How is the non-solemn registration of marriage carried out at the registry office? A wedding without a banquet, tips and ideas for holding it with photos. How a wedding goes without a celebration.

A wedding is a special celebration that requires considerable expenses. Modern newlyweds try to approach its organization with more and more pragmatism every year, as a result of which the usual holiday scenarios change. One of these popular innovations has become a wedding without a banquet, which can be organized with significant budget savings, but without harm to the holiday. The main thing is to approach preparation correctly and carefully consider an alternative scenario.

To be or not to be a banquet - reasons for refusing a big banquet

Despite the fact that a wedding is considered a holiday of two people who love each other, who want to unite their destinies, and which their relatives come to share with them, sometimes it seems that everything is done more for the guests. The date is chosen so that everyone is present; time and place - so that everyone can get there; restaurant, menu - in order to please everyone, a toastmaster is invited - so that the guests do not get bored.

The bride and groom are left with only their wedding outfits, and they often choose according to the principle “so that it’s better than what their cousin had” or “so that everyone likes it.” Only those invited can have a lot of fun and relax, since constant preparations and control remain on the shoulders of the newlyweds, who by the end of the evening no longer want anything. Therefore, a wedding without a banquet is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to make the celebration more focused on the newlyweds.

But, even taking into account the positive aspects of such a scenario, the reduction in the hassle of organizing, many couples find it difficult to abandon established traditions and offend guests with their decision, ultimately ruining the entire holiday.

There are other reasons for making a decision besides the implied rationality, for example:

  • lack of money to organize a decent table - it’s better to give it up altogether than to seat people at half-empty tables or feed them low-quality products;
  • little time for preparation: there is no opportunity to book a room, discuss the menu or prepare treats;
  • the obviousness of the fact that the banquet will not pay for itself, which can cause discomfort both for the newlyweds and for the guests themselves, who cannot give a more valuable gift;
  • the desire of the newlyweds to make a wedding for themselves, and not for relatives. For example, a couple may decide to celebrate with the goal of spending the money they save on their honeymoon.
  • the desire to spend this special day only together or in a very small circle of friends.

There is no fundamental difference in the reason why the newlyweds decide to hold a wedding in this format - it is their holiday. You should not be afraid of all sorts of expected reactions from the invited people - family and friends will always support and understand, and the opinions of strangers do not matter.

Wedding scenarios without a banquet

In our minds, the concepts of “wedding” and “banquet” are for the most part inseparable from each other. Therefore, it is difficult for most newlyweds to even imagine how a wedding will take place without a celebration. A wedding day without a large-scale celebration does not change much, especially its first half. Traditionally, the day begins with the preparation of the newlyweds - they dress up, shoot a video of the morning preparations, and if the start time of registration at the registry office allows, you can conduct a ransom ceremony, then go to the painting.

After the end of the formal part, the usual schedule of the wedding day can be changed.

There are several options here depending on further developments:

  • if the couple plans to visit only the registry office, the guests then go home, and the newlyweds go on their honeymoon, then it will be quite enough to organize a symbolic celebration with champagne in a separate room of the registry office, which will not take more than half an hour;
  • if, after the painting, the newlyweds plan to have a joint walk and photo shoot with friends, then they will have to take more careful care of the guests. For example, you can organize a small buffet in a separate room of the registry office or order it in a cafe nearby. If the weather permits, you can also resort to the services of catering companies and prepare a buffet outdoors. When everyone has satisfied their hunger, you can go for a walk with new strength;
  • As an idea for a celebration without a restaurant, you can use the traditional scenario of a European wedding. Then, after the ceremony at the registry office, the newlyweds and their guests go for a short walk combined with a photo shoot, and then a reception is expected. In essence, this is the same banquet, but on a much smaller scale. It lasts no more than a couple of hours, self-service is assumed or several waiters are invited. All guests are located where it is convenient for them, move around, and communicate. With this format, there is no need for a toastmaster, and live music can serve as the background for the celebration. At the end of the reception, the guests leave, and the newlyweds go on their honeymoon.

In continuation of the wedding day, even without planning a festive banquet, a lot of different options are possible - walks in the parks, excursions to castles, staged photo shoots, outdoor recreation, etc. The main idea of ​​​​organizing a successful scenario is when creating a holiday for yourself, you should also not forget about the guests , their needs and mood, otherwise the reviews of a wedding without a banquet will definitely not be positive.

Wedding evening

The festive banquet accounts for not only a significant part of the wedding budget, but a good half of the entire celebration. Replacing it with a walk into the night or finishing all the celebrations by lunchtime does not seem to be a very attractive prospect. Therefore, newlyweds should think about how to spend the evening after the wedding. In this matter, there are only two generalized options within which a variety of ideas can be implemented:

  • spend the evening alone for the bride and groom;
  • continue the celebration with guests, but not in a banquet format.

For an evening for two, you can implement small romantic ideas, for example, book a table at your favorite (or most expensive) restaurant, rent a hotel room, go on an evening boat ride or book a flight on a private jet. Couples who prefer extreme sports can jump from a parachute or fly in a hot air balloon together. In general, make yourself a love holiday.

For those who do not want to quickly part with their guests, you can think about going with them to the dacha, having an evening around the fire, or young people can also visit a nightclub. Last but not least, there may also be the option of having a festive dinner at home with loved ones.

Saving or reallocating funds

As noted earlier, ideas for organizing weddings without banquets began to appear largely due to the newlyweds’ lack of money for them or due to the desire to save the family budget. Often these decisions pay off.

The average ranges from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles per guest. At the same time, the average size of a cash gift is about 2-3 thousand rubles.

At modern prices, only a banquet with minimum orders can pay off, and its absence is guaranteed to save the newlyweds a considerable amount. And then, this is only if these budget funds are not “redirected” to other “needs” (travel, romantic evening or extreme vacation). Congratulations to guests are not canceled in the absence of a banquet. But how the newlyweds decide to use the money saved at the banquet determines how rational this decision will be.

Any wedding requires financial expenses. Therefore, now many newlyweds are trying to approach the organization of the celebration more rationally. In this regard, holiday scenarios that are familiar to everyone may often change.

Ideas and script

When the word “wedding” is mentioned, many people immediately think of a “lavish gala dinner.” For us, these concepts are no longer separable. That’s why many newlyweds cannot imagine how to have a wedding without a banquet.

But in fact, if you cancel the magnificent banquet, the wedding celebration will remain virtually unchanged. Especially its first part, which includes the moments of getting ready for the newlyweds, the morning of the bride, the meeting, the bride's ransom (if it is implied by the script), a walk before and/or after the painting in the registry office and photo sessions with guests. This part of the celebration is always similar and follows the same schedule. And only after the end of the official registration ceremony the day's schedule can change.

And it is at this stage that different options for the development of wedding events are possible: if after registration the newlyweds want to immediately go on a trip, then you can simply arrange a small celebration with champagne and sweets. However, if the newlyweds still plan to take photographs and walk with guests, in this case it is necessary to prepare more carefully.

If your wedding is taking place without a cafe, then organize a small buffet at the registration site (if it is offsite) or in a separate room of the registry office. If the weather is good (this is especially true for summer ceremonies), you can arrange a celebration with a buffet in nature, and only then everyone can go for a walk together.

In addition, a traditional European wedding scenario, which usually only includes a painting at the registry office and a small dinner with guests, may be a good idea. In this case, dinner is the same banquet, but on a much smaller scale, without long sitting at the table, a series of artists and long toasts. As a rule, after painting the newlyweds and a small buffet, guests simply go dancing with cocktails.

With this holiday scenario, there is no need for a wedding host and a luxurious feast. It is enough to invite musicians who will brighten up the evening with their performance and create the mood.

In addition, if your wedding is taking place without a restaurant, then another idea to continue the evening could be a joint photo shoot of the newlyweds with the guests. This can be shooting outdoors or in the studio - at your discretion. The main thing is not to forget that you are creating a holiday not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. Therefore, take into account their wishes and interests.

Plans for the evening

If you decide to hold your celebration in the European style and you have a question about how to have a wedding without a banquet and not end the celebration at lunchtime, in this case there are two most acceptable options.

First. Organize a wedding evening for two and realize some of your own romantic ideas. For example, book a table in your favorite cafe, rent a country house or rent a hotel room. If your wedding is in the summer, you can go for a trip on a river boat or yacht. Walk around the city in the evening, take photos... In a word, treat yourself to a real holiday for two, filled with romance and love.

Second. If you don’t plan to part with your guests, then you can all go out of town together, rent a cottage, and relax there with a large group. You can also go to a club and dance your heart out. For a summer wedding and if the weather cooperates, have a beach party with songs around the fire.

The main thing is that both you and your guests remember this day and the evening that follows only on the positive side.

If the thought of a noisy wedding does not make you happy at all, and you were happy to spend the money needed for the holiday on something useful or on a romantic trip for two, then a simplified procedure is for you. More and more couples are coming to the conclusion that it is not necessary to start the holiday at the registry office, observing all the traditions, and it is better to celebrate the event in a sincere, intimate atmosphere.

Non-ceremonial registration is much faster than traditional registration - it rarely lasts more than 15 minutes, but regular registration will take at least half an hour. The queue for the simplified procedure is shorter, and this is often very important when.

Simple registration requires practically nothing - neither, nor, nor a bouquet or rings, nor other mandatory wedding attributes. You can only come to it together. Moreover, in some registry offices, guests, even the closest relatives and parents, will not be allowed into the office where the painting is taking place.

You will quickly receive the necessary documents with stamps and will be able to celebrate the way you want - at an outdoor ceremony, banquet or honeymoon. At the non-ceremonial ceremony, no speeches will be read to you, except for a very brief congratulations, there will be no poetry or music, and it will not take place in a decorated large hall, but in an ordinary office.

Do you need witnesses for a non-ceremonial painting? No, their presence is not necessary, because they are not required to sign in the book, but no one can forbid you to bring your two best friends to the registry office.

Important! The simplified procedure is carried out only in regional registry offices. Due to their specific nature, Wedding Palaces do not provide such a service. Only lavish ceremonial events are held there.

How it differs from a formal one: pros and cons

Among the objective advantages of the simplified ceremony are:

  • budget, you will have to spend money exclusively on state fees;
  • efficiency– just 15 minutes and you are already married;
  • the ability to reschedule the celebration itself to any day and arrange an on-site registration in a beautiful place in nature, a banquet in a cozy restaurant or go on a trip;
  • lack of regulations by appearance or the presence of accessories (you can even do without rings);
  • no complications with accommodation for guests if you are not getting married in your hometown;
  • informality, if for some reason you don’t like traditional wedding fuss.

However, it cannot be said that a non-ceremonial ceremony is without its disadvantages:

  • many newlyweds lack the touchingness of the moment; the procedure seems too formal, crumpled, and uninteresting;
  • elderly conservative relatives will definitely not approve of this option;
  • and other acquaintances may begin to whisper about the reasons for the lack of a magnificent celebration;
  • lovely traditions, gifts, congratulations - all this will also be cut down, but only if you do not plan to organize a celebration for friends and relatives later.

If you want the painting procedure to be seen by all your loved ones, the event will be surrounded by festive surroundings, music, the registry office employees will say prepared congratulations, and the bride and groom will look like in the picture, then it is better to choose a solemn option.

If you prefer warm words from loved ones rather than from strangers, do not want formalities, do not perceive the registry office as a place where you can sincerely have fun, or are simply going to save money and time, then your option is a simplified procedure.

How does it work at the registry office?

Unlike the formal ceremony, such registration takes place not in a decorated hall, but in an ordinary office, and is more reminiscent of concluding a business agreement:

  1. The couple arrives at the appointed time and gives their passports to the employee;
  2. He checks the relevance of the data and prints out a form with a registration act - a special document with a unique number that will be stored in the registry office;
  3. Then, in some units, a short congratulatory speech is given;
  4. The bride and groom are asked a question about consent. If the answers are positive, a stamp is placed in both passports, as well as on the registration form. Brides who change their last name receive another note on the first page of their passport - stating that the document must be replaced within a month;
  5. Next, you need to put signatures: the head of the registry office - on the form, and the newlyweds - in the registration book;
  6. Newlyweds receive a completed marriage certificate and their passports.

Registration ends here, and the rest of the celebration is no longer regulated, but it is held behind the walls of the registry office.

Advice! If you plan to meet with relatives and friends after the painting, remember that by law, drinking alcoholic beverages near government institutions is prohibited, and the traditional glass of champagne, unfortunately, is no exception. So it’s better to wait for seating in cars, or even better, for a banquet in a restaurant.


For the painting itself, you will only need your passports. Just in case, you can bring a copy of the receipt for payment of the state fee, but since you already submitted it when submitting the application, it is unlikely to be needed.


The ceremony is scheduled for a free date, one month after submitting the application. If necessary, the period can be increased to two months.

Usually these days are from Thursday to Sunday - the least busy days in the registry offices. If necessary or if you choose a date a couple of months in advance, you can agree on another day.


The painting procedure itself is free, but you are required to pay a state fee of 350 rubles. Moreover, you pay it once, for a couple, and not each separately.

The fee is paid in advance at a Sberbank branch or online using a card. The receipt is included in the package of documents that must be submitted along with the application. It is not necessary to bring it to the painting itself.

Is there a difference in filing an application?

Legally, a non-solemn ceremony is no different from a solemn one. You also submit an application and. The application form is issued at the registry office or can be found and printed from the Internet.

The form must be filled out legibly and neatly with a blue or black pen. Errors in the data will lead to documents being invalidated and will force you to go through the entire procedure again, which means a loss of time.

In addition to the application, the package of documents includes:

  • passports or other identification documents (military ID, diplomatic passport, driver's license);
  • for those who remarry - a document on the dissolution of the previous marriage;
  • a receipt for payment of a fee in the amount of 350 rubles (one per couple of newlyweds);
  • if one of the future spouses is under 18 years old, then a document certifying the possibility of this marriage (permission of parents or guardians);
  • If you are getting married to a foreigner, you will need a visa confirming the legality of your stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as a notarized translation of documents confirming that there are no reasons preventing your wedding.

Interesting! Only one of the young people can submit a personal application, bringing both packages of documents along with a notarized permission from the second. But registration itself requires the presence of both spouses.

Through State Services

You can do it in person at the branch of your choice or online on the State Services website. To do this, you need to register on it, select the tab about registering relationships, and then follow the instructions:

  • choose a suitable registry office;
  • date, time;
  • enter personal data;
  • pay the state fee.

Submitting an application online allows you to sign up six months in advance, but does not allow you to indicate that you are choosing a non-celebratory ceremony. Therefore, closer to the point, you still need to visit the registry office and warn employees about the simplified ceremony.

Public services are provided online 24 hours a day, so submitting an application to the Civil Registry Office via the Internet will not cause any problems. The video explains in detail how to do this:

Emergency painting

There are circumstances that can speed up the processing of your application. If there are documents confirming these circumstances, you are required to sign up within 1 to 5 days after their submission.

You are eligible for expedited registration if:

  • the bride is pregnant (valid if the pregnancy is more than 10 weeks, and with a certificate from a gynecologist);
  • there is a danger to the life of one of the future spouses (serious illness or, for example, a contract in a hot spot);
  • one of the newlyweds will have to go on a long business trip (diplomat, military man, astronaut);
  • the couple has just had a child (in this case, registering the marriage makes it easier to register paternity).

What to wear?

There are no wishes regarding the appearance of the participants in the non-ceremonial registration. You can even come in jeans and T-shirts - some newlyweds choose just this option, appearing at the registry office in T-shirts with humorous inscriptions, for example, “my husband” or “my wife.” Casual clothes look no less creative, but with a flirty veil, or identical white shirts with jeans.

If you are going to be photographed after marriage, then the appearance should still be thought out more carefully. The bride can wear a cocktail dress, and any length and color are acceptable. You can get a more unconventional look if you choose a skirt and blouse or even a pantsuit. And, of course, good old casual would be a great option.

Hairstyle, accessories, makeup can be absolutely anything, depending on your taste. If you are planning to go to an outdoor or other celebration after registration, then nothing prevents you from coming in full dress; if not, you can get by with a regular bun or ponytail.

The groom can also wear either a formal suit or something more informal. An ensemble of trousers and a shirt will look great, perhaps with additional accessories - a tie, vest, suspenders. The combination of a jacket and jeans is very stylish, but at the same time looks free.


There are no rules regarding traditional wedding attributes either. You can exchange rings, however, most likely, you will not have enough time to do this directly in the office. Nothing, however, prevents you from performing this ritual later, already leaving the office or even at an evening dinner.

It is better to check with the employees of a particular department in advance about the possibility of photo and video shooting. Usually this is not prohibited, but it is better to make sure, since in some registry offices no one except the newlyweds are allowed into the non-solemn ceremony.

If it was possible to agree on filming, then this important responsibility is usually assigned to the witness.

Advice! Remember that there will be very little time for photos and videos, so it is better if the chosen person is fluent in using a camera and can do everything quickly but beautifully.


The moment of the birth of a new family is one of the main events in the life of loving hearts. And it is not so important how the marriage is registered; only those feelings that the newly-made spouses experience at this solemn moment are significant. Photos will help you preserve wonderful moments:

Useful video

Most of us are accustomed to the wedding scenario in the form of a solemn ceremony and a festive banquet after it. Therefore, few people know how the non-solemn registration of marriage takes place at the registry office. The video will tell you more about this:


Modern newlyweds are increasingly trying to express the unique history of their couple in the wedding ceremony, abandoning certain traditional elements, including ceremonial registration at the registry office. Reluctance to have a classic noisy celebration, dislike of formal institutions, attitude to traditional rituals as a waste of money – there are many reasons why newlyweds choose a simplified procedure. However, with the right attitude, even such a short, business-like registration can become a touching moment that you will remember with a smile for many years.

When a couple comes to the decision to legitimize their relationship, the question is decided: “To celebrate the wedding or not?” Some people cannot imagine a wedding without a feast and a white dress, while others, on the contrary, believe that a wedding without a wedding and celebration is a rational decision in economically difficult times. Why many couples decide to just get married, and how this later affects their lives - we’ll talk in this article.

How to organize a wedding without a wedding

You need to submit an application a month or two in advance to the registry office, pay a state fee of 200 rubles, come at the appointed time and put a stamp in your passport. The bride indicates what surname she is going to have in marriage and that’s it - you are husband and wife. You can even do without the Mendelssohn March, and get the documents not at the main entrance, but in the office, so as not to embarrass other newlyweds. Before you decide to take such a step, think about whether you will regret it, because people only get married once in a lifetime.

How was it before?

Before the revolution of 1917 in Russia, all acts of civil status were conducted by the church. The dates of birth and baptism, wedding days and dates of death of each resident of a particular locality were recorded in the registry books of the local church. As such, there was no official registration of marriage. The newlyweds got married in church, and the wedding took place in the fall or winter (after the harvest) for at least three days, or even a week. All the villagers came to the wedding with their own drinks and food. The table was simple: beer, kvass, flatbread, meat and cabbage.

Playing a wedding was considered a duty of honor, because symbolic rituals were held at the holiday, the newlyweds were said goodbye in their old capacity and were greeted as “husband and wife.” Parents always blessed the newlyweds, guests gave valuable gifts, mainly clothes. After the turning point of 1917, the state took upon itself the legal certification of all changes in families, and the concept of a wedding changed. Now officially the wedding is considered to be a painting in the registry office, and the feast is arranged at will. Today's youth are rapidly abolishing the old form of wedding party, and choosing new formats - outdoor ceremonies, wedding festivals, online weddings, etc. However, there are couples who decide to do without a wedding and choose only marriage registration.

Why couples want to do without a wedding

There are several obvious reasons why newlyweds decide only to have an official wedding ceremony.

  • Pregnancy is the first thing that the bride's friends think of when she talks about getting engaged. Even though many marriages are concluded out of love, some couples really delay the legalization of their relationship until the last minute. And when the bride’s belly no longer fits into any dress, of course, all that remains is to sign and prepare diapers. There's no time for dancing anymore. But time will pass, the baby will grow up and the couple will be able to have a real wedding, getting married in church. The bride will wear a beautiful white dress, and a walk or photo shoot in the love story style will be organized. At least the couple will approach this consciously.

  • Material difficulties. There are rare exceptions when there is not even enough money for the table. If the problem is only finances, then sign at the registry office in smart clothes (many come literally in jeans and T-shirts), and ask friends and relatives for financial assistance in organizing the feast. There is also the opposite extreme, when there is no money for the holiday, and the bride or groom insists on principle on a loud feast. Such couples have been preparing for their wedding for years and denying themselves everything, giving birth to children in a civil marriage.

  • Long relationship. When a couple has been living together for more than a year, the need for a lavish wedding, and sometimes even the decoration itself, is erased. As a rule, men do not want to spend money on the celebration, and persuade the bride to have a regular decoration. Of course, if a woman has been waiting for a proposal from her man for a long time and wants “to avoid this” to get married, then she will agree to the painting without red tape. However, reviews on forums indicate that many girls eventually regret the missed opportunity to wear a white dress.

  • Difficult relationships with relatives. Not wanting to see any of their relatives, the couple decides to simply sign, without even inviting anyone to the registry office. This also happens when young people live with their parents for a long time, and they set conditions for the children to register their marriage. The only way out is to separate from your parents in time and build your own destiny on your own.

Psychologists say that under the guise of regular registration, “quick marriages” can still be concluded with different motives:

  • Prove to your parents that you are an adult and ready to get married (or get married).
  • Forget past relationships, show your ex what a treasure you lost.
  • An extreme act for fun.

Therefore, when deciding to quickly paint, think carefully about the consequences.

Why is a full wedding important?

Preparing for the holiday, the newlyweds go through common difficulties, learn to distribute the wedding budget, look for compromises: which host to choose, which guests to invite, what color of decor to choose. A wedding dance rehearsal is a great way to develop discipline and bring the couple closer together. In a word, preparing for a wedding ceremony is a good test of readiness for family difficulties and the strength of love. And financial difficulties are a test of ingenuity. After all, you can celebrate the painting in the registry office in different ways: go to nature with barbecue, gather only close friends in a nightclub, and sit at home with your parents, go to the cinema, go to a recreation center, etc. It is not necessary to spend huge sums on magnificent outfits, enough stylish clothes and a stock of ideas. And the holiday will be successful, and you will have something to remember.

Very often, a wedding turns into a banal holiday where guests can eat delicious food. Traditionally, a rich banquet table in a rented hall of a restaurant or cafe is perhaps the main expense item for newlyweds. But for them the holiday will be much more pleasant if, instead of talking at a table laden with treats, they are offered a horseback ride or a trip along the river or sea on a snow-white boat.

How to celebrate a wedding day without a banquet: original ideas

It's a good idea to have a traditional wedding, offering guests a light morning snack at the bride's home before the ceremony and then at the groom's home after the tedious wait and lengthy formal events. Light snacks, sandwiches, cookies and sweets with sparkling champagne and fragrant wines will support the strength of the guests. Then the wedding day routine will hardly differ from the generally accepted one:

  • In the morning, the newlyweds dress in formal attire, then the bride's ransom ceremony is held. It's time for your photographer and videographer to start capturing these precious moments.
  • Then the wedding procession follows to the registry office. If possible, it is better to set the time for the official painting earlier, at 10-11 o’clock.
  • Before and after the ceremony, the newlyweds can pose in front of a photographer to add to their collection of memorable photos.
  • After a light buffet, the guests congratulate the newlyweds and wish them a pleasant honeymoon on their trip. If the money collected for the wedding is spent on travel, and not on a traditional lavish banquet, then the young people will definitely like such a celebration. Loving guests and relatives will only be happy for the bride and groom, and will not be indignant at the lack of treats.

As an intermediate option, try replacing a banquet in a rented hall with a democratic buffet. Using the money saved, you can invite a company of artists and showmen to entertain the public, which again guarantees a good mood and great memories for everyone present.

It would be even more original to invite all the guests to a picnic after the wedding. As an outdoor treat, instead of heavy and expensive restaurant food, homemade preparations, wines and liqueurs with aromatic barbecue prepared with your own hands will be great.

Scenario for a buffet table

A buffet is not a way to feed and overfeed guests. As they say, don't turn a snack into a meal! Instead of a holiday of overeating with endless changes of various dishes, it is much more democratic to entertain guests with games, dancing and a varied cultural program. And to maintain strength, guests will be able to visit the buffet table at any time convenient for them.

In addition, a magnificent banquet is nothing more than a kind of way to quickly pay off your guests with a plentiful treat. And it’s no secret that there won’t be any special memories left of him.

It is much more difficult and at the same time more correct to take care of the rich cultural program of the evening. Moreover, this approach will protect you from the possibility of unpleasant incidents occurring at the celebration in the event of guests who have overdone it with alcohol.

Ideally, a cultural program should be prepared independently, although you can turn to professionals. Some wedding agencies have established strong contacts with many artists and performers, and therefore are ready to offer you a wide variety of entertainment options.

For a small wedding, it's a good idea to invite a jazz band for the evening. However, you can limit yourself to one or two performers. For example, a singer and saxophonist. It would be a good idea to invite the director of the newlyweds’ first dance to the celebration. For a certain fee, a professional in his field will act as a dance manager at your celebration.

Particular lovers of a traditional lavish feast may complain about the disproportion between their wedding gift and what they ate. However, a wedding is not a trip to a restaurant. Such guests can only be reminded that a gift to the newlyweds for a celebration and its size is a personal matter for everyone.

Wedding menu

The basis of the buffet table can be cold appetizers such as sandwiches, canapés, Chinese dim sum, vegetable and fruit salads. You shouldn’t make particularly fancy dishes; it’s better to provide a variety of food with ease of preparation.

It is also not forbidden to serve hot dishes, meat or fish. However, they should be pre-cut into portioned pieces in order to increase the convenience for guests and save their time for more interesting things. Please note that seafood dishes are more suitable for a buffet table, due to their “lightness” compared to meat counterparts.

For dessert, provide a selection of candies, cookies and fresh cut fruit. If you wish, in addition to the wedding cake, you can make a small sweet table with cakes, cupcakes and muffins. For lovers of hot drinks, make sure you have the opportunity to enjoy freshly brewed tea and coffee.

How to decorate a table beautifully

Buffet tables are most often located along the walls. Thus, only the auxiliary role of the treat in the wedding celebration is emphasized once again. Drinks are placed in the center of the table. Next to them are sets of glasses and shot glasses. Dishes should not be laid out on the table, but simply placed in stacks of 10 pieces. The same goes for cutlery. They just have to be in special boxes. Sets of traditional spices and napkin holders should be placed on the tables at some intervals from each other.

Snacks and sliced ​​bread should be displayed no earlier than half an hour before the start of the event, so that nothing becomes dry or weathered. In general, setting up a buffet table is easier than setting up a banquet table. Although both are best left to professionals.

Benefits of a banquet

Of course, a wedding without a banquet is a much healthier decision, primarily from the point of view of the young. It is not surprising if it is much more pleasant for you to go on a honeymoon than to languish at a table surrounded by a huge number of people.

In theory, banquets are much more profitable in terms of money. It is believed that guests in wedding envelopes will give the newlyweds an amount that covers all banquet costs. But you should never hope for this.

In several cases, the option of holding a wedding ceremony in a banquet format is the only one. For example, at a rural wedding. Fellow villagers simply will not understand the desire of young people to go and travel. Or in families with an abundance of relatives and friends. Perhaps even the most distant relatives will try to come to the celebration. And children and the elderly are unlikely to find it comfortable to spend all their time on their feet.

Whatever option you choose, consider the opinions of others, but don’t forget about yourself.