Anna Netrebko and her husband. Anna Netrebko: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Today we want to tell you about the life and work of a talented opera singer Anna Netrebko. She has excellent vocal abilities, which glorified her far beyond the borders of Russia.

The artist has excellent external data. She is beautiful and attractive. Anna has incredible charisma and natural charm. And her voice wants to listen and listen.

Anna Netrebko has a huge army of fans who not only enjoy her musical compositions, as well as follow the events in her life. Such people rejoice at her successes and always expect new things from her.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

The singer has a huge number of fans. All of them want to know the maximum information about their idol. Also, many are interested in what are its physical parameters, namely height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko is not a difficult question. It is enough to know the date of her birth. By easy calculations, we find out that Anna turned 47 years old in September of this year.

At her age, the opera singer looks just great. She is beautiful, always positive and has a simple and friendly personality. Her height is 171 centimeters, and her weight is about 68 kilograms.

According to the sign of the Zodiac, the heroine of this article belongs to the creative, a little shy and indecisive, romantic Virgo. And the year of the Pig, in which Anna was born, endowed her character with generosity, sociability, diligence, self-confidence and simplicity.

Biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko

Krasnodar is the hometown of the heroine of today's article. Here she was born and raised. On September 18, 2018, the artist turned 47 years old.

If we talk about the parents of the opera singer, then it is known that they were not professionally connected with art. They were engineers by education. His father worked in the field of geology (he studied the bowels of the earth), and his mother worked as a signalman. Also, one daughter, Natalya, also grew up in their family. The girls were very friendly from childhood. And now they, although they live in different countries often call up and visit each other whenever possible.

Anna's singing abilities were identified from the very early childhood. At first, the girl arranged home concerts, later she performed at the school amateur performances. Even later she became a soloist of the Kuban Pioneer. But at that time, Anya did not even dream of a professional career as a singer. It should be noted that she grew up as a versatile person. She played sports and was beautiful. So, it is known that in the late eighties she took second place in the Miss Kuban beauty contest.

After studying, she entered School of Music in Leningrad. Later she continued her studies at the Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov. She became a laureate of the Glinka, after which her life changed dramatically. She was invited to perform at Mariinsky Theatre. Debut took place in The Marriage of Figaro

For many fans of the heroine, the topic of the singer's personal life is quite interesting. Thanks to her excellent external data, Anna has never been deprived of male attention.

However, in her youth, Netrebko did not pay any attention to the boys. The first serious love, as the singer herself declares, she appeared at the age of twenty-two. Then she unconsciously fell in love with a young man with whom she studied at the conservatory. She hides his name to this day. But it is known that the guy was married, which is why Anya decided to devote herself completely to work in order to be distracted and forget him.

While on an internship in San Francisco, Anna Netrebko had a romantic relationship with a certain baritone named Ted. Their romance did not last long, as Anya was more successful creatively, and the young man could not put up with it.

Upon arrival at home, Netrebko began a relationship with his grandson famous ballerina I. Zubkovskaya, Nikolai. The young man was four years younger than her. Their romance lasted only a couple of years and later they decided to leave. The main reason is that they didn't get along. But, as it became known later, Nikolai Zubkovsky often raised his hand to the opera singer.

Anna's next chosen one was bass from Italy Simone Albergini. It is worth noting that the young man had rather serious intentions about the opera diva. But Anna herself decided not to rush things, and their meetings were very rare.

She later met the father of her unborn child, Erivn Schrott. But she found true female happiness later, when she became the wife of Yusif Eyvazov.

Thus, the biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko are full of bright events. The opera diva is not just talented. Thanks to her determination and diligence, she was able to achieve success in her professional activities. Her fans are looking forward to new works.

Family and children of Anna Netrebko

The heroine of our article was born in an ordinary family. Her parents were not creative professions. Nevertheless, Anna from childhood amazed everyone with her vocal abilities.

The singer's father devoted his whole life to geological exploration of the earth. And the mother, in addition to working as a signalman, was also engaged in raising her two daughters - Anna and Natalya. Now the parents of the opera diva are no longer alive. When Netrebko is in her homeland, she always visits their graves.

The artist's sister, Natalia, lives in Copenhagen. The girls were very friendly from childhood and now remain not only relatives, but also best friends. The sisters often call each other. It became known that Natalia recently got married. So far, she does not have her own children, but she loves her own nephew very much and often brings him good and expensive gifts.

Despite their workload and rather busy schedule, the family and children of Anna Netrebko do not complain about the lack of attention on her part. The opera singer tries to keep up everywhere.

Now the family of the artist is in her first place. But before the birth of her son, Anna had a rather strange feeling for children. The singer did not want to have children, as she was striving for career growth. Netrebko believed that children require a lot of attention, because in addition to love and care, they also need mental and creative development. Then Anna was not ready to give up her career for the sake of the baby. But as soon as she found out about her pregnancy, the fears of responsibility disappeared, and the girl was insanely happy.

Relatives and friends are proud of the success of Anna Netrebko, always rejoice at her new achievements and support her in difficult times.

Son of Anna Netrebko - Thiago Arua Schrott

Our heroine has one child. He was born at the very beginning of autumn 2008. Then Anna Netrebko was in a civil relationship with Erwin Schrott.

The son of Anna Netrebko - Thiago Arua Schrott - is not quite ordinary. From birth, nothing bothered - the boy developed correctly and according to age. But when Thiago was three years old, his parents noticed some peculiarities in his behavior. After a series of tests performed, it was found that the baby has autism.

Anna went with her son to the USA and there she tried to fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctors so that her child would develop according to age characteristics. So, he started going to a specialized school. Now Tisha (as the artist affectionately calls her son) has practically no autism, which makes her loved ones very happy. It is safe to say that the opera diva literally healed the boy with her love. Until the age of almost four, the boy did not speak at all, but by studying according to the special ABA method, he managed to correct this problem.

On the this moment Thiago continues to attend a special school. Now he knows and speaks two languages ​​- Russian and English. The boy mostly plays quieter games. He is very talented and creatively developed - he makes various crafts from ribbons, paper, sings, draws well, and already knows how to play the guitar. Thiago is a smart kid. Most of all, he loves attending his mother's opera performances.

Anna Netrebko's civil husband - Erwin Schrott

Our heroine met Erwin Schrott at the beginning of the 2000s. Then Anna had an affair with the Italian Albergini. But a few years later, the opera singer began to live with Erwin Schrott. Moreover, it is known that Netrebko, literally at the very beginning of their relationship, told the young man that she was not yet ready for more serious steps, including having children, she did not plan yet. That is why the couple so registered their marriage officially.

The civil husband of Anna Netrebko - Erwin Schrott - is a famous baritone, originally from Uruguay. Just a few months later life together, the artist found out that she was pregnant from a loved one. The opera singer was very happy about this event.

Soon a baby was born, who was named Thiago. Everything was fine up to a certain point. After the birth of their son, an engagement took place between Anna and Erwin. An upcoming ceremony was also announced. But the wedding never took place. The relationship between the lovers began to fade and soon faded away. Erwin and Anna broke up. The main reason is still not known, but many believe that, most likely, this was the son's peculiarity. Thiago was diagnosed with autism.

At the moment, it is known that Anna Netrebko does not forbid Erwin from seeing her son. The latter sometimes visits him, and also pays quite good alimony for his maintenance.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

After the heroine of this article broke up with Erwin Schrott, another man appeared in her life. They became a tenor from Azerbaijan, Yusif Eyvazov. It is known that the new chosen one is six years younger than his beloved. But such a difference in age does not bother anyone. Yusif fell in love with the opera diva very much, and also accepted her son with special features as his own child.

Anna and Yusif met in 2014 in Italy. From the very beginning of the relationship, the artist announced frivolous intentions towards the man. Nevertheless, Anna Netrebko's husband, Yusif Eyvazov, was not timid. He continued to persistently look after Netrebko and a year later he received consent to the wedding. Yusif promised to live with her all his life and make her happy. The solemn event of the marriage took place in the Vienna City Hall.

At the moment, the couple lives happily in two countries - Austria and the USA.

The unique voice of Anna Netrebko - a lyric-dramatic soprano - today is admired by millions of people in dozens of countries around the world. The opera diva is one of Russia's greatest performers of the 21st century. Her luxurious stage performances make even those who previously coolly perceived this opera singing fall in love with. musical genre.

It is possible to list all the singer's awards, but it will take a long time. speeches Russian star applauded by the best listeners in the world concert halls. Among Netrebko's fans are prominent politicians, businessmen and cultural figures, people of all ages and generations.

Childhood and youth

Anna Netrebko was born in September 1971 in Krasnodar. Anna's ancestors are Don Cossacks, Russians by nationality. Parents loved to sing, but they did it not professionally, for pleasure: my mother worked as a communications engineer, and my father was a geologist. Anya spent her childhood in Krasnodar, and her passion for music first manifested itself here.

The girl began to develop vocal abilities in early age. At school, she was taken to the ensemble "Kuban Pioneer". Soon she became his soloist. This famous choir performed with popular children's and youth songs at the local Palace of Pioneers and toured the country.

Already in the middle grades of school, Anna Netrebko realized that all of her future life will be associated with music and vocals. Having received a certificate of maturity, the girl went to the city on the Neva. Here she easily entered the music school and was enrolled in the course of Tatyana Borisovna Lebed.

Anna left after 2 years educational institution and, not wanting to waste precious time, decided to continue her studies at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory name . Despite the impressive competition, she entered. Already at the entrance exams, the teachers realized that before them future star operas.

In 1990, Anna Netrebko was enrolled in the course of teacher Tamara Dmitrievna Novichenko. Soon the student won all-Russian competition named vocalists, which was held in Smolensk. Anna, with her singing, as they say, struck the jury on the spot, headed by the famous opera singer and People's Artist THE USSR . The jury members gave the first prize to the young performer without dispute. This victory played great value in further biography Anna Netrebko.

A talented student, even before graduating from the conservatory, received an invitation from himself, artistic director famous Mariinsky Theatre. Anna, completely confident in her abilities, easily passed the audition and began performing on the legendary stage of the Mariinsky Theater.


It is noteworthy that Netrebko received the first batch immediately after listening. Valery Gergiev was so impressed by the strong and unique in its timbre voice of the girl that he immediately entrusted her with the main role in the musical performance "The Marriage of Figaro".

The debut was successful. Since 1994, the artist has regularly appeared on stage. She is trusted by key parties in performances. She quickly acquires the status of the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre. Among her most striking works are roles in productions of Ruslan and Lyudmila, Boris Godunov, The Barber of Seville, The Tsar's Bride, Don Giovanni, Rigoletto, La Boheme and many others.

With the theatrical troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, Anna Netrebko tours a lot. She often travels abroad. Her sold-out concerts are held in Finland, Germany, Israel, Latvia and other countries.

They saw and heard the Russian nightingale in America. On stage in San Francisco, the singer drowned in applause. Her fame becomes global, and success - international.

The creative biography of Anna Netrebko developed rapidly. The year 2002 became a landmark in her career, when the singer from a well-known singer turned into the prima of the world opera. The performance at the Mariinsky Theater on the stage of the famous Metropolitan Opera in War and Peace made a splash. In the same year, she sang in the opera Don Giovanni at the Salzburg Festival, which also increased her popularity many times over. And in 2004, Anna played herself in the American film The Princess Diaries 2.

Anna Netrebko in "Princess Diaries 2"

Since the 2000s, Anna Netrebko has been releasing her first albums. In 2003, music lovers greeted her debut studio album Opera Arias. It becomes one of the best sellers. And in 2004, the singer gives her admirers the second disc - "Semper Libera". He is also in the top sellers.

The performance of Romeo and Juliet, where the star performs in a duet with Rolando Villazon, was crowned with triumph. Soon she again goes on stage with him in the opera L'elisir d'amore by Gaetano Donizetti.

The opera superstar decides to change his place of residence and in 2006 receives Austrian citizenship, while retaining Russian. She tours all over the world with the best orchestras and musicians on the planet. London, St. Petersburg, Washington, New York and Vienna applaud her standing.

Anna Netrebko manifests herself as a true actress not only in stage productions, but also in recitals. So, performing in Baden-Baden the aria of Giuditta from the operetta of the same name by Franz Lehar, the singer pretty much surprised the audience. The number even got the name "hooligan". Being in the image of the fatal beauty Giuditta, Anna threw roses into the hall to the men, and then, throwing off her shoes, performed several dance steps.

At the end of the performance, the artist approached the concertmaster of the first violins and, during a pause, patted him on the head and hugged him. From the non-trivial behavior on stage, the audience was delighted.

Anna Netrebko - Giuditta's aria

The year 2008 becomes significant and generous with awards for the Russian woman. Anna Netrebko performs with the world's legendary conductors. In that year, she starred in leading role in Robert Dornholm's film-opera La bohème. The unique voice of the opera diva and her concerts are popular with music lovers, lovers of classical performance.

In the summer of 2010, Anna Netrebko performed the song "Voice" on the New Wave. And in February 2012, the singer was registered as a confidant of a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation. Her soprano opened the Sochi Olympics: the opera diva sang the Russian anthem.

Anna is the leader of the top 10 world famous Russian artists, which was compiled by Forbes magazine in 2011. The singer's income was measured in the amount of $ 3.75 million. For one performance, the "golden soprano" receives at least $ 50 thousand.

In 2014, Anna Netrebko, whose patriotism, active citizenship and love for the motherland have never been called into question, donated a million rubles to restore the Donbass Opera theater in Donetsk, which was damaged as a result of hostilities. The Austrian Foreign Ministry negatively assessed this act. A flurry of criticism fell upon Austrian Airlines, the "face" of which the singer was under the terms of the contract from May to November 2014.

In the summer of 2015, Anna Netrebko, together with her colleagues - bass Ildar Abdrazakov, tenor Alexander Antonenko and mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Gubanova - went on tour to Europe, which the masters dedicated to memory. At the end of the tour, at a concert at the Moscow Conservatory, all participants staged a costumed flash mob to support the ongoing treatment in London at that time.

Personal life

In 2007, Netrebko was engaged to Uruguayan singer (baritone) Erwin Schrott. In September 2008, the couple had a son, Thiago Arua. The lovers were going to formalize the relationship, but due to constant employment, they did not do this. Over time, the relationship of the couple turned into a formal one. In November 2013, Anna Netrebko and Erwin Schrott broke up.

And in mid-2015, the personal life of Anna Netrebko appeared in the top news. It became known about the plans of the opera diva to marry an Azerbaijani tenor. The wedding ceremony was large-scale and resembled a luxurious opera production.

There were rumors that the woman was pregnant for the second time and was going to give her husband a child. But Anna herself accepted these speculations with a smile, although she did not deny that they were planning the appearance of another baby in the family. But at the same time, she says that rumors of pregnancy appear every time she eats tightly.

In 2016, a video appeared showing that the son of Thiago inherited the ability to sing from his mother. The boy plays the guitar. Recall that a few years ago, Thiago was diagnosed with a recently common disease among children - autism. The famous mother quickly got over the shock and took up treatment. It looks like the problem is over. In 2016, the boy, along with his mother and stepfather, took part in " Evening Urgant».

In October 2016 in Bolshoi Theater the premiere of the opera of genius "Manon Lescaut" took place. The main roles in the performance were performed by Anna Netrebko and her husband Yusif Eyvazov. The premiere was a real event for art lovers. Rumor has it that speculators sold tickets for the opera for 150 thousand rubles.

Anna Netrebko herself admitted that participation in the famous opera cost her dearly. After all, this work requires a lot of strength, physical and mental. It is not for frequent performance, because, as Anna reported in an interview, "it destroys everything in the body, starting with the voice and ending with peace of mind."

The singer participates in charity events and programs in Russia and abroad. She helps the Roerich Heritage International Charitable Foundation, children - patients of the Turner Orthopedic Institute, which is located in the city of Pushkino, participates in the special project "Anna", aimed at helping orphanages in Kaliningrad, as well as the Kaliningrad region.

Anna Netrebko now

In 2017, Anna Netrebko appeared on the stage of the New York Metropolitan Opera in a restored 2013 production of the opera performance Eugene Onegin to music. The main parts were traditionally distributed among Russian vocalists. performed, and - Alexey Dolgov. Anna Netrebko appeared in the image.

Documentary about the life of Anna Netrebko

The opera diva has been living with her family in Austria for several years now, where she received citizenship back in 2006. In 2018, Anna Netrebko and her husband went to large-scale tour. The couple has already performed in Monaco, ahead of concerts in Miami, Moscow, Austrian Graz.

Anna Netrebko continues to amaze Instagram subscribers. Together with the Eurovision-2014 finalist Thomas Neuwirth, who performs under the pseudonym, the Russian woman took a staged picture with the comment: “Oh, Conchita! You are wrong!" Anna appeared before the camera in the form of a Catholic nun, while the Austrian artist dressed as a bride. The publication caused mixed reviews from fans of the opera diva. Later, the artist appeared from the pages of her Instagram with green hair, which also surprised connoisseurs of opera art a lot.

Anna Netrebko is considered one of the most attractive opera singers of our time, but the artist, even now and in her youth, was not considered thin. She has a tendency to be overweight from her mother. At one time, the star did not seek to lose weight or diet, because the weight helps her to perform opera parts and “maintain” her voice. According to her, extra pounds do not interfere in life and work. In addition, Netrebko loves to show his own pictures, which appear in a swimsuit.

However, recently the artist still has to go on a diet. Anna lost weight for the 2014 Olympics, where she performed at the opening ceremony. The opera diva threw off those extra pounds in 2017. Netrebko does not resort to exhausting workouts and starvation. A carefully selected diet and walking give their results - with a height of 168 cm, her weight is usually 63 kg.


  • Pamina in The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Rosina in The Barber of Seville by Gioacchino Rossini
  • Lyudmila in "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Mikhail Glinka
  • Natasha in "War and Peace" by Sergei Proklfiev
  • Louise in Betrothal in a Monastery by Sergei Prokofiev
  • Martha in The Tsar's Bride by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Gilda in Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi
  • Mimi in La bohème by Giacomo Puccini
  • Juliet in "Capulets and Montecchi" by Vincenzo Bellini
  • Donna Anna in Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Violetta in La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi

Hereditary Cossack, but with an admixture of gypsy blood. Can you imagine what an explosive combination ?! Anna is really extremely emotional, sometimes harsh and always straightforward. He can turn strong expressions into speech, and chooses outfits so that everyone gasps. Fans still remember how during the performance of the aria right on the stage, the prima dropped her shoes and danced barefoot. The hall burst into applause.

2 Young Anya was not going to become a singer, and even more so a star of the world opera. IN school years the girl was betting on gymnastics. Behind her is the title of candidate master of sports in acrobatics and ranks in athletics. Excellent physical preparation came in handy Netrebko and on stage. In one of the scenes of the opera Don Pasquale, which was staged at the New York Metropolitan Opera, the prima did a somersault over her head. Thus, the myth that opera singers should just calmly move around the stage and sing was debunked.

3 helped win her second place in the Miss Kuban beauty pageant. By the way, Alexander Maslyakov led it. I wonder who is now more proud of such an acquaintance? Anna Netrebko is still considered one of the most beautiful opera singers today. She often appears on the covers of the world-famous Vogue, Elle, Vanity Fair, and many jewelry houses are happy to collaborate with the opera diva. So, Chopard created a white gold tiara with diamonds for 2 million euros especially for Anna's wedding. However, Netrebko put on jewelry only once, and after the wedding, the tiara had to be returned to the jewelry house.

“If there is only one physical beauty, but there is no voice and talent, then beauty will not help. Then you have to go and sing somewhere else, not at the opera house.”

4 While studying at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Anna Netrebko did not sit on the neck of her parents, but worked part-time at the Mariinsky Theater. She happened to be an extra, and even a cleaning lady. True, as the singer admitted many years later, she worked not so much for the sake of money, but to be able to watch all the performances, listen and learn. By the way, Anna never graduated from the conservatory. In 1993 she won the competition. M. I. Glinka and was invited by Valery Gergiev to the Mariinsky Theater. Since then, the singer's schedule of performances and tours has been scheduled for ten years ahead.

5 V high-profile scandals Anna Netrebko has not been seen on the love front. with Uruguayan opera singer Erwin Schrott. She gave birth to a son, Thiago Arua, whom she affectionately calls Tishka. After six years of relationship, the couple quietly and amicably broke up. And after a short time, Anna began an affair with the Azerbaijani tenor Yusif Eyvazov. Both of them sang in the opera "Manon Lescaut" in Rome. Relationships evolved from business to romance. And in December 2015, a luxurious wedding took place. By the way, Yusif is six years younger than Anna. But it doesn't bother her at all. As the singer admits, the main one in her family is her husband.

6 talented person- talented in everything! Absolutely these words refer to Anna Netrebko. Few people know that the singer also paints pictures. This hobby comes from childhood. Now it helps her relieve stress after exhausting performances. Netrebko has mastered various techniques, she paints with watercolors and oils, and also draws graphics with a pencil. Her other hobby is shopping. She can go shopping at least every free day.

7 The prima of the world opera is an excellent cook. He can cook Kuban borscht, and chop the Olivier salad, and fry cutlets, and bake pancakes with meat. Anna's culinary talent is well known to her friends. In her New York apartment, she often arranges evenings of Russian cuisine. No one refuses an invitation to taste Netrebko's signature dishes.

8 . Extra pounds, for which she is sometimes scolded by tabloid critics, she calls her strength, which supports her voice. He cites the famous opera singer Maria Callas as an example. “When Kallas began to lose weight, she began to lose her voice,” Netrebko is convinced. But if you still need to lose some weight, Anna goes in for sports, walks a lot and switches to her own special diet. The principle is this: one hamburger a day without french fries. The main thing is that the meat is real.

"My most important principle - no matter what I do, no matter how my life turns, is not to change yourself."

9 Anna lives in almost three countries. She spends a lot of time in Vienna and even has Austrian citizenship (at the same time, she retains her Russian citizenship). Netrebko bought an apartment in New York for convenience and economy, since the singer has recently been most often seen on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. There is a place to stay in St. Petersburg. In the northern capital, the prima often performs at the invitation of her friend, Valery Gergiev.

10 The honor to perform the Olympic Anthem at the 2014 Sochi Games was entrusted to the golden voice of Russia, Anna Netrebko. She performed in taffeta, created by designer Ekaterina Kotova. The dress was somewhat reminiscent of a block of ice. The most something for winter competitions! But Netrebko does not want to appear in it for the second time, since millions of people have already seen the dress. It's too bright and noticeable!

11 Anna Netrebko can also be seen in the movies. In 2004, she starred in the American film The Princess Diaries 2 as herself.

Anna Netrebko is one of the most famous stars of the opera stage. She is active all over the world. Often the artist comes to Russia, not letting her fans get bored. The performer often appears in the videos of the most famous Russian and world stars. But our heroine ignores TV shows. She believes that there is no truthful information here. Rumors are brought to incredible proportions and splashed out on viewers, while it is claimed that this is true.

Currently, the opera diva is happily married. She lives with her husband in Vienna and New York, raising her son. Anna Netrebka hopes to become a mother again. She dreams of giving her husband a son or daughter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

Hearing the amazing voice of an opera singer for the first time, people immediately become admirers of her talent. They want to know everything about a woman, including the question of what height, weight, and age an opera diva has. It is not difficult to find out how old Anna Netrebko is, since the date of her birth is known.

In 2018, the opera star will celebrate its 47th birthday. She is creative, friendly and incredibly talented. Anna Netrebko, whose photos in her youth and now are invariably of interest, is good-natured, sociable, inquisitive, simple, beautiful and loving. With a height of 173 cm, the artist weighs about 67-68 kg.

Biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko

Anya was born in the 70s of the last century in the Kuban. Father - Yuri Netrebko - a professional geologist. Mother - Larisa Netrebko worked as a communications engineer. Our heroine has an older sister, Natalya, with whom she is very friendly.

From a young age, the girl amazed others with her excellent vocal abilities. She perfectly felt music, relatives and friends liked her singing and ability to play musical instruments.

At school, our heroine studied perfectly, but she also managed to study music, attending classes of teachers in music school. The girl was engaged in the Kuban Cossack choir. Anna became a participant in a beauty contest in the late 80s of the last century, in which Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, the founder of the KVN game, acted as the host. The jury noted the beauty and talent of the girl, who became the second. She was awarded a brand new TV.

Having received the coveted certificate, the future star of the opera stage becomes a student at the conservatory in the city on the Neva, who was famous throughout the world. To live in an expensive city, Anna had to look for work. She began to clean the premises of the Mariinsky Theater.

At this time, the biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko begin to take on the outlines of success. Soon our star takes part in a prestigious competition, after winning which she begins to perform on the Mariinsky stage, striking the audience with her vocals. In the mid-90s of the last century, Anna began performing on the best European and American stages. The art of the opera diva was admired by Latvians, Americans, Italians, Germans, Czechs and many others.

The girl was invited to shoot movies and promotional videos, her performances were delighted at concerts. Anna adorned the clips of many popular artists Russian Federation and peace. Netrebko was entrusted with the performance of the anthem, with which she did an excellent job, at the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi.

The opera diva is actively involved in charity work. She helps sick people who find themselves in a difficult life and financial situation. The artist is not afraid to defend her opinion. She helped restore the building opera house in the Donbass, which caused dissatisfaction with the Ukrainian government.

The beauty does not like to talk about her personal life, although it began in her school years. Currently, the woman is happily married to the Azerbaijani opera tenor Yusif Eyvazov. They are raising a son born to Anna Netrebko in civil marriage with Erwin Schroth.

Family and children of Anna Netrebko

The family and children of Anna Netrebko are surrounded by the attention and care of the opera diva, despite her incredible workload and tight tour schedule.

The father of the star came from a Cossack Kuban family. A man gave his whole life geological research earth interiors.

The singer's mother was a signalman. The woman managed to perfectly combine work with the upbringing of two daughters: Anna and Natalia. Netrebko's parents passed away. Anna, when she is in her homeland, and this happens very rarely, invariably visits their graves.

The singer's sister lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. The sisters are friends, Natalia often calls Anna, supporting her. Recently, the woman got married, but so far there are no children in the family. Natalia pays attention to her beloved nephew, brings him gifts.

The most popular opera singer loves her husband and son. She hopes to become a mother again.

Son of Anna Netrebko - Thiago Arua Schrott

For the first time, the star of the world stage became a mother in early 2008. She gave birth to a son from the common-law spouse Erwin Schrott.

The son of Anna Netrebko - Thiago Arua Schrott had health problems. At the age of 3, it was diagnosed that the boy suffers from autism. Thanks to American specialists, Thiago, who was practically silent until the age of 4, whom the woman herself calls Tisha, began to talk.

The boy can speak Russian and English, goes to a special school. Currently, Thiago's autism in behavior is almost invisible. The boy loves quiet games and activities. He can play the guitar, sing, draw well. More than anything, Thiago loves to watch opera performances with the participation of his beloved mother.

Former civil husband of Anna Netrebko - Erwin Schrott

The acquaintance of young people took place in early 2007. Former civil husband Anna Netrebko - Erwin Schrott is a world famous baritone from Uruguay. The opera diva immediately told the man about her attitude to love and children. They began to live together without officially registering the marriage. A few months later, Anna realized that she was expecting a baby. After the birth of a son, the engagement of civil spouses took place. It was announced to the fans that the wedding would take place soon.

Suddenly, the lovers parted and began to declare the end of the relationship. What caused this is unknown. One of the possible causes- the disease of the son of Thiago.

Currently, former common-law spouses communicate normally. Erwin sometimes visits his son, pays large alimony for his maintenance.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

The meeting of future spouses took place in Italy. Neither on his part, nor on her part, was there any certainty that this was true love. Anna Netrebko was sure that this was an affair. The woman paid great attention little son and your career.

But the tenor from Azerbaijan, who was in love with her, showed incredible perseverance, assuring the star of the world stage of his feelings. Anna Netrebko's husband, Yusif Eyvazov, convinced the opera actress that he loves her and this feeling is forever. She soon realized that she could return his feelings.

The celebrations were held in Vienna. Currently, the couple lives in two countries: Austria and the States. The couple is actively touring. Fans hope that the family will replenish soon, and the artist will give her husband a son or daughter.

Anna Netrebko is a worthy representative of our country in world culture. Are you interested in her biography? Would you like to know the details of the personal life of an opera singer? Then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the content of the article.

Anna Netrebko: biography, childhood and youth

She was born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar. The parents of our heroine are not related to music and the stage. Anya's father received a higher engineering education, and her mother worked as a geologist for many years.

FROM early years Anna Netrebko showed a love for music. She arranged home concerts for her parents and grandparents. Everyone looked with tenderness at the performances of the girl.

As a schoolgirl, Anya became a soloist of the Kuban Pioneer ensemble. This team knew and loved the whole city of Krasnodar.

student body

After graduating high school, our heroine went to Leningrad. She managed to enter the music school the first time. The girl was enrolled in the course of Tatyana Lebed. Anna studied at this institution for only 2 years. She didn't wait for the release. Netrebko decided to continue her studies in 1990. A native of Krasnodar entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Her teacher and mentor was Tamara Novichenko.

Creative activity

In 1993, the girl participated in the competition. Glinka. Anya managed to conquer the professional jury. In the end, she was declared the winner. The beauty was invited to the Mariinsky Theater. She performed an extensive repertoire. And she was accompanied by an orchestra under the direction of

In 1995, Anna Netrebko made her debut in San Francisco. She performed the main female role in the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila. The audience, standing and to loud applause, saw off the artist from the stage. It was a real success.

Today Netrebko Anna Yuryevna is world-famous. She gave hundreds of concerts, received several prestigious music awards and released two dozen discs.

Personal life

The first serious relationship with Anna Netrebko was with the dancer Nikolai Zubkovsky. Rumor has it that he often raised his hand to his chosen one. Allegedly, this was the reason for their separation.

For a long time, our heroine met with the Uruguayan singer. In 2007, the couple got engaged. A festive celebration dedicated to this event was held in New York.

In September 2008, Anna and Erwin had their first child - a charming son. Boy got beautiful name- Thiago. Despite having a common child, Schrott and Netrebko were in no hurry to formalize the relationship. At some point, they realized that they had become strangers to each other. In November 2013, the couple finally broke up.

New love

Such luxury woman, like Anna Netrebko, cannot be alone. And indeed, soon a worthy contender for the hand and heart of the beauty appeared in her life. It's about about Azerbaijani tenor Yusif Eyvazov. The Eastern man managed to win over Anna. He arranged romantic dates for her, showered compliments and gave her flowers. One evening, Yusif proposed to his beloved. Moved to tears, our heroine agreed.

On December 29, 2015, the wedding of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov took place. The celebration took place in the city of Vienna. The groom rented one of the elite restaurants. Among the guests were friends, relatives of the newlyweds, as well as their colleagues in the opera stage.


Now you are familiar with the biography, career and personal life of Anna Netrebko. Today she has everything she needs to be happy: a caring husband, a child, a cozy home, a decent job and a huge army of fans. We wish this wonderful singer more bright performances and loud applause!