the event participants be met by a druid, a forest fairy, or another character associated with life in the forest - this will help the organizers create a real fairy tale at a wooden wedding.

Decorations for the venue

The event can be organized in a warm home environment or out into the countryside, weather permitting. The decoration of the place depends on where the wooden wedding will be held:

  • Outdoors. For an away anniversary, a wooden dacha, an estate owned by the celebrants or rented is perfect. In this case, the main decoration will be nature, which perfectly matches the concept of a wooden wedding. All kinds of rustic decorative elements - rustic things - are suitable. These are coarse burlap fabric, wood, tin dishes, wild flowers, old grandmother's things. Such a celebration will be cozy and will delight everyone with its unique warm atmosphere.

See what an ideal rustic style decoration looks like at a wedding celebration:

  • At home or in a restaurant. Especially in winter, when the temperature reaches its lowest levels, it is important to organize a warm wooden celebration that will symbolize the love of the spouses, the warmth of their family hearth. Decor elements that are ideal for a wooden wedding: tables, wooden chairs, wooden walls, warm beige, cream, brown colors present in all accessories. Natural decorations are also suitable - beautiful fir cones, twigs, dried flowers.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Music for a wooden wedding includes songs with folk and other wooden instruments (balalaika, guitar, violin, flute, cymbals). You can download similar compositions from websites or call a musical team that will give the holiday a fresh sound. Guests will be able to dance properly to the cheerful, fast folk rhythms. Musicians can also perform calmer tunes that will accompany cozy conversations at the table.

Scenario for a wooden wedding

Below is a wedding anniversary scenario. The bride's friends, her mother, other relatives or a professional toastmaster can play the role of host.

The guests gather and take their places. Participants in the process of celebrating a five-year wedding anniversary hand out wooden spoons to guests; the husband and wife are not yet at the celebration. The presenter begins to speak:

– Hello, dear friends, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents! A wonderful day has come - the fifth year since the marriage of the beautiful (Name of the bride) and (Name of the groom). We all sincerely love this couple, so let's all call them together, knock the spoons!

The host’s assistant plays a cheerful folk song, the guests knock dishes, the newlyweds come out, the host continues:

– Hello, our beloved heroes of the day! For five whole years now, you have been a wonderful example of pure, beautiful love for us. We sincerely wish for a union as strong as a tree, so that your souls are intertwined with roots, and your age is as long as that of forest oaks. And now, dear heroes of the day, it’s time for you to congratulate each other on the significant date of your fifth anniversary!

– Beloved (Name of the bride), for so many years now I can’t think about anyone but you. Days, months, years pass, and my love only grows and strengthens. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

– Dear (Name of the groom), I see that every day we are becoming better, and our marriage is stronger. Even if there are minor quarrels and troubles, all this does not matter when I am with you. I love you!

The host calls for applause, the guests shout Gorko!, the spouses kiss. Then the presenter continues:

– Well, it was not for nothing that the tree became a symbol of the fifth year of the couple’s life. This is the first durable material in the symbolism of wedding anniversaries, which means your family has become truly strong. Wooden objects create coziness, and you can’t find a modern home without wooden furniture: we throw firewood in the fireplace to keep it warm during the cold winter, and food tastes better in wooden bowls than in glass ones. Our guests have prepared gifts for you that contain this unique material – wood.

There is a ceremonial presentation of gifts for the wooden wedding from the guests. After this there is a cool competition that will entertain those present:

– Dear guests, we see before us a wonderful couple who are only at the beginning of their long journey, despite the fact that they have already spent so much time together. Let's hold an interesting competition between you that will express your attitude towards the couple! Divide into several teams, and then say epithets that suit our wonderful spouses.

Guests are divided into two to four teams, depending on the number, and call out the words in turn. The condition of the competition is to come up with a compliment-epithet in two seconds. A team that misses its time is eliminated. The last team left wins. The host gives small prizes to the winning guests: natural soaps, wooden figurines or candies.

– Congratulations to the winning team!

The presenter applauds and makes a toast:

– Now let’s raise a glass to the wooden celebrants, because everything that the guests said about them is true!

The guests drink, say congratulations, and communicate with the heroes of the day. After a long pause, the presenter says:

-Dear birthday people! Yes, yes, birthday people, because we are celebrating nothing more than your family’s birthday, already the fifth in a row. We see how much you love each other, how you support each other from the very day of your wedding. Show us this again, because it’s not a sin to learn this again! (Bride's name), here's a paper napkin. You need to tear it without using your hands.

The wife tears the napkin.

-And now you, dear husband, need to find a way to glue it together.

The husband puts the napkin together, gluing the parts with improvised means. Even a small amount of salad dressing is suitable as glue for such a light material. The presenter says:

– I see that you are truly an amazingly understanding couple who will always come to each other’s aid. We wish you, our dear heroes of the day, a wooden wedding, never tear anything, so that you don’t have to glue it together! Bitterly!

The spouses kiss, and the presenter's assistants bring balloons equal to the number of guests into the hall.

–The official part of the wooden wedding event is coming to an end. Here is the last gift for you, the fortune teller balls. You need to pop the balloon and read the contents of the note that will determine your future! Dear heroes of the day, be happy. Honorable guests, continue to delight the birthday people with toasts and congratulations!

The host returns to the guests, cheerful music sounds, the guests burst the balloons, and the celebration continues.

Competitions for 5 years of married life

Play several original competitions during your wooden wedding celebration:

  • Lumberjack This competition is held outdoors. Participants need to cut the maximum number of logs for a while. The one who manages to chop the most in 5 minutes wins.

  • Wooden songs. The organizers need to find backing tracks of songs that mention trees, and then play 4-8 songs for each team. Those who recognize the melody faster, starting to sing along, win.
  • Collect a matryoshka doll. A competition for a temporary wooden wedding is held for bachelors or currently childless men. The presenter mixes three or four sets of wooden nesting dolls in the basket, the participants stand around the basket, the start is announced: in a minute the men must try to assemble the entire doll. The winner is the one who assembled the toy first, or who correctly folded the most nesting dolls.
  • Men's dance competition. The presenter gives the male participants long skirts, scarves on their heads and in their hands. In five minutes, they need to split into two teams, change clothes, and discuss what the dance moves will be. In this dance battle, the team that manages to make the guests laugh or surprise the most wins.

We should also touch upon the topic of prizes at a wooden wedding. These are small souvenirs that the presenters will give out to guests after winning competitions. Prizes can be symbolic, for example, candy, or more expensive souvenirs - wooden figurines, medals, bottles of delicious wine.

Advantages of celebrating a wooden wedding at home and outdoors

For those who have not decided where to hold a wooden wedding, a short list of advantages has been compiled during a celebration outdoors and at home.